Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Nov 1912, p. 4

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PL” " mm Wax” BY JOHN L. Unau. n khland l’ark. Lake County, Illinois T-A'Qhonc‘ :: 2: Highland Park 562 5 “.y twenty~four days to Christmas. htmc you completed your shopping? The Md) Across the Street calls your attention to éhe fact that the local stores are well sto§lcd With many beautxtul and useful git? and suggests that you Inspect them hv contractors m chargc of the Laurel Agnuerwbway havmg nearly completed what appears to be a good 10b. now is a gdéd lime to remember that while rho otiflectmns of the Mayor and thc On .-\I- niche); to {he mmplcrion «If the work \m déf rhv uh! agreement wrth thr Nnnlr wétr-rn (tuned mnydvmb‘u- llh‘Hlth'Hi e1}: "hey smcd (hr mi) Abnfit Sill“. immsmv. NOVEMBER 23‘ 1912 CLEANING AND PRESSING suns MADE To ORDER :red as sccundclass matter March 1. WM I! 041362 at Highland Park. llhnms. um :x of March ‘5. 1879 JOHN HONAKER 17 W. Elm Place mm.?mm§gélmmnmm@| Tebphone 57 Butter, Eggs. and Home Dressed Poultry LAKE SHORE CREAMERY SIS Oahu-d Ave. W Park Samuel Levin Then Why Don't You? going elsewhere F. A. TUCKER Man Across the Street ana‘ the profit is left in your own town : : : y' "shonograph ‘ Cheaper hiaSlSGMYwil m n 51']! you a Work Guaranteed Telephone 57 than Highland Park 9”. at under week Mr. S F ReblIng ISIllat the Auajustanal hospital l Master Karl Winter is very ill with pneumonia. Miss Helen Sulliian was on the sickl list last week. l Miss Eva Morton was the ueek- end guest of friends in Chicago ‘ Mr. Samuel Miles Hastings has return- ed from a trip to New \".ork ; Mrs. Dr. C. C. Sperry of Chicéago, is the guest of Mrs. Kathryn Kelley; Mrs. Wm.Grant had as her guest last Thursdav Mrs Drumond of Austin. Lillie Redine. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (lust Redine Is seriously ill Miss Carolyn Shields has as hel‘ guest this week Miss Helen Dixon of New York. Miss Helen Murrie of Lake Forest. was the week-end guest of Miss Helen Conrad. Mrs. John Edwin Conrad has beencon fined to her home the past week with la gnppe Miss Helen Coale Visaha. Cal. “here winter. Mr. and Mrs. D, M. Erskine left Tues- day for Mudlavw. lnd‘ to remain for sm- eral weks. Miss Mary Hunk of (h'ayslakcfwas the wcvk-cnd guest of Mr». V. {\quik of nghwmxi Lester Levin is on the sick list this tn by around .uzum. \lrs I‘xlyblr B Bastm h. l> .\~ hcr gum! [or mcr lhanksginng Dzn Mm Frzmus L. burdin m (hxcugu. Mr‘ and Mrs. Samuel ”~1me are bring cmgratulatrd upon the birth of A son. Tuesday. November 19. Mr. and Mrs‘ Dwight Grant Of 50th Green Bay Road. are spending the week with relatives in Morris. 1!]. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Van Evcm will be the guests on Thanksgiving Day of Mrs. L. L. Reese of Pontiac, Ill. Mrs. Wm. Grant had as her Sunday guests the Misses Sadie and Alice Miller and Miss Strang of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. John Russel and family will be the guests of Mr. -and Mrs. J Grant on Thanksgh'ing Day. Mr. and Mrs. William Grant will have a reunion of their children and grandA éhiidren on Thanksgiving Day. ‘ Mr. Chris Walthers of Oak'Par-k. is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs“ Henry Walthers of S. Green Bay Road. ‘ Mrs. Morris Hecht has sold her resi- dence on Ravine Avenue to W. and Mrs J. C. Morrison of Lincoln Place. Twenty-four young people -gm'e a de- lightful surprise party for Iohh Schaefer at his home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Brand hpve as their guests this week the Misses Frieda and Meta Heyner of_ Milwaukee. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gifyp are re- ceiving congratulmiuns on thq arrival of a sun, born Saturday. November 16. Mrs. James Grant has as lher guests for the week Mrs‘ George ’Grant and small son. James Robinson of Evanston. Mr, and 3‘!:\ W. W. Dykcf of Crvstal Lake. will spend 'I'hzmksgivmlg with ‘heir daughter. Mr: Fwd. Claw 'of Second SUCH. The card part} on Thursday owning given by the ’l‘abcrnaclc Sodium of St. Mary's Cznhulic church “11> :2 grand SUCCESS Mrs. Anna Mamnev and sons, William Emmett and Harry left Tuesday for Cali fornin where they \Hll spendthc \vintm: There m” be :1 Sun Rise Prayer mu-tv ing at xxx o‘clock Thursday" mornmg :n the FII'SI ['nitu‘. Evangelical chun‘h, Mr. Stuart Mulhuh and Mr, Roland kudfurd ui Cincagu. will be gurst: 'at the Milxtar} Acadcm\ on Thanksgiving Day, .\h'\, H I\' igmdwzs 'ndw' thhL‘I' gxz‘ Mr «wt-r 'i'hmtksuixmu [My er. M FUDL'H Hmé; :.m M“. wn Lyn] lehnm Rmkmrri. ‘ Ht? X1§>th “RM“ 1': \HH g-nu-rmin A a musqurradc ha” :1! (he thimu I‘m". cnsmo on {he vu'mng m“- V'I‘hursduy Dccembfl 13th, * Miss Kuzhcmu- Rvynolds "McCormick, whn rctumcd 'm nghland Park [mm Baltimore, Maryland last won-k. i: the guest of Mrs. Ira J. Guer. Mn and Mrs. C. C. Hughes have re- turned to Hmhhmd Park after an abséncc of several months and are irrtheir home at 1‘20 5. Green Bay Road. Mrs George Moore and daughter. Frances Moore of Chicago ' will be the Thanksgiving Day guests of 'Mrs. George E. Moore of Hawthorne Avenue. Mrs, Arthur W. \‘ercoe lett‘Friday for Milboume, Australia where she will make a visit of six months with .her mother and other relatives. Mr. Vercoe. who accompanied his wife to Vancouver, has returned home. leff Wednesday for she will spend the Mrs. James Mulvihill ii the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred. Greenslade of So. Second Street Mrs. Mulvihill will leave Thursday for her home in Los Angelcs, California. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sedgwmk and their daughter. Miss Mary Sedgwu'k will sail ‘on January 28 for a Mediterrean trip as ‘ far as Genoa and from ltaly they will go to England and sail from there for hom-e. Minor G. Burdick of Racine, Wis. is lwanted by the United States officers at lFort Sheridan on charge of desertion. Burdick enlisted at Fort Sheridan on Oct. 31.1912. A reward .s offered for his arrest. 3 Mrs. Robert Williams and her [We Lchildren who arrived here from ihe Philippineslast week will make an ex- itended visit with her father Mr. Lucien Mrs. Samuel Parliament will have as dinner guests on Thankgiving Day Mrs. Ida Lightcap. Mrs. Wall, and Miss Har- mon, of Evanston and Mr. Edwin Parli- men! of Chicago. ud Mr. Rex Jones. who accompanied Mrs Jones to New York about three weeks ago returned on Friday. Mrs Jones. who is visiting relatives. will not return until after Thanksgiving. Yoe and sisters, Miss Yne and Miss Charlotte Yoe. ’ Laurel lnn will be gay with dinner parties on Thanksgiving Day at one o'clock and again at the buffet 'suppi‘r to be served at half altEr six o'clock . in the evening when there will he a number of out of town guests present. MISS Knurah Foulds left Tuesday for‘ West Pain! in company With Mrs. Chas. .\ercar and will visit lhcrc fur (on days, On Saturday {hey will be guests at ihc army and navy rimxhull game in Philadelphia. ’l‘hr annual Thanksgivmg M‘chc of thc Presbyterian church mid mngn-ga‘ mm will ho hold in lhc IllHlllUrlLHl! of the churrh next 'l‘hux‘sdziy morning zit ten n'cliirk. The sorvivv will ht (uncludcd In “mu m cnublc [how wlin (lQ‘Slrc to mock the 11‘“ irum in do 50 Tllt‘ Dorms Sm‘icly hcltl a Hurling on Mcmdav at [he l‘n-sbytrriiin Unuuh par- lors. 'l‘hc lumvsses “ru- .\lr>. 'l. C. Wilhrmis. Mrs. 0. ll. Mnrxun. Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. Hannibal Smith, and Mrs. Miller of Ravine Avenue. A musicale program will be given by friends of those living at Thc Railroad Men's Home on Thursday evening. On last Sunday afternoon a lowly service was held at the home and conducted by members of different denominations. Iors. 1m: iiosiesses “cu- .ui).1.g. Willimns. Mrs. 0. ll. Morgan. Mrs. C. A. . . _ Smith, Mrs. Hannibal Smith, and Mrs..Ld°h mery week. ““hom “11' [0 the; Miller of Ravine Avenue. ‘ meat homes and commisSionhmen. renders; 'lt an absolute necessxty either to have‘ . . . M _ unlimited ca ital, or borrow mone top friends of those livmg at [he Railroad I meet these azcounts which must beiajd‘ Men 5 Home on Thursday evening. ' lweekly. Hence we conclude that by last Sunday afternoon a lowly serVIce . placing our business on a cash basis pay- was held at the home and conducted by ‘ able at the end of each week M; can m::bflsdofwdlflzremkdfr‘omlmiz‘ms'h ‘give our patrons some benefit from the r. an '3- ran "‘90 n can 3"" i change and at the same time improve as their 8385‘: for 52““! days 2:3 conditions for ourselves. This change week their aug ter an son-inA aw, r. 1 from a long credit to weekly payments and Mrs. O. Dickinson Street who arrived ‘ in cash will go into effea on December today from California where they spent’ 1’ 191: 'fhjs will unable ‘us to sell the the past {0}” weeks. They are 0" meIsan'ie high class goods we have always Wf‘)’ ‘0 the” Nevy \ork home “he"? "WY " handled at a slight reduction through WI“ Spend the Wlmer- 5 having bills paid weekly instead of having A party of Highland Park girls. the‘to frequently wait for30to 90 days for Misses Ruttheardsley. Dorothy Bastin, : same, meanwhile having to pay high rate Rowena Bastln. Mary Sedizwick. Con- of interest on loans and overdralts to do stance Shields. and Elizabeth Schumacher, ‘ business in the meantime which adds to End? thelehaperolnaze oft Mbrs. Abbie B. ; the cost of “transacting business. Th; as in. M eavc ri ay 0 e guests at 1 new p an wi resut in a saving to bot a dance given by the lnterlocken School 1 our customers and ourselves. to: Boys at Rolling Prairie. lnd. They Respectfully, will return on Saturday evening. ‘ ( JESSE SOBEY ________.___..‘: Signed JAMES BOWEN ‘ ( PAUL GIESER The fact of the retailer having to pay‘ A musicale program will be given Aparty of Highland Park girls. the Misses Ruttheardsley. Dorothy Bastin, Rowena Bastin. Mary Sedgwick. Con- stance Shields. and Elizabeth Schumacher, under the chaperonage of Mrs. Abbie B. Bastin. will lcavc Friday to be guests at a dance given b\ the lnterlocken School to. Boys at Rolling Prairie lnd They will return on Saturday evening. by using the new, marvelous Dusting Liquid that dusts, cleans and polishes at the same time. A trial will prove to you what real “Du-ting S-fiufnction" is. Your home will always have that new, fresh “just-after-house-clean- ing" look. III-FINISH Make Your Furniture Glad D. C. PURDYN" SONS Ask Larson tlwsla- tioncrfor the “Secâ€" ond Book of the North Shore”. 156 illustraiimzs in sepia, 56 0f whirl: ({rv represenlalivc Q!" Highland Park. An clzganl and ar- ceptable Christmas present, full of Im- man intcrcst.’ ll slum/(l he' in flll’ 11mm of all r'ilizms is a renewer and preservative of var- nished. enameled _ painted surfaces. Gnu-moo} pot in- if ky' 'o f greasy 30 d on approval. IITAILIWD 0.7. “WAY” It in not 1 MLL C. E Gray and daughter. Missl iMarjorie Gray at White Water, Wis, ar 1 ' rived here last Friday to be the guests of: .their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. DenIingE for several days. They came to attend! Ithe Chicago- -Minnnesota football game. i ' Mr. Gray s son. Lauriston Gray p' ays half- back on the Chicago University team 1 ‘and made the touch down in Saturday' 3 1 game. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Evans. who left: here about a month ago. bound {or L0- Angeles, in an automobile, have reached Santa Fe. New Mexico, and the conclu- sion that the .4 railroads furnish a much easier means; of travel. Consequently they will ship their auto. badly disfigured through many accidents. and continue their journey by rail. The Misses Irwin, 222 Maple Avenue, are entertaining Thanksgiving Day at dinner. There will be fourteen guests and among those from out of town are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tifit. the Misses Ethel and Frances Underwood, Mrs. Hills. and Miss Grace Hills. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kennedy of Michigan Blvd. The table will be decorated in pink and a center piece of pink roses will have tiny electric lights concealed in it. One of the enter- taining features of the dinner will be the . large Jack Homer pie.’ The high school division ofthe Parents and Teachers' Association will have their first meeting on Friday afternoon, Decem- ber sixth at half after two o'clock. Mrs. William French is the president. Mrs. Charles Baker. secretary and treasurer. ‘()n this occasion a brief dramatic skit. "The Dress Rehear:al" will be presented by the students dramatic club and the school orchestra will play, after which there will be a discussion of school parties and chaperonage. A social hour for parents and teachers will follow. All wmm-n inlefi-slcd in [hvse programs are nakvd to join the usuommmn and if pussihlv become a member of onc of the cumnmtces. The meal question 113% ' become 3 (Mil cult problem, hard to solve for the re taller and consumer alike. New Method Likely to be Populnr when Health in Considetod Health authorities. sanitary engineers and experts. and public oflicials every- where seem unanimous in the opinion that the best and only effective method of final garbage disposal is by incinera- tion. Many cities are budding plants for this purpose and in many others private concerns have built the plants and con- rat‘ted with the cities, for the gathering and burning of garbage. Whatever the method of collection and final disposal. however. there still remains the garbage can. This waste receptacle is opened and reopened many times. daily. its con- tents are handled and rehandled the col- lector empties it in son)? cases daily and in others weekly. and all the time It is a nusiance and the natural home of the germ carrying 11y. Even aftvr it is col- lected the garbage is a nusiance and a menace to public health as it is carted through the streets to the (lumping grnund ur mcmvrnting plants. Huspilals, and many-hutch and restaurants as Ave“ a< dubs and apnrtmrm buildings have incmllcd incinerators and thy garbage is buer :15 fast as it Is COHh‘tt‘d; a (lean. mic and easy moth-x! of dispux‘aL NkwsA pnpvrs. gcnm‘nlly. do nut dcvmc much of flu :r m-ws spau- In article» of trade but calling atlcminn In :1 cuntrn'ance which wall nmigau- a publix‘ nusiancc is a public bmxefil. hence th1< depurtun- 1mm the ruin thi< article \‘llulnfl uur readers atten- tion to this week's advertisement of the North Shore (his Company which c mtaim a description or "The In- cinerite."a garbage receptacle and des- tructor designed to beplaced in the home. Curd of Think. The Ladies of Trinity Churth desire to express their grateful appreciatmn of all the kindness and interest on the part of friends, advertisers and the public in general who contributed to the success of the Bazaar recently held for the build- ing fund of the new Parish House. Without this generous cooperation it would have been impossible to carry it through to the successful result which has been obtained. An Open Letter to our Patron- SANITARY GARBAGE DISPOSAL Adv Organizpd undo! the Btnkinc Laws of Make a With)! 0! ion): on Improved real can: In the North 3mm includipg Rogers Put, Evnnuon, NVIImenc, Kemlwonh, VV'mnth Highlipd Park .041 Lake Forest lnvworsgseckmg safe invwmems for trusl lunds and (states “I“ mongqcs swept-bk. Sénd for hsl. J. Frcd MEG-ire ol MnGuin a Orr. Pro-idem Charles A; Wilhmn. Evin-«on. View President Arthur W; Vcrcoc. Cashier A$ K many of our citizens who have built, what is the most limportant contract on the house and the3 will tell 3nu THE HEATING CONTRACT Why? Because the3 made a mistake and took the cheapest. Now the3 kno“ {/11 [~51 is tlie cheapest You get the results and 5338 the dit'ft: ence in fuel in a good plant We installed about thin) : l2. nts which are among the best in tovm and \\ ould be glad '. x Ir- nish you a list to investigate. TL H DECKER Co 1263 E. Central Avg. Telephone 201 Highlmd Puk “The Imperial” Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED 214EASTC£NTRALAVENUE‘ quhuWPuiZfiS Telephom The House That Pleases ATrial Will Convince You Hot Beef Tea Hot Chicken BoQiIlon Hot Malted Milk | PHARMACIST 1 HIGHLAND PARK wagon will call for and deliver your garmmm Special Announcement tmlwwwww We are opening a special department for pressing and remodeling of Ladies 'and Gentlemen’s Clothes. HOT SODA MORTGAGE BANKERS North. Shore Trust Company Highland Puk, Ill. A most savory fatigue dispeller and (hill chaser MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Lincoln Avenue, CHICAGO Uncoln - I948 Div Capital $100,000 W. GSELL rulcsulc In the North Shore lrrnlnn Hot Chocolate Hot Coffee Hot Tomato Bouillon k- J. Gm. Councd R, C. KclIcr. Vice Przlldcnl the StAte of Illinois Colonial Trult A Sn In” Bunk Diva-0y - 8152 \HH find Mu! Gknrue 212 E.

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