Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 7

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K) shots per stance lines 30mpany a pet minute minutes at mind, then deplmne 335 a rapid-fire :aJ Exchange Johns Ave. rstem Evuuton > m ~ar‘r I“ Tt‘ itai‘ m; iUNl q; «it 25th St With \\ M1 'ight ixrex ~n reztrtd v u I [30 may Suite 4, 5 andfi. State Bank Bldg. was... 573 ' mum) rm. IU. BARBER SHOP W. Central Ave. Higl' rod .4 m I. N u” VENCEL MUZIK Job Printing Department is .’ Always 4 Busy; Office: Erskine Bank Bldg. Phone 309 45 St. John: Ave. Lake Forest, Phone 534.w gin! Engineer and Surveyor Chas. E. Russell (juncrdc \‘ urk mum- M Laugh... ‘ DENTISTS Glcncu‘ Fruity Phone 2'“ “econ-mo 030 LAKE SHORE cmmv 515 Oahud An W P Huuu 9n. n. lo 5 p. n Butter, Eggs, and Home Telephone 57 Chorus Imaging: final-13“ â€" The Geo. Collmm Music Stu VOICE. mun AND my F. A. TUCKER u" DR. WATSON Surveys, Subdividfing. plans estimates for private public improvement work Wonder Why DR. LYMAN SEXMITH mtan I.“ "Ifâ€".3 '- mu (”HER-‘5'!- E. E. FARMER and Orchatn Conducting l ’5 $4,th Second Street HHLHLANI) PARK Telephone 57 Our Ave. Hi'hhnd Park Telephone 374 DENTIST Eli“ "in; Ind Cement F000" DENTIST Highland Park min-lea Fur-inhcd “9 Denield A w H i‘hhnd Pnrk Phone ”7 Jsckey Coburn Dead. ‘ § San Francisco. (‘31., Oct. 15.2““)!- fhm Edvard Poburn. the jockey. Eknown as "Mcnk" Coburn, died from 'tuberculosls. Is In estimated that his 93mins: exceeded 82,000,000. The surm'cns dvcidrd to delay prob- lng {or tho l‘ullr-t. and made no Hans for an operation until tlwy have taken extreme pmcaution against inlet-ton. Colonel Roosevelt called off all speeches and other events of» hls campaign in whlch he has been bookâ€" .‘ed to take part. but made prppara~ ‘, Hons to (“net the larger Work‘of the ipI-esldmxtttvl oamrnign, from the hm gptul for tho next ten days. after lwhlch he wlll go to Oystpr Bay with Mrs. Rumivvelt and his family. who twere summoned to Chicago. "Resplncory movement good; pulse normal: bullet in safe place; expector ate no blood “THEODORE ROOSEVELT." The colonel remarked that while neither he nor the doctors knew just Where the bullet was. he was certain It was concealed in a place where it would cause no inconvenience. and therefore it was in a safe place. Bullet II Located. The X-Ray dlfiClOSf‘d the bullet lodg- ed in a safe place In the chest. As a result of that. Dr. John B.".\lurphy and the other attendlnz vhyslriansan- nouncod that he will b? out of the hosplral in firm days if unforeseen com- plications do not arise. Just before the electric waves of the X-Rny were forced on him. (‘olonol Roosevelt called his stenographer and dictated a telegram to Mrs, Roosevelt in New York. It read: "isn't it a shame that I had {0 for- get my pajamas." he said. The floumscope ls an Instrument which in used to locate foreign sub- stances in the body by moving its lenses about on the surfave. ’ Sorry He Forgot Pajama. During the taking of the X-Ray. Colonel Roosevelt joked with Hoch- reln and his X-Ray assistant. ' The physclans agreed that It was probable that the first X-Ray taken by Dr. llochreln would not locals» the missile. and that snwral other-photo- graphs would have to be taken. It was thought that the taking of the X-Ray nicturps Would tpnd to wear the colonel cut and makp him nervous. 3nd It was then decldod to hunt for the bullet with the aid of a, fiuoro scope. "There is not one. alarming firmp~ tom, The condition of ('olonel Reese. velt is not dangerous. The bullet is lodged a hair-inch over his right nip~ pie and did not penetrate the ali- dominal wall. The patie‘nt‘s tempera- ture is normal. \lie has no t‘mer and his pulse is M, An Kitay examina- tion will be made to determine just where the bullet is located. and‘then an operation will be “pl-termed.“ Roolevelt in Hospital. I'nder the direetion of Dr. Murphy. Mr. ROOSP‘JP" submitted passively while surgeons and X-Ray specialists examined him at Mercy hospital and endeavored. by the use of the \‘{~Ray and the fluoroscope, to locate thépul- let. - ‘ The physicians found the coloneiis ' ounce and a half of the oil. V.‘ .....'. \‘lv‘ Ins) \UIIGIUK‘IKIIIIC bers within the last two weeks. They are '0! a brownish tint and the “V" on the hack of the coin is somewhat larger than on the genuine article. ll uln- HANOVERâ€"Just because his little mischievous five-)‘ear-old sister pre- tended to sip part of a «up of hero sene and told him it was ”good." Wil- ie .‘lfhiiFrE‘, ayed three. drank an A phy- sician saved his life. CH|CAGOâ€"After the expiration of five years since the mysterious dis- appearance ot $173,000 from the Chi- cago subtreasury. George W. Fitzgen aid. former it Her, indicted for the embezzlement, will be placed on trial on .\‘ov. 6. The physcians found the colonekg 0“ NOV- 5~ resperatory movement good. pulstfi normal. and no blood was expector‘ \ JACKSONV'LLE"T1‘° beard oftrus- ated. . vtees of the Passavant Memorial hos- The physclans agreed that It was 1ital one of the finest institutions of probable that the first XRay taken “I? kind? in Central ”“ms “3‘9 d9“ b} Dr. flochreln “ould not locals» the cided‘ to turn the plant 0‘” to the missile. and that amoral other photo' churchés or the Cit" proudmg they graphs would blue to be taken. It ““39 3’0- 00° for a new building After a hurried etamfnalion made tn thcx phmnan of the former urns! dvnt as he 13) in his SIN-pow, the fol- lowing bulimin was isau9d by I?!" John E Murphy: "Gosh! Shot again." he exclaimed win a smile. Chicago. 00!. 15.â€"»Theodore Room» velt. who was shot In Milwaukvo by John Schrank. was rushed to ('hicago on a specia! train and taken to Mercy hospital. As Wolone] Roosm'plt was dpsrpnd- tag the steps of the car a numfer of flashlight photographs were taken. sous REPORT on 1% ssL sssssvm : “No opera‘ion to remove bull“ . Indicated a. present time. Con- : ditlon hopeful. but wound It so 0 Important an to demand absolute : root for a number of days}?! I O O O I O O O O...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOIO I000. . o : PHYSICIANS’ BULLETIN. O TAKEN TU CHICAGO HUSPITAL X-R-y Examination Made In 0rd Locate the Auaum': Bullet No Bjood Expectorated ty Roouevelt. Physicians Announce That He ‘ Is in No Danger. “A deep bullet wound of chest wall without etrlklnq' any vital or- gan in transit: wound has not been probed. The rpolnt of en» trance in an lnch to the right, one inch below the level of the right nlpple. It ranged upwlrd for a distance of tour inches. lodg- lng deeply ln the chest wall. “No evidence the bullu pené‘ hated the chest wall. Pulu, 90; temperature. 99 2â€"10. The bulletin issued by phyll- clan: at Mercy hospital in Chica- go after the examination of Co!- onel Roe-even was an follows: In Order to ; MANSFIELDâ€"While he was in . l single driving race the martingale of i the harness caught on the bridle bit, ? the buggy was upset and Jesse link- i land suffered a brokpn leg. DANVILLEâ€"Much mystery Iur rounds an explosion. evidently 0! (hr namlte. that wrecked a house hem. The ruin: wok fire and were do- “toyed, ALTONâ€"Allan‘s chief of police, J. A. Lynn, who says he is an expert marksmanunas challenged the chief of police of Chicago to put some of his best marksman against him in rem}- ver shooting. EAST ST. Lowsâ€"mum and; Francis ()‘IJalwrty. wins, eighti yo ars 0111.“an riding a hnrso wheni a passing automobile frh hrvnod the? animal. The (hildron m rv H rown to the strret and hurt. { PEORlAâ€"W. Kaywood. of (Ms city. was arrested charged with assaulting C. L. \Yintnrs following a quarrel over chickens. \\'int‘>rs allogps Kaywood shot two of his {owls and throw the corpses bark into his yard GRANITE ClTYâ€"Sllss Eva Wood; aged nineteen, is suing the Loulaé ville and Nashville Railroad company for $10 000, alleging that since a wreck in 1907. she has not grown Her pres. ent height is 4 feel 11 inches. POLOâ€".In order to Show that he is still agile, Isiah Rucker. at a Saab ering in celebration of his ninety- eighth birthday anniversary, run a foot race with a relative. a man 9! seventy-four. and defeated him. AURORAâ€"Sidney Jones, an emâ€" pioye of the Burlington road at ("hi- cago. saw Miss Blanche/Clans, night‘ waitress at the station here. immedi- ateiy asked for a transfer to the night omce in this city. wooed and won her, BLOOMINGTONâ€"(‘harles (‘ortright while taking a stroll along the banks of a creek near his home In Whiteslde‘ county, found a mastodon's tooth which welghed four pounds. It will be sent to the Unlverslty of mi- nols. « HANOVERâ€"Just because his little mischievous five-)‘ear-old state} pre- tended to sip part of a «up of ken} some and told him it was ”good." WH- js- .\ldntyre, and three. drank an ounce and a half or the oil. A phy- sician saved his life. WARRENâ€"Pretty fair mumerfeit nickols haVe arpvarod in Warren and vicinity towns in considerable num- bers within the last two weeks. They are '0! a brownish tint and the» “V" on the hack of the coin is somewhat larger than on the genuine article. M'LEANSBORO â€"- A su‘foxrs 9p- demlc of diphtheria exists hare. Four diagnosed cases and one death ham been reportvd. Th9 city schcols and all places of amusement have been closed and public mootings are pro- hibir9d_hy the. city board of health. SPRINGFIELD â€"â€" Governor F. S. Deneen and his assorlates on the Re- publican state ticket had their innings. A noon speaking rally in the Coll- seum building on the {air grounds was the main event for Republican day. Governor Denven and the otlwr state candidates delivered speeches. A large crowd was in attendance. THE mom PARK PRESS, kilGHleNfl PARK ILLINOIS CANTONâ€"The city of Canton has decided to enter the campaign for the location of the new lliinois hospital for crippled children. prm‘ided by an act of the legislature in 1911. The state appropriates 873.000 for building and furnishings and the city where the institution is to he locati-d must furnish a tract of land not lose that: 160 acres in extent convenient to raii‘ road transportation. ,CHICAGOâ€"Tbe body of C. M. Lytle of Decatur, a cit-i. war \eteran. who dissappeared on Sept. 30, was found in the south bram-h of the rh pr. near the [Madison 81w?! brfdfle. .\lr. Lytle was seventy years old and formerly was grand patriarch of the I. O. O. F. He came to Chicago on St'pt. 2:10. It Is helium) that he wattdwred about the city and wither fell into the river or committed sui- ctde. STERLINGâ€"Little five year old Donald Brown proved himself a hero when he plunged into the creek where Freddie. his two-year-old brother, had fallen and tried to pull him to lately. The boys Were playlng on the beak of the creek while their lather was at Work near by. Freddie lost his bal- ance and fell lnlo the water. Little Donald leaped into the ‘water. seized the brother and tried to swlm to share: but became exhausted. Both were pulled out by their father. MWWW ILLINOIS PIRIGIIAPIIS Killed In Trolley Car Crash. Columbus. 0.. our H. â€" One man I'll killed. three were seriously in- jured and ten were cut by flying glass when trolley cars of the Arlington hm collided in fire log here. The dead man was Charles W. Molmyre. n motorman. Wuhlngton, Oct. 14,â€"There are neuly 3,000,000 more men than women in the L‘nitrd States. accord- ing to figures made public by the cen- Ina burelu. Failure or a fiapmzm to run back far enough to stop an ax prcavhlnz car an" his mvn had hoen domilnd {:1 believvd m lune causcd the accident. Both cars \wro “rocked, but romain» ed on the trustlo. Nlles. Mich. Oct. 14.»?assengpra on an interurban car of the Southern Michigan Railroad company, running from South Bend, lnd.. to St. Joseph, Mich, wore hurlud through the win- (lows of the car into the St. Joseph rh'er, thirty [pot below, in a nar- end collision uton a trestle at Btr- rlon Springs. ten milvs north of horn. One man was probably fatally hurt and nine [‘vrswts were S('\f‘r('1} in- jured in the cr‘aflh. ' Pauengern Hurled Through Window: and Into River. Whether the papers include a list of the 1904 contributors is not posi- tively known. but if Mr. Dover should produce it before the committee it would be one of the molt important revelations of the investigation and would definitely answer about the con- tributions of that campaign. The question of whether there is in existence 8 list of the contributors to the Republit-an national campaign of 1904 will be. answered within a few days. The one possibility that such a list will be disclosed appears to rest with Elmer Dover. former secretary at the national committee. To Search Paper: in Chicago. Mr. Dover will make a search through certain papers of the national committee which were stored in Chi- cago. Whatever he finds that is of moment will be produced beiore the committee. Pomba and “illiam G McAdoo “m‘ be able to answer this question Sen- ator Bankhnad will dlsclbse what w:as paid out for the ineffectual effort to nominate lndoruood and Lieutenant‘ Gm ernor Nichols of Ohio will tell ofi the expenditure in behalf of Governox l Harmon ‘E. Washingtuu, Oct. 1-;.â€"Willtam F. EMCt‘ombs, chairman of the Dene ‘crazt‘c national rommirtoe testified I before the (‘Iapp committee regarding gexanfizs of tlw Wilson preromrnu’on 5 campaign. P tr. Mc(‘ombs was accompanied by :Wnllu-r Whiting \':ck. asstttant sec- trmu; to the national committee, Who Lwas .\tr4 McComts‘s lkututant dur‘xn‘z ”he [*rsaconuntion fight, and by J'l‘hrvmas J. Pence, assistant to the na- Ltiunal chairman. who also In one of :tbc-"metx “ho carried the Wilscn standard at Baltimone. $2.000 Biggest Donation. 1 Mr. .\:c(‘omt,~s presented a list of contributions to the‘Wilson fund 5 Fomming “(are the prinéipal prenoml- . nation contributions: Quiz May End This Week. Befcre the end of the present Week mom of the main (acts and figures pertaining to all of this year's pre- com‘emion'campaign Iunds probably Will be prosenlvd to the senate com- mittee investigating that subject. Much curiosity exists as to just what was expended In behalf of the pre'comention campaign of Governor Wilson. National Chairman Mc- \\'l1lle hls prepared slMemPnt to taled only $193,585. Mr. )lct‘omlns said the total expenses for the campaign had amounted to $208,193. He said that rppresented all the money ex- pended. and that no other funds had been collected and disbursed to his knowledge. TROLLEY cans m CRASH Frederick (2 Penneld,‘;wm- lam F. McCombs. $11,000; Charles N. Smith. $1.0m»; Charles. R; Crane, :10,- 000; H. J. llarretto, $2.500; F. B. Robert, 32,500; George F. Handel. $2;- 500; R. Maglll, 2.500; Abram J. Pillars. $2.500: Harvey, Thomas, 86,- 000: James D. Pheland,'$l,000; Daniel Fellows Plait. $2.300: Henry (Morgen thau, $20,000; Cleveland ll. Dodge and Princeion friends, $8.1m“; Irving '1‘. Bu'sh,,$l,0(‘:0; Joseph F. Gunny, a princeton friend of lioCombs, H.830; Samuel I'ntvrmeyer, $7.000; collected through William G. MoAdoo. $16009! which amount Jacob H. Schifr gave $2,500. UUZ MY Ef'fl Ti'lS WEEK Witnesses tr‘ So 'E‘yamined Concerning Puconw: 11?” Campaign Ex- penses :f Underwood and Covernor Harmon. Testifies Concerning Wilson’s ; ' Preconvcntion Expenses. Men Outnumber the Women. WEDMBS PAGES » {NVESYEGATORS Don't Forget to try a loi'lmf of GZARY’S SPECIAL Gear'y’s erme. Bakery Office and Yards Elm Phce and FR?“ Street FRANK L. SIUESTROM COal arid Wood Touring Cars for Rent. Brokegs in New and Second Hand Cars Garage Phone 140 125 Wuhington 5L,~ WnukegunJll Shop phone 375 Res. phone 1127 Pianos and piano work ex- clusively. Tuning. Renting, Refinishing, Repairing. See me when in need of a new or used piano. EARL G. ALDEN. PROPRIETOR Alden’s Piano Shopi GARAGE REPAIRS Good Clothes * ‘ Lend Dlstmcthn to the Wearer handle; the finest line a f frésh Candia. Ice Cream and Bakery Goods _ en in need call 580 or 340 ‘ F mest of. Bakery Goods Wolff, Dunham Co. S nothing succeeds hie success so nothing, like good garments maké a man appear success- ful. By Goon GARMENTS we‘ mean the kind that fit well, hang well and have a certain dash to them that attracts atténtion, makes them sumd out, as it were, from the'trowd. (L For years we have mfide distinctive clothes and we can suit the taste of g ll from youth to old age. Ourimportations include} all the latest novelties as well as the staples. Our [woes are moderate. Come in and see us. It is né trouble to show goods. Agents for Chalrriers and Hudson Cars HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS Highland PaEk Auto Station Strum Building N. W. Cor. Madipon and Clark Sts. CHICApo, ILL. LAKE GENEVA ICE ESTAwSHI-zo woo A. G. McPHERSON, Manager Estiniatea gladly furnished on :1! ‘ Work and Fixtures Rdbert Greenslade Phoné Main 1 008 fiENERAL MACHINE WORK ‘9 ELHITRIC FIXTURES ; WIRING. REPAIRING LADIES" SHOES as well as men's , are offered m variety of sty,les but all up- to- date and at prices no greater than is asked for shop: worn goods JOHN P. KLINE combined with great wearing quality is what we are offering for {all and winter wear It is not necessary that shoes must be clumsy to be warm and waterproot BEAUTY 1N SHOES Manager's Residence Phone 139 111 E. Central Avenue I34 Second Shoot Telephone ODS-L Telephone 65 9

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