Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 19 Sep 1912, p. 2

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’12.: Highland Park Ill. September 19 ,1912. Dear Madam: As Fall approaches we wish to reâ€" mind you that Mestjian Bros. of Evanston native cleaners and repairers of Orien- tal and Domestic rugs, have agreed to give the Highland Park Women' s Club ten ' per cent on all work procured through the Club. Mestjian Bros. 1248 Chicago Ave. Evanaton,Ill. Tel.Evanston 885. l shall make ail my own candles {hash daily. 'Try our Chocolate Creams, Caramcls. Peanut Candy Vanilla Cream Caramels and Cream Fudges ,l wifn also handle allukino‘s n5 fmits- Out-ice Créam and Sodas will be unex- ccl‘ ed in Highland park. mer ‘ atmnage solicited. I WlSH TO ANNOUNCE to the peogle of Highland Park that l have opened 5 Candy Kitchen and Ice Cream Parlor at 18 West Central Avenue which will be known as .. .Mt- 1mm (mutt; Kitrbvn Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. (L We have it in any form you may desire; for Horses, Cows. Chickens or hogs. Crushedoats and fresh ground feed ground daily in our own mills. Also a fresh supply of Coal, Lumber and Building Material. ‘ You are Cordially Invited Interest paid on S‘a'gvings Safety Deposit and Storage Vaults Real Estate and Insflrance ml): making-Bank We have the honor to remain Yours Respectfully, , JAMES JIRVAS, Pfioprietor to open an account’wz'th Rug Committeé HighIahd Park Womenfs Club. 230 N. St. Johns Ave. North Shore Gas Co. The .Chbinet Gas Range will make your kilchen work Easy. We cany 5 complete line. SAN FRANCISCO. CALâ€"mnkie Bums of Oakland, Cal.. checked the lightweight championship aspirations of “One Round" Hogan oi Sui Fran- cisco by scoring I clean knockout in the tenth round at an light It the Elxthlltl'e“. "ens. NEW YORK â€" The threatened legal action to prevent the proposed staging in this city of a bout bet-ween Ad Wolgast, lightweight champlon, and Parkey McFarland, on the ground that it was All the nature of a prize fight. was made unnecessary by the calling or! of the go scheduled to take place at Madison Square garden on Sept. 27.‘ #««««ac«*«a««ri‘a«uu*¢«cit “252% 5:3. itiiiiii#«i¢«¢««¢i¢¢itrc *ttkifi ¥¥¥¥¥ AUBURN, N. Y.â€"-.Yames Williams, a negro. died in the electric chair at the state prison hare. for the murder of James Duffy. an aged farm- er, near Houeayv, N. Y.. in 1911. BLOOMINGTON, [NILâ€"As he was crossing the main track of the Manor: railroad, Ralph Bush. seventeen‘yenrs old, was instantly kiiled when he caught his foot in a “frog." MANISTEEâ€"Douglas Bradford. the young son of Ray Bradford of this chy. Wu run over and fatally injured by t carry-nu In which the \Ianistee hall club was being pulled around town by I jubllnnt crowd. DE KALB. iLL.â€"-1\iiss Edith Nor- ton of Victor township killed her- self with 1 shotgun, tying the gun to the foot of the bed and discharging it by pulling a string tied to the trig- gar. DAYTON. OHIOâ€"Ira W. Wilfough- by Jumped from a window on the tenth floor of the Reibold omce bundfng when accused of the theft of valu-ble willow plumes from an office in the building. The body W33 bade crushed. DIXON. ILLâ€"Fur'ixwr S'tpvrx'isnr of lme (Emmy Hush Alcfluirl‘x a wvalxhy farmer :n Walton, I.» 9 county, whilv laying tile, was caught by a ("aw-in and crushed to death. .\fr. McGuirk has been prominum in Drum ocralic politics in L99 calmly. and was a former poslmaster It Walton. 1 At “'ythm'ille. V3,. Floyd Al [on and his noplww. ('Iaatde. two lead- ers of the gang that shut up the HHS ville courthouse, Wert‘ sentenced to die in the electric chair on .\'m. 22. in “m NEW YORK thr‘ MRI” «‘1 2f» thv appz‘nM-h gxf failing sight of} 1101?. MAN) 11 I! CHICAGO â€" Mr: Jim: I) son, Mme “ire of Jack John: negro pugzhsr. uthnph'd to suiride Ly Humming lwrnrlt‘ W 22mm :3 W it*fitt‘il‘tfifilfifill‘fitfitzl‘t‘i f¥¥##Â¥444‘t#Â¥444444#¢¢##4x Photo by Amvrtcnn Pres: Auoclauou. I'HEHIGHLAND PARK 9121555“me PARK ILLINOIS unit I) M 8.!!!“ch w Daith for Him- vmo Cour! Houu Murders. CLAUDE ALLEN \r' 1211' HUS ml Ill A P. Tan m; mt (, ‘me 110M H'ss in I! Li I} (i‘ Mn. Geraldine E. Friable of San Mateo. (‘al.. was named president of the Woman's Relief corps, while Mn. Ell: , S. Jones of Pittsburgh Wu chosen president of the Ladies of the Aviator Peck Killed. At Chicago Thursday Aviator Pnul Peck. holder of the American dura- tion record of four hours'and thirty- three mlnuten. wan killed at the Ci- cero flying field in a fall with hi. hi- plane while allemutlng too nee, | bank in a puffy wind. ville. Ky; chaplain. George Edward Love-joy, Lawrence, Mass; _medical director. Dr. W. J. Whitaker, Dallas. Tex.; quartermaster general, (‘mpnei A. D. Stowltz, Buffalo: adjutant gen- eral, Henry J. Seeley, Hartford; Conn. Senior vice commander, Hehry Z. Osborn. Lon Angelou; junior rice com- mando, America: Wham Loni- At 1.03 Angeles. (‘11.. Judge Alfred B. Beers of Bridgeport. Conn. was elected commander-Inch!!! of tpe Grand Army of the Republic :1 the closing session of the encampment here. Other omcern chosen were: Connecticut Man CommandePJn-Chlef of Grand Army. “when” Noni is thp mm of solrilw upon “hich the iduziis of the with" drys of thu Samurai would inok down with DII‘EMH'P. Ho is pvcuiiar in his comm-Hons of the Hip vi a soldier." Anmhvr said of him: "Winn at the (mm manor-a! Nazi makes own the devils (-ry. but in his home his commands are not even heeded lxy the horses or dogs.” General (‘ount Nogi was a national hero In Japan. It was he who cap- lured Poxt Arthur from the Russians in 190% and assured the success of :his country in the battle at Mukdent EThe count was born at Haxi. 1n the iPrmince of {hoshu in 1849 and Inns the eldest son of )Jaretsugu .‘xogi. 3 Samurai 0! the (‘hoshu clan. f Wan Captor of Port Arthur. i r t I (mm-m) Xngi “"3" rrvaiwi a ba-rmz In 189.7 and (-Ount in If't'fi, Adm-hi Kinnnsnke. a Japanosr writpr, in a slmtch of General Nogi‘ nus: Thn “nuntpss Nngi was a dauchter of Ynchi Suduyaki. a Samurai of flu. Kagnsh’ma (‘Ian Hero 0‘ Battle of Mukdcn. Ncgi was the mm! prominent fizurr of tho battle) of .“ukdvn. \xhc-n in a mammwr he- turned (hp right of thv Russhn arm}. gainim: a signal ad» \m“:120. v During the Salzo rebellion Nogl fought brmely at the battles of Yama- gauchl and Tawarazaka and was woundvd. and after the rebellion "ins supprpssed he was made a lieutenant colonel There is much speculation as to whether the act was merely one of personal devotion or whether the dler tingutshpd couple had been chosen to follow the spirit of the emperor as at- tendants. According to the meager informs; tlon available, Genera! N05! and his wife died by hari-kari. (he old Samuraf form of suicide by the sword. Both warp descendants of the old clan: of - two-sword men. and belonged to th‘ old school of philosophy, in spite of their adoption of modern ways. At Tokyo. Japan, General Count Mnrasuke Nogi. supreme military councilor, and his wife, thé Counters Nogi. committed suicide following the religious exercises in connecnon with the death of the emperor. Mutsuhito. VETERANS ELECT BEERS Corfimit "'Harl'oKari Th1 They May Foltow Mikado; Captor o! Pod Arthur Mike: Away with Himself at Close of Bmperor’l Funeral In Tokyo. hwith Counteu at Side. GEN. N06! mm m ’ mamas uves Ther in be one more dance which will be ven on Saturday evening. Sep- tember e twenty-{int and thiswfllcloae the seag'n’s entertainments. On Snturdzy eveninpthe twenty-eight the ball mom willbe ‘rned over to the servants for their a ‘ ual dance. Mr. Mrs. Martin Insull who were guests ' ring the past summer left this week f theirwinler home in Virginia. Whil he summer season is practically 3 cirer a e number of guesis are arriving g fo: the i ll season among Jvhom are; Mrs. James ‘ nham and Miss Anna Dunham : of Chi ; Mr. and Mrs. W M. Atkinaon ; and fa y of Louisville. Kentucky, Mr. 2 and M G. S. Wood of Denver. MrJohn ; R. Leo cl and son of Winnetka; Mnand ; Mrs. W iam S. Ennis and family of Chi- ? cago; ‘ and Mm Niels Gron of Den- § mnrk. A; i The courts prevented the playing of the 31315 in the men's singles‘muhich Joy Cha'ppeu and H. SiHJer were joint mnnerfiduring the handicap tennis tour- namen ” f last week. In men's doubles the win§ers were Lt. John London and Lt. crahrord. In the mind doubles Mr. and Mrg", H. L. Jones were the winner; Mr. 4 Mrs. Montgomery Ward who have n at the hotel foi’ the past two months ave returned to Chicago for a ’wa dafi; preparatory to leaving for their winter kfpme at Pasadena. Miss 5“ ma P. Scott who spent the sum than at g hotel has returned to Chicago fur the Inter. « Amofi than who entertained at dinner on last y evenilu pmceding the dance Mr. and Mn Charles C. Comst > R. Jr., R. H. Chandlc. Eda-i! L Lobdel D. F. Kellv. Miss Eilenn My, Marcy, W. fljohnoon I“ L a. SnnghM Then} were over one hum flea. on duff!“ at the club ”Sam. 1. A- and W B Edna tied with in net: I seventy in the eighteen hole medal any handicap A ~ if; Llub season grows to a close the unchefit and dinner- dances gain in populafit) and the most successful affairs in the Hubs history have been those of this s ‘ nier. Last Thursdm there “ere a humr of luncheons preteding (it e afterxioSn bridge parties and among the hosttsys “ere Mrs. E. 'Iyner. Mrs. \K. E. Car ‘Mrs. John H. Harmon. Mrs. John Bunne ; Mrs. John D. Ristine, Mrs. lnsull. " Missl ull and Mrs. Homer. Mrs. John Glass, who has acted as chairman of the Thu yentertainmems and w as usually a lunc n hostess, is at Atlantic City and wiP return only in time for the har- vest h e dimer and dance to take place on $$day evening, September twenty- eighth” Next Saturday will be the an»- nual g towher dinner for the men and' will befls usual “3 great day.‘ f ‘l Dr and Mrs W B Smith ark: recap“ mg congratulations on the anrixal of a . daughter born \\ ednesda) September 11. Mrs Brinkerhofi is waiting relatives in UK east. ' " Mn. Phillips and daughters. Kabel and Frames “ho ham: been spewing the 5 summer at \ellowtone .Parld and at Clewland. Ohio, haVe returned. Mrs. Bryard Sneed. who has been 2 visiting in Southern illinois has returned 1 Mrs. W. G Lam”! has returned from Aurora, “lined ' .: Mrs. 1. Mc E. Prun visiting in Toledo, Lieut. and Mrs. 11 H. Br Mondav tn nil (M. n r..- 2 .‘é i ‘: fl bland children an :1 use left}; MHz. I Mg! raine Hotel News, 3 EJanor Club Afialrs Mr. ' d Mrs. Clarence Gilbert Smith. the la . r formerly Miss Amy Holab'l'd. who refiurned recently from their wedding trip a ' are occupying the Fort Sheridan home { the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. @105 Bird Holabird who are visit- ing fol? several weeks at Lake Kosh- konong Wist, will entertain the young pcnple'irhn were members of their bridal party a dinner on Saturday evening. wood " 5 held at the home of Mrs. E. A. McTa aney and as a result abom sixteen dollarqfwas added to the church fund. The niyth in this series is being held this aflern 'on at the home of Mrs. C. Butler on Hi wood Avenue. thirty Houng people were present; Sevofal attractive parties are being given {Q honor of Miss Marie Greenslade whosteg-iarriage to Mr. Joseph Richards will e place Wednesday, September twent3é6ght. On Monday afternoon Miss Eva Won was hostess to about twenty friendg; at a kitchen show er and on Friday the Muses Alice and Emma Evans “ill gixe afiariety shower On fist Thursday the eighth oLthc series Hf card parties being given for the benefifiof the Mission church in High- \ M“ _%turah Foulds entertained at a house; rty over the week-end. { ! g Mrs Jam” Dufl'y is hostws this afxer noon at a variety shower given in honor of Mi ) Marie Greenslade. J' M "Thomas Clements entertained at '3 din r on Saturday evening in honor . of Mr‘nd Mrs. Martin lnsull ofChicago. « A ch party was given in honor of Mr. :zney Roberts. the swimming in- structgj' who has charge of the bathing bearhgduring the summer. on Friday night Za number of the boys. About thirty ung people were present; MrsfiHenry S. Vail will entertain at dinne or her daughter, Miss Cecil Vail. on $3 rday evening. The guests will later fiend the dance at the Moraine. Mi ",Jean Hunter, who has as her guestqliss Russell of Memphxs, Tenn. énterléjned in her honor at an informal tea oruTucsday afternoon. MistLebnore Hoyne and her sister. Miss gelen Hoyne entertained at adance on Friflay evening at the Highland Park Club." ’4 he Social Side ‘of Life « 1“- V " Local Affairs of} the Week! BylinObcrva Even after Col. Getty Ind Med and had been shown proof in the shape 0! a wedding ring won by din hride the guests at the home 61 Maiq: find Mrs. Clark Saturday night. would§ hardly be- lieve that they were particbating ‘in a wedding reception as we)! fl 1 far’eweil to the host and hasten: whq‘geuve soon {or the Philippines. But thq putor who, mrfnrmcd the ceregmmy whkfii made Miss Jeanette Clark ”the wild: of Lieuu spencer W. Smith ofithe 1 Infantry, was there to guaranty: that h: introduG trans to the youpg @ple wk? ,stood in the receiving' line igerc L The fceremony wu perhxmed -_chnes'da‘y ievening by Rev. Géorge MéGinnrs of‘ fWaukegan and was ?kept a Ghee seen ,within the hmily until the gvemna of 5th: reception. Following a brief undoing,- trip Lieutenant and Mrs. Smith will be $3: home £er 2311! at 92 B. gThe home waste-mighti- ' ated wim g pink and whité atom and W i was a brilliant afiair '1an by} rm; f jority of the officers and their Mien who‘ {are residing at the post and '13 may i {donfuntl The: déliriu b b“. i‘ {these pedal-manoe- Mould lm Acrohts to 13:11:“ grandeville artim ll Peru; :‘musical act: to dmmgmrm 3106:! "boxen and wrestler-u} to c-lpr let-ant I ravea x guests from nearby town; m bride magawnoiwhknsatinwithibodia andwerskhofrallaceund‘c‘affieda bouquetofwhitcrous. ; Grainâ€"553.5. 83 1.09: PW“ '_§E§!%§ A gmg'BAhgfldhflf innâ€".0138! that.“ Esfigigai i'... Lieut. and Mrs. H H. Br ‘ mu.“ Monday to sail Gather 5 for Phfljp. Mrs Byron L. Smith; Mrs. W1 Meeker and Mrs; William R. Linn “x: j among the box hofikra fog the enmi‘ ment to be given at Ravilfia Phrk Saturday evening, September 21 for 11.32 benefit of Grove House om: {or (‘4.3‘ ' valwcents on Livingstong Street. '11... plays will be interspersedbnh intapyé tame dances by Mass“, Parker ‘3 Rogers of the Unfiersitv d Chicagq, vb? will give the Greek dance. "Buchanan!!! and The dance oi the Goad. We, ‘uith musical acbompanlpeni by ch} Frank R Spamet orchestri of_ the Ma: and C) cle and Odwengu Clubu, which; has also dental/W; orc‘estration for"; the plays. The thmc one pct ‘plays lad : the plan ers who will presed’ them are .13 follows: ‘The Stronger‘4 by August ‘ Strindberg Mrs. Arthur wiLounm' Gizycka and Mr. A. C. Sc . Secand-Story Man," by Upton Sindur. ; Misa Dorothy Linn. Mr” John Don" Bradlm and Mn). Allen ines: The Bishops Comedy”. fro a»story lm‘ Leonard Merrick. dramatifiedgby Ml";f Horace Martzn. Mrs Laird 1343!th Charles W Hubbard Mifi Katherine Jones and Mr. Murm) .Neloon. lr l The Mystic Water: will {mew 7 2 children of the when at a may ‘ Monday. September thirtleth “q splendid program is being prepared those in charge. ,- g Mrs. Henry Bertrande Clarke was“ ess on Tuesday afternoon at one of most enjoyable receptions of’ the se: between the hours of three and i. 'o'clo'clt. It is said; frequently hr host ' theta large tea is one of the must a cult entertainments to make a sum.“ for it is here the :individuahp. nd 935: sonality of the hostess is shay n Wm, ii beautiful veranda and residenu mnw ed into a bower of country finuers .‘ masses of American beauties \l \ Club! received her guests mined by W Clarence Elton Wheeler 0‘ M. luauu‘i Wis. Mrs John Washbum. Mr: John F: ,L. Curtis Mrs. Eugene A Bounnm Mrs. Marshall E. Sampsell Mrs Mg. B McCaughey, Mts Guy V. Drum! Mrs. Joseph B. Card Mn Frederick”: Bay‘IIss and Mrs. _S. Wilcox Cremer. b: frahments in Japanese baakets served on the veranda: while an (new? furnished music . _. ' i Major and Ft. Sheridan thes ‘

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