Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 20 Feb 1909, p. 2

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, n... Lillian E. Barges Has-been in ' Chicago fat in day orrhvo visifinga‘ friend ' Mr. W. O. Legtmeycr. President of the Terra Com Company. is building a home on Laurel avenue. mm ;:d pumfing her musical study. W Wrenn entenaincd a fat friendsin hon'or of his birthday on the Lincoln Centenary day. Mrs. John Oliver is expected home from her trip to Caliiomia in a few days. in staying it the Moraine for the pruem. - A Surprise party was given to Wil- helmim Bell last Friday evening. Mn. '1'. W. Bellhonse left Wednesday for her Mac in Amhemburg, Camda. The Lady Foresters gave a card party fut cv'ening in Masonic Hall. 1: ‘ Mist Amy Holabirdr Fpent the'week gnd with friends in Chicago Mn, 8. Levin ,emenairied the Eucher Club, Thunday afternoon. Mr. C. 6., Phillips has been absent on a business trip to Buffalo. Mn. Augustine of North avenue it reported very sick Mu. Emil Rudolph who has been ill in improving. Mn. 1'. _.E Pierson. who has been ill, is improving. Refereuee to an editorial note shows that special analysis has been made of the milk supplied 'to. the retail dealers. In justice to all concerned the mayor had these tests made and.- as we'go to press with the fin'aliforms of the paper. we learn that the milk sup- plied by Mrs.McCraren was found up to standard. 'so that whatever of impurity. has occurred with these supplies is not the fault of the parties named- ' Mr. Theodore Seymore was {Park visitor Sunday. v Park P unday. Mr. and mu. 0. H. Morgan and family The death is announced of Mrs, T. H. Spencer at East Orange. N. 1. Mr. .mH- Mrs. Spencer left Highland Park recently on a visit cast. Mrs. Spencer seemed to be in her usual good spirits and [for several days was in better ficalth. But she suddenly, grew weak and on the 16th instant sh: dicd. Mrs. Spencer was one- of the truly christian character‘s of whom those who knew her best will say: ,Burn, to Mr. and Mrs. Muzik, a son. report of the receiver. The re- port includes the earnings and expenses of the road for Novemâ€" ber 1908. and also duringapetioti between January 28, I908. ant; Nowember 30,1908 ‘In Novemr last the earnings ‘were $54,857. 35, the operating expenses $42 252. 96 and the taxes S4,.083.33 the net income being $8535.90 From January 28, 1908. to November} 30 1908, the earnings were $523.1 308 42. operating expenses $372.- 770.27. 'The net income was $109,971.85. ' DEATH OF MRS; SPENCER Miss A. s Hipwell vjméd in’Higmand It is stated on authority that ‘seemg'reliable that Mr. A. W. McLimont, who was chief ‘of the electrical bureau of public service. wifl be the new manager of the The eat-pings of. thcicompany were set forth this week in the United States Circuit court in the THE YEARS EARNINGS AN D A NEW MANAGER ELECTRIC RAILROAD highland park News. ‘: my lastdays be like her’s.“ The residents of Green Bay Road are comphining at the condition of the wall! just north of Elm Place. On neither side of the street isthere acontinuom aide walk. 0n the west side the old wooden side walk was removed months ago and left‘without even a cindet -path no thatin'weather each u we have had‘ ‘trecenuy, pedestrians have to wade through mud ankle deep. Surely this oughmo be remedied. Why remove the old walk befoge mean: is taken to put down the new? ‘ the Post Office Thursday morning his Liface was wreaked in tmilel. He laid ‘the sunshine came into his home on Wednelday mominfi in ihe form'ol‘a seven and 3‘ he“ pound baby_',girl. Mr. Schneider has been employed for some time as a clerk in the Pot: Ofiice and he expects to move his femily here iron) Winneth in the spring. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bowen arrived Wednesday evening from Colorado. They expect to make their home in High- land Park. Mr and Mn. Bowes think Cniorado a beautgiul country but after all there is no place like home and they'are desiring of giving their boys the advent~ age of our spyendid school eystem. [ Imitation: are out for the first annual ‘recepuonand Ball given by. Penulpha Chapter N. 534 order Eastern Star at Evaxmon. Thumday evening. February 25:11. There will be a literary program. cards, dancing and refreshmems. Ad- mission titty cents each. -. Superintendent Jesse L. Smith deliver- ed an addrea before the Indian nature study club at Indianapolis, Saturday evening. His subject was. “Wild F lower- Trails": The le‘cture was most favor~ ably written at In the Sunday' Issue of the Indianapolis_ Star. Mr. R. ]. Street lei! Jutweek for Winter Park, Florida. ' Mn. Street who has been staying with the Cr. 1'). Boultnn’s in Hendemnvill, Nonh‘ Caroll'na. will join him there. ’ ' The Alumni of the High ochoolare going to present “A Scrap of Paper" u Ravinia Park early in May. The play will be_ under the direction of Mr. A. R. Williams. a " Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Schaick have purchased-the house on Laurel avenue formerly owned 'by HenrySlmel. and will take possession this spring. When Mr. Hugo Schneider Arrived at Andrews have purchased the "can! property between their homes Ind will- add it to their grounds. The Annual junior Hop’ol’ the North- western Military Academy it announced for Monday evening, Febmary 22nd, at the Drill Hall, considering patenting a vaudeville emer- ninment for the benefit of the Calumet. Mill Tanner has leased the new house on Pfupect avenue recently built by Mrs. Gray and will take ”cation im- quiately. ' ' Rev. M. J. Brady. of Wallaceburg. Ontario; is spending 1h: week with his brmher, John F. Brady of Sheridan Road. Min Stieet has returned to Highhnd Parkto diapou oi the lamina: etc o! her recent home 0d East laurel avenue. We are glad to ma! that Mr. C.,A. Pfamtiehl, who wu under the weather 'last week. is out again. . ed home Sunday from Tampa. Florida. where they have been {or five tech. Chriman Science chunk last Fridny in honor of Lincoln' 1 birthday, ‘ The North Amerign Union members can adancimz party at Ravinin Park Mrs. B. A. Fen'enden gave a paper at are Roger: Park Woman's Club hit Tuesday afternoon. Pitching tut a visit with her inter, Mn. John Bell. Mr. and Marl-toward Hm enumin Mr. Harley Ireland of pmil. Indium, , Mn.‘ Frank Woodml ol Cleveland. Ohio, Immune guest 0! Macaul- Be11. ~ . Mr. and Mn. Geo. M. Sewald ramm- Baronet. Kgmmeny left Thursday for were held at the ,, Cb: North Shore Mus-Lena Eugene Anvegotopreuthe BuyIGleeClub, under the leadership 0! Mr. Lyman Prior of the Alumni. are giying their (in! wheat 01 the tendon. at the High Schod assembly lull. " The debating team has been changed by the addition ol Mark Byeraohhe junior class. Byers displaces Robert Shields. who val compelled to retire on ammo! preaeure of otherforma of actual work. The team la working hard and expects to defeat New Trieron April 23rd. though reports from New Trier says their team iaof exceptional The result of the tournament was s surprise to the local basketball followers; The High School drew the strong Evan- ston Acades'uy team and lost duly by lour On Wednesday the High deool bask. etball team defeated the Batman Town- Qxip fligh School team at our local 0n Thundey the {acuity entertained fifty mothers I! the annual Mother‘ 3 Conference. The mhjea of the day was "A Parents View of High School Edua- tion.” and the myth us Mn. Gould of Lake Forest. Discussion- hllowed, led by Mn. C M. Schaufller and Mn. 84w tin: , A social hour concluded the gather- mg. 1! Lincoln were.alive today and could have witnessed the scene. no doubt in spite of his age he would have smiled to see how young America reverel his nme. Here {banquet of eight counee m lpreed "fl! for a King". One party did no well with thie part of the program that jhe said ‘he busted .‘a button". ‘. Even the policemen were made happy and were invited m. not to keep order but to take pan in the feast. Everyone joined in giving three cheers for Abraham Lincoln' and then again (or Mr. and Mn A. W. Fletcher. ‘ When the evening was drawing to a clue and every one thought the good time was over. :hev were marched in double quick Lime to Hecketmiler'l remumn. ‘ R. M. But-gen kept the audience roar- ing rid) laughtervhh his funny stories of the colored folks. ‘ v J. J. Parker 1n. was very cnthusiasdc in leading the children as they sang the natiorul long of every country ‘Mr; Jesae Lemma: Superintendent or the Grammar school. received a beautiful framed picture of Lincoln. and each one of the teacher: of the eighth grade a pic- ture of Lincoln and his family Mrs. A. W. fletcher had charge ol the decor:- tions and they were in harmony with the tension. Pictures of Lincoln and Old Gloryfound a place in every horn in the home and it inspired the patriotic sing- ing which was part of the entertainment. ; , All kinds of entertainment was plsnned for the amusement of the boys and girls It was valentine season and s valentine post office was arranged presided over by Miss Hints. She was a very popular I Post mistress snd Ind valentines (or every one present. nor were these tokens of the foolish kind but they were Lincoln cards with the best‘of reading Instter. ‘ Also each boy and girl receiVed s framed zmom; with some saying of Lincoln's. ELm M. Gum". Teacher James Pierce. Robe. F. Boater. Robert Warner. Lloyd Bergen. Clarence R. Parliament; Weaton Waldo, George A. Hill; Clare Udell. Ruben C. Keller. Lloivd McCaffery. Chas. Becket. John Erlebon, Elmer Gieeer. John Gallagher. John Rectenwald. Lloyd Geherty, Hov- . j. Sthumacher. ‘Oacar Maechtle, Howard Ruin, Walter Lamb. Dorothy Larson. Helm Norrlen. Theresa Merri- man. Annie Cote. Helen E. Rebling.‘ Enola Garneh. Helen Ewart. EthelZim- mer, Annie Han. Iarjorie Follanabee, Margarette Berube. Catherine Reckten- wald Sigrid Bill. Elizabeth Schmhacher. Illa Kruger, Eva Sheuley. William Ca'ley. Fred Gallagher. Archie Bowen. Other guests preaent were Mr. and Mn. J.- J. Parker]r., Theckla L. Hinu. .Foreat Cummings, Mr. and Mn. W. E. Cum- ninge. Herbert Bowen. Beulah Cum~ mince. Ruth Cumminga and R. M. Bur- 91!th 9i the'flighland Park Gnu)- mr nehgol and seven! ache; guests were lmribed. Those present [mm the eight grade wen: ‘ 'Whe‘n poet-mater Fletcher got hit thinking cap Idjmd :- to what he would do tu- honor the one hundredth anniveruryolthe birth of Lincoln. he decided to give hi. grandma Herbert end Archie Bowen a time which 'they will never forget. The echelon of the MR. AND MRS. A. W. FLETCHER ENTERTAIN AT THEIR HOME ON LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY mmmm Wan la Pnoroszn." ‘ Wewmflthmuw Una-mam Diutict quwg 'nVine Dflvg'henit'dullbeimpmved': Lake Michigan. an be turned over : mu Diltfict'lorpmperunmd regu :ionin the lawn. Simikt Purk Distal-man already been established in 1‘ m androgen. Twonuchdhrfl"'gxi¢ lnthe’Cityovaminmu .rh‘ch‘ thadtyo'm the shore m.’,m‘i Michigan. India weather ild you. Mon oflhe hulmhfi in... uinWPnrhmthcpm, Mot waa before the people tour to yean ago,’ it vraa defeated by a very I: vote. principally bvreaaonol the! ( tot in- tereetot‘the people in the pro : ition. ae ahownby theveryarnallvbte in. We undemod that the entire vote u about one hundred. Had the M peen ee- ’tabliahed at thetirne thatth.’ otenl taken. Highland Park would l. finiatime have had one or two beautiful grha and pleasure ground- on Lake chigan. dorm We the water I edge. the re creation. canton and enjoy: ’ll 0! all the nghland Park people 5‘ ‘ Von on ma Qua-1113‘” The matter it to be brought - "ore the people again this spring. and r " aincer- ely hope that it will be than ‘thy-die. meted. '0 that the propoeitlon. .1. every feature. may he cleerly and." Hood by the votera. It the people votd u eotah- lish such a Dlatrict aa indicath I’l' in your article In: week. the Park Dist H“ when established, could take over t I control oftuchatreetaandparka aath: ityaav fitto convey to it. Of courIe. we con- tent of the property ownerl .fimg the mete-o conveyed should /blf Mob- tlined.'l1|e Park Dim-«x wy d then repr'eeent the City of Highland l h uto thecontrololuchparltaand at: v and could regulate their me, plopr , 7 care fiorandkeepthernlnagood juni- Itary condition. and at all timer. me that ‘ they are sell policed, a e (“ha of ‘ the people protected. Th Perl hetn‘ct owldhtdmynndo lantheI‘ city. became the act eatabliah‘ 1 Part Dietricta cooler: upon it great: oven 1 than are conveyed upon the. m Itipel- | dmeim'gaaointhialinehy ‘opleliw in; in Highland Park. It 5» atly a) he regretted that when the pn widen of creating a Park Dian-Set in HI; vnd Park was before the poopl¢ tour so yean ago; it was defeated by a very I vote. principally bymaonol the! x {of in- end we have new much I :glrhe ex- pteeeed that media; but “been doneion'g minthh Iineby ‘oplelivo ing in Highland Park. hi! ‘1 etlym he regretted that when thepn widow-of runfin- - Dark M in "In -A D--L We reed vkh great inun {the arti- cle in you: paper In. week It {emote to forum; a Park District 1013M Put. The pmjou mm: to weaken holdofmapy peoplevhouv‘ article, and we have head much I fiche ex- To 115:: Emml: - THE PROPOSED PARK ! 'STRICI' ‘ FOR HIGHLAND P! E K. m- on: [actâ€"(hit yuur had-ma neighbor: have telephobu‘ “madam Vince YOU that the mice \ be vuln- nbletéyou. Wegam pa x mevery 6.1., Ask younell WHY} do not coderâ€"we don‘t know“ u Lu: Saturday due mad I Luke F ores: leoonde. and ( ml quarre! over the Icon. team lost out, the score in GI upon being 25â€"27 in Lake F0 Egbert Spencer played the § life holding his man to one I is due much credit. succmfll scum so far. win have lost four and tied une. six more gates to play this 0 (Edith-sheen ol the I M can forovunveek. Heinlbe ‘illlndh Ion we“ to play. 1mm . Ibo laid hp. ' p thgcruivhhum :heuooud tumbtheEnnuonmm ‘5‘. Match Sunda. Wehopctom‘.e|good Thonghtheylomthem .11 through. M1. Helvin ‘0 ml» the II}- mlddfitwamlhk dM‘ my 0! Northwestern Univ: shy. hunts. ceptedapomion'hhhhh :riutun dimmer. Thousand (authored the tournament at Luke For ‘ Byanoverdghuhcm 10.6w don Ray of the I!“ cl. I. mined from them“ of} «It.» lishedinoutluti-u. \ Mr. WilliamGeerohho km mummy-mu J‘s-m lege. hulehthen and.“ Univcnny ‘ YOUR mums THE 3001:. Cmcaoo Turnout ( iv unled t'o (not. tn played pgmthc ac at his hat. He y'all“: to 21-25. yed lard annotmthcdfive u n neon-clac- ceumundegreahom alarm Theirmrdum wholly We tmlhntdrivc.flormld¢hepnm adjoining the oldmndeitve’re now nbovelhe wnerot Luke "Whe‘ Mfmduc rout Audubon Imbshvem humanism Ihchilhow. Themdnyinthehm “Mm‘m-“b ill-GIMJ indie-"y 0M! In ammuud. thermal: my and bani-mom (loathe Inter-“no! human“. can. . I‘myitlflyheuflmthehm. mt elk-vine Dn'vctvoah mi... ‘pm. if 00-day. when they are-boutmbe calledunm expendothuhtgempt mfmthéimhvwepemotmuddw. they object to dono mule. me m. teeiorthe meetionlndhnuemem enjoynemohhc inwmnherhh madecanbem‘ven. 'l'h'lobjeaionmy beuidoo hummus! M0! ‘hemWMNthfindee. Practically dlof the M m W Ravine Drive hon than. . Mum! that limelhe mm chiming Ravine Bike and framing on the lake. Media; Mr. Adams. ennui- hatedohheiro'nfne will. nearly 815.- 000.00 of (hell-mm funds. for die mthénafledthembeufifl Mn anthem-hom'l'lmem . monetolookmcriureuitor jot theimpmvemcnt ”Mum-con. naievyun. duehkgby Reaction. tookumyflnedflveon Intuition. the-bore. anofllingorpim moprotecttheroadbedhommcvuhing ofthelake ‘I'henmruhingdo-n thenvinc and the map hillsides alonx thénvineworeanydlemad undeni- vemulongthemdbedbe‘onhruebcd thelnhe. and bcmmmhnulir' gavel amigodcutupmdbmke topicceothe oidmadbed. . Today. themhuudluldfin- dong Ibenonluboreohen yearn up. ‘il the moudismfuluhdholconbhmchi- gun. It isimpo-Ne Ion antigen mac n; it in MMMQ pedestrian “Hulk Ilongktolhcllké. although [fuel ands-ml are Itillhllod Mdmcuomne. which bacon-awn: edbythe usedplanhandloouhly thmninthcmudholaudm owners who hive gratuitously so much my on Ravine Drive n was ' Ravine Drive. «planed Ind dean- ‘ed. ya uedu nddvcny int nan down to lndnlong the '0”?!an Lukelfichinn. Sonata-yuan“: moanneaedbyi uncover the“ mammer‘sedn'khieqdma. muditwu'pu‘lc'theu Manda-n meoltheumummdupthe oth- «.mkingnoominmdflve. “into doing. pacing along one-eighth“)! unite oftheshonofhbe Win from oldie Public an lit downwlhato the song ofche nveqatulloclflnflhcy monthdrownmnfimcmdthu belong-tolllchepeuplc. E ' Then put- Id be (at All PM: not for tune-hale overlooks the nu or who Mu They have theta: may befone that: eyes. We vi. a place when." mpeopaemdomi'mreon thehkemymetnd enjoydmm bundfulvorkol net-lye. The Laki- Righlmd Park‘s (red eta-action. We wiehapukvherethe peoplemohhe nilrood nuke, ave" «tunnel-ll §§ o! the law. behind Bun-taunt] WEI-minnow;- iwbriqpeodcbammm byte-mud Lube “mm. with.” Menu: “pen-c to thcuxpayemmchpubunbeaaud byaPutDi-u'ia. Whom Wilmhu Mym OM Diarialonhe molt-twitch hkehunfiordnbemfit om: an» pic. wnywawmmm (Wmmuq Fon Au. m PIOI’LI. tuft; leading humps.“ Mr. 5,3

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