Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 14 May 1910, p. 1

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Ind ka. oases. 325. ‘35 ‘9‘ “ furnished. from a” h N. A. manage. Bldg. Office M3“ »Q 2532- ~Cho'cc offices in 0.0 : banding. mimic ciao- fipd Lawns. i glut}, lean M *3" Apply at Iht EN mAvocx. R Furnished rooms will use of telephonc. ~AD' '31:". 344 w. Cent-Ill .a Pnk. 11-“ I} ' i pfiveéiu APP” at Road. Mu A. mu. 1‘ and Shingk! _ Green room may... ,3“ rod-slat .nd RENT Lds. Wu: F1 ”l!- The pastor will preach Sabbath morn- -' on Ihe 'subieCt 0! “Panda“, the rch's Heritage” l. ' , ’ln xhe evening the Mission Band will give their annual program, which wili prove interesting, and ail are. invited w attend these services. ‘ I ,‘The 03d John V._ Hair-residefice that stood on the Railroad ' Men's hoéne gmnds on Beach 'slreet, is ‘being tdrn darn. All the mén being quanered in thei: beautiful new home. ‘ Fletcher Seymour's replaces the_hum'cd o pletion- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hatcly are'iiv- in: in the Park, lor the summer. Mr. A. L. Moore 0| has rented his house months tub Mandel < Chicago- Min Grace Mihills who as "3|"an a; lichael Reese hospital, Chicago, spent Sundaywnhher Ialherand moiher, Mr. anerp. M. A. Mihills 0! Forest avenue. need of an? thing by any means [0 Ried’s lce Cream .Lymhn Prior gave a recital at the Music 9':th of Northwestern University, Human, oh Friday evening. He was mined by Miss lrene Carroll, pianist Mr. Prior graduates from the school of music um year. / u .Mr. M. A Milli”: is in abusiness trip. ‘ The fine two Story store and flat build- in: to be crecteg‘l on the site will make a [flat additinn to our business section. The manv friends nf Helen Bill will be glad to hear that she is successfully ’Ieeoveting from her recent illness. Mrs. Hill and Helen expects to return to the Park in the near luture. ' " Nu. George B.»Cummings entertained metal {fiends on Tuesday afternoon- By the way, are you in need 0! I 931! shoes or would you like your 0,16 out: half-souled, if so, call on Mr. John Kline 1st door east of Erskine‘s Bank. . Cam's N. Kimball has bought the old Fairviev aubdhisiun west of Green Bay M adjoining the present Kimball es- The bridge club- met on Tuesany after- IIM a} me home of Mrs. Prindevillg on m Laird avenue. ‘ “ill Helen Cody of Oak Park, was the [nest of her cousin, Miss Mary Wick on Sunday. ‘1 y". Lamborn of North Sheridan road. In British Columbia for several weeks. Don't hi! to can on‘Mr. Dale Sweet- ndour west side druggist when in mi of anj thing‘in his line, and don’t vanv means [(51ch 10 try Thompsnn United ~ evangelical L. Moore Mihills who is trainihg at No. 20 No TH NE%S-i s n‘ew house which one is nearing com- of Ravine avenue. ‘se for' xhe summer .I of Mandel ”(9.9-- New York on â€"IIIIIIIIIIIIIII BRIDGE fHLLS (OICD ROHR With a crash that Was heard for al- most a‘ mile a. wooden 'bridge across the ravine on Sheridan mad. Highland Park, near the county line collapsed Wednesday afternoon.. A u wagon h, avily loaded with lumber had cross- ed the bridge when with-out warning it gave way. The noise made by the collapse of the structure caused the horses to start back and the wagon narrowly ‘ encased » being thrown into; the ravine. ,The bridge was probibly‘ one of the most used in the suburb. Tretfic was severely handicapped by the falling of the bridge. Teomsters and automobiles have to make a de- tour of more than a mile now to cross the county) line. Mr. Peabody of Chicago, as the guest uf Highland over the week end. Miss Mildred Coale spent the week end as the guest of Miss ‘Grace Johnson uI Chicago. Mrs. Lefler whu' has been is much improved. Mr. Stoker has sold his house to Mr. Whne. ‘ Don‘t go to Chicago to purchase your Drv Goods, Notions c., when you can save care fare and a little over by dealâ€" ing with Chas. Warren 'Co. ‘ La’me Allan cottage on was purchasgd‘ by Mr. edétimo it. The lames Sheridan road Montgomery who has mov dren who have been ill The Faxon chi! better and at: out with scarlet fever, are of quari’antine. . mum park Structure Collapoce‘just as «139011 Chars it ' - fl'he cadets wen: It later part0! the week. speecn 0N tempeRHNce. Ye friends of moderation, who think a reformation. Or moral renovation, would beiiefit our nation; \th deem intoxication; with all its dissipation. In every rank and station. the cause of degradation. Of which yonr observation, give: daily demonstration Who see the ruination, distresq, and desolation, The open violation of moral abiligation', The wretched habitation iiithottt accommodation, Or any regulation {or common fisustentation, A-scene oi deprivationiunequjlled in creation:â€" The frequent desecration cl S bbath ordinationâ€"'- The crime,and depredation! defying legislation- The awful prnia’nation of common canversationâ€" The mental aberration and dire infatuation. With every sad gradation, to maniac desperation. Ye who; witli consternation. fibehold this devastélion. And utter condemnation, on all inebriation, Why Sanction its duration? or show disapprobation Of any combinaxinn _for its extermination? Ve deem a declaration that ‘ofl'ers no temptation By any palliation of its abomination, The only sure foundation for ii: utter extirpation: And under this pérsuasion. hold nocommunication With noxious emanation «It br‘cwer s fermentation, Or poisonous preparation of sfitrit' s distilhtion, Nor any vain libation producing stimulation. To (his determination. we call considerafion; And wixhout hesitatiun, invite co-ope’nfion; Not doubting imitation ij raise your estimatiun, And. by continuation, affurd ygou consdlafion: For, in'partic'pation with its asaociation! : . You may. by meditation. insure the pfelerution Of a future generation from 3“ contamination. ’ And may each indication 0! such reggneration, Be the theme 0! exultatiuw, till it; rinal Consummation. BY REV. ]. N. HULME their is Biuom street spent Sunday Park lriends serious” in camp the DHRENCS VIEW WORK Inspection field in Schools Work done by the pupils of the Elm Place Grammar Schnol. was on in- spection at a meeting of the Elm ‘ Place Divisiori of the Parents and Teachers' Associatioo held in the auditorium of the school yesterdav evening. The meeting 5' arted at 7: 30 o‘clock and for one hour parents viewed the werk done by their children during the year. After which there was a musical programme and ex. ercises by the pupils. Professor Wm. B. Owen, head oi the Chicago Normal School was the principal speaker of the Whirl park, ‘11., Saturday, May 14, 1910. evening. His al" Problems." The many friends of Miss Grace Huw- ell ‘ were shocked to hear of her death last ,week. The funeral services were , The .Re'liable Laundry. It i worth while for us to past any in regard to this firm, as j iI name of doing the ve_ry best of l-Hs ‘w--.. v held at the home uf her brother, Mr. Harry Howell of Wellingmn Place. Dr. P. C. Wolcott readinglhe service. The body was taken to Battle Creek. Michi- gan for buriai Mrs. Frank 8 Green had as her guests her sisters, Mrs. Frank Carlson and Dr Freda Baker of Chicago and Evanston Col. II. P. Davidson's nruwc new home on- Rsviue venue, is completed and Col Dtvid son is moving into it. - Mr. C. E. Schuufler returned Tuesday from Duiuth where he been on a business trip. _ The manger: of the Genenl Electric company of Chicago. held their qurt- erly meeiing ut the Moraine Hotel several duys this week. ' Miss Edith-r Mokim of Baltimore. is the guest 0! her broiher. Mr. Morrison and family of Lincoln Place. Imus CONTINUED 0!! PAGE His sdbject“‘Somc Education- P. Davidson's artistic new ' SHONE LETTER [ , It is hardly Iany remarks as :it has the :n of Ni: Highland Put. III. Mty 3, I910. To Tm; HONORABLE ran Cu-v Councu. or uni Cm o: Hmuuwn Put AND 1'0 uv FzLLow Clnzus: ' -Perhapa the meet important hem ol legislation enacted during the past year was the creation oi the Department at Fublic Works; Although at the time of its creation it may have been regarded by some as an unnecessary venture trout which the city would receive small bene- fit, it itnow generally conceded to be an abeolute necessity, indispensable to the gmth and advancement of the city. and vitallv important to the welfare of every ciIizen interested' In in progress. Highland Park is a progresaive and a growing city. Rules of government formerly considered adequate are rapid- ly becdming inadequate and ineflectunl New and changing conditions demand Ihe adoption of modern melhuda and the enactment of appropriate legitlation. wiIhout which we cannot hope to main- tain our ition among theeohmuni- tie: of ur clan. We? should therelore welcome new suggestions in legislation, careiully'selecfing, however. only such changes as will best serve ourown needs. The vote upon the three bond issues submitted tn the totem at the election of April 19. I910. bespeake the people' a confidence in the honesty. integrity and ability of the oflicera to whom they have intrusted the management of their muni- mpal aflain. We are grateful for this mark of appreciation and shall endeavor by bur handling of these (and: to merit in continuance. With nu intention of disparaging the achievements of any further council, but in a spirit of fairness and justice to the members ol the council that has just ad- journed, it is due them to say that the work accomplished during the put year willmeasure up well and Compare tsvor- ably with that of any year that has pre- ceded it. An examinatiun of the reports of the City Clerk and Commisioner of Public Works will demonstrate the truth of this statement. ‘ t' Former Mayor: of- the city in present- ing their annual message to the Council hate felt obliged to summarize the achievements of the year that has past. l do-not regard it necessary to foillow this custom further than briefly‘ to outline the work performed by the different depart- ments. '4‘ he information now. submitted will henceforth be supplied by the Com- missioner of Public Works more fully and more accurately than it could be done. I want to assure the member: of this Council that they need have no hesitancy in applying to that officer for Lany Information they may desire. Every one who cares-to use ‘common sense and‘teaeon will admit thet the ex- penses of conducting ‘any thriving and suc'cessfu‘l bunines: must of necejuity in- crease u the volume of ‘ en in- creases. This is no less mp1" able to the aflairs of a growing city tMn it in to a private enterprise. and this trulh should be driven home with emphasis \irhenever unfair comparisons designed. to excite public prejudice are restored t0, . At the beginning ol last year' the nd-i ministration faced a diticult problem in! the unsafe condition oi a number oi the city bridges. Realizing the danger. of delay in such a‘ matter the repair work was promptly taken up by the Street De- partment tinder the directional the street and alley committee and w‘th‘ [ratifying resuults. In the meantime no other work of that department waé neglected. Dirt and reins: were removed from the streets and catchbasins. sidewalks were repair- ed, grass was rut in parks and parkway! and all that could reasonably beexpeoted was done. 3 1 We expect during the termini vear to replace a number of old wooded bridge: with new concrete structures mil by con- tinuing this plan the tmuhl 'e bridge problem will within a few yeanbeeolved [or-all time. ‘ L The beneficial results tron MHYOR’S HNNUHL I“ 656366. Tommgn q‘ Firm Tawiabnoui hem ineveryvhenmnir teeter-due l vac-tend urge in we whether and urge "the hu Not Ihmld a oat eithet a ( In this con «mint joy th the recentlv rhenever Me. We also din: of widet med-van. 1 pavemint be bum Hidi- rbou'a'well mile gum. tction we hail vitlt not.» nuisance mind I. by organized Highland Park lmpmvemeai minim. While their priuchnl on! cil the city cw;1 usietinu they: meet spriutié poucloimu’ commended i The Wat usual. In hitch «din: during the n Iv increuam meat. Ind : to othet to lumish then u. to they: : provemen'o‘ 'receive nu provision l supply oi Cd biioflld bei den :t is to mitt the citv enun- Luci: mm reciprocate by ”oration. "The Intel: oi ta alone, which they pm- iI dawning of the higher! 1 and WI!- Works Department bu. a 3! in business without a pi‘hlv nthhctory manner. 3 new intake has been ne- e look [or in completion ml: of ulv lheconltent- upuu thil depart- 2 possible supply of outer ‘ne now appealing to In to I'llh water. timid awaken tcensity of additional im- Mchin any event must noon lion. Aueoou n poeeihle tuld he mode (or I larger 'e. the capacity 3! the Cell lcreaoed and a new pump cil the city 6 :1; “listing they urea spriutfi pose Io inm’f cmmpendalfi In Ibis con strain! jay th the recently: lmpmvcmak ptiuchnl oh? sumed and during me n Iv incunim went. and r to «he: to tarnish then as to the. . provemen'ajt receive an provision I supplv 0‘ cf should be: and boilcr‘ Ilium imprc department 0! gelficuem: minds Iipo'; One other 1 that should is the mix Inter. Wt lion and co hecnuse no aly aflecul . maule- Our Fire equipment date innitu all; and r: vice. Son? apuble (or as quickly would be a cal engine the efficiet or a eimila meet with many pub'. To neg L De; anmec require an can here? Ill; work I pulsed re The eeptic In: lhe ca wine. In end ll now Commieeil in; to inn Icplic u: will ineure with tanks rence-ol e The tank $4000.00: he built 1! of this tn will be ! before it a Of the neccmry their duty by their 5 tom tlm that sum their sen: duty h In Erskine In the convey v the emit m [or guided o to a poti’ PAGE. ! my lha‘ went an u long I hoald be instilled. With Emeuu convicted our rate: will have reached I degree ‘ widen: to meet all do It [or many van to come. hture o! the wet qua'uon :hceive our seu’om attention ion for I better quality 0! flunk! encourage this agin- iidet the umuon «wally (her single question Io vial- : health and welfare oi our W1, .1 am sure. wil' e approval and -euppott of spirited citiaena. :h the activities of the SW during the past year would : mace and than time than allottedjoit.’ Briefly“ lever district “F" ll bait; idly along to completion. ant/n district "".A which te of tome complaint but been thoroughly overhauled working utifactorily. The era! Public Work! 5 prepar-j mate a system ot inspecting ‘ I at regular interval!- Thin ahe pmper maintenance at tnd will prevent the reclu- filar contplainta in the bum; in district “C". (or which ndl are to be finned. Md mce. With the installation all the tetverue of our city tjecu-d to a puritying prou- ten the lake. ’olice Department it h on" J say thatits memberl ruliu o the public and have Mn :ivity their willingneaa to per- uty. One particular W to the" credtt and dear"- te attempted mpbery of the ant. That alefi' “twat. cl dutt' when perform oi t needed. ' \ non 0! our present. Chy Alf have a worthy m to It lawyer and [m who 't many year! t”: fight“ destinies through mammal- KST COLUMN- nofucufiw. Luann" cl “in the eficiency and dig- clunéleriud our III doom. r Ir. Sm will be can“ the present able rm 1.- or needs should be installed n posiiblc. Perhtpl Q viable to purchase a cheat- hid: would study hen-c (of the department. 11h Deplnment. while lacking h gceonry to make it u: up.» m. has responded to may adered much valuable ur- systcm of fire glam)- rd- Wflowte

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