Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 4

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‘4." THEHIWNDPARKI’RBS Punusm Wnnir m: JOHN'L. szu. at Highland Park. Lake Coumy. .lllinois Telephone :2 :2 Highland Park 562 WMSLSOHYUi Entered u secondclna matter March 1. 19”. n the pot! office I! Highland Pzrk. Illinou. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Piano Tuning Mr. Earl G. Alden is in Highland Park every week. Has been tuning here for the past twenty years. Orders may be left with Levin the jeweler or addrm Alden's Piano Shop. 114 Na Sheridan Road. Waukegan. III. adv t! MR3 SWAIN SAYS: " During all the 33 YEARS that l have kept house l have never used a more satisfact- ory furniture polish and floor cleaner than NU-FINISH. Accept my highest recom mendations for same." Just xn the usual Way-I but what a difference' No dust flymg in the room to settle down 3 am. Everv wvck is lakrn up and u an out-mot Just stirred up. And. at Qu- same nme. With no 2x”: work. your 1unmurc. woodwnrk and hardwood floors are cleaned Ind whshed. Tn' a 25c bum». IOTA-“I'D I074 D. C. PURDYn" SONS Automobile Tires, Metals Rubbers A SPECIALTY Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods n.>.~8 in; 13.43: 231.1% ,5 13m 1.333: #3 dz non Tclcpboan 753-W Good entertainment every Night Kit. 213 McD-mch «h :. Hiuhlnnd l'nvk J. Smith Friday Night February 21 2 Reel Western Comedy Julian-lulu! Huh-ml ERNEST IL KUEHNE Central Theatre North of Deerfield Road ElstofC.N.W.R.R. THURSDAY. MARCH 20 1913 Licensed Sewer and Water con tractor. cement Iidew-lks. clc Mukandkenilbeakrin Iron Rags Metal Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. is a marvelous dustin '- cleanm “shun; 1- quld. 'II n ypu )ust “The Cowboy Millionaire” They all say our shows are ‘ good Come and see for yourself :. 2: :: D. McNEILL W. Central Ave. "WAYID Mrs. R. Dax uhn has bwn spending ‘Euvemldayswnh her parents. Mr. and IMrs. O. H. Morgan relurned lo hcr home \ In St. Louis Monday. I Mr‘, and Mrs. John Putnam left Satur- ‘day {Or Boston and from (hcrr \MH gm (0 SK; Auguslinc, Fla. Thr) cxpcct to tx- gonc inch-ml \\ n-uks. Smithy will be communion (by :1 ch- Germl'n Luthern church. Mr. Lawrence Erickson. who has been residing in Kalamazoo. Mach. dunng the (ho: winter, has returned to Highland Park Mis Martha Ingersol spt‘nt Sunday with Mrs; Cole and Miss Ella Flynn of Chicago. {ormcr propnrtors of the Chotoâ€" late shop‘ Mist Helen Conrad was the week-cod guest of reintives in Antioch. Ill. ’ Mn, W. J. Schmidt entertained the Sewing Club Tuesday evening, .Rohn and Willi-m Danni m on the sick list with In grippc (hi; week. Easter services at the Nurth Avenue M. Echurrh “I” cunsxst of ascrmon. specth music and recnanons and mil romrhc’nct at ha]: aner ten o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. M. W. Kozmlnski, and son who} have been travelmg in Europe during the wintvx momhs rcturncd Mon- day and hax'cnpcncd {hwy hwm- on 5 Shcrflan Road. Miss Ceila Clan: of Milwaukee. Wm, 15 spending several days with Mn C. P. Sullivart Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Julian announce the arrival of a daughter. born Wednes- day. March 5. .‘hS Lulu (Erinncr and Mr, Clayton of Cthng were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman [)cnzcl. Miss Alma Kelly was: the week end g‘UL‘SK of her cousm. Mme Mane Bersma at (ht; Jennmgs Seminary, Aurora 'Mrl and Mrs. G. Veuer of McDaniel Aveqare seriously ill. Mm Vettcr has pneufnonia and Mr; \‘ctter has hurt trouble. Mr; and Mrs. Edward H. Brown and daughter. Lurene and Mrs. Brown's mother. Mrs Look, In“ Friday {or Pangrna City, Fla. where they wxll make their future home‘ Mi. and Mrs. Marshall Sampscll An: in Neijotk City for Easter. Mn Samp. sell 'who left a turtnight ngu fur New Yorlg was joined there carlx lhxs \su-k by Mr. Sampscll. Mrs. Joseph S. Rxchurda of Orchard St. 13ft Tuesday to vxsn fnends and relatives ih urora and Juliet and m” spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Mr S Rxchards in Oiwego. Ill. W'mmm| Mr.:and Mrs. Geo. Howe and son. Roy spent Sunday wixh relatives in Waukcpn. A bibv girl arrived at the home or Mr. and MmCha; F. Gram Sunday evening. Miss Vio|a Pansy of Fisk. Wis. in vim- ing her relatives. Mr and Mn F. Bthr. The Ladies Auxiliary of the M. E. church will meet this afternoon with Mm Martha Gail. Mrs. Charles L'mbehaun and small son. Charles. uf Kcnosha. W132. visned friends here several days of last week. Mist Helen Golden of Evanston has been the guest several days of [ms week of Miss Helen Cunrad of McGovern St. There Will be a short Easter program at the Ebeneu-r church on Sunday, con- sistin‘g of special musxc. readings and addrms. Mr. and Mrs Jacob Pnrtrr Smith ml] spend Easter m Panama. They left hen: the llattcr part uf February fora southern trip ind will return early In Apnl. 01“ Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Wiiliam Mac Cassey of Chicago. was united in marriage to Mm Mary Managua also of Chicago by Attorney Geo Phillips in his office. Mr. and Mn N. Finney have moved from their home on 5!. Johns Ave. and are livmg in Chicago. Mr‘ and Mrs. J. L. Husband and family are "sanding in the Cornelius Lynde house at 601 Ash SL. Wmnetka. Mfs. w. K Sidlcy will be the guest of her sister Mn Mm Frederick M. Steele inde nitcly after April first when the Sidl home will be occupied by Mr. Frank Sidlcy and lamily now of Wmnetka. Father Simon Gates and the congrega» flange! St. James catholic church m High» wood wish to extend their hearty thanks to Mr. David Dasso of Chicago for the wonacrfully attractive dccorauons of (he megs on Palm Sunday. Mrs.-S:cbelt of Tinley Park is spending the week wnh her sister. Mrs» Wm. Terry. Mr. and Mrs Juhn MrCaflery announce the EXTIVJI of a son. born Wednesday, March 2. \ TM taster program at the Fxrst l'nlled Evangehca! churvh VHH be cnmposcd 01 special muslc and trnmuuns and the regular Easter xrmon. Mr: and Mm 133. Russcl and «hlldrrn, Flonncc and Jamcs, of Oak Park mll spenfi Easter wnh Mrs, Russcl's parcmi. Mr. and Mrs. J, M, Gram. Mi. Robert Husgvy, son I)! Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hussoy. “hm attends school at Hctchkiss‘. NY, returned homr Wt-dm‘sdny to sfirnd the Easter holidays. Hi. and Mrs Hcmy Sx'hm-ndurf and farm!) Hf “Km“- “(Li 11L, “I“ vav m Mrs Margaret) \heuh « n a house on W. Lrntrul Ave. after Apnll 133mm Pmmmdm PMW MbCAledqu-‘dmm mwwumâ€" Duchy mandlhuallo- who and hawk-magmv-nm bani-Pram“; Mr. sud Mn H.S.Vailwill nmaininl’runm‘wm any inAprfl. Mn. Alexander Cuquevilk and mac daughter. Catherine. and non. Jeflfla will wmummmm of Aprilin Honolulu from which plans Mt. Cum-e ville returned In week alter accumu- in‘ Mm Cuquevme and the children on the trip. Easter Sunday will lx- ubscn ed a! 1hr Furst Baptist r‘xun h by mluu .41 pmgrauu appropriate In: [hr day. A! the mnrn mg SterCC the nloru 1mm thfl‘a Twelfth Mass vnll bt .ung 1n addumn m a group of Easter carols. At the rvtnmg scrviu: an Easter Cantata. "The Story at Calvary" by Schncclu'r will bt rcndrrod by a Chorus 01 (went) vmcrs The uylmsl Wlll be Llrgll llmmgrr. Thr DUNK I: cordially mvuled to these srrwcm Mil Julia H. Johmtone ol Peon], the widely known composer of at red none: “we“ a: author 0! books contmmng lesson: for the primary grade. m Sun- day ochoola and In Iutbomy upon the primary work. in to be the guest the latter part of (MI week of her couum, Mr; H. M. Bacon and Min Mont Mr. and Mn. Charles Yoe. who are at Pnlm Bach. Fh., murm‘ned .- the" guest list Thursdny. Mi. Genevieve Mott. who with her tuber. Mr. John (irenulk Mott u on: tnp to South America. Mr. Chester Willuml son 01 Mr. And Mrs. Lucun Williams I'l” unive- In High- land Park on Fndny {mm the cut when he attends schonl and WIN spend the holidays here. Mr. and Mn Wdhamu who are In Calitotnll "I“ not return to thcit home here. Bobohnk Knollx. until the latter part of Apnl. Atlantic City in I popular place with Highland Parker: this week and among those who WI” spend Easter there are Miss Charlotte Yoe. Mr. and Mr; John Glass. who Will be mined there by their son. Tum (Elm who attend. Hill St'hml in New York: Mr. and Mn. D. F Kelly, who will have as their guest during the Easter holiday! their daughter. Miss Kiln-en Kelly who attends schuol at Mary mount. Tarrytou'n, Ni 1,, and Mr. and Mrs. Halsey B. (L White and their son. Hugh W’hitr‘ The Wntminster ()uild held their reg ular fortnightly meeting on Tueoda) afternoon and were entertauned zit the home of the leader, Mrs A lju'n-nt‘e Mill; The study at China was umunued and dealt Wllh the general i‘ondition Ind rank 0! women in that county and the laws pertamtng to their wellare The distressing and tortuous practice of foot binding was discussed and the suflerr in“ caused from the heathrnish uustum. Mr. Vercoe was a guest ml the guild Ind made an address in regard to Chitin. a country about \hhh h he l3 well lnhllnHL Following the stud) (Ln: tea was served by the hostess The next met-ting ml! Like plate on the attummn at April tin! The Foreign Missionary l'nitm ol the Presbyterian (hurt h ‘h'lll hold an espet'ial» l_\ intetesttng and (‘Xx’t‘llt‘nl program on Monday afternoon. March 31. at two u'clock following the bureau Sovietv meeting and luncheon Mme Mary Fore man. who is a missionary in lndtn, will maLc the addreuL There will also he a musical program and Mm May Johnson inf Chicago, who recently returned from :i mm of Australia uith the (inuntes‘ Eleanor: De Cisneros. the grand opera prim: donna, under whose tutelage she went abroad. Will sing East Indian lyrini by Amy Wooden Finden. Miss Johnson. who I! resting (or a number of months. Wt“ go abroad in the {all “1(1)“!!an her musical studies. CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS MADE TO ORDER JOHN HONAKflER 11 W. Work Guaranteed l n M . l‘ (alumni-Z “11qu W "'5 1Sohmnr lot Cami-mam â€" ‘ Slut Rink M" _ Huhlnnd Pm. Illmou Tht Ihthnd Put N-lr hum A \ (DTW.ONI ll‘dn kan-n d .1 l‘uhln numt u harm gum Hun ln' svlrluc 0! an old” and drum rmrrvd Ill lhc above rnmkd musr m 1hr \ urult {Court ut Lake (mum); at (he Manh [am A 1‘ W“. on Hu- ixh, dw) u! Mum A I) WU. more“! lhr Lndrrslgmâ€"d Mnsm m k hmrrry at Sun} (nun. \HH 0n Manda) [hr 311;! dm 0! Manh A II I! khan: r'\ ‘1.r.-. \n ‘9}: IHW Mwfiaml Thr next mrchng u! (hr ()ssoh (In?) ulll tx- un (hr lilnnuun 0! Man h turn!) nth-nth a! '2‘!- ox huh Mr I‘ H I‘rnlm. (”v Port-Km n! Umuu, m“ make the addrrn div'mon "I“ my? a rufpllun In the )rcl "Htm Shall We Ural unh thlrm.‘ whnh anc with Adulcu emr " Sug gnu-d dm‘uuion. "Instrmlnm m 50‘) L‘haprmnagr, Col-kimutmr. ' Mn J I. Holbruuk unll bt thr hi s‘m. Noun 1: bra-by gum thul a grne'll c-innnn “I” he held m the (I!) u! Hugh land. I akr- knunh thmn on 'I urhda). 112mm at tho dup no men mun“ he treated tonmnm on! nextTuendar alumna». Much 15 la; dame o! Unlacmn who-emf went inwriumoalpodn‘ofmlnd: mom. has la. been-mum: 0! nd-‘ mintioa to be! Mam App-ring upon} the mum vi be Mn Edward Knapp: who wall an; ‘1]! in thin Love?" by Mn. Green. and “Cm-ins ol the Bur"- by. Tcnnywn. Intuit computed by Mn. Gram, Mn Hm Clty Muller mll png' agroup 01W. Mn Green null then mveareciulmh m dialect smut-d "A Chung: ul Hun" by ”lunch: Goodman th 917.81 mcehnu (:1 Mn How-1| \lan (1.15m was hrld (hn mnnmxg and lhmc a.» a \(‘1\ Ian" mh-ndamr u! Ledws u! ”H- (MM and 0! [hr Hmhland Park annn :- \ lub to hrm Ihc An'luxr gnu-n h)‘ In Yarnms n! \ hungn upon Sn: I3“ Hymrnr '1 Punt ‘33 all» nu rxhthnn a smws nl [\Al'h!‘ Muir pu turd (1mm hug the rmmmum mgr Apnl lfdh A I). 191$ 1:»! IM- («Alma-mu (My ufln r1: Mm”! CH) Link Cl) Axmrnw L‘ny Tn-asurrr Y’nmr Munstaalr Um- Aldrmnn (m {hr hut Ward Um- Aldc-rman for (he Snund Wald Um Alderman luv 1hr 'l'hud “and Hm- Mrirrmun [or lhr hruxth “3rd The-11hr 1!)”le plant 10! Hu- Fnst Ward ml! hr at (hr Fur Ibrpmnm-nl building (rmul Awnur and (.rflrn M.) Road (m Apnl fin! Mn Brmnnun Page wnll address I“? mmhrn met-1mg on the tub Baird at Hmhlnnd l'mk ul Mauh A “.1913 v--_.‘, and "I“ (lune 1hr pmgnm thh lb:- read- ing of Harold Bell anhl': "l'mruwnrd King" In : muiul u-ng Mn. Jnmu Watson I'lll be lhr puma no ompnnm {m ( hr ant-mum. The rwmru rnlcrummem Ihlt h hsd been u‘hedulcd [or Thunday. Much 20 has been postponed to Thursday, Much 10. ()n that dau- the pawn" of the leac hen 'Hul 1hr pulling pl-(r fur xhr Hun! Wan} ml: hr- at I) \ I’uuh .md .Nm: More. (34551-1111 5! Johns AVf'h ,: Thai {hr pole plm‘r In! (hr Dunn”: Ward ml] tx- lt (hr Highland l'nxk I'm-9.: bmldmg,1(h \V L‘rntml Axrnur all m (hr k my at Highland Huh, Lakr kuunh thnn The pull. a! and clnlmn vuli hr nprr at urn-n n} Inuit an (hr mummy and run hnur nprn unul fur um. ‘n m 1er .11er noon 01 ”mt dun- S1“! HF humus ' \\ Lu: Luvxn r In 1hr ("run (our! n1 lake \uh‘hh Mlnh 1mm. A, I» 15013 Thu! lhr pawn“ plmr 10! [hr Na mid \\'nrd wxll be It Flt-68‘ hart“) phllhlunfl mnp Z4 .Nurlh Shrndan Kuad. 0n Manda) [hr 311;! dm 0! Manh A ll 19} L 1! [hr hOUI' In! unr v} {0‘ k m Hm 11m nnun of and dav, a! (hr hum dun! 01 (hr tour! Hour. m lht Luv u! “an hogan L‘uunty ()1 Lake and Sum n1 Illlnuu. tell I! publu amxum In 1hr huh“! and btd biddrx 1m (3st 1hr in) Iowmg dent‘nbed land and 1m. mraxr ‘own Lou 21 and 22, In Bh-k H. m the Deer field Park 1‘6 and lmpruvcmrm Ab» uruuon Subdwnmn m the Soulhast qumfl of Section 29, Township “north. l)a!rd t! Wlmn. “finch day of Much. L D. 1913 RAMP 12 Eu! .4 the 171m! Pnndpul Mcn'dun. aim-ltd in Highlim 0! Dec:- fiem County 0! Lake md Sum of lllmou ’arents and 'l‘eachers' Assocmnon Ossoli Club Eh Phe- Divide. Election Nohco South Div'uion “Aston Sal. Emu“) J ”nun ”.1, Master m Chancery “dachshund P A \\ Akn'x IY\ \ In. zhu llth Ih dm [ r You can use all of the house some of a hea'ting plant. You can use some the year with a poor heating plant use all of the house all of the year heating plant. (L If you want to m: your house all the year have your stalled bv us. T. H. DECKER b J Ind \‘ern (:umu A ‘IIN Ant-v W Vorvo lZGECcnh-dfive. to the other fellow wh’o borro the money and takes the ' . Invest your money at home with peoM you know. If you do not. you may sufg, fer like the foolish crow who dropped the cheese to the cunning fox who flattered. him on his musical voice. Open a sav. ings account with us now No (iuubl um :n‘v mqumnh-d “1:11 flu class of ' “Mk “0 haw dnnr 1‘. H14- pmt, hm I’O YOU - KNOW. that ”m (ivpm‘tmvm 3m: l’rme. Re- 5 {mum}; and Rvmndt-hng [min-s and Gent'si \h-m‘mg Appzm-l 1.x dnm‘ Huh! hcrv m Highland 3,‘ Park. by .m EXPERT TAILOR n1 many years rxlx'rn-mw. garments. nnrnml mus. un‘pcts. Ixn'tlrrs. dmprnes, puma row-rs. lace cunznns, (my, cannot be duplicated by any local (loam-r. as vu- haw the LAkuEs’I‘ and 9 q 9’ ()m CLEANIM’. A‘xl' In HM; of ladws' and gent's i 7 most SAM'IAM plant m the West 7' The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You “The Imperial” Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Tdei I :- lrphoneu \‘rG-un ol “:6."- A 0" ‘ A ‘mM-an, two-non. \'u N Vorvoo. Cobb.“ Nothing better than a box of Whitman ’s Chocalates for Easter g if ' ' 'om pant _ '1'” (all for and d! I]. n _1 wagon u' Special Announcement Earl W. Gsell 2123-2133 Lincoln Avonuc‘ (”K A(;() MAIN OFFICL AND WORKE apital 3 100,000 Highland Park. Ill- P/mrmaris/ Tl”/(’/>/I()72(' .3’ )rv. Pvu-‘on' Vuoo- 'ICIICIII Lunch! - 1948 Tdcphooe 201 Highland Tdephu Hughhnd M 255 I me of the wax Midi some of the hbuse plant. But )(il a year without a g! : to msurv the 1159 0‘ yuur heatmg plant In] 0ch (Lou-.- u (; kcnu _\-cc and... (Mo-ml 1 ma ‘ Mn: Dnnuy - 8181

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