am F1773; u‘ The wedding of Miss Lucia Osborne Ford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherman Ford of the Moraine to William McMurtrie Rutter oi Chicago took place on Tuesday morning. March 11. at ten o'clock at Trinity church. The ceremony was performed by Dr. P. C. Wolcott. It was a very simple and quiet wedding only the immediate families of the bridal couple being present. The bride has lived in Highland Park for a number of years and is well known for her interest in Hull House where she was at one Illl‘it‘ private secretary to Miss Jane Addams and she is also an ardent worker in the cause of Woman’s Suffrage. A number of Highland Parkcrs enjoyed an informal Tango party at the home of Mrs Frederick Baylies of Central Ave. on last Thursday evening. Amopg those present were Mr. arid Mrs. Frederick Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Chitten- den, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Prawn, Mr. md Mrs. Henry Jones. Mr. George H. Merryweather. Miss Merrywcather, Mia Shields, Miss Viola Shields. Miss Clark. Miss Mary Clark. Miss Dorothy Clark. Mr. Thomas Troxel. Mr. Harry Tamer. Mr. Harry Mmer. Mr. Culver Shields. Mr. Allen Jones and Mr. Walter An engagement of interest toa number of Highland Parkers which was announc- -ed on Monday is that of Muss Marguerite White. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew White of Rogers Park. to Dr. Floyd Don donville of Dwight. formerly of Chicago. Both Miss White and her ï¬ancee have been frequent guests here during the p45: three years. Mrs. William Louderback was hostess at a very attractive luncheon party to eight guests on Tuesday of last week in honor of several of her army friends among whom were Mm Robert M. Getty. Mrs. C. C. Clark. and Mrs. John lrwin Marshall. The center piece of the lunch‘ eon table was composed of corsage bouA quets of violets which at the close of the luncheon were presented to the ladies. L__________ a, the charm ________J Mrs. Trig: “.311â€:qu MIL “is T139 marriage of Hi- Ruth m I‘nday awning bndï¬e club Mice“. dawn of Mr. M Mn. Wall Add»: ' The Sewing Club met Tuesday evening 3am RootikChkuO. 10 :21“. with Miss Agnes Garrity of Laurel Ave. A r "m' "r1: obliteration a: nv'n'onlna x “K The Tuesday evening the Tango clue was entertained at the home of Mrs. Paul W. Chapman of 328 Laurel Ave. Mr. and Mn. A. Lawrence Mills were the guests of honor at a dinner given on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Connor, 125 Davenport Str. Evmton. Mrs. Joseph Learning was hostess lo the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion at their regular meeting 9n Monday afternoon. March third. A‘delightful program was presented and Mn Frank R. Cain. who has an exceedingly charm- ing voice. sang several selections, ac- companied at the piaho by Mrs. Charles E. Weeks. About forty of the telephone girls en- joyed a jolly sleigh ride party on Satur- day evening. dr' .4; to Ft. Sheridan and returning to the home of Miss Frances Sash where a very delicious dinner await ed them. The tables were attractively decorated with red roses. After dinner the evening was spent in games and dancing. Of interest to many of the friends of Miss Olive Berry. who was a former student at both the Elm Place school and Deerï¬eldehields, is the announcement by her parents. Col. and Mrs. Berry of Ft. D. A. Russell. Wyo.. formerly of Ft. Sheridan, of her coming marriage to Dr. Robert C. Mac Donald of the Medical Corps. L'. S. A. which will take place m April. Mrs. J. S. Reeseman will entertain a number of friends at a dinner on Friday evening in honor of her daughter. evening Adelaide‘ The girls of the Iota Phi Sorority en~ tertained at a sleigh ride on Saturdav evening and there were about twenty- three young people present. Following the ride they enjoyedasupper at the home of Mrs. Bastin. ‘ Mrs. John Irwin Marshall was hostess at a luncheon on Wednesday to eight 0! her army friends as a farewell to Mrs W. H. Chatï¬eld of Ft. Sheridan. On Saturday evening about thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker. gave them a very pleasant surprise. Cards were the feature of the evening and a clutch luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrsi Milton P. Biddlecom of Waukegan announce the engagement of their daughter. Miriam to Harry F. Prussing, son of Eugene E. Prussing of Chicago. formerly of this city. The be- trothal is the second announcement made in the family of Mr. Prussing within a month; news of the engagement of Mrs. Ella Jorgulesco of Berlin. formerly Ella Prussing, to Herr Walter Friedeberg of Berlin. having come from Berlin a few weeks ago. A number of Highland Park people at- tended the Garden City Chapter informal dance of the Eastern Star In Chicago on Friday night. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheeks. Mr. and Mr; W. Salyards. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Clow, E. Maechtle. Miss Inman. Mr, lnman. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. Harry While. and Mr. and Mrs. Bloomï¬eld. The Social Side of Life Sigcal jAffair's of the week There has been much comment made up- on the‘unusual amount of entertaining and lack of the observance of Lent this sea- son ‘by society in general. nevertheless the ladies at Highland Park have devoted the greater part of their time to working and ‘planning in the interest of the bath- ‘ ing beach benefit which is taking place today at the Highland Park club. lim- 3 tofore the afternoon tea table has been ‘ an attractive drawing feature but today i was served by Mrs James L. Martin and 3 her assistants. trom an attractively decor red and restful booth is successfully tak- ‘ ing the place of the tea table. A very good menu at not an exorbitant price will be served at the cafeteria sup- ’ per between the hours of live thirty and eight thirty o'clock in the ball room andl ‘ ‘maids in white cap and apron will give the most competent sen ite Mrs.L C.L Hughes is chairman of the supper table I committee assisted by Miss Latherine ‘ McCauley and Miss Annie Cobb. Among the young ladies waiting on table are the Misses Donna Drrw, Viola Shields. Mar- jorielLeaming, Kathleen Bergen. Marjone MihilIS. 0983 Taylor. Louise Taylor. Mar- jorie? London, Dorothy Bastin. Ruth I Beardsley. Jean Ten Broeck. Ruth Ker} ~ oot,' Margaret Kerioot. Esther Kertoot. Cecil Vail. Catherine Cushing. Helen ' Rudolph. Grace â€McKee and Marguerite Schaefer. To Mrs Rex Lysander Jun“. a woman whose executive ability is com» bined with rare tactfulness. the main re- sponsibility was given when she was ap ponnted chairman at this Domestic Arts and Science Day and Highland Parke-rs having seen he; manage and direct the well _ remembered and apparently mi- posstble (eat in the way of raising an en- ormous fund at a church bazaar as that of the Presbyterian sale, which took place over a year ago. the success of this im- mense undertaking is not questioned 555$ Sheridan Road. Chicago. to Mr. Wil- bur’l’hnery, Jr.. took place on Wodnet day'cvening at six o'dock at the home 0! the bride: puma Mr. Ind Mn Hnucry will go to the coat on their wedding m'p and will be away six weeks. Mill Addnhua. who has acquaintances in HUI land Park has been among the guests at the entertainments given by Mia Cecil Vail Mn. George . Nichols. who isRecori- ing Secretary f the Chicago Ogonta Association. Mrs. Joaeph Terbell and Miss Catherine Cuahing. who are mem- ber: of the Board 01 Directors and Mn A. 8. McCaughey are intereated and will take part in a beneï¬t to raise money for the day nursery which the aaaociation supports and which is now located in its new building at 16“) So. Allport Avenue. Through the courtesy oi the Chicago Kennel club. the aaociation will receive receipts for the ï¬re! day 0! the dog show on Wednesday. March 26. at the First Regiment Armory. Michigan Ave. and Sixteenth St. It is expected a great many Highland Parker! will attend the show on the 26th and each ticket purchased for that particular day meana enlarging the fund for the babies beneï¬t. Mrs George Nichols has the sale of tickets In HIgh~ land Park and will be glad to send them to people upon request. The day will be in a measure a social affair for many pron'y'nent women are members 0! the association and plan entertaining at luncheon preceding the show as well as taking great interest in the sale oi tickets. Had Poor Tum. “Than a valuable dog or yours." “Yet. but he doetu‘t know he's I "Mable do: Look at him. will you. Icratculnx yonder In "an: cheap am when he might as well be up the book The farewell reception given at the Baptist church on Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Brown who left this week with their daughter. Miss Lurene Brown, for Panama Ctty. Fla. where they Will occupy a bungalow over looking the bay. was a very pleasant affair. and [ï¬e old friends of the guests of honor who are among the oldest residents here, gathered to enjov a social time. The re‘ freshment tables were prettily decorated in jonquils and lighted with yellow uhadv ed 'candles. Mr, D. M. Erskine acted as toastrnaster. fulï¬lling the capacity in a manner which delighted those preeentl He made a clever presentation speech whidh showed he had a fund of humor in command. in presenting to Mr. and Mrs‘ Brown as the gift of their friends in the church. one dozen silver spoon: of the Madame Jumal pattern as a token of their appreciation of their devotion to and Vork in the Baptist church for the past' twenty-eight years. Mrs Brown had ï¬lled the ofï¬ce of president of the Missionary Society for a number of years and had been one of the most able and interesting of presidents since its organizar tion'while Mr. Brown was a trustee of the church. Mrs. P. H. Green. Rev. Henry Ciay! Miller. and Mr. F De Everett made addresses which wrre exceedinglv enjoy ed and appreciated. VII" Donn-Mm: In ground worth 851†I from fmIT'-â€"Wublnnon Hot-Ila Dillon“ Tongue u MIM- Agcynlc who an be went: from 0:- m declare. an: I linguist may bonblotomutarlllthonodcn m «not an wow ‘ ' The mmical event at the unwn‘ u.“ the delightful puno mum! mvrn hy M1» lda Knaak â€stand by her water. Mm Emilie Knlnk who rrad n num‘x-r u! m trrestinx pants. The affair sunk pla‘r in the Prrsbvtenan chunh (m Kiuzld.n m-rnmg and was â€nun-d M a grey many eager Instcmn. Last Tuesday (he Lunchnm and Card club which meeu semn monthly" nan rn («named by Mm M’nndman Luncheon was towed at one o'clock alu-r whu‘h the ladies played 500 from 230 unul 3 o'clock The ï¬rm prlzc. a rut glam ml crud was won by Mn, 0. lie-(charm secund pnlt. a cake plate. was yum In- Mrs. Krm, and the â€bovbv." a haudkcr chief. was taken by Mn. 1.. Penn. Juha Peterson has bu-n gumrrd (hvnru- {mm Chrunnn l'o-n-rwv, turnry Philllps a! Highland i’ark P: and Mrs Peterson's case. Mr and Mrs. [1930f(futumwurrvv‘n werk-end guests 0! Mr and Mrs hh Blcnmchl. The Daisy Circle met at â€11' hunlt at Miss Elcnnor Meyer on Fnday cvcnmg On Saturday afternoon an election was held at the Wilma! school house m which Mr. ka Anderson wns clecu-d Damage Commie-k oer. Mm A. Winm m called to Frank vine. Wit. on account of nllncu 04 ML Winter's sister. Miss Sadie Galloway was the \tt‘tlm of a pleasant surpnse last Saturday night, when a sleigh load at lrtcndl poured In upon her about ten o‘clock. lhe party had started tn good season. but alas. when hall way to their deflinatlon. the old bob slagh lcted like thclnmom “one hoes shay." and It took mm: little tum- to pick up the piece; the sleigh havtna utterly collapsed and uptlled nu load m the snow. flown-er, no one was hun and a‘mtd much laughter the vanou. boxes of lunch were tuund and the men rugged up a rough cunn'yant‘c out ut the debris and the party \sent on then way nrnvmg It the (Ealkrwny (arm at “I o'clock where they made merry until 1‘: o'clock when they started on the home mn’with much better results All whu were on the load say it was a plenum evening despite the "tptll." Min Emmi Sehu of Apulmsc u wand!“ the weekrwkh Mn 5 Mmehl V The mod conflmalion of St. Paul'- church will beheld mt Sundzy. |Deerficld News maul The W Aid of St Paul's church met at Ma Wm. Huhn'l Thunday‘mrr noon when Nations for the bazaar which in to be held next {11L were must M hon Mt. Sterner-vine and ngimbytkpunoum otlhh-euW-ulum MAILIlnhlkcou My mum. Space for“ individud mm! 3nd much might be odd W the merino! certain numhcn; We It to â€Vanda-I'M ochicw-d .dmir- alien-tau. Mi- Isabel WI 0‘ Highland Park with: warhead (out 0! Mr. and Minmadmlcunm «MMM an mice-oi ' Mr. James Frillh will "RM the con- lm 0! (hr United Banana] church It mm “L (NI week. .3325 altâ€"sum .3 15:..- .OEFS o5 .- 5,83â€" 0502 If 3 E3. 3 E... 38. .311 < Mr. S. 1) Nelson gave his pupxls a sleigh nde party on Friday alternoon, A delightful ndr through nghland Park and Fl. Sheridan was rnjmncd by all. Mm Dr. Dams 15 unuuly Ill lhu week. Mrs. Clark. who has been Ill dunng (hr past two weeks. has cnnrely rrcoH-red Miss Lxlhan Dollard 0! Chu‘agu : quest of Mrs. J. Antes. Jr. this week Mn 6. Knickerbocker had :- her guest om Sunday M1- Wdil o! Chucuu The second informal dance was given by the Young Men's club at Andeuon's hall on Saturday owning. About forty young people were In :mendame and a wry emuyablc cvcnmg wasc-nwyed by all. Mn. Raqund Killer Ich Friday lot Portland. Oregon when he viIl nude Io! A 5!. PIHKk'I ball will be gum by M. W. A Camp. $66). Mood-y nemng m Andean!“ hall Mn Alben Amen give I (unveil party in halo: of be! mother. MnEA.qu Sunday Ihcmoon. Coven were Ind 10: (tally. The out o! town yuan wen Mr. and Mn F. â€.19er and Mr 1nd Mn. John Wilh- ot Chgcngo‘ The Children of (he thud and fourth grade: enjoyed I sleigh ndc pan) on Thunday int-(noon given by Mr J A‘ Stryker. to kb‘ home of Mus Wmmrd Supple where rein-shmcnts were xrvcd Mrs. J. Ames. Jr, and Mr}. George Karch attendcd a birthday party such by Mrs. Stough 01 Chicago. Muss Grace L‘urolan “as lhr urvk end guest of her ustrr‘ Margarrt nl Chnago On Sunday she nurnded a comm anon by the Paulm Charmer. a! the Sludc baker Mimi hem- and Mmme Huhhmm were hostesses m lwcnly yuunx people a! a sleigh ndc pany on Tundzn' tuning After ndlng for an hour or [In the )uung people were enlcrumc-d a! the Huu‘hmm home where rdreshmcnu were gut-nod One hundred and Icventywhu- mutt {ions have bccn lent out by the member! ol the M‘ S. C in! an mlormal dance which they IMcnd lo gut Euler Mundl)‘ evening. Miss Amy Wilson of Lakr Fun-s! wu the guest of Miss Ruth Rm‘hclt on Mon day. Mr Herman Huchl cnlerlamrd a num ber of friends at his horm- un Sunda) alternuon. week Mm Beam Carnlan Is (In LN:- .snk II-l MWPARKM P: and}. I: the HI- wns on with him hm (he fr mllwl uf III bunn' In" (H! M- Mn! Ihlp hnl dune Ho- run- a donkey when [raw-Hut. In: “’er nnlkln‘ lu- hlnd Hr laugh!- :1 Hu- hlm u! unit In: in llu- urn-t nnh hl- “I“- n! en-n \nvulhm Im- mml 'm n v\ gun I! be I-n- m- unlum lu- dum- “hr ' .11 (In; {wrhum IIRII'IE I"! 'I‘t'l to mid that his humll Irv- may“! upon â€9 drink! mm watt-r will; In nnun but nah-r hubr- In H unh-I- MI mm» l-I- (In lhv M-uthorr llr h: mn-U‘a-u drunk In dvflflrnl In ltflw'unn [0' MI “min-d ha- lluh- “ufllnlll um! M 1m llnnun no this In iuuannr m- lul'd kin-ruin) Life a Every Iflk‘lc u! merrhnudlbe *bk'b ll liquid be "Mum. but he uranium I‘belL lufley um! I You 0|th article: He mud: Ind “rile-n {rum ï¬ght in la" He mu- Icahn-U nnplmmg-fur bro-«L In! about Ill IIHH'II fur (Multan. but after (lu- lurk dar h «1mm he Ilu down to I but nu-nl nulunmu‘ {u on or. true-r ’94, boll-«I hum-r “no u! mm: )1. uni} dihr TI'\Y.‘IHF.II Thr I‘L‘h ’Ihr rmlnumul h Hung-<1 no jinn [he (hum-inn unlmni- ulnvlu pnnï¬mr H llll) lu- [nerh-rlly vummnnlde new (he) am getting llwn monl- “an (Inn! lh-h in do u. may ~11 dwnn 1|, eating The mum-n “lav w-rxe Hu- dIm-n an very fund 0! Inlnull nd know the mum. or m: h mrnvulnr u- tumor (In M the n-rulnr an at (be muunm. I dog. prefer: If m. tall meal- !u prirute. no mum-d 0 .ul- In; his Int-hum In (be muuru I» run from m- home lo we pll "- try any, buy: m. luncheon and a 1: home He pay- m- own bill a (ho end or each INK. carry-In. mo Ilbnoy (N In a mu. 'IHM "mu-d m. ark (in, runny birds. [ohm-h. pair“; monkeys. mum and goat- nn Ilo provsded fur tn the mun-m. u 3 brand: of tho “NI-amen! I 121 York rand. Bunm.â€"‘ HI. Method. 0' L“. and Hm Commpt For Womnnkmd. An Art!) on entering a noun rev mmm bl. blHHI. but no! hln hll. Ho nwunu his home upon the right â€do. uuno hl- wife milk: the cow on tho left tide In vrrmng - lvuer be pul- nurly I“ the mmpumumu an an out side. “II had mull l-e wnppd up wlrm, "on In the summer. In“. m. in! may well enough so nun) Ln um [or M} QUEER WAYS OF THE ARAB. deaners ind Repair-cits of Orietiï¬ and Domesï¬c Carpets 8 Sheridan Road, Highland Park FEEDS IIS'H “TAT T!“ h I MA THE enures. i run 1M x! motto has been to attend to details and give the ¢ best possible service ' The F. S. Dole Catering C0. 201 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE I P Home Made Mince Pies . . . . inc Home Made Ginger Bread . . . 206 Home Made Layer Cakes . . . . 30c I’ies. Rolls, Doughnuts, kaivs. dc. For Sunday Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream at 50c per quzm Wc are as near to you as uVl All Chicago office. Unity building. In “(no vr\\ I] H? \a-r \ 9 HH- lnull M h-ulnr u- rl†ll rm [1' m. and 0 .ul- FM! -on I n nun ‘|I.‘ Ind' u- ‘ .l FRANK L. SILJESTROM Coal and wo'odé Inl- ho Ofï¬eoc-JYIHQEM-ndï¬nl North Shore Fuel Supply COE Telephone 67 u as your telephoxw ()ur phone is 5% For Saturday Best Grade of Coal Lumber Build- ing Material HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS LAKE GENEVA ICE Dealers in 230 N. St. Johns Amt Moderate Charges Geary'. Home Ba] We bad man. 1H Telephone 31 H I! br true that a†m km-ad Ls a Ira-no [Met-dâ€. Hm: )nu (er‘mlrm mum to h: glad I" Lnrm us. in! '3 :an “wading mm! In H( \rnV IHL (L “ HI M L El} plat} 1).;m 'b‘ MI kiwi! 30- and at (-ndt 1.x) hu Wt