First Church of_ Christ, Scientist.-Hat.o1 avenue n. at St, Johns. Sear-vine Sunday 10:45 1. :0. Wed- ï¬esduy S p. m; Reading réom in Jim-ch Open Wod- uvsdays anï¬'Fridays from ‘2 to 4 p. ‘m. Lesson sub- jm-t rumlay August 5th; Saul. Mr. and M rs. C. P. Warts bf Chicago are in High- land Park for theremainder of the summer. Miss Bertha (Hebe? gu’e a lawn port-y on Ion; day (Waning {or her guest. Miss Olive Hutch. who has been with her {or a week punt. [marâ€"Gentleman's pucketbook containing pa- puns of \ nine to owner only. Finder will be reward- cvd by 1'. turning same to J. P. Denhon. Moraine Hotel. highmua Pay-k. mu, I .. V, Mi; Hy Hsungs' IS spending a week with her sister M: John J. Reesmsn. Mrs. Benjamin Allen, who is staying at’ the Murailw for' the summer, gave 5:. luncheon for .\e1ve on Monday at. the Moraine. Mrs. Kenneth B. Smoot [Ivé u bridge put, on Friday afternoon. . m»; Lnurl Mulke sud m- n'uee Band spent Sunday in Xapérville. whefe they hgve n sumac; cottage. Mrs. Eur] Spencer and Dean-rick Spencer nre home from Ephriam, Wisconsin, where they hue been the guests of, Mr. 3nd Mn. 1!. 8. Vnil. They bought with them Egbert. and Eddy: Spenser, who have been there for; month past. See us 'or the .selling 39d renting- 6! your High- Mud Park properties. “no immediate customers. Murray . ferry. 317 Centnl Ayenuu. Phone 206. Mr. Juries B. Forgan md his son, Mr. R. D. Iv‘organ, are among recent arrivals at. the Moraine. Mrs: John Glass hasgoné, east'for a visit. Mr , and Mrs Frank D. Everett are home from g trip east. ' ' ‘ \Ir and Mrs. Barrie, who have béen spending th- summer with Mrs. W W. Flinn. left on Friday for a two weeks trip to Northern Wisconsin. .\Ir.‘ and Mrs nobert Rnflen of Crystgl Lake spent Sunday w'yh Mn. Chlrles linker. Mrs. Frank Cluk and dunghtcy. Mics Estelle Clark have gone to Phantom Luke. Wisconsin for a few weeks. Mn. Fred Korenborg ï¬nd the Misses (Eertrudepnd Elsie Brand left. today {or Diamond Luke. Michi- gan, for a short stay. l)x.\\a11ingford and son. Mr. Robert. Walling- fnrd of Covington, Ky. , are guests at the home of M's Lovell. The Penny Picture Gallery will be here until August. 13th. Will take 25 pictures in 5 positions for 25 cents. \Viil be open Sunday. Fletcher Build- â€Hi, (Hentlal Avenue. Mrs. Durham is 'very in buying suffered I stroke of paralysis. - Rev. Dr. Keough, secret.†to Archbishop Quingley of Chicago spent I few any: this week with Father Morfluey. Rev. George D. Rogers of the Baptist Church has resigned his position as the pastor. Mr. Boxers will be in Highland Ptrk for the present. Minn Jennie Norton bu gone mum Demons-I Home of the Bungeliul Church in Chicago for m opentlon. â€/bflf Peep/e flre Doing in High/am! Park . Min Anna Whiw of Baum h mm" 013d]: Spencer. Mr. Ambmee'fleunge spent Wednesday with his deughmr Mu. J. S). Bee-men. Mrs. E. B. Pelmet. who is living in Chleego' tor the present. bu been' here ï¬fth her Qaughter, Mrs. lleymond Flinn. for I few deys. Mrs. M. G. 5mm: he! returned {mm Riverside. where the hue been for flue pest month. The regular meeting of the Evhngelicol Associa- tion for 1906 will be held at. Napervillg Pork from Aï¬gust 10m to August 27th, inéluslve; Aside from the Coup Meeting there will be. Sunday School Contention, Bible and workers Institute and W0- man ’s Missionary Society Day. Naperville Park is about a mile outside of Naperville and is an ideal spot for a. Lumpgmund. . Mr. Paul Dike. who has been located abroad for some .timc past, arrived in New York on Tues- day on his way home with his bride. He was mar- r‘iéd_ On' July 16th, at. Cambridge, England. to‘kflsa Grace Gordon Gulick of Madrid Spain. The wedd- ing canw as a great. surprise to his many friends hele. ' ' Mrs. John Shenhen‘ l little daughters. Kitherine and Mildred. we visiting in (‘hicugo with theh‘ lunt, Mrs. Gunnin. - "' ‘Father'Mdn-issy sent the nhoir girls of St.Mary’s Church to the Dammsch Conéert on Thursday 35 ternoou, .15 a little tréat. in payment for their faith- fulneas. Mr Edward Welsh is doing a splendid business at. the Casino at. Ravinia Park and' 15 certainly to be congratulated on the ï¬ne serï¬ce afforded the pleasuremeeking crowds that gather there. Mn. Culton Moulv has returned from her vi- sit cut. Hrs. William Dooley had a dinner on Thursday evening for Mr. Ind Mrs. Eugene Endcn of Deer- ï¬eld. On Sunday afternoon Miss Katherine Genest was married to M r. Frank Lilley of Chicago. Rev. Father Morrissy perm-Meme “#7-. The members of St. M ary‘s Churcâ€™ï¬ are at, work on the Annual~ Bazaar which will be held at Gold- bergs Hall. September 4th to 8th, inclusive. Season tickets $1, single admission 25 cents. Mrs. Fosbine bu gone to Dennis. Iowa for. visit. The West Hall of the Northwestern Military Academy is undergoing a general change. The necessary repairs are b‘eing done and the main floonalmoat cdmpletly changed. This will bea great improvement. in the building, there having been almost. nothing changed since it was built directly after the burning of the old Highland Hall The Highland Park M. E. Church known as the Highwood M. E. Church willigive a lawn fete at. the home of Mr. end Mrs. Frank Fritach. Friday, August 10th. Attractive booths, fortune telling, ï¬shing pond. and‘ on gunning program has been wronged. The festivities begin at 4 o’clock. Every- body welcome. _ Mr. 3nd Mn. Curl Hienun eaten-Mined twenty (nuts u_ dinner on Thursday evening It the T‘- “53 . 3‘0 Morning {in Mrs. Sybil Carson of Tolodo. Ohlo. Mr. sod In Otto Young Ind members of their hmily. Mrs. Cathrlne Young “ohm and Mr. 3nd Mn. Samuel K. Martin, jr arrived on Monday u. the Martin: by Automobile from Lake Gene“. Mr. Frsnk Lester Price will set ssorgsnist st. Trini‘y Church during the sbsenee 0! Ir. Sumner. \k ho as "shunt organist sud choir-mesh" n" 8!. Jsmess Church Chicsgo. will hsve 'chsrge of the music there for the mouth of August. Fun bumâ€"C ow s_nd calf. Address J. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Drieske o! Buflnis mourn the loss of their hsby s child six months on; who died on Sunday last. The tuners} wss heid on Mondsy. Miss Roll: Andrewn of Woodstock has been vi- siting Miss Helen Code Mr. Leon Bond-lay spent swanky 5nd Sunday in Millwaukee with friends. Miss Glue of Canada, who bu been l guest It. 'the home of her uncle Mr. thn Glue for lever-l weeks, left 1:“ week for her home. Miss Mable Baughan of Chicago and Dr. J. A. Crouch of Leeds. Southbukota, spent Sundpy with Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reesman. . ‘Mr. waier Scutt Philpot gave a dinner Wed- nesday evening for Miss Elizabeth Walsh Ind Miss Evva Egan; Among recent. arrivals at the Moraine are Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lindsay Fiske, tho )3th formerly Miss Bueioh Worden, and Mr. and Mrs. William P. Nelson, who have just. returned from abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Carter have takenahouse here for the rest of the summer. ,_ -mm H Shietdg gave a. lawn {upper Tues- day evening to celebratc the bwrthday 6! her 561), Mr. James Shields. There were sixteen present and after the suppe‘r the party attended the Dam- roich concert. The carnival U rbana has arranged for August 6th, 7th Sch 9th. 10th and 11th during the week. of the Firemen 5 Tournament will be a remarkable venture in the amusement line. The Urbana de. partment is spending $3 500 ark/be shows and has booked some spectacular features. Seven free show: and 21 paid attracnions will be put on at their new fair grounds admitted by all to‘be the handeomest pleasure sppt .in Illinois.- A rate of one fare plus 25 cents has been given by all railroads in Illlnola to the tournlment. Miss Van Allen formerly. of Denver was the guest of her Cousin, Miss Estelle Clark last week. A. W. OLSON lii’enor†‘ Decorating General Painting Paper Hanging l2 l-2c per ml and up. it m for t] sole: [Huh wed. the It re: ible of: why anyw Augl 0‘ F1 Well the in a wish stru: will It “7‘ and brui: of t‘ true} ing» city. land nnes unk‘ of 1;] hou: