Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 20 Feb 1913, p. 4

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{61. The speaker at their next meeting. which wifi take place on Tuesday. Feb. 25th, will be Miss Esther Falkenstein of the Esther Falkenstein Settlement House. The program is in charge of Mrs. A. B. Holabird. We Know Your Answer Highland Park Woman's Club The Man Across the Street has, as yet. heard no objections to the plan to pro- vide elaborate gymnasium facilities and even a theatre for the high school pupils but he has found that he has only to mention grammar School in order to start an argument. ln striking contrast to the manner in main until the first of April, which objectors treat the proposition to. Miss.()lga Shank of Morris, [IL is ”s”- provide playground for nearly 500 chil tug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred dren who spend long hours in school and Moon of S. Green Bay Road. . fl.” whom exercise periods must be pro Mr. and-Mrs Du!) Putnam are re- Vided is their Silence in regard to the . r , . ceivmg congratulations on the birth of a vast playground at the disposal of the, 320 hfih school students. The highlson' born Saturday, February 15' '_ school board owns 6 lots, each 200x240! M" and Mrs. H' C. Holabind 0‘ Ch'cm leet. and all but one now are used asaplay- i were the guests the first of this week of ground. Three of the lots. or 2-10an: Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. llolabird. feet. are now used as a football and base- Mr. and Mrs Joseph Learning are en~ ball field. According to the High School , tertaining ns‘their guest their nephew, Annual of 1912 there were played on this .' Mr. John H. Page of Lincoln, Neb. fieldin 19ii 5footballgames and 7baseballi Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Brown of Linden: games. 14 boys comprised the football and ' Park Place have as their guest this week i 17 the baseball squads. In addition to the their cousin. Mrs. Shawvan of Chicago. games there was of course considerableI Mr. and Mrs John F. L. Curtis left this practise. probably partiCipated m by the ‘ week for New York and will sail on Sat- -‘ boys Several track meets were also held urday for Panama and the West Indies on this field. In addition to this there are.I . , excellent tennis courts and these probably} ers. Jamison and little daughter a provide outdoor exercise for more pupils. key," York, are the guests or Mrs. Jami~ than doesthe athletic field. Of course sons mother. Mrs. Floyd of 428 Central this property will not always be used for . Avenue. ' ' a playground. the board has elaborate? Mrs. Wendt. who has been 'quite ill for " plans for buildings on part of it but th0| the past few months. is not much improv- 1 board could build as many buildings as l ed. Mrs. Wendt is with her mother in I there are at Lake Forest University or . Chicago. , 1 any one Of many small CONCE“ and Sti” : Mrs Cliftui G. Alexander left last I have left more room on WhiCh the 320iweek for Belleair. Fla.. where she is the 1 high ““001 pupils COUld play if they altiguest of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Alexander ; wanted or could be forced to play than‘ at their winter home. . ‘ :zgl'spsgg:ded tor the 300 grammar," MFA.’ lVElowric. manager of Ravinia ‘ but nntuml Lhal [hm >l2<~uhl ulnu't In .«x‘ addmun lo II. Hut. mm inmgmg up (he very midun! (lungcr n: Shrminn lx‘amll autu [rulllc m the x‘lmul ulnldrrn. ll ls hardly probable that they (an object to; buying a small strxp uf the available land. whllc it Is avaxlublc. to be used as a playground for {he sch-ml wh'rlx 15 there and \"thh mll probably always be there and will soon be again filled with pupils, even though we move half of the present number to a west side school. he. m! {hr haw uluM Regardless of what their opinions may: be as to the proper location for a new : school building in District 107 The Mn 3 Across the Street believes that- thel voters should remember that all schools' need playgrounds. This was a point well brought out in Mr. Bahr's-l’etter two weeks ago. The \oters selected the property on Green Bay road and there will be ample room there tor a fine play. ground for that school. but a playground on the west side will not benefit the children who attend the east stde school. At present the L‘hildren ot the lilni Place school are usrng part H the [)thpcrh to the north whit'h does not belong to the school. and In addition the) have rt very small open space east of the \‘hool where ~ it is possible tor Ihlll)‘ or fort» of the four hundred and nzm-tt vuungsters to play .it one time. It the rest at them deMlL‘ exercise during lht' excr‘cisc pcrmda prmidel tlu \ must talu- H in the ‘¥?'('t'(> win-r». .x~ tlit' Pt'llll~‘:lt‘l\ “hm 'v\"":\' ll‘i‘ 'i..rn' in» vm'kx' new visited her week. The Gan western U evening in church. Mrs. Jam and with hr ()alt Park. Mia Hch with her 3 Edison Parl Mrs. 0. H sick list for around agal Lester lx‘ relatives in home Fruln} A“\ l' I [rum .1 [um ll‘. ()ttkltrltl Mr .iml \ .ir’t‘ H1 I"'!lk‘n )C the Act 0! Match 3. l8?! Entered as mend-clan matter Marth 1. 1911. u the peat office at Highland Park. Ill-mus. under WhimsmpriIMv-u Wm me'n Joan L. Um at Highland Pnrk. Lake County. Illinois Telephone 2: 7. Highland Park 562 The Man Across the Street THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20 1913 y HVC., ‘ i for a 1 Every 2’ one hardwood e"flf‘<l):7nrl:“If: : 10m Try I fit batik. J of Mr‘ f PYOSD! IPURDYu" SONS 1r \\.~~I H Mr. William Rooemtock of 16 Skokie ; Ave" who has been very ill with pneumonin for a month. ismin occuping his position as one of the foremcn at the Public Scr vice company. - John lnvin Marshall. Jr" the infant-on of Mr and Mn John Irwin Marshall .9! f Prospect Ave. 5 able to be out um be ingcoofinedtothe house for two and I one half weeks with hronchiul pneumonia. Mr. Jesse Law: Smith gaxe the Lun- coln address ‘February 12 before the Brotherhood of St. Paul of Park Ridge, 3 union of the churchmen of that city. Mrs. Frank Miller entertained about fifteen ladies and their babies at a party onMonday afiemoon in honor of her son. Kenneth's‘yfirs! birthday. Mr. and Mr! John ank of Buffalo Lake \linn. are spending (Pu wn-k as xhc guests of \irt. Frank's sister. Mrs. G. Gruel. (h Mrs. H. A. Cutler of Linden Park Place. has been called to Terre Haute, Ind, on account of the death‘of her father, Mr. WY Rl McKeen. a" Mr. J. yene‘r.‘wuo harm it; poot "7" health In winter. in dody imptovinc, “I“? Mr. and Mix Punk Mathew) of 23d:- 1 ‘ flord. Ill. mguem of M11; D. P. Sheahen. 1,353, Mn M.‘C.Connd and Mn John E. ’Conrad of McGovern 5L. were the (“an ‘on Thursday of Mn 0. Binncr of Ragga '13 I Park. “‘ W: Mr. Ind Mrs. Hagan Dense] had a 4 “their weekend guest. Mi. Dub 0! Chi- Miss Catherine Cushing. who is visit: ing Miss Theo Fessenfeld of Baltimore will remain enst until the first of April At present Miss Cushing and Miss Feseh- feld are visiting in Pittsburg. Mrs. George E. Moore has as her guest her aunt, Mn. 0. M. H. Ellis of Seattle. who arrived‘ here Monday on a return tnp from Florida where she spent 11b4- winter. Mr. A. M. Lowric. manngcr of Ravinia Park is in Charleston, S. C. this week where he will hear several singers who are after engagement: at the Park {or the summer season. Mrs Cliflm G. Alexander left last week for Bellcair. Fla.. where she is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Alexander at their winter home‘ Mrs. Jamison and little daughter of New York. are the guests of Mrs. Jami~ son's mother. Mrs. Floyd of 428 Central Avenue. ' Mr. and Mm Joseph Learning are en tertaining as‘thcir guest their nephew Mr, john H. Page of Lincoin, Neb. Mrs. T, C. Williams lrfl Wednesday for Kansas Chy. Mu, where she will rr~ main until the first of April. Mrs. (has. Brown spent Tuesday and Wedncsday as the guest of Mrs Mum.- Ward of Blue Island, “1‘ Mr H H. Cthdh-n Jr \\ day to: Ne“ \urk “hm? he indefimtel} on busmess. ‘1 Ind Mm m (Mkftx'ld \\ 13 hf. , Mrs‘ D. B. Brand, who has. been on the sick Inst {m the past week. Is note to be around again. Mia Helen Rehling spent the “cekfnd with her aunt, Mrs. Roy [)xckmson of Edison Park. Mrs. James Grant will spend the week, and with lvr daughtcr. Mrs‘ }. Russel of ()ak Park. president. Mr. C. 0. Alexander. . , - vice Mm Dennis Murphy of Waucondl Ill, ‘leeretary. Mr. Edward Knapp; and visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Witter: last‘ week. The Garrett male quartette of' North- western University will sing Sunday evening in the North Avenue church. Mr E. Mrs. James Grant will spend the week, nnd wiih her AZIIIVhI-nr \Jr. 1 D... -_l Al treasurer. Mr, John Venue. Mr. T. M. Clark in in Lou Angela Cal-nd‘will return next week “com punk-d by his {autumn-luv. Mr. John Mlddlcton. who has been upendms the winter as the (nee! of hu non. Mr Robert Middleton It Charter ()alu. Mn V. Hulk is on the lick week with lam \1 Mr .1qu Mn 1‘ m H'Hul'r. Imstrr Lm‘m. uhu has been nsmng \V('( «‘nd g1k‘5 onl .xy \\ r. F! .\l.n\ M ,l rc- ng‘ r. 5mm. Hr} H\ \\ 1mm: \\1 l“ H leCIn" “I returned n-mmn I‘ll'lb': list this pourcd‘ Among the new memben in It- tendnnce for the first time ren- Mn George Moore. Mn. Everett Deanna Ind Min Shield; The Westminster Guild members “we entertained on Tuesday alternmm h) Mr.» George VN ashington Childs, presidrnt, at the home of Mr: Frederick M Steele At each meeting an hour 0! study In dc voted to china and on Tuesday the dam discuxsed the natural Advantage: in China such as mineral resources. unculture, currencies and the various ways that the Chinese have of determining the value of coins. the Wenlth of Chins. Engineering and induutrial progreu. opportunities for Christianity in China Ind the history 0! that countxy was ntudied. Mi. Rowen- Butin gave several recitation; from Eugene Pick], one 0! which was entitled ‘The Wind" and m exceedingly we“ interpreted and dandy M. Tu we: then served Ind Mn. R. Celvin Dobon Ml The lecture given by Mr. John C‘ Ken- nedy. secretary of the housing committee of the Chicago AssociatiOn of Commerre, on Friday evening It the Ravima school on the subject "The Garden Cll)’ Mme- ment m England and What It Man: to l American Suburbs." was very well at [tended and in every way a succmlul jmeetnng for the lecturer was excellent land expressed his Ideas and told of the lmovement in England and Germany In Inn interesting manner. The Woman's rCivtczil club of Ravxma wrll hold the vmd year husmm meeting on Fndav alter- nunn at three o'cltx‘k. ht pect and Linden Avennes on Tuesday night 0! last week. | Mr»: Frank R. l’ardndge uasthe nctnn ‘of thieves on Saturday afternoon when ‘a thlef entered her room at the Marv land Apartments at 95 So. Robles Ave. Pasadena. Cal. and escaped with a brace let studded with diamonds, valued at $3,000 and several diamond rungs. Mr and Mrs. Pardridge left here the early pan of February after selling their home on Prnspect Ave. to Mr. Fur'rest Marsh who was held up at the comer of Pro-- f Mm Clark. Wife 0! Major and Mr; C. ;C. Clark, who unwed at Ft. Sheridan re~ lcently from Helena. Mont, to visit her :daughter. Mn. Smith. formerly Miss 'Jeanette Clark. who with her husband, Lieut. Smith of the 19th infantry lett Saturday for Ft. Sill. Ukla., is now the guest of her sister. Mm John Irvin Marshall of Prospect Ave. Mayor Clark is stationed at Tien Tun, (lune and Mrs. Clark will join him there, taking with her her niece, Miss Valent ia Raflerty. sailing on the transport leaving Sim Frannxn on March 15. , Thehsl of honur students a! Vassar icollege. announced on Monday Include: ‘thc namr n! Mm Harrie! Bradley, u! ;Manila.P. 1.. daughter of Maw: and Mn ‘Bradley, formerly of Ft. Shcndan and pull ncquninted m Highland Park. Mm {Bradley is well remembered as a student lat Deerfield-Shlclds High school whrre she won mlny honor: [l 131»! xnh-nw' [>1 hv-lr l'..11 .LI.I)'7,:I Highland Put “'7" Mus Hilda-Ii Cuu|r h.a~ enlrn-d 1hr umnm-n ml wnld and \Axt‘x hr! lnrnd‘ 31:» MM Jihhnsun n1 L'hhdgn, who I! JIM Mei] mqummrdhrrr has opened an agenn' m Ih-mrslu' l‘nh hrs and CV?!) day one find: lhesr lam" busfly engaged m arranging the” Armin In an urhsltc display m Ihrlf 5‘th um duw on Central Avenue \1 \v Mr. Carl Rxnnakrr of “'nilneur n (hr new prescripnun (lrrk at (LN-H's l’hnr macy, taking the plate of Mr Meyer: who wnll Icave {of the rrntrdl part at the slah- sown. Mr Rmnakn m we“ known along the Nun}: Shun- hannu hcen empl-ncd 1n Wmnr‘u- 1w: 1hr pan Inc nuns Mr; George Franun I'lurn and her two sons, Geurr Fr-ncu. Jr , and Her rm Wayncflcte arc the guesh of Mn Pancn's singen. [he Minn Clank 0! 33.! Maple Avenue. A! 1)!“ meeting 04 the MM} Bible 3 1.: the Pmbyxerun church In: L ndly. In docu'on of 0050:“ took place: Preddent. Mr. G. 0. meathé; both union Sunday. Topic: for the day will be: Mhnu'nn. ‘Sentmeln o! the Souk" eventing. "A World for I Lnk." «yum mm the Tait. do... "V;L_:.:_iâ€"â€"1-l-â€"â€"-â€".â€"-â€"4â€"-J “Wmmm exam; mhmwemfimt lotheotl’o-nt.~ 1(me 35mm, rm). ‘M.Hmcnywu«wmntumub‘hmmodm "6111',an mutmmummwumsmh ”M.“ of Japan. M- WW" W" Subtotals...“ ad will W'Mmuer-mnmwmm Immune-mafia: 3mm church a tommmmdlw Iii-Mom both union Sunday. Topic: for the‘n‘mrfl hen-M mWrAnmm p.- P. MIT-Imd'u- Chalk-Nun “it! u MxIdn-d \h! n’k uhrw xh‘ \I! ”H \11 Mildred Coal:- And Mu Johnson have opened. Dnmcsuc Utility Shop under the name 01 the "cum Whole-dc Supply Co :1 124 E. Central Ave“ that they have on sale I number 0‘ unique and maul household madne- ll very reachable pru-u Adv. 51 Thrrr urn wu-rul panics give-n by Capt .md Mn mlbmxh lot lhrn [Ln-Mn, the Mst \mnmn u! LerflIWUllh, Kan (m Manda) there was I b-Mhnu parh tulluumga buflrl oupprr at the dub (m Tun-ad» a plncakr pan). at whxch Lap! (ur'slufk rerun-d hm prize for hrmx ahlr to an the mm! pan-_ \akm, The guests wcrr Cap! and Mn. Com-tuck. Mis- I-‘lon-mt Bane). Mum Getty. Mm Helmet. Ll Ind Mn Loan-1. LL and Mn Plum, Lu Wuddrll, John’on. Wllker. Ctawlord. Dunner“ (hhmm and Dun ()n Fnda)‘ evening about lhler bur-dyed mmutradcn. Including many out“ (mm guests. tilled lhr hall a! H Shcndan Which was must attraclnrlv and ap- prapnatrh dnnlalrd fur \ulrnllm dn. Thr Ahrrnnon Audion Budge dub Inn-x mm Mn tuatm nu Fylda) moved xnlo (he (module house. Ll, and Mn. Comes muvod "am [he ‘ Iub to the Mam‘heslcr houn- Since the 19!}: Inf. Icft [or FL SI” an Saturday a grrat many change. have been made m Mace: 01 reudencc m Fl. Shendan LI and Mn Munch-Net have moved mm the Fnru- home. and (apt and Mrs Fnrsr moved In the" own home- prrnuusly occupied by thpL and Mn. Williams. Ll Ind Mrl Herb! moved xnlo (he (module house. Ll, and Mm Evelvn Murphy. who m amending school m ('ualcsburu, Ill, named her pqrrms. Cam and Mrs. Murphy whu left on Saturday tut Ft bull, Okla Cap! and Mrs Roger: gnvrldmncr on Friday (“\Tillnfl for Mr and Mn Pracy 0! Virginia, who have brtn their guest but who. at (hr present Mme. Ifl' Vlsmng In FA anslon The guests were Cam. and MrI‘Murphy,Capl.SM-¢el, Capt and Mrs Cmnsxcx‘k. and Mum Florence Bailey of Highland Park. The next mortlm of the “no“ In“ be on the cvrnma o! Thunday. Frbruz'y 27’th, and Will br I Itemoptnrnn lecture by Dr. K A, White. Thu morning the 09011 Stud) dun took up the study of the laws 01 this out: pertaining to "Women Who Work." undu (he din-(hon 0! Mr: Francis D Eve-re“. Mn. Wilham B (incll. Mu Frcdcdck Schumachc-L Mr“ P. H Knight. er. Mu. Herbert 1’ “re-n. Mn. A 1. Moore, Mrs Halsey H (, White and Mn John Irwm Marshall Ihc Uwoh mrndrrs also \ulrd 1v UM- lhnr Influcmr and war ”H5 alalr lu makc a prnpcr ulnnbulmn toward: the start-'3 rrprrvnlalmn al the Panama kn- pusmun In 1915» following [hr program Ira Ia» armed hythr lullnwmg hostesses Mr; George E Moon. Mn L A 5"th. vumn m thc ~14“ he r -\\ ¢ mu n H’RAIH A! Hu- mmhtn meflmg ‘hu‘h all! uh plau- un (hr ant-mum or Tuesday. Manh tuurth Mm Ruth Fumu vull be unable u- rddnâ€"u the "Irrllnfl mu hrdul ed Mn R 1 Benny qu read :- papa ("11hr huhvnl u! "(Mr H! thldlrns [rem ’ 1m: hrry. mu 'mu H Mal-urn pn‘turc cxlubmunu continue to tune plum ll ugh! o'rlm‘l :hnrp on Fndz)‘ n-enmn. Next Tueodny. February 27. at Mt o'clock. the?! will be - um locum underarm-pita at mono“ followed by - nod-pom. The beam: of the cvcmn: will be Dr R A What. who hu W unusual did“ [wing \‘M d Mentor Ind St. Patrubum and the two cm” uhu‘h will iorm the subject of has talk I‘hr \ Hm! [1.1] pl.“ rd ht Ft. Sheridan Notes Mr Inst [nun \nn Parents and. 'Ibachers' Assocnanon The HW Pat CM ()xsuli (‘lul [In Phcn Du noon South Divide. 5“? [hr hm “Pm Pt I~ I. r [hr p1ru~nt irgnslntuu rituhlxahmg an rpm-pm VD! 1‘ hn Hi Ir! “(In .u “Tami n!) I’ll ”If [hr ‘12”: If you wa to enjoy your home in the winter: have T. H. Decker Co.. put 1n your heatmg' plant. '1‘ y not only guarantee but the)" producet goods.~ ‘ Nu duubt '()u are acquainted with the Class of work we ave done in the past. but IX) YOI' KNOW, t ‘at our department fur Pressing R0 pain'ng ' d Remodeling Ladies” and Gent’s Wearing pparel is done right here in Highland Park. by EXPERT TAILOR of many years experienc . . (Mr C EANING AND DYEINU of ladnes‘ and gent'é garments. riental rugs, carpets, purtiers. draperies. piano cove , lace curtains. etc. cannot be duphcated by any] ‘ we have the LARGESW and most SAN! RY plant in the West. ' Chan'- A ‘ n i... "\.INM. \‘u‘c- wtruth-I J "vod MrU- 0| Md;‘ll' I On P'MOII Alli-1 ‘ V (Lo-hum the My for all the inwstmts which wr srll 4 are m c soas to sell m amounts from $50) w) Ta$ pay 6 r cent. Your credit at war banker: ml} lg 800d 1 you buy Man. No Shpre Trust Compaq. wagon kill (all for and drliwr your ers and invested his ”5" in mortgages on the tiaxrrqs}j and homes of his neighbo ‘ 1’: He ieved 1n the old adage that‘ ‘St‘t m IS ieving” He made this a rule bf a his siness. ‘ g at} immediate attention t0§ your prescription wiints are found at 11 maculateCleanliness A solute precision. and deakeit possible for our customers to hum-(it 5 Earl W. Gsells’ wmxwxwgw kWiX‘k lermm‘z‘sf ighland Park :: j Tripp/20m .3’ MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 234]!) lineal-n Avenue. CHICAGO ial Announcement s and Cleaners INCORPORATED ‘ “Comfaroflhavelong rm ”was; favon'te exprasio of , thriftY‘farmer who alwa§s e: joyed good ambis ban] \‘ Capital 3 100,000 Highland Put. “1.. i Tm 201 Highland Pp!- |'-" (jun (Lo-usri ll l," KIN-v Vwc humm- Co|o¢ul 1‘ an I hm mg. Illinois Divomy - 8152 garments

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