pinext temrberï¬ Park, most. .8 e‘ver» Lory 9f" miasloh .5 bent 'e‘ pri'vh era is to entorl 38. Do ptembgl: 5 .hgadwv 1:; cei’. " ' nding 8 Odd May ' There good to the the the hu ‘oureelf at- of 1 ‘ Annual Hid-Summer Claering Sale of '* _ , 4 41., with friend“ in “8.9%" Mini an; Mat-dew 1m :veak. I Mr.v'Andrew McLe‘ishg-retumed. -' Mr. John Winslow and" Emily. ï¬sunday from Glascow Swami? after the ï¬fteenth of the ‘month, . M188 Naif has been engaggd “3 will again occupy thei-r hdme. thé’asgistant kinkerggrten teacher ' John 'Newhall, who Will. entér GLE-Ncoa. r Jim. Charles Alli-on expect. to leave for the_ out about October 1 Miss Blanche Hurford will too spend several mambo . , soon leave for Wells college. « “MA...“ mamaâ€! and Wonk. tï¬Ã© year. Miss Mabel W'hih‘ is (mlvalmipn' from¢ng1~w§j malarial fevér. land, Ohio. " Erlmk Mortimer and wife left Wednesday f0} Texas to be gone H€V§r81“00k5.. . , John Neï¬lmll' has returned from his summer outino at North '51?! Munitou Island. 5 Buy. M'._W, Durlipgï¬nil wife espoct to return to the "Manse†about SgaPteï¬Iber-lf). ‘ ' Mr. and Mm L. H. Floyd [and frimily have' returned fmm Paw Paw lake, Michigan. - Mrs. (100me and Mrs. King of Chiéago‘s'lién} Sunday at, thé home OtiMils May Mutdow. ‘ ‘, Men’s; Women’s ‘1' and Children’s '_' J; A. ’BLUMDAHL, . . 5 Cornell this year, expects to leave the “Manse" Tuesday, aeptember Walter H0vey is visiting for the'° east in the near future. " . 16,111: 8 0 clock. Everyone is co:- M Ing’raham 1“ Clt‘W' A nice stock 0f £1111 111i111nery-â€" dially. invited to spend- a pleasast, - hi0 . V8118, flowers, feathers 811d 110101ties 3001111 afiemoom Mabel W 1111615 rapidlx at -Ladies’ Bazaar,High111nd . ., M541ud Mrs. F C. Southwortï¬ D01'111d 0.1510de left: this who 1111170 been spending the ,..â€",wyga-aq :11 . 3.-v_;4â€"1â€":-..4.;.:.4_ 4.. 1 W... 1fevér.’ ‘ i. "‘ ' \‘i'ee or the 1 y '0 ‘ 'Cï¬wmim strtmnvrm vmw,m«v‘ k Mortimer and Wife- left he has accepted 11_ position hi a returned to Glencoe to make pre- allay 10111011115 10 be gone 11111111.. . parations’ for their ï¬nal leave tak . 4 The yonnm-r set enjnv ed a j011y ing as they éxpe‘ct to make Cam. weeks. , 1 111w rack ride to Keniiwmth 111111 1111(1ge their future 1101110 ‘ ‘0 .‘ ‘11‘ 1 _, ' sens -Better Goods for less 'money than the-big? stores In Chicago Block, Central Avenue, Highland Park . , . rut 83 33mm 30m nwsnmnn’. _ .' ; .BLOl‘l-DAHL gmljle‘sdames Townsgpd and Weeks of ‘ aï¬caEB, 'Vi'éi‘ewfï¬Ã©â€˜ "fiééti‘bf ls offering his entire Stock‘ot Summer Footwear at Cost ‘-“â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" -â€" - . . V 7 7‘ Footwear, which is beginning to arrive, nnd WI" be placed In iris display windows in a few days. Don’t go w‘tiie City for “Bargains," ivhen . . A lyTh've younger set enjoyedn jolly hxi‘y‘rack i‘ide'to Kenileflh and back Monde evening after dinner ' i The German Schoql: over which Remflintz presides, 0, met! last week with an > Enrollment of twenty-on}: , scholars. V. 'Mr‘s. 'EI 13.0001; of Chicago will be the guest of her aimtm, Mrs. G J. Case until after the Christmas holidays F. H. Trude and family. who have been‘ occupying the Fuller FALL AND WINTER (â€mafia-mg the .auinmei, bipecf to aoqp take possession of the Alli-un- hgm {or the winter. - V Mm Martha Dick who has haven the guest of Miss Ethel Case for the past two months has re- turned to her home in Philadel- pbia. , The Lgdies’ Miqsionary Auxili- éu'y Will hold a thank‘oï¬eï¬ng gt; the “Mange" Tuesday, 'Septembér 16, at 3 o clock. Everyone. is co:- dially.‘ 1m ited to spend. a pleudhnt, sociavl afternoon. ' . u , . Much interest is being mani- fested in ï¬ve approaching I‘glitials of Miss Olive Hanke‘y and Rev. C. H. Branscombe, and of Miss Pauline Hankey to Dr. Francis A. Lane. It is to be a double wedding and will take place 111 the' Episcopal church the evening of October 15. ‘ The Glennie télephone exghange id rapidly gféwing, . and within the; putterw'vyearggh has increased THE UP-To-DWTE “ ~ ' ° ' SHOE DEALER “a additions are: T.‘ 'D. Pickurd-. Bulphlï¬ller, Dr. Jean CulverJ from 121:6 73. W: .H. Mprtimer, A. 8'. Falls, and Miss (31m Showood,’ and there -' are othetsin prospect. ' - were t11ken home in "the electric car. A stranger who stopped the runaway team being uflflfle to ï¬nd out from the coachmun who. 13130110 iri verv bquen' English tn 1w:hom the hub out beluhged ' where the Paelxxke s Iiv‘ ',‘ed resolv- 1ed to give fa}! rein to the horses, whoreu [1011 after a circuitmis route, ‘the iï¬telligent ‘ammuIs eventually ' coming out bu the Sheridan Road, I in the 1icinity of the Gads’ Hill sétttement made stra1g11t ' for 3 home; - ‘ , . 1' ‘ v While but duving last Monday evening in the double carnage belonging to Mr. and- Mia. Paqpclce who are still abroad, Mass Wagner, a sister of Mrs Pee-poke, and her guest Miae Prejaig of New-Orleans were thrown from the carxiage in a mneway, sus- ta'miug several, but slight mjnries. «T419 young woman, and the coach- Who’s Ntw s-Lmun aré you read- ing? .