L tor diver... 0"†a mum: in“ 30 " a a mum. for nor" Fm Attorney caper-l I“ Moe! mm m I“ â€.0 all for the nodal it'll- rovidod to! a. mm 0‘ hr the Instruction cl "IV in Institutes. n was not. u m an; chm mood 6|“. . ml the police and probably In and»: ' :1 our W the r clothill. Nmm' ad turned In :- mtg: _ J :5 nu. market-l6 theSevora‘l‘I-ul'ï¬ Lad her to m 3'â€. lunch-actor†wmhn M u manual“! (mud-(him, ‘lhullllom‘ mamas-w Hummus-cl. m,mw.w at the Alan 1700 the loss of lb m r accidont. M lb ‘ crushed m nhavcnmeuulii mo. noun: flbytlo all d 3 mom-r. d hot-c Spmsfldd n- mo mall-IQ“! brick would u w_’ Ml 106 unit I... I. The Willi’m H. MIHCI’ house on East Central avenue has been rented fnrrthe summer season to Fran/1? Bradley 0t Chicago. Miss‘ Maijufv 'Small In xcheun on Saturday Mrs Lucian \hlliams- of Highland Park was hostess to sixty yu'xng women at luncheon at the Woman 5 Athletic club Monday The affair was gixcn in- honor of miss Bessie Langwonhy. : . ,On Sbnday evening Andrew Sistonish, who was returning (mm Chicago. fell be- tIIecn the wheels of the train and was in- mmly killed. Mrs. Gamma! Burlington, ‘Iowa. and Mi'ss Ncni‘e. Key oi Kansas City, Mo., have been visiting their cousins,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller and Mrs. Pratt. ' Mn, and Mrs. W. A. Alexande Mrs. Gertrude Carlyle returned on day from Florida where they have for the pan khree weeks. ‘ Mrs. Morse and Ma‘ lug: reception 0n Tues honor of Mrs. Tillman, ‘ hunt bride. Mrs. J. l is u bridc. poured. T were very elaborate, spring blossoms. Two tations were issued. Dom forget the. “Pink Dominoes"- Ruinia Theatte. AprTF29. Tickets a 0a sale at Sch'umacher‘s Drug stove. The wedding of Miss Ethel Bucking- ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs_. John Mï¬ngham oi the Moraine and William Sanders Elliott 0! Chicago, has been set forJuno 4th at Trinity Church. Follow- "‘3 the ceremony a reception will be held I’- " 'Ledgemere" the home of Miss Buck- “than! a uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs K 3. Gregory. ‘ Miss Hélen Coale has he of Miss Elizabeth McCrystal ville duving the past _week. We are glad to note that Mrs. D J Baker. who has been seriously ill, is im- proving. Biuff Orphaï¬age at Lake Forest Presby- terian church, Tuesday at a luncheon The tickets are a!re‘hdy\or\ sale for the come" séason at Ravinia Park. Ten pg: cent 0! the tickets sold belure the opeir ing 0! the Pa]: WI“ be given to Gad; Hill beneht. " ' The proposed west sidepark in mini~ “We size has been auractively and clever- ly laid out in Samuel Levin’s window The George Bryant house rented Eur the summer months. for served by the churches Wiilian; and Hamilton Paiten are home for lheirEaster vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Iessup are Building ant-active bungaiow on Beach street. Over HOOJJO was raised for the Lake rs. Browcr who has been in the South several months has retuljned to the ï¬iébland p} r k he and Ma'. Morse gave a on On Tuessny 'evening in l. Tillman, Fort Sheridan's Mrs. .1. Prnyn who also poured. The decorations elaborate, consisting of arm. Two hundred invig W. A. Alexander ‘ and Eis been the guen Crystal of Liberty- of Lake Forest NOPQI‘H SHOE E NEWS- LETTE R entertéined 'at d on Tuesâ€" have been has been and 'Mrs. Priese and her moth McCune are emoying a trip Mrs. George Campbell, president of the Highland Park Women's (Elub, has been, elected a» delegate to the General Federation of Women‘s Clubs, which will meet in Cincinnati in May. Mrs. Bird Holabird. Mrs.. In J. Geer and MissAmy Holabird were also chosen for the convention,. . be held at the Lincoln SchOuI April 16th. 1910. forms purpose of. voting fur'sBoal-d of Education, to consist of i. President and-six members. The polls open at 2 o'clock p. m., and close at 4 o‘c!ock p. In, of the same dav * . ~Tlie last regular meeting (if the High- land Park Woman's Club took place on Tuesday afternbon. It was “Philanthropy Day" and Dr. I. D. O’Neil had been ex- pected to address the Club but owing to a misunderstanding he did not come. The afternoon was turned over to the members and music was furnished ‘by Mrs. Watson. pianist and; Misses Lillian Burgess and Alice Evans sang. Mrs. Frank B. Green recited some very clever rhings which she composed. The nomina- tion ticket read by Mrs. 0. Olesen was as follows: President. Mrs. George Campbell: lst Vice Pres.. Mrs. Roberts; 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. Holabird': Record‘ ing Sec., Miss Amy Hulabird; Corres- ponding Sec, MFs. Olesen. Miss Coale; Board of Directors, Mrs. Griswold. Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. Vivian, Mrs. Turpin. The services at the Baptist Church on Simday will be conducted by Mr‘. Clifford Uroover of the University of Chicago who will speak at. both ser-- vices. in the morning his subject will be “The Eternal Life." In the even- ing he will speak on the “Jqurney ‘Intb The Far Country." , Pupils of the Deerï¬eld Township High School, appeared m a one act play en- titled “A Straw Man" in the auditorium of the school, St. John's and. Vine ave- nueï¬. ‘iast Friday night The production “as one in which some of the tricks that are pla\ ed on April Fo9l's day were bur- lesquetl In addition to the play there was a Concert by the Glee Club of the schOol. The proceeds of the affair will go I“): High School Athleti c Associa- tidn and the school paper. Some of the" young men and women who took part in the entertainment werelâ€"Miss Ruth King and Mary Sedgwick, ,William An- dersOn, Merle Ttbln’tts, Alexduder Duty, Murry Moon, Edward Atteridgr, Henry Schauffer, lrwin Plagge, Percy Prior, Douglas Hoffman, Roland Brand. Frederick \Vatslon, Howard Williams. Walter Schaï¬er, Howard Shields and Raymund Barker. Major B C. Morse is on an insPection xour throughout lllinoar. Mrs. Marshall Sampseil. Mrs. Thomas Clcmc-nte. Mrs. Eugene E. Andrews. Mrs: Richard I". Peytnnjr, and Mrs. Guy Dickinson 'cntertairied 160 wnmen at luncheon at the Exmuor Country club Monday afternoon. All yhe corners oi the dinning room which ient themselves to decorations were. ï¬lled With spring flowers (and the tables carried the same flowers. 80 arranged as 10' give the ap- pearance ol growmg in their improvised beds. Laiér the guests played cards and listened to an informal prourarn. ‘ Lient. G. C- Diétrict No." 108' School Election, to DEERFIELD PUPILS IN ' PLAY. . Straw Man" Is Presented By‘High School Students. SCHOOL ELECTION. Shaw is in Washington Eigbland Darla, LIL, Sammy, HP?“ 9, Women of High“ perk Church Mrs. E. S. McNichole entertained the Ladies Guild of the Highland Park Baptist Church at her home at Lake Bluï¬ Thursday afternoon. A sociable hour was spent and refreshments were served. Among those present were Mi“ Kathrine Muller, Mn. S Lth. Mlle Gust Maerklin. Mrs. B. Muller. Mn. M. Alford, Mrs. A. 5. Butler. Mr: C. E' Thompson, Mrs. H. M. Prior. Mn. 3. N. Skidmore. Mrs. W McNanley. Mien Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Sampaell, and Mra John Glass constitute the committee to look after the streets. Mrs. Curtis, Mn. Drum and Mrs. Richard Peyton Jr. are the committee on ï¬nance. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. .Thomas Clements. and Mrs. Sam- psell are in charge of the parka. park- ways, and vacant Iota- Mn. Drum. Mrs. George Mason, and Fritz Bahr make up the committee on mnnicipalaction and ordinances. Miss Everettand Mrs. How- ard Wrenn are'in charge of sanitation and smoke, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Yoe. and Col. McCauley are the committee on sprinkling. N111.~ E. S. McNicholl II Hone“ to ENTERTAINS FOR .HL-Ien wumiu and Miss Rena Brawn. Mrs. Franklin B. Haney is tho,presi- dent of thq association, and the directors. from which list the ofï¬cers are chosen are Mrs. Marshall Sampsell, Mn. John Curtis, Mn. Ira Gcer.‘ Mrs. Eugene Bournique. Mrs. A.. L. Drum. Mrs. J. B. Smith. Lucien Yoe Miss Adelé Everett, Mrs. McGregur Adams. ,a_nd E. I. Andrews. Mnnnzns or rm: connmnzs. -Mrs. Geer is the tint vice president 0! the association. M in ‘Adams is the second vice president, Miss Everett is the lee- retary, and Mrs. Drum is the treasurer.- Nine women and two men received the notiï¬cation yesterday that they are A corporation under the statutes of Illinois. and the ivomen, to whom ï¬rst hand ac- quaintance with legal terms is a new ex- perience. are now composing letter heads bearing the words, â€The Highland Park Improvement association. Not lor the ï¬nancial proï¬t.†Committees have been appointed. each under the chairmanship of one of the dir- ectors. .and these 90mmittees have special bran‘chez oi the work for which they are personally responsible. The committee on" membership has started to mlici; members and hopes before the spring is far advanced to have 200 or 300 In :he asswiation. ‘Following the scheme in use in Hyde Park, there will be two repositories kept for reluse from the house. One will be fer'the waste from the kitchen. a'nd the other for papers and other scraps. And by wsy of discipline in orderliness to the well to do housewives of the suburb when a scrap of paper is depodted by mistake in the pail devoted {to the leavings of meat and potatoes. the gentlemsnly col- lector ol these will pick up said scrap of paper. carry it-to the back door. ring the bell. ask to see the “lady oithe house." abd point out to her her oï¬ence ,sgainst civic decorum. At lesst this is the system which has been tised in Hyde Park in spite of loud protests from the residents. Highland ‘Parkâ€"eemcially the women, have voted our village "a dirty place" and have incorporated themselves into n bodyto give it a house cleaning and see “at it is kept‘ neat and orderly. MUST 1:an rut s't'nlm CLW. There is a Committee on parks. park- ways and vacant lots. and a committee to look after the two men who are hired to go around with wagons and pick up the candy bags and apple cores distribut- ed by the young sons of this well to do community. Streets and Alleys Will Be Mani- cured Daily Under Criti- cal Supervision. STRICT RULES LAID OUT| Highland Park Improvement As! sociation Is Incorporated Un- der State Law. . ‘ Josephine. Mr. lnntan has engaged in business in our city lot some‘yean. but for many years. wee employed with the 1Daily News in Chicago. He toiled in- cessantly and unwearedly [or his loved ones these many vests. The past year his strength seemed on the wane. but he followed his chosen occupation with un- remitting devotion until netm called s complete halt. He desired earnestly to get well am" still lashes In! his iamily. but our Father thought othetwise. The departed was a kid and indulgent husband and father and I attach respect- ed neighbor and (ï¬end. He loved hi home devotedly. It was the chief de- light oi his beast and the anchorage 0‘ his life. The gay itisol'lies of the vosld weighed nothing in his “inflict! m- psredwiththerestsndlovethateatne to him in h'Ihome. Thu hemmed the quiet, even tenor 0! his way u ï¬â€˜ wegb 3.0 when di'oeue ‘â€"_â€"‘ â€"~~ , a; uni; ago when disease Ud Him low. Three weeks Inter in we! removed lat special treatment to the W0 WinChiugo. but his ailment .m- beyond the tad: of earthly help. '8‘ my much uttering camel! 0“ 0‘ thi- me loom ah I! m â€M Charles 'Withington lumen VII born in Janesville. Winonsln. June 8.. 1855. the ion of Peter and Elizabeth Imam. He WM reared in his native community. and when seventeen year: of age. came with hi! parents to Highland Perk. Ill. Here the departed made his home {or the rest Mini-days. Her-calm be m married july 2| 1880 to Catherine M. Rechemuid. 'mlree chiSdr'en Nested their union. They are Mn. Maud Hatter trad Herbert and Aftef Mr. Whiting'e denth his tomI dc aided to have his remains whh those of his wife who hnd died two yearn below. moved to Fort Shecidan‘ lot ï¬nal inter- ment. Mr. Whiting hid I thomuglu military funeral. and no carried to his last resting place upon the army caiuon covered with the Stan and Stn‘pee under which he Iervod .0 long and inithiully The body was laid to rest by the tide of his hithlul helpmeet end a more in- pressive ceremony could not be imggined than the double burial 0! two such hon- ored and respected. people no My. and Mn. Ednrd Whiting. Last Wednesday the 6th inst. saw the interment oi one ol the noblest of men in the person oi the lete Edward Whiting. Commissary 3“. U. S. A.. retired. ‘ Alter serving his country continuously (ram 1864 to 1897 in aetive service. he retired as Commissary Sergeant at For Sheridan, Illinois. accepted a posiuon as a'Clerlr tn the Civil Service and was or- dered to Springï¬eld' In Will to muster in volunteers for the Spanish A'mericsn war. At the ~ close of the wsr he use again called to muster out the same "was- He was sent from Fort‘Sheridan to Sa- vannah. Georgia. South Frantinghant, Mass. Manila, P. L, San Francisco. 01.. and Omaha, Net». where he was station- ed at the time of his death on April lst. of this year. All this time he was either Chiel Clerk or assistant Chief Clerk in the Commissary Department. On Sunday. March 27th. he was stricken with pneumonia and lingered until Friday. April'lst, his twosons F. J. and F. N were with him to the last. his eldest son. E. I. bein‘ called from Fort Sheridan where he still resides. We wish to extend our time" c‘uuh ‘0 our friends and neighbor! [or the kind- neu nnd sympathy shown us In our re- cent bereavement. (Signed) Mr. and Mn. E. J. Whiting. Mr. and Mn. F. N. Whiting. Charles Withington Inman. Their mnny friends and comrades will miss them ‘lor theft kindness and gen- '1‘th are enjoying the rut they no richlydmrve.1'breeoon'lnrvlvetbem. LLIndF. N atFonShcl-idan md C. THE END OF A REMARK- ABLE CAREER. CARD OF THANKS. 19m. “at l Cu; inMoon. wee L memnu Mendidi Ind You»: «at u h . days at Dehï¬eld. Whoomin. L‘ ut. Howl-v10 noon gob; to Letemwonhlotcnnbnionbtm T ' DUR ABROAD PLANNED "'e (in: band concert china-no- " pvenutFon Sheridan byfluflth [ninja-y Band Friday “mm. A pl; hmhubeenenMuouodwflch an pber othenchuhnhecnphced. It}, Wmhoflmmhlr dag mmuntilthcenddAlm 0', (Ii m; pa an ha 6: ‘ panyol Highland Puk’peoplc m uniqmgtuqud the Inner put 0! - month with the idea of akin; apart- :vllin Paris [of the autism Inuit Viv will be Mn. Gangs. Em . her daughm. Ilia-Haul Endog- :s. In.» Mary W. Cunt and he! 2 Met. Mi- PM". Carver. milk ln_ wand MbCurvermgdn'Ibmd to musical studies. The halo of In E- ringlum In Highhnd Park u: do m :d by ï¬reashon tine ago-Mall th. whddudm CM m loo Sinugluen Mu. Emu. all he daughter have ban the mo! M»: Alexander F- Skvemon in LI 3. ' â€venue. Chiago. ‘ 1" ’outdooroomcm' A" lbenm’oonurd clublut'l‘uuthv itch 28, I910. Thebodvm booths :kaothehomehelqved lo’ I.“ In: cod-y caning. He Chen yï¬ow and three lady banned ldnn. bedde- fout button“ not or. who are the “brimâ€"W l-Efl‘ (nmn of Chicago. Waits; [pr n of Ravens-nod. Paar Inn. of 3 Angela. Col.. and Mn. En Ste-rod Wogduock. lll. Helene. aluomny er relatives 1nd friends to mourn hit me. A: to In: itiner soul lilo and relation to Almighty bad we are un- empnxnmcc. Noneoluanjodgc ï¬vurdclubmetuthemdlfl. IolukeForut. ‘ n may have won hthcinner may .0! his owl. especially in the gin: day- of his unhlv can't- W. N hi! with in the hand: 0! Him who I: 5!. ‘vho viu judge a rightm, Mue- ‘n in that day when the necrctol can P: will be judged according to the pel o! JeimClu-iut. The family. hue tender sympathy o! the cow, heir behave-tent. nod the unveil 0‘ w that thin norm my redound no r Ipiï¬tual well being ‘0! time and "Sheridan Helga Spend Summer m I’m-is. andeB. 1' M01“ theweekcodudnmdm. u A. 3.8010“. gMyCueeWuobo-I- Kyon'l‘nudavcunhg. lshavebecnteceind My deaptBl‘flun-IIM led: Mmmdw nod Nu. Fumbles-non“. innh‘nllmbein'cwdvdyno bdinthemh. priuflowto