Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 2

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i? Mrs. Walter H. Baldwin wilchmenain at a dinner oanriday evening. - Mrs. A. M. Lowrie entcmined a num- ber of friends at cards on Friday . Mrs Francish “(Bard of Maple Avenue. n-nnrtainpd at a dinner for tcn on Salur» several huudrml dulam‘ worth of rmuu While the upright hm: 2| uive smooth top on which [Mr H [war may he placed, The plunn ls usually plnyul by ynuua ladies until the yuuu: tunu prupnsvs It Is also playwl by young men In th: pan song shag-s lu thuse places the: youth. who hm nnwlu: hnlr and n dlscoumged n-wktle. “Hows n l-lgnrettt to hang from uné mnwr of hls mouth whlle he shout.- n sung (rum tlu- 0th corner and Us?! the Ioud pedal e-xrlu Ilvely. What Hurt Hum “Did you ln'nr nlmut tho- M‘tldvit {C lenks’.“ 3 "\\ by. uo. “hut In'f'lmwuul ' "Oh. the dflrllml '(III “'31 st-‘lhflnly hurt thla ltltm-umn,” “In his uutnumhllv. "No. thnt's tho trouble "\Vbat da ynu tut-nu? reckless drln-r. utnl 'â€" "And you thluk he “m. hurt in tn. car. “'0“. ho \\‘:|~n't llv “ml ,hurt by l trw mmut ten (ow-t llllt'ild of lhv car. If he'll I’m-u uhle («1 sm) In (h.- l fillil‘nl‘t'?’ f I know m"! :1 Mrs. Frederick Boynton entertained the Daughters of the American Revolu‘ tion at their regular meeting on Monday afternoon. An interesting and well writ- ten paper entitled “The January of 1766" was read by Mrs. Joseph Fearing. Two vocal selections were beautifully sung by Miss Frances Steever with Mrs. C. G. Alexander at the piano. Teaiwas‘served at the end of the program. Among the Chicago entertainments to which a large number of Highland Park ladies have been guests was an at home given by Mrs. George Woodland, Mrs. Leroy Woodland. and Mrs. Frederick Buchannan Woodland at the Blackstone from three to six o'clock on Monday and at the “at homes" at which Mrs. John Dean Bangs is hostess on Monday after- noons in January from {our to six o'clock at 3861 Ellis Ave Mrs Francish .Bard entertained at a dinner day evening. Cards haw been received bv munv Highland l’tirlu rs to a tna to be gin-n b\ Mrs [inward Payne Buchannan Miss Fuvsler and \liss Buchannan on Monday afternoon. February third [rum thru- tn 51x o'clock at 4559 Lake Ave. Chicago. ()n Saturrdny owning a number' of friends of Mr. and Mrs J. Malone xaw them a very pleasant surprise in honor of Mr. Malone's birthday There were thh'ty guests present and all enjoyedfthe evening by playing cards. Mrs. W. J. Fyffe was hostess on Thurs- day of last week at a luncheon and bridge to sixteen ladies at lemoor in honorzof her guest. Mrs. J. C. Baird for whom;she also entertained at tea on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Pardridge en- tertained at a large and unusually delight- ful farewell btidge party at Exmoor on Monday evening. This was followed "by an afternoon bridge on Tuesday when Mm Pardridge was hostess to a'number (1 ladies. Pnunt Day Methods From the View pomt of a Cymc. The plmm is mm M our lwsl known musical imlrunwnts It was Invented uevernl humlrwl )‘t‘:|l'~ ugu and In its earlier hwurlmtinm uu.‘ known as th» apIm-t UI' tlw hum-4‘ lmrtl ulul :If'ful‘dw) eminent aunts many oppormnities [1, portray lnngni‘hing hulk-s soured ho- tore IL in)“: tlw (Shh-mg" ['ust, The piano rnnws either m- I’lght or a grand The gm large. flat urulmsithm (hut t several hundred dulam‘ worth While the upright hm: 2| nive top on which brit-nlmn- ‘ placed, Mrs. George Schofield will be hostess ; at (m informal bridge party tonight at 1 her home on Hazel Ave. : Mrs. John Snyder entertained the members of the Euchre club at her home on W. Central Ave.. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Duty entertained at 3 din- ner for nuts on Tuesday evening preved- mg the dance at the Highland Park Club A number of Highland Park people have received invitations to a supper party and an evening of cards tonight at the home of Col. and Mrs. WV E. Chat- ticld of Fort Sheridan. ' Mn. Irene A. Saflord of Cary Avenue, who was formerly a well known news- paper wrjter of St. Louis, Mo.. entertain- ed a number of the Ravinia ladies on Wednesday afternoon of last week to meet Mrs; William Hard of Evanston. Mrs. Charles Rudolph of the county lmc road. entertained a number of friends and relumes at cards Saturday evening. Mrs. Thomas Clements will at A dinner for nine on Fri the guests er'attend (he mm at the Highland Park club. Mrs John Tuttle enterta ly at bridge this afternoon Mrs. EdMn T. Swobe .1 Wallace 0f ()mnha. who 1m Frcd. Nlcholus B.|ylies. In the old days. before worm-n he came advanced as (My are now. H WI: ('(JDS'dQ“f‘tN‘ quite «ome- doings tr play a pin-e U" the pinnn which n- qulred the hands tu lw ('rvmsfli va ldays the piano Is fitted with n wl: playing atmr-hment. and the young man caller feeds a puruull “hut?! Into It. 3 Four Great Sauce... A Frenchman has declared [baa “man has created the culinary art. B. does not eat like an animal-he breakfasts, dines apd pupa." The French are finrdculnrly eloquent on the subject of sauces. Among their famous chefs are recogxilud four great mumm-Snanish. \‘eloute. The Social Side of Life PLAYING THE PIANO. )mas Clements will be hon ’35 for nine on Friday. Later er‘attend (he motmn pictures T. Swobe and Mrs. Eva ‘mha. who are vlsmng Mrs entertained infurmal~ :ermwn m honm of ‘ither m- an up The grand is a 1 (hut takes up 1‘ worth of rmmn .vx 2| nive snth 2! [war may he Local Affairs of the wee By the Observer Miss Edith Boynton. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Charles S. Boynton. had her guest on Wednesday of last week is: Jeanne/De Mare of Denver. Coll. mnfl- daughter of the late Mr. Healy. thezwell known portrait painter and entertained at a luncheon for eight in her Mnor. Among the guests were Mm Joseph Hus. band, Miss Marguretta Brown. Miss Mabel Dick of Lake Forest. Miss hlay Merryweather. Miss Shields. Mn. E$rett Millard, Miss (ienewexe Mott. Min Priscilla Carver, and Miss Ruth (irfqory of Chicago. 2 There have been a number of 'aiairs given recently In honor of Mrs. “John Harmon who with her children 'lettt this week for Beaumont. Cal, where uh! Wlll make an extehded visit with relative: She will first visit her mother andismters. Mrs. George Darcy Boulton and Miss Marjorie and Miss Muriel Boultonjwho have a new home in Beaumont vixen- are gathered quite a colony of Hig and Parkers. The Boultons were amon ‘lthve oldest residents here when they left eral years ago and sold their bealititul place on Prospect Ave. to l. B. Te{bell. Mrs. l'rederick Bowiton was hostea at an informal bridge on Wednesdm after- noon. Jan. 15th. in honor of Mrs. llargnon The guests-were Mrs. Russell Mull, Mm lrene Floyd. Mrs. George Lytton. :Mrs. Thomas Bellhouse. Mus. 13mm 1.. Martin. Jr, and Mrs. James Prinrlnillc . On Thursday Miss Towner entertainq‘l at lunt‘heon in honor of Mrs Harmon: and in the aftemuun bridge “as played The Mystic Workers of the World men ‘ Thom! have the knack of giving the moot enjoy- ‘ . ed Am able and successful entertainment: as ; the lat that of Monday evening when. lollowingl the installation of the Banker. Mr. S. T. 3 Rebling' and Sentinel. Mr. Samuel High. Secretary and Mn Hugo Schneider were presentedon the occasion of the third' anniversary of their wedding with I ‘ large. elaborately frosted cake finest 1 tempting tp the eye but‘ipon attempting' to cut it'it was discovered to be of iood,’ a perfectlyproper token of the wc‘nden‘ wedding celebration This was the. oc-1 casion of much laughter and fun equally enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Schneidq. AS number of speeches were made and} Mr, Albert Larson was called upon and re- plied in his usual apt and humorous manner of expression. Refreshments were served and dancmg closed the! pro gram for the evening. The Mystictare planning to entertain at a valentine dance at the Ravmia Park Casmu I locum: The Mr. Ha langun rullnlr of Afrl graph- writer- publlrl Thou In lierl (an M5 lllllt Mr. Ba [Mu letting Turn it the Pl}! plum-«l (hii [ml in L"\I'I A number of Highland l‘arkers; were entertained at one (if the most delifiitlul affairs of the winter on Friday méninx when Mr. and Mrs. William EuTc-n Broeck and Mr and Mrs. Henry :[Mty gave a musu‘ale at the Ten Him-ck home. Appearing on the program {were Miss Katherine Reynolds Mk‘COFfiHCk. who gave an exquisue interpretive head- ing of Paul Lawrence [)unbar's ”Spring Poems;" Miss Laura Kittredge Kermedy gave two humorous monologues enfitled “Her First Visit to the Butcher " and “Buying Wall Paper." This was followed by the musical program given by Mr. Samuel Leviton. Violinist;‘_Mr. Karl Klumnsteiner, cellist. and Mr. George Knackstedt. pianist. The (allow- ing ladies assisted in pouring in the: din» ing room, which was attractively rat- ed in pink rota and greenery: rs. Frank Lincoln Wean, Mm Frederi¢ M. Steele.'Mra. John Grenville Mott, ;Mn Earl Spencer. Mrs. Daniel CobeMm William Morgan, Mrs. J. V. Marylin". of Wilmette, and Miss Follansbee. as the nerhnlm-mh u-nlun In.: the eighteenth {hm \n-rv Inmlmwl Ivy; tlu‘ masters 0" “nuke-r}. |I;lX'[i<‘ll|ur|_\“ by Cureme. wing \\ :15 ('zlllr‘d "Hm Huphnm 0f the kitchen " q The Spaniel: NIHI'Q‘ is mmpmvd M juices extrurh-d {mm 1: Imxruré of bum. voul. «'lxlvkvn :md [tho-null”. ‘ \"w luute I! similar. mm N no! mIQn-d Bechnmel h Yelnme In “nu-h "yum has been mldml. and (h.- Ih-rumn Sfllu‘v ls Velmm- plus the )ulkp of exp.â€" Harper's Ba‘mimel um! Ho-rmun l‘ln- Spayhn and Vel'onte wen- knnu'n u-x rnr *nt'k "And you think he “it"- hurt in in. car. “'0“. ho wum'l llv “ml hurt by l trw "mu! ten (ow-l uhvud of In" car. If he"! I’m-u uhle («1 sm) In (h.- car he‘d um‘vr nm‘e lweu hurl" Cleveland l'iniu Man'l mg Mania. 9 Accordnu: In M th-rmzun Mnlmzlut. man umdvj n miurukn- “ht-n volltgrim ago he t'hiInm-d Mum-If (mm :4 ( Ind mped In :| bun-d, the mnlmntinn tan-lug Yhnl umn)‘ [On-sent thu' “I: ah- dév to (‘Irrying the wine in nu nprlgln final- llon when vlt wus inn-mind In lw'car fled horixolnully - ‘ Accountcd For. «rue baby’s awful mm."- ma Mabel. “Yen; they come bald nn purposé. 1! they had hnlr they'd pull It all out. Ind then all that hair would be waned." aid Tommy.qullmlelpl1ln Recon). Dvu ler Whn (ho Ear. Induce“. Thr thin. angular on: '5 5am to do nnh- luul h-Inpc-r um! n'nM-H) Sumll mu] lhln ear- nslmllr don"t. dt-Hrnv)‘ um! rv-nhmurnl A‘ mn- inrrvnmm ”10- var immune. mun- nugnlur mud nman-d . I'l‘ol'll' ul'h mush-u! ("Mm- cum-rally huxn- lnruv nnd ['rumtm-hl «urn A‘unurmully Inrgv. lhlu-L enr- are III- Hm! “HI: :1 m-n-mul um! mmrsr ML mu U? Don Quinn... Drive I nth-k firm!) lnvn (ho ground. letllng It utnnd shunt Iwu {rel hllh Turn a flower pot m'o-r [he (up Out of the plnyerx. with eyes blindfolded. \- plux-nl nlmul h-n pure: dlulnn! (rum (hu- [ML “Uh hl: hark toward 't He I1- glu-n n-cnm- or n uhh'n Ith'k and l' ”Ir “mm! 1»! .umunlml turlm Ind IM- nnr vs in l’lo'(“rQ-1'Unl|l|l'vlIH'IIIHIKHHMI the sink:- to he. lha-n huftu uh“ unkn- rignrmnly 'It llw [ml in lhv endnnw to hrn-uk It :u the hm! hlnw l-Inrh plan-r "my huu- lhn-r [fl-ll. hm mud rvlnrn tn the fllINHlfl plan! for nvh sir-die .\ III-rinl [trim may be "Urn-d fur ”w on» who Humvedl at ”w “M nth-mm. It is \N')‘ funnv to now hnw (nr from the Mulw‘tln- [mm the [IIIITPF "I” '00- der and how warm-nth I»- will utrike lulu mnpt} Minna What kind of u cnm'n In H In turn we vnunot wt m-mu? The crown of (ht' Bead, lunar-9h. o! Nolod Mon. When I‘mndeul '1‘“! on Dec. 17. 1912. naked his ulgmtun u the nine hundred and nlnfiytounh “our of the lutofl'lph collection of book Barth of Budapest. Hunflry. be a“ m name of another lurk! In I cullccfloo which bu null IMHM'H’ 8701111 If. Barth Journeyed fmm Europe to Occur. (be autograph- of I‘m-bdrm Tun. Thomnl A Edison and Mber rdebrll- Theodon- Roosevelt signed the nlbum In Berlin In mm. and J l'lcrpont Mor- gan "mud bin nignnture In I'IH. In NHL The n-llw'llnn “u! utnrtvd by Mr. Banh eight yw‘r- apt“ l;H‘lll ha \ 0 Inn Hoping a mmqnvrndul m- u IIIN‘irI’luf .Iu'm “Uh Him (I! {In- hllu MY Ylw {H'mh- 'n .1911}. h" Fro-“It'd ”In”. IIII.II‘I'F llmu mummy; rlnt‘ m Hm 5m r llu-u .lulm uncl lulu lmd lmu- l-H-u In "l‘llllllN‘ fur mum-mun vnu-rmlnun-nh In wind) childn-n (not [uu'l NI rwvnll)’ u (‘hrlulnms .Iulm upjn‘tll‘n'd I” n nmlumo Ihuw ng-u by u M-llh-mo-nl lmuu in New York. and Inc-«Hrs- In run) be I‘ll huh-d with dvllxm Ivy all tun-bolder: John hi I gun-d "Mun-d Ind and II pll-rvwd Wham-\vr ['0' I'll] nmlribulc to (be happiness n! all)?" Doubtlm be Ind his had wlll he won many an. thlu winter “- hll l‘olllh‘ll makeup. ed Anwrlum Andrew (‘Imeflc In the latest to Idd his mm. to the cob- The signatures Ind "Minx-nu tn Mr. Barth) mllmion ID? in fortrfour language. and Include marl: "or! rullmr sovereign of Bump. and Dome of Atria and Anll He- mu the auto- graphs of dominant Ill-lumen. mdlng wrlteru. artists. wieutlnu. ldorl I00 publlrlxu. . Conundrum; “'an klml of I lurk In It Um! M Roy tnn ln‘ llludt' In fit? A lurk 0! ”If. UH"! rmlv nl llmn) In-nullflll The Judgt. l lhmk he'I‘ch of an In. M Uur (Hand the mum" (rug; ”9'. ‘ "1'. n! I" the turf IMnn. The skimmlnx bug with dripoln‘ fill" \Vnh nernnm be -m ny- “Go h|de Among the darken ind; Down deep mu tho dungeon nod; And then noun your 'Iclod M Anny. young thing. any!” Tho turtle on lh lot He Mu upon a Ill, G. And if m- 3... that one ll and For the Children John Lennon. Who LN:- u Po. u (Node-"ion Mllnlnrl llwrr l Jvr‘r) In“ In-nnnful um! hv Am»! phlhmnpm-r‘ nml nun-unon n mum-d tu bmv Hrm- nnd \lnsh‘ n n â€"Yomh‘l Comm“ hln Irâ€"ll‘lg r! '1 0mm ut- Iumng 'tl mwu Ibo numn TELEPHONES 431 -433 Sobey’ 3 Sanitary Shop 210 E. Céntral Ave. Friday and Saturday Special ’ mm ‘iE-nll $11M“! Fancy Roasting Chickens . per lb. 20c Leg of Lamb . . . . per lb. 18c Shoulder Lamb . . ’ . per lb. 14c Roast Pork 4 : . per lb. 15c 6th and 7th rib Roast Beef . per 1b. 22c Rolled Oven Roast Beef . . per 1b. 20c Rolled Pot Roast Beef . . per lb. 18L Armours Sta1 Ham . per lb. 1 Armour's Simon Pure Lard 5 lb. pails . 80c Winner Brand Bacon, Sliced . per lb. 26c Rump Corned Beef . . per. lb. 18c Home Made Pork Sausage, meat, per lb. 20c Hormel Minnesota Link Sausage per lb. 25c All goods advertised below are first Class articles. the only kind we ever carry ‘1, now located in their new sales room at 201 East Central Ave- nue, corner Sheridan Road. are offering as their week endspecial. the following Home Made edibles. The F. S. Dole Catering C0. TELEPHONE 53 Let us prepare your Sunday dinner dessert. Everything we make has that “Home Made" taste. German Coffee Cake Boston Bread Lemon Pies . HE F. S. DOLE CATERING CO. 2‘ k‘ 1 ()L‘ 20C per lb per lb per lb per lb per lb per 1b 20C 18L 18C

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