Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 18 Sep 1909, p. 1

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uwcr ‘rrrrrrr rilfiélfil CS I I'iighland Mrs. I. F. Leaming gave a luncheon Tueglay for girls. of the Class of ’09 of the High School. who are going away to school. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bobbin! and daughter Amy of Fort Sheridan haven- tumcd from Lake Koshkonong, Wis, where they have been for several weeks. Hanold Harbugh and Earl McPher- ton of the class of 1909 are taking a‘ post- graduate course at. the High School The many friends of Martin Brdckway will regret to hear of his ,death. which occurred Monday of last week I! his home in Barrington. Mr. Bnockway was the taxi»: oi Circuit Clerk Lewis 0. 4 Goodridge Sebaufiler is recovering ind has gun: to York Beach, Maine, where he win remain for several weeks. Kenneth and David Cole have returned from Mfiinukee where they have been visiting fot several weeks. Brockway of Waukegan. Miss Emma MacDougflf of Millhum. who has bren visiting her brother, Alex MacDougall, for several weeks, has re- mmed to her home. Mr. and Mrs; E. P. Knapptntenained a number of friend's informally Saturday evening. Mr. Charles Bronis and Miss Anna Anderson were married this‘week. Eugene Flower. who ran away lrom his home in Decrfield August 30:13.11“ been found at Leavenworth, Kansas. Noel Duran of Libcn'yville is axténd- in: our high school. Miss Comelia Beardsky was the guest '0! her brother, Mr. 1. G. Beardsleyjnd Lorraine Webster has been visiting his cousins. Mrs. Depman and family and Mn. W. G. McGuire of Millbum. We regret to hear of the death 0! Mr. Ed. Cole’s timer, which occurred 1m- lfriday ”his home in Glenview, Illinois. Mr. Frederick M. Steele is on a three weeks’ trip to me Pacific coast. Mr. and Mn Elisha Marian 0! Earth Linden avenue are spending a few ween at their ne‘ summer home at Mackinac Henry Keno Coale Ir. has returned from Campbellville. Kentucky, where he has been visiting for several weeks. Béston School of Technology. Miss Theckla L. Him: returned Mona day evening after spendinga week at Random Lake. Wisconsin, as the guest of her relative! Mr; and .Mn. M. Q1111 of that place. Min Him: will resume her work at this Post Office next week. flint-Idem Rudolph of Linden Park Place has hat! as her guest {or several dny: her cousin. Miss Adelaide Wetzle' of Chicago. Vol. MILâ€"No. 3g highland Park, Illinois. Sam. M :8, 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Summit are registered in Paris. Mr. Paul Rudolph leaves ina few Eys for Boston. where he v'vill enter NEWS 1 Park ‘ Normâ€"{SE10 E + NEWS -LETT%RH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas are the lap” parents of, a tittieson born Mon- y. , - . The Annual Harvest dance will be 'given at the Moraine on Saturday, even- ing. Sept. 2501 Mr.»L.ewi1 B. 'Hibbard. formerly of Highland Park, now of Des Moinee, Iowa. Open! a few days here last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick P. Luther of Hazel Ave Mia Medeliene Ryder has returned no Sinawanee College, Wisconsin. where the will enter her Senior yen. LMr. and Mrs R. Enckmun of Lincoln» Pluce are n. Green Inks, Wimndnf for a few duys. unand Mn. F. N. ‘ Richards, ‘North Greén Biy Road have u little sou. born Sept. M Miss Gertrude Chandler gaye a 11:: last Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Van Schick. Mrs. F. G. Gardner of East Central Ave. entertained at luncheon on Friday. Herâ€"“When a man starts to talk he never stops to think." Him-J 'And when a woman mm she never think: to stop.” ‘ “Gum you‘re right. old mm.“ reioined me 3. p. , ‘and'if sand is ill“! need und' 1: what I’ll have. Gimme 1 quarter I worth of war." Mr. and MmMm-gun 0! Norm Lin- den avenue are awuy on [like trip. Mr. md Mn. Gerard Van Schick are living iii :5: old Van Schick home on Mrs. RichardH. Pickering of Linden Ave and Elm Place entertained at din- ner last Thursday evening. Mr. Kenneth Smoot of 'Califoruis is expected here on a business visit the coming week. meeting in desircd. Hits Turpin of “1331110363. D. C., Wu a gust of her brother, Mr. E. A. Turpin of Glencoe iverme, this week. The first. meeting 0111” Highland Purl: Woman‘s Club will “he place at Lihnry Kl“ October 13th. A full five gave a reception last Thursday afternoon gan for a few weeks, Mr. Wilbur Hunéiey returns (0-6:)! from his vacation which be has been spending at Olney. Illinoit. - ‘.‘You haven‘t got nerve enough to make: mecca of anything," said the village gro'cer t9 the Ibiftless party. “What you need is more sand." Mn. Ann of St. Louis is staying at the home of :IGI" daughter Mrs. Blight Mor- A hay-rack ride, corn and pouto rout. was given Mondny evening under the :unpices of the Christian Endeavor 80-, ciety of the Ebenezer Church. Mr. and Mr: F W. White of Chicago, guelts 0" Mr and Mrs A L Renning, «516 «in: interesting stories around the camp fire whilecom and potatoes were roasting. Occasionally a "walking stick" which had been roused up would came an mi- premedimed shriek of‘excitemegnt, The evening metal! that could be wished for and everybody enjoyed a big tune. The firstfloér of the house formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M. Bum on East Central Avenueis being fled by the Primaly Department 01 thelihn St. Grammar Scho'ol. Several of the Gram- mar Schod teacher: will occupy the ear and floor. 1i Mr. W C. MacKemicisdn the nick. st. Mrs. A. P. Van Schick of East Laurel A: there are certain advantage! in having the annller pupils' In moms nome- what detached from those occdpied by the larger pupils. it was decided to seek quarter: outside of the Elm Place build- ing-for me Who! the two lint primary grandee. - Accordingly the residence prop- erty at 239 East Central avenue. humn as the Roumeville home. was lea-ed, this being the most desirable property available, and the lower floor was fitted up for two claaa rm Additional toilet facilities were installed and arrangements made for mnring adequate ventilation at all times. ‘ Seventy pupils are now enrolled in this eo-called Elm Place Annex under the care 0! Mia Barlow and Mm White. Under ordinary circumstancea the Board of Education would have appealed to the voters of Dlatrlct l07 [or permit sion to purchaae an additional school site and erect a new budding, but it was pointed out that there was every likeli- hood of the establishment ol a parochial whool in Highland Park in the near future and that this achool would enroll at large number of puplla now enrolled at the Elm Place School. I! la stated that a the for and: a achool baa been obtained and that its promotera are con- fident of having the building ready for occupancy within twelve months. it seemed that by September, 1910. the attendance at the publlc aehoola might be reduced sufficiently to the point where the Elm Place building would lumiab adequate accommodation. The prob- lem, therefore. was toobtain sufficient accommodatlooa to care {or the overflow of pupils [or the present school year. mom and the dialculty of ventilating it adequately, the 'mom pmved very unm- ietactorv for the purpuue. At this time. too, the acience mom waa being need a a class mom. a purpose for which it had not origintlly been Intended and for which it did not prove altogether utiatac» tory. So at the close of the chool year in June last. the hard of Education was confronted with these conditlom and with the prospect of a uhool attendance tor the coming year quite Beyond the capacity of the Elm Place building. The Elm mm Scbod began the new school year on Tuesday. Sept. 7, and now enrolIevin" all. oifitu department! 550 pupils. This 3 35 or 40 in emcee of the number enrolled at the end 0! the 6m week of schoolbne year 3'30. and that in turn exceeded‘the enrollment of the pre- ceding year by 'In Qproximete numberf It will thus be 1cm} a that the Ichoole are increasing practically et the rate of one room a yeer. Shag” liter echool begun a year ago the Met Education found it neceuery to May an militate! teacher to m in fie work otthe upper grades. There m new: class morn small table and achair. which practiqlly filled the roomâ€"1nd used as I dun room. Became of the smallness of this litter of- the bride. my mum of honor and Mr. Wm. J. Glam. brother ol the ”competed at but mm. The home was beautifully daconted with oak leaves. and many costly and useful present: were given to the popular young couple. Mr. Grant has for my years been 'in the employ of the Stxte Bunk and received- “ a gift a letter of eommcndntim and $50 0°."”m the dimon of the Bank. Mn. Grant was [or n'veru‘l year. in the employ of (If: locnl telephone om“ chief clerk. Expansion at thz Hm Plus School The bride Indvgroom let: for a honey- moon trip to Coda Rapids and other points in Iowa. vfihing relativ'és while enmute. They an! be u Mme to their friend!‘ m Highland Park November in. on Wednesday evening Sept. 15th 1: men o'clock. Mia Ehic Virginia Brand was unnedinmrmgeto Mr. Chas. F Gmnt.1'heceremmy was pedormed by Rev. B. R. Schnkzc. mm o" the United Evangelical-Church. u the home of the bride‘s puem Mr, and Mn. Silu P. Band. Mu. Theodove H. Deck". Populnr Young Couple Mdrry- Tull-Mm Room one. Ipupil: loo-um l pupils; room three. 4 pupils. no. (our. moo; room five, 2 Pupil” room six, 2 pupal: minuscven. 2% weight. 2 pu- pils; room nine. none: mom m I pu- pil; room eleven. 2 pupils: room twelve. lpupil: mmm. 5 pupal; room fourteen. 3 pupfls; roan linen, my“. We an indebml to Mr M L. 801:8. Superintetdem of flu whh Schooh fit this article. ham”. )4. 3. Andrew. Fons: Ave. Lake Forest, m. room moment of then pupils will show that dick practice do” not w rially nflect condition! when. Lat year there were mntyctvo pupils in It- tendance. This year there are thirty living within the lie-twain. The clu- room assignment in II bum: School and they have wet! to be among the verybeetpupilllntheuchools. It is not likely that there il'lny carious question of the justice nndof the petri- otic motives which prompt the Baud oi Eduction «admit the pupils. nlthou‘h they live beyond the boundarletol the district. Therehubeenmecomm however. upon tha W o! ouch pupils when the enlarged m at the Elm Place Scholl in m of much mm. A nieneneo to the dad M to. the M As is well known the United Sum government makes no pmvision lot the maintenance at public schools In! the children of oflicen and widen end civ- ilians living within the limits of Fan Sheridnn Reeemdhn. These children have now for sevenl yem been admit- ted to the privile'eeol the Elm Place School and Deerfield Township High hand-ll Ionld he neon-try to employ an Additional teacher no conduct lhc Pun Clinton School and e yearly 9-1 0‘ about onelhuuund d‘iMflm all the expaueo o! the school. AI it h. the entire yeerly expat-e of My“ Why them}. link labia hundred dollars. can. and: lion III- pmam still. the pupfll than muponed receive mum.“ of school minim and instruction impouihle to give in I one-room behool. It seem I m ooncluion Ila! ultimately the Pan Clin- ton building will he reamed and unin- uined u a primary ochool lornouo ¢I~ coed mo and“. but it alto mma unad- viable to maintain there a 1h: mum time a small school of mind 3M“. alumina. of ooune. (In! school pom in that neighborhood 'ilh their datum» to h- v: as good advantages a (hoe (ur- nished at the Elm Place building. “MM“ There hss been some inquiry under these circumstances as to why the Port Clinton building st the nonh end of the district has not been reopened iotschool purposes snd used to relieve the en- larged attendsnce st the Elm Place building. The reason is that. there is yet toosmsll s school population within the territory adjacent to that building to msintain s school there of s bettec type than that oi s misoellsneoos country school. When the Port Clinton School was closed [our years ago pupils (tom the first three grsdes here in attendance there. At the fluent the then in eighteen such pupils twat the Pan Clin- tonterrilot'y thltlre Wed mend immtheElm Place School byshst‘ public expense. These are disuibmd swung the lower mums at the Elm Place School as follows: = hith- neenthu the vim-dot these eighteen Wuhan wells: Place School mm not relieve the I'm-M in any one room appreciably. Ontheudm' Roxanne. 6 “was; Room no. none; Rmm Ibtee,.4 pupils: Room (our. 2 pupils: Room five. 6 Input. nchool room no entail-cm in each oftheunchool maillnothcalio-ed to exceed thinyshve pupils. The pupils at Wed om the loot pace of what were “My but moan of good size. Blackboard! have been fanned on the tulle. and the roan“ have been modal-med into two pleasant Thenvfllbetuped-lmechgohhc “II-lbw. Weddedy- "Ky wife lid Mm The Woman-Cone hand I‘ll yang-0d; ‘ '“Doyol know anything M d suteofmu'imyr'nhd til. ”at. "Well I goo-I Yet. man with the M‘ hit. Utah m ”an." mod the "l lived in Mm mmm‘m anwontheChiaco-Mflm Electric Railroad :1 RM. The W. wbomnuhe (m undo! meanwwwmthtdlw mangavcthéaignhom Warm-hinged“ threw Mn. Pimvhowuonthc nemw themwurhgberm NW Mlmaionthqh-dmnkfw “m! anmpI-bcmmmld W 0‘" lorlighlmdhtk. when “-30?!“- whom new for. not M MmPlemniugill Marthe Docs-’1 amundhimhwnuydh'fld' oumim‘ntyduemyhum Amukn that nation dun m nudyoverhdnhctlhunn Chit-I anthem-«Chuck bu usual in ”WGMMWW- hum ling» M Fdh. bati- called‘bauon madman”! «Ilium. Mini Van Younkiu. rho has been theguulfl‘. Gem-h sane-knot IMMWWW". Minnow: machined berg-nu my. 1in 1nd everyone enjoyed! W recent bench“. Mn. 1‘. E. Pienm. wife of 1'. E. Picnou Wot-thew: Shop. m-hhmsccidem Toedq.8¢pmr bcr7xh. whichuvndtheuc‘iunwhich llama Hut Picnohwcn cum» FoxL-hc. Mn. A. w. Fletcher. cited Poa- th.nlopunedchh» daybyDr.lapn. ”Merl!!! lud- needieinhcrfoot («36th The need}: an M M‘HIQ'“ resting My. thc'opentian hi" I musician: Mr. John F. R“ who has been. visiting Mr. ”1‘ Mn- ?rcd Sch-clef uni family. MWh‘l‘ri-ity Count: 'a.wuuu¢uu "mums-cm cinder Bryn-tricked: III-Inn “to-ob“. for ‘t drln would the any. of 3 var, an outing. Ir. in“ you w I good sodium ud‘ I ran! "m a. In. lam“ Ml Zion I‘d!“ by ”or 30.4“.“ who“ inflation M m lea-ring- Thc locum took-o In]! am Mr. Burge- hn born Invited to lat-n min In tho nou- Mun. I". W-. Dirge-spa u 1.9th- "Tho mu. Ild Blah-m" n flit Cily In: My mm. In ”It; Mi. Gum Hoien contained Mn. 1‘. E. Pienon Hm Lemuliondty Whig-Eric bed the

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