Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Nov 1912, p. 2

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§s ‘1 I shall make all my own candies fresh daily. Try our Chocolate Creams. Camels. Peanut Candy, Vanilla Cream Caramels and Cream Fudges I will also handle all kinds of fruits. Our Ice Cream and Sodas will be une.\ celled in Highland Park Your patronage solicited WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the people of Highland Park ‘tha‘ l have opened 3 Candy Kitchen and Ice Cream Parlor at 18 West Central Axenue which will be known as an» FM!!! Gum Iiitrlm Lear Madam: As cleaning time is here we Wis to re mind you that Mestjian Bros of Evanston native cleaners and repairers of Orien- tal and Domestic rugs,have agreed to give the Highland Park Women's Club ten per cent on all work procured through the Club. Mestjian Bros. 1248 Chicago A Evanstou,Ill. Tel.Evanston 8 If you have work of this kind won't you give this firm a chance and let the Club benefit thereby? Mestjian Bros.are officially rec~ ommended by the Women's Clubs of all the North Shore towns and many well known.residents. ‘ Mrs. G. H. Campbell, Mrs. E. W. Spencer, rs.J. P. Smith, Mrs. WI. Fyffe and other ladies of our town gladly add their names to those who recommend them.- If you want Mr.Mestjian to call and give you an estimate or wish any other information call up 942 lrs.G.H. Campbell. , Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. It is a well known fact that crushed oats :are a great saving on feed bills and also keep your horses in better condition. Having just installed a modern oat crusher we are now prepared to furnish the best crushed oats in the market at reasonable prices. A trial will convince; you. Also dealers in coal, lumber building material Save 1 0/ on Your Feed Bii‘lls You are Cordially Invited Interest paid on Savings Safety Deposit and Storage Vaults Real Estate and Insurance an: Ershim 'Bflllht We have the honor to remaifi Yours Respectfully, JAMES JIRVAS, Proprietor to open an account with imminent Ave. 883 . WWPfiWWh Shoes Repdired We are now settled in Highland Park at [(3 W. Central Ave and ardareparcd to repair your shoes at remarkably low prices. Don't throw away your 31106 if they are worn a little. brinj themXin andletusfix'emupform' Rug Committeé Highland Park Women's Club. 230 N. St. Johns Ave. Workmhip guaranteed Highland P October ark Ill 31,1912 FREEPORTâ€"Wlllard Hance. “ho ls aged eleven years. was ”I? only ‘ member of a party of Freeport hunts- men that has just returned from Brit- lsh Columbia. who was successful ln Ikillx’n'g big game. He killed a big 3 moose with a single shot. ROCKFORDâ€"Sworn] Mus, Hay mg "Indium." strimxed Tom Wilson, aged four. of all his clothing and im- prisoned him in a dry goods Lox. Thu cook In a restaurant near by heard thoa lad's crivs and rescued him. “v “as MAW-ring from exposure. URBANA -â€" The Gun club of the I'nlversity of Illinois. composed of marksmen among the faculty and students. has been organiZed for the {all and winter term and a number of tournaments wil! be arrangvd for each month. tifi ILLINOIS PARABRAPHS 5 \ fitittiffiiiikikfi‘kiiattitti FREEPORTâ€"â€"ank Scagla. a! thrâ€" mauvr or me Panama canal (0115. risk of his 0\\n life. (llmhnd u _....._._ Into thv -~n,‘;la of n tenvnu-m Imus: TURKISH ATROCITIES that “an on Mr and rescued Ralph â€"â€"-â€"- Wickwire. “1m. “hik- aslvu}: in h. d. Soldleh Cut a Monk (0 Pieces and was own‘onw hy sumkv and hem. w lmpale a Child. Scagla “as smerrh bllf'IWd aboutthv héud< and rave. Athens. .\'m 7..â€"-A “ink-gs mes- SPRINGFIELDâ€"Iilinul~ Spr‘wiary 0f Siulr‘ I‘M-He influx} a Hrrlh‘v HI incorporate in Ilium» to thv Spvxwvr l’vrx‘um» company of South Bvud, Ind. with a (apitul 51ml; of $I“.“‘”L Thr- r-riucipal ofi‘lw in ”Minis is (himuu and the capital Huck in this slate- l> $2.000. JOLIETâ€"Joseph Mattes,“hn “as a pioneer farmer of New 1.9mm, wan killed in a runaway near his home. He was thrown out when a team at- tempted to turn a corner. .\Ir. Manet- is a large landowner and l-romimm In farmers' institute work. QUINCYâ€"L. (T Barrns. who is representing eastern capitalists seek ing a site for a cotton mill to emphy 1,000 operators. has telegraphed tn th» chamber of ccmmtrce that Quin- (‘y has hem: chown for the lotation. mww m1; um? QUINCYâ€"William (‘arvwn'm' ha: been Hand under arrest here. and al- though being “lid on u k‘ilalk’,“ at a. tempud arson. in l-W'Hillg Nu m li:~‘ father's hum-v. he “ill lw livid untl he sutisfariurily v-xpluins l;i.~, [)X‘I'SV'HCP in the llE‘lghiUl‘Hm‘d of \K'az‘ww, ill. whore Miss l‘llirn ('ullvnne was mur- dered and h"? Lolly iiicfiiio‘ruivd llvt'oro- ilie urx‘vst, “iiilv ofifc‘mq “erri looking for (‘arppmen lii.~ fallier tlaimi’d lie “as at home Sunday night. Lu! the son uvkiiowlvdqrd that he was across tln1 riier from \\'ursaw at thv time of the killing and did not cross to the Illinois side until the day following. (‘arpentvr has served seV- eral terms in the local “orlglzouse on" term in the (‘hester penitemlar), and has bwu in the- insane asilum CHICAGOâ€"Rutherford R. “Joke. the “sistant svcretary of the (‘lii- cago National League Baseball club, shot and instantly killed one of two automobile robbers “ho attvmptod to hold him up at Washington and North Oakley boulevards at 125‘! a. m. The victim had painted a revolver at Cooke. but was shot before he could use the weapon. The hull» entered the man's forehead directly above his noao and punctured his brain.- As he fell to the sidewalk his companion. who remained in the auto- mobile. put on full speed and escaped Cooke fired two shots at the SllPQ‘d in; machine without Pin-(t. FREEBURGâ€"On the same day Adolph Frldt was married to .‘Mss Sarah 'Eggermeyer. his brothvr George was dragged ten feet in from nf a wild mine car and 'his brother new jamln was struck by a twenty-round chunk of coal which fell from a car and struck him on his wa) honw (mm work. STERLING -â€" Benjamin (Iuahndo. the secretary of the l'nited llinp Workers' local union at L‘ulzel has absconded. it is charged. with $1,121; 2.1 belonging to the union He is he- limed to hme fled to Ital): Pnrts from which ships. loaw {or that country are being watched. BLOOMINGTONâ€"A gang of fedora] surwynrs arv no“ making up an Ps- Umaw of Hm cost of making thv Rock riwr naxiuable from Stvrlinz’. to Jammilla If the work can b9 performed at a reumnahle figura (hp next (ouzress “ill be aakvd to make an ax\propriution. AURORA â€" Nichnlas’ Patten of Aurora. who was a memNr'cf tl1-- Sec- ond cavalry. l'nizrd States arm). i.~ dead from a gun shot at Fort Bliss. Tex. Whether a Almicau bullet killed his son, .\lrl Patten could not learn STERLINGâ€"Mrs. Samuel Hyde, a society Nader and wife Ola r(- tlred business man, attempted sui- cide with a mzor. She will prob- ably die. Nervous affliction ls be- lieved to haw caused the act. CHAMPAIGNâ€"A fierce are of unknown origin destroyed the build- ing. machinery Ind stock of the Tax- tlle Manulacturinx company, «using I. 1033 of 850,000, fully Insured. MOLINEâ€"Becoming ang'ered when his ability as a musician was belittled George Avakian killed in life long friend here by beating him with a chair. Avakian is held without bail. rm: HIGHLAND PARKVPRESS', IiIGHLAND PARK EB ors $FO0El0NERS SAFE .‘ZIN SULTAN’S 0ITY ‘ Washington. .\'ov. 5.-â€"The passage of warships of the. powers through the DardaneUes to (‘onstantinople insures jthe safety 0! all foreigners in the Turkish capital in the opinion of of- ficials here. The European warships are expecttd to prove effective. pre .rentives against any rioting or mas- -sacre in the Turkish capital The l'nited States government is contemplating absolutely no step in ‘the matter and will confine its strict adherence to a policy of "hands off" in the entire situation in Turkey and. the Balkans. ’ Eastern War Moves Rapidly. The raliditv with Whith the suc- cessive developments in the war be- ‘tween Turkey and the allies have jcome continues to amaze aii oflictal Washington. The general opinion is 3that nothing that Turkey can do now ‘nili be able to turn the tide setting against her. The embarrassment of ‘the powers over the potentialities of ‘the Balkan situation and the fate of Turkey is calling out no 53mpathy in voificiai Wash‘ngton. While no com- ‘ments are adopted in any official gsource for publication it is known that the administration expects to ‘see the Balkan tangle atisorti all Eu- rope for many months to come. This ‘fact is regarded with a certain satis. ‘faction as it is expected it will serve to submerge for a time the various controversies in “hich tlze I’nited States is engazed with certain Euro 'pean countries. and especially the matter of the Panama canal toils. Washington. Nov. .7. â€"â€" Six of the government's pension agenriesâ€"iat 1n- dianapolis. Louisville, Knoxville, New York. Philadelphia and Topekaâ€"are paying pensions {or the lust time. Their discontinuance was directed in the pension appropriation bill of the last congress. i UNITED STATES TO KEEP OUT Passage of .Dardanelies by Warships lnsures Ihat. Government in Washington Rather Pleated Over Balkan War. as It Will Occupy Attention of Europe (or tome Time. Allwns. .\'m f..â€"-A “ire‘li-fifl mes- sage from :1 I’ureign wurship at Salon- ika says the Turkish army. “hivh was defeated at \"mn'djp. aiout fgurteen miles from Snlomka has rt ached (113' Pit} In (-nmph't» dism‘dvr. Hefure the-Jr flight from Stalisla. to thv southwest of Kosani, the Turks rillazé-d' a monastery. They cut a monk to [Ifer‘v‘s, impalvd a three-yourâ€" old thild and massacrvd many of me Inhabitants of the town. CLOSES PENSION AGENCIES The remaining tWelve agencies will cease payments by January. There after the pension office in Washlng- ton will acknowledge all payments. Each of the pension agents will go out of ofilce. together with a large clerical force. Appropriation Bill Cause: Them Discontinue Businesm Seventvahree Busheln of Corn and 35 of Wheat to Acre Reported. Madison. Wis, NOV. 3.â€"â€"Big )lelds of corn and wheat ar» reported from northern Wisconsin this year. At the branch station of me college of agri- culture of the I'nlwrsity of Wiscon- sin at Spoonur. in \Vabhliul'll county. sm Pmy-thrve bushels or corn per acre were raisnd. London. .\'0\. .'..~Tho “at” sup; 1}! of ('olmtantincple was out 0!! 1y 0. large Brlgarian force which occupipd Derkus, at the» mm or the line of Te‘ hataljn, frum which pcim the aque duct supplying the Turkish capital be- gins. according to a dispatch recehed from Sofia. Murphysboro, 111.. Nov. 3,â€"The Lucler Block here was totally destroy- ed by fire which broke out in the Lucler Opera House. ‘ At the Ashlund hranvh station thir- tyfivo bushels of wheat per acre were raised. The fire originated from a defective flue will amount to abou Wu partially covered No one was in the 1 time of the fire. Pottoffico Robbed of 8300. Modesto, 111.. Nov. 5.â€"A sum out} unted It 8300. a large quantity 0! mum and other postomce Articles were Itol'en from the poemnlco by robber- who broke open the phoo. $100.000 Fire at Murphytboro. ll|., Also Destroys Stores. THEATER IS DESIROYED BIG WISCONSIN CROPS to about $190,000. ‘1: covered by insurance. the theater at ,the The dlmqe the theater Deerfield NeEMs Items Miss Ruth Reichelt its the guest of Marion Craig of Highlafpd Park seven] days durim the week. ‘ Mr. Meme? of Chi ' and Mr. Beam of Gardner, III. were at the hoine of Jams Fritsch Su . Mm Osborne of Chicago was the week- end guest of her motbeg Mrs. Stangcr. Mr. Edwin Stryker arid family of Chi. cago spent the week-em with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stryker and (jamily. Miss Josephirfe Wood'fixan has been ill with influenza the past fireek. Mrs. Fred Parsons and sons, Fred and Earl of Chicago were we‘ck-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Eastéx. Miss Mnble' Scan spam the past week with Miss Grace Schroe'flcr of Half Day. Mrs. Carrie Schmus Cedar Rapids. Iowahas been a guest past week at the home‘ of Henry Waging, her brmher Mr. Ed Selig and si' er Emma were guests of relatives in C jicago Sunday. On Wednesday eveni ,- , Nov. '13, the study on the subject of .‘Mormonism" at the weekly Prayer Meegngs of the Pres- byterian church will b{: concluded with an illustrated lecture 0 that subject. All are cordially invited to ttend. Mrs. V'ase'n and Misstasen and Miss Feaman of Cross P133185, Wis. wcre guests of Mrs. George I‘arch during the w.eek J Mrs. Lydia Hovt entéiained a number of her friends at afteémoon coffee on Wednesday in honor ogher 92nd birth- day." The out of town ests were Mrs. Bennet of Eva.|ston a Mrs. Kimbark of Ravenswood. ;: Mina Mildred Love drive a masquerade party Thursday evenihg to fourteen of her friends. The mm was beautifully decorated with autumlglcaves and com. The table decorations fine 111 black and gold with a center pi ofpanueo. Light was furnished by man Jack O'Lanterm placed about the room. The Misses Esther iiKerfoot. Bertha Harbaugh, Nancy MhPherson, Mary Sedgwick. Constance Sflields, Ethel Van Riper and Lida Gurley. ompn'sing Mrs. C. G. Alexander‘s Sun y school class, the Fidae Filiae. of ‘e Presbyterian church, were hostes at a musicale Wednesday afternoon a ; rs. Alexander's home. Only a limited fiumber of tickets were issued but all we'ge used and the fortunate guests heardsa delightful pro- gram, given by Mrs. “3. Ar Alexander. and Mrs. C. G. Alexandéf, and the Misses Mary Sedgwick. Estelu Clark, Bertha Harbaugh, Frances Stet-yer and Helen Alexander. One half "flthe proceeds will be used in paying; the tuition of a young woman from t the Tennessee mountain region who gas receiving her education through the ‘ nerosity 01 this class. The remainder _ll be devoted to the needs of Lake Bluffprphanage. Mr. and Mrs. John {Venn and Miss Jennie Vetter were guqus of Mrs. Strayer of Glenview Sunday. ‘1 Mrs. Ben Clocs of LofiAngeles. Cal.. is the guest of Mrs. L. C. Role. Mr. and Mrs. Therrié and sons, Eddie and Elmer were guatz‘; of Mr. August Clockzien of Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P.Hg’tchiwn entertain- ed a number of their ’1 'cnds Thursday evening at a masque : party. Mr. and Mm‘King of Waukega‘ being (he only out of town guestx é; On Saturday evenfiwg Mrs Albert Kreuger of Mc Daniel A‘enuc, was hostess at a dinner-dance at :finderson's hall, in Deerfield in honor ofiher sister-in-law. Mrs. OttoJuhrend whofileaves soon for Kansas. The hall was befutifully decorat- ed wigh autumn leaves ’ d {all flowers. Mrs. Ida Jones was at 3e piano and the Misses Ella and Dora Kgueger, violim'sts. furnished music for the gdancing. In spite of the bad fialher on Thurs day e\ ening quite a nuléber attended 1hr Mystic Workers dance i Ranmr Park Mrs. W. J. Schmidt Is hostess at din- ner on Sunday evening n honor of her guest Mrs. Lawrence (Maiden of Minnesota. Mrs. F. M. Steele. Mr). F LVN-an and Mrs. Frank Gardner ' ere among the Highland Park guests the buffet lunch- eon given by Mrs. r L. Masters. of 4853 Kenwood Avenue. $aturday. On F riday evening, “Member first oc- cured the marriage of @155 Bessie Coty, daughter of. Mrs. Albe ; Yager, to Ray- mond E.’ Peterson of f~Highwood. Mr. Reddick. Justice of the éeace. performed the ceremony, Mr. an; Mrs Peterson will reside on Railroad‘fivcnue and will be at home to their fri “ds after Decem- ber first. i'; Mrs James Duffy Eentertained rhe‘ Mrs. H Euchre Club on Wednegiay afternoon. on Thurs Mrs. annk R. McMQlin gave a lunchâ€" eon Wednesday at the Woman's Athletic Clubin honor of Miss qujrenCe McFatrich. who is to be married (a Mr. Alexander Craig Culbertson of Louisville Saturday. On Friday evening. jNovember first. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mfiechlle. Sn. enter- tained a number of irknds celebrating their silver wedding. ' The sociél Side of Life ‘oc'al Affairs of the week B\' the Obscn er $0mmLREALBTATETRANSFERS' The Misses Irene and Minnie Hutchinl entertained eight of their friends all dinner party Sunday evening. Tickets are now selling for the Dn- ; matic entertertainment to be giver bytbe ? choir members of the Holy Crou church. ‘ 1 Mm. Will Kiest of Wilmette is a guest at the home of her mother, Mm L. Todd A number of friends pleasantly sur prised Clarence Huhn Thursday evening by appearing at his door in masqueradé costumes. The evening “'as spent in \ playing games. Mary Glader to F. C. Glader lot 10, blk 6, Highland Park. W. D. $1.0). James Wells of Napoleon. Mich. was the guest of F‘ H. Meyer and family Sunday. Miss Liberty of Chicago was the gum Miss Marie Kreau was the guest of Miss Clark of Chicago several days dur- ing the week. Marv Glader to G. W. Glader lot 9. blk 6, Highland Park. W. D. 81.00. R. A. Bard and wf to J. V. NorC‘rC. S'ly part 1018. sub of lot: 5 and 6, blk 34, Highland Park. W'. D. 31.00. C. E. Marshall and wf to Charlott: M- Sexsmith S 50 ft lot 8, blk 66, Highland Ptrk. W. D. 310.“). The K. L. C. E. of the L'nited E\an- gelical church held a party in ()ungel's barn Thursday evening. About twenty were present. The evening was spam in playing various pranks and games and a fine time was enjoyed by all present. Fumhhed by Luke Counly Title III Trust Co. Title. Guaranteed. Masonic Temple 3H... Wankegnn, Ill. Telephone No. 4 Daniel Pease and “ife to Juseph Del- haye pan lo: 50. Highwood. W. D. $50,“). Mary A. Hall and bus to Elizabeth Rafferty 1; acres in N. 15.} Sec. 27. Dt-er- field twp. W. D. $30000. ' Mnss Margaret Vedder was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ()alluway of Sheridan Park seVeral days dunng the week. Mr. Cris! Peterson Qtymed from Cali- fornia Sunday. A. C. Thompson and wife wC.L Woodmfi, lot 7. blkfi. Highland Parhw. Mrs. W. D. Miller. Mrs. G. H. Campbd]. Mrs. F. Norenberg, Mrs.:Carver. Mrs G E. Schauffier. Mrs. F. Clow. Mrs. 1. Scot; Mrs. F. W. Cushing, Mrs W. K. Sidley, Miss Davidson. Mrs. A. P. Smith. Mn. Calvin Dobson, Mrs F. M. Sleele, Mn. w. Egan, Mrs. c. H. Warren. Mrs. E. s ‘ Gail, Miss Whitney. Mrs. Ira J. Geer. Mrs. Ferdinand Wiegand, Mrs. Robertlrreg'ory, Mrs. Ward Willeus Mrs. T. C. William Mrs. P. C. Wolcolt, Mrs. L. C. Yoe, Mrs. Samuel Hastings. Mrs. Henry E itghcock. Mrs. Annétte Jones, Mrs. Cums KimbalL F i .. Mary A. Recktenwald and bus to H. C. H111 and W! N Q lo! 2. blk 13, Highland A musicale which will be larger u.- '? tended bylocal society will be given a Moraine Saturday evening 3:33 bank for the Y. W. C. A. Miss Priscilla Carvu, Miss Laura Kittredge Kennedy, Mi; Grace Dunn, and Miss Marion Mann are among those on the pm which is printed in full in another pm of this paper. At the conclusion of the program there will be informal dandn Following '5 the list of patroneeses Mn. McGregor Adams. Mrs. C. G. Alexands, Mrs. “L A. Alexander. Mrs Hauy Mason. Mrs’F. Mains, Mrs. M. Marsh, Mrs A. 0. Mason, Mrs E. A. Armstrong; Mrs.Walter Balwin. Mrs. W. D. Messeugu, Mrs. O. H. Morgan, Mrs. C. P. Boynto‘, Mrs. G. McBride, Mrs. Chas Buckley, F} 3;; ‘3‘; es: . i E: f}: About fifty couples attended tht- an- nual Sophomore dance at the high 5th“ last Friday night and found the ‘gygn" prettily decorated with the class colon and the emblems of Hallow-tn and an excellent orchestra to pronde muuc {of the dancing which continued umzl neafi, midnighL The officers of the class 3M the members of the committees responsiu, forthe success of the affair are jmeph (3b. son. president; Paul Barker. \it-e pmfi. dent; Warren Morris. secretary~treasurq Decorating committee. Esther King, R1,. mond Geer, Robert Scholtz, Murry 5°C.. Colin Sandbum. Claude Schreevers, Ruth Cummings, Mary French. Annie Kruegu, Jane Marshall. Refreshment committee, Elinore Double. Florence Osburn, lieu Schetzly‘ Lillian Mitchell, Gertrude Mc- Laren. Miriam French. Esther Hid! Margaret Wilhelm and Martha Kelley. Businus committee. Colin Sandbox-u, HomerScott. George Cummings. Ellswmfi Stoker. Robert Schultz and Alfred Mc-i Namee. Mrs. H. 8. Clark emenained mforman, on Thursday for guests from 31:h\;\ Ladies ofthe Highwnod (album, Church: entertained at a card parxy \M-(iECSday evening in park‘h hall. On Saturday. Nov. 9. the (Md Fqllo" are giving an Invitation daxmng partv t! the Ravima Park Casino. Tell CRO 23! X78.

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