Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 31 Oct 1912, p. 4

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.3“: an 1.“. the matter or the r.;' us uf Hard A Huanm defaced x Pub)“ Notice is hemu} gins” that Un- Subscriber Execumx of [he }a<t wiH :md h-stanwnt of David .\. Holmvs. dorcnéu! vull attend the Cuuntv Cum (‘5 Lake- County. 211.] tu‘n: 1m rent to be h(- in! mint the L-aun House m “auknan in :Ai: Coun'j; on (hr 1. rs! Munr‘a) u: } mum) v next .811 who: :m. next. It'lii when ; 11d whmc hanm: {aims .412“!st 2,3... nnutlni md rcquustcd to i; and Court hr utqd 31“ 1 C. SJ!“ C Gamma E Pun L n-k forExcLumx. v 3! Bldg. Highland Pu Us: of mails' arriving at lhix mice; 6:31) a. m. from all pulms; 7141 :1. m. from all pomts; 9:33 :11 m. lrnm all palms; 12.19 p. m. from all pomts; 1:05 p. m. from all points; 2:43 from all points north; 3:44 p. m. from all points; 5:44 p. m. from all points; 6:12 p. m1 from all points north. Mail closes at postotfice daily except Sunday: 7:11 a. m. from all points north: 8:00 a. m. from all points except for Highwood to Kenmha; 11:41 a. m for all points north. 12:35 a. m. for all points except for Fm: Sheridan to Kenoshaz2113 p‘ m. for 31 points soutb, east and west; 3:14 p: m f! r all points north; 5:42 p. m. for all podz. 8.00 for all points; Sundays 5.161; m. A. W. FLtrcuu. STATE OF ILLINOIS Conny m: LAKE Guy Arlington Sobey Guy Mington Sobey died in St. Luke's Hm Friday evening the result of injurius received two hours earlier when he way struck by an Illinois Central train at Van Buren Street Chicago. Mr. Sobc)’ was the only child of Mr. and .\lrs.Juseph Sobey of 5236- Cornell Ave. Chicago and a nephew of Mr. Jesse Sobey of this city. In 1906 he attended the Russell School in this city and he will be remembered by many here as alwavs upholding the high- est ideals of young manhood. an inspira- tion and example tur other young peupic. Senices were held from. :h; family resi- dence Munday ; inzzrrm‘nt being in Rose HI“ Cemeterv, Next Sunday will be quite generally ob- ‘“ m3 "3'“ hand. served as Tuberculosis Sunday throng» ~ The Mystic Workers of the World have out the United States. October 27 having I formed a central organization in Chicago been set aside for such observance by to promote the interests of the society. the National Association for the Prevenâ€" ' The name of thei organization is the lion of Tuberculosis. Cook County Centnal Committee, made Albert C. Frost and (ienrgc M. Seward. up Of delegates ”0“ 3" the lodges. ““5 “1w PARKPRESS I LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS I Four sons survne him: Geo. H. 0: Decrfield. John W. of Lantnn, Oklahoma; and Frank A. and Edwm M. of this city. Services were held from the family resi- dence at 2.51 Glenview Avenue Monday afternoon at three-fortyrixe o'clock. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson officiating. Interment was in Forest Home cemetery, Milwau- kee. Tuesday morning. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY 10m: L. L'DBLL at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone 2: ;: Highland Park 562 Subscription Price $1.50 per Year in Advance Albert C. Frost and (ienrgc M. Seward. undefindu‘txncm for alleged extcngive Alaskan land Krnuds, filed demurvrs lo the charges last “86k. Argumcnts will be hurt! bcforc Judge Lands. .-\'torney LsV) Muyhr. CUUH>(‘l fwr {ht- (fcfrfidnts. declurcd m the dcnmrcr that the Indict- ment: are faulty and (In no! pmpcri} chzxrgc .: wuspzrac}: ._ Obituary Alexander [Ling The death of Mr Alexander Luing no cured suddenly Sunday morning at seven- tifty o'cloi‘k. He i".J(i gunc into his gur- den but returned to the hUUhC explaining that he felt weak and taint, .\ physrciun was called but his services were 0t little use for Mr. [.aing passed away soon after his arrival. The deceased was born in Aberdeen Shire. Scotland. January 6. 1836 and came to this country in 1857. making his home in Kc nosha. Wis. From there he went to Milwaukee where he was en- gaged as superintendent of the Forest Home cemetery which was planned and and built under his directitn. in 1880 he moved to Chicago to become tuperintendent of Rose Hill cemetery but soon returned to Milwaukee where he planned and built Juneau Park and other large places! He had resided In this City since 1589. ' Entered 33 sec-mt! (lass mdm'r March 1. 1911. at the post nrficr at Haghland I’Jrk. lllmum under the Act of March 3. HT“) Make Your Furniture Glad by using the new, marvelous Dusting Liquid that dusts. cleans and polishes at the same time. Atrial will prove toyou what real “Dustin; Sow-won” is. Your home will always have that new, (rah “jgst-after-house-deanc D G PURDYH" SONS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1912 Highland Puk Mail 5‘ “1m “7‘ 3! H8 Hi Post manet HULK“: {‘1 _e Rmnal meetings In)” bcgin next Sun- ' daycvcning in {he First Ifnztcd Hum- gelical chum}. Sundav “as communion Sunday and Rev. 'Suhullzc mnduaed both murmng and evening scrnccs. A t The Cznlmlic indie-s 0f Highwaod mil hold a bazaar m thet church hall from Nov. 20 to NW. 23.3 On the wrumg day, Wednesday, Nov. 3'): {hey vnfi give. a card party in the afternoon. ' ’ Mrs. Daniel M. Cgbb returrxd Munday after spending seweral months in San Francisco, Los Angéles and other Cali- fornia docs following the convention oi Woman's (Bubs to which she went as as delegate. Mr. and Mm. A. M. Lawn: spent Sat- urday 'm Milwaukfe the guests of Mr Louis Kreidler and Miss June .\bcrcmm- hie of the Abnrn Opcm Company. Mrs. E. G. Pond of the Moraine is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. !. N. Rice at Lee Angeks and ’will later accompany [hm m Sarasota, F121,. for the win'er. nu nun L-wa lullvwlgla uu. \«VII‘ ------------ _ . _ Mr. W. 81 Kenny of EdgewateL iurm- _ fl _ Yeoman sOuhs to Wh'Ch she went as 3’ crly a business man and: resident u? lligh- LC‘W" h" 5"” " “mm.” ega e. | l , land Park died Wednday evening atr Anodfi'on Supâ€"din, Cir ‘ "Spiked" playing football uith Wauka stx oclock of heart failu'e. Mr. Kenny “‘0 Band: t l _ . had been ailing more or less- ever since‘ gan against M'l'aUkee' a Wk 38° 5"” i his return from CUba 5i! years alto. but i In a campalgi for funds with which to I day. Harry Ahlstrom. who wasa member 3 has always been able to go on with his 3 carry on theirwork the members 0‘ the i t the Hi hland Park bit t a‘ this work. The set-Vices were held at thei . . ‘ ‘ :ummer isgsuflerin from bloc: in t fundertaking establishment on Evanston lChmago BandASSOC'am haye sent ”'1 . _' -‘ 9060“ and Wilton Avenues. interment being 3 3PM] to the newspamn 0’ “NW lid i m MS "RN hand. X held at Rose Hill cemetery. Mr. Kenny , suburbs;~ for publicity hr their plan. , . The Mystic workers of the World have leaves a Wife and four children. ‘ Tm Hightmd Park MIC whomend- 2 formed a central organization in Chicago . 7 "WW“. ' » ed the two concerts given by them; to promote the interests of the society. Randal Mia Park the Saturhy and‘ The name of theit organization is the : \ Sunday tolewmg the Claim. of (M Cook County Centnal Committee. made? . . regnlar 3680“ Will remember “it or- , . .' . t C. ' ‘ Thesdayf being Sago“ d? the hrstl 'printed in the Evening Post. from which begun)? o. . t e ”Fer e_|(.l~S .ields night ‘5. _ .A -. . we quote the following Mrs. Edmond 'tel, who has been spending several .. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. I). A essenger. will leave for Indianapolis Sunday. Mr. George Carrfhas been awarded the contract for erecting the new Ravinin schoolbuuldmg upon whu'h work will soon begin. Mr. Wm. Kopp and {manly have mowd Into their home on Central Avenue until their new residence on Lincoln Avenue is completed. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hilly of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. John Fislger of Glencoe, were the Sunday guests of Mrs. James Hesler. Mrs. James Maldne had as her guests Sunday Miss Gamble of Chicago and Mn. Tibbcts of Lake Faust. Mrs. George Howe had as her weekend guests Mr I). W. Westerveldt and Mrs. Gertrude Caldwell of Chicago. Mrs, Wm. MilIard had as her guests last Week Miss Flora Gill and Mrs. Chas. Randall of Oak Park. Mrs. John E. Corirad was the guest on Sunday of her sister. Mrs: Bert Clark of Edgewater. v Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart of Waukegan were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erickson. 7 Mr. and “'55 .A St Peter are fishing relatiwes in Burlingmn, Iowa Mrs. George Schmidt was the guest Ln Sunday of friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. S. Levin were the Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wright of Chicago. Owing to the meeting of the Eastern‘f section of the Northern Illinois Teachers{ Association. of which Mr. Jesse L. Smith? is president. there Ewill be no school on! .Friday. The meeting will be held oni ,Friday and Saturday at Aurora and it is; iexpected that about fifteen hundred teachers will attend. 'J. P4 O'Neil M D. left Wednesday on a business trip to thc east. sts Agnes (iurnty, who has been quite 1H thc pant week 1s getting along mccly. Mr. and Mrs. 1.1mm guest on Sunday Mr. Chicago. Tuesday being election day the first session of the Deerfield Shields night school will be held on Monday next m place of Tuesday as was announced 'I he second session will be held on Fridzw and after (but the evenings will b: lm sdms and Frldms Attomey George E. Phillips has opened a local office in Room 3. State Bank Building. Mrs. Lena Smtz¢l of Niles Center. 111‘, is spending a few days with friends here, The Mystic \VQrkers will gixe a Hal- lowe' en dance at Rannia Park Casino to night. Mrs. Dan Sheahen is visiting her niece Mrs. Frank Mathews m Rockford. Ill. 'l‘wemyfive thousand book'u-ts mmum- ing copies of city olrdinam’es dvsigncd In inn-r63! children phrtlculariy have bun printed and distringt‘ed nmonq the schuul Children of Chicago. The nwney was donated for me books by Julius Rosem wald of lhls city. The Auto-fire-téuck which caused so much excitement (in the street§yesterday was the product at the Stegeman Motof Car Co. and was biiilt for the city of Mil- waukee where it will be placed in service at once. 'lt was driven from Milwaukee to this city yesterday and experienced no difficulty in climbihg the hills or negotia- ting the bad roach; ‘ ;r_.:m: had as their John Bashaw of The many Ioca! friends and admirers of Mr. Louis Kreidler, whose exec-Hem work was but of the features of the Ra. vim’a Opera Company during the pasi two seasons, will be pleased to learn that he has been engaged by the directors- of the Metropolitan Opelra Company. Mr Kreidler will leave the Abom Company, with which he has been singing since the rinse of thv park season. at the expiration of tht' mun] two weeks “(1143" which “11> given 139; week. h is nut lmmxn what roles Mr. Krcidlcr Will be ailcd upon to Like With tho Mzflrupolitzin fiil’t‘t“ but thum- laumhar with “15 \nirk ‘.:rhr\ r (hill ihev \Vili include all of me lending hurimiic parts in Iii-use oiicm: whn'li .Lm mum Mnucrr :hvxr rub» a: Mr Kruhl’er Obituary Mrs. William Hlpp Mn. William lldpp bf Wmm-Ikz. {unn- uly of llughlnnd l’ark, dial Tuesday morning n; Los Angclrs. C‘lefurlm alter a long Illness. Her budy was brmuzln Lu Winnetka Monday. Servlccs were held an the house at two o‘zluck, Rev. Davis of the Congregational church oll‘mmmg. The R()_\Z|l Neighbors “em in charge at Rose Hill cemetery whm m'ermml was made. Bert Sprague. of this city. was the first witness to take the stand in the case (if Henry Pope, executor of the estate of: Ethel P. West, deceased, versus the Chi- cago Milwaukee Electric railroad. call- ed Tuesdav. Sprague was the motor-i man on the electric car that struck Mrs. I West who died at the Jane McAlistc-r' hospital two days later, at Lake Bluff III. on the 13th day of A,ugust 1910 The exetutor of the estate has brought suit i‘nr damages in the sum of $25..(X)0 Sprague testified that thec Jr was running between 40 and 45 miles an hour “hen he first saw Mrs. West and her lady . cumpaniun on thetrack. I the girls making the best showing will re- ceive gold watches Mr. C. A Smith is making good pru- gress on the road to recovery from in- juries received on October 10 when an automobile struck him as he was board- ing a street car. The machine struck Mr. Smith's left leg. badly bruiring it be- tween the knee and ankle, and while the injury is not regarded as serious it was sufficientlv painful to keep him away from business for a while. Mr. Wm. Ernest of McDaniels Avenue, 4 was overcome by gas Monday while at work at the Kellogg Switchboard Com- pany‘s plant. Chicago. Two assistants who were at work with him in the pattern making room also suffered with the gas At the next meeting of the club, No- vember 7. Mrs. A. Starr Best will give. an address on “Intelligent l’layfloing." Mrs. Percy V. Pennyback. president of the Na- tional Federation of Woman's Clubs. will be the guest of honor and visitors are invned. Following are the resolutions passed: Resolved that it is the sense of the ()ssoli Club of Highland Park‘of the State of Illinois to enact the necessary legisla- tion and go forward with a comprehensive system of building permanent roads upon the main thoroughfares of the State under the State aid plan ‘and continue the same until the highways of ‘the State are put in condition to meet present day needs. Mr. Wm. Ernest of McDaniels Avenue, was overcome by gas Monday while at work at the Kellogg Switchboard Com- pany‘s plant. Chicago. Two assistants who were at work with him in the pattern making room also suffered with the gas which escaped from a smelting furnace. All were revived through the use of a Pulmotor but it was found necessary to remove Mr. Ernest to the Frances Willard hospital where he is under the care of special nurses and it is believed will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guyot are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, born Tuesday morning. Because the couple swore that tluy would never live again as man and wilc. Judge Donnelly Tuesday granted the plea of Mrs. MJblL’ Del.acy {or a divorce from Walter DeLacy but refused her request for alimony. The custody of the three year old, child is to be equally divided. The members of the Y. W. C. A. Will be glad to get a renewal of your sub scription to this paper or the name of a prospective subscriber: For every oné they turn in the association receives a substantial commission and in additiun the girls making the best showing witl ro- (‘eix'e gold watches “O. V. B.” Chopper cuts cleaner 'Ind does not mash or squeeze. Four (4) Knives with each chopper for cut- ting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables. meats, fruits, bread, nuts, suet, etc.. fine or coarse as wanted. It is easy to operateâ€"easy to cleanâ€" nothing to get out of order. A daily labor saver and neceuary. mol in any kitchen. y be THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS D. O. PURDYn" SONS g WORM?” Mr. W. K. Kenny IOTADUM D7. "‘ if .“ Major C, C. Clu'k iL-{I Mummy for “1 Linux. Mrs. Clark Will low: in (\M» H \w- '55 int West Point In \isit her 8m. Capt R. B, Parrot was trazsferred :0 the Philippints transpun which sailed on Dumber 23. Mrs. J. (hem had as her guest i351 week her mother of Toiedo. Ohm. Mrs S. L Stevens returned to Fort Shceidzm after a three months' visit \ufnh her parente in San Antonio. Texax Following the address of: Mr. H. H. Grossnvhose topic was “Good Roads" and who told of his work among the farmers of Illinois lor the promotion of imâ€" proved liighwavs, at the club meeting last week 'the members adopted three resoliitions supporting his work The Lever Extension Bill. which is the subject of the third resolution. is a national bill designed to promote central markets with good roads leading to them; the aim being to make the transportation of farm products easier and thus reduce their cost to the consumer. Lt. M Crawfoot, jr.. “ho has been on a IHIH.‘ w Washinglnn, I! C. returned 10 the post s>n Sunday. (Lam. (iili‘rmh of tlk‘ 271!) hi. returned last wm k fmm FL Iravcnw-srth school Mxx (nihruzh IS viming rtlalives in St Pa 111. Lt. and Mrs. ,L. Gregg had as their guws on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Collins and son Maurice and Mr. Mount of Chicago. Capt. and Mrs. 5. Rm! 0! (he Bah Inf. ;\.1\'v rrluruod from Ju‘fm‘wm Barracks whc re Capt Ford has bccr on qtmrtvr- mmu'r duty Resolved further that the Sheridan Road should be completed as a first class high- way from the City of Chicago to Milwau- kee, Wisconsin. Resolved by the Ossoli Club of High- land l’ark, lllniois, in meeting assembled that the best interests of the whole people will be served by the immediate passage by the Senate of the United States of the Lever Agricultural Extensian Bill, and that the president and secretary take steps to bring this to the notice of the Senator from lllinois and urge his co- operation and the chairman of the com~ mittee on agriculture and forestry in the United States Senate and that a copy of tlfis resolution be given the press. Capt. and Mrs. McAndrewsemertained Mrs. McAndrews' mother, Mrs. Murphy of Chicago on Sunday Thcotficers and ladies of {he Naval Trainnmg Station gave a large hop on Friday night. The nfixcers and ladies of FL Shvfidan were invltod. v it is through additional niembers, pay- ing ten dollars each, that (lie association .bopes to raise its funds. Mr. Frank R. z McMullin is its president and the 30cm Mary and treasurer are located at 230 ‘ South La Salle Street. Chicwo "A number of Chicago men recently eatablished, and have put into successful} operation. a band for the express purpose of giving concerts for the benefit of those M10 cannot pay for them with money of their turn. They have gathered together about a thousand men who were willrng m pziy $10 each to make the thing pnsstblc, and it is now going on. thuugh to do what they desire they need about as many more men of the same qualityof heart. The band which they have or- ganized is of forty pieca under a capable leader. William Weil. and has been play- ing in the breathing places of the poorer parts of the city, in the playgrounds. achoolhouses, prisons, or wherever else there has come a call for concerts The same plan will be followed during the coming winter. There is enough money in sight to keep it going for the present. and it is the intention to nuke it a part . of the regular equipment of the city." “£me BAND W Ft. Sheridan Notes Ossoli Club usé . V?» \W Maw. 3.3.14 \. K344 .40 Wfiwxflurmfiw a. A 1%pr SAVHNGS ACCOUNT SI August 21 T. H. DECKER co; 126 a cam] A". Team 201 W has. “The Imperial” Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED 214 ms? CENTRAL AVENUE Léza’ies’ and gent’s garments cleagied, pressed, repaired and remodeled to 100/: as good as new Telepho‘ The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You Stfim and Hot Water A; anndunces the institution of a regular savings department. Deposits will be received in any amounts from $1.00 up on which interest will be paid semi-annually at the rate of 3 per cent per annuqh. Demand deposits will be accepted on which: interest at the rate of 2 per cent per anâ€" num will be allowed. Tlfe Purest Olive Oil EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST u HIGHLAND PARK wags" will (all fur and deliz'm' your garnzmts Ninth Shore Trust Company ‘V‘j Your garments are a part of flour personality, and should Isa. looked after by men of ex- perience and tact in the art of dleaning None but the purest and best Olive Oil is good enough for us and our customers. This Oil is absolutely pure, wholesome. nutritious and very delicious. Fine for medicine and culinary use. 506‘ pint, $1.00 quart 1912 2123-2133 Lincoln Avenue. CHICAGO MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS wmmmmfim Lincoln - 1948 Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashiq Telephone Highland Park 265 Divertey - 8152 tiOI Em

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