was? Mrs. Benjamin Feeaeuden is visit-3 my; relatives in New York City. _. Mr, Lemuel; K Cashing is ex. A pound m the Park in a few days I W Archie Mam was out of school Friday on Roman: of illness. Mr. E._ M. Snow moved into his home on Central avenue for the sum- ALL WORK DONE UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION Phone 493 Miss Harriet M. Fox has gained an enviable reputation in voice cult- Mrs. Ellen L. Van Schaiek moved into Chicago for the summer the ï¬rst of May. ' Mist Mabel Erickson, of Chicago, visited Miss Grace Why on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Spencer re- gurned from 'Daytona, Fla., this Mr: James H. Duï¬â€™y moved into hii ï¬ne new home on Park a‘yonue Monday. Mn. B. W. Schumachera mother came Thurvdny to pay her unex- tended visit. A Mr. J. Lyons, 81-, will occupy the Fullerton house on Sheridan road after May 15.1 The dathoflo Order of Foresters held their tegulu meeting Wednee- dey evening, Mn. Goo. D. Baum; of: Proc- poct “anus, gun I reception Thurs- ‘duy at 4}). m. . OLOF LINDELOM VOL. XV. ‘ - HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1904. CEMENT SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR USES ONLY High Grade Portland Cement Have been in the business for twelve years and understand how to do the work so it will stand ' - : : : : : : z 1| Mm Devoted to the Interest: or the attics. toms and (images mm the north Shore be.“ and Walnut Mm" Mr. and Mrs R. E. Pratt,'of Ravine place, returned to the Park for the summer. Mr. Truman Hillel has moved his familyinto the Boynton cottage, on Sberidan road. ' A new house has been erected on the chicken farm on St. Johns, ï¬orth of Vine avenue. 'Mr. G. A. Grantâ€"Shutter, of CN- cago. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. qudi‘idge Monday. "W Mr. :J. Bus 191] Jones. ‘Jr., returned from 'a prqtrgcted trip in mining ra- aenrohol‘through Mexico. 'Misa Marie Bhscher, of Winnetka. visited her’ Sister, Mrs. Wm. Séidel. {Or a few days this week. The Y. Y. C.’e hold their regular meeting next Saturday evening at their club house on Park avenue. Mrs. S. J. Daisey, of Scranton, Pa., in visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. E. McClu're, and son, A. E. Dor. aey._ Miss Lutu Huffman, of 'Norwood Park, niece of Dr. Hay. visited Mrs. Ed'Zimmer for a few days‘ this Week. Mr. F. M. Evans has had the windows of bin grocery store 'decor. fled in I very nut and attractive style. - Ht. H. Ewart has bought “to house out of his shop on Park ave- nue, and in making extensive repairs on it. All Kinds of Cement Work l: ,l Estimates Fumlsnod ML, Onon Smith has moved hie family into Ire. E. L. Van Schnick’l reeidence, on Vine avenue, for the summer. Misc Sally Banks, who formerly resided here and has been wintering in California, â€turned to Cbiqago this week. _ Saving deposits made in Erekine’s Btu}: on or before the tenth of each month draw interest from the first of the month. ' . 15H Mr. A. G. McPherson has enlarged his automobile ostablishment on Park avenue until it in quitaa pro- tentioua nflair Mn C. F. Frederick, chief of construction for the Electric road, hasmoved into the Baker house, on Park avenue. The Chicago Ladies’v Waist and Shirt Waist Store 03's: 3 box of Heinsdor! chocolates free to cus- tomers today. A new ornamental iron waiting station is to be erected at the corner of Central and St. John avenue by the Electric road. " ’ Millinery 'foc spring and summer wear. Hm trimmed and re! zod'elecf aub'e Ladies Bazaar. Mr: Bum, Prop. Phone 45. ‘ “ Mr. Seoo'r Cunningham has added a number of improvements ’td his home on' Racine place, and will move in about June 1. Mrs. A. Hewitt, 'who ’formed} lived in the Baker house, on Park avenue, has moved into her ’own house on First street. Mr. E. H. Vivian will leave Mon; day for Calumet. Mich, to ï¬eit his mother. who is in the hospital puf- foring with a brokon‘log. The N. W. M. Academy played We» Diviaiqn. High School M but ball Wednesday. The Icon Mod 8 to I in favor of the «data. , Mayor R. G. Evans In. been con- ï¬ned to his bed this week with I to- lapse of his recent illness. The North Shore Electric Com- pany replaced one of their poles by n rnuch larger one at the eorner of Central and St. Johns avenues. Mr. F. C- Johnson, representing the I. 0. Nelaon Co. of Chicago,- tunod a number of piano: in “)6 Park and Highhood this week. The new First Ward alderman; Mr. Denzel, received a hendeome bouquet.“ council meeting 'Bueeday evening, hie maiden attendance. .‘ Mayor. Evens we: conï¬degkie bed and unable to attend eqnneil meeting Tuesday evening. He is slightly improved at this writing. Mr. Robert Gregory will move his family out to Legmere, their sum- me: home m the Park, about the 40th They have passed the winter in Chicago. The Young Ladies; Sodality of s?» Mary’s Church, cleared 3 Lace: sum at their box social Wednesday even- ing at the residence of Mr. Barry Mills. - ~ The St. Peter brothers new laun- [dry in about completed, and the new machinery will greatly {militate the work. They will move to the new bililding May 9th. ' The Young Ladies’ Auxiliary met Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. George D. Rogera to discuss plane for an entertainment, to be held the last of May. The botany class under .the direo‘ tion of Mr W A. Averi11_,tooka atudy hour out doors Wodnasday, and very induohiouuly dug up various roots and plum Mr. C. F. Howe, who ie et pree- out occupying Mr. Fred Richetde new house on Green Bay road. win ‘2“ ' move into Fred Clow’e eothge on L Second etteet in a few dlye. s Phone 4"