IgLargc Trees lalty. up: work lg Fruits truamental and Estimates ’urm'shcd. SPECIAL ASSES‘IMENT NOTICE. ' Sncux. WARIAHT N6. 130. Public notice is hereby given that the Counw Court of Lake County, Illinois, has tendered judgment for a Spock! Ar mutant upon property beneï¬ted by (be following improvement: Grading. draining, paving with mac- adun Ind otherwise improving a con- nected Wear 0! street! in the Citvo! Righland Park, County of Lake and State of lliinois. consisting of portions of Highwood 'nvenne. St. Iohn’s avenue, Bloom met. Logan ma. West meet, Broadway mdelark met, as will more my appear from the certiï¬ed copy of the judgment on ï¬le in my oï¬ce; that, Thereupon a summons issued onto! said Court against the deiondants shove named and all whomit inay concern. returnable at the court house in the City 0! Waukegan in said county. onthe lSth day oi July next.l909. asby law required which proceeding instill pending. ‘ 6 Now unless you the saiddeiendants, designated as all whom it may cbncem, shall be and appear before the said County Court at Lakeeounty en ‘the lSth day of July at the court house in the City of Wadkegsn, in saidcounty. to- wit: ot- the 15th day ol July; A. 12.1909. - and plead wot demnr to the peti- tioner‘s petition, or object to the report of the commissimers'aioresaidtthe same ' and the matters and things therein Charged and stated. will be taken as confessed and a judgment entered in ac- cordance with the said report and the prayer of said petition, The following is a description of the ion blocks. tracts and parcels of land sought tobe takenor damaged for the improvement aforesaid, viz: All that part of lot No. 69 in South Highland addition to Highland Park contained within the following described bounda- ries: Beginning at the point where the southerly line of said lot 69 intersects or joins the easterly line of Sheridan Road. formerly known as Vinton avenue. and. running thence northerly along the east- erly line of said eheridan Road one hundred and seventy '( I70) ieet‘. thence north 89 deg. and lS_ mitt, east 245 feet; thence north 53 deg. 45 min.. east 224 ‘ feet. more or less. to the water's edge of ‘ Lake Michigan;- thence southerly along ‘ the said water' s edge of said Lake Mich. igan 400 feet more or less. to the divid< ing line between said lot 69 and lot 7! of i said addition; thence westerly along the ‘ southern loundary line of said lot 69 to the point and place of beginning. A L. HENDSE, Clerk of the County Court of Lake Coun- ty, Illinois , 62016: A. Mason, Citv Attorney and Attorney for the Board of Local Impmvemenu. . , D-ted, Highland Park, lane 12. A: D; quiring land necessary for constructhn of puriï¬cation with of Ravinia sewer system No. 155. in the City of Highland Bark. County 01 Lake and State of mi- nois, and of what property will behem- ï¬ted thereby and the amount of such beneï¬t. the estimated cost of such im- provement being the sum 6; $000.00.; That commissioners were duly appointed by said Court to investigate and report the just compensation to be made {or private bropeny tobe taken or damaged tor laid improvement and also what real estate will be beneï¬ted by such improve. ment and the amount of such beneï¬ts to each parcel-of land beneï¬ted thereby, and that said commissioners duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement and duly ï¬led their report in the oï¬ice of the Clerk of said Court on the 9th day of June. 1909. Met. a newspaper published in the City of Hifblnnd Park, County of Lake 1nd State of Illinois. . Nance rs Hem? Gmxto all when it may concern, that the City of High. land Park heretofore ï¬led it: petiticn in the Conn†Cosh oi Lake County. Illi- nois, on the mm law side thereof. 3 praying for the ascertainmem of QM just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or demged lowlac~ Foracqnlringland microm- structionolpnriï¬catimwrhofkevinh sewer m No £55 in the Cftyof HighlandPark, County of Lake and Smeolllli‘mis. State of I % .- qunnty of La County Court of Luke County Tothe l5th day ofkly. A.D..1900 General No. 156. City of Highland Pu): vs. \, Robert L. McElmymd Iohn E. Shepard 1nd all whom it mayqoncern. The sold Court by order duly entered herein having directed that notice be given to the aid defendant; and tool! whom it may_ concern by publication as by law required inthe North Shore News- up! of Notice is hereby. given that‘the sub- scriber, at his place of residence in the ‘City of Highwood. County of Lake and ‘State of Illinois. has taken up an estrnyed or abandoned horse of the foilowing de- jscription: One bay horse with four white jfeet, with Inn“ saddle marks, bPaxed Lface and weighs about 900 pounds, hitched to: single sp‘ring wagon; and tint 1 will apply to have the aid â€tray appgaised before John Mey'en, Police Magistrate of the City of Highwood, and ex-oflicio Justice of the Peace. at hit ofï¬cein the City of [-113th on the 17th kay of june, A. 11,809. it 10 o'clock-a m. nue and Green Bay'Road. in the town- shig of Deerï¬eld. Lake County, Illinois. I ml] sen hid horse to the highest bidâ€" der for can in ymem cf the III!!! due me at the date 0 sale for keeping, yard- ing. feedink and maturing said hone, as aforesaid, :and in satisfaction of my «id lien. ' . JAIIS C. Gun. Ravinia Stock Farm. cor. Roger Wil- liamsjAve. and Green Bay Road, Deerï¬eld Townehip‘, Lake County, Illinois. ‘ ‘ Dated June 10th, i909- eighty-three cents, for which sum I have an agixter'fs lien on said horse. pursuant to we statute! of the State of Illinois. and that ; the 6th day of July, 1909, at eleven 0 dock a. m., at m barn on the northegsl garner of Roger ‘ imam: Ave- Noticei! hereby given: um there'it now due me for keeping. yarding. feed- ing and mstnï¬ng the my home of jean- nette Simomon, from the-15th da of May, 1908, to the 10th day of one. 1 . ‘he sum of one hundred “If! and To Jeanm Dated Jm All proposals or bid: must be accom- panied by a certiï¬ed check payable to the order of the Preatdent of the 380:“! of Local Improvementa of the .City of Highland Park {eta sum not let. ten (10) per team of die tangfezafe of the pmpoeal. Said ptnpoeala or hide mutt be delivered to the President of the W of Local lmv’mvemenu inopeni aession oiaaid boandat the time and place ï¬xed herein'iur opening the came. No propoaal or bid will be considered unless accompanied bya check as herein provided. The Board of Local Improvements ne~ serve the right to reject any and all bids should they deem it beat for the public good. _ WILLIAM M. Doouv. incident of the Board oi Local Improvements of City of High- " land Park: City Manila" of the City of Highwood of 7:30 p. m. a: the 051cc of th'e Board a! local Improvements in City Hall. The upeciï¬ndons for such immova- men: and blink proposal: will be far- nished It fhc 013cc of the City Clerk in the_ City Hall. - The mutant)? willbe paid in. hon'dt which bond: will draw interest at the mg of ï¬ve (5) per cent. per mnnm. pipe. maker with ï¬re hydnnu. shut-03 vulva and special castings. tobccom «meted and hid nlong and under Wu- erly Street. in said City of Highland Park. connecting with the water main now laid in Sheridan Road, and running ‘thence southeasterly slang aid Wanfly: Street to and connecting with the new main now laid in aid Waverly'Sueet at a point internedcd by: line produced 1cm said meet from the northeast corner of Lot 10. Block 69. u a whole, in accordance with the ordinincc there- for. Said bid: will he opened onlhc ï¬m day oi july. A. D. 1909, at_the hour BOARD OF IDCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF HIGIMND PARK. wand: non LB‘I'I'ING acumen NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the: bids win he received for the coma-union of a can imn lateral main Inter supply. The second fnsiillmem one vest there- after, and so on normally until all inmlb menu in paid City Collocul'. hand this Hub day of June. 1900. All genera intennted are hereby hod- ied to an we pay the amount messed II the Collector'- oï¬celw West Central avenue, Higth Pei-k, lilinou. within thirty days from the date hereof. Notice in {iii-met given that the said glue-Intent is divided into ten install- ments; that we. amount ofthe ï¬rst in- stallment is 33,202,“); and that each of the remaining installments' is $3,200.00; that til the inmil'metm draw interest at the me of ï¬ve per cent. per annum from The lint imminent u payable on the 2nd dayfof January,1910. the warrant for the collectidnot such â€seamen! it in the 13de of the under- he Simomon and all when it Estray Notice. x: 17m. A. D. 1909. ‘ Legal Notice. The owner: at a majotity of the fum- aï¬e of the lot: and land- upon aid alley iuBlock18.wherein aidworkhwbe done may, within ten days from the date NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN we all persons interested. that the bid: (or the grading. draining. paving with brick. curbing and oIher'wile imprdving Ihe alley extending between 8:. Johns Ave- nue and Sheridan M in Block 18 in the City of‘fliuhllnd Park. Lake County. Iflinoie‘, were opened on the manual: day of June. A, D 1909,1nd1mec Cape and Sons being the lowest raponeible bidders, the come: we: :nrdeduouid James Cape and 50mm the-eventual: day of June. A. D. 1W9. Raid hid i for ï¬rework-s Iwbolclndinu felon: 300m. yds. excavation "30¢â€! 90 00 475, sq. 'yde. brick pcvement in- cluding 4 in. concrete fodndr 1 tion and l in. and cushion it $1.65 ..................... 783 75 SOOlin. ft concrmcuranSc. 12500 215 lin. it. 6 in Iile including 'cinden at 15c. 32 25 70 En. It 6 In. tile ineluding cinder: I! 25: ............... I7 50; antchbuimat $25.00 ........ 50 m‘ 3 cu. yde. madam Ippmchu andrepeinatnflouu. 600 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF {flGHLAND PARK. NOTICE OF AWARDING CONTRACT The Board of Lou! Improvements re- Ierve the right to ,reject any or all bids mm they deem it but for the‘wblic good. Wm»): M. 0001.". . President of the Board of Local Improvement: of City of the Highland Park. Dued June IN). A. D. 1909. The connector will beupddin bonds which bomb. will drew been. am:- nte of ï¬ve (5) per cent. per dunno). .All pcopouls or hide m be accom- panied by a certiï¬ed check payeble no ixhe Pteddeat ol the Bond of Local lu- ‘progemenu of the'City of Highlnnd Park for a sum not less than ten (l0) per cen- tum of the aggregate of the ptdpoul. Said proponle'or hide muube delivered .tothe Presidemof the Boudof hoe-l1 lmpmvemenu in' open union of aid hard at the time end pla'ce ï¬xed herein for opening the name. No proposal or bid will be omnidered unlea- accompan- ied by I check as herein pmvided. The speciï¬cation. fat and: impove- men: andblmk proposals will belon- nished at the ofï¬ce of the City Clerk in the City Hull. . NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN um bids ‘willbe'received ionic grading. draining. pairing with madam and otherwise improving Fin! Sheetinthe [City of Highland Put. Cauny‘of uh land Snte of Illinois, from the nonhedy line of Ehn Piece thence nonherly tor a distance of one thousand nix hundred (1.600) fee: as whole, in â€cadence with the ordinance therefor. Said bids will be opened on the ï¬n: day 0! July,‘ A. D. 1909. guhe homo! 730 pm.» the omcc of me Board of Local lmpmve- Inenn in the City Hall. NOTICE NR LETTING CONTRACT. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK. City calm. Dated this 19th day of June, Iâ€. until all installments are puid. The Gm inlullmcm is payable on \he 2nd day of January. 1910: the new! one year thetulter. and I0 on annually the whining installment: is moo: that .1! the inst-"menu that interest a: the rue of ï¬veper cent. per mm iron May an. 1909. Notice it further given that the aid men: is divided into ten insuli- menu; ,that the ammo! the ï¬n: In- sullment il 31,456.00. math» achof \ All persons interested are hereby nail- ï¬ed malluflpaythe amounts-cued at the Collector'l oï¬cc N5 West Central avenue. Highilnd Park. Illinois. viIhin thirty day: from the dtte hereof. 592cm. asstssum um ‘ silent. Wanner No. 15!. Public notice it heuby given thtthe County Cannot Lube County. Illinois has rendered judgment for a 83:0an A:- m... upon pm? beneï¬ted by the foHoyin'g inhumaneâ€: Gndma. cum draining, paving with mac-dam and otherwise Wu: Central avenue from the eagerly line 0! ‘ Greemsny Road emefly in: > a distance of eight hundred and ï¬fty-thine (853) feet. in the (‘in of Highland Pitt. Coun- ty of Lake Ind Sauce! Blinds, â€will more fully nppear from the ceniï¬ed copy of the judgmental: ï¬le in my oï¬ee; that the wnmnt for mecoflection of we]: a- senment in in the bend! of the under- 31.104 50 GUITAR INSTRUCTOR 1m Given in the Home 123 First St. -' Waukegan. m. UISS OLIVE 3. L4) CHAPELLE BANJO. MANDOLIN T.- - H. AGN'EW Ofï¬ce: Moninc Livery Stable. Hiflllmd Put. Tue-hymn! Fridaydtod Tel. 53 Emma l0l7 Dark Stet: 1'31. 3! Highland Put Eamon. Ill. Timon. May-MMV W.E. BenoiBUgQShaMIn Rod What. u. DB. â€SHELL F. 00W _MW Nmousmd_Chmith¢mn to u 11 £85,130 p. u. DENTIST 00mm X. W. Oahu-thy Hon-I: On. 11.10519. u. Phone I“! But. Bank 31k DR. B A. HAMILTON Dr. CuletoaAHu-bm m an. nos: .4 mom. kuuum Pas. 47 8:. Job!“ Ave noun: smug“). I. new hunky Ollie. Rom HIGHLAND max a. John. Ave. ILLINOIS on Dopot DR ALBERT R. SHELDON Themaofamjolï¬ydthclmm- ‘ueéfthcloumdhnbnpu-HSIE He Avenue wherdnuidiukbtoh domain-imintendaynbunthcw hunch-electmuhnidmwm hwummwdouuvotkfl (caper mm 1‘ that!» F500" whidnhemhrboenumded. . Imu- 31.000111. Jun H.5mm. Hun»: Dunn. Boudotboallmmvenem 2 manhole! canine at moo badmthemmmndd Funk Lnin'uuhc nvmthdqal lune. ADJâ€. sud bidi- lathe yorknawholcandhnï¬ollon: 767mm8-hchmcrn60c mu. m opeodonm-en day ï¬lm. A. 0.1909. 1nd Greea Bay Road van to know Ave- Lting, Wot-sewer hShHe Avev nIeJntheCkdei‘hllnd Painful! ’NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all pcnono Interested. that the hit ht the IOARDOFLOCALIMPIDVIW ormmvormcmnnpm NOTICE OF AWARDING CONTRACT Tmaoaouuqumum Manhunt-manhunt: unwoun- lmthudu wheat mumbling-udd- Mun-u. Doom. luau H. m Bum Dunn. » Bonn! o! Loo-I [W denrySurgm Dr. J. G. WALLACE. Anni-um Owl! Tobphc Beoflom ‘w‘ m1 DR. was WATSON 81095.. l 1103!... 81'. JOHN! AVENUE“ 0 Wu hu. lu. DEN’TIB'I‘ Blihltnd Pnrk M III Luke- ï¬ne linen and hail] aching amenity. 53N.Gteenhuykoul. M2â€! Pï¬nMPIoem' awm ' ' Wall Pavel-W GEO. H. MORRIS Gui-mm Mm to handle an kinds of Expats] and Freight in connection with Mov- ing. Storage and Cabinet Work. And Freight Transfer Contractor for Public 'Works Ice. BYRON J. HIVINJ, Pm. luau: a I00, lint am with Ida-alum Opp. N. w. bop.» ma M. Glennie-017 Prim-mm:- i . H O M E LAUNDRY W03! “Maori. Fwd-He‘d 1mm ‘ cum “Emu-u- lZl E. CemnlAvenu HIGHLAND PARK ' STATE BANK Saga-{Chaim WWHWM Boxioz. WP“ F. SILJESI'ROM Wood and Kindling Phonezao air-khan: Glee and Yul. "331‘ 81‘. All) I“ PLACE EMLAING Strictly â€and â€or! Spock for Illa/f HIGHLAND PARK. ILL J. M. BILHARZ D. McNEIL [kam is now ready