{t Sher ' lv'rnmn I nncth, OICMUQI LL lte of Illinois ea Prudent. 'mfl Snin‘n In“ :cial sing dies hes. m un‘cr (In {t rrbct WI Highiand Park 3388 2 You nut is the most will tc‘H you Ux‘ :ht-y made RIVA“. f/Ié‘ bf)" m:- difference '31::‘15' plants x 4nd 2 > fur- ITIONS garmen ts Nb PA RK pany W4 ’I ï¬nd our Park 265 ers CO. I 8152 †Old English Gray Enamel Ware THE BEE HIVE BARGAIN STORE 212 E. Central Ave. E. G. Bun-ill, Prop. Highland Park §UST a few days more to fgselect some of those ï¬ne Thanksgiving Postals, and While you are at it look over our line of Birthday cards, iii sufï¬cient variety to please all tastes. ALBERT LARSON 'he Parisian Hat Shop In a few days we will receive a ship- ment of that noted ‘Old English Enamel Ware, which consists of Ket- tles Dish Pans Basins Sauce Fans and everything for the kitchen. Any article in the 1 OC assortment for . . Look in our window when passing and see the display of dishes we are selling from 10_to 15c. It will pay you Second Flobr Rood Building will have on display for your ins'pection, the latest styles and ideas in ‘ Seasonable Millinery .. Geo. Hall EVE “Want ads†bring results Stationer Evanston (.vmnpu -- I ; THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESSHIGHLAND Pm anNOIS | Deerï¬eld' News Items l Friday the teachers of the Deerï¬eld Grammar school took the ï¬rst of the t‘xree visiting days allowed them by the directors. Mr. Nelson went to Lake For- est to inspect a strong eighth grade clas in that school; Mrs. Mooré and Miss Duffy visited the Jones and Mosely schools (the latter a tresh air school) in Chicago; Miss Supple went to Champaign and Miss Craig to an Evanston school. Twenty students of the high school from Deerï¬eld, with two chaperoncs, and two cicerones. attended the very scholarly lecture by [)r. Breasted of the University of Chicago. Friday evening in Highland Park. Professor McMillan. of the State Agri- cultural Experiment Station at Forest Glen. will give the ï¬rst ofaseries of lectures under the auspices of the Parents and Teachers‘ Association Thursday afternoon at the school. The subject will be “How lnsects Prepare for the Winter." Mrs. Albert Hunter of Oak Park gave a luncheon Saturday for Mrs. J. A. Reichelt. Jr., and Misses Elizabeth and Dorothy Reichelt which was followed by a box party at the Warrington theatre to see "The Road to Yesterday." Mrs. Jenks of Evanston was the guest of Mrs. Carson Wednesday. Miss Mary Feurback of Aurora. 111., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Ender Sunday. Mr. Roy Hutcheson was the guwt of Gerhardt Forman of Glencoe Friday. A Woman's Missionary Oratoricaf con- test will be held in the United Evangeli- cal church Nov. 27th, at eight o'clock. An interesting program has been pre- pared to which every one is heartily in- vited. Mr. and Mrs. Cassins Mason of Half Day were guests at the home of C. B. Easton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Augnst Schepp and daughter Lillian of Glencoe, 111., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Antes Sun- day. The Dorcas Society of the Presbyterian church held an allday meeting at the home of Mrs. Hagie Wednesday. Miss Mabel ,Segert was the guest of friends in Libertyvme Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schreck of Lib- ertyville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zoehler Sunday. Mr. John On and daughter, Mrs. Chas. Selig were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0!! of Mayfair Sunday. The Kevstone League of Christian En- deavor Sodety held thcir regular business meeting at the home of Miss Wini‘fred Plagge Friday evening. The meeting was wcll attended and after business “as transacted a social time was enjoyed by all pres-11L (Ln [hn‘ The Wmnan's Home and Foreign Mis- sionary Somety of the United Evangelical church held their monthly meeting Tues- day. Nov. 12th. at the home of Mrs. Peter Perry, The subject under discus- sion was “Non-Christian Faiths in America;" a leaflet entitled “The Third Wife." which is a story of a Mormon home. was read by Mrs. Goodman. Mrs. Mrs. Fouke, wife of Bishop Fouke. was present and by a splendid missionary talk added great interest to the meeting. She also presented the society with an efficiency chart; Mrs. Baxter. daughter of Mrs. Perry, Was the only out of town guest present. (‘L'H XIZK (4)} a ddughte-r Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clocs of Los Angeles. (231.. were guests of Mrs. L. C. Hole dur- ing the week. III Mrs. George Laing entertained a num ber of Chicago friends over Snnday. The choir girls of the Holy Cross church are rehearsing for two sketches to be given in‘ Anderson’s hall on Novem- ber 29. l912. The plays are under the the direction of Wt M. Lowrie of Highâ€" land Park. “The Worsted Man" by john Kendrick Bangs. is a very laughable comedy and "Miss Civilization," while in a more serious vein is also very" enter- tainingr On account of reconstruction ot thei Presbyterian church. a change is neces- ‘ sary m lh? time and' place of services.“ At prescnt writing plans are not déï¬nite. ‘ so no announcement can be madu but all are urged tu watch for notices which will be placed in postoflice and other public places. The Y. P‘ M, S of United Evangelical church met Thursday evening at the home of Edward Witt. Miss Emma Sehg had charge of the meeting. The subjet‘t studied “as "Australia." Mr. ;: ~d Mr Henry Therrien and sons M Mr and In My \\ crc gnc‘ Mrs. P “l- Mr M M UH :md Mrs: Lnui: Hot-chum of Austin, n' gm“(\ Hf Mr, and MN. ()scnr [11h 121d Mr I) ~Xt1:l‘.£( ()ttn ('IpALk-l .lrc rc- :1~n.~ m) (hr :u‘rn’al 0f MI Sund '1) a 71V“ \\' (I 5 xix.» \pt'lll 1hr '.\':_\, Ix I? 'l‘uur thv ‘n :H makv “uh my!) 811;! X List of mails arriving at this ofï¬ce: i .30 a. m from all paints 7:41 a. m. from ll points; 9.33 a. m. from all points; 12: 19‘. .m. from all points; 105 p. m. from all ! ints; 2:43 from all points north; 3::44‘ ..m from all points; 5.44 p. m from all ints; 6: 12 p. m. from all points north. MO) I \ l l I l 1 I l I 8°89? r Mail closes at postofï¬ce daily except ! Sunday: 1 7:11 a; m. from all points north; 8:00 a. m. 1 from all points except for Highwood to l Kenosha; 11:41 a. m. for all points north, i 1.235 a. m. for all points except for For! Sheridan 10 Kenosha; 2:13 p. m. for all . points south. east and west; 3:14 p: m. for ‘ all points north; 5:42 p. m. for all points; ‘8200 for all points; Sundays 5:16 p. m. A. \‘V. FLETCHER. o l x Lincoln School News Mesdames Whiting, Knickerbocker Kress and Karch and the Misses Clara Ender and Mary Hottana attended the bazaar given by the ladies of St. Mary's Catholic church of Libertyville Thursday evening. . Misses Mildred Whiting and Marie Kress were week-end guests of Miss Clark of Chicago. The Misses Rehm of Downers Grove were guests of their sister, Mrs. John Vetter during the past week. Some of the residents of Highland Park are evidently unaware of the existence of Lincoln School.situated at the corner of Green Bay Road and Lincoln Ave. on a fairly attractive campus of two acres and where seven teachers are employed as follows: W.C.McKenzie,Supt. Manual Training and Mathematics. Mrs. Marga- ret L. Freeman 7th and 8th grades and sewing; Miss Ethel Lee West, 6th grade and Music; Mable S. Falch 5th grade; Miss Edna Poland 3rd and 4th grades. Mrs. Abbie B.Bastin, the efï¬cient president of our P. T. A. has charge of the second grade and Miss Clara White has charge of the beginners. Miss Ida Porter teaches drawing and art. The Manual Training and sewing classes are running to a large extent on original lines. The class in manual train- ing having made cupboards for the Mothers Club and a table {or the sewing room besides doing work for the teachers and work for the improvement of the building. The sewing class not to be out- done by the boys presented theshop with carpenter's aprons. the product of their own labor. In addition to the above, the 7th and 8th grade built a fairly good model of old Fort Dearborn and St. Mary's of the Wood The last named is of especial interest to Highland Patk. In building the model of Fort Dearborn the boys vi- sited the Chicago Historical Society and copied the government plan and then en l larged the same More than one thousand ' pieces were required to produce thisl moduli The school is planning to give an Art Exhibit Dec, 4th to 7th. The object of this exhibit is twofold. First to acquaint the pupils With thv Mustvrpiecesand lui‘tl thcm to a i)(‘i’iL‘l :ipprt-ridtion (if tht-hcau- titul. and x-mml m enlist thcumpt-rntmn ut putmm lll :t-t'uiinu amplc fund> im' the purpim- (it piirt'hming \uitnhlc my- turn tu atluri: lht- “alls‘ |)l the building, The ll‘liiUt'llCl‘ ml :1 grind pit’tui't- Hum 11 child is ml int-stimublc value. It l\‘ the (lg-sire of â€HS school that lh(‘ children hau- tho: intlucncc ot' the best. Thv pub lic is cordially invited in attend this ex- hibition. A small admission of ten cents will be charged.- On Saturday Dec. 7, there will be a general meeting of the teachers of the county. under the supervision of F. A. Simpson. The morning session will be devoted to the work of the classroom and shop. In the afternoon several speakers of more than local prominence will be present. A pleasant and proï¬table meeting is anticipated. Notice Public notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Baht-Bowen Co., a corporation in the Citv of Highland Park, State of Illinois. said corporation was dissolved, all cor- porate debts having been paid. Dated this 31:: day of October, 1912. - FRITZ BARR, Presidem. HERBERT L. Bow“, Secretary. 3637-38 m'cm MEATS FOR LESS noun D. G’PUR-DY w“ SONS That’s the kind you will want when you buy again, is it not? Our Tooth Brushes range in price-from 10c, 25c, 30c, 35c. 50c. Hair Brushes, 25C, 50c, 756, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 and Ivory Back $2.50 to $5.00. Clothes Brushes 25c andup to $3.00,? Whis kBrooms 15c up. Shaving Brushes 25c up. - 3 ' ~ THE HIGHLAND gPARK’ PHARMACY, W933; GUARANTEED Tiobth Biushes and Hair Brushes HighhndP-IkM-ilsm IOTA-LISHED l8 7‘ INCOIPORATED Postmaster n _w. Conn-d Avenue. Hum.“ Purl: No cigar can be of higher and better quality than the “ARTILLA†Cigar, which is pure Havana ï¬ller, and Havana wrapper, well made and excellent flavor, and which we sell for 5 cents. Box of ï¬fty. $2.00. We don’t hesitate to call this our leader. Toilet Réquisites In addition to the stock of toilet articlms we have been carrying, we now have a full line of Hudnuts perfumes toilet waters, sachet powder. etc. These goods can be bought of us at the same price they are sold at in any store in Chicago. (I We also sell ' Squibbs carnation talcum powder which is considered as pure as any on the market. Also that famous violet Dulce talcum powder at 25c per can. Fred. W. Schumacher mm store $8 WARREN S Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Dress Glbves 75c to $1.75 See our “lilenel’s Special†Ginflets at $1.50 also a an- plete lie of (log ski ndblackcape gand$$135 (0 $2.50 Chas; H. Warren Co. Phone ,1 1‘0 FOR YOUR GLOVES AND MITTENS Aï¬illa Cigars There’s an automobile language-"bin we talk "Ford" in plain. English. Tongue twisting technical 'terms are unneeessaryto make clearthc simplicity of the Ford. And now it is as easy to buy-"as it is simple to operate.and maintain. One hundred and seventy thousand Fords in service- -and every Ford user a Ford “booster". New prices- -runab0u{ $525-ntouring car $600 ~ delivery car $625~town car $800-â€"-with all equipment. f. 0. b. Detruit. Get particulars from A. H. MUHLKE THE UNIVERSAL CAR Agrnt’for Lakr County. including Highland Park ALBERT LARSON Watch fbr our stationery (1d. FORD Deerfield, Illinois Women’s Fine Knit and Chamoisette Gloves 50c Glows and Mitts 75c to $1.75 Highland Puk Men’s Heavy Lined E SWEETLAND Propridor