1| t! tl II p H THE PHOTOGRAPHER BRAND best results are se- cured by using one of these famous in- struments. Get one of EASTMAN Mr. and Mrs. C. .\'. Kimball mid k'hild' ‘ i, M {‘11 “I†3rri\- hvr- [idav (rum Iil‘ll' ‘Double A eans ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ u †Khru- nmnths trip abroad. The best that can be made . Miss jvssic L‘liu‘r 1H1 Fiidziy hr 2: nmmlb' Visit at (irnntsdulr. Mnnmna, as ihc gucs 0t MissI.1lIic Bell. Mr and Mrs. Edmond Henn‘ Eilvl. the laitrr formerly Mias Ilclcn Measingm are in Europe on their wedding trip, Mrs. W S. Stanton of Lake (.enei'a. .~ “15.. was the weekend guest or her Johanddleton parents. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Moon. Miss Bessie Moore. Mr. Ernest Gail's O - . Ii ois. secretary. is spending her vacation oftwo Hlshland P‘rk u n ' weeks visiting friends in Chicago. Tall a: who! you plan to build; we can obtain helpful booklcta formfrcc. : x : : : In our experience covering a good many years we ï¬nd the “Chicago Double A†brand of Portland Cement, is giving the greatest satisfaction to the greatestnumberofourpatrons. uhlng Nu-quh you Entered as ‘x md-chas matter Marth 1. 1911, at the DOM \Iï¬â€˜ht‘ .11 Hmhlzmd Park. [11111 us. undzgr the Act of Much 1. 1:470 Sdsaiptin Price $1.50 per Year in Munoz From Missouri? THEHIGHIANDPARKPRFSS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDELL at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: :2 Highland Park 562 â€u. .F'"'s"//L \lr "‘(VTKVJ h ‘1‘, mi pun hs- no PURDYW sons THI'RSDAY. AI'GL'ST .32. 1:41: dusting cIe-nm u * pol clenninx .xppnndf IOYAILIIDCD I074 ONCOIPOIATID We rec- 0mmend it, for we know the It is time to see us about a Business or Shorthand course. New term Sept. 3. NOTICE cu r rul‘ â€put After houu â€th Nu-anh :‘ m <‘, :1 S (id-thou guarnuteed ) Ema-Bushes 84M“ IIl’uaw Miss Marjory Crane, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frederick Watkins for ï¬ve weeks, left Tuesday for her home in Summit. New Jersey. Mr. and Mn Jerome K. Steever of 435 S. Sheridan Road. returned home Satur day from Northern Wisconsin where they went on a ï¬shing trip Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad of Wood- stock. 111., were the guests a few days last week of Mr. Connd’s parent; «Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad. Mr. John Sobey is at Glennie. Mich, where he is spending his summer holidays with the family of Captain Baker. tonne:- ly a resident here. Mr. Lyle Bittinger leaves today for Petersburg, North Dakota where he will resume his duties as principal of the local high school. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Prior left Tues day for their home in Jacksonville. Fla. aftrr a visit of several weeks with rela lives in this city. ’ Mrs. Mary Hodges. Miss Cora Hodges and Mrs. Jennings left Sunday for a weeks’ visit with Mrs. C. G. Phillips in Winï¬eld; unnois. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Underwood, who have been the guests of Mrs. William Ruffner. have returned to their home in in Dayton. Ohio. News has just reached here of the birth of a daughter' recently to Lieut and Mrs. Beals who are at Appleton Wisconsin for the summer. Mis. G. H. Campbell of 102 N. Sheridan ’Road. entertained as has: guests last week Mr. and M_ra. Herbert Campbell of New- town, Indiana. Mrs. H. ‘S. Radloff and children of Glencoe Avenue. have returned from a two weeks visit at one of the lake: of Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roy Miller of Hollyhill, Florida. announce the arrival of a nine pound gig], born Wednetday. August 14. Mr. and Mrs Henry Thayer and Miss Mildred Thayer returned Tuesday from a visit of («0 weeks at Grand De Tour, Indiana. Mrs. Ed Moon had as her guests on Sunday Mrs. W. Enrich. Miss Eva Tuckef,‘ and William Tucker of Jefferson Park. Professor O'Connor, a talented violinist and a former member of the state legisla- ture. is visiting his daughter. Mrs. John Duffy. The Philetha Class of the First l'nited Evangelical Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mae Krueger. Cling Mn. -\ “mum uuu‘u'v. were Ihu .md Hut U. [5. Ih Mr. and Mrs. \\ thmr sums: this m cnmg fur ngsrllmizl. In“; Full «. " or .\W mg :31 [.1 HM Mn. -\ \\ Mr. F K Mdcchtic lctt Suturdu} II 1' â€can-r lLim. Wm, uhrw he “ii! Jmn Mrs. .\I;eu‘htlc‘. MIC \V. H. Hruunlu‘ lvf‘ Thurexln\ MI» R.1)11u)3:t! RvdhL-Hcr u \\.l\ thv \\ crkrcnd guns! of Mr Hyh'thx’k, \Irs..\ Ii, Smuh returned Irun‘ a few days thlt \th n II'UI‘.‘ a few Mxiu unkn- .\l!'\ In lwcALANDH-znsomms†h ~prmimg h:>'\ Nazi Miss Alice Kurtz Has returner! frnm a visit to Milwaukee and Beaver Dam. Lieur. L. L. Gregg will return to his hum:- Sundny from Ludingtun, Mich. Mrs. Herman Denzel and children spent (h: “wk-end Mlh friends in Chicag')‘ Mrs. William Denzcl has as her gun! {hli urck Miss H. Johnson of Chicmzn. Master Howard Stoker of Prairie Ave 3 nue is on the sick list. j Miss Lillian Russell is making a brief; visit at Lake Geneva, Wis. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C‘oFgerare enjoy" 1 ing a trip in British Columbia. 1 \lx‘ .\h‘~ L‘\( 111 SIIK'L'I (‘d and Mrs. \anilzm‘. Millard have ‘l ( gucst this \wrk Mr. Alexandr n Fairlm'kx. Cal, Lug MAM hI 2!!)an 41nd itn'u‘. .\Ix:’.\ Hrk n {‘13) Sm‘umi SHIN. in? \‘isll .\I Bruunlu- lvï¬ Thursdm \‘ix‘it “11h hi> mqthcr m nth returned Tchday \Nt \th relzmxcs in 1 and \\ cck 1nd Rvdhuncr of L‘hlcngn‘ xthlll m l L‘hlczuzu 1.x thv gut->1 Human Drnzvi m n .sur'fcnng with n ‘1'. uf a {all Thur.- duhin'n Ur Mil cm! gunk n1 Mr In} as her gum! Uimrdmu. Mm? ,“ » I I. ‘ v ‘ of Chicago. Mr, J. j. Mmï¬hwll and {2“me “'1†man: ll’Vlng Park, from H7 5t. Julgus Awnue m the n-si- Miss 51mm“ (L-nu- tuxIner'lyï¬uu'upied by Dr‘ Whitman on Rum-r Wlliiigéns kwnuu, aninin. I, AIM .mn \\' £41.. “1011de l t {1W {1 rcmonl Mr. and Mrs. Huntington Henry of Fifth Street and Greenwood Avenue, who returned from Oklahoma in June, have taken an apartment at 190 East Chestnut Street. Chicago: where they will be at home after Oct. 1. Mrs. Henrywu form- erly Miss Anna Ma'y Swift and Mr. Henry was for a number of years a resident of Highland Park. II An ordinance empowering the" commis- sioner of public health and safety t6 as- sign to some qualiï¬ed inspector of the city of Waukeganï¬he duty of city sealer of weights and measures will be passed in all probability at the next regular meeting of the city commission. On Saturday. ingust 24th. the Lake Forest Christian‘ ndeavor Society will entrrmin the Lake County C. E. Union at a picnic hon lh ‘ ach in the afternoon and a Railï¬ servi on the Presbyterian Church lawn in f, evening. Rev. Chester 8.1" merson, who is the guest of Mr. Will m Patton. preached the sermon on S ay, August eighteenth in the Presbyteria Churchin the absence of the pastor. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Rev. Emerson is the pastor of the First Payish Church. Saco, Maine. The marriagejeor William Hogan to‘ ' ASKED FOR A CRITICISM. . Mrs. Susan Sheaï¬en took place Thursday. 4 - gAugust ï¬fteenth. Dr. O'Neill performedj Th. Locturor Got a Ropi; and a Big ithe ceremony. ,The couple will be at‘ surpriu as Well. lhome ai‘ler Seplember ï¬rst on Walker Mr. Allmn l'.'Man. the American ;' Avenue." . . i scientist who Invented Incandescent ‘ ‘ . . 2 lighting by the use of n carbon ï¬lament i Colonel H- P: Davndson, nccompamedj in '3 Vacuum. wrhen he was about se'v- l’by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bodxne of Mer- 1 “my yours of age looked more like . lchantsville. N.-J.. are the guests of Major' banker thnn n scientist and In the sub. [R P. Davidson athake Geneva, Wis., to (1qu light of a lecture room appeared i which place theygbnjoyed a motor trip on. at a distance like 1: young man. Mr. and Mrs. darence Gilbert Smith returned Saturdag from a wedding trip of severaf weeks Ewhere they visited a number of the no em lakes of Michigan. They are now thg ests of Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr. and , rs.Amos Bird Holabird of Fort Sheridan. 3 ' Mr. Harry W. er of Chicago. an employee of the blic Service Company. is suffering from slight injuries the re- sult of a shock tqceived while working on the switchboafli at the , power house at Elm Street and;St. Johns Avenue on Tuesday evening" Mr. J. Russell] has. Mm Henry Doty, Miss Elizabeth Duty. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ten Broeick and this: Jean Ten Broeck were guests for Itincheon on Saturday at the encampment bf the Boy Scouts at Long Lake. The pastor, Mt. Henry Clay Miller, will preach on the subject "Proving God" at the Sunday morning services in the Baptist Church. Raymond N. Carr of Aurora. 1H,. will his the soloist. » Colonel H. P: Davidson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bodine of Mer- chantsville, N. -J.. are the guests of Major R. P. Davidson atiLake Geneva Wis. to which place they‘vbnjoyed a motor trip on Saturday - Mr. Charles fFord. manager of the North Shore nï¬it'es of the Chimgo Tale phone Company. with his wife and daugh- ter is spending .1 two weeks vacation in New York City and other eastern points. Mchin Snuctland 1ch Monday {or a hm wccks‘ \'ac:mnn, This week is being spent at the Dellgs and next W91‘k'h!‘ will go 10 Starwd Rock “here he will be Joined 5)' his father. Dale S\\'cctland. Mr. and erQurI Beykm‘ and Mr. Dvan Bcckrr of Fun :X'Ikmsun. Wis, who came m (Mama to amend the Water Carnival ncx'c (â€he gucsts Ln sacral (lays lamt \\ rck of Kim. \V. E. Tcn BI’Ut‘L‘k. Mrs. Jusrph 1L. HnHmmk and daughtrr. Mus anx'os IInHmmk will Icuxc Frid; ï¬â€˜ {Hr Rm Tcrrnnu Mu‘higan to he the guests u: Mrs ChaxlcwW Shippc)‘ :u hm‘ sum mcr hmm‘. Juntï¬t‘r Imdm}. Mr, Mulcnlnï¬Aull of St. Louis. in the ((103! Hi IHS sisfét' Mrs. Dum‘an HI East Laurvl Awnum who 15 manning the humc nf \Irs Daniel Cobb during tho: summer mnmlw Mrs. Marv Hérdklntz. who has brcn \mlmg Mr. uhqflirx Art Hrrdklmz of Wuodstm k. Ill. gt’he past ï¬x weeks. rc» Mr‘ and Mrs. Ruben l)‘ Forgan, who :uc inthe Theudnrc Schwurz residcm‘e fur Ihc wmmqr. haw purvhusod the hunu- or Mr. Jqlin H. Fay on St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs._“}avk" RuSscH and liulc (laughter and â€in, “ho wrro the gum-ts of Mrs. Jame: M. (3mm during last wwk. haw rcturm-d (g; their home inOak Park. .\h. and 311-3.“; 5 man. Mr, and Mrs. hank Sheltunfflnd Mr. and Mrs. J<§hn (‘Nwrnc ictz Sugtmhy fur :1 two woulw' \.l;d!lvll|11 \lï¬lizmmnh. \Vihumsm. leI‘nc 1cm Ngtzmay tnr :1 two wwiw' \.l;d!lvll|11 \lï¬ljnmmnh. \Vihumsm. _\11, and NHL (muur Ii Millard of 5m [Mun anulflnrc rem-Hing t'nngl’inlllib Ham on tlwmrth of a daughter, Iihzabrlh Millard. hm‘n Fruluy, August Slxtccmh. l u‘nrd tn hur hmnv nn (irccn Bay Road 'I‘imrsday. 3; Mrs. Hannibal H. Chandler has as her quest her dapghur Mrs. Jerard L. Johnmn and Her m0 little suns of (ape hirmdmu Mm; Mr. and Mr§gCharles Drake and son, Charles Drake. ;Jr.. left on Friday for Lake Geneva, “is. where thev spent the Week-end, V The Elm Plate school will open Mon- I ; â€The Highland Park Hay and G! day Septembe’i ninth. . !Qompany wish to announce that ti Mr David Holmes has returned from have a full, fresh stock of hay, straw: a four weeks visit in Seattle. Wash. 3 #l kinds of feed for poultry, horses 1 Mr. and Mrs'..’- A. A. Putnam leave today cbttle at l0west PUG“. 1‘ YOU have W {or a xisit at Sara(oga springs, N Y 1'0! any of these commodities call at Mr. George Willard of Ypsilanti. Mich.. was me weck-lend guest of Mrs. H. P. Davidson. 3 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS (‘Hl Fame. 17‘: me 1- the Inheritance not of the Get but of the living. It II we who |ool back with lofty pride to the great male: of antiquity. who drink of that flood of glory as of I rtver and refresh our wing: In It for future light-Hue litL "'Â¥es. your honor." smiled the o!- tenfler. “When I llke a teller I like to give hlm all my business. You see"â€" “ï¬lmy days.“ roared the Judge.â€"Bu- por'p Weekly. . Thou as the enormity of his offense came over him he said. in a changed voioe. “Don‘t tell mother I swore."- Yodth's Companion. ‘ n A Mgr-ï¬ning. < "This is the ï¬fth time you have been; bropg ht before me" said the judge u~ verély. ; A Quaker Oath. TWO small boys ln :1 family of Erlénds. wrlles n contributor. bad a disagreement. during which the elder b9)“; became very much lnrensed. Finally. no longer able to math hlnlselt‘. he took his brother by tl shohlder and shook him, with the e clnmntion. “0h. thee little you, thee apt (or some trouble and Iorrow we mom never know half tho good that I â€not uâ€"lchkegl The im entor then clearly but cogent ly tore the lecturer: argument at pieces. greatly to the latter's astonish- meï¬t and to the amunement of the In- dleice. As he sat down the lecturer said: "I can hardly reply at preï¬gnt. You seem to have some Information on the subject." “Yes." repued Mr. Man. "1 discov- ered the provess myself nearly thirty years ago.“â€"l‘enrson’s Weekly. Mr. Man. who was sitting well back In the ball arose and. quoting a long statement from the lecture concernlnk I Mcult process. naked I! he had lie-1rd it correctly. “With remarkible accuracy. sir.†nL plied the let-turer. “They nre almoot nay-very words." ' shine years ago he attended a lec- ture in Brooklyn upon the higher prob- lems of electrical science. delivered by I “professor" with many titles and de greet. At the close the weaker cnlled for comments and criticisms from the auditors. v Although inturruptvd by im'lunenlf ’ weatht r on Vlonduv the 111ml.» wurnai' ment at the Highland Park Llub \\ill_ lUIlShtCl it is exputed on Saturday llle‘f 11 noon 'llm club wramla and ground†.5}? an: Ihc scene of many ga) throngs “an 4; ‘ing the playt-rs. [hose taking part ilk M thr- matches are as ll)llt)\\5i “(11'1er singles. Rum-r \Volmtt Ll; irencc Williams!) 1.31:3 lom (i lnsa Clarence l'utliamvnt C M‘p \111l lennard “olcott. Howard Stl1u~ 'lndtlliï¬r l\a\mr)nd (Hf‘fltl hdward km? A ? l lerlw Loqx-r. William l.()lldt‘rl)(lk Junior Schumathtr Rubt rt Shields 11. Robert l'atton. l‘lming in woman fl ’ sixlgh " \lisws Marlon luudon \l1ir .>11lgmck.\liss$liiclds Lonstancc Shield \iola Shields \largarL-t liunntll Marjoruiggm Fullanslx-t Mar) Lupcr Jean Te Bmcck, hlimbuh Schumachcr. (.athcrinq Sthumachcr. Dorothy LoudQn. Alice; Locpcr. Mm. Herman 'l‘homas, Mrs. M (A). Bradlt-y, and Mrs. C. M. Vail. Playing? , in mixed doubles: Marjorie Follansbee‘; ‘ and Edward Knox, Mr. Bradley and Mrs“ Bradley, Dorothy London and C A. P. _ Parliament Marjorie Loudun and Bi; Morgan Mr. and Mrs. C. M. \ail, Mario _ Leeper and CharlesLeeper Aninforma dance at lhoclub will close the tournament’iï¬â€˜ week on Saturday evening. -} ~ Among the 9515 at Highland Hall 0:95 Mcknrc \lr. and Mrs. lllt‘U (Hit-£52. \ir. and Mia J. B. Min-nei- Cmuln \1 ml licld \lrs. Simon Klein lli-zrinin ded‘ 11..“ li. th \«lurgui'vl and “mag; 'Frt‘fkll H. W. Sianrledgv Wm \‘l. 'l:lns:£3, Hi. and \lrx. A. T. Kinm». \lis; Park} Bllnll. MI. and M15. l2]. Lvi'y, W I" Md‘luat. Miss Myrxlc ’nurgems. llarx‘gii Blinlgni‘t, Brunt) Fcrlu-l. C. H. Sing-fl Mary Qumn. Stank-y M. Tucskzi. and g F. \lditc of Chicago. W. H. rllli); and family (if W;ilm(*no Mr. and Mrs. A: L. Lindsey. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hallie$ and Mrs. W'. E. Bushnell of Evanstoï¬ W. S. I’ickert of Cinrinnati, ()liin; Mi M. A. Flagg and Miss (i, ll. Flagg If? ‘ ‘ New York; Mrs, J. W. Bubband (laugh! ' v of. Wilmington, Del, Jane \1.Kni(ke:§{:§r; lmckcr; Mcrrian Sullivan and \iiic 1.3:; Harris 01 Evansville, Indiana. :Mrs. Frank Smith. Jr.. formerly Nata Clara Williams of Kansas City, Mo.,w ' visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tsk,‘ Williams of N. Sheridan Road. Mg. Smith came here to be present at 5% National Convention of the Kappa Kati“; Gamma Sorority which is to be held n55! win-k at the Northwestern t'niwrsnty. .45 Miss Williams. she was president of Northwestern Chapter {or several yetzr ; of any of these commodities call at 3‘: ofï¬ce of Mary Dooley, 105 W. Centml Avenue. where your orders will receigp p'rompt attention if? HIGHIAND‘ PARK ILLINoig control by the the ex- sill The Price E Value P c nce is what you at once. 126 E. Aggust 21, 1912 Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashier Baning Rooms Northwest comer of Central Avenue‘ and 7. Sheridan Road Highland Park, Illinois The North Shore Trust Conï¬mny Ladies’ and gent’s garments cleaned, pressed, repaired and remodeled to look as good as new 214 EASTCENTRAL AVENUE rmmmzss “The Imperiail’f’ announces the institution oï¬ a regular savings department.†De- posits will be received in any amounts from $1.00‘up on which interest will be paid semi-annual- ly at the rate of 3 per cent per annum. Demand deposits viill be accepted on which interest at the rate of 2 per cent per an- num will be allowed. ‘ wagon will call for and deliver T. H. DECKER Cam: Ave. Tdephooe 261 “Your garments are a part of your personality, and should be looked after by men of ex- perience and tact m the art of cleaning is what you get outofathingwhileyouhaveit. [ti byeconomyofopa-ationfreedomï¬'omrepainn and commut service and length of life. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Used- Avoauo,‘ CHICAGO 0f“‘e‘ï¬nlt’hmté‘l‘pt'nusis itandkwpmevd. atth usxsaslowuwemnfmake “metapnotchmdcouat your game“; W has it. and troï¬â€˜ble. -3133