Illinois News Index

Highland Park News-Letter (1904), 11 May 1907, p. 6

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Another spring engngemenb, jolt. In- nonncod, in that of Miss Myra Sweet.- lnnd nod Mr. Allnn Mclhrlnnd of Chi- ago. Mr. Manrlnnd has spent 3 good part of his “to in Highlnnd Pork and bu many wym friend. here. Mina Sweethnd h a. mulch. o! considerable “lent. No due has been let. fol-1h. wedding. .FOR SALEâ€"A buket phneton, Kimball make. with rumble and par- uol top. Has been used one summer. Write or’ telephone to JOHN T. FAB- "LL. JR , Luke Fprut, Ill. ' WAxnnâ€"Geutlemnn sud lady each desire room and board Private family prefer-ed. Apply this oflioe. WARTID~A woman for a family of three to cook. wuh and iron. '1‘. 8.. Wynne, 265 Central svenue, Highlund kinds of concrete work promptly sud st rsssonsble prices. You should lesvs orders now for your Spring Con- crete work. 01'ng LINDBLOM, Tel. 3493. , Wslnut 8t. ass-am Reno snd Alvond's Combined Shows will exhibit st flighlsnd Pstlx Wednes- dsy evening. Msy 15th. This show is well knpwnr here from former visits sad the progrsm this year will he s series of pleuing surprises from start to finish. refined sud upoto-dste. Ad- mission. 25 cents. Children under 12, 15 cents. Cull 3t 51! Baoadwuy Ava, or 1;].- phono 183‘2. Bighhnd Puk. seven-room for Sula. Home. to rent. Also {amt-hon apartment; N. A. Annmmn. P. 0. 197. Highland I eel! Bmoh' Glued Thread {or Wilcox and Cibbe newlng neehlnee; eleo flowing Machine 011 beet. quelity. at line Don’s Emu. Lonâ€"An Amethyet e111! pin between Highlend Perk Benk end no Centre! evenne on' Thur-day. Key 9 between I to 6:80. Return to «0 En“ Centre! evenne. ‘ F0: Salâ€"0125.00 buy. Coupe Ind Kimboll undo “my. Very little used. Surrey originally cost 0375. WAIruâ€"Ocpbie girl to do [can] homework {or family of tun. Call It 431 Lincoln "can. Gnu! Buy Bod. Po: Rutâ€"lay I. thus oflu mu 1: the building known a th- lulu; block. Apply J. 9‘0”“. WI“ Park Hotel. a mu filmâ€"eon. datum. ones for mat on In, In in the Sub Bani Building. , Apply at Bank. l'ol Ruben-room In. modern improvement. ”0 um coo-hut block: from C. t N. 'W. nation. Apply 53 FOR BALEâ€"Ono new much cow. LAKE FOREST HIGHLAND PARK '1 le clone lete Bent modern I" bloeke Apply u e generel Cell et rnpe end ry little net 0375. reed {or neehinee; quelity. hole. between Centrel TheCoencllleet oe'l‘eeedey. Ieyt. Coven! iteeu o! heel-e- beley oer rifled All. “Uh law the fol- lowing reenletioe. whieh um eeeoeded by Ald Diesel: ' The cu, Ooehel'l. spawn. for In." end for the eltieene. wiehee to expul- to the Hon. Robert 0. Even. the retir- ing Ieyor. the high eeteep end regard in which he is held ee en efleient. lioneet end ebie public ofleer, end by thie reeolniion. to be tuned on heard in the Ming- 0! the City Coun- eil, to «knowledge the greet ohligeâ€" . tion which the City of Highlend Perk owee him for the meny yeare of (eith- fnl end nneellleh labor which he hee given in It- behelf. » . Ir. Even: he: the distinction of hev- ing held the oflice of Meyer of the city for e longer time then eny of his pn- deeeeeore. Five times he: he been elected to thet once. thee covering e period of ten yeere. This elone prove: the con fldence of the citizens end their between eetieleetion with hie eduinietretion. all Meyer Even- then delivered the fol- lowing eddreu: Gnu-nun or m: Canomvcn. Ann ‘szne or Hmuuxn' Rum In retiring from In, oflciei dmlee to- night., I with to no, u few worth in epprecietion 91 the honors given ‘0 me In retiring to private life, and u e private citizen, Mr. Evans has the net- lefectlon of'knowing that his work he. been well done, end that he possesses the gmtltude of our citizens. 'The lozet we can do in to give him our lin- eere thnnke‘ and best wiehes that he may live may years to see our city grow, and to know that he he: can tributed so much to its prosperity. Resolution wee carried unanimously by I. rising vote. ‘ .V_.â€". --v hn always kept in viaw the rule. so frequently disreprded by presiding ofllcers, that it in the duty of the Chnir to preside and rule upon questions, and for tho‘ Council only ‘to discms such quutionn. ,7 --_ - ".uvu to. As a. presiding ofleer of the City Councier. Enos has been a. .wonhy example. Meetings of the Council have been conducted with dispatch, -nnd with the laudable purpose that the alderman should not. be expected to extend their deliherntions into the late hours of the night, and that Unsi- nena an be properly conducted without extended and useless discussion. He I.-- ,. s ___-â€".-w- -vlvu During his term 0! office the City of Highland Psrk hes Insde its greetest sdvsncenlent. in thst time more pub- lic improvements hsve been msde snd begun then in sll the previous yesrs oi' the city's history. ‘ Approximately three hundred thoussnd dollsrs (8300.- 000.00) has been expended for street psvelnents, sewers, wster mains, end construction of sidewslks under his supervision Is President of the Bosrd of Loos! Impmvennnts. As the result the value 0! reel estste in Highlsnd Perk has greedy increased. end the comfort end convenience of s well built city has been given its residents. "woman-om- 00.“ II. uu me same ground. Ahd we have a finely, equipped end high grade High school. both as good es the North Shore possesses. ' In» enumerating the various improve- ments of the pest eighteen years we should not forget'our street railroad which gives us such resdy access to neighboring towns and cities both north and south. The Chicego Milwsukee Electric the finest equipped lines in the coun- try end is, s greet sdisntsge to our city. We'ss city omclsis hove been V‘Ilu.u8 chewed. however, with being “too . easy," es lete Forest got so much more for her frenehiss then we did. Perhsps some msy hs've forgotten met we. only gsve s short time trsnehise {or which the" rsilroed compsny‘psid 7 rsilroed is one of . I thank you, gentlemen of the Com- mon Councils. put em! present.‘ for your help sud oooperstion the pest years. I thunk you for your sttention. Heron Rossn'rsox‘s Looms The new Meyer's sddress to the Council was ss follows: (131111.:an or run CITY Couucn. Am) 17‘:me Crrusxs: I will not give you the oid~stereo- typed cry shout this being the lap- piest moment of my life, becsuse it is not. I will ssy, thst I sppreeiete to the fullest extent your notion. end the sc- tion of the citisens in genersl, in con- ferring upon nae the high”: honnrin ments of the peat eighteen years we Ihould not forget'our etrcet railroad which give. us sucli reedy acceee to neighboring towns and cities both north and south. The Chicago Milwaukee Electric railroad is one of the finest equipped linee in the coun- try end is; e greet Idiom-4n to our city. We’ee city oflcleie have been V -v.-vv- house. It we: then ubo'ut. our only public improvement; but we hove seen it replaced with :1 modern public school building on Qhe some ground. A°nd we have a finely equipped end high grade High school. both as good u the North Shore possesses. ' all times of the yesr. The dim oil lsmps hsve been replsoed with gss snd electric lightâ€"we not only hsve better lighted streets, but sdded convenience to our homes. It is during this period, too, thatâ€" the telephone [system ~hes taken its place in our midst, with its efllcient locsl service and wide spread long distsnce connections. We hsve seen our librsry grow from s few hun- dred books locsted in s crowded room in the city bell to its pmsent size with thousands of volumes housed in the eommodione and convenient librsry building. Some of us will remember, snd probsbly with mingled feelings of plessnre snd psin. the old red school house. It wss then sbo'ut our only public improvement; but we hsve seen 1; __fl. ,. wet. "non. but in the course of these yam most of our main street: hum been mud. rendering them inefnl nt 311 times of the venr. 'l'h- Mn- A“ wallaâ€"now we lute miles of cement. stone and brick wslln. Our mud 1'de then made tnnlporbtidn (“Built In wet umn. but in the eoum of than palm during these eighteen yeere. ’ In thin time our city bee greetly in- creased in population end he. grown from en unimproved end nnviting town to n well organined city of over {our thonund inhabitants with ell modern improvements. which nuke it one of the lending oitlee on the North Shore. We were then dependent on well. end- cieterne (or our weier applyâ€" now we hnve n finely eqnipmd Inter works. toning us in our hounee and giving no excellent lire protection. Then we were grind to hnve phnk ”II-_ â€" u night. he inure-tin. ‘0 all to our mind. none 0! the change. nod in- provemnu nhkh hue boon neon- pllahod during those 0|;th yarn. In this time our ex" bu "an- {-7 vâ€"'--" thithe- "you. only two at when, autob- llddloton ad the lluboo- tor Qwootland. filled the once for two full “an. until you elected you-m- arl-g mayor. who has he the honor to b. elected than time- so “damn tad In “no. a mayor. a!” 1”,}! mm .070? m1 nu- Ico- ‘ High-ad Pu-k was ‘be- In in In- !my. boil; 0 on, of but I flew hun- dred inhabitants. Our Funk P. But- klu has been elected the Int um I- 1.0.001: tour you. Man I, u~ rlnl. Gina nut “no '0 have ind X will ny. that I sppreclnc to the fullest extent your action. and the sc- tion at the citizen In general, in con- larring upon an the highest honor in >_- v- "up-vs. I thankvyou, fellowoifizeuaéfor your confidence in me.‘exprémd at the polls and otherwise. ' In conclusion nllow me to lay that. I hove et all time. tried to serve the people as well on individuals. I hue mule mleukes, but. they have been than of judgment. end not of motive. -- vI-V valflu trip. but your humble servant was nble to induce Ilr. Frost to order round trip tickets to Winkcgsn sold It thirty cents. C. Frost. who has, nlwsys noted fairly with as. thnt we shnll have thst rule just as long so he is nt the head of the company, but in this world people nnd surroundings change. so I think thnt it should he s. pnrt of the next eon- trsot as it run understood to be in the first pines. I wish to oongrstulste this city in the future Council, bended by as thor- : ongh 1 business man ‘ll Alexander Robertson. Under such sdministrn- tion every interest of the property owner will be carefully s-nd economi- cally looked utter. To the future Council, I with to cell your nttention to Section Twelve of the Revised Ordinenoee, Page :83. which eeye they inn-t eeli tichte to Wenkegnn fol-15 cents. but it doe. not eey they Innet neil ue ticket.- to te- tnrn nt the some price. i! you will re- member. the fifteen eent {ere W}: to. ken from no nt one time end we had to pny thirty-live cents for the round trip. but your humble eel-vent wee -Le axon up u u whole und not In pm; than. why not. “to: useful center- enoo. torn-Into the proposition 5nd in Many with the spirit of referen- dum, let an cithens vote You or No. Forest or Glonooofn you know u. not akin; for privileges in the south put of our city. Gentlemen. I believe the right. 3nd “million- of franchise. should be an m ughu, which would hue can. I In hindnd and am, (10th a you. akin. over an thouund dol- bn In twenty yum. the “It.“ the lit-chino. t In u- now on “I m Helm which I- In III-dud tad agar. hm come- the prod- thiumd 3nd an be will deal on the lune urmu [Also " healed by u that» man ‘1: Alexander r {such Minimum- t. of the property

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