:la‘em ' Department -‘ ,te in every icular" Vegetables in Vason nce e So'I-L ’of arket 25 and 30 ct: DOI- 45 cts pk 3 for 10 cts 8 ct: aqm't 6 bars for 25 cts 2 lbs for 15 as 18 cts 1b 10 cts 10 cts 10 cts Th3“... ï¬ggbland park 2 ' Items; Miss Marguerite Schaefer entertained “b"dge whist clun of which she is, a ï¬ber m 'lhursdav afternoon. Now cnmes word thatth'e 561100] must tio‘tllniess-iunds can be raised to meet “Qteacher‘s‘saiary: VWiH anyone make 1' Post-Christmas offering, v that. .Christ uV indeed be born again in this pan f“ 335 Kingdom, which has so long .99" In isznurance of His love." " if anyone is incliiisd to give to this Wk Pi‘ease communicat; with Mrs, I). N. Sharpe,Edneyville.1\'orth Caro ha: or Vim R. P. DAVIDSON. Militarv Wemy, Highland Park, Illinois. In ‘0 this :0mmunitv ’came Christmas: And through the same instrumentality Une hundred and ninety‘eifzht dear little souls received a present off the “G ood shepherd' tr'ee: warm clothes that had been ‘Sent in barrels or =o_n‘1~: other ,ueeded thing; and $1†the aged, sick and w"! poor wére remembered. Best of all, nut a buy or mart in the “hole settlement touched any liquor “Wing llm h. lidav season: a thing un- Precedentvd m the history of the place. pm old fellow saidi ‘ “'Illere' s mothers â€â€œ9 latlmrs and wives a bleSsing vnn Md yuur Christmas tree this ‘day. :‘inse the bm's respect you. and the\' re keeping snber‘ cause von ’ve gone ‘0!" this trnunla for us aflL' L A small schnolhnuse Yxas been fui’n- ished; for r-n’the muunlain-sixles there are. a hundred and forty-six children wiflï¬u priVilegesz and ’this yeér a good ICEhEI'lIas been secured, who, on Sun- day, moums the platform and teHs the flow of God's love to the péople.’ And, the gum! wdrkers at. Inglenook must Inm'm the preualfious gins u( friends iorlhe raising of his small salary, 19km) g the III .nIIIains of North Lian)- IiIIa perchI-d on a lIIliside .Is ' Icom‘ {unable little enhm which buIIs the cozy namc III “Inglemmk†but is call- ed III ‘Ilfl two iime luster Children who are Iknhunhte vmvugh In .iv’e mere. "Dearie Hume.’ ' ‘ .\Il amuIId iI are mountains which sIand ~in grandeur Igailht Ihe 5k), heamixul furesIs, .Ind dashing {Ian-rs hm hIIIDE'S III. are pinched b_\' [Inverty hcumd our benev- inz: lives that are marred by immrzmce of Illé very Ihinus wlIIr-II we take must. [or granted as our rIghIs; and yeIIlIaI have a pathetic hunger fothé besI. And out from Inglenuok, through the efforts at two consecrated, unSelï¬sII women, is Iluwing imu these poor homes something vf cnmforI of know? kdge, and even (II pk'aug‘re ' DID THIS CHRISTMAS PAY? xo AD\ rmauwmaws mgA'r.s 0R COVHIUUIL ~‘\'l‘i()\\ RE- L‘EHBD AMER m 0' CLUCK A, ‘ M.. THURSDAYS Subscription; $1.50 a year ?“ Ulrigh ui S.,Sherid ' ‘Knad waé ‘35 at a bridge whisl puny on Thurs- LOCHL 6€N€KHL SCQNOMICHL [NDGDGNDENC Auxi_.iaxv uf the North Avenue dist. Episcizpa-l Church mitt with :n Frifch on 'lucedm. XVII No- 3 NHRTHSHRE NEWS-LETTER .0101 The Women'n Missiunuv Union held nvmonthly meeting in the Church Parlors of the ‘ Presbyterian Church on Wed- nesday afrenpoop at, three o'clock Mrs John Baléon Shaw who in President 'of the N. 1?. spoke. The Committee in charge wereâ€" Mrs Fred W’onser. Mrs Georgeil‘doorc, Mrs E. Percy Knapp. . On Thursday after can at Orchestra. Hall Miss Hazel Eve ugham uf (‘hicago formerly of Highlan Park and having now so many friends are, appeared on the programme at th annual scholar- ship concert‘ni the Amateur Musical Club. .5113: Helen \Roberts designed flu-poster with whicH the concert was advertized. A number of wurqen pm- minem in Chicago society were the holders of boxes. Mr; D. A. Holmes; Cashier 0t Lhé Hig’ Bank who has been il agaifm a! his place of. The many friends of Mrs. A Mo: es wlii be pleascd to him that after scv- eral weeks iHness,‘ . she is fast' gam- in" her health and lwill be home in a (ew days. ~ 1 ' Inn tions have beeuissucd for the marriage ’0! Miss Margaret Alwater, daughter of Mrs Henry G. Atwater o! Highiand Park, {ui’lherlv 0! East Orangv, N j. to Fred A. Preston of this city, “lrich wflLtake place 'luesday evening, Feb. 7. “8:30 o‘cluck, in Trinity Episcopal "church, Bighiand Park. The church service will be fol- lowed by a reception at the home of the bride’ s moiher. The new building being built by Mr. Gro. Bock, on Second street is nearly CtJlinleth. > There was a joint meeting of the Lake County Medical Swiety, the Lake County Teachers Association 3nd the Lake Countv Tuberculosis Institute at. Highland Park Ian. 21st,. in the High :chnol building. The. Lake Fares? “0- Iuan’s Club was i:‘.yited l)r. Nollen was one of the speakers. ’ The North thaw Dramatic cluh uri- ginaily‘ presented the fame, which Ls a translation from the German. ' Frlnuztn 1. this Highland Park “'0- man's club. hacked by the Afliliated Women's clubs on the tenth- district. will present. under the diret'tidn of Will M. Lowrie, well known theatrical director. “His L‘ncle {min lndia,"'a play (if great merit, at the *llavinia park theater, re-pea'ting a performance givcn Sumc'tiuw again the same theater. I The Alumni oi Deerï¬efd Township High School have decided on a play to he presented an Kawinia Park It Ia: eu~ ï¬lled» “Mn-u we were .'l‘IIeI {I â€me As yet the annulus! casfs has Int barn formed but the 'chearsals will begin veifyvsouhr ' ,> ‘ ‘ Miss Pricilla Carver gave a program ofpiano cinmposiliuns at the home at Mrs. Lubdell. 3716 Prairie Avenue, and asummer resident. of. Highland Park. On Tuesday ‘mmning Miss Carver played before ‘the‘ Dearborn Seminary Alumni Association, which met at Mrs. Lubdeilsiur luncheuu. ' \lias Francis Hale who has†been a student at the ; Vurlhweslern Universuy for a year and a half Is now at home and will nut return in cullcge (his \ear Mrs. linker who furmc'lv lived on Moraine Road and whose husband was so mySt'criuuslv murdered in our city. died in Chicayo, this week._ MES Francis Fritch gavt a surprise party i. r her. mother, Mrs. I“. Frilch'un Mrs! Ray Bowman of Raveuswmd. was the guest of Miss Estel'le Clark this week. > Monday evening. the gentlemanly Hand Park State I the pas‘ week, is >usiaess.~ HIGHLAND PARK ILL. IAN. 21. 19311 Dr. Sexsmith leaves thi: afternoon or a health Hip, and will be buck in ten days. ‘ Mrs. Cumstbck of Rivinil, hu Imv- ed in L9: lupin, Caliiomit, and hld a pleasam'trip. Mrs. lgnn oiour city having rcteivcda beautiful boqucl of flowers pickcd after arriving in Cali- fornin. Mr Iand Mrs Conrad (Hogan (Olu Strauss) who have been \ Ailing Mr and Mr‘slhlurris flecht will leave noon to re- sidg in Chictgu. Mrs Case? of Ravinin has returned home from Torumo, Canada and leaves (06:, fur Oklahmnn Mr? Viola Shields is visiting I cousin in Chicago. during this week. Mrs [sac Jordan left an Monday tor Calilorhia white the will spend the wiulcr' mouths. Mrs Kennel" amout was married re- canh' in Chicago. Mn Clement. Smool and his bride ‘are to be the guests of Mr and 'Mrs “ohm-‘5 (Eleanor Smom) In their new home un Linden Avenue lot over Sunday. Mr Clement 5me who is well known in Highland Park, having spent hi- boyhmnl here Ind in the son of Mr. and Mrs’j Melzel of > Centul. Avenue en tenain'ed a. number of her friends in- formallv jat a .tea on Saturday flur- noon, -An old 5!er dance. was held, at. the vahl'und l'ark club Thursday evening. ‘ , . .Miss Libby Swecdand wlm.[or m' ' {years was a resident of ' Highland Pam is now slayingju Los Angela, .341. Mrs George' Nico“: (Ehtel Turnley) visited M. her fathers home during luhil week. ' A Miss Mtrgarcl Deming who hn been attending 00“ch at Northwestern University will have college at the close 0’! the mid-year examinations to go to California for three months. Mrs. {Jupiter and ‘hcf son left week for Califurnis. Miss Merrnguher was hostess atn luncheon 1W 5:. Margarets Guild of Trinity church. There were twenty- two gun-518 ‘ On December I» and lo. the Ladies ‘Auxtharv ol the First. “..' B. church of North Highland Park. held a bazaar at the city hall, Highwuud. Although not as well amt-titled II it bitould. have been. the result. was 3 reasonable uueeeu. the receipts being it; the neighborhood of. “50.00. 7 Mrs R. M. Harvey. president of the Ladies Auxiliarv. wishes. on be- half ml the ladies. to return their grate- ful thanks to the many advertisers who rt‘stulidt d to their, request, for goods to offerlur Shit, at the bazaar. and Il- sntonumertm merthtmts and friends Mm cuntril-uttd various articles [or the fancy and other booths. But. a few Jol- latt- wtrrlh uf mrrcttnndise was It‘ll un- sold at tlu: '0! q' usi m hi the (strand these will he disposed of at Iu‘elrly date. They. his" lt‘lttit'lf their l3 3 ‘-‘v.._ ‘0 the Mayor and Cit» t'uuttcil'nt‘ Iltgltwuod lur the kind and cordial manner in which they granted the use of the lull. l Nurthwestern Military Acndcmy 0p- enod the' bakeniall team by winning from the’J-‘on Sheridan soldiers on the acavemv. fluor. Y‘ Having received the chin: lu hte that is to he made in Mr. Alida-Inn and Russcli'g adveftiscmont of Luke Furnt. “H“! to say that they have alsoupened an ofï¬ce in the Erskine Block. High. luudfl’ark, their telephone numberin- 309 Look for the change of their ad in our next issue. - ‘ A BAZAAR Iligm‘and Far} zenith?!“ n ‘ Sound Page Have you any Mme you wall taken too or Iron tho depm. army lurnitun or pisno moved. if so call up Ir. '1‘. S. Dufly. 08cc Phone.‘38l. Residenc- Phone 638. Angus Allen '. Mr C Lower- John Barry Miss Muv Martha [4 M Brown Fhon “lulu Christian Bernhard?†B Miller. lune Crapet Ed ] Nullj' Geo Bailing Mn Jnhu C Pint Mrs. Gen [Ming Miss M Klondike Gustav Gutbrod Ml. Helen Simon 1". I. Gengluv A F Summers Mrs Lenka "3"th 8 I. WIlliM Mr. W. J L Wixliunt. A. W. FLETCHER. Pout Muster The ofï¬cenimullcd are a John 0' Keckâ€"Worthy Presi John Penmanâ€"Vic. “135ch I". D Tuckerâ€"Chaplain. C. J. Lobnnkuhlâ€"Socu'eury E. A. Humiuâ€"Treaï¬uer. I; W. Fradineâ€"Jmide Guard H. Lehmkuhlâ€"Ouuide (3mm 'l‘rusueIâ€"john Rqesmun, x. set. lohn flan. Physicianâ€"- Dr. Bel-pm, At the time Ur. O'Keete ‘ the emblem to Mr. Dene the about u surprised as one out we: entirely unexpected 1m O'Keefe. he was unable to e) apprecielion in coherent {on men have done much to bui.‘ eerie: to their present high 1 are held in the hithelt eete members. ' Folluwing the work u! ii “Wu. Deane of Waukegan, ol Hmhwood lodge, presented [ohn O'Keeie. Secretary 3 ‘1 the Railway Men's Home 1 with a handsome diamond ““4 button which the president a‘ wall choaan words. A fl-ai lure of the gathering lolloweg It was so inter-outing coilci it. was Mr. O’Keefc who‘ was present Mr. Deane with a - blun; prucnte’d {Wm tho loo week ago. 1 .La'st l-riday evening High let had a big tune. it hem; t of the manual] installation. Aerie and Gutield Acne chufe of Ihe installation a! 3nd the guesn from W-uke stun and ulher places with Imod memhers. numbered 3( it was the biggest neat. II Sunk. Shun Eagles fur um Mr! Ilolahiul and bet all: have been ill for â€III. (hm Grippe. Annual Installation of Marked by Large GI President O‘Keele‘ Diamond Badge. ‘ Tuesday evening a $01-an given on the Min“ Wahz t“ of Liuet. Colonel Waltz uh; ll‘t. Shoridln {ur Wushing where he is upmimu‘.‘ to go‘ de'ail. ‘ BIG TIME FOR WOOD AERI Luna": and Mn Tilluj happy 5.76qu of a little du Tuesday lanuuy mm. Mn Brown was hooters 4! a recep- tion in honur 0‘ her riueréin pw In Ro- bort Emery the bride of Lit-at. Rob"! Emery 0! the 27th Infantry m January thirteenth. Min label C k of High. land Park was among the young 1m» { m-en “sitting f ldurtised Letterk JAN I7. 1‘)“ “Ion '. Mr C Lower: wry Miss Mun Man‘n own Fhon Huh. FORT SHERIDi {d the two talus and In by nll ’ood En- ae occasion Waukecan HIS Ind he olllcen n. Evan- he High- . In fact. Id by the e lime. “Minion“ what! "6‘ Pruidem reuurv 0‘ f our city. 'prueiuod ; latter was fun be. u i 'like Mr. ence that the ole to milnr un- I follows! Ient. {thal- Any Oflicen theringâ€" ghur born AN is let'in‘ HIGH- party was Given his Gus-oo- oojrumn on noon: no: Mn. Multan B. Ordotmt In: tack with minim In Montreal. Mr. W. S. club, ha been in Fm Dodge. Mou tonhemwock'baeh In all“ by (In duth ol hit brother, Mr. Morgan Cmuby. " » Mr. D. H. Cornell Ill. be.- i“ with a severe cold. and um: unable to punch lat Sand†morning. Mr. Lawrence Hound ï¬lled Mr. Come‘u'a pulpit n. the (Tongngatknual chunk I.“ Smithy. Mn. . A. Kittormuter left Int 8:!- urday Imam-.1. Out. Tho Ladies Guild 0! the Epilcupll church. will Bayou Iondav afternoon at two o'clock u the home of Mn Thoma King on Railroad avenue. The B. A'. C. club win time this evening a! the Wonm‘u Library cluh. Miu Ducyj (mic {cu Than-uy («r Fnirvinr. Ilium, to attend N. Mary'- Miu Hiram lempto- nu return- ed from Admin when the V“ m gum of her .iue'r. Mn. Patrick Som- land, over the holiday; Mn. Carri. [Icahn BooddChicogo, will render original long. and red-dons at the nchool augiiturum on Fridav even“- lng. Juury 27. at eight o'clock. The tdmiuon will be ï¬fty coma. and the pmed: are to go to the church or 8!. Elizabeth. ' Mu. Harvey Pound enhruined ‘with an informal tea at Wodnudty alter- The Opportunity club of the Con- .regalionll dim-ch. wlll hold . Valen- tine sale in the Village lull on Friday. Feb. 3rd. Then will he on u 2, home made valentines, ("on for valentine luncheonl and dinners. score ends, Macy articles for ynlemlnc gifu, lpnms, candy and popcorn. German Luthern Church. qâ€"Rev C Hinlz. Panto: sunduy mica Wm n. m. Weduecdly evening meg-dog 7:.†Methodist Epiuconmmu *Libnh' Club Rev E C E Dtfli'n Paflor Morn- ing nerviee “:00 a m Evening service. Men 100 Congregational Church. K9: was Cur-nil. Pastor. Morning let- vim ll :00 a u): Sunday who“! 9:45 I III Suany eV’enin‘ Orr-flee 7:30 p Ill: Wed. («today evening waver meeting 8:Mp m Church of St. l-Z‘luhctlIâ€"Rev Lame. MN. Plies: In chug: Holy-Cun- muniun 7:30: in: trauma celebration and name ï¬rst. Sunday tn n'mnlh. “:10 a {u morning pnver and sermon, except In! Sunday in mumh. â€:00. «"5 cu- um. prays: an! sec-mun. S p m: Sunday school. 1435 a m. N0 ATTENTION WILL BEGIVEN 1‘0 ADVERTISEMENTS. LOCALS on couuumcn‘qus. u:- cuvso AFTER 100ch A. M., THURSDAYS. Jag-«x- -x-"* x- -x-* Subscription. $I.5¢ pct year dLeNcoe, SATURDAY Jun. 21 I9“ CHURCH NOTICES 5 cents‘