um Rev. P. C. Wolcott. [)7 D. Rector. Holy Communion. Sunday 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Litany 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion. ï¬rst Sunday in the month and Festivals at 11:00 a. m. Evensong. 5:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 p. m. St. Mary"- Church Laurel Ivenue and McGOvern street. Rev. J. l). O'Neill. pastor. Sunday services First Mass. 6:00 a. m. Sunday School 6:45 to 7:30. Second Mass. 7.303. m. Last Mass 9:45 a. m. Swedish Evangelical Luthenn Masonic'Hall. Highwood, Rev. C. E. Lundgren. pastor. Roy Sunday services. preaching at 3:00 p. m. . Sunday School at 2.00 p m. Wednesday Highland Park prayer meeting 8 : 00 p. m. Arcanum. meets Fin! Church of Christ. Scientint days in Masonic Hazel avenue near St. John‘s axenue. always welcome Regular service every Sunday morning at M y: 10:45 o'clock. Sunday school immediately after the Sunday mnmmg wrvige. Meetings at 5 Regular \\ cdnesday evemng testimonial 1 third Mondays. meeting at 8:00 o'clock. * n n 7 A__..1 an," Math mutuu‘ u. The Reading Room. second floor. Erskine Hank Buildmgï¬s open daily. ex- cept Sunday. from 9 to l2 a. m. and l to 5 p. m. All authorized Christian Science literature is on ï¬le for rrfercnce. and may be purchascd it desired. St. John; Evangelical Church Corner Green Bay Road and Hmnemuxl Avenue. Rn: R B. Fiedlcr. Pastor. Sun- day niorning.lirrv~.un preachng .it Will) a. :71. and. ELgll‘ll pi'rnt‘lï¬ngurT mp 11. on first .i:‘.l fl‘ml Stmtkiv t)? t‘m- :‘mmli. Ext-ryhi ti} i: 'm'o v-vv - ‘. un-lc-vnc tw .liit‘llt'l l. Modern qudmen Highland Camp. 1176334. W. A,, meets ï¬rst and third Fridays ' Masonic Hall. Y.W. C. A. Following is the sch I? of summer classes tar the nu-mbersoi the Y. W. C. A; Smmming pool at Ltiko;l Forest (allege npm to girls of Highland inn-k Y. w. c. A. \\'ctltic<tln_\'9. l“ to l’..’ ï¬.§_m.. .l to T p. m. Spct'nil rate? 1-» lllt‘lllbqr". Msiixbers un- hl sen :ruitgt- lrtc. ixttliu itlunl left. m. 3m; tickct. l†Sn‘vml $11111 n:-.1r [:1 Sunday 561111111 I'M“ .1 11‘. ship. 11 U1) :1. 111. (111131111 Ir and evening sennc . l) p praver n11 61mg \\ (duesdav r , Bible study l‘rlddV, T m p‘ :a . . Iy mvne your anexxmmc. ship. ll â€0 a. in. Christian butlenvtur. .1th and evening servite 730 p 'n. (,crman prayer meeting Wednesday. 7.10 p. â€1.. Bible study Fridav, T m p. m. We :ntdml- Iy invite your attendance. 5. E. Schmuck. pastor. Believers Meeting Library Hall. Highland Park. Every Sunday 7:45 p. m.. Gospel address. Every Thursday 8:00 p. m. Bible study. You are cordially invited. Evangelical Lutheran Church Central Avenue. W. F. Suhr. pastor. Sunday service. German preaching at 10.30 a. m.'. English preaching at 8 p. m.; Sunday School. 9:15: German Saturday school. 9.00 to 12:00. Fin! United Evangelical Church Corner of Laurel Avenue and Green Bay Road. Rev‘. J. Foster Van Evera. pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10:45: evening service and K. L. C. E. trom 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. during Julv August and Sep- tember chotr meetings Thursday at H p. m.: Sun- day school at 9:30 a. m. A cordial in- vitation extended to all. Swedish Lutheran Church There Will be Swedish Lutheran Church services exery Sunday evening: at seven fortywize o'clock in the Y. “CC. A. rooms on Centrll Avenue. Highland P:trk.t‘:irl F.. Lundgren. 3f \Vaukegan. lllinuis.p.xsiur. Baptist Church East l..iurel avenue. Henry Clay Miller. minister: Sunday. morning worship. 10 45, Sunday 7:45. The Bible.schm)l. Mr. Charles H. Warren. Superintendent. assembles at 12:00 o‘clock. The Baptist Young Peoples Union. .\lr. Leigh Hittinger. President. meets each Sunday eyening at 7 o‘clock. The mid-week service is held in the parlors of the church each Wednesday evening at 7:45. The Ladies Guild. Mrs. C. E. Thompson. Prestdent. holds its regular sessions on the afternoon of the ï¬rst and third Thursdays of each month. The public is cordially "“11th to all the aervices of this church. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Corner ot Laurel. Linden and Prospect avenues. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Pastor. Bible School meets at 9:30 a. m. in the church building. ‘Sunday morning wor- ship. 11.00 a. m. Young Peoples‘ Meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at eight o‘clock in the auditorium of the church. The public is cordially invited to all of these services The midweek prayer services Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7:45.. evening people‘s senate“ six lessons. per aps. KOHL‘lS and Wings must' be furnish by individuals. ilnstructor always pres I when pool is open. Sunimer activities; Monday. 2:30 » to 5:30. tennis. basket 1. new comb on ‘ :the academy grounds. $530-$130. Girls' 'Club; Thursday. swihi’gning as above. ischeduled. Rooms open at 208 East iCentral Avenue everyt‘i hfternoon, 3:05: i Monday and Thursday: evenings. 7:30 $30. Vesper services; f hemate Sundays ‘ bird. 4 p. m. trunces. $1.50: (Olll‘sc 0: person. $1.30. Stilts. ' beginning June twenty l Busineu Men'a’ ' tion l Meets ï¬rst Tuesday it every month. ‘Association Rooms Q'skine Building. Charles M. Schneider, ifmsident: Albert T Larson,.secretary. ‘ Highland Park Youtéh'g Men's Club Club rooms. 12 West; Central Avenue. (EeOrge Jones. presiglent; Earl (isell. secretary. . fl Ouoli gob Club rooms. Highlani [Park Club House. Meetings. fortnightly ,on Thursday at three o'clock. Mrs. W. 3. Fyt'te. president: Miss Elizabeth 'l‘owngt‘. Corresponding $1‘CTt‘Ulf". E: Highland Park Wman's Club Club rooms. :tsscn‘bly hall. Library building. .\lt'e'.ings~.5:a ! fortnightly Tuesday at three 0'ch '. Mrs. George H. Campbell. preside-ï¬t; Mrs. John A. Putnam: currespondingl‘secretary. Highland ka Club Club house. East @Central Avenue. R. C.Jacobsen. presideggt. A. Von Schlegel. secretary. ’ ‘ on i . . Catholic Order'i; Foresters St. Johns Court Nu ‘ r' 840. c. o. F.. meets second and to h Thursdays of each month in Masonï¬â€™ North Avenue Fa}: M. r. Church First M. E. Churoi. B. L. Story. Pastor. Sunday Schodle 1000; Preaching, 11:00, Juiior Leagugg 2:30. Epworth League. 6'30. Prayer ntieetlng, Wednesday. 7:30; Teacher Training) Saturday. 7:30. 'ime of Services and Meetings in the Various Churches Largo“ Stone Evor Quarricd In 1 Rollo of Anthuity. One of the [Host interesting proofs of the youderl‘ul civilization of the In- clenu ls nflurded by the great slab of atone ul Batullrec. ln Syriut This huge monolith ls sixty-nint- feet long. four teen feet broad and \‘eveu een feel in depth. It is salt] to be the largest piece of stone 9\‘t'r quarried untl lts estimat- ed wetght is Linn tum. It is thnuulzt by art-lulvulngivul st'hol- hrs that (his hum- ~: mo “'us' intended by the urn: rt l-u liq-H In adorn the 'l'omgrfe nf 'ho' Sun m-nr luywnow. uf (‘Luruz in r Hvrc .n mm of the the grnuml ‘wn- .\L v‘rr, :mlmugh nu sum uf ..u,\ roam-1.: ' anerv is m be found .:: t‘..f“£' :12: um! Inxï¬linga the shun-x 1;;:\'I- lawn wnnre'd mu! pol. ï¬shed so eu-nly mat only utter the mm: minute sezlrvn can the jnints be found and when Imvvd It is impossible to thrust Hm Mada of a pocket knife between them! How these things were done is a standing myitory m {be scienxistâ€" Wldo World Magazine. â€MI of the Grecian Athlotu In Homeric Times. Dbcnc throwing was a reï¬ned form .1 hurling the slime, In Homeric ï¬nes, Ind even at Olympia, I stone or In. of iron was ï¬rst mod for the porno-e. T'ti- was 8-"! M u leathern Services in the Churches SYRIA’S HUGE MONOLITH. lk'C“. Ebenezer Evangeligl Chung}: THROWING THE DISCUS. Trinity Episcopd Chm JUR‘ edge and Club h’lé’ktings denvur Ahd None of Interest .-_\‘ are lx‘ (m unc Meetings and Mee ï¬g Places of Clubs and ' ges Highland Council 99 [fleets at Masonic Hall, third Wednesday ï¬nch month. Masonic 0|â€ng A. 0. Fax Lodge. No. A. F. and A. M.. meets ï¬rst and thi ._ Thursdays in Masonic Hall. Odd Felldwu Sheridan Lodge, No. 6;}2 meets every Tuesday nigh Masonic'Hall. r, Royal Ar um Highland Park Count No. 1066. Royal Arcanum. meets secondm nd founh Mon- days in Masonic Hall. gVisiting brothers Myuï¬c Worker: Meetings at Masonic: lHall xhird Mondays. ~ i Ouoli (an!) Club rooms H. ghlani Park Uub House. Mrcxmszs, furxmghtly ,on Thursday :11 Ihx'cc o'cinck. Mrs. W. 3 Ffltr. presxdcnt: Miss Ehzabeth 'l‘ownér. L'urx‘cspondir‘g A. u $1‘CTCU: Noun Avenue n33» M. r. Church First M E. Churdi B. L. Story. Pastor. Sunday Schodl; 1000; Preaching, 11:00, Juiior League: 2:30. Epworth League 6'30, Pray er rtieetlng,Wednesday 7:;30 Teacher Trainin;,_ Saturday, 7:30. A Mine of a Incas. (me u! Hm famous in vim-mid mines of i‘ cm is ~ m1 [-I ha bum discovered recently In a Grokaiinmigmnt. This m m hmlgsunu- 121ml innit the little v11- (noun. swung m a oracle and hurled as far as pgssihle. A Hlrculur or lentic- ular disk’ of bronze _ as used at least as early as the be _ min: of the ï¬fth century ‘ hum of A'cnmnyn. unflghe wanted some lime fur lmiiding puflows. So he set some workmen to @{ggmg out lime- stone. The men dlxjnln a depression that looked like a mgf ml cave. Soon. however; the Greek *3» oprlemr thought that the cave did not: iook natural. ald he began invesdgntl: . He thought it might be a mlne. ' no it wanâ€"co they lay. Be (on three dlï¬erent holes with emeraldg _in them further down In the old we! 'ngs. and then it turned on hlm that‘ 1 had_ discovered one bf the lost mines} .0! the Incas, the soverelgns of anciexii, Peru. A standard weigh Vnmst. of course. be assumed for the grant garnet A dim-us ninw in theiBritish museum. wmrh seems to haveghreu used. weighs 11 pounds 9 mnu'vsgbut Win-(her this was (he standard weight or not is not de-ï¬nltelyknmvn. .5), The? (hrnwor tmkï¬ 3 stand upon a slight olévutlnn of 3 )ited vircmufer- 011412 “‘Dl‘l‘? he (-ulfld have n secure funtlmhl and mm l-ï¬~'\‘c-Imul {rum run- ning. 'I‘hvn. wit': :1 “in: of {hp HF!!! and n «wrwqw:ul'n;.?m m'u-zm-nt ‘1' Ilw whole bwlv. ho lmrh-d hw 1H~vu~ us far ;1~' mmxihhu ‘ Tim \jlxm uf (Le ‘r-rl; [min-id“!!! in In: :xlldviv' en-n \x‘l ,‘S H \\' Non}. Amriujrunion {n l'l) Modern Wo‘g‘men mkï¬ 3 stand upt wt 3 )ited vircun (-ulijd inn-0 n 59 ; pï¬'n-ntwl frum _' of tlm 'nhm n'u-zm-nt ‘1' I :1 ‘\\":! HHw‘ Maw 1114Ԡï¬rst and â€HIH‘I‘ (Il‘ IIi~vnlu c-l‘n A’NEAT TWO STORY BUNBALUW. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK mats For a bungalow more la a very practical and well arranged plan TIN'Y‘P is a piazza across the entire from with large cobblestone piers In each curln-r Slze over main part. exclusive of plums. is twenty-eight feet wide and thlr ty-two feet deep. First story nlne feet. second story eight feet. 00st to build. exclusive of heating and plumbing. $3.200. Upon rece1p‘ of 81 the pubnsher of this paper win supply Sumn'l book of plans, entitled "American Dwellings." It contains 254 up to dim desk]! at cottages. bungulovn and residences cosnng from â€.000 to 86,000. i .___.__â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ the price w! her lndnlavm-e will he I | whim: tH-lh and n dkgruntled dines (km Harm Dandruff Don. Dandruff has l'umo [U be such a min mon disease (hat many of us lose sight of the harm it wyrks until the real harm is done. lt'causes the hair to become dry and Iusterless and by clinging to the clothing gives the ap- pearance of unclennllness. One of the chief causes of dandrufl's ls weakness of the scalp. caused by? infection: diseases Pressure of heavy l or close hat: on the head is another' common cause. while the practice of matting the hair close to the scalp is a well known promoter of the disease. Hair oils Ind dyes used to exceu in- variably cense malignant dandrufl. l If you and your scalp in becoming Inflected make haste to discover lf one of these prevalent practlcel ll not brlnging about a condltlon you will and great malculty ln overcomlug. First of nll. keep the scalp perfectly clean. Shampoos containing yolks of eggs. wltb chloroform. bun“ (with or wlthout camphurl. carbollc acid soda and chlorate of potash are recomâ€" mended for dnndrufl. Add to the yolk of an egg ten drops 0! chloroform and heat with an egg heater to a stiff froth. Rub the size of a black walnut (ufthls rvmwly mm the roots of the hair. then wash It well with a good snap [)ry quickly wlth a Raft towel. and you will tlnd the remedy [host «flit-minus. A to-mk-uvy to gray hair is (whom he rodit:u'_\'-n;ur Is ‘0 my, in pvrmm fun)» [HM flu-r0 wmns to be u lurk n! tlw pimm-nt \th h gin-x llw’ hair in Haiti mi i'niur Th5 deï¬rh-nry in slivh wusvs sniixi-tiiliv“ Inukw iiwlf amulrwzi in 0:2er die and cumin! he wen-vim! ("her [En-um»: nnriw inâ€) h:7ii'\ i vi iiu i‘:r~z iiiixo zifivi' Sumo 311m» 01 uihx‘f in“ (of their normal \iiuiiiy. um] i: xiirh vuw-s nit'l‘t‘ i< rurvly any r1->1lii'.’i- (inn of tin- imiumi mmr Smidmi or sou-re uu-mui disiuriumve muy sometimes m-miure grin“ hair. and if the menlni worry be very quickly removed and the ppm-ml health has not suffered ihere may he a chance of the hair regaining its original color. Chocolate and the Teeth. A box uf ohoooiaten and a matinee ticket constitute happiness for a great many girls‘ of today. i! the play is good the matinee ticket is a real hemL ï¬t. which is more than can be said for the chocolate. There is always a temptation in a mellilluent layer of rich brown goodies holding all manner of delicious lur- prim beneath their glossy coats, So strong in this temptation that the girl who neglects her dentiat thrown din cation to the wind; knowing full well Design 979. by Glenn L. Sutton. Copyright, 1912 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Milady’s Mirrcr \4’4‘xw-c V PERSPECTIVE VIEW~FROM A PHOTOGRAPH by Glenn L Saxmn. Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. A famous authority~ who rm‘emly de- clared "vhm-nlane mm only do harm. in (‘onnm-n with “H {mod fnndg when 931 en to ext'vai" comm In ignore the flow gem-ruin lukvn by my dvntul wrote-s shin Hm! dun-(Hate. er tho-r sweet- monls. dam u vn<l mnunnl nf harm In the lvvlh. n! tens! “In-n mule-u, mum In small :mmnnts. In the “Tull: (lune- (lm! ls. lmlu‘wu nn‘m: or lwlurr going to bed (.‘ntormnnn-Iy 'lt ls at llwï¬e times that chovolate generally I: eaten It lt were always taken toward the end of a meal. folloxwd by a detergent food stuff. such as fresh fruit. what In claim ed for it would no duum be true. Scalp Manage. , A thorough course of nursing: to the scalp will do much toward improving *the hair The ï¬nger tips may be , dipped into sweet almond uil M32! “in i ulntinz lotion before massaging, Comb ‘ing and brushing the hair are other points. Hostess (After presenting fan to \uize winner at whint driveHRenliy. ll‘m afraid it's hardly worth accept. Hug. Winner (appraising its donni- ‘0h. thank you no much! It's just the {kind of fan I wantedâ€"one that I ’ Ihouldn’t mind losingâ€"London gPunclL Unfortunately We like to nibble on chocolate over our books and man line: or in idle momenta such a; come to us at odd hours of the day. A mor- ough cleansing and sterilizing of the mouth and teeth will do much to count tenet the harmful effect: of chocolate To Our. Brittle Nails. Brittlenesa of the null: is caused by : weakened physical condition. Then ngaln If you do your own housework the strong soap which you probably use for clennlng purposes will make your nails brittle. Twice a day hold the tip: of your ï¬ngers for ï¬ve minutes in a veflflel containing enough olive oil to cover the nails. At night before retiringdip the ï¬nger: into cold cream and let the tips take up as much as they will retain. After this dip them into mi cum powder. Neéer polish the mall; (00 vigorously, u this heats them and Incregses their dryness‘ 1. When ynur our aches get a lhtie Ill) sorbem (munu. dip in .lnmuirn giugvr and park tight in yuur ('alr‘ You wil! he unrw'iM-d hunt soon the who WH' leave )mx. ’ Helpful Suggestions. When your eyes are tired close them for ï¬ve minutes. If they 31mm and burn bathe them In lukewarm waler. A toaspmmfnl n! witch hazel In It)? water will zl‘ul them ln a few moments wine mu. (1191me mum. 'ns n urn" tdvnl uf sul [-hur and fur this u-mun ft‘vqxwmh causes ï¬ur‘m-nce (‘uuliflmvrr “'hmb Is of tlw mine family. is mnre mull; digested. Conceit may put! up I min. but cu never prop hlm up.-Ru§kln. SECOND FLOOR PL HKVEEQ w-s‘ 1 #4! CnAMBtR IALC'N‘ d-Gl 12'†C MM 33:1 CL'M" n! pf sul 'vqxwmh r‘ \\'l|.r'b That New Woods 13 A “Speed-boy†(L Allother point about the newest model of the Woods Eléctric is the fact that it is a mighty speedy afar}.- AI} the speed the law allowsâ€"«1nd a lot more is butled ur; ; inside of its new batteries and motor, ready for use any time and all the time. Moreover, the improved Yw. -. ,1“ y G‘geary’s Home Bakery Donï¬ Forget to try a 10c Loaf of GEARY’S SPECIAL Cioal, Cbke and Wei-:1 7); nnmm DBNZBL, hum Dime 126 E. Central Avcnue - - beï¬teries give even a greater mileage than ever. with all this speed and all this extra mileage; and with the new and improved cushion tires that outlasts thfee sets of pneumatics and simply can '1 be punctured; any} with the wonderful W'oods springs that absorb ei Hy bumb and jolt; and with the smart, Chic, F renclzy today. Hoped to run into shake 4 hands with you beforeleaving, hilt have been so busy clearing up business m4:- tcl‘ that I haven't had a minute. i Let ;'_macterresttilllgetback.. (ET HAT you Jack? Well; we are 06 a?) csfgn and innumerable other improvementsâ€"- ycu've got a car that is a car! It 's the ideal electric‘at â€Q“ easy prim Let us demonstrate; just write or phone. â€IE you love your wife. give her 3 Woods." When time presses, the telephone to hp- qggently relied upon for last words and fans- we“ messages. f? Chicngo, mind. Gut own (was at Highhnd Park and Em ihandles the ï¬nest line 'of fresh Candiai Ice Cream 3 h and Bakery Goods. I hen m need call 580 or 340 We Are Off Today Le Highland Park Fuel Company Futon and W Calumet, Cottnge Grove Avenues and 25th St, “Good luck to you, old maxi." Finest of Bakery Goods '1; . Lime, Cement and other Building Material BIIIBMO ITELEPIIIIIE comm lveryhell'rm II than; 13mm Telephone, 335