Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 6

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U" w; . The Way to Wm. Tho ”I. 00 Sticks u.“ by m. a“... N AMI" Ihe may wui‘ ‘ :u get thing: can Vargas Gunny. L Pommu your was u_ :0 tom: name 3"" 5mm of that "It and pm- . against Her an“!!! IM other way._ at but. Ilwun been u! “may difler- ““'“"“' ' "‘ ‘~“ n-nnwl I J1. El. \ lvl'tun‘r urul (nu-ms fill I'lzvr lifll' luv-In! 1:» llu- mnnin: nf skllh :1:le 1.: n,” h-Hife :nunnl‘nvmx'm: .â€"\.t “N! lllwl’flll It Would wo-ln as if the" sum-M21»)! i'mlustrv was too Rug,“ In l»- 0! Im:- wrung-e \n rw'ow-r In: Qurh :m Insrxmlirnnl lu‘prml‘h'l. hut them Mr nlnnr- on Lulu: Island up- ward uf txn-nxy such factor-lest. and old: one usn-s some 2.300.000 pounds of cabbage: l-‘rmn Q‘flCh factory there are recovervd annually wmmgnnons of jun-o. or. ln ull. 150.0(1) gallons of waste Multiply these figures by ten lhd we begin to not an ldm of what this hetory economy means, for there are slmllnr famorle: around Chicago. St. Louis and many other large clues. â€"George Ethelbert Walsh In Leslie! It “:1- milm (ml it ovum! hle um? and u: re "Vern eruliuh I’PHHMI an s'nzvu: skllh W1Â¥lkx> cxr.) Jullun) Lerllzlg at seven - v fortj.'~n.c (. duck lnthe Y. W L‘ A, moms Huhl‘nd Park Woman: Cl“? on Central Awnue. Highland Purl-(.L‘zlrl E. Ch’b romns. assembly hall. Library Lundgrcl‘. Hf \Vaukcgzm. Illinois pastor. budding. Meetings, fortnightly on Baptist Church Tuesday at three o'clock. Mrs. George East Laurel avenue. HenryCiny Miller. 2 H' Campbell, prcSldcnt; Mrs. John A' minister: Sunday. morning worship,’ Putnam. CONCSPOndiWI secretary. “:00, Sunday evening penplc's service. - 745. The Bible school, Mr. Charles H. .- ""hl‘i'd Pm? 0“" Warren. Superintendent asscmbles at UUb hnuse. East Central Awnuc. E45 o‘clock. The Baptist \oung People' 5 R. C. Jacobsen. president; A R. Carquevilh l'.nion .\ir Lcigh Bittinger. President secretary. meets each Sunday awning at” i‘foclock . The mid week serxice is held in the Catholic Orderof Forester: parlors «if the church each Wednesday ‘ St Johns Court Number 840 C 0 F- cvening at 7. 45. The Ladies Guild Mrs meets second and four-1h Thursdays of F. B. (-reen Presxdent holds Its each month in Masonic Ha"_ regular 58881005 on the afternoon 0! the -â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€" third Thursday of each month. The: "7* public is cardially invited to all the "ism-I'd hr" Pml'v‘m-n Church xrvices of this church. Corner 02 Laurel. Linden and Prmmrt North Avenue Fin! M. E. Church First M. E. Church. Rev. V. A. Spicker, Pastor. Sunday School. 100; Preaching. 11:00; Junior League. 2:30: Epwonh League. 6:30, Prayer meetlng, Wednuday. 7:3); Tehcher Training. Saturday. 7'30. .Qory a! I Sauerkruu Flc‘ort and Mo;q Woflhlon Junco. { A simplu Ilhmtrunuu or Imw nm‘mrent ; waste may he mum-u is sham-n by the 4'. story of n sunrrkrum ““101”! on f' Long Island In the nmuufncture of ll “14 Ut’rluuu drlimuj the filing Ispress ' ed out u! the- mhluurs mud. as the f- veketnl-lI-s aw :Iluun an pm rent water or lllhr‘. (En- \\.x~tp “:I.‘ umrv Ilmn onrlml.‘ 111m illlv'o- \\;1_~ allowed to to N) “Luv Swedioh Luther-n Church Thcrr' WT” be Swedwh Lutheran Church serxicvs waxy Sunday evening at seven for:j.'~fi.c o clock mthe Y. W L‘ A, moms on Central Axcnue. Highland ’urkx‘arl E. Lundgrcl‘. Hf \Vdukcgzm. “Imam~ pasmr. Believers Meeting W WW. mums. ua Library Hall. Highland Park. Every j the academy gm Sunday 7:45 p. m.. Gospel address. Every ‘ Club; Thursday, Thursday 8:00 p. m.. Bible study. You 3 scheduled. Rm - ' I ate cordially invnted. ; Central Avenue ‘ Evangelical Lutheran Church 1 Monday and Thu .Central Avenue. W. F. Suhr. pastor.l , ‘ Sunday service. German preaching at l 930. V339" ser 1030 a. m.; English preaching at 8 p. m. } beginning June t‘ ht and 3rd Sundays; Sunday School, 9:15; l and...“ 3 German Saturday school. 900 to 12:00. i Meets 5 t '1‘ Bible school in German for young people . . rs ue Tuesdays at 8 p. m. and in English Wed- i Assoaation R001 nesdays at 8 p. m. .Charles M, Schne- First Ull'tod Enngefial Church I Larson, secretary. Corner of Laurel Avenue and Greenf ' hl-nd Bay Road. Rev. J. Foster Van Evera. ; Cllh: P23. pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10245;. H rooms: “ evening servnce and K. L. C. E. from 6:45 Henry Staehling, to 7:45 p. in. during Julv August and Sep< secretary, tember. The midweek prayer servires 0. Wednesdnv and Friday evenings at 7:45; C1 1 \ . ‘ H' choir meenngs Thursday at 8 p. 111.; Sun u) moms, I} day School m 930 a m. A cordial in- Meetings, “mm! vhatiun extended in all. three o'clock. Mn Ebenezer Evangelical Church Sm'und Stu-c: near Laurel Auenue Sunday 51 howl. MM) .1. m , [HHHHHK war ship, 11:00 a m : Chrlx‘xum Endiuivnr. 6.4." and evening scn'ice 7.50 p m (isrmur prayer meeting Wednesday. 71.3” p, in. Bible study Friday. 7 SH p. m. \‘.'c cordial ly invite your attendance. meeting at 8:00 o'clock The Reading Room. second floor. Erskine Bank Building. is open daily. ex- ctpt Sunday. from 9 to 12 a. m. and l to 5 p. m. All authorized Christian Science literature is on tile tor reference. and may be purchased if desired. St. Johns Evangelicol Church Corner (ireen Ba} Road and Hnmewuod Avenue. Rn. R H, Fiedler. Pastor. Sun- day morningxierman preaching at 10:30 a. m. and English preaching :it T23Hp. in. on first and third Sunday Ht the month. EVerybudy i< \\ elcume to attend these services. Modern Woodmen. Highland Camp, 1176. M. W. A., meets first and third Fridays at Masonic Hall. Y. W. C. A. Clones Following is the schedule of summer classes for the membersof the Y. W. C. A: Swtmming pool at Like Forest college open to girls of Highland Park Y. W. C. A. Wednesdays. 10 to 12 a. m., 15 to 7 p in. Special rates to members. Members en- trance 10c; individual lesson. 50c; ticket, 1” entrances, 750 Course of six class lessons, Rev. P. C. Wolcott. I). D. Rector. Holy Communion. Sunday 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Litany 11 :00 a. m. Holy Communion, first Sunday in the month and Festivals at 11:00 a. m. Evenp‘ayer 5:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. St..Mary’l Church Laurel awnue and McGovern street. Rev. J. D. O‘Neill, pastor. Sunday services First Mass. 6:30 a. m, Sunday School 11:45 Second Massfizooa m. High Haws 10:30 a. m. Swedish Evangefiul Luthenn masonic nan. Highwood. Rev. C E. Lundgren. pastor. Royll Arcanum Sunday services. preaching at 3:00 p. m.. H‘ hland Park Coun‘l \v Sunday School at 2.00 p. m. Wednesday -\ ‘lg , ‘ ‘ :1] 5’ player mceting 8500 p. m. ‘ “39"“ meels secon an . Pint Church of Christ. Scientist dd): m Mason“ Han‘ ‘15” Hazel avenue near St. John's avenue. always welcome. Reggla'r slnlce‘every Sunday morning at Myttic Workon 1024:) 0 clock. Sunday school Immediately ‘1 In t \l ‘ .‘ ll 1 after the Sunday mummg sen-we. ‘ ee ‘ “S a ‘ asonu. a Regular Wednesday ewmng testimonial ”‘de Mondays. meeting at 8:00 o'clock _ _ Modern Woodme lâ€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€" And Notes of Interest â€"â€"iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Jâ€"I Time of Services and McetingsinlMeetings and Meeting Places_ of the Various Churches 7 Clubs and Lodges WASTE TURNED TO USE. BATTING IN BASEBALL. Services in the Churches Lodge and Club Meetings Trinity Ephcopd Church :IIAI|;~711:11 vln-mlst “ho “hr and IIm-nverml Hull Hr!) Ily-I'nnllmiv't] n-‘gvm H‘lw “"N nu nrznnit- I30) thrH wn-mml “firth S. E. ScuRAhEx. pastor (’llll ul nu nrznnit- ‘Hlml “myth rmtiun and ll‘lll furms III mw‘a 1m pm“ He. It Im-J to 1m <9”. n? Larry Lnjnh- Hm! hel («Wm "hi! the In!” H lan \\'ill\ :I I(V|Hl!§t'l{"' n'nl ll:ln< \\';I:m-r \\:'|< nut purtiwnlnr nlmut-thv flail ln- ”<04! <0 Inn: :h‘ h:- mum um :I hull nfl‘ thv <hnllh‘t'l‘ \~' :I mun-w of fnvt. tum-t n.‘ Hm hwrd him-H mulw Hus-h I'm; dr'irm from hulk Ihzlt “'num hm have Iu-m: atrikl-N Inn] tin-v Iw-on nlhm‘od tn :1» m the ('nN-ho-r I'nIe-k om- stnmk fnlrly we” hark frnm tho [uh-He It k ditfivu" to net thp shoulders mm a drive nuide from a perfectly pitvhvd bull.â€"o.\'ew York World - First You"; Wife» The plmmgmpher said Ill) hub} was me pwttiest baby he'd eves wen Swondfi'mmz \VH’P- 'I‘hut's strange-1 ”9 mid ttw same thing about milw. I-‘lrut Yuum: mm Well. I umwsv he su'w your Imhy Lw' fore he saw mine. Swmiming pool at Lake Forest college open to girls of Highland Park Y. W. C. A. Wednesdays. 10 to 12 a. m., 15 to 7 p in. Special rates to members. Members en- trance 14k; individual lesson. 50c; ticket, 1” entrances, 750 Course of six class lessons, per person. $1.00; non=niembers entrance, 30c; Individual lesson. $1.00: ticket, 100n- trnnces. $1.50; coursetof six lessons. per person, $1.50. Suits, caps. towels and Wings must be furnished by individuals. Instructor always present when pool is open. Summer activities; Monday. 2:30 to 5:30, tennis. basketball. new comb on ‘the academy grounds. 7:30-79:30, Girls‘ fClub; Thursday. swimming as above jscheduied. Rooms open at 208 East iCentral Avenue every afternoon. 3:06; iMonday and Thursday evenings, 7:30-â€" {930 Vesper services; alternate Sundays i beginning June twenty-third, 4 p. m. 2 Business Men's Association i Meets first Tuesdav in every month. ;Association Rooms Erskine Building. lCharles M. Schneider, president; Albert em nlllmnns rvmmllnz lnvlr huts Dun anthem the» veto-run slugger. ex prmsod [lu- {whims of most player!I when he fluid the but musz little dlf- fen-m1- to u lnnsnmn as long as It feels comfortable :Ind the dwnor looku upon his (mm-NP \‘fll'k with nomovhmg llko nfl'fi Hon 2 H am be we" ngmqa'thn: the style of thv [mm-r unmiltlmps hm: ""19 to do \vlth hlx hiirhnu. whetho-r It lw tho t-hnke 9m»! imvnhld‘ln' \\'ill|» [flown-r. or the e-I-nu' h Hm! was Sum Prnwfm‘d'u «(wk In trmlo- Yuun: pluxm‘q make HIP mklnlu» nf I'up‘vinu [ho “3'10 01 mule L'rc-n: Irflft'r :Iml nf min: :u (”uh Hm! h :h' III-:H'lv :I repliwn uf NW :ront Corner ot Laurel. Linden and Prospect avenues. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson, Pastor. Bible School meets at 9:30 a. m. in the church building. Sunday morning Wor- ship. 11:00 a. m. Young Peoplm' Meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at eight o'clock in the auditorium of the c ‘urth. The public is cordially invited to lo! these services Highland Park Young Men's Ch“) Club rooms. 12 West Central Avenue Henry Staehling, president; Earl Gsell secretary, Onoli Club Club rooms. Highland Park Club House. Men-tings. fortnightly on Thursday at three o'clock. Mrs‘ W. J. Fyr'fe, presidcm: Miss Elizabeth Town '1'. corresponding secretary. Arcanum, meets second and fourth Mon- days in Masonic Halli Visiting brothers always welcome. Myutic Workers Meetings at Masonic Hall first and third Mondays. Odd Fellow: Sheridan Lodge, No. 662. I. O. 0. F., meets every Tuesday night at 7:30 in Masonic Hall. North American Union Highland Council 99, meets at Masonic Hall. third Wednesday in each month. Mnsonip Orden A. O. Fay l‘odge, No. 676. A. F. and A. M.. meets first and third Thursdays in Masonic Hail. Mnemal Pndo. 1066, Royal oulnplishe-ql?‘ llv trit-«l [H |:m;_-h. "Hh. l‘ll tnlu- you: illhil‘l‘ 1']! (in :ttuthlug you say. it can't In» \vni‘sv than it is ntmx" "Well. I hntv the I'vspuusihiiity; If you got hot )uu‘ll light. If you don’t you'll lmth lw miwrnhle nnyhow. You must get ln-r and then 'wmk out your own sulmtlmL in the first place, you must gin- Ut'l' n shock. Write lwr 11 note and um-ept ynur dismissal. Tell her you begin to see that she is right and thut you wish to be frlendlyfivith her and the fnxully. Then call some timesâ€"on the father or un me. Don't stay uvny. Absent-es u! that sort urt- flutterlug. You must be quite uuur fevted by her presence." "You know that is impossible. You know how the sight or her“â€" [{1»~‘:|Iiv juxl ,:m\ lufmmod luv [hut thi~ \\':1~'tln~ 1:1»! timv I didn‘t knmv l lmd lm-n llw snun- snrt of foul so ofu‘n. But don‘t you thlnk she nught to give me (-rvdit fur my ln'rsiutem-e. Nut 9v- (-r_v mun prulmsvs so muuy tluwsvto the Hume girl" Aan laughed dryly us he continued: “I would have glvon up long nun If I were not lumxpluluuhly sure thut uln- dm-s vvuro fur me In fm-t. she never has said dirw'tly thut she does not. Slu- simply says she Won't marry 1m- Whut‘s the mutter \vlth me? Am 1 NM) rich? l mu glvv away the stuff If slu- likesl Am I tuu sww-ossful? I might lose a cusp In plmlso her. Should I In- ns ugly us Sntuu‘.’ l'c-rhups she would llliv n lwnuty :lud tlu- lw:|~*t et'fwll \\'h:lt dam sllt' wuut': I'H‘ suid nnd dum- m‘v-t'ythln: under lu-nn-u, uud Sho- \\:|ll\> nu um «lu- trails Int-I" “l'l'erist-hf 'l‘llut's “Ivy 1 rullq-d yuu ~r\\hut l (LII. A girl “km to trail :l “mu. hut huh-s tho mun lhrlt will lu- lruimd Nut lnzivul. is It? To uw hm‘ (mu wank. 3m: :lro :llmus :truuml. uudvrt‘uut, Yuu -,:i\'.- lu-r un tlnw to “nut you or “fix“ you ur Ihiuk :llmul _\uu Flu-K lnm surr wt )0” Slw humus .iuxt \\ lu-n" )nu'll Mn Yuu um... Int lu-l' mm! :m‘nhinu had enough In :11v|u'wi;m- it “Mr“ it voluvs. Sh» hu~ :Il\\'u.\\ lLul ln-x n\\ u \\‘:|‘\, Slu- numb ll- lu- .~| Ml :Ifl‘uld Ht" 3011. NW Howls In 1w builiml." ”P {hm-m is Hut my \\ JOHN MASON "We“. I like a [nun to kunw will Innl .\t tlu- onlmnt'o to 1111- liltIv purl.) all» remly growing grw-n in the April sun. lu- Incl lu-r Sislt'l‘. He did not kmm‘ Anne very “1-1! In' haul hm-u tun busy with Rusnliu Ilt‘ wished now that In- hml mmh- frivmls with lu-r; hvr lulue eyes \u-l‘v su likv um! slill M» unlim- Rusulie's. Amn- su-[vlmd in Hunt ”1' him and stumuul him IIm-m'q-mnnhaw!). "Hm-u iruumh-d mum :I:;niuf“ slw ml» svrvwl ' :lm _\l;|\nll. l'nl' .\u rln\0l‘ :I mun L'I'Ill {H} run} fully. in sulliuu. Hutu) ¢*#¢¢«¢¢«¢c¢uu‘¢¢¢¢u*«««¢« Juhu Mum” did nut slum the flute simmy lwrunso lw km-u‘ (hut this nluur fuxlulinu vt‘ mm- u'nult! surely I‘I'IiL’hY Rosalm. Sln- wan: mm hiugdn'u' dvlmr» lure from (In- windnn. and he was uur grily (must-inns (Inn .1110 km-w lu- \\'ouhl, ns usual. return in u h-u‘ days. although sllv had said she lmpml she \vuuhl Iw rid of him for :m'hiha Sh.- wns so ynun: :md su Iu-uullrul and so was so vmm mm nliinxf §¥i¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥¥¥¥+¥¥4¥¥¥4¥¥ua 4;¥¥¥¥¥4Â¥ TAKEN AT HER WORD THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK IELINOIS A Conspiracy That Was Emi- nent:y Successful. l‘lwu .1 [HI IL "war. .lnh: Ili~lili\~wl hi ~i\[ll l m-xuz‘ unuh (’i unmlw! h u ll”! \I~\\' un' szxvxil‘. .I In '0 NHL!“ fur _\un [u ll‘ “INN \nn'ro By JOANNA SINGLE \\'n what hurl lll you'rt‘~Ullll‘lilm‘~ :un \Hlvrnillwl ”Ii\ III In It‘x- [1m gq‘lllh- In In- grw-n in the April sun. :n-r. He did not kmm‘ I In' haul hm-u tun busy [[0 wished now that In- IHI Ill)! H! In knvp mum! mmml HIP “1:1!th ditln‘l knmv l hm] of fun] so often. slw might to give Hnw mun} u Ivrulo. 'l‘h your w: ll" u‘I‘t Hme-l ll‘\ Slu- 1m- hm H II H “0h. Anne's book: She will be wall-l lug for ll." ' ; "I hardly thlnk 30." John asserted! dryly. "Your sister Anne is wlse. She; knew better than to expect ypu la a; l l l I i l , moment when she sent you down 10' Austrian Rad Tape and a Funeral. A fltlwrzti,}.;n't\' :H liuu-rv-du “uh uh- sot by thv .\'t~‘!l'i:llt tnrin'. Two of the thief nmurm-rs will]? from Italy. brim;- tng 1| “Tn-nth to whirh silk rihtmn bearing un insvription was attm-hn’L At the Austrian ”butter 1: duty of £5 was demanded on this. \‘t-hemeut pro- tests eltrited the explanation that at» though flowers pay no dut)~ sllk pays a high one. and the mnguut ndted fut was assessed on the total weight of the wreath. After (1 prolonged jdla' cussion it was dw-tded to discard tho- ribbon. "Then." cum the u-ustmns officer. “you munt go Inn-k to Italy. If the ribbon is thrown away here you are still liable for the duty." By the time the mourners had dropped the ribbon on Italian soil their train had gone. and they reached Run-redo three hour: ho late for the funeral. H “1N ‘lmt .\nm- q-x’ mum: “mm hzn'v :wI‘ lmth uf tin-u: LllI‘“ In] Ami .\mw \u-ni In M Slé't'p u-f our \\‘h furlm-d ho-i' duly “Sent me to you!" Rosalie echoed. "Yes. my Indy: Do you Imagine your sister has been tmlllug me about {or her pleasure? She ts more glad to be rid an! we HUInrâ€"m'vr you wem!" “1119th ~ was nor» Miner-ever?" Julm luuuhml :md luldp her xnod night. After the llttle mluutes had cunulng- ly slipped uwuy and it was time that he should leave her llosalle exolalmed ln dismay: me Has-“lip. in lu-r trnllln: lvluo (h'c‘s‘. 'wvnt lhl\\'ll<l:lil'\ :Iml llmmglx 11w lmli lulu tlu- library sm- lmnl lmlf M'mwd lhv ruuxu leul'l- sln- £:l\\‘ .lnhu slHillI: in n urn-:11 vlmir in tln- dim ‘lln-llxln She wunlml’tn Ilw- from llllll. lmt Mum-- how her I'm-l \Vuulul no! mm». uur (lid slu- llml u “(ml 1-; say. 'l‘lu-ll. In 1102' dismay. slu- know that .‘l sluw {our was falling (ln\\nl ln-r rlm-kl Jun“ «1qu- quivkly [award 1101‘. ll swam-(I vm'y romfurtnhlv to he lvnnin: against him After n‘whllv lw hvld her at! and lookeu at lll'l'. She lrlt-d In smile. "\\'9|l." he questioned. “how shall l: be? You knuw you suid you hula-«l you would “ever have to refuse mi: ugulnl I hope ymi wlll not. Just fur variety. suppose you -tuke me." .1,:___...._,;::.: T. 2:72.... :. ”2:. _.:::. _:_..r,.r.:::n : 5:, 1:...» 3?. r... :2 32:4 3:. “77.... 2:12.”: 2 1...: 53:.â€" :::; BEE r. 2:. 3.1:: ::._ ..::n:.r. 2.17;? L... F... .1: 2: 2.121;... Amu- hml a! lull: (-nnforvm'e by 101?- phum- \vixh Julm :md muk pains to have hrr father and Ted stwud thv Q‘VI'hill): vlwu hm‘e. Aflvr 'linm-r slw \n-nt to liusuliv‘s mum and [rimmed lwin: tin-d. She (mum-d Rusulio- In nrrnnzv her pn-Ity ln-zlr and «Inn :1 MPH) gu\\l| .w 5119 could ;.'n (lnun if any nm- Mluuhl mime. While- linsugr “um >111Li2ydu1u; us lwr sisn-x' “islwd Alum Ina-:H'd Hm hell :m-l slilnm-chmx'n In unsn'vr il. Shu runn- hm-k‘ \in: i1 nun >ULH‘ and fur hm At last one mum Annu- wlkwl and heard Rosalie sobbing to herself. 1n the morning she pleaded hendm-he and stayed In her room till muIrIyJevoning. 'l‘hne had been slow and nirtnrinx: m John. Ho wnntml to tell lelliv that he ldrpd hvr nml her only. He wanted to send her "mu-rs. to give her every desire of nor heart. and he fkmnd It 11 misery to me her or nut to see her. Meununle he was very attentive to Anne. who was IW'OIHIHL' vnsfly bored with his ruptures and sorrows and was longing for him to win his Rosalie and let her :0 hack to her old‘pouoeful Wu yet In-I‘H Ill\:.p]:!‘u\ null. whilv Hwy they Hmught it to lu-r sonws: In MW I" 1-“ Hm ,< “mum-(1|) m'w :lml “.lnhn sm-‘ns to h- t‘im‘ likv a "mu. Why and l :11“ uznnl .\nm- s lump him in lhn- f:l'nil umn-m-Inh-v lu-inu “'0le twin: urn-1' tlu- way .‘" M an him, 'l‘lw («Hm host yum]! lnwyvr in should think ynu'd h: tnkv his punishment I'mit :m‘L hn‘l he's had enuugh.“ ra-Imid Again Rnflrlliu shrugs-W hm dud mud» :x \\'l')' Htlle funk For n \w-ok l{n.~uhv \\".t.~ lmsy will) in-r vnn<i a Tim M Anne uhswl'vwl lh-Il Im- :zu hit furtml um! um clu'iny Nht' mom-«l :l Mule. Jnlm hm kept lhu min-r lm-n HT hur from ln-r. :ml Kiowa-rs :zn-I .thmn-rs‘ m-m hm: H'Q'th'lll no timo In mz~~ him. l'i inns lf _\uu \w-n 'n llllll't HUN HM hm»!!! n mm-w-«l of ln~ (c v lint [um'ft-r Hy snro Ihnl .\nm- Q".’l'l'.. yml “mild hzn'v :wlwil nwi" whirll 'l‘wl thrll 1w mmhl lmw :~ (t-:|~iHL’. [(uysuliv's ru» annl nf .lulm hnnl Inn: .w-«l of by her family. r_\' Wow :11] surm' fur lwr. it tillw_.~ho should mim- n) \'u mm Hruh‘ .un‘ Hun Mr ”.9 km: u-r ‘wl Hm! ]w w Hm «Li'mu Iln- thixxl Ho. Jnlm hm! swim-how un-n Hf hur qr! nuu)‘ {hum-rs :zn-I «li'iu-s :mrl HI h lw- mldngihis IIHHH' any? m»; :lH right. ”11' sm'mi indium! 1“ ':I'nil.\’. ‘Hof prulmln‘y noun-:1 liké :1 human :15’ yun nhv'm‘x' walk- follmn $113 ho's the or in town. But I d hnn- 1.» have him urn! su «rhwrfully. 1‘ Slll‘l'tԤ\' Hu 1 w was lolillu- mil Th0 iot'}‘|l| \‘.\:rk NW :uyvt)‘ Wu" H nwi" \\‘Ui"ll tuna and slum (ho m-sduliy per Ilmlu' mu! flu- «in «mummy to 'em-hml HM wrung n: an. ' sh mm: H: Inhn'fo-rn 51w [1.le H'Ivt'vn .\ mu-‘s x'll v' H thin! ADMISSIOEJ Latest quying Pictures Every Night Vaudieville Every Wednesday :and Sunday Night: iHERMAN DFU'VZEI Office 126 E. Cémral Avenue The Highgland Park Fuel Company Coal; Manager’s Teleé phone 933 ’ Get that B‘usmcss matter well in mind, then call “Long; Distance." THE méximum speed at which a rapid-fire , .gun can be discharged is 600 shots per minute. Qver the Bell Long Distance lines of the Chicago Telephone Company a rapid talkegr can fire 200 words per minute to Chicago3â€"600 words in three minutes at a cost of E cents. T’i? (1 Come in an? see those new Woods Models” the ones that create-d such a dec“ ed sensation during Automobile Opening Week. '1 he beautiful bgdy design. the rich finish and (my roomy intenrn‘s fairly capti ated the ladies The mom wanted tn know about the isteel frametconstruction. the shaft drive the bah hearings through out the baéery of 40cells that nexer requires w {Shlng. ll Exeryonc a predates the trouble-proof stvhd rubber cushion tin-s. Many peopa do not know that the Woods Elet‘trit‘ is the only LLH' with propensprings and strength to ride castiy «in whd tires. An inspectiggn of our new models will post jmu -vn all latest my prnvememsEâ€"and you ought to be informed on {lsr'x‘ newest Ideas V Factory and Snluroouu "Calumtit, Cottage Grove Avenues and 25th St. 3 Chktgo, Illinois own garage: at Highland Park and Evmton Bgeauty is Linked With Quality in“ the New Woods Electrics Biell Lime, Cement and oiiher Building Material Highwood, Ill. rrsidrm )g) System Local Exchange St. Johns Ave. 10 CENTS Telephone 335 Pal-l 1 c icphnnc Concrete Glcncoc F Phone I Hour: 9- [an Dd“. C hon” Lake 515 Suite pul

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