Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 1

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and Needle case’s 10c ~s . . . 10c , . . . . 10c . . 10c . 10c 10c :les in shell and wood It 20c som'gnirs i_n wood and mSIStmg or ». Bwrill, Prop. Highland Park :h essential the average of prices~~combined. The proof behind it. LET US SHOW 1913-31700 to $3.050. All ic started ~Dmuit «'n [0 it Can and Thor Motorcydd - Deerfield, "line's - Deerfield Garage 'dxaEiy Imxtcd lg Drivi'xmzex‘ (If the miles Robert Greenslade E READING ROOM Estimates gladly fur- nished on all work and Fixtures \l BARGAIN STORE m Bargain Store ” bring resultsg l< ELECTRIC FIXTURES WIRING. REPAIRING R. \V. SCHNEIDER 134 Second Street Phone SOS-L ‘m‘ Easter QCIS Building a quad motor car 5 community will m 10c 10C 10 and 15C 10 and 15C 'rhghland Park 2c in and 389 d something cm of prOSPer‘ ‘in- or an at- of )L‘VVt‘lry will hc new Easter Phone 33. Sec. 5. The state examiner of accounts . served the decision. The case is one lfll should be sent to Lincoln Atenue school shall have power and it shall be hisldufinwhich Mrs. Jopp chargcd that be, hm. ‘ The writer I” told that thin was In the personally or by his assistants, to ex- band's death w“ attributed to (he fact i minds oi some who favored locating a ~nine. at least once each year. the ac- , Wt! and W l affairs of every ”county office: and at the end of each i ha] year to audit the books. records i nil accounts at each county officer. On E every such examination, inquiry shall be ' made whether the laws of the state. the 1 requirements of the state examiner and themles and regulations of the county board have been complied with; and into the methods and accuracy of the accounts and reports and the financial condition and resources of the County. The state examiner and authorized assmant exA miners shall have authority to enter any county office. to inspect any books. papers ordocuments contained therein and to compel the production of any books. papers or documents necessary tor mak- ing such examination or audit. They shall have authority to issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of tiny oti‘icer, deputy. employe or other person whose testimony may be requtred; and may ad- minister oaths and requrre the testimony of witnesses under oath. Reports and Satin tic- Sec. 6. A full report of each Imination and audit of county accounts than be submitted to the board of super- lilon or board of county counimissioners M the county. and to the state examiner 0f accounts. Such reports shall show the condition of the books. records and accounts of each office and shall include I financial statement of all collections. receipts and payments. classified by , sources 0t income and purposes of ex- penditure and of all moneys due to or by (X ‘brings comfort to the big dealers, that he became intoxicated Will] liquor! purchased at fl! Fairbuni pair-on North Chicago. :0! the educational ante-m ot Diltncl .and it bean no more relation to District Fun." Refuse Milk Contract. Farmers in Lake County and the aur- ‘ rounding milk shipping territory, have. refused to sign the contracts oiiered by ‘ the big bottling companies and the Chicago wholesale milk dealers Last week Sat urday was the day set for the signing oi the contracts and from only one oi the bottling plants in the whole district in in which there are more than sixteen hun dred milk producers copesa report Whlt'll “its is from the Village oi Stilem in this county where it is declared that a large l‘llfljtnll)’ oi the milk producers have sigmd mn tracts ior the new season. 0! the filter-n I hundred other p oducers in tht‘dl tritt but thirty six have Signed contract: The problem of what is to be done With the milk is not an acute one as the old con tract remains in force until the first or April. Nearby Local.- Twenty-nint- men of foreign birth gwore allegrancetothe United States he lore Chas. Whitney. judge of the Clrt‘ull court, last week. Mr. Frank R. McMullin has rented Mr. Arthur Aldrs' place, corner of Deerpeth Avenue and Green Bay Road. Lake For est. Mr. McMullin and family wrll move out from the city the 15th of next month The wind storm of Sunday resulted iii raising the level oi the lake oii Wauk» amm uknlll tin» {not above normal. The in l vicinity 3! Elm \‘trwt went side school farther north than the 11’. 'V. ,_ Ag, Lincoln Avenue Ichool l! the t‘hkl intim- ltll 107 than if it were at the other end at the state. District 108 includes all oi Highland Park not included District I“? and at area tic-mien». lung between lie". I" larger field road and the t minty line and extend mg a mile or tnurr beyond the Skokue While District 107 hart an area of one and one hali squari- onlu. l’lSirlt‘l ion has an area oi nearly at; your “Hit“ Making due allowsinic for lilt‘ hm hm Skulue . K area, it appears that thru- |\ three Hill“ as much d\dllqlilit‘ lv‘tlilul\ in l’lxlrul 108 as in lhatnut in." The gn-ati-r por tion oi lliitl‘laiit'. Park 1‘ in District lil‘ Its ghort- line I\ neirli three fourths oi ii little: longer than that [lintitit It)? With all its rich territory lilt' nusihilitih 0i deielupcriiciit .ilnng («locational llllf‘ in District 10?l are indecd great At present the school proper!) in in» (nu liB consist.» oi a dlIlllt’i onenum. school oi the Skokic, oi «small school near Ramona station soon to he transiormed into a truly modern school, and the Lincoln Avenue school, The last named «haul on Lincoln Asmmr and Green Bay Road hes {well nithrn tin- northern portion oi Ditttict 1m. and about three eighth: oi I mile from the nearest point in District 107. For about all ot the west side H‘H'IIOT)’ oi District 107 on and north oi Laurel Avenue, the Lincoln Awour school is iarther reinm‘ l’ian school. However til W05! ed than :5 Elm I A bill now before the state lrgix‘lature Will Build Wunlrc'nn vuud ‘Vhich is arousing considerable upptmtmn .3 known as Sctiatc liill Nu. \u‘i \xliit‘li rpmvides tor a "state examiner ot a:- wms who shall formulate and pre>cribe uniform systems of blmkkt'r‘ptng and ac- counting. “high shall be lllhiallrd in the offices of all county cmrks. clerks o: courts. rccnrtlers ot deeds. ~heiitfs. trt'dsr “rem state's attorneys. (minty superin Auk County Aid in Fur-n Domountltion Wents of schools, coroners. taunt) The Lake cwmy Board (,1 Super mditors. and all other county otficers." nwrs has been asked to take part in a 3 County utfifials thmught‘ul the start state wide movement to influence the jppear to be of the unanimous opinion state legislature to enact a law. empower- thatthe bill should b:- det'catrd because jng boards of “WM”?! and county it makes compulsory the use of lht‘.cotnmissioners to acquire land In their 'gysteni to be devised and the services of respective counties. to be used tor tarm 1h: examiner. and is a step. as many demonstration purpooes and to employ gate, to remove the personal responsibility ,3 demonstrator and other necessary aids mdindividuality otcuunty officials. The for the operation and maintenance 0! we County board at supervisors has ‘5 agricultural work. to be supported by a .dopted a resolution opposing the bill. icounty tax. such law to make it musible In view of the fact that the county isltorthe plan to be put into operation at present paying a large sum to haveiwithout unnecessary delay, the books of its oflicials audited and that. i from re orts being circulated and past, . . expcneisce. there is a beliet current that! After a deliberation lasting near ten The John Wheeler Construction Co” t-t Geneva, lll.. has been awarded the mn tract to construct the reinforced \‘laduCl m er the South (ictusee'sticot tavme at Waukz-gan. Four bids. were submitted. the tiniest. $716M. being that at tht‘ ahme named company. Brewing Co-pnny Mun pay Widow COUNTY AUDH BILL NEARBY NEWS'HEIS AROUSES OPPOSITION OF LOCAL INTEREST mum OFFICIALS ARE AGAINST IT CONCRETE VIADOCI' FOR WAUIEGAI a considerable sum would have been saved had the audit been made a vearlv occurem‘c some (ime ago it is dlflicult to undersxand the opposition when the two fnllowing paragraphs of the bill are .m now Before Whturo Provides for Farm." in Lake 0 Uniform System of County Book- in; Milk Terri! keeping and S‘nlc 51- to Sign Coal Amino" tlim C the county or any county officer and u! Ii] other county assets and liabilmes. Such “”9an \thH be pubhshed ‘Mth the: Ptoceedmgsut'thc county board. Tm: substance m; the financial statements 3111118150»’x- published by the state cx‘ Qminer or m'snums in an annual rcport «Icompanmvv cum?“ <Lm~113~t M .x and \ 7300??) UREIERED T0 FLOODED DiSTRiCT Wash- 1 .- for Oh Major \! Life-boa use "on; Sewm Luge life-saving boats manned 17! Shiloh at the Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Sch-k4 at North Chicago were sent by 1|” to who this morning. Tiw Niel . The members of anumber of local Of'. Mfutions and societies are trying to raise 1 "dial fund for the salient! of this dread‘ fill flood. The Y. W. C. A. room on E. Carnal Ave. will be headquarters for any '56 wishing to give clothingor donations, 0‘ My kmd. [umber 4 Examiution and Audit .. , ilk. \hlid iv 1 _- :1 n-om Naval .Dh‘fwn lhu “ml be; WNW m Latal ()rgammuon Sunday exemng hising Relief Fund. [Pr ““01?“ “xi. Aura true-1 headqu‘trtrrs :5! a) be If‘. preparzmun in leave he‘: are waiting {mnl orders. Axmcc Will be in command. 6 FL Sheridan with onlv 1h.» um'ermrl 'I’LH a<wmnlx I! on... After a deliberation lastmg near ten hours, the jurv m the case of Mn Patricia Iopp v: Robert Fairbum and the: Fortune Brothers Brewing company. rc-‘ turned a verdict o! $1.300 m favor of the plantifl. Sevcra! years ago the case was tried and Mrs. Jupp received a vrrd'u't 0! 325(1) damageu. At that time lht‘ casw was appealed and the appellate court rc~ ; served thc'decision. The case I! one mi Farmers in Lake County and the sur- rounding milk shipping territory, have refused to sign the contracts offered by the big bottling companies and the Chicago wholesale milk dealers Last week Sat urduy was the day set for the signing of the contracts and from only on? of the bottling plants in the whole dlslrll‘l In in which [ht-re are more than sixteen hun dred milk producers comma report which brings comfort to the big dealers, [his is from the Village of Stileni in this county where it is declared that a large flifljtnll)’ of the milk producers have signnl mn tracts for the new season. 0! the fittcrn hundred othev p oducers in tht‘dl tritt but thirty six have Signed autumn The problem of what is to be done With 1hr milk is not an acute one as the old con tract remains in force until the first or April. Will Build Winkcgan Viaduct The Juhn Wheeler Construction Co” (-1 Geneva, “1.. has been awarded 1h:- mn must to construct the reinforcrd naduc! m er [ht South (icrwsee'sncm lavme at Waukrgan. Four bids. were submmui. Inc lmwsl. $71618. being that u! Iht‘ ahme named company. Twenty-mm- men of (oreign bmh gwore allegxancttolhc United Stole! tx- Iore Chas. Whimey. judge of the cnrcun court, last week. Mr. Frank R. McMullin has rented Mr. Arthur Aldls' place, corner of Deerpeth Avenue and Green Bay Road. Lake For» est. Mr. McMullin and family wxll move out from the city the 150: of next month The wind storm of Sunday resulted m raising the level of the lake off Wauk» egan about three feet above normal. The storm was one of the most violent of Its kmd seen here m sonn- time. {or the waves rolled over the! filers as xl they Were not there. MAnfpcrsons went to the lake to watch the scene. WhICh was indeed most entrancing; it one llkt's Hut kind at ctlcct. " No Admin-on to Sund-y Evel I Mr filmy-(L \\ x.. be H «Km-11mm \.‘ um. .. m [hi], or (hr New Sluvmy.” The: |ecmrc un Housmg, or “Where (he ()thcr Half Ln'b,’ given last wcek Sunday night was mtenscly Interesting and gua- gcsnve. but it was attended by only about half as many as heard the first lecture. This was no doubt. partly due to the bad weather, but all who are interested in FREE LECTURES ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS the dissemination 0'! acalraxc nun-nun..." regarding social conditions are urged to come to these lectures and to help ad- vertise them. I Notbmx more imm' " lectures has ever been given Park and the mm: 601 "mandgcnemw arefreemd no collation taken- dissemination of accurate informaxion Inn in Lake County and 5m in; Milk Territovy "a arm to Sign Conn-d- with Bot- tling Complain n to Sofie; Being (Liven Evening- at Trinity Parish Hbcue In (3“ mi)’ }’.m~.‘ .mjx JU. m .H .J'\ 1... L “Wmm-n and u xldn-n H in the way of n in Highland ugh! to have The lecture: is ukcd or UH i In the nitric tn last wetâ€"It’s nine 0! THE Puss reluttng (n the dtstnbution d! alum! populavtnn wtthm [)tstrit: 107 t! was sho“n lhll the prev-m enrolment It Elm Place is about cquull) made up 0! 'pupt'la luring out o! the tricks Ind than! Htvmg we’sv. thc haunts bctng 24‘: “M! to 323 east. Among thus: rust ml the tr: In an- tncluded '24 Mom Fl Sh-ttdan and 2 Hum Rmmta. ’lhc‘ nurlhern puruon u! the distnct “huh hm enunly u»: n! the ”axis and extrnds from Bloom 5! m thcrcabouts tn the north lmc ul [hr «ht (m! was rotated to u the Pan Clinton gdtustmt. Ccnlnlly located in! IN! Ann- ~ It seems mry but In mah- sumc; reference to the neighbonng school (11! : mm. mama ms and {Mm 111. um hem In District I07. It would mm than ‘many people in Diana 107 511” thml 1h.“ the Lincoln Avenue «hon-l is a part of the mhool system «:1 their own dnlnd x This explain: the mom or k-m (ream-m ' ,suggcstion that pupils hung in the :0th ‘ and wuthwem ponmns o! the duh-€14 ashould be arm to Limuln Axcnuc sshool 1 [71¢ writer ‘33 told that thu was In (he' mlindlo! some who (minted luanng a‘ iwat side school {unhcr nmth man the: “on. H was noted. I.- a xhool ute mth u unoccupied one-room school budding thereon on Man: St. known 55 the Port Clinton school. The bound-ne- at UK mum “rid wrrr defined and than: 0! the amour addlllvn in particular. Ind the population 0! Exmoor In shown to Include one third of the total tor the west ude Ind I little move than one Iuth of that at the whole district. ELI PLACE SCHOOL ' CENTRAILY LOCATED lhstrict 108 im'ludes all 0! Highland Park not Im‘ludc-(l m Ihstm‘t I“? And a larger area ll‘fldr's lung between Deer field road mtd the | mmty hue and extend Inga nnlenr mure beyond the Sknkue Whtle Dtstrlct lUT hma an area nt fine and one hall tqtmrr nnltw. lustru‘t 1m has rm area of nearly 31) wtmn- nnlex Mdung due alluwztnte tut the hm lying Skulue area, It appears that there I\ three tuna “lxlrul ("l lllul\ In The greater pnr as much d‘s‘lldhlt‘ 108 as In Illalllt't l0." tum ul Htgl‘lam'. Park 1‘ m [mun-r ltl‘ Its ghnn- line I\ neuh three fourths u! n nnle longer than tlmt nt [lutvttt ltli' With all us rtt'h tt‘rrttnry the nustbtlmh of duelupemcnt .tlnng (-dtnuttmvml hne‘ tn Distrn‘t 101‘ are tndee-d great At present the zu'hml prtvp‘tt) m In» tnct NB consult.» 0! a dutnct ”"6100". schnul n! the Sknkle, 0! «small sehuul near Rannm station soon tn he transformed Illln fl truly modern school, and the Ltnrnln Avenue ghoul, The last named «haul un Limdn Axerme and Green Bay Road hes {well Mthtn tin- northern portmn of Dittttct 1m. and W05! about three etghths n! I mile fmm thel nearest pmnt m Dmnt‘t l07. For that“ all ut the west side H‘H'IIOT)’ ul District 107 on and north at Laurel Avenue. the Ltm‘uln Awnur school Ll lanher mm)» ed than :5 Elm l’lan school Huwever as tnttmated belm'e. ll ts no mlutitm n! the present problem in Dunne: lOTtwtttt- schnul t'ondmuns in [lifitncl tort. [he gm’crnnmnt Ween/alum hlm'lu Ddtntt WT on the north. Dtstntt me from: Its snutlwrn hnundar), and Unmet Ill l("l‘,\ ll rt. run” my ,'.' ‘tt- r l'xlrirr til inch: '71-- m um nit-tely on ~.\v-\‘r’.' 1' .1"..- ell-um rA’KII. two month. eutmatt Mllllllinln‘ lmproxe . lln1IWUm0ltlhsfllt l‘nxlt expenm Hut e parks} It will thus be you Hl‘hland Park's 2mm Cred In annual mm thru'n‘ahd ($41“th llntt' "mm- L. It stun that nt‘.’ "unn- .I (It) mmht lu tum .I‘ nenl~ Ihr pfilnt I act-m tn undvntuntl [MIHIU'I H: mm' they the uu‘ Ul [he A ll\ tmn u! all prt tn rt) ll land Park H $1 HRH! Hmhlund l'uk rum 1 purpunra cxtrp: ml! l'urk Dulnct thn nut ta dustnbutcd u lull“ Tu the Sute ul lalmt. To the County ul lal Kn the Than 0! [kt-r To the Townan lhg Cumnnutnoen ' To (be Pub“ Lthmr) 'T0 the Cm n1 H15: Plrk. bond tax I»: mg bond: and mteu To the City 1.! HI; Park. for general u ate purpmts 'NIVIE Thr prnrnla share u! U, ..:_\ past 1h“ l1.“ hem lx- “tn-m [hr pa mlv u! “:6 V'. t". 1 ' t'u'. tut WMSIITIIAIBCOIPM Diurktlo‘lhu n Aron d0” [he guvurmmmt “.3!th WT on the from: HS smnlwrn ‘ 1H hww 1! m um blodu {turn " v ~u--~ rn b- nub.” m District X07. U U111 building “Mr [he ploperty of Dunn! 1U? [ht-n- tank! be ltttle quesuon ut :ts (unvcmmct‘ ut toa- tion (or pupils lmng m North Exmoor and mm! of those at Putt Chnton division. This ts not the use, of cunt. and lgain we are reminded ol the utt- lessncu o! lonkmg toward outside help tor conditions within District 103. The writer has dwelt It come 1 upon the boundaries 0! Duck! 107 to emphasize the be! that it b a Iu‘rtycon pact um completely banned in by other areas with definitely and W Andnawtbcpointcmbenkenl wnh referencctothegnnur Mon counxvmourmc. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1913 Dim INMMSEI Squn Hil- 1d H (11'th rimt‘wu- \\ k" U AH It! Mmmm During lhr paM u ‘u 1hr uw ul Huh 4 and Park rectum! 1mm non 101' “(y purpmu "If mm (9591 Addéd In Hm {ht uly “run a] nu 0| at took up from mmellmmus mun" 1hr Iolhwmg é . Crvdil u! urn! and allry Nod (rum rxcnnmx, pnrrmm elf. Credit ul new" tund ("(ML perm“); led!( 0! Minn-mung In] wovedRo-bFundI tn m auto linen. etc I Crrdl! u! Mmrllnnrnm Fund (fnxn \‘arwux hccmr. lees. dug In on n ma 197.13! 4 51025; 1.79195; To“! from mlxellaneous Thu grand lull] nl $211864“. rep" nnu the amounl ol munry n-mllbk lo run the my In: am you 11a: we" alto recuved. tot relmng gem-n! bonfi and mun-u on bond. ouflnodln'. the num u! mamas. and luv llhfllypuw. [he mm of “3320-. "Niki". a grand [um] 01 mm}?! ()ul u! that hmvn u, only ”6.86434 wns HVIIIMNQ 1.! ml cny purm u smod Let u. at how much ‘1]! hr sprnl In the Mi )0! 19121913, Short and Min tux-noel (in: two month- estimated) Stu-ct lighting Sever expel-a (In: (‘0 months damned) Bridge "W Mindlmeou cxpcnm Hut [“0 month. eulmul-dt Malnuimng lmpxoud Roads Hut two months «(mule-(1) Pull expcnm Hm (Iranmu parks} I! will [hm hr N-(n ”ml the Cl!) m nghland Park's annual rxpcnnesnmn n Cred Ill annual :nx mnr M abou: (um thm'mnd (“JIIHIH (Ml-n Receipt; In! grnrul at) Durvuou n abun Hair "rm,- ‘m In .1 31.") Hm! nu' 1.0m .u'r - Clt} mum lu hm: .I'nph‘ nrnh [hr pun. grnr act-m in undvnumd I'm pnrllu'] n2 vum’ (hr! p.4\ l‘ «Humbu- H»: the UM m [hr A l(\ The .usrw-d \ahm (Inn 0! all pn [a H) m ”w \ m u! Hug! land Park H $1 H'udulu 1hr paypu-ul Hmhlund l'uk mm 1n\ m hurt to: al purpunra cx‘rp: m In uh and [he hunt Park [mum [Pu gum o! 3., (*1 U9 1].] n dustnbulod u 10mm.- Tu the 51m: 01 laluu-u $6899 I!» To the Laumy m lake minim r” the Twin 0! [krr'wid MIN 9 To me Turmmp Hugh» Cumnnumocn ' 11.07.. «1 To the Publc 14911.”) 1,]?! To the C121 U1 Huz‘ 1.1M Plrk. bond !a\ It»: f('l In“ bond: and mtrvrxl mm: 7U To UK Clly u! Huhmm 'NIVIE T’u‘ pm mm nharr . pas! 1!)“ Mn hfl “HI-U) Nu rugby" "I 2.“: grnn.“ luv/arm)" pun MM, mrnw path "it annual ol 3:] 787 71. pin Ihrrt or raw Ihmaud‘wan to cont/mm (In hmmhtfi Hug-hum" (on niaiom a “(101M do" and an mu! actuary In rrtur bonds and II Inc! on bomb muffin-«1m; In the (act of these [mum at will ht inlcmtmg to non the (u! lhalow oath That Highland bot w Lay of Lola Farsi. m an autumn pma'un You] (or (My purptm ’u: I ~’Q-\OQ n! r, I on" - Wiiloo ll’ hr, p. SILL‘XU‘.‘ i_\ uni lurnr Hm! Um .unuum In Hu- br':«crh \J DWI) .nd In .1 gnu-ml xmptw .u'r ~v Engh Hm! llu n'nph‘ iumi‘ In! all 1‘- grnnnh due. vn'. \ l‘ .nullable In: .~1 but rim! mpnuzlr I'm “NAN!!! fill Jun 811L949 39 $1751.93 hull 2L0959) ulv (17)! 6.30000} 3,177.23 3.17972 mm 43 n}, NIIA Food bowler: Roper! Food Canfuliy Protected Mr. Jacob \‘etttr. om- 01 [hr aides! and j (but known rodents m Huth-d Put I jd‘ned Ina I unbound mung a! nxlul i (mean o'clock a: Monday mount». a! 3 In. home u 414 Menu-urn Avenue. He ‘ had lived hen coalituoudy {or 1h: pal (onyxvo yarn, and had-Ivan. Imh thr. mauso- of the pat In year- when; ' warmed by tuna; idenuhed hum-d! f with ufllin tending to the "More at (ha-I acyw-ummmm lromnf ‘unllnlhccofnicwhuodndionmodd: my. ML Venn wnborn u mums: ‘ m the kingdom oi Wuncnberg. Germany, , when M upem the early yeah 0! his hlcv .u the m o! twenty, w the year 1867 hrl :mkntodiomoomim to Chicago' : when he run-fined Mn 3 mm mm“ 'xhcu‘r In) D: «field then he mm: mun: yum Ir- lhrn wrn! In ("no ulwlr In Nahum-q we. you mlmmnc In 1hr yen ' "(70, m (hr year MT] he won muniod tut mummy. Schmlcherol Nonh Narmada Joanne M Hmhhnd Pant, mm m ! llrmmu And unrdemna. ‘ g‘ H. Flank V1 [H.uumm. Ill 5 Loan» «v! Wlndrrc lll Mrvkjmgnv (.c-vmany 1.’ and n uh) 'lluv lrlh‘nt“ School Board Vote-Unnnilno‘nly to PM: (June 56!- Rosana. (h Plumb” Von M: tha wu unsou- tn chumh work. “fill-nuns hmuelt with thr lit-mud Autumn in the year 151 He was] the hr-t mmbfi u! th-t church at Huh 1 land Purl Lam helm: that demon. nun had I plan 01 wot-hip how. he. la, many yean attended mth hu tlmtly. and‘ in a membrv u! the Evaluative-1 church I! lh-rfirld. until that denommltmn ' but“ u thutth hue nhuut the wet lM), 'hrn he [mush-ltd hu tnrmbrnthtp Inn fi‘fl‘lmnl unM Ihr flld u) u w l“ 2»: HI umhm hx-v In in I luv lmmllh m a I 1 [hr dis: |JIJM11 4 ‘ mpmauxw thI maid" ' lnukr h» nlhrrulw Iii-mg "autumn” and hr u|~ Yrkrn M'nhmh su II um M ‘ mm mm: u-d unlrnu-h mm! the end. Hr Ir sunnul |~\ Mn uninw, 51“.] \‘rkh‘, .s-ns 1. 1,, \\ [- nwd A I; Vrnn nl Iln~ | ll\ 2 dauulnlru, Mn. A H. Flank V1 Inmfihm. 1:1 and Mrs A and n an) 'lluv vrlahu‘x '1 hr 1|"!er un- mm a! I! I)“l't1ill"~d.»\ 'vum In: "12m [nu-n.» m “I \unh Nu 1.1u m .mn. n! 0' Balm a prefix H Bulijtuz D“ a My :4 1913 A! .m :Mmuvnu‘. mt. mu. ! 'uthy n I»! [Mums H LOCAL STORES IN FINE COMMON CdlLBKLN HAVE SEWER PROTEIN! JACOB VEITER SHEAHEN SITE 8! LINED prh Hum thull aluh mldu-n hrnlhcn I! U" inl‘t gander“ n It mrluhun h 3|“ .3 gjsaconn mm cmwumac mmon ' A: :1 U :ul! a! 1hr mac'sn; 3' Library jjiall Smuday nwm prmuom vull shortly ,be MM Manna m nnmmmmn I m‘ond my w m Thr “(kt-l wm be romptete 1wdh 1hr mun-plum 01 (1h ln-murrr. it bezng du idrd lw Hum- mm!“ :1 (be g‘medmn 'hat (he-V would suppurt Punk '(ilfi‘n. the munncv on (hr MM lukfl lpnnoum‘rd. to: that um”. ’I he urcohd ipany'b umhdulr hr may"! II” he F. P. ilekuu, iur nu nunrnry. E 5 (ml ltd ’lm u!) (3th 4, 1,. \lex 0 ., ‘hmk kum» \ upmmrdx «'11 'I In: nu nl hpzlnllln) w .x uhvd 1.»! Nu- hmrr grade; of that \uncim school, hu' )5 film) ‘hucd 1m hum! purptmtl Tm- )uunx imam hau- wrp‘u-n. an: umqm pmgxum I In: [he upemng hldm mum lo «.u. .I {my exlrnu' u ‘ md..| .nmanmn m lllrndu and patrons of 1M \ Mm L A lum haul “‘11 b: N‘Y‘~|‘d fvrr 1, um lx'nc'm yuu lo A 11.1;an lmd bu :1 put muur m: e. no 01) (hr sum-t Hun .u (hr lilm Mme: ‘aoumu brxwern [hr hour. 0| is.» 4nd 13'.” I m. The {human nu [rum now‘ ’on be at the (mum: between “1102: m. 52341.1) p m. and bt'lvtfll WK) 3) n, and {5110 p. m m nddnlmn n: the mama." bean. Thu punt-(non to school Chil. 'éren is the uhdacmry result a! an 96mg . and: by 1b: Parents and Tenchcn' Ano‘~ Yours Man of Hand far-I'M Will to be Con-naked .0- Good Work The United Ev-mdu‘ll Ch‘xmll win formnliy open thelrnrw W FM” evening. The hIMUY‘) 0! (ho devflopmcl! 01 (ha work pvt-arm! some Inlunmu lulum. 1 he work mu undcn-ken by the young men 01 the chord} Ind urn-0 lo counpleuun wilh me co-‘oprrauon of the pastor. Rev. Van Even ind the m 04 the church All work WI! done by the men 0! «hr (hum h Imludmu vulva!“ mumry. plundering, «arprmry, panning Ind plumhmg l‘nr work u! 1hr young mrn drv’lu‘: I!" hyghnul comma-(1.1mm z.’:!n.m-l; (L11 ..m 3‘ u-mnh‘ uh‘ lhc Fir-t Wad com... Wu- Smcc out hm imac pennant haw ban Mod by 17mm” Simmn. for “German trom lhf {um ward on me Non- Partial gun Ahm B Hill fa doorman (mm the {1m wad on m We" m; A A. Note. lu' Man from the fun nah. In Constructive Pony Ma. and m “I is aha M I petition to: Int wad alderman. N. M kt A“ W Followén' advice at UM Town Clerk E E. Fm, h- ush-Id to place an mm at me uncu- candid-t- for the 060: of «aim! W. to ”I the vacuum cuuatdbythen'unlu'ouol H. M, Pnor. on Lhebollou‘hw the tom! decuon. Mr. Farmer may»: hit Od- not in to (he effect that m I vacancy an only be filled It: called for that purpou. man by the (own band “‘11 be N‘Y‘J‘d 21n- bx (hr uplrndm 1mm yuung uwn and I‘XI)H\ NEWMAS’TW Four Cn-dU-m no out In: Alduâ€" ia a. Fir-I Wad. “in. .0 d the WW“ Contacts in “Imam but 1hr pph‘luhu mum pvt-”nun! b) that yuung mm and rnyn unh 1hrm a pic-.m- 1m! .md pnmlahh mrmng No! on!" “a! Ihr unrk guru \‘vplun nrdy but the monry‘ wnlt‘lbultd u.» wmoux whauuonf \.m!\ lm- 0mm nmuum hn been palif fix a 1:1 1 u ’I p-d that the” uprnmg will r n l) int-c1 1m mm“ dflun SLVEN SUPFUIEMALS RECOIE A! awn-Au A ”N in“ Hour! 0! Lo -' improve-menu Med d Interconng .‘xeunon [All Night AI .1 11¢; “In" A..\ v,;.' C‘ l N. W. Cronin. II Elm PIOCQ (o b. 39“.! Cunrded I [,xu’u |'\ ":4 I.. “A WMSUIDAYWM ”It M1 U; r péh vnlh h Second City Ticket ul! a! 1hr mac'sn; thih hi and Hyman-:1) x H hr! th mung: jtlt‘h lmu'i I)» Volume 3 u did: 100”)!“ IL?

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