EEWMWW‘ â€â€˜ z of 2 Mr PUBUSHBD WEEKLY BY Jr at Highland Park. Lake C Telephune :. ,. Higr Wmmo m Entered u eccnnddass mer the pun othvr at Huzhland Park the Au or much «L m9 Some :uldc'nmn can nzakc a :m mm the citlzens uvng-mllv by :ntrnducmg u motionmllmg [or ~un‘e avmm by the councd to prcVL-m mun-(many blocking of U12 Centra} Ax 'nuc crowing. Th'r Northwestvrn platform 15 of ampk-lvnglh for all trains and If the math-r is. proper ly presented to the raxlrnad uï¬icxms n \s believed by many that orders “M be is sued cmnpelhng (rainmcn to stop their .-..:.._. vn .ulrh manner that xhc crossing trains m such manner that will not be blocked. Ody Two Week: Remdn in Which to View This Lute“ Triumph Hothmg succeeds like success. “The Mam Higher Up†winch is to remaxn at the Olympic Theatre umy until Novem- be! 9. is one of the big surrcgses of the Chicago Theatrical season. The play will clue at the end of eight wcccks' run. It could stay that many months. but New Yak and Broadway, having heard of its riotous popularity. want it. and it goes to the Astor Theatre direct from tha Olympic. It has the approval of statesmen. mem' bers of wt clergy. and now society and wealth have joined the rest ofChicugo in the never ending clamor for seats. Last Sdurday night more than SliX).tKXi,000 in industrial hoidings and securities was represented by box coupons Levy Mayer the lawyhr whose fame is national: Mrs. W. C. Brown. wife of the prcsidentoi the New York Central Lines. and Maurice L. Rdthschild. the retail cluthing magnate. were inttrested spectators of this vigorous comedy drama with a mnruL AC! or Marsh «L smv “ ' ' ‘ 7‘ ' Mrs. J. S. Richards had as her week- THLRDDMV OCTOBER 34- 1913 end ng'>l.\1ists Marion (nu of Chicagm Mrs. Robert E. Swim entertained in formally at dinner on Wednesday evrnmg. The Man :.Acro>'s the. Stregt Mrs. Jam“. Nolan m- ~rem Bay Road is vismng her parenh in Racmv. Wis: this x. n r... uhh “ï¬â€˜k‘ Thc‘ f'flnm mg a tinue in thc cast Parkcr, Frnr‘n. L2. Gemge A \V Japwn Ahahklhnlfll and (x ‘THE IAN HIGHER UP," SUCCESS “ac PUï¬DYngONS n “J. 111‘ Make Your Furniture Glad :“Z‘Zfl by using the new, marvelous Dusting Liquid that dusts. cleans and polishes at the me time. A trial will prove to you what real “Dusting Sow-dial" is Your home Jill always have that new, [tab “jgst-after‘house-clean- like chm , begins at home; Put- ting hot umcqubes Into open laurel; oz can. is unsafe, and un- cle-My. Witt'o Goa-muted Cu in ï¬re- roof. has close-ï¬ning lid. Hades steel, galvanized. The only ale can for innate: â€hm. autumn I07! Announcement [wish to notify the public that I have moved my elec- trical shop to 12 W. Central Avenue 2nd floor and am prepared to take all orders for electrical work H Fire Inaurgncg be! IN MEMORIAM If'eN‘C 0' our ck "me u (idenly mkrn Irmn u< 1"" M11 inHwnim‘uH'.‘ . S. TINKER L‘Hl (an make amt with ng-mllv by :ntrnducmg u [or wire avmm by the an: hauwrvzux'} blocking l Ax 'nuc crowing. Th'r of eight West-ks run. It many months. but New way, having heard of its Lty. want it. and it goes ‘hpatre direct from thc monouno BY JOHN L. L‘DELL ake County. “\mois Highland Park 562 lirr \lJrchl (41!? J. h ’ l) 1" I N .) .i... “TM “7‘ xi Year in MM“ m‘n pny‘n c :- ard Ellis. Gmrge ingots ()‘Ruurke L: '.';:Chu.', K..1t‘ 1 (mm: Hrnlh-r- in Lm'mg no u P10 912.2†under l1 Mrsr William K. Sidley is on the sack list this week. Mrs. William Millard has as her gucst Mrs. B. F, (Jump. G. S. Tinker has moved hi5 electrical shop to 12 W. Central Ave. ' Mr. Edward Conrad spém the weekend with relatives in Woodstock. Mrs. J. S. Richards had as her week- Mr and Mrs] were the wrck-cr Nolan. Mr and Mrs Janna Healer and famny spun Sundm mth relatiwsm Mics Car. wrlllinms 4 Mr‘ and Mrs the†guL-st ‘his waukec. Wis. Mrs. Harlan P. DaVidson week-end guest Mrs. Ada D of Whiting. 1nd. Mr. Kenneth R. Smooi o CaL. formerly of this city,‘ here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scarborough of Maple Avenue returned Tuesday from a trip to New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 3. Clark. E. Cen- tral Ava. spent last Sunday as the guest of friends in M'flwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Sxeven Yates of La Grange are visiting at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Wllliam Fletcher. Mrs Charles Galloway formerly of " Presim Highland Park visited Mrs. C. W Ald- League ridge for a day this w.egk ‘ gives 6 Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Garnet! who spent 0‘11â€â€œ the summer at 102 N Sheridan Road are Mrs. in Chicago {or me winter. beauti john Kelly and Joe Nevotti spent {he Mr. W wack- 9nd with Mr and Mrs Frank plans john Kelly and Joe Nevotti spent in: week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 l Mathews at Rockford. Ill. l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walther had as‘f‘ their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. 2' Chris Walthers of Oak Vark. ‘ ‘ Miss Sarah Patchen has returned from } an extended visit to Chicago where she V was the guest of the Misses Harding. Mrs George ll.Campbell has as her. guests (or several weeks Mrs}. Hurristin I Rzit'fett of Boston, Mass, and Mrs. Morris Reck of Newark 01m)". ’ , The superintendent and leat‘hers of ‘thc M. E. church Sunl‘ny'schmil attended ‘ the Sunday schtml (ot‘wentitm held 31‘ l Nurth Chicago Tuesday. ‘ i Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith. former- “ l: of Kenilwnrth hzit'c rented the home I of Mr. and Mrs: Leo We Maxwvll ut’ Lin i den Xxx-title fur the \tinler. Nli'anseph lienest had as her week- ' .1 end guest her SHR‘X‘. Miss Rose Marks of \Aurom. Ill. and is this week enter-mining Mrs. lli Amt-{mun 01 Chicago. 5. Ravi Alfred Nelsnn (if, Cltit'ugt) will ipreach at the chdbh Lutheran service E in the Y. W, C. A. moms next Sunday jevening at 7:43. All are. welcome. l The members of Matthew Lodge. .\'0. u., “u‘erewh airivitations out {or u dahce to be held in . lGoldberg's hall Saaturdziy evening. I i George Clark has returned home from 4‘ . St. Francis hospital. Evanston where )he i ! urfderwent an operation for appendicitis: 1 three weeks ago. He is doing niCely. ! I § Miss Helen Rossiter Coale left Fridayl i for Philadelphia where She will spend two lgweeks as the guest .of her aunts‘ Mrs. lBishop and Mrs. RichardEltinge Hyde. \ Miss Emma Folsom. has closed her residence at the corner of PrOSpect and Forest Avenues and is visiting her sister. Mrs. C. C. Bullock of 1740 S. Sheridan Road. r Mrs. Jnscph ( end guest her 5‘ Aurora. 111. and Mm. H‘ Aux-1w 37,1ndependwm Order of Vikings hme The \iisses Gertrude and Lucy Chand- ler and broiher, Mr Walter T. Chandler haxe closed their residence at 126 Hazel “A- :M um “Am†and are living in v...v..° , Avenue for the winter and are uvmg HI 1 nun“, Chicago. ‘ 2 The ladies whé) I Are you assisting the Y. W. C. A. in at thc Northwestex me present campaign for funds? A re- 3 \35‘ week wish to newal of your subscription to this paper. 1 Highland Park for if paid to a member of the association, ' kindness in so free ;W'i11'r\elp. charity to be be! A 4 .J {funnc' On Friday c“. suing the' ï¬rst quarterly conference will be held at the M. L church. Dr. l.c<s::munn. the dlnillCl auperintunclcnt will preach. He wall alw de-lixcr llu- scr‘ A)“ Sunday awning. (ly- Mrs Charles link“ ho went to 1)vaqusz- 1 Mix last week 10 amend a wedding re- turned hen- Im‘ a brief stay and left on Tuesday for her home ,in Puughkecpsie New York, Mrs. George Cole, formerly ot ngnlanu Park, now of Seattle, who has bet-n a frequent visitor here during her stay in Rax'enswood with Mm. Hastings left Tuesday for her western home. l Mr. Lawrence Erickson left Sunday lfor Kalamazoo, Michigan where he will genter in business. His mother. Mrs jErickson will remain in their Highland ‘ Park residence on Ravine Avenue for the * winter. The Woman‘s Aid Society of me ngn- land Park MethodisA church will hold a three days sale of second hand goods at the Fritsch store building beginning on Thursday. October 24. wrck-cnd gumt: of Hrs. C. P. Sulhvan have as ‘his week Mrs Harley of Mil- Hbcl (I! Chivagu “rights \‘idson had as her Ada Dem Davidson ole, foi‘merly of Highland of Beaumont. was a visitor of the association Sbciety of {he High- church will hold a Miss Km)’ the sick Mr. Frank Krewer and William Shhbert of Chicago were the week-endi guests ofi Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt of Deerï¬eld Ave. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor pnd daugr- ‘ tar, Miss Eleanor of Chicago: were the Wtek-end guests of Mrs. Henry J. Thayer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brnwnlge nf High- w_)od AVemxe are being congralu-lmed on 'the birth Ufa daughter. both Monday, October 21. ‘ Rev. Thomas Vmccnt Shannon has been appoinu-d pastor M St. Francis' Czathvlic c'xurch. Wilmette. taking the phxce of Father Byrncs \th has been lruhxfcrrcd m ML Carmel pariah. Chicago. Iixtrnsive rcpmrs are being nmdc (m the McKhudxst p.u><nmge property and when wmplcud thi> pmpcny W1†be greatly impmvcd It is 31w planned In mukv the «'hurt‘h huxldiugmurcalumnu- in thc- m-nr I’ulurr. Lieut. and Mrs. (imrgc wlm have been visiting it Washington. urrn'cd he will be the guests of M] father of Mrs. Patton, f0 (are leaving for Ft. Riley number of Ravinia ladies at an informal ‘ show 0 tea and reading by Laura Dainty Pelham i Hallow on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frederick previol Hobo and Miss Sue Brown of Chicago The were the out of town guests. ‘ _ the set Mr. H. H. Gross, who is speaking be- { ing. 0‘ tore the Ossoli club this afternoon is the i attract President of the National Soil Fertility : dance League which instructs the farmers and ment . ‘gives direction and information through- The out the country in regard to the soil. place Mrs. Maud H. Shannon has sold her were' beautiful residence on Moraine Road to Josepl Mr. William llletach, of Chicago, who Mrs. } Jplans to make extensive alterations. , Day. t Mrs. Shannon will move the latter part l __ lot this week into the Henry Ritter resi- i' . l dence, on Sheridan Road. which she has . 1f . rented for the winter. ‘___. m Mr. \V. M. Lowrie will spend Friday Thi * V and Saturday in tioslien. lnd.. where he Park (will select the cast for the first play to ï¬fit‘f‘ 7: be given by the High Schud Alumni A la 1 3 Association of that City. Mr. Lowrie has “’ ‘h 5 also been engaged as director for the an- Walt inual trohc of the Woman's Athletic As» Fran Nsociation ot Northwestern l'lllversity, 1.“ V gate. (1‘. Mr. Michael Rogan of “i. Urerï¬eld “um 1 Avenue. who drh't‘S . an express wagon plea: ‘for Alex Rafferty. is suifcirmg from am“ ‘ broken collar bone the result (it an arci- , m“ l e deiit which occmed when he drox e into m C W, l). Messengers stable. liis shoulder tend struck the top of the door way which “as mm lower than Rogan had calculated upon. ll. L Bishop W. ll. Fouke preached at tlie‘me United Emiigelical church at the regular ‘ by ‘ lservices on last Sunday morning and mm sciwices tor the coming call 1. ‘_ .if I erening. The :e sabbath will he preached by Rev. B. R. j at Schultzc who Will also preach at themm eight o’clock Friday evening service, the ‘(h'tober twenty-ï¬fth. Rev. Van Evera 531‘ 0' lett Wednesday tor Stockton, “L, where int Se he will take charge of the Evangelical wit m 1 meetings {or two weeks. . mo l Mrs. Robert B. Gregory left Monday A- . 111i :2 i morning for Detroit, Mich. to remain ii tis i there until Friday, On Wednesday, No- l ‘7‘“ ilvember thirteenth in Fullerton. Art he i 1:“ Estitute. Mrs. Gregory will‘igive her in- " I'V lay i teresting talk entitled “The Durbar and{ we 3‘ the Far East." which the people of this i Hi [rs. } city had the pleasure of hearing at'the 1 53‘ 7' i Moraine one evening in A 'gust, for the I “0 her : beneï¬t of The Girl's Frien y Society of i Fe ““1 i the Diocese of Chicago. '1‘ is society isio ter. I one in which Mrs. Gregory Ehas been in- Cl [13“ ‘- terested for years and her Work as presi- h‘ ldent ot the Chicago branch; has brought .10 ‘ ent‘l‘PQQfll‘ resdlts. Tickets M: Mrs. Clara E. Evans of Chicago. who recently spent the summer here. acxing chairman of the advisory Board of the associated College Women Workers, 234 McCormick building, died on Friday night in Seattle. Wash. {)f injuries re- ceived on Friday morning when she was run down by an automobile in the western my. Mrs. Evans was in Seattle on business for the asspciation when the accident occured. Her body was Ebrought to Chicago Monday. )mrgc Frauds Patten, ling in New York and L'd here Sunday and of Mr. T. M. Clark. on, for two weeks be- ‘ Riley, Kan. I the Bapï¬sx ~church On Wrdnesdayeftemoon at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago occured the marriage of Miss Marion Bishop, daugh- t:r of Lt. Col. and Mrs. H. 8. Bishop. :0 Lt. C. E. Comes at 4:30 o'clock. After a two weeks‘ trip to Washington Mr. and Mrs. Coatcs will be at home al the Ofï¬cers L‘lub‘ Capt. and Mrs. W. C. Rogers 'are re» (‘civjng congratulations on the arrival (sf :1 daughter, born Wednesday. October 16. Capt. and Mrs. Gilbreth and small son. Howard have returned to the p051 from Ft. Leavenworth. Kansas when: he at- tended service school and Scruff college. AH signs point to a big success {or the mmstrel performance on the evening of Nm'ember ï¬fth. those in charge report the greatest array of talent ever gather ml for a 005: show. AH signs point to :1 lug mmstrel performance on Nuvember ï¬fth. those in the greatest array of tale! pd for a post show. A Cavalry and Infantry unnouuced for Nm‘embtr The billard committee has issued in‘ vitations for a “smoker" to be held next Saturday nighr, October 26 when a pro gram will be announcad foratournamcnt. Refreshments and cigars will be served during the evening. Members and their friends are request» ed to be in their seats early Friday nigh! £1 ‘ as the moving pictures will start prompb \ 1y at eight o'clock. There will not a _ show on Friday. November ï¬rsL The ‘3’ Hallowe'en party being held {he nightԤ SK previous The opening reception and dance 0W?! the season took place on Thursday even- é; ing. October 17. The club is unusually lg attractive in appearance this fall and ‘he :3: i i e was a very enjoyable entertainm W Va “if H.279 danc ‘ ment preceded by a number of dinners. l The ï¬rs! card party of ihe season tuok i 5'. place on Tuesday evening. The prizesl I ,1 were won by Mrs. H. S. Haskin, Mrs. ' Joseph Fearing. Mrs. R. F. Peytbn. Jr..\ l 52%†Mrs. M. ArMihills and Mrs Edwin C. ' , Day. l ' Highland P‘ Ft. Sheridan Notes The Highland Park Club noon of No‘vember seventh when Mrs. Percv V. Pennyback of Texas, president of the General Federation of Woman‘s Clubs, will be the guest of honor. The hostesses of the afternoon were as tol- lows Mrs. Frederick Clow, chairman; Mrs. Lawrence Buck, Mrs. M. A. Bam- ‘iborough, Mrs. Otis Beardsley, Miss Lillie ‘1 Bell, and Mrs. Abbie Bastin. l The mernbership of the club is increas- t ing so rapidly and visitors are present l frequently so that without doubt in the '3 near future a club house will be a news x 5'11); and easily attainable written arguments. Judge Shirly is ox-L pected to review the record thoroughly} before announcing his decision. Mr. J.‘ G. Johnston of Kansas, one of the at-i tomeys for plaintiffs. stated in the course} of his oral argument that an appeal from { Judge Shirley's decision would certainly? be taken. ‘ Judge Bradshaw began the hearing of i a similar proceeding at Des Moines, 13., 'on the day the oral argume’nfs‘ before i Judge Shirley were concluded. ‘ ‘ark Woman's Club tournament is the Hoty WW om“. 45;; 533%; August 21, 1912 announceï¬ the institution of : departmeï¬t. Deposits will be amounts from $1.00 up on whi paid semiLannually at the rate annum. Demand deposits wil which int'crest at the rate of ‘2 num will be allowed. num 126 E. 5;;ng Telephouc201 mum! Park Telephones Norih Shore Trust Company Lad s’ and gent’s garments cleane pressed, repaired and remodeied to look as good as new PHARIéAClST 1 HlGHLAND PARK The House That Pleases A Triil Will Convince You The Imperial†Peï¬ect Prescription . H. EDECKER CO. Steaï¬n and Hot Water Héating. Phlmbing jand' Drainage vegan {gill call for and deliver yoyr garments “ Ytiur gamï¬Ã©nh are a part of your}. persoï¬ality, and should be léoked after' by men of ex- periénce and tact in the art of cleaiming £5.58 :58... >325. n:_n>oo w 5500â€": . a; 9‘ INCORPORATED will be received in any on which interest will be me rate of 3 per cent per sits will be accepted on ate of? per cent per an- Telephone W M 265 . Vercoe, Cashier .1 Dim! - 8152 13