...... $1,506.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the loti end lend. upon and Homewood Avenue where- in said woflk is to be done may. within ten ('33:. from due hereof. elect 00 take said work at “ten per eentum leu then the price n. which the same ha been ewnrded. ' gar, Frank Sulphen. all well known lecture! 01 e‘pility. end authorities in their special subjects. Bolton Hell, the noted Inthor and leoturer,Wiiiiem Sterling Devil. 1 delighifnl interpreter of Dickens. and S.~W. Spedon, tie gel-tooniet. “ Mr. W. 8. Lane. who in securing subscriptions for the association, ;np'orts {very encouraging re- epouse from the people of thin-city. and the course deserves I liberal patronage. Notice of awarding Contract‘ Notice is hereby given to. all person's: interested that the bids for the construction of a. concrete ce- ment sllbï¬alk ï¬ve (5) feet wide in the City of Highland Park County of Lake and State of Illi- nois. on and along b th sides of Bomewood ave- nue, from the west line of the Green Bay Road, thence west to the east line of Exmoor avenue. ex- cept at the intersection of the roadway of Mid- lothian avenue and at alley interseetion, were opened‘on the 20th day of September. 1906, and 010! Lindbloom being the lowest responsible bid- der, the contract was awarded to said Olof Lindâ€" bloom on the 20th any of September, A. D. 1906. Said bid is for the work as a, whole and is as follows: 320 cubic yards of exclntion @ 20¢ per yard $64.00 M0 cubic 311113 of cinder: @.70c per yurd 8238.00 12,680 square feet of concrete @ 91k: per foot81,204.60 Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Psrk. The lectures will be .Ioug intellectunl and economic lines. and promise to be b'oth Interesting nnd instructive. The list of speakers 3nd enter- tainers 'me‘nde John '1'. White. Leo Funds Lybnr- Band of Lou! Improvements of the City Highland M. Sen rel o! the public minded ciliuns of High lend Perk heve formed en newclntion which should lave the interest and support of every reddent 0! this city. 'The unoeietion is called the Highland Perl: Lecture Association. and Dr. P. C. Wolcott ll the chuiruun-Ineunrer. This org-nintion we; formed expressly lorflu pnrpoee of presenting n eeriee of lectnnee end entertainments in Highland Purl: this winter. the pmï¬tn of which ere to go to some public beneï¬t. The course will include six or poinihlv seven numbers, which will be given every two weeks. beginning about. November 7, in the Anembly Room of the Public School building. Sheridan Road Publishing Company BALPH‘ LIE. Hmon- Highland Park Ncvacttcr wmwyuaw Mum-oi. Iythc ' Tickets good 10-!- the enzire com-Se nre only 81.50: maumm.mndmlunu madam. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd. Lecture Association 30mm G. EVANS, GEO. w. Taxman, us. u; SHIELDS. 110mm 9. EVANS. cm. W. wanna," JAS H. SHIELDS. oi Bond of [meal Improvement- ‘0! m. cm of Highlud Puk. The owners of a majority of the frontage of the Jot; and land: upon said Glen View Avenue wherein eeid work is to be done may. within ten dsye from the due hereof. elect. to take said work at ten per cermmi less than the price n which the name he: been ey‘verded. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the bids for the construction of a. concrete cement sidewalk ï¬ve (5) feet wide in the City of Highland Park,_County of Lake and. State of Illi- nois. on and along both sides of Glenvlew Avenue from the west line of the Green Bay Road. thence west to the east line of Emeor Avenue, except where said sidewalk would intersect the roadway of Midlothinn Avenue and except at alley junction, were opened on the 20th day of September, 1006, and 010! Lindbloom being ‘the lowest responsible bidder, the contract Wes awarded to mid Olof Lind- hloom on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1906. Board of Loni, Improvement-5 of the City :of Highland Park. Said bid is for the work Is a. whole and is is follovn: 370 cubic yards of excavation Q 20¢ per yard 074.00. 345 cubidyards of cinders @ 70c per yud 8241.50. 12,7603quare feet. of concrete @ 91c per { Notice of Awarding Contrgct THE CELEBRATED TRAVEL LWR _ at Ravi’nia Park for ï¬ve conucutin'SnturJay evenings. commencing October 6t]: Tofll. . . . . . . $1,527.70. DWIGHT ELMENDORF Mr. And "Mrs. duper Roam .will’ ‘ipeï¬d the winter traveling in Europe. Mrs. Daniel Cole is mlow. MissMnud Moonuid hei- Masher, Herbert Moon; spent Sunday at Burlington st the home of Rev- erend and Mn. A. A. Haeï¬e. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Knox and tamilzy.“ Vï¬ho haï¬e been spenning the summer in Enghnd‘ re- turned Friday to Highland Ptrk. Miss Charlotte Band and Miss Alice Brand will spend Sunday in Milwaukee. mu Minerva Weaning of Chicago spent. a few city: this week with Mrs. Fredrick Norenberg. Mr. and Mn}. 8. Ruesmnn and daughter: upenf. Saturday and Sunday visiting- Chicago relatives. Professor and Mrs. Eno and daughter, who have bee'n visiting Mrs. Eno’s aistér, Mrs. L. B. Hit-bard, returned this Week to Champaign The Reverend Mr. Ebert, who has been m for the past two weeks, is improving. Mrs. A. B. Fitzgerald’s little Ion Will» in very ill with typhoid foyer it. his plrenu home in Enutom Minn Dot-only Esta, who bu beenV visiting Min Churlot’e Band, returned Sunday to her home in Pnirie «in BM, “Vi-cousin. Mn. Hurry Katha; of Chime spun Sunday thh her psi-ants, Mr. 3nd In. George Snub. Br. Wsnted-éGh-l for gout-u hon-work In hull, w'hm nun. [it] is kept. Bo Waking. I“ In competent. «I 1mm] bmu. HIGHLANDK PARK