E} i .ll‘.‘ . WWMWW PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDBLL at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone Sisaiptioll’riccSlï¬o per Year in Enzered 4:! occnnd class math-r Marrh 1. 1911. a! the pus! nmce at Highland PArk. thois‘ under the \ct .,( Mdn‘h 3 1"?“ The Man Amoss the Street believe< that [dilu- Cnuntv can well afford to give a 511th sum yearly tonard the support of McAlistcr hospital in Wnukegan. in fact he believes that the county cannot well an'oi'tl tn refrain from givmg it. The cnunty now gives the Lake Bluforphan- age $2,000 a year and for that the super- Visnrs are entitled to credit for the ()r- phanage (lcserves it‘ But the hosï¬ital is also a deservmg institution and the good women who give their services in obtain- ing funds for its support and performing the work of business management should have the assistance of the county. If we must continue to expend money on repairs for street pavements built of matcnals and m such manner that they require continuous repairing then The Man Acrnss the Street. \\ith many others. is glad tl) note that the holes in the Green Bay Road macadam have been ï¬lled But every time he looks at thcguod brick pavement on St. Johns Avenue. WhlL‘h has wtthstood the heaviest trafï¬c in the city fur years WlKhOUI needing repairs. and then reads at another assessment for macadam pavement he wonders. CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS MADE TO ORDER JOHN HONAKER 17 “IE1“: Place THI'RSDAY. .\")\'F..\1P>ER IL 1912 The Man Acro» the Street Telephone 57 Dressed Poultry LAKE snou CW)! 515 W Ave. W P Butter. Eat. and Home Samuel Levin Then Why Don’t You? No One Phonograph Cheaper F. A. TUCKER can sell you a and flzv Pro/if is lsz in your (INN/011‘)! .' .' .' W'ork Guaranteed Tolephone 57 than Highland Park 562 HigMnnd Park g The funeral of Mrs. Lucien Yoe. who Edied Monday morning. Nov. 11. took [place Tuesday morning, Nov. 19at eleven ‘o'clock in the chapel at Graceland cemetery. Mm Anson Morgan is visiting relatives in Minneapolis for a few weeks. _ The Public Library will be closed all day. next Thursday. Thanksgiving. Mr. Charles (icary. who has been \cry ill with grip, is able to be out now. Mrs. Pratt of 420 E. Central Avenucx left Monday for a visit in New York‘ Mr. and Mrs. C. t}. vComstock are spendmg sen-ml \\ eeks in Atlantic City. .\Irs.(}c<). Hull uf Evahsmn was the gllcst on Tuesday of Mri J. J. Mitchell. Miss Durnth) Lnudun was the week» endgurst at Mrs. Daytqn Holcomb of Chu‘agu Grennlle Mott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mutt of Laurel Avenue, is ill with scarlet fever. Mrs. John S. Reeseman spent several days of Ias‘ week with friends in Milwau- keta Wnsconsm. ‘ There mll be a basketball game, faculty \‘5. memem. on Monday, Nov. 25th at Ihree-ï¬ftecn. Mr. Frederick W. Cushihï¬ returned on Wednesday from Washington where he spenk the week. * ‘ Miss Hek-n Conrad had as her guest on TLIt*.\(L1_\' Miss Marjorie Kclhgg of Rogers Park. Miss Dorothy Clark has been unable to take charge of her dancing classes this week because of illness. Mrs J. J Hesler of Carbondale. “1.. was the Sunday guest of Mr‘ and Mrs, James Hesler of N. Green Bay Road. Miss Helen Rebling is spending a few days 01 â€11> m-ek with her aunt. Mrs. Roy Ihckcnsun of Edison Park. Vm. Schuler of becrurille has leased (h: Horcnocrger hotel at Hall Day and “ii! tukr ponvssmn uhou! ‘Ihc â€midi;- u! Du ember. «Ln Nun-mix Mr. Harry Burke of Highwood. who 'is dangerously m with pneumonia was taken to the Augustana hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mattson of Second St. are being congratulated on the arrival of a daughter. born Saturday November 16. 1912. . Mr. and Mrs. A. M‘ Lowrie had as their guests on Sundav Mr. and Mrs. James J. Enright and small son Jim, of Chicago, Mrs. May Willette. daughter of Mr. Richard Salyards. will succeed Mrs. Hardacre as pustmistres: of the Rm'mia posloflicc. ' Invitations have been issued for a birthday social to be given by the Epworth League of the First M. E. Church on Fri- day evening, November 29 at the church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Montgomery are having their house at 328 N.Sheridan Road moved to 334 N. St. Johns Avenue. They will build a new house on the Sheri- dan Road property in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walsh are rccciving congratulations on the arrival of a daugh- ter. born Sunday, Nm'cmléer'lf). Min C. W. Aldridge sailed on November 11 from Montreal for a few weeks visit with relatives in London, England. Mrs {imrivx than; [use [won l'm- gun->1 of hvr brnthcr. Mr. William Sliker 0f Duluth, forlhe past two weeks and :5 expected to return on Friday. The members of St. Marys entertain- ‘ ment club are arranging a musicale fori Sunda) ewning. December-eighth in an- niwrsar) of the Feast Day of the lm- maculate Conception. The program will be given m ï¬lm school hall. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reeseman have; as their week-end guest Mrs. Reeseman's, brother. Ambrose Haungs' of Chicago. D Mr and Mrs. Palmer A. Montgomery have returned to the Park. having spent the summer on their 1200-acre grain and stock farm near Chesaning, Mich. Rex Dr 'J‘ I) O‘Neill is enjoying a business and pleasure trip through the east and is expected back Saturday. Dur- ing his absence Rev. Dr. O'Herin of the Milwaukee Seminary and z Father Gates of Highwmd are filling his vacancy. Mrs. George Williams is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mn. F. l). Clavey. where she is reported as almost recover ed from the illness with which she was conï¬ned to the l’n-sbytcrian Hospital for smernl xix-eh. \\ ‘k‘ (â€I‘ A\\ t: J 111‘ CT M zmn uf Specral [)ehwry h" no mail delivered by va'dl pnéltuf‘ï¬u‘ Thank» ‘YY};\L' \nll‘be open Hum ~ :xqmrvmmdanmI at L and than “:11 M- 1‘! ‘M *(11 flhl Hm ngzx 1U Hunk HI 1mm The Social Committee of the Ebenezer Church. assisted by the Music Committee will give a social on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 28th at Mr. 0. B. Brand’s residence. Admission is twenty ï¬ve cents including refreshments. All are cordially invited. Despite the earnest work of the women of the McAlister Hospital association of Waukegan. the association ran_ behind $435.67 during the year just closed. In other words. the women had t6 take that sum out of their building fund in order to meet the current expenses as a result of their receipts not coming up tn their expenses. Mr. Herbert Macfarren. teacher of music at the high school; recently gave a recital in Omaha, Neb., and will appear on the program with Ludwig Becker. form- er concert master of the Theodore Thomas Orchestra in Leavenworth. Kan.. tonight. He will also give a concert at Blooming; ton, Ill. on Saturday evening with Enrico Palmetto. the Danish tenor. There will be an open meeting of The. Parents and 'I‘eachers' Assocmtiun (m the evening of Monday. .\'0\'ember twenty- ï¬fth at the Elm Place Grammar school at eight-ï¬fteen o'clock. Mrs. Orville .l’. Bright will address the aï¬stximitm on the subject “Where Parents, Fail." A large attendance is desired. Those on the committee who had charge of~the Sophomore dance which was so successful at Deerï¬eld-Shields. were delightfully entertained at the home of Miss Jane Marshall. Lake Fores! Fri- day evening. l'nder (hr direction of Mr. W. M. anx‘ie the \\'un1:xn'.~ Alhlcnc Assm'inhun of Nunhu-uvrn I'muvrsaly \Hll pn-hcnx A "Mumml Fruln†:11 Rm‘mm HM MR- 5 Mm mphl \lunhvx's n1 xhv “lillnih The sale 'of cakes and home-made delicacies at the Y. W. C. A. mums, 208 E. Central Avenue. wlll be in progress as usual Saturday morning. Many Christmas novelties are also offered for sale. The rooms will be open until 6 p. m. ‘ There will be no recitations at the high school on Friday of this week. that day being the occasion of she annual conference of teachers at the University of lllinons. Several of the teacher: will attend and others will make use of the day to visit schools which are in session. Mr. R l.. Sandwick and Miss (irandy wull appear on the program at lllinoix by using the new, marvelous Dusting Liquid that dusts, cleans and polishcs at the ‘ same time. A trial will prove ‘ to you what real “Du-ting Satisfnction" is. Your home will always have that new, frmh “just-after~house-clean- ing†look. Mr. and Mrst Henry Thayer and their daughter. Miss Mildred Thayer, ac- companied by Miss Lois Williams left Saturday {or Champaign to attend the Chicagoâ€"Illinois football game in the afternoon and the Phi Kappa Sigma dance in the evenin'g. A jury in Justice Phillips court last Thursday convicted Aug. Huehl of [)oerï¬eld of violating the law regarding cruelty to animals. The ï¬ne assessed was $3 and costs. This is said to he the ï¬rst jury conviction in a quasi criminalcase in Highland Park. Make Your Furniture Glad D. C. PURDYs" SONS NORMA?†THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, 316mm PARK} should boost Our Pictures There's so much that's good in the best of them, And so little that's bad in the worst of them, That it‘s hard for those that see all of them. Tospeaka harsh word of any of'them. Central Theatre is a renewer Ind preservative of var- nished. enameled a} painted ayrfncgo. 5:50; Itilnot sticky o r greasy. Sold on appmvaL IO‘I’AOLIMD IOTI n†:1! Km‘mm \lunhvx's â€1 HM 1.:nlhluh‘lill‘.‘ ', You :at dusts, 1 -s at the I will prove ‘ 3 ‘ . I “Du-ting ‘1‘ . " ‘ 'our home ‘ :hat new. .: use-clean- j ‘ 1 \ i r T v i ver and i E eof var- ‘ numeled ‘ â€ff-COO. ‘ ‘ I not in- - t is not a Ai“ H The Daughters of the American Revolu~ tion held a meeting oin Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs Carletbn Moseley of Prospect Avenue. A very interesting paper was read by Miss Shoals on the subject of Contemporary History of Revolutionary Times. " A group of songs . was delightfully sung by Miss McCord Mrs. James Watson played the piano accompainment. One more of the land marks of High land Park has disappeared in the de- molishment of the residence owned by Mrs. William Ulrich which “as burned, about two months ago. The structuref which yvas damaged too badly to 'be reâ€" built was purchased and is being hauled away by William WItten. it was a quaint old “hite house with green blinds and to the old residents it recalled the oldest; days of the viliage some forty years andi more ago when Mr. Chas. Rose was the occupant and \\ hat is now Sheridan 1 boulevard was then a gI ass road. 1 New Trier has challenged the high school to debate early in January on “In- itiative, Referendum and Recall." The challenge has been accepted and each school will have a negative and an af- ï¬rmative team. Two debates will he held, one at Deerï¬eld and one at New Trier, on the same evening. Those chosen to represent Deerï¬eld are Lloyd Metzel, Phillip Speidel, William Morton, Ruth Reichelt. Leslie Schaufller. and Goodrich Schaufller; Alternates, Thomas Findley and Frances Kennedy. More than two hundred students haw.- signiï¬ed their desire to enter the 'night school and one hundred and ï¬fty of these have been in attendance. This regularity in attendance has been almost as good as that otthe day school and far better than the Chicago night schools. A con- siderable number of foreigners entered the class in business English hoping to get the rudiments of the language there but as it was Impossible to meet their needs in the same class with those who had a good knowledge of the language the Grammar school was called upon to furnish a teacher and Principal Smith has instructed the class {or two evenings. He expects to provide a teacher to con- tinue the work. Mrs. M. M. McNamee was the week‘ end guest of Mrs. Jones of Chicago. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Bayard Sneed is entertaining at a tea for her guest Mrs. Wilson of Southern Illinois and Mrs. C. E Coates. D. C. Purdy and Sons have just comâ€" pleted a two story brick building situated in the rear of the I) C Purdy residence at 238E Central Avenue. The second story will be used for the manufacture of Nu- Finish Ind the lower floor will be used as a ware house for the hardware store located on St. Johns Avenue. The increase of business done by this enter- prising - ï¬rm demanded a much larger buildingand since the recentlycompounded preparation Nu-Finish was placed on the market it has been a necessity, for the popularity and usefulness ofthis furniture ï¬nish has grown far more rapidly than expected .‘\1 Mrs, IL 5. Biahop gave a supper last Sunday evening for her daughter Marion who became the bride of Lt. Coates three weeks ago and who has just returned from Washington after spending several weeks with Mr. Coates' parents. Major and Mrs. Wm. R. Dashiell of the 27th Inf. leave soon for Atlanta, Ga. to spend the winter. Major Dashiell is on a four months' leave. Miss Marjorie Helms is visiting her brother, Capt. Helms of the 19m Inf. Mrs. Ford 'has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Peaks. Lt. C. E Hoyt has been appointed as instructor in languages at West Point and will leave with Mrs. Hoyt for that place the ï¬rst of December. Mb, MPH-rt Allen gzxw abridge am-r m'nn \Vcdneulny 1:) must Mrs. J. B. Hawk-y nflkmmn who h the guest of (am. and Mrs. Wx'Jiums. Capt. Saville, Qun’termaster, is on a relief for four years. There will b; a masquerade party in the post gymnasium Saturday evening. All the proï¬ts will go to the recreation fund. Highwood Officall want Soldiers who Annulted Munhal Hue-ti: Punished Following an attack on Marshal lluestis last Thursday night by ï¬ve soldiers, 0. S. Gooch. city attorney and Joseph SCVCI‘SOD, mayor of Highwood, have asked the ofï¬cers in charge at Fort Sheridan to court martial the men and they state that if the request is not grant~ ed a state warrant for the arre§t of the men will be demanded. The ï¬ve men are: in the guard huuse 2n Fart Sheridan at the prcsvnr Huestis‘ “A" :u‘unkvd b)" the six 5 ddicrs when he mtwmï¬ed to quell a rm! in Tlms. Rubbin's ruxtaurént. The prupxwmr of the restaurant had refused to Mir)“; the Sulrhvrs to enter his place, aml unto? Rum M'kctl in 1hr glass door. ()n \V ASK COURT MARTIAL FOR FIVE Ft] Sheridan Notes \KxH‘ NI~ 'lhck Ultï¬â€˜. Ah‘. ‘1 human and 3115 ‘H «dncsd (T \\’a.\ :1! I I.:lt< 'a H H thex‘ (H ;. nm‘ o'clm‘k 5‘1an Rmtuumm in My pmiv “(Int 10 lhx w mu! mwn'vd Raymund ‘Ezv Ru! \Vzdtm " 'l lav 'HL‘kah, M13. MUM-x . Sun :i~.)n‘ Mm 1‘38th 1d Mm Jnnvs of Chicago. Ilih‘H 11 Mrs. M. M a who o'clm‘k PHA RM'A CIS T Capital $ 100,000 Organized under the Banking Law: of the State of Illinoi. NorthShore Tg'ust Company- Make a specinln of loans on Improwduenl estate In the North Shore terntoq including Rogers Park Evnnston \‘thmv‘tte Kentlwurth Wmnelka Olencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Investors seekmg safe investments for trust funds and estate; “I†ï¬nd our mortgages acceptable. Send for list J. I'm: McGuire or McGuire a Orr. Pnuidnl Chulu A. Wi‘hmn. Evan-Ion. Vioe- ’vclidcm Artur W. Vereoc. Cubist SK many of our citizens who have built, what is the most , important contract on the house and they will tell you 771E HEATING CONTRACT. Why? Because they made a mistake and took the cheapest. Now they know {111‘ hrs! is the cheapest. You get the results and save the diï¬erence in fuel in a good plant. We installed about thirty plants which are among the best in town and would be glad 1.. fur~ nish you a list to imestigate. T. H. DECKER CO. 126 E. Central Ave. Telephone 201 ï¬ll cub-Inc: or ‘rcfund; INCORPORATED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Tdep “The Imperial†Dyers and Cleaners Telephones . Lincoln-1948 The House That Pleases A‘ Trial Will Convince You A wagon will call for and deliver your garments EARL W. GSELL Special Announcement We are opening a special department for pressing and reinodeling of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Clothes. dninkdwymuuqmlad. Wenclltlumundcrch manta. _If_you get a package dust in} price: we MORTGAGE BANKERS 2123~2133 Lincoln Avenue. CHICAGO North Shore Tmt Company Highland Park, 111. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Telep hours 3 and 23 3; CHOCOLATBS ea ' CONFECTIONS Telephone Highland Park 265 HIGHLAND PA RK In J. Gear, Council R. C‘ Keller. Via Prendenl Cobain] Trust A Sun.†M Diverse, - 8152 Highland Park 212 E. in all