Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 4 Feb 1911, p. 1

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â€" Miss Hazel Ritch e of Maple avenue. ' 'wlu')‘ hna beenccnfl - ed to her home with. ‘ a revere cold, is r ported improving.- Magazines, , ery, Cigars. Tuba 0: and Cigars oi the _ very best ‘ can 7‘ and Mrs. Cowan will take charge of her _ ‘ luncheon lent Thu'sdayn ‘ “VI" be had _at Mr. Grant Greene's Mr‘a.A P Smith f- ‘EaatrLaurel avenue ‘ lelt hi" California laat Tueaday. Mr. hone during her absence. Mrs. Walter Carr entertained at Mrs. John Glace~ entertained at lunch- eon laat Tuesday'in honor of MiseAt- , .waterwhose wedding takes place this anvrzttrtsumnxrs. mus. 0R CdMMUUlCA‘fiON‘s RE- ‘ cutvno AFT-ER to on CLOCK A, M.. THURSDAYS- . and Mn; ‘Bunrrollotea, ure' ' the guest; of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Grant; .> 1 I . "The junior: clots of Northwestern “My will’give its annual ploy-on, April 1‘ at Ravinia Parana": “‘College‘ Widow" havinc’ been chosen for produce The. cast of tms‘ year ts tojbe , Mra. Lucius A Blue of Glencoe aven- , ue, returned this week from the east A ~ where she‘w ~relative Mrs. Charles H halter and son, Jack with have been on the sick list for. sev- eral days. are able'to be our again. Mrs. Samuel Levin entertain cards last Thursday evening. . ‘Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rudolph 0: Lin- : den Park place. have gone to Florida for a lew weeks. . B 'Cumrninfa‘fgi'Waukegan Mr George 5 week. was a visitor here _thi an article published in 1 Jun. 28th. entitled ,“Cooditionn for Purity" will appear’in «your next week’s iesue. . Also an article “entitled "Abolition. The White-blur. Traffic and all F'ortns 0 .Attached' ’ An answer to‘ . the News-Lena u hâ€"nâ€"‘é- ‘ Ir. Earlfisell 01 Sheri baa been ill with the grip bcouta‘gain. , A. _ . M ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles - Blitridan Park spent the weelr end With _ 'rfriendihcre last men. 1 a.‘ De, is able to . "Mrs.- F P. Luther entertained, at din- ,nerilaat Mondafevening, , _. g _ Mrs. John (Haas . watt hostess at a :gboufie copper last Sundayevening.~ ’ . as called by the death'oi n . ed ‘at t The Social Evil. dun place;w.ho banana-v ,Of. month. -l was Surprised at the large stock of Fine Stationery School! Supplies, High Grade Candies, Books. Souvenir Post . Carded Magazines end Pure Havana , cigars. that Mr. : A .- Larson carries in stock and at prices that éan‘ndt be dupli- ‘cated this aide of Chicago. ' . Mrs. Edwin ~ E Arrnsuon'g of Elm place. wars hotness Vat'a luncheon last ‘Ifueadav'for ouloi toyn‘ guest's: covers were laid: ior eight; the decorations were purple and green. A ' 5 » ‘ Mrs) ' mtg ma entertained at came last Tuesday afternoon. ' > I \ ..â€"-â€"â€" "Lieutenant and Mrs. Frank L'Beals‘ recently (rout Washington, have taken the Charles H Merrit house on Linden avenue for the balance of the season. , Miss lln Waterhouso entertained at a card party last Tuesdav evening. ’ Friends of Mrs. George Garrity. ' until last Saturday, Miss Bulalt Cummings. were greatly surprised when unannounce- ment was nude of tbentarriage 'ol Ilsa Cummings and Mr. Garrity at 'Wauke'. gun. They are reaiding in Highvrood. ' Woman} Auxiliary or the Metho- tfjiiscopal chur‘ch,‘ diet with Mn. y. g . _.....__- Those intending the' Reception and Banquet in honor’of the Joint-Commie~ sion'on Re-unionof the'Evangelical Ae- 'sociation and United Evangelical church at the: Cale Lakota. Board of Trade Building- Cor. Jackson Boulevard ‘and [ta-Selle St., on Tueeday evening. Jan. .31. 19“ at 6 o'clock were Mr.‘ fidcrenburg. Mn Wm. Tillman, Mr. Brand, Mr. In G. Salyards. Mr. Gruel. Mr. Paul Gicser and Mr. 6. Keller; _ .The’ Masonic lodge 0! Wilmette en- Masonic. lodges oi Eran- 'l’ark, and Deaplainea ' he Wilmette presided over Matter George Hess ol hy‘ Worahlpiul ‘ Masons attend- Wilmette: A ‘ at 300 Miss Helen Brown was lower- ' lg! a Highland Park girl and four year! moved to Lake Forest.- ago her parents ' . Mien'Brown made;her debut there last I i Mags Alice Evans will leave for " onto..CaTiada, with Mrs. Herdien. ‘ ’ie to be a soloist there with Orchestra. « ' ' . find! 1! Chandler entertainedflthe ”in club tact Monday afternoon. _ _ Iii: Marjorie Small was hostess at a dinner last Tuesday evening; oovera decoration! ‘ m at Mica the Thomas; ’ intcr‘and in now living in. iihicago. . . Mrs. Seller Ballard 4.3:. ie'Smith) visited her mother.;Mr’i' Alberta run 'Smlth lectured: “ - ' w - ~ Mrs.‘ Charlea M.‘ Pollock of Fargo. North Dakota,- wae arviaitor in Highland .Park this week. ‘Mr. Pollock ia a grad- uateoltlle North Western Militarv Ac- ademy audience: a denier at Madicon University. »- . v _ ‘â€" ‘ slurs; thrice entertained Fridav even-' ' at a large dinner in- lng'o!» Ian week ' . Atwater and MrrFrnd- ’figk 'pmton whose marriage in to take February acventh. , \. Wm: . ‘ lire. Frederick Steele la “land confin- ed to the house with neuritic: ' Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Vailllett here (or Florida laet'Sunday. Mr. Vail has been 1“ and the chance oi climate i! expect- ed to batten hie recovery. u... Daniel Cobb who baa been. verv lll._lor come time ta improving. Mn Frederick Wincheater 1339 came to Highland Park" for his mother: j funeral. lelt for‘hia hornein. California on. Wednesday. MlaeiKiturah Fouid'b gave a large bridge party on Ffrtday afternoon in honor of Mia's Margaret Atwater. . The Highland Park club gave a dance Tueaday evcning. _____._â€"â€"â€"â€"-. ’ The Rev. J. J. Wilkina, “. D., lortn- erly of Lus Attgelel., now Secretarv ot the General Clergy Belle! Pension Fund. will preach in Trinity church on Sunday morning. Feb. 5. at eleven, ’clnclt. A cordial invitation isextead- ed tn all A ‘_____.____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"v ‘ LWAN'I‘EDTâ€"el’atrtiea with houseeto rent for summer'scaeon, a year,to liat ' with me as [have parties waiting. _ N A Aldridge E:sltine-Bldg.. Bl ' ' w WEDDING BELLS. _.Plans {or the marriage of Miss Mar-' garet Atwater. daughter of Mn. Henrv G. Atwater. at Highland Park, lormerly of East orange. N. l . to Fred Auguetua ' Preston of this citv, ‘vvhicit will take place Tuesday evening. Feb. '1. it 8:34) o’clock, in TrinitvtEpiecopal church, Highland Park. are complete. Mica Mary King. of .New Jersey and Min Janet Smith of 'Evanaton will be brides- .mald’a, and little. Charltn'c Bayliea of Highland Park will act at flower girl. Thomas Rodd o! Pittahurg will be beat man, and Ruaaell Jonas. Walter Egan and. William Rodd of Chicago will be ushers. The ceremonywill be perlorm- ed by Rev. C. P. Wolcolt. Preceding the service a inuaical program will be rendered by Miss Priscilla -Ca'rver and George Jonea. Aautall reception to relatiice and a few intimate lrlends will. follow at the residence of the bridee par- ents. Mra. Atwater. mother at the. prospective bride, will give an inlOrInal dinner on Friday evening ’for the bridal .party. SPECIAL sanvxca. L..â€" The day of prayer [or Minions wjll be obaerved next Sundav at the Ebeneaer Evangelical. church. At the morning service ‘a Missionary addreaa will be gi'venhy the pastor. In the evening at 7:30 o’clock a speci given hy the ladiea of the church. will he ol interest and help to all.who attend. A’ free will offering will be tak- en lor the Chriseian Kindergarten work in Japan. The ‘puhlic is cordially in- vited to those services. I ._â€"â€"â€"- Mlss‘Caryle Atlama who has been the guest 0‘ her com-ins. the Mines Shield: for the past two weeks has returned to her home in St. Louis. fl .‘ . I ‘ Mr. Bialt and bin family have taken the Meritta'rca‘tdence lor the winter. Mr Brains a retired United States army officer at the rMilitarv Academy-in this CRY- ~ ' . . . Mr. Acltley the home ol Mr. of Wilmette war a gueat at Scarborough last week Mra Carlton entertained .at a miacel lalnioua abower for Mica Margaret At- water.- who in to becomO the bride of Ir 1'. Preuon‘ on the afternoon 0! Feb. 7th. “â€"â€" .,.Mra. Fearing oi aninia will be a hoe- teae atn card vary in ham" ofMiaa .Iotriaon who in the guest of Fort Sheridan. land Park. ‘ 0n Tue‘adav afternoon Mu. Jinan entertained at bridge. It weal un- uaually attractive afidir. there bet!!! live tablee coda pride for each ble. â€"â€"‘. I Mrs. [new-a hb‘*,". a ht - . lor the French Club oil Friday -. laat week. St. Margarata Guild 0! Trinltv ‘ hutch met with Mrs Harmon on Tneed y. # Mica Helen Coale. nho um I clode ' of the Opera aeaaon in China-u has been viaitlng in Lafayette. [M F.. a re- turned boute on Wedneeclay eve! log. .â€" On Thurulay afternoon a rd the Ouoll Club diaplavel for any tempting fonda. The proceede of are to go to charity. Alnll a- - nt of the day and amount oi mom - .. will be given outln the neat iaauc l the New!» Letter. THE MthTtlEL srt w On Saturday evening the .me of the Highland Park Club preunte, amin- atrel show followed by a vaudevil e. The, ball room wna well filled with cl ’ hers and their lrienda when thd «min arose upon the aerui circle or daily tuln- atrela and the white luterloeuwi'. Mr. - aning manv I - Dale e W...‘-___ .â€" _ -. are an' Who-"raw? d'*** , nuances, ILL SATURDAY m. 4 tan umooaOmcn. Mum -â€"â€"I- no ATTINIION mu. er. otvntl’ "ro aovcnrtsnucm LOCAL. on couucutcartous. ac. cntveo art-cc th'ccocx A. it. ‘ruuasmvs. M - cnuncu sauces. . ~â€" Cburch a! It Elizabethâ€"Rev Luther I'trdee. than in chbrge: Holy Con; amnion 7:10 a In: M (plinth- a'ud aeruon (rat Sunday in ion“. “:10 a Ill melting pravcr and moon. ecu-pt first Sunday in non h. llzwa -: eve mug prayer aud nor a. 5 p to: My “book 9:55 I It. Sturgoe oi Winnetlta tool: the .part or . interlocutor. Mr. A. R. Williaina and Mr. Norman Macon were the end men. A number of solos were sung ibyhlr. Mason. Mr. Williams. Mr. Erickton and Mr‘. Putnam. Especial mention must be given Mr. C. Warren who e_the hitof the elrening in his song outed “l've Got A Mother." There were several Joker gttten cl by the mi tatrele at the cxpehneLof auch. popular men as President Bodrniqua. Secretary llclhide. Mr. llate’ly and Judge Grocacup. Fcllovvlng th show Mr. Warren gave a nunibefpl hia alight oi hand performances to which beis alwaya ao much in dem nd. A burlesque of “The Girl of the 1Gclden West" was aaketch that waa heted an well that the audience waa thrown in to galca of laughter and lunch applause. waa awarded the versatile ‘ Ir. Macon as an attractive “CI of the Golden West" with his to: black brands and cow-girl dreae. Mr Putnam who it aleo a splendid actori won the heroâ€"Other- in the cute tier: Mr. Roger Vail at an Indian aquaw.; Mr. A. R. William aa a shed! and ‘. Turtle wal the soloist ol the con-bin home. AMATEUR MlNSTlSl-jt An amateur mlnetrel chow w‘ a given at the Highland Park Club In Saturo day evening. One at the tea rec that the young men :of the club '1 troduced war a burleaque on “The (iil ol the Golden Wen." The ecore ndlyriea were written for the occa ion by Noe. ruan Mason and aotne of 0 music by (leorge Colburn. The end men were Allen Jone-a, Arthur B. Williuiaar Cbal. Warren. John Tuttle and Junior Chand- ler. Dexter Sturgea was the' interlocu- (Of. Science rn.~â€"Sub- jectzâ€"‘Spirit. .. Sunday aehom immediat- ely alter church cortices. All are cor- dlelly invited. 1 .4â€" ' Mr. John Finneyl our most o'blidging City Clerk. Who ltas‘had a severe cane of the grippe atlcka to his post. attend- lngto his odicial ,d'utlad justiae though the grippe waa hdrmleu. whereae' al- most any one else ’ would have several doctora and a nnrae or two. In [-‘innav like all honorable Services It' the Christian; Church to-utorrow ht 10:35 a. ofidale. took an oath to nerve the public lawfullv to the belt of hie abllttv. and thin he‘ta‘doing even es when you or [would not be able to be at our place at but»; Not on with Mr. Finnav. a you can always Ind hitn mn- deck ready ti give you any information (haired in regard to 0!!an- tilt-moe‘Couneoatuu-al Church. In! Douglas Wood. factor. .Iomtngju- tut-ea ‘ “w a lowland-feebwalm‘ar-W .4 Sunday evening acrvloe 720 p at: Wed. nt-ndly erentng ‘praver meeting hflpuf Methodlat Epi ' cum-Cuban Gui... Rev. I. [Dorian Pact-r. Morning union 11:00 a. at Evening .ervice 7:15 p. I. 1 nunâ€"una- Mra. H. l’ Willie-u left teat M- day {or Olilornia, where the will vie". for several weeks. Mr. George 't‘racv in very ill at an hoe-eon Genuine! "avenue with rhea- tnatient. ' hire. a o. tint lclt tut anew event“ for "bullet. Wu V... I. ape-damn“ or aia waekafilahlee brother. Mr."Cnarlea Incoher- ttr.‘ Lawrence Howard baa gene to fiauusla to apend a low weaha. Ir. own leltau t‘rlda even _ a! week. 7 h. u Ir. William CM Ital returned fu- Boetoa. Mac. It. Clark baa been cut alace the‘lore part0! Dean-her. ' u _‘ ' 3: Angeline Fanning I". ht on y with her cider. Mn- “ Jah- “‘ The Opportunity debut the M Union church. will act on Monte alter-noon at three thing o'clock in the achool outlaw. All mun are. particularly urged to be'preaaat and meet the new ela- teachera. - The repaira on the Guru: hall at tho Epiecopal church are nearing comple- tion and It la hoped that the building will be ready {or he in a (cw weeks. The Ladiea (loud at the Episcopal Church will meet on tlonday anemone nttwo o'clock at the home at In. A. Ker-p. A large attendance in“. About two hundred people attended the recital given Friday even”. Jan. 27th. at the actual Main-”OI In. Candace!» fiend. aodall were“ delighttnlly entertained. #

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