Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 26 Feb 1910, p. 1

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nit VOL XIV.” N 00 Milk and Ice Condition ,. ' I ’ In highland park m Report of B R. smith, professor of Chemi9try, to the Gity Council ‘Cue9-‘ day, fehruary 15‘, 1919] ’Chi9 1921 full report withthe exception of the 9t21tement 99 to the'percenté age of fat Kcontained, , in the . ~ different ‘ 9a1nple9 of milk. collected by Mr C. (11. ."Hldri-dgé for ex,â€" Mam‘ihation. " The (omit! xii Cn‘omks LAB. .\n. ‘ J 'x. Th’e number Oi l‘aClw'iil \ tlAl'lCSL‘Yid‘Ciy, hum a féw hundred to several million per cubic centimeter, depending on three 'fauorSi The age oijthe milk,- the, tempera- tme at which it is kept, and the cleanlitaess with. which it is handled. Now it is sup-‘ posed that these samples Were furnished lrom that morning's milk. if Stich was not the case, than the-dealer must plead guilty to fUTIIiSil‘ilfilgrUid miik. in no cz'tsé were the samples more than 7 hours old if the milk M’s Luke" lintn‘thc cow that so an abnormal number oi bacteria cannot lic‘cxplaincd. by tlié age ol the milk. The prevailing temperatnre forthe 38th of lien. Was} about 13 i”, and since bacteria multiply very slotily at or Leldwfthc freezing point the temperature cannot be restmiiiihlc tor ittrge numbets of bacteria in these milk samples; etcn‘it they wcic kept in inst-m room to: S-filhon'rs, for it is known that fr’gzh milk has a bactericidal eficct‘lnstizt; several huurslin which the n‘htnhers not only itttiruaaebut. actuallyhccteasc. it is Clear then that“ the temperature effect mity he diéiniissed lmm consideratimi. ’Sl‘hexc remains biitlthe last {actor to explain any'liigli‘lmctcria The number oi bacteria [9qu m the milk supply of other lm Illilzci are to determine the Quality of the-Sc Samples for the ' i “is to‘bc sun that No o lame morning. content. not the proper Lasis ol chinparison Conditions oi their production may be very diftetent. these samples :iio'w a :mail bacteria content, namely, the ill: and 13th... .Hf- these my it is also known that mnsiderable care is_gitcn tits milk as list“ l-rum co; ta niâ€" natiun as. possible bj’ brushing the CUWS, n'ioiatening l’ltt‘ uddcrs n it): a damp jClUliL, w 'tllilx‘ il‘unt-Ille‘ keeping the stablcs lt'cc 1mm dust at‘ muting time. rctmniing‘ t t_ . barn as aoon as dawn, and by scalding all milk commit. *t‘s‘fwitii boiling mutt. TH." lSth sample was tniicn iZUtll miik 'hdnd‘icd nith much. Lure. y'ljhis shmylc anicre good Conditions oLtAineti is colts‘i‘deI-cti to he a proper basis for ehmmrison. The Samples containing 10,000 or mun: baht-aria per cubic centimeter aft; urc- pared to: market under couclitions.tvhich can not he mummy. . i ' , . V . The kind othactcria present is important. so the jrrt'figrllifi types~7wefc s‘ttidied. The fourtusumptitc tests {mi the Bacillus coli wmnnmis ;\.\C'I: magic as it‘)iit)WS;"* LAB. No. Hana. m: . .\x.\t.\’stslnictt i Mate fr'r » . lzmut, '- vVn'. 1‘“. n\ YL‘K I4 , ' 7»- IS ' (â€") indicmcs a negative (esuit and( The resuns are fairiy conclusi doubtiul in NUS 1 and 5.1‘bc pies: alarm. [or it indicatestunlanulaatibn 'ltast, but not'ilahgeruus to m: “8.41! In drinking “met sine: that indicates and might also contain Olhcr germs 1 intestinal xracx of cows does not can found in me milk su the. presence of [U l I H 14 Q negamc result and HE) indicams a p”: are (air!) cunclqsiié for Ihc pus: i 1 and a. 'lhc presence of this prguxi iteshmlaxmnatibn bv.’ manure. wm zeruus w u c henhh of the rwnsun since that indicates lela|uiu31iuli \xain oxber germs that produce disa :uws does not contain palegeuic su the. presence of the coion baciiéu NORTH ;~ «41' bacteria irxAm litm‘us’ laémse hghf phie 'Uer‘mx.‘ a _ ‘ BACTERL‘. ‘ j ’ risk CUB. CM.‘ 1 1w (2.0. ' if A .59“? LII)” ' .. 53“) 14w ‘ ‘ ‘N . ' 10500 ’ - .l-W" â€" 9511,21 ‘ Hm ‘ V . Mm ' but.“ ' g- . 013m . 1.1m ‘ i ' '47“) 400 mm .mu .HM 4w 1w . ll)” -1\_M .1 . In JUL! NW HE!) 100 mu x. at; m-z uf rhe water In; human sewage ucc disease such as typhoid fever. Th: 1w genie bacteria which are not also :1 bacili us in mm: does not necessa'lr‘l) es 3 puma-e ‘re'sulx. 3_ ‘: prcscncé. at lhis-baciilus in No. ‘J, is pi'guiiislu is not to, be defined with ‘e, which is unsaninaryv to day the mnsumer. [gs presence is dangerous 420% 15100 H776 an film 1540) ...,H() \i. m (Enumas (misc 4n «"U 4‘} lu 1h: mi'k' {rum 1hr. ‘ lmiting .‘uwr 11c l'jhis samwe when: s was as Inflows. ‘NQ,0F Kxxns - fiigbland Dark, BL, Saturday, february :6, 19m make {hevmili innate hr human me. Tests we're not'made for the mew haciflus, typhoid bacillks. (-r dipl‘ncria harillus for a negative test would not necel' sarily dcmmJtréze their absence. 'Hu' {urnu-r is surely and “My detected by the innocyléxim tési and sfiuuldhc made mum every cuw giving 1!!“ka what He. ’l‘he’ oth’er’bficflfi mentioan gain access In milk by association with persons having‘ .1 disease Jnhhii mum; . ... 1 ,,~A_I Strict quaranfigig 0! such persons from a public fay those hating M' In charge. ‘Huwmr; the (m! ‘lhe spread 01 such dkenses is m imsteurizc the milk ”f 160. ','~._ ' ‘ Thelgllbwiri‘g bacteria were inuitd to be present: ‘A'cid typeo._ hamlets Strepméncws lactarius imsumplcs 1-15. Barillus aerogeues, in all except 2. 8.}l2. aftd '14. LiqueDing types, indicative of filth. l‘mteus group, putrelnctive. in 3, 8.: and I3. Baéillue coli Communis, in 0. Neutral typex. unimportant. Streptowccus‘ pyugenes'aureus; Streptowccus pyugcnes albus. Streptococcus pyugenel éitreus. ‘ : ' i «at TU LABORATORY suttt‘tus. ' No. 1. 1 titling x0. 2. Richards. Nu. 3, Smith Bros. No 4. Baker. Nu. 5} 'Zahnle. Nu. 1-. J‘. \‘ctter. .\'u. 7. C'arlesmt. No. R. Zieghler No. 'I. R. G‘. Tillman. No. It). john Mooney. No. . ll.‘ Chas. McNeill. No. 12 Murphy. No. 131 J. Hudson. No. 14. Shelton. No. 15. Hill. . Suntmary:â€"-Tlte worst that can be said regarding these samples is that same are filthy. and with theappmach of warm Weather they may become dangemus espec- ially to infants. such‘ samples are No's 3. 6. 8, 13. H. with Nu‘l 10 and I! not very much better. Dr. Evansnf Chicagu says, "That of the «In infant deaths in Chicago for the year fully um: hall’are caused by impure milk." Cleanliness M ‘such an impurtant loud as mill: is certainly a vital necessity. and steps Should be taken tn secure it. ‘lt is recommended that an ttupectiuu he made (iitlte cuttditions under which tltt’ milk ul Highland Park is produced and angles- tions‘nan be given to the dairgmen as to methuds'ol lumislting a more wholesome supply forthe public use. This should be carried Out in _a purelylriendly mum. though warning might be given ml a later examinatiun til the mill: supply at the thywhich tiiity he published. _ - 1 . . 'r I ,,,: .t ._- ... 4-.‘mnn'nnta' hi: shaft favcry i_rit_e|._igem milkman shauld welcume of traidp: in compeliliun Mxh _ulhe[s .1 n ,, - In" WW Mr Abdridge On )an ponds and look simples of me from the t lsyading pladurms Im {he edge of the ponds. represw’namq uf Ihc icc uf IlIc punds bc'cau A? SUI)” as the ite nIéiIed In due lalmralur} on agar mtdia II) dptcrIIIinc Ihc numbers I)! the III'IIst III the plans Were .uund to he pra Were examined from each pnnd. It “as II agree closely {IjI they “ere Iakcn from diffI Weber‘s pnnd . M Nmnbcr pcr cubic _ centimeter \V e be r. y~...-....-_,, (r ' u u' u 1 ‘0 (I No evidences 0! we baéillus Cl)“ communis‘ wcrc tound. Next, chemical tests (or sewagc were, made as {align/s:â€" ‘ ' - rims per million. ‘Muuhcy - > ' 3.00 a“, . ,. _ 3.10 2J0 The resuhs of the.examinaxionshow m cumamination by wage. The ten: mdicuxe as safr a wmer in the fee as the city water supply: The ice In den? .ex- cepx [or Email hard pica-s «If yegelahlc maul-r. like sawdust; ' . being excavated fur brick nfalérial. are artificial and have very Webcx‘s pond is not ovet‘ten Mt (mm the city to the west. Somé, drainage mist“ rad: the must of it flows to them and around These ponds, lime Izémml‘drainage into them. dump but me dflninage (rum it Rue: .‘xbuney's 1mm! [mm the Larnyard but the pond. V , h upptars rather unusugl’tlmt punds su near dwelling". hams .nd outbousel sly ma he in free hjum qrganic Matter. The we! [all uni-explain this paniIIIV be.- w'nf water um o'Hhesc basins. Then the gndul {tea- capse of me increased flu jug of the water mugs m-_vxclu‘dc dissolved solids. and other matter not floating on i Iver no mason why this ice shuuld rot be used. W3“; A the surfavgn Highland Park - N EWS . On Monday evening a birthday sqr- prise party ivas given in lmnqr ol Mrg. .R. '15. Winter. abuut ‘hiny friends [gambi- ed. All had ‘a jovial ltimc. ‘ . ‘Miss ilcicn Garnet dinner '1‘ucsdqy,.1he'2.l and iricnds from lhe “r: A. Marrisun of Kansas City. Ma, :5 Visiting his aunt, Mrs. \. L. Game“. Mrs Luau: ahd hcr_wn Rhymcmd Luv-en are in the South: . ' m'er '1ucsday,1he2 Jud fur her sister 6 iricnds from “It Umversuy of Chi- :0. Cums were laid (a: lcrlj. 15:. sample ‘1‘ SHORE - LETTE R a rather unuéuglflmt punds su mint dwellinii. ham: and onuhouse‘ Iréc hjum qrganic Matter. The wet [all uni-explain this punitlly be.- ncreaséd fiuw'nf water um OHhesc basins. Then the gradual {tea- er texds 1u~_vxclu‘de dissolved solidsand other matter not floating on i Icee 13:0 mason why this ice should Pol be used. L l’icspecdnity *submiued. Garnet! entertained? at Ch lurine. , l 54) 1.4“ samp‘x Rgspectluliy submitied. suns [mm a public milksupplv should be enlmccd ['Huucs en the only sure method 0! prevention 0‘ imteurizc the milk by heating it to a temperature Miss Ruth Helm 0( Chicago spent 1!. e week-end as the guest of Miss Ruth Ewing ul buuth St. John m cnuc. Mr. and Mn. Bencdid F. limmer M Chicago were’ the gums of Mr. and Mn. A. 13. Holabird (or the week-end. The Travel Club has been dinbandedzf lhe’last meeting nu held on Thundny at Ennla Gamm‘s house. -Thc Tau Sigma Chi mtiiy held I spread at the home of Miss Helen War nor of Belle avenue on Thundly alien'- tcrcsting leclutu at the Somme winner at Oak Park no In“ FI’I‘hv veiling. His topic was Our Native Wild I' love" )csse L. Smith delivered well hitin noun . if lu- wishes to command his share Organic matter by oxygen 2.6 ' H. R. SMITH, Chemist. ~ H R. SMITH. Chemist. 'I luv” { 3.0 .244: Mm HE mun. Wiflhui Mme: un- mfi §Ivcnu€ have dosed their house and u§ ‘p Claims: to: the nntcr month; Hi! jeuon- .. . M.C.l.eigh Fi er Jet-on - - - Ruben Pipe? 53! ‘ aniel Ridgly '- floodlit John-on B1;- R‘dgly - '- '- Forest Caul M." Mfiunvard - - Waiter Ward [)1 t» mum - - . amen cupp HZ ing - - - - mun-u Bock fg w - - - - Rob"! Belk' Ni - - - - ' “den Mum f Ridgly - erjurie Vcthcck Ge. rldiue - - - ’ - Mary Hollun cmoiuelle 'l'homi - Rachel )unet M. ' ‘producuon promises to he a good 0" pm! especinlly u some 0! “went ho: b had former experience in the Uni- vc ity phys “Eli: Home in Ovdu' is 01' $0! Shaw's must popular pimp. on ‘9pril 2nd. They Ii“ present Berna! Sh :- "Hi! lioutei n Order." The I Cl: 7 II (allows: Hi Jet-on - - . - M. C. Leigh FE er Jet-(m - - - Robert Pipe? 55! ‘ anie! Ridgly '- Dough! John-on By; Mduly - '- '- Fore-t Caul M:" “inward - - ther Ward u t» bum; - - . km“ 0.9» :"k Junior Class at Northvutem Uni vehy nré getting mdy lot their play a. ll vi" be gh an at Build: The“?! ‘. lhe \\"om.1n s Llub celebrated \) lshington' s binh day with a bi :riotic musical. I! was one of 12:9 most largely attended meet- ixj is ever held. guests coming fl m the North Shore towns. l The afternoon's. meeting In nflcr the dirccmm 0T MELW C. I] ldy who lurnished a very inter- (3 gin: and clever entertainmont. r the following program was giv- ; ‘ . Mts. Eddy. MIL Eddy responded with sev- J‘al beautiful encores. one a piece iritten and composed by Mrs. ’rank B. Green. . Mrs. :Green resumi'ded with: iwedish and Irish seIections of (Cf 0W0 COMPOSIIIOD. Levi!" ' The next mectiqg will be held March 8th. whcn Mrs. Gle'en of Chicago will speak on anti-satiet- Tb'c hostesses of the afternoon were Mrs P. B. Williams. Mn. Nocreuberg. Mrs. Kenning. Mrs. Hatbaugh. Mrs. A- ‘A. Putnam, Mm: John'l)uffy and Mn. Samuel ; It was one of the most pleasant Ind entertaining afternoon's ever tnj‘oyc‘d by the woman's club and zheit friends. ' Miss Brainard rendered Finder- Jaus- Waltzcr. and other sckcl- ons \cry beauliiully. I (I185 pugs. 0 Spring Song - - - Weil- )) Come to the Gatden Love-m 5 Salter. Mrs. Eddy .ano Soloâ€"Flccfcr-Maus-Wallzcr ; Miss Gladys Braiuard padinrâ€"Mrs. Casey and the ’ Beauty Dru Autumn - - -4 Salter. Dry those Tearsr Teresa Del 55 Rigo. . §_ A Birth Day » Cowen f3. Eddy - -. Reading :izab'eth M Gilder, - ' Practical Mirandy. Mrs. Frank H. Green ,'y heart at Thy Dear Voice-Saint Scans. ye regular weeklv dancing 1m held a the Highland Park CIub an he'd" alumna. - ‘ Mrs.Grccn Irene Stoddard Capwcll. Womans' Club. 96¢!!qu

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