Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 13 Feb 1913, p. 5

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ELM; m iadlcs' :md gent's pets, wrtiers. draperies. rm. mnnut be dupliCated haw the LARGEST and ‘V('>L perial” Cleaners {ATED qubueflidndthfiS mfortable ? ted with the class of rpast. but DO YOU lent fur Pressing, Re- Ladim“ and Gent’s, right hers in Highland me 201 Highland Park )Cfor Calls give the Dtion HF IL()R )0.000 ‘rk. Ill. mmmm 3 11mm mmplaing 5 very madest, it 1: Per Cent. He is icnd I'm investor a :‘1bcd in most of ID WORKS mac. CHICAGO certain. gr at Pleases fist uncement *nvince You toilet, whom :you or}: and he will 9 vxmks day and st Company Gsell RCO.|; Illinois of mam' vears - ‘ Incl ka Ir \ cc PvuaJenl, nnmu I mu! 3 hung! Bank Diveney - 8152 H in Lhc winter yum heatmg w but they fl!‘ \n-H‘rm‘nffi w: you that MIN“ based promiSc‘s. a’m six per William K. Sidloy. On Saturday last February 81h. there passed away at San Diego. California. where he had gone to recuperate his health. one of Highland Park’s valued and highly reapccted citizen; I William Kirby Sidley. whose home has been in our midst for nearly ten years. was born about seventy-five years ago in the north of Ireland, and was the young- est son of a large family. His parents had planned a place for him in the Clergy of theChurch of England, but this did‘ not meet the ideas of the young lad. who took matters into his own hands and came to America. where he found his way in 1852 to Milwaukee. Here he ob« tained employment in a fur store. and after the long day's work. he and his boy chum who came with him, diligently em. ployed themselves by the light of candles. to the finishing of what became to him, 35 liberal education. He grew to be a great 1 admirer of Shakespeare and was able to quote from memony. large parts of his favorite plays. and also liberally from the more stately poems: of two generations ago. “0 why shoukl the Spirit of Mortal be proud" was often on his lips. Later he rose to be a fur buyer. and as his naâ€"l tive ability showed itself. he gravitated to Chicago. where he became associated With the Keith Brothers. In various: mities. for most of the time as its ac- i tive and controlling: head. he built up. as‘ President of Keith Brothers 8; Co. what became the largest hat and cap concern of the world. It was to this business he live the energies of his life. and in his latter years the appreciation and grati- tude of his busine$ aswciates. many of “am he had raised from boys. was his Wt reu ard and pleasure The employees looked upon him as a father. and so treated him. He was noted for his fair mindedneas and stmct integrity in busi- ness. and at the time of the important and hard iuught lianbury hat strike. both sides picked out Mr. Sidley as an .iibitra- tor whrm- ‘Li(lgenlt‘nl and sense of Justice would qtmlny him to adjust and harmon- ize their l Mitre-net's. He was of an un- obtruaivc mture. and shunned publiCity. bU! was ham- and courteous to 1| murk- ed deth :4 it: his affiliations \uth his lelltm men. , li.‘ nt‘e‘ll sense of humor. and ready made him a great favorite "101 thwv who were fortunate enough to km)“ l‘ well. H}: was active in build- ing up ' v Reformed Episcopal Church in Chianti .md was Senior Warden of St. John's. his A complete line of tpys at 5 cents and 10 cents THE BEE HIVE BARGAIN STORE 212 E. Central Ave. E. G. Barri“, Prop. Highland Park Large Maple Bowls Sugar and Creamers Cups and Saucers . Picture Hooks . Picture Wire . . Mixing Spoons . Basting Spoons . Bowl Strainers Potato Mashers Curtain Rods Pipes . . Assorted Pillow Tops Robert Greenslade 134 Second Street Pa... 8051 Estimates gladly fur- nished on all work and Fixtures William P. Sdlcy. a lawyer and late i tion lor the Simple reason, brother tax President of the Union League Club: 3 pgyer that you and I m ‘M fl w“ .m Frank c.. vice President "or. Keith Bros. "m" ” ”pm"? °f " p'°"°““°" i“'h"‘" Co.; Thomas H.. in the Electrical Sup- I by "Y" ”1) mm” o, .the Chum“ m ”K ply business. These three sons are of t diotrtct would be obliged to cross tvm Chicano. Dr. Frederick K. of Peoria. a I railroacls tracks (our times I daythrough- specialist surgeon: John S.olRacine.Wi1 :out their whole Ittendance At school in of the Horlick Malted Milk Co._ anti ! the (ace 0! the fact that the time was Mary 5.. wile of Rev. H. 5. Foster of I not for launching 3 WW!“ [0' at Denver. All the children will be with i In" a m' k" ' "e“ "d" “hm" their mother at and after the services.‘ When the interest: Wk 0' the She" We only wish the world contained more I dan Road propertyâ€"utter “Hm“ me such men as the courtly gentleman who second election awoke to the bet that has left us. His friends. and our comAi'h‘" were almost as many children in munity have sufiered a distinct and great l (he Exmw' ww'v‘s'on' Which you mum loss in his death. and his family. a loan say V” yet m it: infancy. u there "t" that is irreparable.â€" Contributed I’m the whole of District 107 on the cut ..;A. M thin trnck; consternatbn reigned Mu. William G. Duh-n. of Lake For- ' as sure c eat and well known in Highland Park. I and as a died Saturday morning at the Alice Home election. hospital immediately following an opera- Here V [ion performed after an illness of several ‘ face to 1 years‘ Surving Mrs. Dalton is her hus- ‘ 50",,th band. an employee of the Public Service : m Lhro: Co.. and one daughter aged nine years. The funeral took place at the Catholic church .at‘ ten o'clock Tuesday morning. Interment at Lake Forest cemetery. Lynn! Drum Hammond. father of Mrs. George McBride of Linden Avenue and a frequent visitor in Highland Park died Tuesday at Magnolia Springs. Ala. whither he had gone for big health. Mr. Hammond was one of the best known insurance men in Chicago and senior members of L. D Hammond 8; Co. He was born at Amherst. Mm, October 31. 1844. His offices were in the New York Life building and his raidence at Hon-I Windemere. He was a member of the Union League. Kenwood and Homewood clubs. Mrs. McBride was with her father at the time of his death and Mr. Mc- Bride left Tuesday for Magnolia Springs to bring the remains to Highland Park. where the funeral services will bc huld. Mark Twam. ;! ngrapny South America. observations :ions In the Courts of Th c Thu Thu Pigeon. a Fantasy in three acts (Falswurthy The Story of a Round House. and other Poems Masefield Evervonc's Saint Francis Egan Your United States Arnold Bennett A Cry in the Wilderness Melindy The Trevor Base ‘ The Wind before the Dq'wn The Blue Wall The Happy Warrior Juvmu Mary Wue's Promised Land 30,1 Life of Edison 1 Books Received It the Public Libnry cmsssn LIST _ (ulonial Homesxcads and their Stnrws Harland ELECTRIC FIXTURES WIRING, REPAIRING Spell of Italy Pigeon. a Fantasy Twam. a Biugraphy . per doz. 10c “ box We each 5c FICTION in the Wilderness each 15c ‘ Memory 100 Begrl mann Lmdem‘ronu- Mason l Johnston Meadovcrofl and nnprcs Br} cc Perry Lincoln Mungcr Child Hutchison Waller Palm: ; (courm'w‘nou not out) fashionable and so up to date. (don't Y" iknowb but I don‘t take much uork ‘ tn iL it may oxist in a small measure. to :sume extent due to an elaboration o! : trill: and flounca on the curriculum but Elargdy due to I tcndcnt) on the pan 01 :the (pow'crs that be) in deal out Ac :comodaltmn to so many outbid: the :district. I am unwed in my own mind :that there Is no portion 0! Diotnct No. i 107 so far distant from the ncbool II to 1 require transportation tadlities month“! ' to law so clamp dovm the bake. on the i bus lines from outside the district meLfl t taxpa) or let the power: that be unken to the fact that you have grown tired 01 \ their dealing the cards making them- :selves distributors of your bennolencc |W|lh0ul your permission. to those who have no claim on the same. and that you 4 no longer look on it an an act of charity {or the sample reason that charity and ‘ injustice Will never go hand in hand. : if you (ail to discern the ear marks of :injustice in this phase oi the situation ijust look through your old tax receipts g {or gen eral decades past. do a little imental computing and then ask yours!” Iwhnt Mr. Outside: has done. if you 'know you will answer: He has come in ‘ here. found educational facilities. which I I might sav took fifty years to build up. 1to be had for the asking. with possibly a meager tuition fee uhuh would not eien compare proportionall) with the cost of Imaintename [(152) nothing 0! the mat ‘of establishing if you dont kiium brother taxpa)” l'ii adusc you to do It little qua-t imrsigzir mg on gum (Mil amount rather than look to lilr [)«Vikt"~ that by (or enlighten- men! 35:! >nmr \l\ ”‘1!“th :ign as'nmd them. through [llr \l‘ldlnli.‘ u: lltlv; i'RFSh liir sliilwtim :ilniig lhl‘N' imcx‘. l'glu Kilt'plt'\(‘l.l time the) haw Igntllrxi the t’i'qucsl H114) t'\l(lr'lli) haw \er) littli n-gard fur pllhlh wiiti'm‘nt or {hm would not lmu- 2hr Hmrnh to Month tin-x \.'iinr lirlulxisllllill .nmm without rum mom PARK m HIGHIAND PARK 11 ‘ Here We are afiain hrothd' tanphyer face to late with the same propo-‘uon‘ Isomewhlt incognito nei enheleu we can ‘ seethrough the new tog; ouch feeble leflorts to ‘befubble" the Epeople are really ludicruous What heartache; it must haw mused to see their pet protect yoked up with a west side site eu-n ll it II only as a blind or as it I: termed nomad”: in any shady i legislation 3 )Ukt'r. Thev figure on a ‘united stand by the interests back at the :Sheridan Road site bolstered up by the lwest side contingent who mjht be In- clined to favor the west side site and would thereby be obliged to {on for the Ebond issue. the power that .be. havmg ‘ uken the preczution to "fine (or I selection on the west side that would be lsure not to meet With ad hing like general approval The me! n question being located wiihin ihred blocks oi Deerfield Aie.. the south lim 0! the 'district yon the west sick. directly ‘across the tracks from the pr ‘ m WI, leaiing the whole Exmoor s nision all the wax up to Highwood via oft in )ust as bad a plight m it w is below, alumna the lix itmn h:l\ to l): named in \oting fur a bond i>sue lllll ll :be nadih seen that the li'ndi-n \' w .3; nanit ("it that would (l: 'ii"; l: :iizythi. like \nlia‘ dlfll)‘ lll the r.iiik~ then-by k belting lllll‘ zi t'txked lint anything in the way wt . chance for .i went sidi- \‘llP ‘( lhlfi tln‘t um! nmmmu mi thi- \rite let the bond this sumr [HINIINIUHH upnn vnthmxt huung made wnw .uttempt at an ansurx utherthanthmr attmns th‘h Mpeak as follow: All )1)qu gm. to dn Mt Taxpayer Is [0 pay your taxes and ask no quesuuns. In my former letter. abou- reterred to 1 stated that l wag an advu- cate of the best to be had m educational facilitxes‘ l have not changed and I feel brother taxpayer that hen-m I have voiced your sentiments also. but ll 1. not our fault that We are skepttcal of the desugns o! the powers that be. as the whole question aruae m the Interest of the Sheridan Road property tor whnch a bond issue was defeated I! the In! elec men! 35:! than. {hurt [or SLIH\H {he plt'\(‘1.l rcqucs! L n-gard fur would not 1 When the interest: hock of the Sheri. dan Road propertyâ€"liter culling the second election awoke to the bet that there wete almost as many children tn the Exmoor subdtvmon. which you mtxht say was yet m it: infancy. u there wen- tn the whole of District 107 on the cut tide of the tracks, consternatbn reigned as sure defeat stared them it the {ace and as a last resurt thev calIed M1 the chance I“: .- mew! sult‘ \‘Hr .( um .... \ and prufitmg nu {hr \utt {' (he hnnd [\Sllt‘ ‘m xhv \vutm' n! {hast 1» Imuht hr 1nchned In \H'u‘ In! a we“ sxdt sllr Huwcwr hmlhx-r (.1\payer “as! demon .suâ€"ate to all concerned that you are damn ‘your own {hmkmg that you ’v'nll toleran- } no longer such manipulation» M (I! hand: ’of those who are your unfins in the :strict sense of the Word, vale "NO" on ’the bond issue unhl such daufle dealing 'wilh any pan of the dxstrmfif moted out The « In (HI' 1! Mr». l'm‘llu' ”Hr? ¢ yonrl‘ of (he I med L. 8 " ,1“ ch: (he do ‘10 b< .Dd ‘1 a (mind ha! anything chance tr-r .- \n-wt Md.- and prufitmg nu {hr \ [\Sllt‘ ‘m xh> \vmw n! t The sue mll take- care 0! whenever the propusmon open and above board. With thanks to THE Plus [or the u of its columns, I beg to remlh. Your: refiecttully R. l Q'Bul-zx -H Imer on submmrd A. B. Weny of Rncmc who u Supervioor u! lndualrul Education. He luId manv thmgs oi intern! In regard no the csubhnhmrm nl vu‘anunal u‘hooh bnng- mg our m hrs addrm the Drum]! pulnls. Fullnwnng [hr pvt-gram to. w“ earned by the hostesses Mrs ”my M. Bacon nnnouncrd ‘1 1hr mmhrn rue-cl .4! Much Mrs William Frrm‘h prderd 1h.” the next meeting in be Mid on Manh 71h. would br uddreau-d 5' hr, Mr) Mdiwcn oi Euuntnn on a guinea prrunmng to Mlla] hygnmr The mother: and tenchers enjoyed In excellent tnterpretton ul Dvbruk'l Humorenque by the htzh xhool orchestra with Mr. McFanen It the pane no Fri- dn alternaon at the" monthly mneltng. Thu wu followed b) the preaenutlon of the one~act play ‘The Mtsdemewr of Nutty.” tn which the five puptlu Inktn‘ pert acted excepttonally well. -. The mothers and teachers then ndojurned from the study hall to the lunch 'room where they Iiuened to In addreu by Mr l'ndel {he auspu'es 0! me l’arenb and Tem’hers' Asunumnn the pupxls o! the high school emuvrd .m mturmal and -de» lxghxful dance and a umllmn led by Mr; A, R Wnllumlon FIIdAy afternoon. MY. Thoma Fmdlly, one 0! lhe puplll. de- nerve: great credn and apprecuhun vat expresned by thou present [or the dame music which he fumnhedm l’um‘h wu serVed dunng the afternoon Mm Ruth Ewmg \ull Iddre’. the menu-n sludy dun on the dam 0! Tuesday. March (ounh on the unified 0! "flow Shall we Cullxvut he LoVe lm‘ pulse in Children?" Swan-d ”amnion. Dolllrâ€" Pet; Chances Io! Sen-um Mn I. Crime! will be the honest El- Pbc- Dim ()n Thund-y Ihcmoon. February 20, M! Smith will [we I' ulk belt“ the mother! medium on "Anlhmeuc, Now and Then “ Out-awn box. Fresh Air and Fresh Alf Schools" Woman To. '0‘] Wu» mum Out- udo (b0 Homo. since all limo- [M happmm (but It trud- n mrflax‘ Mn been uncemtn. Men and ‘umen «sped up much and often (he so um. lit-appointucnl ll tll loo common. (or the urn" young ludlfldull ell-ecu perfection Ind and. poor bum-n mlurc Parents and. 'lreachers' Assocnanon MARRIAGE AS 1T IS TODAY. hr l'm‘llxr Mlmr 1 1 u “M ”Hr? Hf m-nmwml Im-n yonrl‘ fnhhful n-n w.- of (he Hxhlhmvn- u-nlw I medal “ruin; nu- In: L. 8" Ind ' Hflirknr} " fit» his lu-ru In charge of Hu- l‘uml l'lum Halal Ilmv the dumb Na “10': 0! her hudmnd. who in band (-1 the dc-wr‘lnu-m u! h'l'lfl and pin-hung) m lhu Hun-filly of ()lllfm'nll A Docodod Adv-now “Rb-t u n Luann-u woman. eh?“ "You. loot-ed She an "an oven a tnmmmx "oow (eltgrnm Ithnl 71-9 W' e have a large and well selec "in“ of all inds of VALENTINES embracing all theme-w styles of AMERIC§ and m IGN Novelties. Drops Mounts, Fancy Cards, Booklets. Fancy a lCozm'cPos inum‘que desipzs and new efl'écts. SEND ONE TO \lOUR W'.IFE She will predate it. A large line of new combinations In HIGH ART ranging in p from ONE CENT to $1. 50 each. and Full Charp- o High School Divide. h H"- In»- I‘ll-Hm. u h o!h0‘.‘ HI: 1mm Ibo .lm-Y . pun-I‘m “IHI lxv ml HMO" .ut ‘tL’hllr-‘wr -n' I'I‘|(\l vmnr h,” l|‘("‘A\H’ r {m ho-I‘ (“"‘HU Ifi Chas. Phanello Cambtion Cream We Sfill Have a Few Laces, hbroideries Schumcicher’s Drug Store Srlmmar’wr's Carnation Cream Spring ipmentj ust received from New Y0 and comprise the finest assortm t on the North Shore. Over patterns to select from. Men's Furn' ings. chglry. Cut (313$, Silverware and Painted China. etc. Sw er Jackets, Gloves and ps tobe sold at cost [the greatest mechnmcal gen- ! all times"---n world-tamed a high priccd car so refers to Fordnwhosc great accomplish~ the Ford car You'll want the tally pcrfect Ford thts season to avoid disappomtmcnt you shoal get it now. 11cm! f‘ [uh (mum, 1m [wimp ”whit/m1 I‘url’ Thié is the time when you " eed something to 80ft£1 the skin and still not 1 greasy and sticky leav s the skin soft and drieiin quickly and yet . 25c per bottle at whi x y is dnvmg a Furd"» -morr lhan In urrwcc New prices runaboul run (at min-GPIIVCTY car 8625~--town mulh all equipment 1 n b [)flrm’! culmslrom gH. MUHLKE H. Warren Co. ill hold our annual display of FORD Deerfield, Illinois UNIVERSA L CA R . SCHNEIDER WP“

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