Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Aug 1912, p. 4

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EASTMAN: Concrete fence post: may be made “hr |2c I piece. Leave your name with us for free instructive booklet. "o‘. John Middleton best results are se- cured by using one of these famous in- struments. Highland Park That’s The Brand We Handle If .ur. send puszal‘l {or free final boz- I}: [t w:ll be a pleasure (-r'ihow you" that Nun-Funk]! 13 H4- musi wanderfui dMnxâ€"chnaintâ€"pol- fitting hqud )‘r' discovéred l'»(‘ :4 m your homr and yuu w H my that everyone the SJys w «I In» It; "I couldn‘t keep huusc WIIhwul “WPARKPRFSS Puausnxo Wuxur BY JOHN 1' It Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: :2 Highland Park 562 WMSISOnYmiIMme Entered as kcond£lass matter March 1, l911,at he post office at Highland Park. llhnons. under the Act of March 3. 1879. From Missouri? D. G PURDYu‘ SONS WY” Llndmpe Enginee} and Contnctor 2.31 Glenna» Avenue H‘gH; ALEXANDER LAING TJURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 Get one of an ea‘xy to use Just mmsten a y ccr of ordinary chrese cloth mth N‘s-Fiaâ€" inh._then just dust CM” 160k " NefSQIaâ€"Isâ€"sSEâ€"o}: approval Satisfaction nuanced or money refunded. .n the usual wav ’_1 No dust flxmu In the room £012!!dean agam. Every spcck m taken up and MIL not )usl stirred up. Your home wxll always have thagnew. frqsh "jun Aft-r homo- CITAUUMD 0.74 Telephone 33?} We rec.- ommend it, for we know the the best; that can bemade I H‘gHand Park Illinois. Misses Lillian and Dorothy Mitchell of :.S[ Johns Avenue are spending the re | mainder of the summer with relatives Ill 1 Michigan. Mrs. James Prindivllle and little daugh- ter will leave Friday for Higgins Lake‘ 1 Mich . where they will spend the remain 'der of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Loveland are re- ceiving congratulations on the arrival of a daughter, born Tuesday morning, Au- gust sixth. Mrs. Lee W. Maxwell of 425 S. Linden Avenue had as her guest from Thursday to Mondav Mm John Hawley of New York. Mr. M. Meldhal and party of twenty from the Chicago Varnish Company. Chi- cago, “:re Sunday guests at Highland Hall. Miss Nellie Winemiller of Chicago.} spent the‘week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maechtle and family of North; Second Street. Mrs .James Morrison and daughter. Elizabeth Morrison are enjoying a trip to Niagara Falls and The Thousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abercrombic are occupying Mrs. C. J. Tremaine's home on Oakwood Avenue until September first. Mr. Thomas Duffy has purchased the home of Charles F. Hill on Homewood Avenue and will reside there in the future Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erickson and family of W. Central Avenue, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Wrap of Chicago. .\li§s Clara Burrvae of Wilmette and Miss Ohve Hoffert of Chicago were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maechtle and family. Mr. and Mrs Lyman Prior of Jackson Ve 06. who ville. Flonda, are spending a few weeks wil speak on With their parents. Mr and Mrs. H M.’ ‘i issionary Riot and Dr‘and Mrs: PHOWOJM‘“ A nvitcd Miss Alma Kelly and her guest, Miss Marie Vercoe will leave Monday for a two weeks' visit in Macatawa, Mich. Mr. Theodore Erringer of Los Angeles, Cal.. arrived here Monday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tbayer. a "CI. Rev. Carl E. Lundgren will preach at) Hamr the Swedish Lutheran church servxcc in : the Y. W. C. A. rooms next Sunday even- Mr ing. All are welcome. " ‘ guest Mrs. Henry Demson and daughter, Isabelle,“will spend the remainder of the summer as the guests of Mrs. George Hall. 218 N. Sheridan Road. Mrs. Robert Bare and herseven months oid son, Robert Bane of Lusk. Wyoming, are the guests of Mrs, Bare's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schaefer. Miss Caroline Shields had as her guest last week Miss Helen Hayes of 152 East Superior Street. Chicago. Mildred Sheahen, who has been very ill the past six weeks with typhoid fever. is able to be around again. Miss Marie Grecnslade of Second Street. is spending the week with friends in Oswego, Illinois. Miss Mabel Thomas of Waukegan. is the guest this week of Mrs J. Malone of Wat Central Avenue. Mrs. A. Houseman of Chicago was the guest last week of me Misses Clara and Anna Wahlbrook. Mrs. O. 8. Brand of E Central Avenue is spending a few weeks at Random Lake. Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Malone spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gamble of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steever are in northern Wisconsin {or two weeks on a fishing trip. Mm John Reescman has as her guest this week her sister, Miss Emily Haunges of Chicago. Miss Enola Garnet has as her guest this week Miss Mildred Warren of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Grant had as their} guest on Saturday Mr. Woodward of New 2 York City. F Miss Edith Muench left Monday morn- ing for a two weeks vacation in Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. lame: H. Bishop is visiting friends at South Haven. Michigan Miss Ella Kruegcr of Deerfield has been on the sick list the past week. A. C. Purdy and John Meyets spent Sunday at Saugatuck, Michigan. Mrs. C. H. Hoops. mother of Mr. Walter W. Hoops. is staying at the Laurel Inn. Mr. Lester Levin returned Wednesday fromalhrce weeks' visit in Marengo. Iowa. Miss Marguerite Schaefer is visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Walter Wardrop has returned from a six weeks' visit in California. Mr. Arthur Evans returned Monday from a months' visit at Reserve, Wis. Rev. J‘ F. Van Evera left Monday for Freeport, “L. to remain until Thursday. Miss lrene Campbell 0! Austin will be the gumt next week of Miss Alice Evans. Mm Grace Bohl is here from Holland, Michigan for a few days visit with friends. Iwmmmsommsl The ice cream social givfén by the Ladies Aid of the M. E. Churai on North Avenue on last Tuesday eve 3 proved a great succesa The lawn the par sonage was beautifully dec . ted with Japanese lantern: and (10 _j_ of the season . é: young men of the Highland ' ark Life Saving Crew entertained _ habegch party at the foot of CentralAfl nue. Re- freshments were served, 'mes. ind other amusements were enjogd until a late hour. \ On Friday evening, AugustE‘ond, the Mm D. P. Sheahen has go to Wau- pun, Wis. to attend the ma e of her niece. Miss Alice Nietman toflMr. Frank Mathews of Highwood. The‘3wedding is to take place August thirteen , Mr. and Mrs. Mathews will make weir future home in Bloomington, Illinoigg Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thaye and their daughter. Miss Mildred'l‘haygr, in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Learning and daughters. Miss Harriet afid Marjory Leaming and little son, Jerry ieft Tues- day for a ten day visit at Gragd DeTour. Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. teele ski] Saturday from New York the boat Minnewaska of ~the New Yojrk Marine Line. They will enjoy a ninetday trip to London and will motor in ‘ gland for two weeks, returning the Rig; part of September and landing at Q Ibec. Dr. Herbert Evans, who ha. substitut ed for Mr. Henry Clay M er at the Baptist Church during the utters vaca- tion has been called upon to §ccupy the pulpit in the Baptist Church gt Wanke- kegan for the next three week. On Monday evening the “$23 People' 5 Christian Endeavor of Eben r Church gaxe a beach party on the . ch at the foot ofxCentra) Avenue in h or of Mrs S. E.‘ Schrader who leaves thi week for a weeks‘ visit with her p ents near Hammond, Indiana. 5 5?, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Pei y were guests last week of Mr. agngrs M. Donahue of 4543 Grand Blvd§h who gave a dinner in their honor on jiji/ednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pea ‘ y are not in their new home but will we in upon its completion in September. > On Sunday evening, Au . eleventh, Mr. B. L. Story. pastor o the MJE. Church on North Avenue, w’ ‘ preach in th M. E. Chu c'1 in Oak’ ark; Mr, Ve(}0e, who will fill. Mr? S ry’s pquit x f-in Africa wi ‘speak on his experienc , lic is car- imisionary fields. The p x Mr. Kepler Van Evera. whtf with Mrs. Van Evera will leave shortly “ reprmnt the Presbyterian Church in China. preach- ed the sermon in the First Uliited Evan- gelical Church Sunday eveging. Mr. Van Evera is a cousm of Rei. J. F. Van Evera, pastor of this church. i Mr. John Briggs of Lake iCencva and Mr. Cyril Bellman of Rockfo" were the week-end guests of Mr. and JMrs. H. R. Loudon. Mm Loudon will laive tomor- row for a two weeks' visit wifih nelativa in Minneapolis. ': Rev. R. Calvin Dobeon mil little son, Duncan left this week for V r Harbor, Michigan where they joined rs. Dobeon and her mother, Mn. D 'can. They will return to Highland Park i . September. Mr. and Mn. Horace F. am, In. aEd their little son of Indi " polis. ac- companied by Mrs. Hill‘u rents. Mr. and Mn. App arrived in H hland Park this week to spend the mon of August. Mrs. Samuel Parliament Quad as her weekoend guest. Mn. 13 heehan of Chicago and is now ente ining Mrs. Frank Collins of New York who will re- main here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rayniqnd. who are at the Moraine Hotel whi ' their new home on Moraine Road is ng erected. spent the week-end I: sue: of Mrs. R. T. Crane at her country h e, “Jersey- hurst," Lake Geneva. '5 Mr. and Mm C. N. Kimball. Master Wallace Kimball, Master David Kimball and Miss Mary David sailed from Europe for home on Saturday on the steamship, Cincinnati of the Hambiargâ€"American line. If On Saturday evening Henty Coale en- tertained a party of ten at ‘3 six o'clock dinner at his home on Lindan Avenue in honor of his birthday. Aft‘r‘dinner the panv attended the dance at Highland Hall. Mr. Franklin B. Hussey and his son, Master Robert Hussey of Linden Avenue, sailed from New York last 3‘week on the Hamburgâ€"American liner ‘(aiserin Au- guste Victoria. Mrs. Henry, Niemeyer and daughter. Miss Grace. have returned f0 their home in Chicago after spending tire weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs M. C. Conrad of McGovern Street. Mr. end Mn A. E. Smi S. Green Bay Roed are entertaining 11. Smith'- mothernnd sister who I. here from Milwaukee for a short vilit. In spite of the stormy; weather last Thursday the bazaar whichgwas given by the Ladies' Aid of the Ebejezer Church on the lawn of Mm. W. Gu'ot's home 9n Glenview Avenue was a 31' _ t succesa Alderman E. L. Vetter and family spent several days of last wegk visiting relatives in Iowa. They Ieft'Tuesday of this week for a trip to Niagara Falls and the wt. The marriage of Miss Astrid Englestadt to Mr. Fritz Anderson tooképlace on Sun- dav afternoon of last week H the German Lutheran church, Rev Sum performing the ceremony. THE HIGHLAND Pm PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given to all personain- teruted that the City Council of the City of Highland Park. County of Lake and [State of Illinois having ordered the con- lstruction of a subway under the tracks of I the Chicago Northwestern Railway 1 Company, and the grading. draining. curb- ing and paving with a brick pavement. with bitumen filler, upon aconcrete base. I with sand cushion including the re- adjust- Iment of intersecting pavements and of :the sanitary sewer and the construction 30f sidewalks and otherwise improving iLaurel Avenne, from the west line ot paw ring on St. Johns Avenue, westerly to the paved roadway on First Street and in- ,cludtng the interéct‘tmn With the paved roadway on First Street all it. the City of Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois, ’the ordinance for the same being on file in the olllt‘c of the City Clerk of said city and having applied to the County Court of Lake County for an z.>>e.~sment ofthe c0:t:‘ of said improvement according to ' bent tits, and an assessment thereof having ‘ been made and returned to said court ‘ the final hearing thereon will be had on 1 the 23rd day of August A. D. 1912 or as 3 soon thereafter as the business of the ;couxt will permit. Said assessment is gpayable in fivefinstallments. with interest 'at the rate of five (5» per centum per an- ;num on all installments from and after jdate of issue of first voucher. All persons Idesidng may file objections in said court jbet'ore said day and may appear on the hearing and mlake their desense. ? “ILLIAM H THOMAS, iOfficer appointkd to make said assess ment. Among the guests who arrived at Highland Hall this week were Mrs. John Ersch, Mrs Otto Orlow, Howard Clark, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pierce. Miss M. Tovaf. Mrs. G. B. Post, Miss Elsie Mahler, Mrs. J. Ersch, W. E. Herman and family, Mr. and Mn. Herbst, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Budinger, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brunnell, W. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs A. lacoboen. H. A. James. W. R. Gulade of Chicago, Mrs. H. M. Gottfried, Joplin, Missouri, Mrs. T. E. Gaston and family, Dallas. Texas, Mrs G. W. Adams, St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Evanston, Miss Caraway, Tus- cola. Ill, H. F. Leach, Joliet. Mr. and Mrs C. F, Evans, Joliet, Miss Elizabeth Bradford, Milwaukee, Wis, Mrs. P. Heller and Miss Elsie Haywood of Web ster Groves, A. B. McCord and family of Oak Park, W. L. Bell, Mr. and Mrs C. Witkowsky and daughter, Amy, Mr. and Mrs. George M. St‘urk of (Shim, Mr. and Mn. 5. Goodwin of Indiana. Dang: Highland Park, 111., August 8A.: . 126 ‘ u-alAve. Telephone 201 13.1912. 3!: ’2”: ' ’ Mr. and Mn Horace F. Hill auddaugh- ters. Mia Gertrude Hill and Miss Catherine Hill left Tuesday for Green Harbor. Mass. where they will spend the remainder of the summer. The marriage of Miss Gertrude Hill to Mr. Lewis Layton of Chicago. formerly of lndiana- polis will take place at the Green Harbor home of the Hill family early in Septem- ber. The wedding will be a very quiet affair and only relatives and close friends are to be present. The young couple will reside in Edgewater this winter. Physicians in charge have been unable to diagnoise the case of Mr. William Himmler of Highwood who was taken to Mercy Hospital two weeks ago auppoaed- ly suffering from a tumor. Mr. Himmler was operated on for appendicitis about five years ago and it may be that his present illness is a result of this opera- tion. He in too weak. however, to under- go Invocation and his physicians are anxiously awaiting the return of Dr. Murphy from Europe in order that this eminent physician may be consulted. Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Florence A. Renning to Mr. Leslie G. Brand, both of this city, which occured August seventh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orr in Providence. Rhode Island. After a short wedding journey the young couple will return to this city where they will make their future home. On Saturday. August seventeenth the Highland Park Club wlll open the season with its first annual tennis tournament. There will be mixed doubles. women's singles and men's singles. Prizes will be awarded for each event Mr. Edward Knox has charge of the arrangementsand entries should be sent to him as early as possible. According to the Waukegan Sun suit was filed with Circuit Clerk Brockway last Thursday by Bertha F. Hegel of this city in which she asks for absolute divorce from her husband. W. A. Hegel. on the grounds of desertion. Mrs. Hogel claims that shortly after their marriage in 19% Mr. Hogei disappeared from his home and has not since returned. Mr.Henry Clay Miller. who hu returned to his church after a short vacation, will preach at the Sunday morning service, choosing for his subject ”I‘hc Reward of the Captive." During the summer months there are no evening services at the Bap- tist Church but all are welcome at the morning worship. Mia: Margaret Wilhelm and Min Mamie Siljeatrom, who have hem vial:- inx at Port Washington, Wig. will return today Mi- Wilhelm who I: called home to be present as the wedding of a cousin in Chicago, will be accompanied by sev- eral relatives who will be her guest: for a number of days. Special Amazon! Notion No. 205. Cost ‘5 ‘ Thé Price Centhl Avenue and Sheridan Rand 3 ' ARTHUR w. vacos. (I. OfflCERS AND DIRECTORS 1 ma panama, \‘Qh'mnn, \Joe Prcsndcm; In J Our Coufil 'C- Kdl v\ caroc Cashier. 3: (L‘éiMakes‘ loans on impr ‘d real m in ' hlfind EPark and neighboring 138. an! on s in §Lakc county. ‘ (lilssues Certificates oLde imonths in denominations :which it pays four percent: 00 mu] 5 on (I'Oflers {or investment first my ages on im ved :‘real estate, netting Ihc inve ‘ fiiefind -half iperccnt. in sums of $500 and u ad..5cnd list. The House Thatfie: Q Trial Will Convince A Ewagon will call for and deliver four g‘ Ladies’ and gent’s garn czeaned, pressed, repaired r'gmodeled to look as good a: ‘a‘The Imperi Dyers and Clea} 21'! EASICENTRAL AVENUE We offer a fine qu‘ imonogram paper thi make your correspo 5 distinctive. SINDIVIDUAL STAT ’ mama: mm ;‘ PHARMACIST n HIGHLANJ h is what you get out of a thing while you have“. is ‘2 v by economy of operation freedom from repai am; and constant service and length of life. f is what you ‘pay for a thing when you get . {nu 1 at once. f is what you pay for a thing when you are done in L lincli original price. running expense, repairs, depreciau "iible, of time and loss of service. ,“ Your garments are a part a your personality, and shoul be looked after by men of ex perience and tact in the art a cleaning 2 1 23-2133 Uncoln Avenue. CHIGAGO Uncoh- l 948 Div of a heating plant from us is as low a an it and keep the Value at the top not a! C bottom notch. i T. H. DECKER MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Banking Roo: INCORPORATED Arthur W C harks A‘ mts eh I! %

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