Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 19 Sep 1912, p. 3

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r )m. I fiyrm: L. 5””th Mn. Arthur rt md Mrs. William RsLmn are {the ‘yw haidz-rs far the énrertain- :o be {VCR 1: RJv.-n‘.t Park theatre la} mrnmq‘ Srptcmm-r 2!. Mr the ylnrx'h her ,. E'rym! ‘Ift’vxl‘ My) hm been ‘r‘. Sumner: Khrms hi: n-mrr‘ed bin Wm. C. Rogers arflved home londay fmm a busing: trip to mailer Septcmber 21¢! a: 92 B Dme was 7e41hrlr;li.dc®rated with Ind Ahlte 35!; ~: 17d thI reception br:i:.ant aunxr :zendefi by a ma- of tnc'ofiiccrs and theliladxes who aidux: '1’ ’hc post an‘ by many i from nanny {awnig’The bride I gown u! m 21 E: saun with a bodice piam Rio: has sent 0‘ a call for re! talent for the comp” which ‘3 formed :- give entertniknts Our- e mate. The procee‘ of all the .givenvinbeaddedzppe rean- .ed 7' 3nd. Thou desiring": ash! in performances should qt)“ as bl- krohts to lst sergeant: unoughs; ville arms to maxim Perry: I] act: to drum mayor Hooper ad and wrcstlem m yolk sergeant :L and Mrs. H. H. Brodidhurst left I] to sail ()cuber 5 for (he Philip :1): its nf’thc wéek g 'Lw Rrx' \irurgs *mnms of :gazz and «as krpt 3 flags secret the tafl‘u‘,‘ mm the fevemng of :cpuon. Fallouzng a brkf wedding eutenan' and Mn. Szrfih will be waiter September 27a} at 92 8. )me was wasnrxix'dcdbrmed with ad Mme astute 12d [hi reception In .and Mrs. C‘ C. Clan-K wiil sail xber 5 for the thppm [sh-d3. J M: E Pruyn and cfuldren are r‘. Tuk‘d’), Ohm. ”2 3'“ after K W ’\\ 5km of rral use 3113 carried a HIV-“dam Notes \1 “'I 5 § “II" \’ Cngz'rr Rev hgxlnvw‘ bask“: were rand‘u A. mic arft)rthestra \‘Imrnfsm (1le which uri thr- ~rchesziatuzn tor :- ur the (mddeé Radha." awunipammcm by [he 91' aches”: of the Saddle - Home Homes ."ur Con~ [mngsmn Supt The :arspcrsed 2‘:th Interpre- Ew Mz-ssrx: f‘egfker and nrvsra‘rv n1 Chicago, who wk dmgc "Bthndnnale" \Y in ‘i ()C(:} had demanded ~,, wn pmof zrfi {he shape 14 vn'n h'.‘ th‘ bnde the _ ‘I' M.“ and Mrs 2;“: - my déhardL br- .. pxlrttubatmg In a .w 8 1 tarcwell ' :Iraxe soon Was! Lanzwl ‘:~ ~ '1. “1th a 1r‘l"r‘~.|r'”\:? m err- »: _ aw ' an 1‘ and w: w .1” -- KSL Liarke‘ ('43 h: ~'> ; ‘- Mrs. H‘vr " 4: Hi .mxukce. Us}: urn. Md. J->hn F. Eugr‘: c .\ fkurmque, \ln'ps‘cH. Mrt Andrew ‘IHS m: In t. The ‘cdnesday \I ~ warmwrxs host- H “gr nf the ‘rp «n Th: wason k’ \! am»! who :2 made 5 or L:eth. 19:! Infantry. 'H (K: mtmdue H‘Xiht‘ hag rammed 'L\ i‘vfi'nl er ulemi ".1 [hr- Park and u V‘hrmesses n: ~t diffi- cram the puny on ‘I q and a ;$(H’Ld by .‘. th‘ as August CHLHIESS' ~" "The 15 s and r, h kmsun .11 Rirs M )ufr The hf H Ir Telephone 909 CROPLEY G. PHILLIPS [his F!“ Prism S. T. Roblin. Phone «I 231 Glcnview Avenue Highland Park [Plastering Contactou All kind: of ornament“ Flattering 440 W. Central Ave. Highland Puk SNL’MJIHK: For UP-TO-DATE SHOES X7 St. John Avnu Tow 247 1 advertising is an winking in the dab. The mun! may know what In is dang butnobody else docs RYING Do do basis“: without admiiu is like winking in ALEXANDER LAING ‘Rebling Rae Mtfiiohhnh 13an Stat: flank Jobbing promptly attended to Fresh Butter ImtEggs 341 W. Incl Av-e HIGHLAND PARK. ILL DAVID A. HOLMES J. A. Blomdahl PdmfinIAnd Doamafing [VWlehpor,Eu; Suppfled in which to put your. SAVINGS- lls cash is counted and its Securities Scrutiuized by the Slate, Authorities periodically. (ll! publishes a sworn stalémmt of its condition in this newspaper from time to time. is a SAFE BANK J. P.8TEFFEN \Incc- Pu; and Cashier Office and residence uni Contrlctor 606. H. Morris Telephone 8.5} President NOTICE Evans!“ Business 6340:ka William Rae Telephone 833‘ W “MMMMHfitf‘kJ BLOOMINGTONâ€"A-mong the nrted delegates from iiiinois to the natit-nai encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic held at Los Angela, 0111., was Captain Christian Rial} same of Biodmlngton. who has the i:â€" Unction of being the Last survivon; of the first, G. A. R. post. A1] of his eleven associates have passed “day. Christian Riebiing came from Germany in .ii\33 and settled in Chi- cago. in 1558 he mmed to Decatur. His first occupation was that of bur- ber. He numbered among his custom- ers Abraham Lincoln and Richprd Ogiesby. later governor He Was among the first to bnlist in the (‘ivil War. Hi.Gr regiment was the One Hun- dred and Sixteenth Illinois infat.try, he served until the surrener of Lee. rising to the rank of captain. Among the batties he engage-d in rare \‘it‘ks burg. Resaca. Chickasaw Bayou. Fort McAiiister. Savannah. Bentonvi‘iie. Co- iumhus. Ezra (lhapei. Kenesaw Noun- tain. New Hope Church and Jones borough. (in heing mustered out he returncd to Decatur. but subscqucntiy came to Bloomington. SPRINGFIELD â€" Gonrncr (1' s. Dene-en has ail-pointed thy following as delpgates 'o represtnr Illinuis at 3th? arm-nth annuu) Srs$ion of xlw Amrr- imn .\‘in‘znu «man-rs to h hv'd at Spulvax‘v. .\0\ ' 11113: J<hn 1" l'a\i(1 an w:x'i't<uii (ii' ' .- surixwr (2. W. HA: Fem-tn (‘lzrm n i‘uxmxport in .lnlv In» (ivatits v7} :4: mmrs from t}1hu:(i t'mur hm» tw-n rm-or‘tad. while the numtmr of case> of intustlnai trouble and tyrhnid so far’reporteti Among the passenger: is twenty-five. Families of the det‘eased have re talnni attorneyg. and (‘oroner Kellogg of ('iinton county has been called upon to make an investigation. '41 RCCK ISLAND â€" F an w;x'»'r<uxl (iv ' v .< HA: Fem-.11 (‘lzrm n a in .lnlv In» ds‘ar' ‘vfx KEWANEE ~â€"â€" A bitter old {end culminated in: the fatal shooting here of John Devi-lets of this city by 'his brother-in-law. Gustaf Tellles, Com- lng up from behind his victim. Tallies shot Devries ln_the hick and then, a he fell. shot 3th agafln In the $09. Tallies attempted suicide by snoot- Ing himsplf in the mouth but will sur- vhe. u 1' said. Mn! STREATORâ€"(‘mvm‘nor (‘harioj S‘ Dem-en and his running mates on the state Républicun ticket had the stage at ”191.8 Pzz‘h- vr‘xrr‘ry fair. Thu" to!- lovwd Gmm‘nvr J<=hzx5=<\n, \k-o'presf- demia] candil’are rn 1h" nqw party tit-km. and Frank H Funk. “magma“ canr‘idate for governor gains! Dolmen. FRANKLIN GROVE â€" Th9 little- nine w-ar old son (f “2. and Mrs. John Gonm rm an “as r95c’vd {mm near death in an oat bin. *. The toy ,was plaVinz in the granary whpn workmen pulled the chutes and alloued himQto drop into the grain. "’ ~ ALTO PAssâ€"smce the regent! fire the 10m] barber Is wielding-3MB! razors in the undertaking estnbflEh-j ment. but rather than be shu'edJO! clone to thp long pine boxes the real ? dents are letting their beards grow. MANMOUTHâ€"F‘H’ty. or' SM)" em- pioyes cf the Rock Island Sout‘em Railway struck. demanding bgfter working conditions and increased Wage-s. Snr‘fit-o on the line is tied up botwren here and Rork Island.“ OAKLAND â€" Becoming frightél‘ed at an automobile a team ran away. throwing the occupants into a wire fence. An artery In one of Philip Kite’s arms was sevéred. one finger of Mrs. Samuel Wendel was mayhed PONTIACâ€"Robert J. Foster. who early in the history of the stzte of n- linois drové a stage‘from Oaklaqd to Springfield. is dead in his homé nt Tuscola. He has been in the 51mg business there for forty-one yeags. MOUNT CARMEL-1501mm Hfind- erliter of this CM} and his twelxe year old son are in a crmdal condition 18 the result of in attack nude upon them by a hog SPRINGFIELD â€" with but mm county useumem r'pports In the hand- of the secretnify.‘ the nine bond of equalization udjcmrned u‘mil PORTLANDâ€"A wen hacked rosq‘uu- tinn has Imen introduced N-foro :he cit} counri! uskirvg H‘a! thv Mimosa! thv mnzliviIaYiH L;- ('hRXYSZH! f'm Portland vn ()eanfl‘x'. Thu “swim: addrwss :5 MW Oglvsly. ‘ (‘19? SANDW2CH -â€" Being irnnh‘n Ito g9? train fa'i'iYiM tu tranrw' his mmflanp .\' an 1mm an asiamr flpw Mtge x ml“ from (phase making the distancé in one hqur. ntcnun â€" Buhoi McDowell fire- sided u the fomuvtpenlnx of the eightyonlnth Illinois haul confer ace of the Mead)!" 3mm .H'um Pagvn urn? Wm'ldo \urz‘c' rLuz-wi {tum a :1,» \ “ero- an hum In“: ?\ W .* \ VIC}?! 10 mn‘ dark. ELG'Nâ€"‘=‘~ 3k. YK'JO ‘ IIIJIIIIS PAIIAGRAPHS THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS erk Tvnin Liked It Bocauu It Was So Rofruhmg. Writing in lhv Hzmlunl L‘uumu! on “Mark Twain." hr. l-Idwln P. Parker of Hartford said: "In 1376. :m-nrllhng tn my memoran- "In 1376. :m-nrllhng tn my memoran- dum. :I Humid.- spelling match took plug-e at the Asylum Hih Congrega- tional mnurch. lu Whirl) some thh‘ly persons. under their respective cap- (ulur took part. Amnlu: these con- lestnnts were Dr. Burton. Judge Car- penter. Charles E. l'erklns. .\lr.Clem~ ens. Mr. 'l‘wichell. Clmrles H. Clark. (lenerul flawley. Miss Trumbull. Mlss lllylbe. Miss Burhuuk and Miss Stone. In last than.» were left standing only Dr. Burmu um] Miss Stone. and the gallant (hwtnr tank the first nppor (unity to make an errur and m to leave Mix-s Slum» the wlmu-r. "Hm this lmmme mun-st was pre- «*1le by :I pn-Ihnimu'y spawn in wnivh Mr. ('lt-lm-ns \flltil)‘ vrilivi-u-d the slunmswl m-ressity of having any uniform mu! arbitrary way u! spelling wards. Ann-nu wwrnl :uuusin: illus- truliuus of I31» urmmwm was one nu" follows: 'I Hun- “ q'ul‘rvfipnlldrlll \vhnse lottvrs :II‘P always a n-fnwhlm-m to me. Her is enrh u hrw‘zr. nII'h-lte-rmi uriziunlity ”hum uh nrtlmurupm. H9 :Ihnu's ~|ml|> I\'u\\‘ with :1 Inruv K. Nu“; that ix inst us L'mnl :m to spvli [t in ”10 vnnn-uliuxml wny with .( anmlt unv‘ h i~ I-n-nw. fur it run!» L'NH tn Hw Hum! u nmv. 2mm! :Iml ill!|t"l’~\i\'o- Kurt-f "\n-VPI'HINI mmml \lr I [n K. I! N qui .- wmfilvh- In [II‘IHQ‘ Hm! HH‘ earth l‘('\lbl\9'\ nu its n\|~' My n <in|p|0 (-xlwrmn-m :Iml \vithuut Inning rn-r (-uurxv m umtheumlim 'l‘nke H gum) sizvd howl, fill it nmrly full of Walter and plum: it npun lhv floor of n mom whh-h I! no! exposed to shaking 0r jarring from the stnwt. Sprinkle over the nnrfm-e of the war ter a routine uf lyt-nmdln-m powder. a whltp suhstnm-e “‘hld'h run he bought at nllnuxt any drug store, Then upon the surface of this coating of powder make with powdered charcoal a straight black line. say. an Inch or two Inches In length and lying north and south. Having mmle this little black mark with the vllart-onl powder on the sur- face of the mutants of the hmvl, lay down upon tlw floor” a stlck or some other straight object. so that lt shall be exactly parallel with the mark. Leave the bowl undisturbed for n fmv hours and Hum native- Yhé pnfiltlm: of [ht' hlnvk nzzn'k wifh ’rq-fun-mw- to the ohjvvt that It was pnrth-I wirh It will he found to have sllifhul its di- rw'tinn and In hun- mun-d frmn mist to wvst--tl1:lt H to say, In a directlun nppux-ito In that of HIP nmvmm-nt 01' the mirth an in :n‘lx. No Moro Smiling. The nvw \‘irur was paying a visit among the patients in the local hos- pital. When he angered ward No. 2 he came across a pale looking young mun lying in a cot. heavily swathed in hand Ines. There he stopped. and. :Iftvr ad “Never mind. my man. you'll soon be all right. Keep on smiling: (hnt's the way M the wnrld." His Eloquence. The curnte at 2! country pnrtsh hItPLV prem'hed n t'hnrity sermun. and the collection which fullnwpd nmmmtnl to £20 79. Mad. In tho \‘MLry alto-r the service the ('hl"‘f‘h\\‘:ll‘dPllS (-nuntwl it out and month'umd thv "NH". "Well.“ fluid tlw rmw‘vml ltf't':|1'ht‘f" “I Inns! have» prmu'hvd pretty “'le tn L't“ all that” "Nu doubt .t‘ml did. fiir." r0 pliwd um: nf tho vhurvhxmrnlt-m wtm«-u «wHwtinz. “but m.- ~‘qllh'v Imt in :l :2” mute. and In“: (101112"â€" The PHI‘HI In simply n-vnlvin: has carried the \vntvr :Iml varrthinx e-Isv In the lam] around whh It. but the pmulpr 4m m.- fllrfnw has [wen left behind :1 little, Thp line will ahuns he fmmd to Imux mouul from 935! to west. whh-h is gmeprunf that every thing else has muted the other way, “I'll nevor smile again." replled the youth «idly. “Rum-Inn!" ejaculated the river. "There ain‘t no rnhhlsh about It!" ex clnlmed the ‘nthor heatvdly. “It's through smlllng at unmher fellow‘s zlrl that I'm here now,"â€"P9urnon's Weekly. A Hahdthip. “They talk of hardships? said an Irish soldier as he My down to sleep on the deck of a transport, "but. be- dad. this is the hardest ship I was ever In In my lifet" H May Easuv Be Demonstrated by a Simple Mekhod. filnlntpriunn a few wnnlmof (-omforl m the unfortunate sufferer. be remnrkvd lu rim-rim: tones: pliwd ( hm! . lu put in I.m‘.«‘.~l “'m >71 Dnr'm-y . . \ night. lie-“w. vHIIn hv'fi rubur “ell ‘ didn‘t treat him mmunm. “Did It satisfy het?‘ “It would have. but he couldn‘t ten lt.”â€"Booxton Post. "Indwnl l dL-Iu't mnmnm. l was very much drawn In himâ€"very much." she answered. with a blush. Too Full For Una-anon “He invented a dandy story to to" his- wife when he got home after mid- night." ' “Good one. was it?” “A peach: It would satisfy any wo-‘g i MOTION OF THE VARIEGATED ftLLING. H u UnreluctanUy rT ”)t' "HUN“! [hill \lr distantly ln' EARTH. {in I'm If ”l\ Miw ni H The medium length mat buttons high at the nerk with one directoire revern. fnved will) him-k satin and with ‘ black Druid applique. Motifs of black and plplngs also appear on the skin from and lmck mun-ls. The high directoire collar in black satin is overlaid with a smaller collar 1 in lingerie elfevt. A quarter 0! :1 bar of a gum] white V soup is melted over the stove Tn this is mhiml :tlmut null :1 rupl‘ul of an) muniu. linnngh hot water ls run into the pan or tuh to cover the sm-a'or. ' The soup and ammonia nre Rtlrred In. and than the sweater ls place-d lu. \\'ith a stick or the top of a washhoand this is stirrwl and turned until the dirt ls out. Rinse in several waters. then lay on a slanting board to drain. but do not sqlioeze dry. (me nf Ihq fillltfllh' l-‘n-xu h «In-ssmnk er< (‘llllilm‘fillw Ilu- Ii~|- uf khaki (-010! in lhh <uii of mmmni yellow I-rnld ('lulh rw-vntly rum-hm! from Paris, in this "mini llh' skirt mm Inn-k and {rum yum-is uutlinwi with pipings of Mark satin. It is linisiwd at the bottom with a side plum-d iiuum-e. giving increased fullnesx. Robupiorro Vents. The Robe-spierre "giiet" prnmises to be a notable feature. Seen recently was a mm“ from a renowned atelier In shot tnffetu~rqse with silver lights â€"the perfevtly straight. unudorned skirt just eased into the waist while the corsane. rut with long shoulder seams. was similarly treated. the front cut away to reveal a vest o! White'silk visibly huttoning up the center to a short distant-e above the figure line. where it was thrqwu back with a great pointed collar. the front angle finished with it deep falling trill of lace. Dainty Woman Profou- Whito On“ That Soil Easily. A sweater is one of the necessities of the seashore or mountain wardrobe No other wrap can take its Wave. The dainty Woman always prefers the «reatny white ones. but often hesitates to buy lwwtlhe of the seeming (littivulâ€" ty of rimming them. The fuilmvimz xnethmi simplifies that [Iron-5s so that no one tiged hesitate to [my one nu that ucvount. “onion blankets may be cleaned in the same manner. There are several methods of dry- ing. One Is to fasten a sheet flat over several olotheslines and spread the sweater on that In the sun. The sleeve-s wow long und close fit- ting to the wri-t. great ruffles of lace falling over the hands. But to brim; about u wrinkled suggestion on the in- side of the arm just at thv bend u! the elbow thru- ur four titty tut-ks we‘re ttrrungmi. and ”)9 “'zlifl iwlt runnin- rd of :t (’l'lN<\\‘:l}' Md of (hill mauve tafi'otns. terminating itt {rum with u grunt spiky imw [miwti in :t dingvnul ttttsiiiun. \‘UH thu-e Nut, “"1 imu 9111.115 rim mm. Sol Hu- Tu t-x'vt'} t: 'trd Hf .(‘ANV‘HV :thm‘ thru-e Mun nt‘ tum: lilfYH' t'ttt the \\‘:t\' itttu sttmt! ttiku :tml put thew tutu :t putt. St-t the put: in :l snttt-c-pun of lmintt: “utow :ttnl lot tl‘ol Mn-swnx ttwit thurvushty 1':th it nf’f the firv. :tdd the tnrtwntim- tn the {rt-(«wax and mix them “‘0” together This pretntrntton should he min-d m :I distance from the fire. Boudoir Clpl. The houdoir cap is in fnshinn again, and, though less fully and flufly round the head. it conmins quite as much Inn~ teriai as those of last year. Some are made of the very finest inwn. while others. are entirely or Iacg. The idea in to cover the hair during the various processes of th‘ toilet. but the cup ha been found IO dainty and pretu that it In often vom when the toilet in quite complete. and it forms I charming ad- hnd at the breakfast ubie. ”ll! hut Hm TO CLEAN A SWEATER. FALL SI'IF I}? KH\KI HROADCLUTH \mx ”UNI VOGUE 0F PLAITS. 11m 3 xx Tho Last Cry In Hedi-h Suits. llI Floor Wax u mim- :lht‘ pH! n in :1 :0! ”‘9! m Mum! are !-vn :1 N luv “‘1!“ (L The @oles are now prepared to cater for functions large or small. (ll Sandwiches made of bread from the Mission Tea Room. fure, high grade Ice Creams,§Salads, Sunshine and Angel Food Cakes, etc. fl we have fol? hire, Napkins, Table Linen, S" ver', Sheflield Urns and Tragis,‘ [trench China, Watefr Glasses, y: unch Bowl and‘ Punch Glasses, fSherbert Glasses, etc. (L Call {and see our patterns. . FRED S. DOL 316 EAST LEAUREL AVE, HIGHLAND P _ TELEPHONE 53;: NEXT TO NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURBH Note that 1,239,000 Goodyear tireé have now 5gone into use. They have bee , tested out on 50mg 200,000 caé. The present #mand results from the \erdkt of 203000 users And that err: ndis now larger by far {hag for my other tire in existence; All these usegs have found that NryRimCufltires end rim- cutting troublesgorever. That means saving of 23 per ce-n'. For tistics show that 93 per cent; of all ruined tires of the old type rimeut. The}! have alfb found that the 10 per cent versize, with the average ca adds 25 per cent to the tire ‘_ileage. P7 2 THE GOODYgAR TIRE RUBBER CO” Akron, Ohio if yum-h" nod Ala-eve. in I03 Printing) Cinn . - MSmkeSumh-nyofirT-vo \\ c Mute I ind. o! Hubbn Tina. 1 we Acuuorm uni Emir 0.1.“ Main Corldmn Oficc. T Ito. 0m. Cumin Factory. milk. 0. our “Wéant ads” bring mm W‘ ‘ if! N-Rhn-Cut Tires $110 Per Cent Oversize) Préjved 1,250,000 Til mmRim-Cut T'ires Wits; or Without NomSkid Treuh iconflim AKRON OHIO Home Partrait§ John A. Ask them what it meansito have oversize tiresâ€"tires can’t be rim-cut. You will adopt them, too é OnrlfllzT‘nBookâ€"hud- you'- d tin nahâ€"b“ Z facts vcu tho-Id how. “nib nailitloyou. ', Z Everybody ‘.\ :mls‘ and needsf 200d phnuigmphs of Chili dren and wider folk. Let the photographer who knows how come to your home! where the surroundings are congenial to vou, and be better pleased. i ;. Your own friends know truth. Men all around'you' NoRimCut tires. But now 1,250,000 tires hzfve proved that the claims are tnte. Thus these patent tires,“- der average conditions, cut are cost 48 per cent. ; It gives 10 per cent more in: â€"10 per cent extra carrying capacity. That savw the blqwn outs due to overloading. The New Method

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