Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 25 Jun 1910, p. 1

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at? T1 Withord at 0! Chicago I!!!- Gilbert H. Scribl last Tuesday. ‘3 Bushland Park v_ ESixor J Mrs Charles Emmett and avenue are. staying Everett of Linden ;_ gm! XVI Nd. 16 N yFflQfih is home “ Cmncl‘.» A“??? Burial Father notice (above will appefl T ‘ fl lugs P. Ems. died June 20. 19 gighc funeral was held from thefikidencc of Mrs. Iohn Sn‘v- ‘llnyt (‘Pn‘rak {lingo was TucsdaY‘ > Mr and MI'S. 5“ SW ale fishing l A. W. Fletcher u! (. “Helen Game to: Vcwsin, Miss Mm Estene C lark, who has been sub- mg {or Miss Bliss at the High schauI, mg in [- rench 'and German. was); 'Mitchel and chimed o; 5:. I! 'févcnue left [last Monday for Cold 4 lichigan'to spend their vatmhm Robinson. :fid-Mrs. Russel Hmmddaugmfl gar: Wednesday for New amp-3 L .1. irony-All“; {the University 0! Chicane, isnow tithe: vacation at home. -, 3:55; is stayihg with Mrs} El; 3h; absence of .Mr. and. Mrs. Set“. Mrs‘ Eh: has as her 3269!, It W. E‘smond of \h was a Highland Park nce of Mrs. John 315 West C Buri: II at Rose Hi Mrs. Stefihen Yates Kentucky. Us. .nu, isiting Mr. Yues sisntr Mri nd the summer in the mam (Earrietli; nevi the guest Miss Alma fleadley ax emral avenue for the summer fl“: Lessinm rk visitor last 1 Mrs. Schanfflcr of Oakwood‘ (“cape and three younger mild: Tuefidav for )3 summu in, Maine. Bennet Mid Henry Schauf’fler left W'edhesday to spend xhéir vaczatiqn in Wiscbnsim Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Btnimique have rented their house toMr. Hemy Foreman uf Chicago and 1m e gone to W' anemia for a few weeks. Mrs juiliu.‘ Zimni'er left Thnruday (or Lake Kushknnunm V .~_ , Mrs. J. F; Brady-aid chiidren rxpccl it) leave the latter part of June for a sum- mer in Colorado. > The Ex’muur Club will have ieekly brfdge dinners throughout: the summer. in a__ddi\ion to lhe'weekly' bridge lunch- EUHS. Miss Maqurie Aldsidgehas gone Madism, ’Wiscmxsm fur a few daysi IastSunday Mrs. grim termed; Miss. Lassie Raffe'p spent Sunday with'hcr sister Mn. Charlés H. Baker of Glencoe avenue. ‘ . , ’ Â¥ ' y . U. |. Morgan and family have opgucd 'heir'gummerjmghe at Gregn Lakiz, {Wis- . v . cousin: _'.Mrs}, '~Ge0rgc’I‘PQne'r of Beuna his en",9~p¢nding seVeral days a ghest of her friend, Mrs. Ullrich o! Sheridan rqad. . .Harry Bock has returned from ll‘ University where he has beeh and college. ‘ 3 l " ‘ M r. and Mrs. Morrison spent'the end in Miiwa’ukee. ' ,..... "mm . Universi‘Iy pf Illinois and has as lyis‘ Bennie Baum, captAin of the lllimvi: ball team._ 4 ' » . , st. Margaret Pram left on Sunday for New York State where shewill spend the summer 9n the Hudson. the: summer. . \lrs. Freeman of Evanston her sister. Mrs. Munro. The Charles Baker hou'se hasfheen taken by Mr. Barriere of the Dumrusch Orchestra, {mime summer montl a. Mr; and Mrs. Baker and Son Jack, will spend the summer at Winnebago, Wisconsin. Oh Monday ahernoon Musics mu and Mary Clark gate; tea. they assisted by Mrs. Mermiveather Misses McCauIey, Viola Shields; Egan and Annie Cobb. . Mrs: W. A. Aiexander gave glargi'e lunc’hepn on Thursday. at me E'rxmmr Chub, ‘ Mrs. Lucian Yo: ga day afternoun {or her 'Jiams. ' Majuf mea has rented his by the summer months to .M'r.‘ 61er Iamify at St. Louis, Mo- { ‘1 i Mr, W, H. Miner bu remed‘hi to Mr. Bradley qf‘Chicago. . Wiliiam’fieei has returned {m net! where he has been attending john Conrad has retiyned “0'1 ‘ u, A“ -A u- ' Mis‘nert‘anéés Smlall has. remmédzlmm Calitomfifiwhm‘ she hasibech Eh: the wharf * k V s. W. 0;,Messenger of Prospect ave- exuertained a (gw friends at dinner Yoe gave a (can?! for her'fiucs‘v .1“ 'William Miller have Millburn. Illinois. for M15869 Isabelic ‘, is visiting WM“! Park, (IL, Saturday, 1m :5, 19m. heck 'ark. i the linois Iding ‘ huts- E “'il- were ' Cfifion‘l Gray has retuméddm'fiumpe when: he ha been dating the winter. BANQUET OF THE DEER- FIELD ' HIGH SC HOOL. Deeriield High echool. took place on Wednesday evening at Ravinia Park Caiino The tables Were eel in the dine: hall and were bebutilully decorated with carnationa and pennies. Mr. Harleigh Hartman made a most excellent toast master. Mr. Sandwich spoke on the an III selecting the proper vocation (or "n? sell and oi the professions and out luuks *in business which are not over attended Paul Gilmy. Gertrude Nevins. William Wrenn Frank Conrad and Uni Mar- garet Deming most graciously accepted the hearty welcurfle extefided lo the new members «If the class 0! I910. FollowiI g the banquet. the annual election Incl: place. Pr‘eeidem, Paul Gilroy; let \ice president. Helen Cnale; 2nd vice presi- dent. Herbert lnman; secretary.‘ George Phil lips; treasurer. NeIlIe l-itzgerald; historian. Amy Holabird Immediately fuIIowing the busmesa meeting the menI here spent the rest of the etching I" dancing. 'lom Gail spoke on the gron Ih, work and future oi the associatictn. I\. R. Williams spoke an the inadvisabilit) oi driiting iron: the alumni. KenhellI ‘ King, who Is now principal of a High school In South Dakota. gave an interest: ing talk on his work out west and III the great opportunities [or ambitious young graduates from Deertield. i’RIZES FOR 315$ DRILL- Troops Alive wines. ¢hancés in Chicago ' - The Io’diers at Fort Sheridan are being drilled thoroughly every dav in prepara- tion [or the big ' military tournament which will be held in Chicago as part of the Sane Fourth Celeblatibu'. ' Prizes are offered fur'lhe hes: drilled regiments; and the 27th. stationed}: Fort Sheridan, is working herd tocaplure some of the prizes. .Farcy drills, which will delight the ‘eyes oi spectatomnill be part of the d'aiiy prdgram at the Fun: Target practice with smlll arms is he‘ gin; held daily, and the artillery battal- ilionsnre holding their annual target pne- ace in the gov Wisconsin. The North Shore Chnpler. [Masha-n~ of the finial-iota Revolution. according to its‘ cusmm, invited the public to1 minke in m observance of "Flag Day," on Tuesday evening, June fuurtcenth. The decal-Ming in Libraq‘ Hall Ltd I...“ Innulifllll' done. for the “IRS been beamifnlly done, for the nagnl mm to know the touch of Mrs Beg-0's» hands. and will hang more ‘ gncefully {or her thnnr (or may onegaloe. The nevfly elected yegent. Hui Frank‘B. Green, presided with Her ever rudy wit und‘ 'uctfulnm. ' litriotic soup avers surg by the High School Gler Club, and ‘aeiectjona were read by Hrs. , __ .. A __A V'Ilu, wuâ€" v.”â€" v.:v,, , Egan. Mrs. Vl'nrron. Miss Egan. and Robert Shields. Hrs. Femndeu spoke of me societylknowh as "The Children 0! the Republic". The event hi the ev- éning nus me presentatlou to Mrs. W. :0: Egan' the regent. retiring after eight fears service, of e beautiful e'lwrdish. In presenting the gift the he: was em- phasized that the patriotism and loyal: 1v, ‘3: «have displayed by Mrs. Egan, m essential elements in the elm-cm u; an peuplé to enable any country to me it! phce, gmong the union of the cut)». end to be'reeégéuised u e power. Mfg} Egu‘e mrp‘rlee «I I0 gnu 'lhat the 1m ipoeohlee'e until the fighting blood of may Revelation-r} sncestan came t0 her nld, arid she um enabled to met her» thanks. The prognmeommiuee Wadinppointrd in getting an: mum-ma leomfmé um ha been pm. but everl'itydy respond. 051w filling“ to requcol u the but annual alumni hanqim ,0! the FLAG DAY: / vernment range; at Sparta Daughter! mime“ that. the renounhlm and mix" of our 9609's to plan u p'nmt eminglor 9.2.9 "£1101. were again In cfliience. ' ‘ ‘ HYSTERY 1N THEFT 0F ‘ DIAMONDS I Wankegsn 'Jewelor Olfers Re; ‘ward of SI,“ for Return _of ' $3.000 id Gems. vnued at $3.000 Im the jewelry more of C. F. Inga"! 8: Cu. ‘0‘ \Vaulregan. has healed the 993cc 0! that mend Chicago, who have Been working eecttliy on 'he case due: 8min!" nighl,‘ when. we least was dismveted. Two young men add um yum-g wean-nuke «ere la the ‘etgre just beforethe mhhuy was c'um. mined. are suspected by the pnfice and [bench is hem: made fur them. Alllmugh u»; ruhberv occmd'Satur-u div the (acts were kept secret until Tuesday, when a ten-ad nl SIM!) wk: (“Tend tor .the return nl the gems. TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Somh mm.“ u: we I'arcnu and-w Tucker’s Association held their fiw' evening meeting on Monday It the Lim‘ min schml. The mee‘ing was opened: by Mn. C N. Kimball. chairman ol the. may d'ltricl.» ~ Mn. W T Underwood.- "re-idem"! the nmcintiun. told 01 me; ypfirposc ol the Maniulion nod-oi {kl great n'eeq im'conncctioa'vilh 303W achool; Mn MflIiamSHeflmn gnu" "W lmeresflng all: on ghe “PM? relation in than school". Nu. Heisman. is one of wide papetience and great study! of lhé rclu'mns of the pun-mu (u “qr school and -. to children: I‘IC V83“ devarly hmnni to bub pitch“ ind teachers‘mipds many things “in! nossiblv tin-{M either never thwah‘ a! or had knowingly neglected. I!!!” an: was a ad» worthy undeumulnlna due. Music ‘urus tarnished by ‘Wfix Colburn's young people'l arctléatrl.; fiber which a such! hour wu enjoyed-if HIGHWUUD . 3W] Mysterious (Itch pf a "19' of dlamundi Tuesday evening. lune 2m. at eight o’clbck. flue Rev. Wnio Shepard. Di 1)., David Superintendent 0f the Chi; cagu Nov-them District. 139in by thy: Rev. N. D. Tremainéot the Not!!! High} {and l'ark'M. E. church. wlcmiud M, margins: 'whkh nude Min Khan Elia} 1 hem Duh-.13: file of W. Rubéchm Mn. P. w. magnum-nu mu;- our: Paul. of Furl McPherson. GIL. .nre visiti in: Mrs. Biaucham‘s pawn". Mt. uni Mri Chum: Buy-m. . new u-vm u“. w..- __ w _ 7’ » Pew. a: ti» home 03 Mr. @‘G'fl'ru. > Rolland w- Davies. MW b": the strains ol [phenflfi'i Weddinfl 1 March. M“ b! Hag! limb Darius. 3b .- hrida' meM 4: prior ml paused bcn 'boveqolgreen. The bride. who mm“ by her mm, was pteccdqdz’hgflin Alma Kenn, maid of Wfl the Misses Icanue Inna-v 7"" paused bone-“hove; ol tween. I‘M bride. who ”Wm bv her mm... was preccdnghpfiin Alma Keucs. maid of 52-.“ the Misses ham»: Mari- and‘ _ ' .' Mr. Chariot l’uliiohn’ of Farmihmun. lllhroinmctdum am; John Kenn lad Raiph Davies “we" me “she“. We! Davies and her qtu'ndnml cum-d "we! pea. Aher an inprefisivg ring ccrm money. Mt. and Mn. Pusé M: in an hauunnobile {utmkagozyh'erc they um Mend their new ‘ 3, Min Jeanne pam- has returned 1m. 11 two w'eks‘ vii! with minim in l . dim. and is the (natal ht! kieudl. “i1 Alma Kelby Mil Came Game! on: Mrs. Ruben W.- Penc. She [earn mu week «with hcr maker [at Glucov “out. which will be Mr Mute hum. Namath- Pdfiihun and Miss Ms: (unite Rollo. of Ind-tam. {Hawk have been m? glue!!! 0! Misc E11: Davies and Min Alu- Kcflcy this we. I Mn can: 1:. annual”. . ‘ .1 Mpm mum-in. ;rqn 7855):)?" A AWMJ Mrs. Crack [In I \um: 1.“.pr ,1 hum!" fur Lineman; ’0!!! ”fl. Stile : «I Linnea-m and Mn. Fuck. - Mr and 3:9. W ”Ilium a In have been whiting COW W Shawn: lure maul! ii“. Mr, m l bmc a: (News Mn. Show": in “If: he: the Hi ( nmcv for the «unmet. . jThe Ladin Bridge Club mat I'M. Mn. Regan on My. . ) Spin} Luke; 1071. We)“ glad to nuke um Sunnis-nu ”cum-1d who has bun «firmly fll ‘ id: typhuidkm in "entering. Mn. "ti-and In mural-d to her lame in Pennsylvania Inert udifith 'zapuhnand \ln Cue. Mrs. Hulk: ‘1” at her pm he the! and «mum Mr. and Mn. Km : Kiss \Vrcnn hum w the post and “in; we“ at Ma. Vfluoc hr umd Mu. 3m In: mrud alter. my flaunt [rip through the we». " Dr M .m'ndon 5-way Nulnnm and 11“” Mo! C8005! md Mrs. Van. Puck Mn]. B. Tflmvcn new rt} ‘ . i but Hop 0‘ she ”am It: ”MI, “0“ ' , Mmu'lolm ha ganja Lam” where the will oped! the uncut-r. MmAmu Mlle! who hut-tend- end»: me 0de d Chm!» 3' mm: (at the vacation lumb- , Miss u My Cue MI 0 he: gm Mi. Martha“ 0‘ New York. Lieutenant and Mn. Paw camel-ia- ed M a hrgc bridge ”I"; «In My M last work. km.“ W 3- ; pufice dc" ' seventy-five a?) ' W fro. the army Ii F011 Width; the m p .Iice ruptured four-nag; - uwé.v';',.~a;nâ€"'Nuiohw Ext-mt “IL Highlbod M ‘ QCflJI) ' Myrtle M Cook cl “DANG Levi- |z m adjoining 3"!” “ Kickball Park. W DOLW I you“. mo 1%.. u‘ Loni! l’idwttdcc d) w M» W mg, Int [2. UK 13. WI“: lhghhod Park. 20”.” ‘ ‘ 1mm IS. 3910 ' ‘ "u mnu-mwrm W a ma, NkZO. MIMYU‘W V ”f amour y ; r a w and i! o- tin-tilt 3* Men put 10! I3. Senna-uh. M land Park. W D“ W 1 malt”!!! o l mM-«ddbmoe TnaHe. ukoifilfl-{W’fin' bllr, fwd“ km 1.1. 5. I2. a» II. at s. mama Park. W Pubs 7* Damn ' ‘ - ‘ you: 13. 1039‘

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