Phone 107 7HE RELIABLE LAUNDRY. ST. PETER BROTHERS. Proprietors Laundcrers, and Carpet and Rug Cleaners Charlcs A. Kuist 16 Ounces 6 the Pound 14 to 16 Cantu] Avenue hm .w‘ lineal unify“: "I m"r'; SEW' ' . REV. you» r. Imsofl‘, Prqpriuor to: :4 OLINGOI, ILLmom Pro. Talophono Sorvlco to tho Olonooo Laundry Tolophono Olonooo 4‘! The best there is in Staplg and Fancy Groceries GEO. F. BOCK ‘AflfrahmableVeg'etablufluta-c' inthunnrkct. a J a a ORDERS BY PHONE PROMPTLY FILLED. “Not howAChcap but how Good" Avenue Phonu 54 and 35 HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS KUIST BLOCK. CENTRAL AVE. HIGHLAND PARK - ILLINOIS Humid Park, numb m high: minâ€"av. v _ __â€" â€"â€"â€" 1- lm’. Everybody shoal} see it. To newggbscribcrs OUR PREMIUM ALBUM of a}: BIRDS OF- HIGHLAND PARK is new rcadv. LAD!" MEN'S and CW! â€1038 m I. CENTRAL A'VI. . mannnn TWO Phénu In Doc: South of P. O. 46 and'94 Highland Park, Ill. Johnsopm‘Sc Company Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Received Daily ‘ "OUR SPECIALTIES" A Butter Eggs Fruit Vegetables JOHN P. KLINE THE MODERN SHOE STORE PURE FOOD ' PRODUCTS 20 Year: Experience Our Reputation [S if it Come: from Johnson's ITS RIGHT DISTRIBUTORS OF HIGHLAND PARK. ILL!