Revnval nwcinnzs “'1†be hrlJ m the United Evangelical church [or two weeks‘ beginning Sunday evening. .\lr‘ Ludwxg the present supply, will conduct the :cr vices asmmcd by Rev, Van Hum. uf Highland Park The huxm Ir was hr-id Stdnger Fwd '1 h‘ .mm Mm John .\ Interdt-nxmmmnn mun Munddv .«m l K Rchm m '!u Mr. Vernon Hunckcl was operated upon for appendmns 1n Galtsburg. hlm pual last week. smury mu Lad .1: m P. Hutcmsnn Mad the wcxe clm'ttd Pn-s Huchwm, <<~~rvhux . J'bï¬phme andmmut F, H. Meyer, (’1‘ C I'(' .‘hS$ \VUUCHLHL Mn. Bayhss of .\'(-\~. he: rsnstcr. Mrs. L‘rufl. Mr.N.;\1CKr'-hrnt Farqu. N, 1)., Wm the nest of Mr and Mrs. H. H, Krcs.» ove Sunday. Misses Marian Craig. Wmiired Supple. B:atrice Duffy. Ruth Reicheit. Nellie Keough. Bessie Carulan and Hattie Gasttield attended the Lake County teachers meeting at Lake Bluff Saturday. The monthly meeting of the Jewel club was held at the home of Elizabeth Reichelt Saturday afternnon. Mddred Bciderstedt won the prize in a guessing game. Arrangement: were made tor the valentine party which is to be given next Saturday Miss Laura Whiting has been wanting her cousin, Mrs. Decker of Highland Park. Misses Lillian and Grace Schhe are conï¬ned to thsrr home “uh dlptheria Misses Mabe! and Elwin Hurenhcrgrr wem the weekend guests of Ihmr Cousin, Miss Lxlhan Egcrt of Chicago; I Deerfield News Itemsl Miss Jessie Hoffman of lnlenvw“ is thegucst of Miss Kittie Karch. Mr. and Mm George Stanburg of Park ridge. "1.. Mr‘ James Bonahue of St Louis. Mo., and Mis Schelback of Chi c were the week-end guests of Mrs J Catalan. It is intensly gratifying to those in charge of Domestic Science day to ï¬nd how much interest has been aroused among residents of the North Shore in the exhibits and plans for that day. March 13. THE PRESS has very kindly consented to print a list of the members of the different committees and the members of the Ossoli club wish that it should be distinctly understood that this eit'hibit is not for Ossoli members alone but for all interested in all the children of Highland Park and that the proceeds Miss Dorothy Vevers Weir and Mr. Paul Bernard ()ilroy were married Satur- day. Feb. 8. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jocph Weir, parents of tha bride. at Webster Grove. Missouri. The wedding was a very quiet one. only the im- mediate families being present. Of interest to many Highland Parker: is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Adelaide Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maxwell of 4932 Lake Ave. to Terry John Miller of Steam- boat Landing, Cola, which Wlii take place Tuesday evening, March 25, at the family resxdence. Bishop Cheney “I“ read the service. The Maxwell family werefnr x‘Y erzil years residents at Highland P.1l’k,il\r Mr. and Mm O. H. Morgan entertain ed at a dinner on Tuesday evening. The afternoon euchre club met or Thursday afternoon with Mrs. V. Muzik There will be a dance given by the ln- dependent Order of Vickings. Lodge No. 37. at Eagle hall. Highwood on Saturday evemng. March ï¬rst. Following the dance refreshments will be served. Mr‘ and Mrs. Oscar Binncr of Pratt Avenue. Rogers Park. announce the en. gagement of their daughter, Mabel. lo Francis John Conrad of Panama City. Flonda. formeriy of this city. The wedding will take place in March. seem to be the favorite resorts this win- ter a few families are in Europe not {0 return until Spring. The Tango class at the Highland Park club which started upon such a brilliant, social career num- bers amongits members several Episco- palians who have dropped out, leaving an exceedingly small class. Among those who attended on Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs Henry Dory. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jerrems and $er Harry Towner. Lvnt hd.‘ cnmnunvui u) reality and stx‘iety shows us cffm‘t 1n the fact that no bridge parties, lurge dances or enter- tainments which huvqcompnwd an un usually guy mutt-r are nnw on the pro gram for forty ddvs during which “me many families are tinting to warmer climates. While Panama and California Mrs Thomas C. Williams and Miss Lois Williams will be hostscssés at an in- {nrmal tea from three to six o'c|ock on Fnday afternoon at their home on North Sheridan Road. In: m the house mm kmmn as the Ldure-I tvzlrnnms. Mh~ thwcll mndr hcr formal drhut 1:1 L'himgn Mk‘u‘lv three 150“." aw». The Social Side 'of Life mm «1.41 .\ Sinkrr atrrmlm! nmrml L'HmmurL-x' I!) .«m! .m‘ the emu: «4 'hc JYU‘ZIU-UH. Pn-sxdvn (-11:14 hunu ixrwrun \Iw (In Local Affaifs of the week .\! \I reality and I: V'IN‘MIHK |\ r.“ UH? By the Obnrvcr ’. \i hi Mr A, H. Muhlke attended a largr banquet on Thursday evcnmg mum at the Urut Northern by Ihc Fnrd company. Mr»: E. Khn'krrtxx‘kvr rnlertamcd the Mac hundred club :1! her hnmc on Tues Miss Gladys Easter and Mr. B. hum of Chicagu. were the wm‘k cud gucsxs or Mrs. E. Knickerbxer. Mr A, H. Muhlke attended a largr H A30ut {curly couples attended the dance given by the marned people In Anderson’s hall on Thursday evemng. Refreshments were served by Mr‘ James Snyder. Mr. and‘ Mrs. A. â€mm, and Mrs. Zoehler. \il J “mm c- .\1;s Jo l‘wrm c- knn- (h.- \\n,\(-:.«l K‘I‘H‘ w .\l;s Jon. rL'mmgu Scrxu‘cs all he held In the Cathuln \ lmrm mm. Wedncuhy evening and Tnumluy n: amng during Lam. Al the ulugv board met-ting Mond‘s nlgm the ngm of way pcmiun and agree mun! mr wan-r trontage bexween High lanu l’uH and Deerfleld. were placed m the llel: of Mr. Lincoln Penis tor ï¬nal slgnaturcs. .-\Ll parties lrilerestul shuuld gut â€HS lhrn hearty support. In .nrdrr to get water mung land as early In sprung as possible To a very appreciative audience. Dr Ray of the Eighth Presbyterian church of Chicago. gave his humorous lecture “Jack and Jill." in the Deerï¬eld Presby- terian church Friday evening. It is a rare privilege to have these talented speakers come to such a little town and as the admittance tee to all the lectures given for 'the beneï¬t of the building fund 0' the church is only fifteen cents larger audience: should be present, Mr. W, B. Moore will give an Illustrated lecture on Siberia. Thursday evening. February Ll. The Chlï¬gn S‘nnary Drainage mm- nussionex‘s are urging the North Show to co-opetate in addmg [)cerï¬eld to the Chicago Sanitary drainage system. A bun is now pending :n Springï¬eld to carry out the pmject. Moss. and-Miss Mary highley. Baked dishes, chairman: Mrs. McCauk-y aunt- ed by Mesdames H. H. Chandler, Robert Getty, David P. Pate and the Mines Annie Cobb. Katherine McCauley. Marv Clark and Viola Shields. Breads. sand- wiches. etu. chairman, Miss Jessie Chandler assisted by Madame: Oti- Beardsley. Henry Doty. Ir: J. Geer. I). M. Erskine. E. H. Metzel. and Albert Metxel, Coffee. chairman. Mn Carleton Mosely. Chaï¬ng dishes. committee: Mm Frank Terry asmsted by Mesdames Herbert l‘. Beers. l’aul Chapman, H. 8. Clarke. Amt: Strong. Clarence Thay‘er. Miss Peterson ot Chitago. and Mrs. White of Wilmette. Candy. chairman. Mn. Henry Boyd assisted by Almdnmes Gordon Hut'hannan. Thomas Clements. Harry I). Faxon. ll R. LUUdUII, Limes Truxel, and Mix: Shields. (uh-x. chairman Miss Kate- Hnyd .lixlblt‘d by Mcsdamcs lluwaril (utler. Rr-v R, CillHl‘. llobwn. (mrdon lllitelv. and A Lawrvnie Mills. lk-wrh. chmrnian .\lr.\ Hum-m- Huurniqm- .lu‘ixt ed b) Mesdainrs .‘\l\'dr Bourmque, l \' Norcro», R. F l’i-ylon .lll(l C. (2 Phillips Electrll ill, "hzilrman Mus Kennedy and Mrs. G. Allen Met-ion Fort Sheridan. t‘hznrmun: Mrs. Cram. High school. Mm R. L. Sandwu‘k and Mimi l‘yre. Meats. in Charge of the l). A. R.. l‘hmrman, Mrs. Gordon Buchunnan, Mrs Robert Patton, Mrs. Boynton. Mrs. A. Paul Smith, and Mn W. I), Messenger. l’astriex charr- man: Mrs. George McHnde assisted by the Mesdames Charles Buell. John A. Bunnell. Sidney J. Holland. Henry E Mason. John E. McBean. George McBean. Place cards. chairman. Mrs. A L. Drum. of the dny are to be used in keepina UP the work to well begun on the bathing beach where the children can spend many happy hour: of! the ureetn and where tree instruction is given by a competent teacher in the Art 0! swimming The help of every woman who cut pre- pare and contribute some specie! diuh to be exhibited and sold on thin day at the Highland) Park club. is ukedv The members of the committee in charge are Chairman. Mrs. Rex Jones named by Mesdames W. J. l-‘yffc. C. C. Hughes ti Allen Mason. Earl Spencer. Willllm E Ten Broeck and Miss Kennedy. ApA petners. chairman, Mn George W. Child: mated by Madame: Selim Bullard. Fayette Munro, W. R. Ruflner, Frederick M. Steele. Edward Smith. Mm Cook books; chairman, Mrs. Robert Smith. Preserves. chairman. Mrs. John Ristine assisted by Mesdames R. J. Beatty. Daniel Cobb, Richard Hawkins. Frederick Watkins and G. H. Grifï¬ths. Salads. chairman. Mm Everett Deming. assisted by the Mesdames Charles Drake. George Moore. John Ristine. Charles Smith, Ward W. Willetta and Min Follansbee. Needlewurk. chairman. Mrs. Franklin ‘Hussey assisted bv Mesdames Howard H. Hitchcock and Arthur Jerrms The above list may contain several in- accuracies in regard to names which will be corrected if the attention of the com- mittee in charge is called bv those whose names have been left out. M AJU rn , I m 1N u'xi XI \11!\‘,\ (I! Mt 1H h\' lt’ the mother in to guide her child in the selection of beumxlng and Ippm prlate clothing she will teach her to study herself The designer- of chtl- dn-u‘n cluthlng are quite ready to help the perpleh-d mother by offering her gowns and mat- and hat: or m-ny styles. nlmclt as varied in thou for older folk The mother who selects Inm-mst’ully the costumes most nmrm [lrtuto for her daughter will vast avid! her own prefer-em" Hhe may do- light in the tau-inntlng Kale Green away gown: and (mm. but unless her girl in of :- plrturesqut- tH-v Iht‘ will he wine to pan them Ivy The Awkwlrd Childl The minty-t. tnli. awkward tlll't' who pmmlw to he it ï¬ne kxbllnx woman. but win» In iu-r warty tee!†In the da- lt-ulr uf umm lunthen. “uuld hunk ridtrulmn in u lx'nu- (tn-runway fru'k‘ win-rm†~tw Humid {drum-t lu-r :n\L wunlm-n in u \u-li rut ltu-umu hil‘u'u' \\ ln-n- the In“ u lite-l lilu- “mild dvtnu‘i (rum ln-r height Ju-t u- there nn- “n tm-n him nlnuu look ueil in "were vnnttnmw. u» llu-n- nre tllllt'f‘l'l).’(\h¢l hm:- n vermin thin in thr nimplq-at u! t‘mtunn-s amt n lm tnwum- ullnll) lulll munpim-t- in ltlvl-rnrlet‘e the minute tin-3 nro- JMNH ul- in frillu nnd‘furin- in“: It |< fur lu-tlI-r tn (In-u u girl u! tin‘ type in n [-Inin intlo- rm k u! mil n'mvln-n nr â€whim-nu if .1 \th lnuh- flu! is nut Itt'~lrt1!. than in J In». L Ill-1m ruin! “lilt iun‘l‘ "lid t‘lll'tlllldt‘f). “till rllillv'n :md ~inrxlmn Hit the “tin-r Imlul. lilvrn- up ghlidn-n \\ ho un-\ lrl'tNl‘lndt' lri ililllll nmu'n. trail» “1' l‘Hnlule‘l Games For Chxldven'u Padan Du Ilul Ilnmu- :1’) Hui-wryâ€? mum n «hlldrun'u purl} \‘uu unis! m-l mutnnvr. hznv nm- “hu'h lmnluu mutnnvr. hznv nm- “hu'h llnnluu II.- M-- u! u «m: or upon" h n~ mum .1 my rhlhlwn I\'Hl no! hunt â€I.- \\-nl«‘~ um «manta-MI} will Yon-l "nut n1 II' \ rIru-r mime of Hu- “In dunh .m! Ihlnk" kind may be wry gum! Yul grown people. but I! «newly bur-m Hw- mm out-a and male. mom chm! and th"‘l‘ |'|HH (‘w ~Ill|tllw hum“ run Sonnutwomu to Color. X'mnu- .luhlrvn nru- \l'rg wlm (‘0th Thu lukr u nlrmu; eru u'rluln «-m-:~ ,\ ml gnu†.m lllgh ulrllux :er hu- lnn-u kn. brluu m- :. |I.-uzm- u! ru-Hc-uwnl frm'm-IIH)‘ nunIlc-‘l In Instrum- 11 "wk u! :I umrv NM†n; 101le lll‘lnllll} mmlhn‘ and I‘llh'I luv! u! ‘lllll‘l' :le r\ll'rlllo'1:~v~ In: ll urn! ‘I \ l.‘ nr‘l H'r) N-Hr'lln- H uln- N-nrm mrl) pl'llh'.|u.’v~~ v’ (“kn luv .1: run ,xll'l ‘ MIL-l} HIIHI. .t- ~31 the- at IM-r v'\\ulln H rl‘ \\ II Inn UIIIIIIL' ummwr Ila-r Alullu-u .huuu! hr :1 xnu’l HY lyrr nut! HM nl-lilhh- (In-uh u-hru Soun- mollwxl lhluL lhul If the lhlhl lnku [no murh Illh‘ll’pl Au hrr ‘lutlu-n \lw '.\H' ln-uruw hr2' nun-«hul- {In [1.0- wlln‘l lquL Hm ‘ 141M Ilu» kiln“. lhul uhr In nlmnanmn-l) dum- ml, .1:- u rnha fury-I. clulnrl} nip-ml hrrw‘! :nul ln-l frwk. um! I! Immune! m. mw II n pull «If lh'l up Iu-r um 'l‘ho- gruum; Inlml of (hr «H 1-] |I Indwndualtly In Chddron'o Chub... ’l‘lw um. u! .-\u~r\ fn-lhlwu- quthf In In l!'."‘ Iml ul-lh' Mun-l) nlul In n In UIIIIIIL' ummwr Hu-r Alullu-u ~huuu1 hr :1 xnu’l HY lyrr nut! HM nl-lilhh- (In-uh m- :,....- â€le Hun,†at bro-tum. mull-or!) "\"I III“ IV\ \‘ \\ IRE HIGHLAND PARK mass. lulu ule'h In \\i lllulo- t’ljllilll'" ‘l \\ "I â€u“ Ch‘ld Hunt 80 Conraevcd HI V V What ‘m 1H. Ill points Mothers Islullxll‘ lw Irv f Yln' «‘ hlu-n Hun luv-Hm" rm-H} hum Irwin; mllu'n H lw II In « {J‘II‘HI 1., llwm h} u H) ‘llllll‘t‘l‘lullu MI) in HIV '1.»- {$011 ‘lr'vxxllml Iz‘ Hr dbl 1 Mr .gluup In; llu‘ n Toilu â€IN I I nnvw unmr er I must m-I 1m '11 ln\nl\u~~ ll.- n~ â€nun nfthr â€Ir \\'Il1'~ ‘nt‘ ‘nul Hf II' \ I" duuh .IH! â€art you! lot t'IIIL'I 1'lrJU-lnt-lu M'HMH‘Q‘ I" |I ~ {HY In] “(mid HI]. 1‘ In†â€wh- \\1A In “MI II M mu- ll II) I"! .1! HI- lluI'I uhnal VIN 1-] I! If 11H .ln-rr In ' - “Hm-n. p.» "mm. scrum-r w wurrml. u numudrw "u“h'll- lhl~ u: i awn-(«In In Mm nil 'Hllth‘ . um~ IIIIIAX- All.†Huh vnlmw [hr hunt.†In IM' dun“ “'u'u \(‘H ummmmi III-u n" and hr sin} dun“ whm- \--u lI-u‘t‘ Mm For [In- mun u h In"! [H m- hlm Iu Ivuu'lhlnx .nul Ihru H hr dum- 1m! drop min-n _\uu .uli 'lnmn‘ (mm a mum...- n‘luvl. quhLu and, :wmdlng [nun him du“ n fun \l-V\ .\ â€Inn“ and n my!» of loud ~1 PM In- M! "-qu If ln- due-II Huh! “onto Carlo Jud On“.- nt Thom and K0.†on Winning, Then- Ire out; two num- plnyt-d at Monte (‘llrh)~M)H'P and ! simple an] nmo valid tn-nte ct qunnnte. One I. Insured "-1 that numb an played quIte fairly and that the per cent-gr In ("or of the bank h‘tu to (1). Whatever It may be. 1m- portal!) percentage Iu {Ivor of the tibia. over- come- nll "Item! that human Ingenuity can Work out by an: law of Iron†M, mnuc wlII mmlt you to play any way you Mia. and to double your hot an often all you Illu- unttl It ruche- OIIIO frunm at MI'I""' or mm“ ï¬lm: It trvnte rt uunnnu- ’l‘In-n you must tut-(tn uvor alt-In. for It In qultv (‘k'lf that I! one were permitted to double mdvflullel,‘ It would will} he a quan- tum or tluw and uttflt-Iont mum’- to put M Hlunr out of Inn-hum. Thus It hum-om: that .\I liluur. who tan [In vtmm‘na Winn agnnut uH than who are [wrmlltml to tnkv any nort of lhnmv HIP} IILI'. SH lHrlIlII Maxim (“ï¬nned u! it†quit-Im- Ilwn [lg abal- ten-d n [mpulnr donut-u In their “'0'“! ‘If It‘d I|a~ mnu- up tun-M) Him In mum-nun“ It I! )Iuat m- IIka) to Hunt I'tv :Il Hu' txu-ntprnrnt “luv in: H “HUM I-r If It land Iml touw up ln-Inre for n um-k llm h pnr‘lculur «mm In gun-rt) «I IIHI'LH'Y'II'Y by â€w ulnnhnl (\mdl hum t\I-I‘HL' nt that [-urtuulnr In Maul 'IIv hull l||lnn round In great NIH“) tum-- III n [nu-.u- \\ lu-n It. mu- nu-ntuuu h. nut-d up It (‘IHIH-I- In mull-t1 “HI. “WI-NH t'IW‘tbu n! Inn» um! ï¬nally Iun.l-I.-- mu. :1 po- ku-t In the ‘Iu-el “Ind. Va t'ulutmg In. an "Mn-II.- dirt-v Hum It I~ n pun; mu! utmtltJh-lntmi qmutum --t «It me mm! It 1‘ not ,1. '1.I'I~u~, I. In: «I»! l.\ Il!l\â€| ‘ g "In! lhl~ SYSTEMS IN GAMBLING. Bvrncrw-LD a 0.9 v .‘ “IOHHI r Ix ‘1 1n 1m hr: and .JIII Q‘Jb‘ I.) I'LI‘ «' In Hu- mirth mail §1mial Vanilla and Chmblate Ice Cream at 50c Everything we rhake has that “Home Mafle" taste. Home Made Gingjer Bread Regular 25C 3' . at 2i Butter Sponge Cake in Loaf Regular 25c; . . at 2( Raised Sweet Biscuits Regular 25c . . at 2( Coffee Cake, Dougl‘lnuts, Parker House Rolls. Cookies, Pies aid Cakes to order for Saturday and Sunday The F S. Dale Catering C0. TELEPHONE 53 ht' H'Nl n I-- (I r nul ‘mm nil Yulmx ll u hen 1nln‘d Tck’phmm }'()m1()r(/(’rs’var/y 0-H d For Sunday Don’t [hrget to try a 10c Loaf of GEARY’S SPECIAL GeM’s Home Bakery: m :52... 0m2m<> am 038 7+. <2... E... 28. pl 1.3. .23.. 4......on 8 w EDTâ€":29 no; â€"EZOâ€"m Radinia Theatre, Feb. 213% Rescrgred Seats at Schumacher’s Drug Stud Per?†our Positively Tearleu Program Songs{ of the past and present Jokes of the same periods é Boys Band and Orchest Elamfate stage settings 3 i A side splitting Patomime ’ . Monologues and Sketches Sdn-Orchestra and Chorus-"50E Attiaction Extraordinary I; Pahiiotic Minstrel h‘ndlq-s the (mes! hne «)1 {rt-sh Candles In and Bukt’fl,’ Goods “Men in nm-d (‘Jlll SW i - Finest of Bakery Goods \NK L. SIUESTROM cal and Wood and Political Caucus. at 20C at 20c at 20c NIH! H‘HH