088 :eg the Kn. Augic Clark but "turned from I trip abroad. Former high school principal Mr. W. A. Wilson wan here such) day: this week. It. . flurry Davis: of Chicago visiud Mr. and Mrs. D. 'P. Sboahen on Smithy. LXI. Arthur P. \Vyoofl left 6n Suu diy evening for an eandod buli- nits trip. In John Shogun-n visited her 3%: lira. Chap. Richards at Lake Enias Rosie REdolph 15f Rahï¬nia Viï¬ited relativm here for n few #38 this wéek. fifby wgrk on the viaduct under construction at High street is pro- gtgpaing rapidly Mrs. FH'C Everett ami be? can have gone to m KIWI-e to spend the summer , A, The closing exercises of the Deer ï¬gld high Wlf’will occur Thurs- day eveninï¬â€˜Jube 15. Mm George Mosely of Rogers Park visited Mn Gen, 8. Campbell on Purl: avenue “and“. Mr. and Mrs. H. C Morgan are the happy patents of a 10 pound blby girl, born Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Funk Rice of En. glowood visited their nepuew Mr. Ian]. Rico of West Cantu] avenue, Sunday. Mrs. Ch- formuli n John Snyder on Tuesday. Mia Tm. Lamb of .0.ka Wis. is visiting her aunt Mrs. D. P. Shoahan for a few days. ‘ Cement Sidewalks Laid. HIGHLAND PARK. lffl. FIG. Ever‘efl ind her son VOL. XVI. II new" Mom to the Interests 0! the gum. towns aid villages mm the north soon Suing deposits made in Enkine'u Bank on or before dye tomb of «oh man“: dnw interact [tom flu tint of the mouth. ‘ 15H Mr. and Mrs. E -D. Everett lei! Wednesday for Aehville, North Car- olina. to-Ittend the Sunday school convention at. that place. I Miss Ruth Mauck of! Hinsdale, Hich.,returnnd t... ‘~bland Park this Week to gradua. with her class at the High school next Wed neoday ‘ Mr. J. J. Braid returned Thurs- day, metrics. '1'on Jangggaue, mm, (I‘v'J- v ;,>,.<‘Pw,, nation! convitmtion o! the Myst": Workers of the world. ‘ Mr Fred Rudolph has accepted the position as day policeman at the‘ Exmoor Club and has 'char'ge of about sixty boys Mr. Frank Merry- man is night policeman.- Tho pOpulnr cantata of Queen Esther has had two evenings run at Gold‘ho‘r‘i’a. Opera House. The Young Men’ 3 Social Union deserve great praise for their excellent work in placing much I program before the people. " ‘ An M» on; council ii inching†a good Liam. for Edwaadxwoct the pumping station Judge mum-a gaunt-om], oflsred to suctiï¬Ã©o: his ancient time-honored mogul bike for a small consideration, in View of the city’s urgent need. ‘, It iooks a hit cheeky to ask peoâ€" ple till over the city _to contribute 825, 850 or $100 each so that a few abutting rty owner: on Hazel Park may 0_ hue some of their in- agin'nj‘y iï¬hta diomrbed. ‘~ Some people II' no Blminhtv neneronn people 11% IO almighty generous they are willing to sacriï¬ce the in- terest: of eurybody eleeito them- eelvet‘. «bah-ï¬tmm ional convention of the Mv ‘oil ii 33005153 hr Edward: Wk â€It 1 Judge Hibbnt‘d Mn. Nelson Ludington, 0! Chi- cago is a gut-u. Miss Eunmr B. Scott, of Chicago. is have to: the aeuon. Mrs. Volney Turner, of Chicago, is stopping at The Moraine. ‘Mm John Terrell Clark, of Chi- }:ago, is here for'thg summer. About 100 gueata tool: dénner at at. The Moraine hm Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. C. M Wooley.fron Chicago, are guests for the summer. Mr and Mrs. 0. ‘0 Nagy. of New York, has taken apartm nts for the season. a: Julius Schwinn, of Chianti, wag-at The Moraine Wednomyigx- come out Cocky fat (than “(1 n general outing. - Mra.l.F. R. Smith was the gaunt of Mr, and Lira. Orson Smith for din- ner at The "Moraine on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chadd: M. Green Land wife, of New 9:19am, win at» rive here Thursday {of “I! mm"; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones, J r. of Chicago, are at The floraino for the season. Mn. H. Ebeling and son George, Colu’mbud, 0.,' are their guest-1 The Aahlaud Mrs. Frank L. Billm.“ Edge water. gave a private luncheon and cud party w a number 0‘ her unity Mr; John A. Honcho, Jr, of Chi. cago; formerly a resident at High- laud Park, spout Tuesday bore. Mr. George H. Powell accompanied friends out'l‘uenday. Estimates Finished ‘ Phone .4" ‘ E! M L A'NG: 99W WWW- The. Moraine. \H rm: 0! land Club '0! Chicago, ‘ntitn- over lhxq‘o buhdréd,‘ Wm usual t Cody for dgnner and ufingin A: moat people know, Hazel Park is that triangulu eheped little perk in front of the Epiueopel, Baptieg and Presbywtien churchâ€. It in about 400 (act long end about“ feet wide at the east end. The die- oussion of it u e plece (or the new Carnegie ‘ public library building has brought it into greet prominence of late, end so It the council meet- ing last Tuesday evening Alderman Shields introduced the fo||9wiug preambles and "gamma. to: in in: prominent; , .. ‘ ’. ‘ Where-as, Said park is public property. in which all the people of Highland Park are mutually infat- sated, enfeoflad, and are, therefore, entitled to some we and ham“. (rounid perk; mwwm Remind; :‘l’hnt if ï¬thamof Mandated that steps be taken at ' to improve laid park, in the j†and beï¬iiing manner, obtain- in: m aimilat puke in other cities, by the erection of I band stand the inaMling of a fountain, the laying out of unite, the placing of Cauï¬ sient number of rustic new and beaches to accommodate tile- and and rest seeking public andghnhll- ing swings. merrygorounda. and other public attractions such as will make Hazel Park a thing of beauty and a joy forever Whereas, Some of the prbperty. holders fronting on block 49,6011; com- 5661: human 38 £6â€!ka gram-.4 paged was; ,erodtion a: a mass library building an said-path. «a are desirous of maintaining said Hazel Park simply and only 1n its pristine state Reached, further, That this entire matter [go referred to the Pt lice Committee, with instruction to re- port back to the council gt the ear- liest possible day. HAZEL PARK IMPROVEMENT. Red'd the Nun-Lanai