Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Nov 1912, p. 5

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PARK mCXkA (jh'nnw 'h;1{ is. me most , will. tell you msc they mad€ know the' best the difference t thirty plants be glad tn fur- Shun 'trnlm Higldand Puk | e; :c Pact-“n1. at x 5'“ ‘cs Hunk Cial ing iies 350$ : You .ent garm m (5 11111011 of Illinois Park 265 . 8152 ’9 HI 'T’G THE BEE HIVE BARGAIN STORE 212 E. Central Ave. E. G. Burrill, Prop. Highland Park Thé Périsian Hat Shop Our “Want aids” bring results (L Remember we are head quarters for Xmas goods. We have a complete line of Toys of all kindson display now. Don’t for- , get to visit our store be fore buying. ALBERT LARSON this year when making your Christmas Purchases. He has an especially dainty line ‘of cards and booklets. (L Your attention is called to his line of up-todate novels, popular copyrights and gift books. This stoCk deserves your consideration. will have on display ; Geo. Hall Second 'Floor Rood Building The Stationer eésonable Millinery on displax fox 30m inspection the latest styles and ideas in Evansto‘n ' E THE momma) PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND FiARK alumna ! Mrs. M. M. McNamee entertained the iladies of the~27th Inf. at bridge on Tues- {day evening. Mrs. C. F. Hoyt was hostess at abridge Fatternoon on Saturday for Mrs. Spencer Smith who wastormerly Miss Jeanette :Clark. daughter of Major and Mrs. C. g C. Clark. 3 Lt. Phillips and Lt. Sneed ot the 27th 2 Inf. and Lt. R. E. Smyser of the 15th Cav. i have been detailed to Ft. Leavenworth, ‘ Kansas to report by December 15 on : prison duty. Attention of members is called to tl’e notices recently issued regarding tle regulation of visitors cards to the club. Members wishing these cards are asked to apply as far in advance as possible in order that they may be mailed to the guests in time for what ever ocrasion they are required particularly so it they are wanted for the dances and moving pictures Quitea number of telephone messages are received on the day of the events, too late for invitations to be mailed. , Rehearsals for the Southern Musical party are well under way and under the competent direction of Mrs. Charles Schauffier. an unusually good entertain- ment will be gresented on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. tenth. The amateur per- ,mances given in the past at the club. have been extremely popular and a great amount of excellent talent is to be found among the members. Rehearsals will be held on the evening of Monday. Dec. 2nd and a full dress rehearsal on December 9. The moving picture exhibitions will be resumed on next Friday. Nov. 29 and will commence promptly at eight o‘clock p. m. Th9 Pathe Picture of Current Events Will be the second oh‘.lhe program. The 'l‘hankgiving eve cmillion will take place Wednesday under the leader- ship of Mr. Alvar Bourniquu I! is to be abrllham affair and dinners will prr cede the dance. Among the hnslesscs are Mrs. chry Duty, Miss Murgurc! Deming, who \\ xll entcrxuln wwrul t1 me mfurnmlly .15 m“ sts Munmu- Hulan» .‘ll35r5 [\Uln “(C3) dull “UL” I\L'l\.lll ll Visited the Glen View school Ml‘llCl‘l is 1 ‘ taught by Miss (.racu Carnlan l‘nday. An i-xrellent meeting was held on the iiztcrnoun 01 Thursday, Novembertwemv- first at the Highland Park club at three o'clock when Mr. Lester Bodine, Superin Th" MU Sigma Cl girls held 3 meeting tendent of Compulsory Education, :id- 3‘ ' the h‘m‘t‘ 0’ Misses Horenberger dressed the members of the 0530“. Prt- Thursday evening. A ”“33”? party was ceding’ Mr. Bodine's address a brief talk XM‘" by them Saturday evening ‘0 see was given by Dr. Halsey of Lake Forest, “Way “Own 33%" president of the board of directors oil Mrs‘ S. S. Love spent the past week Deerfield-Shields. who mentioned the 1 with her sister in Chicago. needs of the high thool and spoke of the Miss Laura Karch has painted some appreciation {3" by ”‘05" Who were in"attractive water color posters for the ""851er rwhen anything was d9” to i dramatic entertainment which will be further the‘ interests of the school. Princi- Y giy'en by the choir girls Friday night. p: 1:18“; Smgth and Mi: $ul7ey Oil Miss Grace Carolan expectsadelega- t e .m ace rammar 5c 00 aso 3p'ltion of sixty-five Vt'eachers to visit her ”cared °“ W ””3“” The “C’s‘méschooi at Glen View which is The Stan- of the afternoon were Mrs Ira-.l- Geer. l dard one-room Country School of Cook chairman; Mrs. John Putnam. Miss Bliss. icoumy , Miss McCord, Miss Miller and Miss: Guiney i Mrs. George Karch was the guest of ”in..- L'..-,.L. A: Dad-Ann Win muarnl bee Lt. Hoffman is to report by Dec. 15 at Helena. Mom. on militia duty; Lt. Lamza to Baton Rogue. Louisana; Lt. Gregg to Tallahassee, Fla.; Lt. P. I. Smith to quartermaster duty at Ft. Thomas. Ky; Lt. Langwell to China; Lt. Hoyt to West Point; Lt. Brinkerhoff to Ft. Jay, N. Y. on signal mrps. Mrs. lhchok was hostess at a bridge party «m Tuesday evening. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Gilbert Allen was hostess at a bridge party (or Mrs. J. H. Hawlcy of Boston. who is the guest of Mrs. Williams. The guests were Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Stevenson. Mrs‘ Hickoh. Mrs. Moses, Mrs. MAcNamec, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Saville. On Friday afternoon Mrs, Bayard Snecd entenainod with a tea for Mrs. C. E. Coatcs. lurmerly Mnss Bishop. and hvr guest Mrs. Wilson of Aurora, [11. Mrs. Smwv? Emu-s on Friday for Pittsburg. Yum, \xhcrc sin- \HH \isxt rrlanxm inr :\(‘\\‘!’Ill Immiih‘ bcfim- gmng Mrs. T. B. Siegle left Monday for Boston where she will spend Thanksgiv- ing Day with relatives. [U Highland Pu'k Mail Service 1.1:: (V mail< nrrhing at this utllw: 6,30 3. m. from all pmms; 7.41 :1. mm from all pUinis; 9'32". .L m. from all points; 12.l9 p IIL tram all points; 1”?) p. m. {rum all points: 3:43 lrmn ull puints nurth; 3:” p. m. {rum all points; 5:44 p m. from all palms: 6.12 p. m from all pumts north. Mull clmes at postotfice danly except Sunday: 7:11 a. m. from all points norlh; 8:00 a. m. from all points except for Highwood to Kenosha: 11:41 a. m. for all points north, 1235 a. m. for all points except for For! Sheridan to Kenosha; 2:13 p. m. for all points south. east and west; 3:14 p: m. for all points north; 5:42 p. m. for all points; 8:00 for all points: Sundays 5:16 p. m. A. W. FLETCHER, Postmaster. “'va “‘lml unwd \uu du Hum-gr I! you New Iu-fl :I widmvvr': ”Uh Uh. I Inmw H»- sanw 2|: 301: would If you "rm left a widow. Wife You horrid \rretv-bt And you sold me you could never can for anybody else.- Boston Tnnscflpt. The Highland Park Club Ft. Sheridan Notes 'n unmmh Ossoli Club in.\d.\ l Deeffield News ltemsl The November meeting of the Presby- terian Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Rosebro Thursday afternoon. A paper on Latin America. was read by Mrs. Knaak. Gantemala in Transition was the subject of Mrs. C. J. Davis' article, Mrs. Ralph Knickerbocker told Wonder Storieg of Latin America, and Mrs. F. H. Meyer urged the need of medical work among the Mexicans. Mrs. Frank Peterson sang a missionary hymn, and Miss Ida Knaak played the piano during the serving of refreshments. The Dorcas Society will hold in an nunl sale in the to'wn hall Thursday afxer noon and evening, Dec. 5. Miss Laura Karch~ has painted some attractive water color posters for the dramatic entertainment which will be giv'en by the choir girls Friday night. Misses Ruth Kress and Ruth Ruichrlt usual the (Men View school MhiCh is taught by Muss (iracu Carnlan Friday. Miss Grace Carolan expects a delega- tion of sixty-five Vt'eachers to visit her school at Glen View which is The Stan- dard one- -room Country School of Cook County. Miss )rsnc Huffman nf Glen Vicw is vgp'uing Muss Mamie Karrh. A! the nwrting of the Parent-Trachm] Assm‘gglimn held Friday an urgent m‘ vimxiun wac given 1???- parexns and 1mm)": 14) \hil the school and become acquainted \xnh the work 0! the teachers. A >0”): :0 an air from Beethoven's Xnnh Symphony. was adopted by the,- mcmbvrs, Mrs. George Karch was the guest of Mrs. Karch of Portage, Wis., several days during the week. Mrs. Peterson of Rockford, “L, was the guest of her son, Frank Peterson the past week. Mrs. Joseph Wolfl' entertained a num~ bet of her friends at a card party Thurs- day afternoon. Mr. Albert Osterman and Miss Martin of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Willman Sunday. The M. S. C. met at the home of the Misses Horenberger Friday night. Announcement is made of a musicale to be given at Smith's Pavilion Shermer- ville, “1., Dec. 7th, by the pupils of Miss Frances Biederstadt, assisted bv George Berkman, violinist? Miss Clara Pyle. reader, and Mrs. Frank Peterson. soprano. Mr. and Mrs. Hilshaff of Chicago were guests of Mr. and’Mrs. Carl Lange Sun- day. Remember the dramatic entertainment to be given by the choir girls of the HolyCross Church at Anderson's hall Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stryker and children and Miss Annie Miller visited in Chicago Sunday. Miss Reay of Chicago was a guest of Miss Josie Woodman Sunday. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Ida Segert and Mr. Woodman Todd On Dec. 7th at four o‘clock at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mrs. Adams was: the guest of her son Edd Adams of (irayslake Sunday. xuuu nun» ‘v .. .m.', iBay Road and receive rewg'd Pd F. R. Rosebro Willi read the service. A reception for the immedia‘e famiiy will follow the ceremony. Miss Virgie Parsons of Des I’laines was a guest of Miss Sadie (EaHoway several days during the week‘ On Saturday evening. Nov. 39th occur- nd the nizirrmgv (it Mr. Edward Selig and Miss Hazel Krusv at tht- bride's home in L‘hii'ugu. The cereimmy was performed by Dr l’mwr of the Lawn dale Baptistchuuh I'm bride wire a white crept- melt-or dress and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lillies of the valley. The home was beautifully decotatcd with palms. ferns and cut flowers. Alter congt‘alulations had been offered supper was served at 10:30 the newly married couple left amid a great shower of rice and shoes. for a short tn'p to Hoopole, lll. The guests num- bered nearly one hundred and many very beautiful gifts were received. James Waring was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening by a number of his friends. the occasion being the annchr- sary of his birthday. The evening was spent in playing gamu. ~Los‘râ€"â€"A French bull dog whit: with 9“ blackfinarks. Answers to Tammy. Reâ€" 1‘ turn same no Mouley‘ hnp, 3 Green“ Before you select yours, come and see us. 0dr line’ this year is selected with care and .we endeavor to have something to suit all tastes, t prices within reach of all. We will mention a few here: (L Perfumes in fancy boxes. '1‘ ‘let Waters, Hand Mirrors and Toilet- Sets (L We carry an excellent line of Hair Brushes and Combo at all prices. (1 Stationery. Our stock in this line: will interest you , Note papermakaas a useful present, we have a large stock of many designs;- a ' Phone 200 THE HIGHLAND PARKi. PHARMACY, DmpgwstI’ 1 About We know you} are iflterested 11 W.Coatnl AWWPuk No cigar can ’be of higher and better quality than the “ARTILLA” Cigar, which is pure Havana filler, and Havana wrapper, well made and excellent flavor. and which we ‘sell for 5 cents. Box of fifty, $2.00. We don’t hesitateto call this our leader. Holiday Goods We now ligvc the finest and most complete line (if Statiom‘i’y We have ewr carrird. “We are again (it'll-ring you‘ during the month of December that Mic box of Cascade linen 48 sheets and 48 chclupe-s for . 25: Also a Steel embossed initial paper rogular price 33“ 25c Also a beautifully gold cmlmssed paper "' “ SOC 40c We believe these prices and the quality of the goods will make it worth your while to buy your stationery of us. Boys "Corduroy Norfolk '1, Sliits The Best Wearing School Suit made Special this Week Chas. H. Warren Co. Phone 1 10 Lord Baltimore Linen Paper Bokara Litien Paper ...... Symphony Lawn Paper.. , . . Fine Stationery Artilla ‘ Cigars book out for the cars! The Fords are coming two hundred thousand strong ---and stronger. The fact that it is the most thoroughly tried and tested car in the world is the best guarantee of the Ford's reliability .\ and superior Worth. One hunr‘r- d and seventy thousand Fords m Service- -and every Ford user a Ford “booster" Nrw prices- lrunflbuut $525---touring car $600- deh'ven' .car $625~40wn car $80()---with all equipment. 1‘ o, 1;. Detroit. Gel particulars from THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1g: n! fnr Lukr {mg/y, Including Hugh/and I‘m}; LALBER T LARSON . H. MUHLKE “FORD $5 Deerfield, Illinois Highland Park 25¢ per 35¢ per 50c*per

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