Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 4

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"o. .‘ 'a". ”79"?” In mu THEHIGHLANDPARKPRFSS PUBLXSHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDELL at Highland Park. Lake County, lllinois Telephone :; :: Highland Park 562 Sdsa'utioll’riceflfio per Year in Advance Entered as wundwlaxs mattur March 1. 1911. at the pm! utfice a! quhland Paxk, thms. under ‘hc AH uf March ‘1. KAN , “A good manv persons. especially those 'who wear overshoes in the summrr time. object to the colonel because he is scrappy and assenive‘ If the colonel didn't happen to be just what he is, the scxtons who make a business of embalming reformers would have laid him away twenty years ago. Geo. Ade. who is one Of the many writers who have entered the ranks of Progressive workers. saysf' They have been trying m get some~ thing on him ever since he bobbed up as a police commissioner in New York City. About all they have proved to date is that when he gets mad he is not polite.” All the talk about campaign cuntribu~ tions and senate Investigating committees draws attention to the tact that the Re- publican managers still seem to be the bunch With the real mnney to spend and that they are spending it. Newspapers are carrying page ads. the mails are full of circulars. houklets etci. describing the benefits that Will come it we stick to the G. 0. l’.. billboards arc cnvered with posters telling us'why w:- shiiiild like the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill. and men the street cars and this sort of advertising isexpensiveâ€"carry cards which tell us that becausethere are {our letters in Taft and tour in safe we should vote for Taft. Weanwhile it Will be noticed that the advertising done by the Pro. greasives Pary is confined principally to unique little Bull Mixise pins worn on the lapels of the vnters mats and “it's enough. Abe. so help me" by using the new, marvelous Dusting Liqllid that dusts, dam and fishes at the me time. trial will prove to you what real “Dusting Solid-don” is. Your home will always have that new, fresh “M-afterhouse-clcan- lake Your Fufnitfii Glad; D. C. PURDYF‘D SONS The Man. Across the Srree “Studio Highland Park Mandy Studio \ 413 Kimball Hall, Chicago Frank P. Mandy Violix‘: Instructor on Friday: It Masquerade Tc'lz‘plwm' 707} W THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1912 ' Tost Gymnasium Fort Sheridan Saturday, Oct 19 FRANCIS F LORENT Admission 25c For appointments and booklet of informauon address Teacher of French. Violin C o r n e l. Voice Culture 231 Park Avenue is a renewcr and preservatn e of var- nished. enameled painted surfaces. Cantu-(09d no! ilk hick); o r7 greasy Sold on approval. IOTA-LIQMD I ”ORPOIATID ii I: 'nik 3 Mr. and Mn E. A. Duffy werethe week [end guests of Mr. Duffy' 3 mother Mrs. I'Dawe Hornberger of Deerfield. WALT» m mews I Mr. V. \quik IS on the sick list week Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert E. Seyfarth of Sheridan Road are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of‘a son, born Monday. October fourteenth. " Miss Vendla Adamson is on the list this week. \Iiss Frances Sadh was the Sunday guest of her sister \Irs. Ed. Brown of Waukegan. Rev. and Mrs. Vani Evera had as their week-end guest Mrs. H‘ Osborn of Shan- non. “1., sister of Judge W. (iammill of Chicago. ; Miss Genevieve Mbtt is spending the month of October on a ranch in Grand Valley. Colorado, thégues‘ of Mrs. Arthur Havemeyer. The residence 0! Mrs. Albert Smith was sold on Monday to Mrs. Hoyne and her daughter and son-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Buell of Chicago. Mrs. E. Keslcr, who has been in the Augustana hospital the past eight weeks, suffering with a fractured hip, returned home Monday much improved. Miss Florence McNiel was on the sick list last Week. : Mrs. Webster of Eycrett Place has been i}! the past week. ' Miss Gladys Boyd gentertained a num ber of friends at a hinting party Wednes‘ day afternoon. ; Mrs. C. W. Kirk of New York. formerly a resident of Highland Park. was visiting friends here last week. Miss Tessie McClory and sister Mrs. T Hart and small son spent theweek end with relatives in Chicago. Miss Martha Ingersul‘is enjoying a two weeks' vacation with relatives in ’I‘inly Park, Chicago. Mr. James Van Riper returned this week from an extended trip in the east and in Canada. Mrs. Margargl Sheahen had as her weekend guests Mrs. Dedker and son Henry of Austin. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jacobsen of 425 Hazel Avenue returfned Saturday from Atlantic City where they spent the pat two weeks. Rev. Alfred Nelson of Chicago will preach at the Swedish Lutheran services n the Y. W. C. A. rooms next Sunday evening at 7:45. All are welcome. The Mystic Workém~ have engaged Ra vmia Park Casino for. a dance on Hal lowe'en. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and their son Jack Baker are spending this month in Highland Park. Mrs. Grace Bohl ‘of Holland, Michigan spent several days \jsiting here (hIS week. Miss Cecil Vail has as her guest Miss Bluff of Rochester. 'N. Y.. who attended Smith college with Miss Vail. Mr. John A. Schreprs of Lincoln Avc- nue had as his guest this WDQK his brother, Mr. Paul Scixreurs of Muscatme, Iowa. Mr. Edward Mead of Highwood, is ill with typhoid fever. Miss Sophie Meyer; who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. Oscar Bell left this morning for her home in Dayton, Ohio. Miss Charlotte Friese of Kenilworth. formerly of this city, who recently re- turned from the Thousand lslzmds was the guest last week of Miss Edna Van Riper. Miss Bessie Baker spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Colb'urn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wonser are in Tama City, Iowa. fut a twu weeks visit. The Wallace Wakem family will spend the winter in the new apartment building at Scott and Astor Streets. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs‘ C. P3. Schaufiler had as their guests during ‘he past week Father Hari‘cy. officer of tfie Order of me Holy Cross, and his sister; Mrs. Warren Owens of St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. W, McGann, finmcrlynf Highland Park. visited friendsghere last week. Mrs. Harlan P. Davidson has as her guest her sister, Mrs. N. C. [ialdwin and daughter, Miss Baldwin of Cheshire. Conn. William King afid daughters. Mrs. Jennie L. Miller and‘Mrs. A. E. Mason will spend the week-2nd at Parna, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Recscman had as their gumts on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker of Luke Flircsk Mrs. N. \erlt'l uf \Vzmkcgan and Mr. A. A. Ilnungs at Chicago. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Clark relumed Thursday from a ten day'trip on the Mississippi. Ohio and Tennessee rivers to Shiloh where they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. William Millard. Mr. James Morrison returned this week from a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Finney of Vine Aw. had as their guest last week their nephew Mr. James Finney of Omaha Nebraska. Mrs. Samuel Parliament had as her guests last week Miss Boehner of Chica- go. Mr. James T. Cunningham of Spokane, Washington, a ncphpw of Mr. Parliament; and a cousin Mr. E.” B. Parliament. The next meeting of the Highland Paxk Woman‘s Club will take place on Tuesday October 22nd at three o’clock in the af- temoon Mrs. Wm!" Wardrop, will give a report of the Biennial at San Francisco. sick this 35.10. C. PURDY SONS ‘ Mr. Francis Florent who was formerly : a‘teacher of French in the Deerfield Town- ; ship High School has returned to High- I land Park after an absence of twelve years i and has resumed teaching at 231 Park ‘ Ave. , An entertainment in the form of rheto- t ritals was given on Monday morning du- i ring the: assembly‘hour by the members of the Sophomore class aLthe highs< hool {who have been studying Julius Ceasar. ‘ Those taking part appeared in Roman ' costume and the Brutus speech was well delivered by Ellsworth Staker; Mark An- thony speech by Elsie Schrieber; the sceno ‘ between Brutus and Portia was-interest- E ingly given by Anna Krueger and Ernest 1 Miets. l Judge Donnelly last week granted a divorce to Mrs. P. N. Richards, giving ‘ her custody of the two children with in- [structions that the father, F. N. Richards '0! this city. be allowed to visit them once leach week. The Ossoli Club will commence the the season with a reception at, three o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday. the twentvvfourth of October. The hostesses will be the members of the board of directors who are the Mesdames William J. Fyt‘fe, Eugene Bournique, Richard l-I Peyton, Walter E. Carr, Daniel Cobb, A. L. Drum, Rex l..Jones, and Miss Elizabeth Towner. The'otlicers elected for this year are as follows: Mrs. William J. l‘yffe, president; Mrs E. A. Bournique. Vice president; Mrs. Richard F. Peyton, recording secretary and treasurer, and Miss Elizabeth Tomner, corresponding secretary: Mr. H. H. Gross of Chicago, Chairman of the Good Roads Committee, will give the address the subject of which will be "Good Roads." The announcement of the Parents and and Teachers' Association. printed last week. which stated that Mrs. Alfred ()lson had been elected secretary of that organization was incorrect as Mrs. 0. Lawrence ()lesen, who has been prominent in the affairs of the association since it was organized, was chosen to till the office. The 0580“ in connection with the Highland Park Club was organized in the year 1894 under the presidency of Mrs. Kenneth R. Smoot and vice presidency of Mrs. Frederick W. Cushing. From that time it has grown in efficiency and an increase of membership to two hundred and fifty. Charles Brace, conductor on the Chi- cago Mtlwaukce Electric. who was m- jured at Waukegan four weeks ago, when two electric came together at the junction. Edison Court. is able to be up and around again. The Civics Club of Ravinia held the first meeting of the seasbn on Friday afternoon, October eleventh at the school house. Although the speaker un- gagcd was unable to be present a large number of ladies attended and plans {or the coming year were discussed. On Sunday evening the new officers of the Christian Endeavor of the Ebenezer church were installed for the coming year. They are as follows: 0. B. Brand, president; Anna Muench, vice president; Charlotte Brand, treasurer, and Edith Muench. secretary. The various chair- men of the committees are Lulu Muehlke, Social; Lookout; W. E. Brand, Missionary; Ethel Zimmer, Flower; Rev. Schroeder, Prayer meeting; Edith Muench, music, and Arthur Vetter. librarian. The ladies of the Ossoli are especially interested in philanthropy, civics, educa- tion and art. Without doubt one of the best works they have accomplished and which should and does endear them to every young person in this city was the establishment and maintaining of a safe- ly guarded and well kept public bathing beach and play ground. the most atâ€" tractive on the North Shore. A program of interest has been ar- ranged and issued forthe season on which a pear well known namm such as Mrs. Percy V Pennvbacker, president of the General Federation of Womens Clubs; Lester Bodine superintendent of com pulsory education; Miss HarrietE. Grim, and Dr. William T. McElveen. who will speak upon “Equal Suffrage." Bishop John H. Vincent. Mr. Graham Taylor, of the Chicago Commons. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Highland Park M. E. church will hold a rummage sale October 25, 26 and 27 in the B. Fritsch buildmg on North Avenue. All who wish to contribute are requested [0 calI'TTO‘R. Stop It NOW Impurtant subjectsof the day which are of the utmost Interest to everyone wnllbc spoken upon by well informed mun and women while musicians of 121]- ml and rcpumtiun will appear at mm-t mgs during xhc yn-ur. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARKIILLINOIS W GREAT LABOR SAVERS for Hardwood, Painted or linoleum Floor-o. Price 75 cents. and join the Pro- NF greuives; they are 1 all using Ill-FINISH. 5%: FLOOR MOPS SANITARY D U STLFSS Ossoli Club The opening dance of the winter season is to take place tonight and will be a large affair. A number of the members ‘have out of town guests visiting them i and will give dinners preceding the dance. I Among these will be Mrs. Henrv S. Vail, . who will entertain in honor of;Miss Bluff ‘ of Rochester, N Y.. the guest of her ”daughter Miss Vail. There willbe several ' former Smith college friends of Miss Vail {as dinner guests; Mrs. H. R. London will >entertain sixteen young people at dinner in honor of Miss Abbie Von Schlegell of Detroit, the guest of her daughters, the : Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Loudon; Mrs. John 1. Marshall will entertain at idinner in honor of her niece and nephew, ; Lieut. and Mrs. Smith of Ft. Sheridan, i Mrs. Clark, Miss Getty. Miss Kingsbury, : and Miss Rafierty, and Mrs. Robert Smith : will be a dinner hostess. Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois. has filed in the County Court of Lake County, Illinois, acertificate that the following improvement has been completed‘ and that it conforms substan- tially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the ‘same,to-wit: For the grading, draining, ; and paving With concrete pavement and otherwise improving Roger Williams Av- enue. from the easterly line of St. John's Avenue easterly for a distance of three thousand eight hundred and eightytwo (3882) feet, except at the bridge and paved roadway of Sheridan Road; and Dean Avenue from the northerly line of the paved roadway herein provided for ”1 Roger Williams Avenue from thenu- itnrtht-rly It) the wutlu-rly i line of the pmeti roadway in Sheridan Road. Highâ€" land Park Special Assrsunem of said Court llorket Number WT). and that ap- plication has been made to said Court to lconsider and determine whether or not Ethe {acts stated in said certificate are true. That a hearing will be had upon 'said application on Monday tihe 28th day :of October A. D. 19l2. at the E“hour of ten ‘ (10) o'clock in the forenoon of said day. 3‘ at the County Court Room of said Court, in the County Court House at Waukegan , in said Lake County. Objections may be lfiled to said application on or before the 'hour of ten (10) o‘clock in the forenoon iof said day. l The lantern exhibition for the childrens Hallowe'en Party in addition tolthe games and moving pictures will confiist of an entertaining set of slides entitled “Chil- ot all Climes." Chinese. Japanese. Turkish and many other children in their national costume will appear upon the screen. Mr. Percy Him, who had charge of the moving pictures at Ravinia Park during the past summer, will superintend the club pictures which will be varied and up to date. There will be a set of pictures shown on the evening of Friday. October twentyvfifth at 7:45 o'clock. The secretary has received many re- quests from members for complimentary invitations to the moving picture shows for fiiends who are not members Early applications are advnsable as the seating capacity of the club is limited, and there will be a large attendance of members and their families. On Tuesday evening at fifteen minutes after eight o'clock there will be a card party. Bridge and “500' will be played. The post gymnasium will be the scene of a masquerade party Saturday evening, the proceeds above expenses to be dew :- (‘d to the recreation fund. Col. Howell of the 19th Inf‘. has been detailed as president of the examining board {or officers, in Omaha, Neb.. and i-xpccts to leave soon with Mrs. Howell and daughter, Mrs. Climnn. LL and Mrs. Gregg had as their guests last week Mr. Freeman and Mr. Clinton of Iowa Mr. Shaw of Nebraska. Dr. and Mrs. Scrinda Shaw and Dr. and Mrs. Florimond Le anc of Chicago. Capt. E. R, Tompkins has received his. assignment to the Quartermaster's detail ; and is ordered to report at San Francisco? for duty on a transport running between ‘ San Francisco and Manila. On Thursday evening, October tenth occured the marriage of Miss Anna Powalski to Mr. Walter Wentz. both of Ft. Sheridan, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio. The marriage took place in the Holy Name Cathedral. Chicago; Father Mc- Donald officiating. ' Mrs. R. W. Boughton will not join her husband at Ft. Sheridan this winter but will spend the winter in the south where little Robert. who has been very ill with tvphoid pneumonia for the past weeks will recuperate. Mrs. Stevens has returned after making an extensive visit with her parents in San Antonio, Texas. The date for the minstrel show is an nounced as Tuesday evening, Nov. 5. . Board of Local 52:: gigs] Improvements - of the City Joseph 1" Feanng l Highland Park Dated at Highland Park,lllinois.0ctober 10,1912. I 32-33 The Highland Park Club Ft. Sheridan Notes N otice ‘ll SAVINGS ACCOUNTS August 21, 1912 T. HiDECKER CO. 126 E. Genital Ave. Telephone 201 ‘ Highland Pull “The Imperial” Dyers and Cleaners 214 u§r CENTRAL AVENUE "l‘eleplml'lec~ m Ladies’ and gent’s garments cleaned, pressed, repaired and remodeled to look as good as new TheiHouse That Pleases A Tfial Will Convince You :1 wagoix will call for and deliz'rr your garments Steam and Hot Water Heating. Plumbing r and Drainage announces the institution of a regular savings department. Deposits will be received in any amounts from $1.00 up on which interest will be paid semi-annually at the rate of 3 per cent per annum. . Demand deposits will be accepted on which interest at the rate of 2 per cent per an- num will be allowed. Your physician is the man to consult when you are ill. He is the man who is fitted through ed- ucation and experience to diagnose your case properly and see that you get right‘ medicines for right results... We are the people to fill his prescription. It is our business to see that you get the right medicine, compounded in the right way.. One dose of the right medicine taken at the right time will do more to effect a speedy cure than abarrel of medicine would do shat you might select yourself. Be careful of the medicine you takeâ€"see your doctor first, then see us. PHARMACIST r HIGHLAND PARK 2mg mfigmmm Ndflh Shore Tmst Company Your Doctor Knows “ Your garments are a part of your personality, and should beélooked after by men of ex- perience and tact in the art of cléaning 2123-2133 Uncoln Avenue, CHICAGO MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Uncoln - I948 INCORPORATED W. GSELL Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashier Telephohc High-i Park 265 - 8152

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