Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 5 Nov 1910, p. 5

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T! [nuke 3V Mm: ing. )0 ,say at Cure ‘royames game A Pittabmg man has re 19230}! of $850,000 because I marry. Not being married 99+- that he needs the man”. .\A Washington man (11'0de ‘9“! while using his lawn'mower. and v. ps‘nsume his. neighbors rolled over and s-niuyn-d a lime morning sleep. h‘ in dbout this ”hasty,“ the 0“!" at the shores begins to gel mur ' zirts to the winter {Hwy wfih her letter! 3'91"th in the city. .-\ Piuapurg woman ‘ while trying to skate in There's sine!) a thing many chances. g“ PtlnySSOI’ Gamer vogrflmiary 104' “10 suggest that he I the Che"? ho,- rmy may be (lion; y'F-ar are eaten in Paris! an?” ""' may be, but Paris cerium]: fln’t “99‘ Japan has changed that!!! ht? Emperor of Korea 10 PI Perhaps "61" In Nippon” to? The comic 0pm W1 m II"! in: crazy trying,” put an I hit” kinking dance In hobthkim 01w thing aviation M staflng power. The! no I“ \ m s oma official 'in New York up Hrs prism; sentences for wealthy “,2 5., .3, 35.119 declares fines have [rent eflcct. This applies to mix violators of thesll'. “m y mt please them, but they can 42rd .\ mom» penalty”. when lateral p u urf tempts them to the break : 01' rhe 11w as a fine- simply buys 'Lmu‘ cranky-(mm thqmsgrace at y;_ :tnd the inconv- n’u'tce chiming nix personal‘ liberty. A few jail sea- ‘wrs in such-casts \voukl‘ have an most immediate xerox-mater}; efleet. A Chicago physician declares that n armor- phte mince pie diet of the .rugo American is causiig a de- i'iorzu‘ion of the American tales EVI- ‘ntiv he novpr knéw’ anyihlng about Ha n pl sive lndlfidual fix tailors owe a fade: which may 1 110(0qu statem a 1' .31) “who doesn' , ss decently on n: a Cleveland Fla 9 1L;- sublle ma! \ ‘xn'd'dinners ix '0 rrwaddlel'csis. m matter what [does for “is 73 1». “fills me p r chapple who“ 5:4,“?de by a r sly 55,000 win” hiq [:11 asures v. fully' According :- 3mm. beirg s closaly meme“ - we: madly line i decency. Just [ms mum-no will be 'regardeq" 3 )CSE‘UF 0 wo coat @513“. ';'_\' On" in m we use, can easily will smile at the rd :map h flng’ers at. a code, {mnu‘y that I, baséd on 20 coats : .'!‘.t!rss rm sets. Nevertheleu. \ .‘ ;::'I‘ anl loul to be of m ‘ n3 you n} st do as (he patrio- , lurqirm'i a your income ex- 25 :E 9 1mm; $3.000â€"and it will he txzfibitinn J extrvmely bad form mu gezwrd 'vhis sartorial declari- l m the nun who known In my _-r save thd most serious light. 7v 'u-j.,'n.d, llx‘ Knnther man In the big woods ha “I «but being mistaken for a deer. 'nr ‘41 to be fpasonably saie the ntvr might disguise himself as if '13 reported ll!“ SARTORIAL SN‘ kind of mi .\'apo!eon waited}: few senor!» he» ,eould have transported his- nver the Alps in aerqplanel. r saving much mil and‘sufler- my nothing of the moving-pic- ince pie mother used to met has. mastered the chlnmanzee- n m 9"”, th' has received I acause he didn't nan-fed we calf? -was badly hm , a home shirt- as takinl to prince G" m In! “Git” name of (be the sum- that of the “we'll l‘l'u UV ‘u-" M Gamblers Ply TM; > an North Western Trams; Compan y Acts? LOCAL MEN FLEEOED BY CARD SHARKS ' “‘mu ....... â€"Il\-â€"rr- _ ._ ,,, , GO! Sohlke, who staged the prod“- V' lim. boasts of the fact that he has in "W Berth IS” the greatest novelty 9'" wton any stage. This is a series dtabkaux used in connection with‘ ‘ln ‘mflalow. " one of the song hits oi the M. This number is one of the musical _ lumber surprises qt the year, and so 1 “1130, thatit is taking ten encore: eve. ’7 night. and then every audience keeps Wing {0â€" more 05¢ mason why ”Lower Berth 13". at lithium. Chicago. is a laughing hit. f‘h‘w Whitney, Chicago, is "Lower 3911!! 13" the new]os. E. Howard, Ar- "WGillcspie and Col'in Davis offering -' WP‘ivinz to capacity nightly as this ' c0" linle playhouse. M--_..-, _ , Fuinstance â€"instead 0! duling out all file cards as in a game of. straight ’or dmv' poker a game that is ciosely “in matué puker is played. The» men {bake verbal bets which are written Man a slip ufq paper. Then the man :‘yb'o'winuhe hand collects 1h: money from ghe men who did the betting. This pigtails a2display 0f money on the board. High stakes are played in manv Gambling oh Chicago and Northwest; m, vim! cmmnuc to flourish dad .0 far .9 known nu arrests have banana: 1W the frequent asselfions of the" “any officiats than xhe practice is to be M“, Whether ’or not the éompany i! sine“; in these declaruiom is not known but it. is a fact that there no few mm that ply between Chicago ind “1‘13“,“ nn which gambling of one ”a or another does not exist. w . This condition of aflairs is of mpi'c diffiéult to observation so" \- --~ This condition of affairs is of more an“ ordinary interest because of the augments that have been made that minimal gamblers irom Chicago ply theirtrlde" on these trains and reap; m. larvest from the oninitieted, Wau kqan and other suburban men are said to have lost considerable money. to these “answers. It has come to melt at panthat men who like a friendly game “cud; ‘where no stakes are played, for steer clear of strangers and possible Amp"! by refusing to play [mi money ”db, choosing the men4 with .whom they play irom among their friends only. There was‘a time when pitch was-the. -.',nlv game played on trains but of .late' poker of one kind or another has be- come very popular with some of the men who patronize the company. To avoid detection and possible arrest the game is so disguised that it. would be .liifieult to detect it except .upon close a the games. Whiz: apd even hearts are plaved for many by many of those who play on “attains- In these games as in‘ poker I): bets are marked do am on a piece of ulcer and the money is nut turned over mi!‘ \he end u! the game; One local maul: said‘to have claimed he lost 310 lhkle riding lo Chicago. a few day's ago, ll the railmad company really de- menu surest) gamblers. especially the card sharpen; who are said to make a practice at fleecing players who do not knoyl their real character. thelonly way they can do it is by p!acing "spotters" minspectors on the trains. There are some who claim the Cofixpanv does not are vety much abuin the gambling so lmg as 0le serious complaints are lodg- ei-Waukegan Gazette- Think of It In the first place those men that complain of being flecced had- no business to be there; but no. they werelhere lor the purpose ofwinmng. they lost. thereh» e made a great how]. To badthey have not run up against marks enough!) learn such squellers a inlelense The production is pretentious but in hiring with the atmosphere of the story '53:“): costumiog could not have been late beautiful andfippropiate. The biggcsfinusical hit in the history W 79/. 493 Wéésemmm " '1 ‘ 'Ma ANDERSON , g . . W . ‘ I , Lake F.0rest _. E - HNDGRSON RUSSELL il J: M. 'WHlTN EY THEATRE 33382 a :36. am szzmmazm ‘ Made That Profess- NDeR: Cohen._'l'hesc together with. Anna Ind Ruby’;Fitzhugh, Grace 810m. and five other principals and ’ a picked chorus make "Lower Berth 13" Chicagos' but; musical offering. one or two comedia'hs. ’but v1.0.5. Berth ll" bur William Chime. 15M ap- pearing as Mr. Newlywed in “1:ch York production of the "Newbwede". Arthur Deming. xhe well known minim trel. Edéie Hume last team in “A Knight (OLA Day"; E. P. lemme, [our vears one uf the principal Innmakem in ”The District Leader"; Chnrtu Hum- mgtun launch in the Chicago produc- tion of “The Flirting Pfinceu" and Gus II-Eu-‘v‘. ... .. Major Taggart’s personal again have been made unfortunately prominent. on ‘several occasions. When he brought suit against his wife in 1895, changing her with the use of intoxicants and men- tioning oi names ui other oflicers of the army,:the entire service was interested. He won a decree and received the cus: lady of his elder son Culver. 11 year- - , A:â€" 4.. “char Former Fort Sheridan Officer .Wlw Married Highland park In Exonerated and Restored to Full Duties of Office in The thtn which’thmhas been no mm, it" because it V has. an even lulf‘ I dunn comedians. and .the anthem have not {tiled to give ’theso fun'm'sken Dimming todo. The average musical oflcfihg his only Watermwn, N. Y., Oct. Timâ€"Major Elmore F. Tagzart of the 24th Infantry. whose divorce am: against his wine; a Highland Park girl, five rears ago at Fort Sheridan, stirred the entire servite and who was recently shmmoned before a court-mania! n For! Porter on charges of canduct unbecoming an officer. has been exuneraxed. He has been restored to fu'l duly. The charges were made by iormer Captain N. Peck of the 2411), who his dismissed {rum the service recently on- charges lnough‘ by Major Tauan. .‘l‘hc majur'declufcd that Peck had spread re- ports concerning the mhjors's hb :sehold “-1 _.-A.. oh. 2|. mu: uu-.y-....__ , v Peék after hls dismissal made the al- legations against Major >Taggan which resulted in the court martial. - :- IA L-..- ol age- Xe In 1906 she went to Paris with both children'ald has remained there ever since, the major evidently making no attempt to assert his authority over the older boy. . - argaret Gnllage'r to P. I. Hopkin- lot 9.‘(Ex E 50 It). Blk 7. Exgmzor Add. Highland Park. W 08714.20 Lake County Title and Trust Company Abétucu of 1m. Title: Guaranteed. G B Karcher ' M 10 John Bucking hamw 37 ft Lot 4 Blk 22 Highland Park. Q C 31 00 ’ WANTEDâ€"l- am closing up my house and would like to‘place my coach. man gardener in a good, duration. Cln thoroughly recomme d ' work in connexion wnth '3 country place and as being critirely emcient. _ _ u..." A n n' Vial-".ER. MAJOR TAGGART IS DISMISSED ON ALL CHARGES Real eetafc transfers MIC TIIPLI BUILDING WAUIIOLN. .- - - lu ‘ A l-.'- Th5: mower took Belle is Freed. UnmmNcwo-Wr FURNISHED IV 0a 29, 1910. Oct 28, 1910. to H. E. Wightman Wrenn'l Add Highlnnd LAKE FOR_ES‘ Decrfidd. lu' ILLINOIS the other Tel. l-‘fnt Um with mode-rn'impi-bvemem Opp. N. W. Depot Highland I'll’k OU‘ee Phone 77 Private l'hun: I361 HIGHLAND PARK D. A. Homas. cam .‘DENTIS'I‘ Demonstrator N. W. University [101mm 9 I. m. to 5p. m. Hirhlund I’m-k Phone M41 Stone. Erich. Gaunt. ' Plum work and Cam DEALER 'lN Ice, Coal, Cake Wood Kind/mg FREDERICK MAINS Telephone- And Frag-ht Tran sfcr A. E. NORRLEN is now tcady to handle ail kinds of Express and Freight In connection with Mov- ng.Sto rage and Cabinet Work Tel. 493 'i 7 St. Johns In Carries a full line 9! SfloocCutflng.S¢tfln¢udBouldfl F.‘ SILIESTROM Highland Park Hotel DR. B. A. HAMILTON Miser: Contractors Highland Purl: v m. m. m. Maugham-flue! Reddick Pros uvnox J. STEVENS, Paar Attorney And Conn-elor-st- Luv 8qu 901 904 Unlly Building 5, Chicago. ! Illinois. 99mm" 3 Cenml 2370 ~ Amount“: 3355 Office tnd Yu'dl I‘IRS'I‘ ST. AND ELI PLACE Phone 65 HIGHLANDPABK. ILLINOIS Curing. I and Checking Accounts Solicitcd ..... F. W. CUSHING. “raid“. 5min: and W Bum: 82w” ‘ ’ ‘. BILIM I] Mu.» Am... STATE BANK .. _..nk Blk 4 Large Stores. Pow 6 R00; 0 Apartments All Modem Steam and a: «at 208-214 E. Centra Avenue East of Post- Office. a: be: .8 an a: i «For particulars :6 owner: on premisesâ€"- .3! y W Grgffi or 1;. E. Scbora'éd “3"“ The Bell Sign bro-n . .an old It tired Mond- He can order his ner. end-in ‘ J’Clly. W W in ca em. or say the wotd lorgouen in the ham outing. He can do Ihb Ito-m any point en the road. because the Bell has “ruched all h “I.” multi- unexpected needs. - o, .g_,, L-‘ _e_,_4 TIRE-8;“ :iJeNIwe no u ~Iy (at I Long Diunnce Sennce throughout [he hole "new. neighboring! comm-huh. h. dm 0 am WEFENT - Estimates furnished .3 nos-NH: WI?» 8” ’ ’.’.”””’ T."""'..’. U I he Bell Tel-9mm, ecpt the Ir ~{eler in and}: with I“ to m d» civiliufion L GEN-ERA] SLUVES. RAB was FURNACES MAcugxaza GARDIL 'roous. aanx'rn a: nu. WARE. mam-I lg! BUILDIII' WWII. AND 001 .108 TIN WORK SQUARE {)EAI. '1‘) ALL “FIARDWARE TELEPIOII IQ) HOME UAUNDRY ll IGIILANI U I. ”my mm. \‘ID nu HOB LH'l‘bON I'A'I‘IT'.‘ NEIL Individx; EAST SPECIAL RkTE L. KLINE ,‘ ENTRAL AVENUE hGHLAND PARKJLL : Service, Style and éalty are the requisite. fa Jain-able shoe E. M. LAING Contracto: for Public W Pane 220 .. bfiwd.” I! W. Climb AVE. ILLINOIS 228 Pad: Avenue.

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