. Rev.M BROSS THOMAS D.D. THE Rev. B. R‘ SCHULTZB Thc pastor of We United Evan- gelical Church. who comes to suc- Dr. Thomas is in charge of the divinity work of the I‘LaRe Forest Univcrsity and in his numerous sermons he has given the rcsulis of his rare gifts of scripture analyi sis and his rich endowment of hi- Mica! knowledgé His sermons ate always instructiv¢ ‘at‘idI Semi: of them during the‘ past yeaâ€: have been of special value in méeting the doubt: eff) msme‘a'v “cry? k ing difficulties with the teachings of modern scion“, â€â€™ 3‘ , Thg portrait of Dr Thomas .will be welcomed bylmany of the readers of the NEWS 1'.sz ._ On Friday Mayjl, the .lédies-pf H' land Park «tcnde‘redehm‘; IJE cg ‘on,_ together with . Mrs. Mamas. whiQ wgn‘design’flï¬g an Kprcssfa’p‘ of] 'appteciation "of thc‘uewiccs he" haé tendered the Chutch for the many months that it has been without a pastor. Volume 21 DR O'NEILL SUCCEEDI FATHER MOW . A week ago we recorded the re- movg] of the Rev. James Morrisnv to his new charge at St. Finbarr’s church Chicago. 3' is character- .istic of the Cathgiic Church,- that it nudges prompt provision for all vacant; occurring by death or removal. ind Afaithishop Chicky immediately appointeda successor to Father Morrisscy in the beach of the Rev. James D. 0' Neil! D.D. A who took charge of the services at St. Mary' 3 church Highland Park last Sunday Dr O Neil! is a scholar and has been distinguished as a teacher at St Mary’s Seminary, Baitigfore. For nearly three years past iii hes ofï¬ciated‘ at St \Mary' 5 Church We should have been pleased t0 publish a portrait 'of Dr. O'Neifl but could not secure one at this time, 1““ “ “7"“ “*5 5“ wmmkï¬ft‘ m“.-. «t-V’tn€“m 5-;m ,I’ is heralded with words of apprecia- Presbyterian Chmhcx, “’0 3““ tion from that city. In Lake Fotcst united we" conémgatmns and he is spoken of as being much ad- bQ§h pastors resigiicd to faéiiifaté mired for his honesty, sincerity, the ““0.“ fairness, fearlessness, punctuality a Pm" to 90mg to S“ LOWE MF- “.14.... ...__ ‘4 - Fisher QiNgiu was born in Mil- ‘yfgg‘auggg‘mig’flfg. ‘23:; waukee- May 1. 1868. He gradu"~ pursuing graduate studies“ in 4:5. ated froth MarquetteCollege, Mile lutnl‘oia University and Union waukee, in 1887. and hae since Tï¬â€˜Ã©o-logical'Seminary. Mr, Good- held ofï¬ces of honor and responsi- son took his Batchelor of. Divinity bility. among which is that “of degree from the Cumberland Uni- M’oderator -of the Fcclesiastica versity Theological Seminarir. Conference which is held quarter ‘ umberland, Term, .where he ‘tbok ly at the Holy Name Cathedral. a law course. He is a native of - He is also a lecturer on ecclesiQ and graduate from Trinity Univer- astical topics, well kn‘o‘wnin Chi. sity at Waxahachis‘. “Texas. Mr. cago and other parts of this state. Goodson is to be married on June We should have been pleased to 2nd to Miss Bertha Irene Chap-‘ publish a portrait 'of Dr. O'Neill inan. daughter of Dn I. 'Wilbnr but could not secure ’one at this Chapman the celebrated Evange- time, ‘ atligt Winona Lake. Indiana. cecd the Rev. E. F. Fame. a.) son of "ï¬nch. H; was born at N. Northï¬eld Cook County. Mr. Schultz: is a graduate of Knox College, Galcsburg. Ill. He v1 got and intellectual activity. H. has served as pastor {t Fueport, Shannon and Ottawa. Illinois. His people cordially wdcomc him and he Is given the tight hind of fellowship as a citizen.’ Rn JAMES D. O‘NEILL D. D. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS, MAY 5 â€my Columbus Polk Goodson, the new paStorof the Highlind Park Presbyterian Church, who ente‘tied upon his duties last Sundaï¬, come. from the Kluge? Highway: ï¬nely terian Church in» St. Lama ' mgcooam beam pater the'Kinï¬â€™s _ â€church abdut ï¬ve years ago. aking the church when it had fewer than twenty working members and only one organization. During his pastor; ate, there he received into the church 553 members» and effected 16 organizations ‘ and the Stinday School Had an active membership of over 500. Nearly 200 business men are connected with theFellows ship Club._ the ,Goodsonian Literâ€" ary Club for womenhas an average attendance of over 1'50 The Lucas ‘ ‘â€" u' ~'-- uâ€" now- ï¬dmn was; n3w" 1hr /' W’ï¬m‘“ 3qu ’ W“i§fï¬eï¬w YOrk. during which timc he was pumping graduate studies‘ in :Co- lugnlgja University and Union ,. C. P. GOODSON B. D. . i908 WWW†as exhibited on a large sheet of plate glass was a very beautiful cï¬ect. and his explanation: of the difference upon the human body between a current of 120 impulses in a second and- another of in» deï¬nite numberâ€"say of a hundred thousand to a milliorr-was stï¬k: ingly'interesting. Our limited knbwledge of the science must be our ckcuscï¬gi'not explaining this m full. 7 ‘ 'w - . --_---._..u.. u‘uu-uwu Item.“ annual éathering with an iniormll dinner at the Parish House. Wow Regan. on Wednesday, Kay 6.. The Association held in annual business meeting‘ ivhen the follow ing ofï¬cers were elected: HRH, P. Sedgwiclr, President; Mr; John- son. Vice-President. and Mr. R. Reaunie. Sec-Trea. " ‘A company 9f about seventy~ ï¬ve assembled and enjoyed avery excellent dinner after which Wis some music. The feature of the evening was a.tallr by Carl Pia!» siehl on “Electricity" with Expiry 'aments. M r. Pfanstiehl’sMon- strations were of themes! inter- esting character, , . Beyond all questmn Carl 1: rapidly making himjfli Wu! one .of the branches of deem: science. His electrical display " £1033 101?? "an' "the Waukcxan Gazette was intidenta'lly “given The reporter of the Sun was put into touch with the electrical cylinder while the repertet of the Gazette held hii‘hana and with If we were the Gazette we would reply that the Sun did not light the candle without the aid oi the ; Gazette. The many friends L of Carl. who is so well known la Highland Park as the son of the Rev. A, A. ‘Pfansti‘ehl. so long‘I pastor 0f the Presbyterian church. will be glad to hear of his pro-‘ ï¬feâ€. showing that the current at the speéd exhibited» passes ‘thrptlgh the human body without harming it, Somebody remarked that the current had to “go threughlthe Sun to reach the Gazette.’,' LAKE CO. ASSOCIATION T“? I 94'!- Number 19