Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 11 Feb 1911, p. 2

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' wnmnta' tuba? mm 1- man no cxwfiflo go up an; mus Dena lfll’lflargwt listing Ieft lastwcek for Fluids. and expats :6 return about! Apt“ an: ' Debug. ' Mr. Philip Schmu' femméd yesterg day from Ann Hurting for s few dayl. fl: expects to return to college Monday. Mule Magnet Orde. is ill with the whooping cough. Mn. Alfred Washington entertained with I luncheon followed by bridge on Wednesday end Thuredny 0! this week Cover! were laid for twenty- Jon: each UN. 1’ c Debug upon: In! week end with hat- ought". Mia Ethel Debug who in “trading Stout Institute a Mani Ii", luck-inn Th0 oficen = of the Children's Hpme and Lid Soiety of Burma, have «M o“ an urgent call for clothing for abil- dten 1mm tiny mum: to 1h? Ice of six} tun vents. The Ladies Gum! or the Congregfilional church, will deeply" ap- preciate any aniclo of clothing for either sboy or girl {or ‘his purpose Garment: can be sent m Mrs. James Brenner, Central avenue and Sherman road, or to Mn. Frank Darling. Railroad and fiuvthoru’e aven‘ues. ' a - ti maiden name was Anna McEa‘e. She came to the United States in 1874 and had had in Highland Park for thirty- eight veers. Mrs. Hart had been an invalid foreighficen year: and only her immediate family and Indielosa friends realized how she suffered for she was always bright and cheerful having a pleasant won! for everyone she met. She nosed quieuy away. She was the mother of seven children. but boys and three girle’, all of when Iuvive her excepting two The funeral was. htld at St. law's Catholic” church at' nine thirty Monday morning. The in- termedt was at Lake Forest. Miss Mabel Cunningham 0f Springfield. Mo.. is' the gun: of Miss‘Mildrcd Coale. Miss Cun- ningham who is now attending school at Washington University St. Louis. was a class- mate of» Min Coale’s at the Art Institute. A number of Hi hkmd Park girl: were guests fizz-luncheon it the home (if Mrs. Brown'of Ft. Sheridan on Wednesday. On Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the 'Parents and Teachers Associanon, a. lecture bv Profouo: Ulysses S. Grant of Northwestern ‘ University, was giun at the Elm Piaco, séhool. Prof. Grant’s-”subject was. “The Glade-1": of Alaska-” He spoke intanstinziv and we“ of the movement! of ‘Glac‘i'c‘r't; In. the employ of the U. 5. Geological Survey. he had made a study of the glaciers in the regions when the Columbia Glacier is located. 'nm glacier being one of the lag- ”ti-in Alaska. He described-the met-talcum: thathave token HISIILAND PARK Mr. fibroid Hush his last week {or six weeks hemp.“ trigin the we“. The mag; l7 judo ‘DQLJng spcm 'Sunfiay with her Esther, Mr.‘ Frederick comm non 131' PAGE Uéitzlary. _: LECTURE is in with the rot MtéQAnr to hear of y morning Hart was 0. reland in pfacc fiuflngthe last few years. Ear-so 1033mm been buried un- def agcmfiuhtc‘d soil and rock, are now in motion. Result being that some soil aregs- hav: been en- gulfed; others {wept (“remand forest'sdug up; f The audition: mat might, have prevailed during the ice ages, wet: told abéut. These changes. he said. were because the gia‘cial masses which Mrs. Henry Pierce of Chicago. Miss Pasqueth of Mexico. Mo. ., Miss Andrews and Mrs. Strong are the hous‘e guest- of Miss Helen Genie over the week end. We wish to thank our many friends for the Ron] offerings and the great kindness 3nd sympathy shown us in ourlatc bereave ment. The Alumni of D. T.H. 5., gave a sleigh ride Friday evening. The Alumni in a very ufln body tand are now busy rehearsing for their annual play. St. Johns avenue, carrieo in stock the finest stationary of an store of in kind Mong thefionh Shore suburbs. u to School guppiiu. Magazinel. Periodi- cals. Confécfionery. Souv'cnir Pan Card, Candie!“ {whet anyming you' wish to can {of in Mr. Lanon'u “no 0! hutincsu can be had; and M pricelv mm ‘are reagfit’uble, Oh. bv-the-way. while massing y just drop in "36’s" the jyhrge stock of’Valentjnel. And say. if fitsa good old tmoke you with. My Mr. Albert. Laue! one 9' on as: business men and proprietor News Stationary Store at EFFECTIVE FEB. 1. mx In urdu to secure create: unilomilv in the system of fees charged for money orders itsued on International lama. such fees on ‘and alter Feb. 1. 1911 um be ulollows:-â€"-Wben payablein Apis, Austria, Belgium Whiz, Capo Colony. Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt. Germany. Great Britton. Hondures, Honp Kém‘. Hungary. Italy, Japan. Siberil. Luxem- -'-"a--n â€"~~a.. - . burg, New South Wales. Now Enlgand. Orange River Colony. Peru Portugal. Queensland. Russia. _ » Salvador, South Australxa.Sw.iuex-ltnd. Tlsnmnh. the Trahsvaal, Uruguay tnd Victoril. F‘pr orders from > ‘ 8’30! to $2.50 100 $30 01 to “000 05c 2.51 to 5.00 is: 400! to 5000 500 5.01 10750 ,. Quoeooo 00o 7.51 to 10.00 25: Wm 70 00 70° 10.0: «315.00 . ‘0! «no 00 80c 1501(92000 ISCBOQIN‘NOO -900 2001103000 40: ounce 100 When payable in gay foreign country not enumerated Show. Fér orders from 300} 1001000 10c$5001t06000 60¢ {10 0| 102000 200 0! to 7000 700 {ZOOXtOSOOO’ 3037001008000. 80c 3001104000 '40e8001t09000 90C '4001m5000 50c IOOtOIOO Lu! CHANGES IN INTERNATIONAL MONEY-ORDER nu. here y nu win and it. The W. Laundry of 73m- oily takes the iend in duinx the best new Valong the North Lake Shore. huing the best of. machinery. and employs on- ly those xha. understand the business. The St Peter brothers. manner- of the [laundry has most assured“ won the con- fidence of an the North Shore' people Eby barring spared- no pain: in turning ‘ont Work that pleased all. Of counc- “thefeis different place-that such work, Scan be ache, but. they archer-e to- «in ‘and gone to- marrow. Not so with 1Itehubie Steam Lnnndry; therefore who your laundry where you cut have it fione the year round The fees to he eh‘arged tor order. 10-. suodop domestic I ms for prymem in countries with whic. money order busi- ness is conducted on the domést in back wiil be those at present exacted. A NEW MARKET ‘ On or bcfore March 15!, 19”. Jesse Sohcy will remove from his present lo- cagion in Highwood. to one of the Grilfin al'oml No. 210 But Cantu! l Avon», Highland Park. Illinois, wherf be will conduct a first clus market onlmo prim ciplo always employed by him, ,vm th“ the beat of mean, exéellont service and 6°ch "autumn exhaled to :11. il- «in; midi-nu {rod :11. T6. 61. Ions HART. 33. AND Fanny. our lud- tor o! the It 7- B. in stock An Address by Mr- The regular mid-year meduulng ex- amine ‘01 the 'Elm Place Ore-luv School took place on Friday evening. February 3. at which time the member; 1of the pedaling due with ehe Iain-g mace 0! “her upper nude Pupils [eve pertiomd four met from Manet-o Iinck'l The Bluebird. p All audience which texed the capacity of the endi- torium of the schooi enjoyed the grem- mrs'chool‘ puplb‘ charming interpret-- lion 0! the bin tale. The lemming pupill rgceived the diplomt o! m. Gnmpar‘ School: Axum Cole. Annie Kr'ueger. john Kearney, Glenn Luann. Marc-nu Phil- live. Esther Hicke. Mamie Siliéetron. Inn-e Gotten, Raymond Geer. George McFIdden. Harry Fte‘uerg. and Aileen sneaky: Mr. Ouleton Hunky. the Pmidem o! the Bond of Education, presented the diploma. preceding the pneumatic: byedlecuuion o! the at- tltnde of the Township Board of Edn- cation toward the admission at grun- g" '30th ("dunes at the laid-tear. Thu pomou of his addreu in helewhh printed in full. . -. - 7 -L!_ rV Before pmnting the diploma to this Glue 0! February, 1911. it seems than; to mate a lute-men! on hehsl! of the Bug d of Education of Diana :07 with absence to mid‘year premium and to the exunelon of high-tchool priviIegeI to pupil. completing the woxk of the (rennin-f Ichool u the middle of the when] veer. It is generally knewn that over a yea: ago the Board of Education-of Deerfield Towuahlp High echool went. on recon! u'cmpoalnl the admission to the High school at nid'year of pupils recent" graduated from the grammar ichool. lt-thue commuted the Dutfield Town- ship High when! to the policy not only of refusing to organize new clam ea- peclallv fut entering pupils but alao o! denyinz _to properly qualified grim-ear eehool graduate: adulation to any 0! the begin nius ale-ac! regularlv cranked at the m term. Deerfield Tm- ,ahlp flied l. for example. organiz- ' a A l_,-, ed beginning' clueee within the last {cw} days in phvuiognphy. in 100101". in} bonny; in domestic science. in Bomnn‘ hiltory, end in phyeiology. but admio‘ llon to any or ell of these clmee is; denied the pupil. who tonight ere glen; the diplomn 0!. thin gnlnmr who“ For these pupil; no loeel- school privi- lege: are open until the first week In September next. level: month. from the present time.- Aaelut this policy at excluding our pupils from the mid-year ounce of the High echool the Bond of Education. which lrepreeent. respect- fully ptoteets and submit: for the eon- :sideratiou of the patronl and tax payer- jol this old I“ other school dtltrlote 3trlhutuy to Deerfield Township High lechoul the following statement: in Rockhvd. lolict Ind Decatur to tho Ml «ht-I3 3° "'1 Nth Ichcol W yum mom you! in D. m “hill. 07”- M In'd-yurpmno- The problem of all graded schools is to secure sullicient elasticity oi organisa- tion to overcome the ever present danger oi the "l.clr~step to education" where- by children varying~ greatly in capacity and physical fitness are made to keep step through the grades in uniform ad- vancrment by yearly intervals With short intervals of promotlori it is easier to giie the needed opportunity 0! ad-' vancement to those whose maturity and mental alertness entitle them thereto. and it. ts possible to avoid the danger of retarding the advmcement of pupils who for good reasons at a particular stage of their devehputeot are not able to keep step with others iree irom handi- cap at any sort it is these slower pupils, as well as those that progress rapidly, that are too olten sinned against in our system of graded schools, the former being put baelt a whole year in classification when otten a touch short- er period would be ample. and the latter heln made to merit time until those their grade have caught up With 'n advancement. . nizmg the educational waste in- volved in so rigid a system at gradation. many of the best sehools in illinois and other states have in meat years sub- stituted a touch more elastic system where promotions occur at half-surly instead a! yearly intervals. So far a number at lllinoia cities is concerned. theaystent has long since passed the expendinental stage and beeolne an es- pus. Front February to June tnev completed [our hall-years eonrses at (1. re- entering the High School a September following with these courses to their credit, tnund a number of re ' lsr c purses upon to them which shcyicould ts te to their en- tire profit without causing the organza- tion at a single extra clam“ [his privi- - â€"â€"â€"v â€"yâ€"vâ€". .â€" Jeges such as these that the Board at Education which i represc-r‘t aIlts lor all the pupillsoi this District :.nd all other district. tributary to the lligh School. We have not asked. to c c not use. ask tint Deerfieid ‘i'owushit High School provide for separate «lesson (or mid year pupils alter the Fresh‘han year. ii all the elementary tchoula tribu- thryto our High School had the privi- lege of advancing pupil‘, to the High School at mid-veer. than could help thereby to raise the stancard ot attain- tneatin first yearelasses while ratthe sanction stimulating interest in the High School by altering! to ambitious pupils the chance oi mid-year adt'anee- merit to the High School. A number of High schools report a large enrolment because oi the admission oi pupils at nldflear. Roehfiord for example." portsthatsopercent oi the grammar M (Mates of last i ebruary enter sdthebighsehoolagainst 68 per cent horn the class oi Jose preceding. The ] Sterling Manon Township High School reports Nper cert. of February pupils agalsu 709st cent-oi June pn- It is worth noting that the Prin- tablished and valuable feature 01 their sign! at the Just mentioned school re- iliicltional policy. For example. the gsrda mid-year promotions oi so much cysts.) of mid-year promotions has been significance to the high school that be ,h operation in Aurora for fifteen years: has hrnaghtsyerv ind-esca- to bear upon ‘I-vv-â€"â€"â€"- - W or we ‘ ELM PLACE GRAMMAR SCHOOL m, President of the Bog-d of Education. Ochoa“ ;hool Mun “M733 um mm pm,“ “We" 3: Mill, and mu In (Mg: the [300- MM Township H‘gll School \ mind em In proud ‘ coup-Alto the (must. n'fi‘obor hove Toe-ship Bond “inn“. “ blacked, damning doorelotingmunee . . of‘ E Thompleuooohheeiehofiweoork “NE”... "d (0 mg. 7 f in mid-yet! lunch.“ 9” lochlly "ovum lo rocelvo up“. by ' “hum‘océ‘ In“... 61!!!th glimmer oohool EM mammummwu you. “L“‘E'mt'm‘fin A SIDE n‘i’éfi ., JUST BETWEEN nryeehoolomwtherfiw ere oop- YOU ENE Woman-me min bodice and "I" Illoold Monk o0 Immedia- llélol oh. end Idollo ozl'e ooncernod- It would thereto" noe- to lol'ov an! the Township undo! Education no Melodtobo iodilorenl at hootile to no boomm nod educetloriol polley no me one jot: oulioodl The nine! of hot [loud to Idol: pupils M'l' (“do fled from this ochoolwthonld- ear cameo of the Freohmen you the High ofiool he decay been e um of eerlae ooooen to the peanut ol out oohool no not move o eouoe ol en- borruoneot no the Boonie of Educ-don o! “to othec ole-elm: school! wild: my be looking towed to the edoptlon of the syno- ol Ila-you pro-afloat. In all the Hill: odioule of Galen” told-veer pmodom (tom Che node- onnll. 0! the thirty-two 1m llgh oohoole In the ante could: at Chlam- thoee employing ten 0! more when-â€" tore-$1!» ulnlt profile from the yen- mr oohool ot Ila-year. Thin in tho bill of! very short end remarking why; meal a manhood Bi‘h schoolo where lo the dâ€"â€"~~| ie'm dinner reody sod h leverlbon tea teaches! an employed. this all you but to we: on, while a Our locol High eolnol nployee founeon the same «inc the: dun wife is mutt“ when and n ‘ oopan um tiny and night 1.. done the one an: anongmeuhooleot (he not oi Deer- van seldom ha. a kind «on! Cutler. £33 field Towmhlp Huh eclmol on over- But on ‘he fired. Oh my. «m IN"! :3? obolmiuc majority lecoive pupils by am mule and bow tenderly hie word! "3 promotloo it mid-year. ' ls Mm: or Miss so and so pass» by n , -- _»â€"-._I. .3.» -....e. A....'.l..1 .m. we one nor an. mono '7 Boy. do you oee that mind non etundlog over mm on the » pa‘entleuhet than on, block ell: crime ve'et. rledv hooded! « end nood- «up oollu encircled vb boouhlul white tie. 0h h‘m nettle. nah. there goon lody. watch “an the poem; he lo nu mne- be m. he, boos sud whirlee amend out“ balance ortwke “he bide her the time a! day. Oh. le' at he opal“; gentleman; bulout. lw it Ila-Ila“ x1 for home. and no he entcrohie M Int he: utlfol omile he hod on hh M but a few moments ago in gone. and l' in place is o ecornlul look. mung "mark his loving wife might woke IO, Shanks-ho- Ihn Dru-field Tovn- ll. islhrumrh y chip High school anally maintains one that w-unen hen tucker on in M for evety twee" rum look filly puplll enrolled. a [unpnne condition when in rrllity of III“! IMch places it among the thins-five, and dam: moonlwolool hnzl, rick In "I. just ruch hahen mu having I". largest “emu; sufl cnuw 0! their 1 in proportion to tho number of pupil. mllnt‘ne four win eII'olled. With this he: .in View and East, Smith and the (act uloo o! the fine 092- “"d " home." nonnel ol the touhln; ma, it due. not [com bold Io unmet! um. mid- yur promow-m to [ho Freshman clm Could hardly u: the "mu-eel of Dept- 50” Taindlip High School. A! anv unit would m rrmnuble tn expect thum- employ-Rom a! (me additional Richer to “slot l? the organization at a Melently Mood program fut 611'. year pupil! entering “7 mud-yen would be all M is my #0 ufialy the demands or the Elm le‘zlchool ltshou'd not “m “it Wald In: be WW with low value the“ lame [nulls M can.» ILA-nu- alter any hail 00-le the“ Int lull veu'u wort ulna the: and um MI be en- mlldl la cit-01m an always or- ganised...“ down: numbe- ‘gluoluoflh - you. mu il- human in an up 0! m popu- an» m Ill-Ind to lb “is: School (mm this El. Phat “haul 1w- ou vent ago Fm February to Jun. In" completed lou- hnII-yun 90cm: u d. re-emcrlng m High School a September following was ohm mum’s to this credil, wand I number 0111: I. llr cJurm upon lo le' .113. «m--- ‘ ‘â€" M '5‘“ “WWW” N e to their en~ on profit without «can; me wan-u. FOR SALE “9' 0' O tingle "In clue“ lt-il privi- H R SALF: A mm at box. ‘ lege- ouch n the” the! w. W M :w Pmk a". u, “WWI“ M Edam". “5‘“ ""°""‘ "l“ *°" I“ l-OR SALEâ€"~50 1. lot I"! :8 (Jo-u”- the pupilleol this District an! all «hat the! ”me dumb“ u no “a “g: (".0160 "ihuury to the High School V We beve not asked. n cc not no 8th [Int Doerfidd (“o-um}- High School provide for cap-rue cheese (of mid mt pnpill After the Fr'elhhen ”or. “53v" «.1100 tum very fine lot! u‘ Norm Sheridan Road III“ and M”; per Itâ€"lllo house endlnt 132x200- 000mm! mighhorhmd. N A. ALD- mmzr Emu... "Ida Hi'hland hrk. mth the four Maps 0! the heaven. Noni Ea“. South Ind Wen- “.\'ever a kind word at home." I can» 0! their fnmih'es brign fluttered I i I ; ' man? 346. vm' «Odom has: kind word ”k9,; But on 1h: “net. on my. vim a plan 5; am single. “Kl how tenderly NI wow]! " u Mn: of ma Io Ind so passes by. It is llIrouwh j“ Inch docu'uul mm um munch become hem-beaten and mllvoook filly or sixty nun oil“ when in n-nlity they In hm thin,“ , thins-five. and further, it it “ME; just met: father: .5 those Hm m “at; cm immune-lento. Apply to mulcr ‘35 “MCWIYI‘ .u 1' .~ ligMand I'mk 7 “H; SALE}- Nm’lhu"! Corner l-Hu “Gm amen. «Mien “Me of». Qtndhide .mo per L. 2, x, A. MVDR‘DGE. Erskine Bldg. In. :45 0.0:. an: L Buldenoe. fell [or manner team. a year to With me u I hve patios unini- N A Aldridlt m I. paint)" a week to “skid? thatch-art upto 'ILOOuweck A ‘" new. And, to Vienna Ladies . 2! 51. john- Hath; '4 Avril Isa. N. A-. ALDRIDGE T‘ 34" Katine BM.“ ~ TO RENTâ€"Seven! houses 1.. an 8! bl" 90"“ “fit“ “IV I“. Aisn I! ‘uveiy furnished home for I'll“ rental umil BENT. “l’nlumnhcd bone with 87 fine gmundu. shrubsâ€"M I“ gudel. for tum of yarn. N. A. ALINUDG‘géa Te' 745. per hâ€"nllo house Indlnt 1232de mlgood Nighhorhuod. N A‘ MD- RIDGE Enklne "Mm. Highland hrk. 0.“ at. :45. Res. m. son. mum t wn all [1th impnwemonu. 436 W. (‘cmral avenue. Highland Purl. Phone 723' in: in [Irina tsmilv. bv III P. 0. BOX 732 POI! RENT: 8 room house WANTED: Washing-amt 'l‘( ) RENT \V A f I.“ Mod Aid L‘ ch» d Mn IVCII "I". Alden the the! (our Mel Stem N11 no. AVI Th‘ Mm PH 66! oh Ste {cu {or FM I’C‘

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