Cement Sidewalks and Tole‘plm 9m. once In Wu "look. Residcllfl u Tho Ionian Bonnâ€"$11; 3-3; 7-8 HIGHLA\D PARK : . IL LL1N0_II Conant-m Rom ~ , 8 m 9 A. I. 161 Laura . I 1108 P x. ~Avon_uo Phone 30 HIGBMXD PARK. ILL. :PROFES ELCFAL Oflcc Hours mounmï¬'ï¬iï¬f’m John: An. ILLINOIS Opp. Depot Olloo Fletcher Block HIGHLAND PARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC wm. drawn. ewe. avowed. Real eo- loan-.In-unnce. mun. pensions. col- "3 lections. Teiephqne. Hkhlmd Put 1â€. HIGHWOOD.- - - ILLINOIS. IMHLAND PARK STATE BANK Saving and Clocking . Accounts Sonata!" F. W. CUSHING. President. D. A. 801.1488;ng BE." ALBERT R. SHELDON manwooo. - .- '- ILLINOIS mm: and Hypnotic Healer SEWER AI WAT IMI EXTENSIONS Treats all chronic diseases in the hum. scientiï¬c winner. EDWARD n. LA-ING General Gantractor. Ann 0111:]: m: oomnm A trhl will convince you of great beneï¬t of thh tmtment. Wnen physician M1 to cure you this is your only "not. . Wuhan Av... _ flighwootm. Terms-31. 50 {or 45 minutes; $1.00 -‘ £011 30 minutes , {I'Mv prices win interest you. lnstrughental. VOcal, m Theory I! lulu on. JAMES WATSON humus». Dismal. Hun 1mm. DR. E. H. POMEROY HARRIETTEM. FOX Steam and not mm mm min: Install“. ~ ERNEST S. GAIL 51!. E. C. KAYE 1.5 mm E. HARTMAN. 'rmbun or ac-ooo Basement Floors Laid Highland Park Tolephme 531 Phone 383 ILLINOII Am of Title. mum 'tllASONlC 71mm: ‘wxunxe. _ wwxmau. nu. Loin J. (in... Sec. M.’ 3, mm. FPEswkinl I wifewRW Hawkins. w d k» on nouth side Doerï¬eld no, Highhnd Put ........................ 1000.00 Dude! PM and wife to Juli; I Home. I (I put; 10% 84. Blehwood .................. 250.00 Juli: M Moore to Alice Weeks, ‘ 'w (1 put lot a. Highwood. . 950.00 Iona: ll thoun and husband to Henry Vendor. w d 155 novel in sec 5.0m! 80 mm in Ice 8. Doerfleld twp ......... 135.000 00 May L 190‘. Ann- ! P and bun-hind to Buttord hool Sem- inu-y.q 0 put bk 19. E A loun‘ plat. of Highwo'od . . . . . 1.00 Ellen ll Friuoh md husband toChu. Unbehamn. q 0 lot. 7. (0:09;)! 3.60 It). blk 40, High- 1m-M dgy. ‘ ' smith Bound. North Bound. Rec’d and dispatch Rec’d :nd dispatchad L 9:04 sun. . . 7:46 a.- m. , .1855 p. 121.. _ 9:33 a. m. . ' w 9- m: 2 3.3223: - April 30.1904 C Werner et pd too 8 Rettig. w (1 ion 13 ad 14 but! Bmhcll‘l 8913., Ft. Sheridan. $1000. 00 Sund‘y mai! is received at 7:31 a. dispatchéd at 5 .43 p.111. ' ‘ _ All mails none 30 minutes before the dc parture of trains. . Insertinna in this column. so words or less. One insertion. .25 OJ 0' u N tour u ;% All adds in this column must be paid In ad- vance wtgevg‘advgnlscr has no regular ac- F033 SALEâ€"One gas range and one ex- “ geqsion table, Inquire at Keystone WANTED-4. Piano for the summer. ‘v ' R. E.PRA.TT, ind 'Pnrk ....... Linnâ€"8min leather pockgt- 311mm}: WAxnm-General house- work; references. Address E. Brad- ‘ ford. Deerfleld, Illinois. ' 23 Oï¬ceppenfmm 7a. m.to7:15 p. m. 0% open from 9‘1. m. i0 10.. 1!). Sun- LIVEHY, BOARDING Mail trains arrive-1nd depart as follows: Fine Teams a “Specialty £853? ï¬fï¬mfmï¬c’a norm 0? mm PLACE "W M. Ill. Tasman 27. Cafe. 'IEAL ESIHE IIAISFERS. unn' wu.w-. .v----_, mining currency. ‘Suit'ab’lo’ reward for return. F. D. Everett. 23 uh Com m 8 Tits! 00. mama mu rosmmci. 3551). “‘1 and SALE STABLES JOHN FREBERG, Prop. Want Column. Punt-bod by a ll ST. JOHNS AVE. flue: (Sn-unto“: Ravine place. 5:36 p. m. 100.00 m. and III.‘ .n *§%$$**i$4*§******w *************$****$$****** $12 St. John: m. 1mm» 46. ******W**WH********* MONEY T0 [MI REMOVED 2 Will occupy its new building on FIRST STREET, just n‘orth of VINE AVENUE. Reliable Steam Laundry. Phone 7603 Edgar M. Snow 8: 00. 523 5% 02%: 2:. A. V4.3“ .H..D.Omud. .. ' IN sums OF 81.000 AND UPWARDS. on wm. LOCATED IMPROVED HIGHLAND PARK REAL :s'rmr: $89153 ,the largest assortment 6! *Imported and Domenic Can a on the lake shore: Also a large stock of Italian and Fremn any quantit. . A large variety of Queen Olives gnd Table Relishes. Fruit. an Vggetablea fresh every day. ‘ P‘ M EVANS i "V-“ n.“- AT Aggnts for Abana Saring Water HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. ST. PETER BROTHERs. Pfoprletm'l PER CENT F. M. EVANS. IOI WISIIIGNI ST. CHICAGO the the In the Flo‘ bus day “4