Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Jan 1913, p. 4

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29'»: , I Sm Dome inend shuuld ask (M )0an cannon. ”ls the besl loo ?" I know ywr un- ndor. 1 Thgn supposg you nad tried sh on the market Includr em in N BB and a fnend asked w ypu like best. We know er. I! would be {he tame rbdsof other enthusmstlc [SH users would gin- 11‘ (h; same quesuon, ii at High lid Park. Lake County. Illinois; Win Wmu av JOHN L Uom‘ Tele e z: :: Highland Park 5625 The qditor of the Waukegan Sun says; “It' s ra her hard as usual to get used to wnun “1913'â€"n0b0dy finds '1: out more than 0* newspaper men." We wonder howpflien he's been called upon to get used mg writing “1913". The Man Across the Street would like to say fsomething about the man who leaves his horse standing unblanketed while lie attends to duties (?l in nearby stores Where there is a nice warm tire but his thoughts are all unprintable; at least the paper would he unmailable if they “are printed. If you have ever seen an aut mobile with a huge fur mbc C0\- erin'g i 3 engine standing next to .1 poor shit-uh; unblanketed horse ynu can proba y appreciate what the thoughts of The 3 n .\L ross the Street lll't‘ E'vu‘ ntly the ReadUfiicersoi ler- Mml‘ emiW )dmcn of America apprccmxc the valdc bf advcnlsing fur they commue m adviseitlte local camp urszanlzutinns of that *lX‘JK‘K)‘ to adx crhse m (h:- local newsp‘ipcrs. stating that “tho local paper is the gbfil mcdlum". Where [ho field will wtnam {he ullin'crs recommend (he useEM display Lulvcnlsmg. .\ aanp) pllr amp. onus a week Will get rcsultx m theio nion of Head COIHUl .-\. R. Talbot, bug! display ad wxll attract gremu‘ atténdon. Th Head Officers know that they haw.- some 'ng to sell. the same as the manu» faciurÂ¥r or the local merchant In their case it is a good line of insurance for the befie‘ of all members of the home andl they _now that the best place to advertise it i; W the home and that the local news- pape which prints all the home news. is the? o [6 medium which is read by all the mejm I r! of that hume; the boys and girls aréi crested in the news of their school affair parties. etc.. the debutante in the sogia cdlumn. the mother in the news of he: c ubs. the father in the business affairs oféh’ hOme city, while all, in a measure. an"! interested in everything in the local W and that. therefore. it is the best adye fing medium for the man or Con- cqrn ith something to sell to the lanfily oétlf members of the family. W? Know Your Answer , . . . AL ...,. “.4, A ~11? a PURDYngONS ' Is a marvelous dusting“ / cleamn »puhshlnx h~ _ (Uld. "nh 11 you )1st ’ us: In the usual wuV-~ E but what a diflerem‘e ’ ' No dust flying m the roomm scule duwn dyzam, Evl‘n' speck ls taken up and taken nu!- um )USK stirred up. And. at the same (:m e With no extra work. \‘uur furnitur «' g, f "wmxiwnrk and hardwood flmni ‘u‘ Clelnkd Ind DoLbhed, Tr‘, a 13" hunle ‘- u: HU'FINISH Rahal Theatre i West Centrd Ave. Sunday Special Special two reel Feature IIYAILIIMD II‘IO “ORPORAYID ,, Jan. 12,1913 PARKPRESS Mr. and Mrs. Sunxucl men had as :13: their Sunday guests Mr and Mrs. Fred h . enck l’saff of Chicago. t‘lr the Mr. and Mrs. J‘ Malone werc the Sun- andlday‘ guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of Waukegan. who Wilt“ | Mr. John Rechtenwald is quite ill with tonsilitis. , cago‘ Mr. Fritz Bah: and Mr, James Bllharz left Tuesday for California to remain a month. Miss Constance Shields wxll have today for New York where she wxll enter Rye Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday (or their Axre. Fla. Mr. F. B. Clavy of the C‘mvy Nursery recently purchased [on acrc-s 0! land on Rn'er Woods _ Mrs. W.” N Show returned Saturday from a te“ weeks v15]! wnh hrr pnrcnls m 'l‘or'vntu. Can. Car} Boon and chry Schcskrt arc on the sick In: Ihh \wck but .lrt‘ rcpurtcd mmc unpruvdi. Mr. and Mrs. (.00ng 1mm NH” lL‘d\(‘ Sauuduy for L05 Angela In spend the “mu-1" months. MI. and Mrs. Wm. Tillman left 'l‘uc: daycvvmng for Culllmnm “here the vull n-nmm at month Mr George Ruby and Mr. Wnllmn Harnsun lclt Munday tur California In rumun mdummclyx Mrs. Charles (jcary, who 'has been ill fur two weeks. was able to be about for the first time on Monday. Mrs. A. W. Fletcher will spend the re mainder of the winter as the guest of relatives in Los Angeles. Cal. Miss Manvel of Rochester, ’N. Y.. is the guest of her cousin. Mrs. C. E. Schaufiler of Oakwood Avenue. Paul Muzik is making a rapid recovery from the effects of an operation per- formed on his nose last Tuesdtay. The new serial story “His Rise to Power" begins in this issue and the fifst install- ment will be found on page se'ven. Mr. and Mrs. Keep of Andover, Mass, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Boynton during the holidays The Evangelistic meeting will continue rim wppk in First United Evangelical The Evangelistic meeting will < thus week in First L'nned Eva church. Services begin at 7:30 p Mr. and Mrs. James filowdcn spent Sundav m Libertyville as thd guests at Mrs. Moran. mother of Mm Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bard ,are to be congratulated upon the birth of a daugh- ter. born on Wedncalay. January first. Mr Eugene. Bourniquc is erectxnx three residences on N. Linden Aver. near Park Ave. to be completed in the spnng. Mr. John (Lremille Mott and his (laugh ter, Miss Grcnnllc Mutt ml] 331] the lat ter part of tlns nmnth lur South Amcrtm Mrs. Wm, Wcrhan .md Ldaughtcra Hazel and Mabel ml Shermerwllc wrn- guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. 13‘ leavy Sunday Mrs. (L H, Campbell returncd lilrl Mrs. Wm, Wcrhan .mu 'uuuguww. Hazel and Mabel 0f Shermervfllc wrn- guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. 13‘ leavy Sunday Mrs. (L H, Campbell returncd lihl week from New York where shc spent the holidays with her niece, Miss Harllm. Miss Mac McNamara. teacher in the public SChOOIs‘ uf Krnusha. Spent part of her vacation wuth Mrs. J. R Cole and family. Mr. Ray Phillips of Trayersc Cut)". Mich. has been the guest of his mother Mrs. E. E. Parrot! during the Christmas hohdays, Muss Luis erliams left Thursday fr r Kansas City. Mo. where she wrll vmt her sister. Mrs. Frank Snm'n. a bride of last spring. I L»_.‘ Mrs. Albert Cmmu-n. who has bccn visiting her father. Mr. Rydes for several weeks. has returned to her home m (ialA va, Illinois. Master H. B. C Sunday from a 1 York City where grandparents. h Mr. and Mrs, A‘ B. Fitzgerald of May wood are receiving congratulauons (m the arrival_of a daughter. born Saturday ew-ning. January 4. Mr. and Mrs Henry Jordon, fomrerly Mm Annette Fassett, married on December 24th. in and are on their way to Saska! da where Mr. Jordon is a barri the guests over Tuesday of Mr Henry Thayer. H. B. Clarke, Jr., returned lust rom a two weeks’ wsxt In New where he was the guest of his Mrs. Henry Jordon. the latter m Annette Fassett, who were December 24th. in Chicago. their way to Saskatoon. Cana- lr. Jordon is a barrister. were war Tuesday of Mr, and Mrs. W‘ A. Alexander lrf! wxxuer home at Belle . 1 THE HIGHIAND PARK was. me mpmmm whomthc unkind.“ Mn. Paul W leh San Francisco. Cgl Mr. D Andetsgn of Chicuo. who leave: for New Yogk Saturday and later will sail for Eur in the guest 0! Mr and Mrs. James C nt. Mrs. C. J. Bean} and two sons and little daughter rammed Saturday from from Muncie. 1:11,: where they went the holidays with rell‘iivea . Mrs. J. R. p i! entertaining her father. Mr. Mex; King of Gladstone, Mich. and he): brother. Leo Henry King of New Y City. ML Cyril 80an of Rockford and Mr. john Briggs 01 Mbany. N‘ Y.. were the weekend gucsu of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. London of Laurd Avenue. Mrs. Maud Shannon had as her guest last week Mrs. James Cary 01 Boston and has as her guvt (his week-end Mr: Walter Slocum (J New York. Mr. and Mm'hempsu-ad. Mr. and Mn Kinney Smith 0‘ Chicago were guests over Sunday of r. and er Henry 8. Clarke. Ens! Ccnrfial Aucnuev The Dorcas Stilt”: ol the l’resbylcnan church will hold Lg meeting In thc church parlors on Mon 7. Jan. 13. Lumhenn Wlll be served m_' elvc o'rlm‘k. On Tuesday Ci‘ffl inn. Januan 14 the Iddxcs of St. Jame. ”Calholu «huth Hugh “nod. wxl! mu 3 card pan» m lhr ‘ hurch hall. Ek'aybody welnnmz Flht Baptist c urrh lupus for ~\‘undmy, Jun 1‘}, mommy. "l‘hr Wmllh ul Lmfi' menmg. “The“ Suprvxm- (hmu- " Th:- Imhrsnu will play m (hr ('\\'nIHK \rrxu'r A n-d bnck mulcncc ls hung chain! by Mm W. F. Mullrr of Chungnmn I’m» pod Avenue din-(11y cast 0! the nrw hmnr wu‘ml)‘ gumpkclcd by Mr Edgar Mt. Schlanti. d ion rum 6;, 5H .-\ m‘w rvsxdcnx Is hung vrcclrd nn rlu- \HHK‘I ut Shrndnn Road and Fun-u .\\(-m.c by M! .-\lc\dndvr Stewart 0' L'hu'ugn ' Miss Turnln'v. uuumpamrd by her nephew, Sinimlhnn 'l‘urnlvy lehzncr and Mr WIHI My\1urtrle sank-d [mm .Vchnrk 0 M'rdncxhy (m l’anantu nephew, Mn'flhhnn lurnlvy lenzncr and Mr WIHI My\1urtrle sank-d [mm .Vchnrk 0 M'rdncxhy (m Panama and ”w Wm! "Am: Mr. and M“. Arthur W Jrrrrms, who are at xhc' Mmannc. wull occupy (ht‘lr realdcnce on Andrn Ave. wnhm two weeks. Thcfi‘ru‘cnfly purchaurd the home of Kenné‘t R. anan which they have enlarged. Mrs. Henry lBoyd Will have as her guests her sbtqr Mrs Earl V. [kam- and two limedaughtcrs. Nancy and Olive Deane. and Miss Bencrman ol Rndlcy Path P4., w" Will arrnc m Highland Park on Salfifday .. Mr. and Mix Joseph Husband. the lat» ter formerly .433: Eleanor Brownuf High- land Park. mm of aneapolls were the guests during the holldays 0! Mrs. llus~ band's parents, Mr and Mrs. Francna Brown of Han-L A\ cnuc. Mrs. Williflmfrcmh was called to Del- ;marr. ()hm by the wrmus Illness of her uncle Mr Leg- ‘Varn-n and Will remain in lk-luware. @dctinxlly llunng her ab scnce the slslcs'nl Mr Flrnch, Mm (on will remainjq'c. Mr and art, H C. Schumm‘hrr. who hmo been the nest: 01 Mr and Mrs, F W Schumm:h§‘<durihg last week hau- rctulm-d to th“ hmm- .1! Yakima, Wash Aflcr an extended eastern trip when they visited New York. Washmgtnn. I) 1‘ and M11 plan-s of nun-rm! m Mr and M33. C. W. Buckley un- spend- ing 1hr mnu‘r in the south Thr huh d us were spent 1n New Orleans and (In 11 there [hay yum (u l lqucnnn l’arxsh thmx. Lnuifiana when- Mr. Hmkh‘) (mus a ninth. Thu “I“ tx- )(nmd there the Lnttrr pg .ui this mnnlh by Mr, and Mn Rnfwrtfliy'rklm uf Maplt- Aw-nuc. Mr. .md (Inwd [hen and .H’t’ m will remain L‘. and N817)! plzu Virginia. E Lamp rue Ruin: .u [\xu [,4le Fan-“Jun ind.“ .m rt'pr. mug: 11.“ pm \I .Lh‘h l‘hunddy iwnmg pam playrd and ‘htn (ha. a .1 at mernmqr {hunt} nfr served by {It hosu'sus. ll wnll befwelcumr news that Mr. Fridrnck Dole- w cau'rlng b me.“ at [hr c Central Avlnue and She- open on Jadumy 1:3. F1): ll wrll belwvelt‘umr news to many hr-rc that Mr. Fridrnck Dole- WI” castahluh a calming b me.“ at [hr cnrner 0! East! Central Avlnue and Shrudan Road to open on Jadumy 1:3. For a long mm- surh :1 plaq- has bet-n m demand and It 1> \‘rryl’ Mllahu‘lury that a man with Mr. [Krlr's excellent record as the steward or the Highland Pdrk Club. when he was exucphonally popular and noted for his cxccumc abnlxty, and later a caterer ark! prupnctnr 'uf thc Laurel apartmcmsi the gnmth m hrs business forum: hmfi to It'llrt from his poatmn It the club. :1 now prepared to meet the many dcm'Qnds Much Ml! doubtleu be made for His scrnces mmummm d the 0* ”wad-atom u 3-- mmman Cad-o nu room on theevenincof WM- 1.0- 15 m Mis- Henn;(u [W M" W Pfimr. Mi. Elizabeth Rohf- "'3" “M 9mm .nd m- Emm- Sumo“- Mr.Paul Vlckery. I manner 0! we Fxculry ll lnteflocken School. Indian. Wuthe week-end cud Of Mn Wand Knupp gnd returned on Monday “mm- panied by Lovell Underwood. Mr. and Mr: Winn-m A. Peltmn ul Chicuo were also Sunduy guest: of Mn Knapp and wanted lhc Presbyterian Sunday school. Mr. Pclrrwn n I prummem Sunday whorl workcr and was gmdy Inlérnlcd in the method: and plant used here. Mn, Joseph Albert June: 01 New York. who has many {ncnds m Highland Perk, havmg been a frequent vtlitor It the home u! Mr 3nd Mn. Rex L. Jones 0! Lmden Park Pbce. ml! tail on January thxnieth aboard the steamship Comnnu for the Mcdnernnezn tnp “commuted hy Mtu Anna Seymour 0! New York. I slsterpf Mrs. Rex Jones. Mn Jnu-ph Albert Jones and Min Seymour, follow» mg the crunpe. "I” motur nn the Cunttm-nt and later vntt at the H“. u! a frwnd tn luly. The oflixrru elected by Pull Lodge 36h, Mun" “when of lhr Wurld. urn In , smllnl m their rrspfitnc uthu‘n a! (ht-l: . . regular "wrung 0f the lodge on Munduy Ax], ru‘nmu, January sixth M Huron“ lull . ‘ Mrs.) E lhm'nn. l)l>lf|Cl Manage-r. an Inn u Supreme (lrand lnsmllxna ull‘crr Hymnal Fredrncl R MmuL l't‘rln'l. Elmer Hrrdkluu. Mmmru Hugo Svhm-ulerl Sn‘rrlmy, lidmn Lanum, Mnnlmll Mn W11lmm§4lyan1x “mm-L and Ame-d Hill. TrUslh .Uu'x ”W In IR slallzumn ccrcmnnnw :m lilmn‘ahd 331 ln-Hurr'nn Cnlurndo um xnrn all" A “huh rvhrihmrnls \n-u- H-nc-d The vvr-nxnu program dosed wuh (lam mg i cw-mng prufifam ”(Md wun (lam mg 'l‘hr many old (nrnds and m qunmlanrrn m Mu L' P (madam. “11v 0' meiunnrr pastor o! lhc Highland quk Prrdnlrnan \‘hunh. rnyuyrd a rare mus“ al magnum nn Sunday Ihcn Mrs (olumbus l'ulk (Loudsnn, who W» 1hr werk end gun! of Mm Ward Knapp. sang a! (he morning and the evcmng wrvu‘n To quote the remark made by a member of [he congre- gmmn. “Mrs. Uoodurn's remit-rm“ u! the beauleul hymn! by Robe" Marine». "Nanny "II Crou" and ‘Shudmu" was a scrmon m HIGH." That the Ul'l‘lnfll CopIcs of these hvmm nre m (hr pours- men 01 Mr Frederick M Sll'fk‘ Is 01 In- tcmt {or Mr Steel's love of hymnology us well known and he hu the lnrunt to)» lean.“ 0! original copies tn the world with “mature: and a great many photo» graphs. tufts u! the cumpourn‘ Mr. Steele told of seeing Mrv Harkmn ml at the pane and compute the mmderlul hymtuot which he I) the «umpnwr (I thc mum and trrqucntly ot the words. Um- cvrntnfl whtlc a guest m Mr Stu-«1'. humr Mr. Harkncas un thc upur of the mutncnt composed three of his mun brautttul hymn; At present hr |.\ With Mr Wibur Chapman nn an Austmltnn tnur an (Lundwn lc-tt here [0 )mn her husband at Sprungtn-ld and mm: m sptflai Evangelisttc .‘CIVK‘Q‘I whit h hr n. ton» duttmg Ahrr whtch 5hr vull tnmr tu Waukegan to am“, the Iattrr put mt thtt munlh. The present hnmr at M: and \1r~ Goodsnn Is at Wausa» Ind "H...“ , A‘ .t .ompk-tc ‘uwm- tn 1hr trund- U! A Lawrence litukym mum-s lhr an. nuumc-mrnt that Mrs Janeln-xialc Sb)! 0! Kalumalw, Mumgan. ammum n thr engagement at he: daughtrt Hrlrn Lunar m A Lawrrmc turban mm .4 M”, Eduard A. Enckum ut Ihla t1!) Mm Henry Martyn Bacon rntntmnrd on the n cmng ol Januarv mm“! In hunur n! he! dnuxhtrr Betty "Int-nu young proplc cnmyc-d an old lanhmm-d rsrmn‘ o! gamn Ind (andy making The Woman's Mturmzr) homely ol the Prrnlntrnan L'hurt'h held tll regular mung m the chun h partors m) Wednes- d4y attcmuun at thn-r u'tlu it. Dr Mary Urdu: “I (.uatcmah ~South .‘um'rtcn tn the sprain-r and there “(It many In ll undam‘r, Following thc program trauns served by the folknnng hustm Mn ,Ht B. Rubens Mn Harry D Fan-n, Mn. Geofgc At Schofitld and MmsLaura Ken nod) ‘ urn' gmwla m \\ min. M331) Ilougl - HMH‘ Addmonal Obse rvvr br: mt ”mind”: l‘nxk Iiidk‘b ~13 A! .n larm- lvrnim pun (m .. A“!!! \rtl :Ht’sn‘ I! a (taughlflr ‘4 lummg w Hmhland ,n k Illdk‘b (HRS v». ' kwwxww 142% 544%? North Shore; Trust Company Capital $100,000 Org-nixed node: the Matt I urn-II) o! loam on Impvowd untied“! Rage” Purl, Lvnuua Hithhnd; Path and Lab! Farm. Inwuun filing ulc mvcumrnu mung-cu Aunt-bk Stud hr J F!“ “‘4‘"! ol M“;-I" A (My. Vivid.“ Chad” A ‘nchlâ€"al, I‘snnuoo, Vccov'voudcnl ‘fl.-I ‘ Yum-I. (lain-1 SK man) at our t‘ittzvns whn haw butlt. what lb ”It moxt important contract on the hnuw and the) ml! to” _\uu THE ”EA TINU CUIN'TRJL '1‘ \Vh)? Bunny thm mum in mistakr and tank the Cht'ffll‘st. Now thv) knmx {In In is the (ha/[NM You get tht' truths and saw Iht‘ dtftt-tm» A in fuel m .1 good plant. \M- installed about thmt pharm which an- umnng the best m town and wuuld Ix glad tn ttn nish gnu n hxt tn nwvstigatr T; H. DECKER c0. 126 E Centrd Ave. Telephone 201 “The Imperial” Dyers ggglmgleaners Tchphonoo No doubt yuu are acquainted mm the (1335 of work we have done 1n thv past. but DO YUl' KNOW. that uur department fur Pressing. Ro- pain'ng and Rt-mt’xivlmg Ladies" and (Ecnt'S Wearing Apparel is done right hcrt- in Highland Park. by an EXPERT TAILOR of many years emx-rimcv The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You PHARMACIST l HIGHLAND PARK Special Announcement my»: will (all for and deliver North Shore Trust Comp-m! Highland Pals. Ill 5338 [-3.3 >32... n:_n>oo r53? . :Xu 0: mvulmrnu Iur Stud hr |IN MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 3...“. Ln" of the mconponnm rd red at." m WuImrm Kcm (I! nus! tundt 99* WM .4 Al Imwrmm c In the Nunh bhnn lt"!|l Kcmlwurlh \‘mnukn (New In] Gnu. (Lu-IN u (; him “no! (106qu 1 mm ‘ and nuln vull m State of Illinoh you r garmm ts Dncruy - 8152 "1-1 A Slur-it ”I'd Highland Purl: Paudrm The Chic announce 21a! suhje ‘ undn) . ownmg pr Write prm bought p11 pun‘haw. ever: Lo‘ Rddmtm j Electric C balance e h per Cvni and or r of

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