Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 14 May 1910, p. 5

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mbll in 4111‘!“- do: now. L5 - Latte, N safe ”f“ for off Suburiffl'": ‘Tbe a new m 30.; 0096: g, lira-Gib ,Q'Whmfl ”I...“ n ,; MAIL 83‘ 110:. ID". your flaw" "7 ah ' nu 'â€" gm.” Conni- 9.00.. m. 30‘ ml. clues-a - Sbore: happcngllfi Routi- m “; 6:5: I. g , “GP- -. 3sz p. ‘ 5-21 62“" a Park 11¢ WI Nortk Highland Park N E W S - mains in charge of it. , g _ . . , " Anna: ago the... Hifih‘ififi’ark Ens; Parklfitrict was' 017351126391. The (fig m embracc’é £hd$icun¢fgq~gg§3 tbifd’ Y’fw'é‘frho district is guvemedfiy five Winners, W. C.. Lg.“ ivmhjem .1! the board. ()nzy such strgetsgand' public parks as are turned over t0 $01!! by the citv, pass under'their jurisdicfioh. So far the -cilv has turned ’over Ravine avénue. and the final! public park at the {out of Ravine 5in} no pavement of 12..“ street wilt he done by the city, whereupon the cofitrol of the rstrccl will‘ bewme practiéafly complete in the cnbmiss’oners; Ravine avenue when, péwd and made intoa boulevard “Ll he mic of the most beautié flu! and pictureSque Tstreets in our citv. Befure cnzicwding let me cail'yout at- tention h) u: w or!“ uireforms that come to mind an (1 “hi ch! hépé wilt réce'ive your consideration during the coming year. _} Much u! the beau“: of our c (y park ‘ ways is disfigured by unsighllv poles These poles are an eyesore :0 our peep '.e and a detrimr m m our city: Let us 867?. opt same nlt'jglfi y! banishing lbermir‘dm uur Community , ' ‘ Let us no! we: ‘uok the promisg than has been made by xhe uflicials (if the Chicago and Nqnhwestern Railway Co. , lo construct a new and wider Subway at Laurel avenue sufficiem' tu handle the traffic at thax point ( . H- “e shuu'd als» appeaL to the com- pany lo consider the cmulition suIrmuud- ‘ ing then freight depot and see if we can nut pursuade the Company to lremed‘ that situalinn. ; ' And nnally let us all put..- 01.111511me :0 lhe wheel and work togethcrjn unison md harmony for all that fines 10' mt: Htghlaml Park a place of rest and re finemcm‘ and of quiet contehtr‘d‘hUmES‘i Respectfully submitted Edmouds D63_ ha,"- rcturned 2c i'n C hicagu. J. I. “care is cbmhicting a refreah- ment stand at. llighwood Eiectr 'depot. Mm Palmer has queued Hotel flam- theme on St. juhu‘s av;- mt? for Q? m season. g . VH- and Mrs; Carry “fl” ope'i) thci!‘ Lanrd avenue residence about the filst of lune. ' Furlhé verv- freshest of Meats and Vegetables call on Mr: P.‘ Geaser. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walthém of South Green Bay 701%ng re'juicing over fife arrival 01 a baby boy. , ' ‘lninos Duffy will move-inn) the stow with H. Frieble. Fur Slammer} can on‘ Mr. Albert Larson. And rest. assured «that you (saw for in his line he will have. (”-eminer and Gipp grocery dealerS. West Cemral menue carry a large and heslx =1: »ck lull! ul groccxies z'md vege, table, “l1 ch lbs) ’sell on a small. margin} (rive “mm a trial ordeir by calling up 172 Miss \nna Ogurd sister of Mrs J F. Scottuf Hi vhlanii I’m-k “as malrim. 1“ Revelatake British Columbin, in It. Pare; l’. McKemmApril 13 1910 Mr. and Mrs McKenna are livueg it Vancouwr, B. (I- M rs. killed Covers mach Bugs was .m’kaene DWGuuls. Vuzions, Hardware, Flour Hay and Feed, have meir mace 0! bus:- a’fls un llig‘IWII)u¢ avenue and to RS! filcxr gmlds Telephone 2362 , __ w MESA. LY Kuiat graduate nurse Who has been seribu'tsly 3H for. the paw. mom-1min; is slawly rbebvén'hg» .Thé In any .friendét‘of Frafik‘gbeflfin'fl‘ 511% Mindine Ruad. '“nt' begun ii; h‘éau oi; 0v lilprummiun as navelim-Wfiflfifirl fl“?! flitâ€"General EIMkanLChir £16!“ 939:4? W9 ' klraxmzéewfi; gait? W" meritorous services for“ thc past seven“ emu} nan. ,_ .z‘iLz,-.:<:J‘ "" -, 193d! thpimge; «$185 his daughter, Mn: in! Place. ‘ ' CONTINUED FROM IST'PAGE at. dinnvr 2Thursday evening ware laid {for nine. - < Knapp of Ravine venue, enter r rubCa iaififiiiting Mrs. 1n ans of Glencue ag Jardines and family w the Park after living A! r' :m‘dms L. C_ Whitman: mm. vin‘m, gave. him: a. how rug with W lfi'iufnemfi A mem'morial senice «:15 held In Maâ€" sunic Hall, ngh and Park. last Sunday evauing under the auspices of the Sher;- dam Lodge No, 662 I. O 0- F. The Rev. Columbus Pblk 6006 son, pastor of Highland Park Presbyterian church, dc- livered an address. Mri Gardener of Centflfl aveml6, M. 5 hostess at. a dinner party W adhes- dsy evening Covers Were Ink! lqrs; huh-e. 'lhe dtcmat‘xons wcré WI peas. A very pleasant. s_urprise was given Mrs. 0. B. Brand Inst. Mondpy- even- mg. About, (any of her kinds and fellow church workers me). u the bomb of Mrs A L. Rennmgsndfrqmtbewe proceeded- in a body to 31¢ home :0; Mrs; Brant, {HaIIy wprise 'parlth an: spoiled due i0 IP16 victim beifig tipped 03 III tI}?anI:e but, this was not so on this (II-ca'si0u. A V'k’l'y egjoya'ble; evening was spent a. number of inlet estinggames were phyefi and aftér lunch the,‘part_v was (refined to a stere- opgicau lecture. by Mr. -O. B. Brand. Mrs. 'Brapd was pI'eLent'ed with a a beautiful cut. glass water pitché'r. "l‘he presentafibn speech was made by Mr. llwmge L. Venn-{Io which MI: iutklid Iasprmdul in happy main'dt; Th6 ‘e've'bmg hb‘d' miniature “rink- its complete suIc cess in the absence 3? Mr. and Mrs A L Kenning due to the II'nI-Xpected de5HI of Mrs. RennIng’s father in Huston, “358., the day be (me. ' ' ' " h Tfmre will be a large: upmber (.5 Wu, men at “is convention of the Central Ecdexafiun q! \N omaus Clhbs which comened at Cincinnate last Monday. The Highland Pa rk Women s- Clubsem. as renresentatis es \lrs. Geo. Campbelt, Presidem; Mrs. Amos B. Holabird, Mrs: Ira]. Geer. \ number'of members of the Ossuli Club were in attendance. moms»: so cc ‘ cm‘ CINNBCI ' ' _ The anufiy r rt flung ommissxon er of pulhi‘wia wielis Mime ear ending ApriISmh 191015 hamsmh ramctfgflh- {33% - summgd}; s». p q {C2 15421,; flag; Owing to starting in the middle of the fiscal )éar 19:45 WWO {make as demled ‘a report as 1 $0911?“ liked it") on acégtfix‘t (it lick Ja’lfi. ‘and on so com: t of the work havmg been started iparfizify compintcil im fiffiinsiiquiflfld -"l he. work of [11111113 buir’view avenue 111 Highland Park was star-{53d WVLd- naulay. 'lhe slréet‘ he: mach Gr e‘n Bav mad and AIL-Henry s mq-nfie. Indie than :1 111119 will be pivét? with 11mm and 1n:1c:-.1dam Schmidt (‘0. 0I Cin- cago 11 ere awarded the contract j V' 7'. Club Members. Left Mgflday Fountain painted: CW“ planted and Streets Sprinkled. ' The {Juntain in Central avenue, meal Sheridan mad, husheen painted at th: exuenSe UP the newlyurgmdzedHighlanc' Park» Improvement Association. Thre¢ coats M gréen pain: were applied .1(- thr fou’main, and as a hjsuh. what- was onc‘: an “eyesore" has been ’xumed intp'a mark of lieéuty. The asénciati‘on recent- ly Closed 3 _cn91'récx in; sprinkling gln principal streets of the "mwn‘ “forf'si; munth, hégi’nning ibis month. Two mén are Employed by the ~assoc§ation t. keep mg suqfilsr-anfl vacant- 10:55 free 4:): mamaâ€"m: paper. and more than 15‘ trees andshruhs have_ been planted. Thr ass’ociatién includes in its membershi; some ohhe 'must prominent soéie‘y gun men; I; was [grtngd \{o Jiqugrgye _sa.n_i lafy andphwicaf ,condiiionx. in the city. Mr: Fiauklin Hussey is president:’ ~ ._ May 2nd 19m To gm: H05. MAYOR Am) gm CW” cu. Cm: 0F HIGHLAVD. mug, flab CE 51'”; .u 1-2:: {mm/16m 9mm; - . BEGINS. REPORT 101: COMMISSION. ER 0F Ppguq WORKS The amflfii '9! er of pubfiFiy‘ DIGfiLHND prim”: ‘DRIMDS’ ’ HIGHLAXD PAgx. LEGAL -_- ..--_'..- -.--,.‘. -.,-- ..-.'. . wwnsgww Quinn)". : " ' J N0 01 feehiwaur Mag inflow!!! *1 Highland Pa'rk. 11"., préflonl Id HEYI: 151,190!) .................. '. )2: 947 . Conttrutted‘finr’mg the 6.6:! year’w. 8 824. Unéer cunttacl present time . 6 776 l For which puns and specifica- ' .tiOnsarereidvt... '9515 Present intake :6 ihch «xii-mew » 2 080 New intake 20 inch . diamotri‘ ‘ 2 5‘» Setting weflé‘is 16 it. in dining (er. depah 201:; fig" 3' ,, - Siam! pipe lbiect' m dmnéte?‘ " ' flight? 100 feet. making W 2 Dean .Cumauund pumping engincs. sin I4x20x1_2x8 i Bumfiam condenser, iizc 10x 14x14 {liarnfinm boiler Iced pump- sip 6 133436. ’ ~ ' elevation o. the tupni We stand pipe 22! {ca above the law] of the Lake 2 Tubmanboiiers 16 It lung 60 inches m diameter ' ' The distribution of the water mains in the System is as fol tows " I Built previous to May 151. 1909, Size ~ . No. oi It. 124m ‘ ' 2 450 10 in. â€" _ 6 one 8 in. ' '~ 9 M0 6113.1 . A (i4 490 C(mstructcd during {909 4 inch.....:-.‘. ........ . ..... . Under comma present time 8 . inch ..... .; ............... 4 inch ..... ; ............ 7 . Contemglqtewduring Mt) 10in 4in iVatermain vahes constructed previous to may 1 I909 l6 m . . -.- Li '.."...._.-....‘ ....... In.... ,. y. ,_ f" ‘ I t D ..q‘.'»'.‘.{‘,.....u to!" ow-.I|t-v\-v ..'.ga:. (IM,.§.~...,,..A..,..'...‘.'._i. n, " ’ . 2 r. . Iermain Italve‘s Complettd urmg #909, . inn.” .. '. ...;..L W- mung-in: unda- goniract ‘ m..... . 4 (in ..... Completed 10in ..... 4 In .................... '- . . Number of Fire Heranls In _ staliedweviun‘s (0 Mn is}. my») ....... . ..... ‘ ...... . Cons-Hunted during 190‘) ...... Under Contracg present time.. Contcmblatédgu .L: Total 'numbcr of water takers , in Highland Park system... . Total number metered takers Total number unmctered. ' Amount of copl burned from May 1909 to Mafia. 1910 1 213 520 lbs. Am mm of coal on hand May Isl 190‘) 41.390 ”)3. Amman: of coal on hand Mly 151.1910 141 414 lbs. Amount of coal delivered during1910, 1 3.13 (220 lbs Average humber 01 lbs 1coal used per day 1‘”); 3.323 lbs; Avbrage number of gallons water pump- ' éd per day 1909, 685 91-2 v Avkrage number. ghllnns water pum'ped '203 ft high per lb. coa|' burned 206 Total pump'age from Méy I. 190910 Ma‘s 1515191", 250031 430 ‘ ' ‘ The City Council authérized ‘the con- stréacxiur. uf‘a‘ new ihx‘gk: pip» auhe Water Work; 1hegnntޢtlor which ya; letgtd just-pk" G.fl",alrc-*m of ’EVat'Mun'. “1.3, (or thv laying of 2500 It. uf pipe [on the sum 0 112500, includiug 44 ball joints.‘ The expenses as they pccixrred are? as 'f'ulluus. ~ ' Fairgiron pipe. . . . . 5 5-095 59 Fdeend...... ...... 63413 For Valves ...... Fa? Strainer-an. ; Fdr Hauling pipe;... For }a_bor and Superin- tendeuce hauling pipe. ............... For Eat to] Falcon for ball joints...; ...... Balance and Mr. Yucca $3 per coqtrgcth . . . Tom 1’ $18 797 51 \ There wul be some mute material 10‘ purchtse for the Setting of the strain- ‘ er; such as piling; yokes, Straps and some extra ball joint». on account, of} having to start. closer ‘6 (be than] 1 $1393 wu “first anficipmed. no that ‘ thp new intake will stand the city" complete, dose to $20000 ‘ ‘ -\n. 32mm 91mm .} Number (.1 (eet of. sewer main. pre» vious (0 Kay Is: 1909. _. 1 1|? ingh. 1.25 miles 056 ,597 f ‘ l0 ipéh l 3‘ Maw; 9””: {Ct . _ Oinch 2.92milts 91: 14501”! 4m ..., ‘». .’.......;..:.;- i’ wrmain walve‘s‘ tumbletw uring #909. V- teljma-in: undgr gm'tEact ‘ m.....‘ K) ifl;-§-..;;A. ...‘ Uta’mpump slit 5’33“): in. including 5 as they $5195 ,49 634.12 13225 No. of It. 2 450 6 ([10 9 ()IO A4 490 39377 13 ago 0: «:J 2 252 922 685 237 (st. 207 H IO Manhole. :2 Constructed previous to May I. 1909. F lush tau!“ 4. 'Ulder truck. I 'thtemi) fled. I' 5‘; 3 '2‘ “3'03”." We held preflops In MI, 13!. 1905. tun-i 0’: m 10!}. no.5. oompzoigd ans-dug moi 3.00 .. , '.~_ 1 u in. ‘ 1 n 1. II. n IO 1:. mo I in; II ~ 0 m. mum llanhoka no Cofitemplated flaring 19w min-11ml! 3. 0m. “it F Nahum mutation-0 00an during 1000 09m 1388 ll. Munch-o. 4 Under contact It present IO III. m h. u in. 100 It. ,1! ll. «5‘ h mugs.» 19);: n’: ' *7 dor butnct it 'prelbn’f, .. 2'! miles 0|- 0 693 ft - Road puma-d W 2. 6 miles or 13 (:84 It Rondo turvincd u present. 5.6 miles or 29 680 n 7 . R s pgved. brick ”sun. It. Summary of the work‘ in "tinned by the Board, of Locul lmpgovemonls .sinejmy léfiim Caught“! Subunits ..... 9 61:62! (I) 8 Incli I202 mile: or M 50: feel 0th] 5. 20 IIUQOI‘ 87 fliIut, 3 ”holes 450 , ' » . mus tank-376 = a lRaving... .,.., ...... ..m 813 m We: maimhy... ‘ 2‘... S‘; 'fi! W Sawers 45 mm anae. ....... ; '1‘ ,‘........agm@ Tom - 7T - ’- rd‘moo Work not)" gonna and in coarse of construction: Tom 31%.“; g) Work {or' which plan. "3‘ Spawn». tiona ha been WM ‘ PM? mnxs. Lg .............. 61! ‘50 Water mailman“; sewers... Sidewalks from _ , .3109 696 no Owi‘nk to'"the la’rfie gdbiui’ér end“? dugifig we) fitter. he hit plow work cost. the cifiy n ymt desl more “an any previous winter. (or We time. nmuuntinv to $226 30. Since the 9th day ofJMu-ch lhcrc In. rbeen'WSInned by the Street Debit!- ment at 3’0 ,llneflk'fl aged puin'g, or N miles It an exgense including scraping, hailing, Ind duperhiulding of $372 85. , ‘ , It is demonstrued verv oonoluivdy that the stream thlt hive tnrvli fluidl, with either It curbing or s (nuance . a great deal less “pens“. to Ind-min than thoselhu but 9"“ {or hut-nee, Prospect Henna m6 Sheridan. Raul North of Central amine; 60“ Ian than one- hulf the amou'nt expended lo clean Second street. Green “‘13" In. or other streets without our!» dr filth! and that‘ure ’not .u'rrcd, where“ Iv. costs now .11 the way from 8! 33 pg: thuuund Iquarc yuda‘.w “08 per thousand muare ylrds. By haviug‘ill -. The Bell Telephone keeps the with all resources. of civilization. . 11:9 Bell m'm-uufigouum . [lean ordor'hil (Mandi exphli . m Vifimm°mikliflf "hi! slim. 3â€" " . ‘»‘ ".th fokoflgimi m m out; * " mmfthwlmu’ amid" palm . . ; .. .bounpe‘;§c..nellgne-§ pun m. 3,1“ flmhwhfip tremendm The neu‘ mfixgqmng «maneLWu gives Long 935““ 9”";Wfie?‘ the whole .5“! 611‘s) 1879‘: m P: 207 on 8 005 m o in. 5 57200 122900 14mm 3.11qu M15.” f , During ' city pot in meat; by s foi Engine, Ming ins; pld out. 0‘ During u would 3" flat! there Roam-ct - plum nd 110i M III Comp: (ha In ”I“ the unnum out the can tionatly let on I. pew (“Queue III of other to to he Maj A. u an fanny Inc“.- an“! Mackinac! im.'lnd I! thank, nukes ten in“ tho Immorencnb In myeutht. It did hum mviou yen. thcr mm bola-o adder- pone (a: no hbqr and tapering... th. adult“ : bop-rum paved with otiér ski. ”M h ‘8! per that. the streets er ‘IyflCI. Ai We ll 'Pubflc Wm“ with othel menu. it how he (:1: a genml a Superhuman for bids to pipe the In :00! The thy for 65k! ‘ for labor 5 a “wing 0! Then up than an e. on the ow line-l tom the comm than the g mum I u feel. bridg- fl’ve or hix tmlury si u may pm the Street in! Gem} thou Qua curl-:3“! u do ”W“!’ 605 spent Street and 0(1) was "tit" traded for er which u! no‘ jurisdicf In the n on of the Fund. lea Depantnen inlay. h bed copy 0 i ed md 93 the pan. tn in dad “a! the he: menu luv power to hr And l mini: proud 0!. mode (hmu :he put 1: There If: lthulx nu nr uvio llhbcd “71d u um up“ [ah Fawn “I . I We u» "was do" m not our 01.!) d mm [43. for each hon mnmichn u to My of the gnu-'0‘ 51"" ‘l bl Pnbuc Works as con. he old foul of adminis- faln a! ti:- on). fully incent- com a final ”troll” the lommh'dl-M. ~clal Wt all up» n; unions ‘1'“. not in- etioh.. most of Irma wu abe Inter (and. your I909 then no III- as won-tho! improve-cum he “0! I'M wocth 'Inda .he pro-out tinge.- with .peoificnlona unpaved (or 2 the work dune mind then won many than Iona this am: done In was of engined“ I: than oufhnlf. or. uh h Winnethn. nod: number m hue It and It ‘3 found if: use-hut 0' "punk. 9 of the Commit-condu- u! ’s is over half occupied .work than special Ola-64 mld‘lS: well to oonddrl“ ye of Del-flee wflle cit? in uy, .for inn-new. Mun tho .-nt of Wat-r Works‘uked the naming a! the water (‘5'. bidder was .2 50 per my hauled it lbw; by“ m- !on. u Iét‘unl‘ .expome 1 learn work. which and. 850951! gig»! Jul‘ yogi. . the brfdfepro poeiflon I is up m list now. will!!! .rm bridges cost 8mm on core. taken on the bubot s it. prevtonslv 'Iw’udet‘. der lvpe of bridgeâ€"Which in; of r1503 on every I50 and the city shy-5d M1“ ridge. this yen. n asserted tln' there h“ maney drawn out offing De Octolier In “309 (bu om tine.“ asypednll onto! nd Al Icy. Budge. and 5m FM :hid» in t were- made t'o M “I tn- mntrict'ed prefiom'to tothe of the Deput aunt oxPIb Id other was; ol the- “b ping the year out of the J -._ lley'wd Br‘d‘c Fae-£0“;- r 'speui. ord'ered. 0} out}- efore October la I901 ov- uunc. this Department had ,e manner the. $7,629 meat Special Central Eugenie mu 82a!) is chargabie to the 9! Public Worth , by the City Council dung years. ‘ \ 1 {this report! “”8311! a of the dificrom dean- done everym in Gulf .makethe M} a hat the City may :3!» a showing “I“ bu been n their coopeution during are compiled from an Remv‘ every wan-am that I. “do »H. L new”. miniollier 0! Public Wotkl. nveler ‘1! flu delay.“ '1' nym bode-Ha ”kn.

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