E0: was mmmmmrmmss PUBLISHED Wuxu BY Joan L. Uozu. at Highland Park. Lake Connâ€. Illimk‘ Telephone :2 :: Highland Park 562 3 PUBLISHEDWBBKLYIYJORNL.UDMI =,_ . g. Mrs. 5 kaiser of Chncago m the at Highland Park. Lake Connâ€. “lino ‘ Telephone :: :1 Highland Park 562 week -end guest of her danghu-r. Mn. M. ...1. . . , QCOIdsm'uh Fr 1 Mrs. Lam's mother is “siting mth W m 3150 W Y†B Mu†Capt and Mfs. Lear at Ft. Sheridan Entered a: sect-nddass matter March 1 the post oï¬'n‘c at Highland Ptrk‘ lllznw the Act at March .1. 1‘79. MRS. SWAIN SAYS: "During all the 33 YEARS that l have kept huuse l have nevrr used a more satisfact- ury furniture pnlbh and flour cleaner than NU-FINISH. Accept my highe~‘t recom mendations for same? dusl m the usual way u W ’ but what a duffcrrnce' . Nu dust flung In [he room In sank down again. FA? £po;k nslakc-n up and lulu-v out n just stirred up And. at (he umc rm wnh m) cxxrz work, \wur "."Hl‘." wm-du‘urk and hardmu! '{~tl"\ . chum-d and pulxshcdv Try :1 In" hunte- IWatch for our â€"- D. C. PURDYpr" SONS CLEANING AND PRESSING sun‘s MADE TO ORDER JOHN HONAKER "W.£hm Tclephone 731- W Rel. 2 A Good Show Good entertainment every Night Painting, Decorating and Paper Hanging THURSDAY. MARCH 37 Central Theatre 316 N. Cm. Bay lad Telephone 8281! ERNEST H. KUEHNE Licenstd Sewer nnd Wuer con trlctor. cement sidcw-lks. cu: Do You Like 2|} “(D-null \\¢. Highland Yuk That’s the only Kind we Have is a manelmu dustin cleamn - dishing quxd n u \uu yu IOTAILIOI‘D 0.74 They all say our shows are good Come and see for yourself D. McNElll. Work Gunmteed â€WAY‘O W. Central Ave. wind: 191.1. NH. 2! ‘ under Mrs. J. T. Moore and son Krnncth. are mpcctcd home from Washington this wet-k Mrs. J (ll-mans. who has been the guest 0! Mn. W. Wiltcn {or sewn} wu-ks, relurm-d In her home In Mxlmaukec Saturday Mrs Fxmn. whu Pm» been ‘ daughter. Mrs J Rhilr‘u‘ of fur several weeks‘ Rf! 1.15! T her home In Kansas (My. Mu .-\ idfflt‘ tide-gainâ€! 0f Hmhh Irn-nd: w! r\ (nnmvmxzmn Um mund Fuss gnu-n In hl~ honor .11 the La 8.1 rxpn'. In nu-nd a tomorro“ m emng. Mr Henry Schm-ndorf was Hu- (UPS! wf Mr and Siend‘x) Mr, arr! MN [Worm-Id .\‘»r m (hnugu. Mr and Mrs‘ A (2 Mci‘hcrmn and fannly are exhale-d home Monday from Josephlnc, All, when: {hey hm: been the pan twu momhi At {‘hc sesston n! the Presbyunan (hurrh/whlch Convenrd m spu’lal meet- mg Monday evening n was dz-nded to change the right o'rluck esrnmx serum to a Vesper service at {uur thm)’ n'xlm‘k cmmnencmg 0m- “eek from m-u Sun day. Apnl 5. Mr and Mrs George Scthlbach an nounce the bmh u! a 30!“. Man Wednrs day. March 19 Mrs. lda Jam- l’dlrm-r \A week-endas the gunt (\I Than‘r. Mr Edward CulvHx- Liz-MN been seriously xH mth gnppc, imprm‘mfl IAprilr I Mr. and Mrs Samuel Mlln â€mung ‘gof Dale Ave. returned {rum ;\ nip n IBellcair. Fla; and Smannuh, (1.; Mr and Mr: E Hembmuk u! .\h Govern St , had as thexr wwk-end gucxh The '{nends hen- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jessup of Omaha. formerly 01 [ha city. have been worried as to what had befallen {hem In the wmd urn-bud cxty. Word was ru’eived on Tuesday evrnmg telling of their safety. Mrs. Palmer Montgomcry spcm Enstrr With her men: and Mr Montgomery on the Montgnmen farm 1n Michxxun, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Lamborn. uho spcm the winter in Los Anxelrsjrrlumed home through L'Anadd where 12m ham a ranch 1n Saskdu hcuan, Mr. and Mrs. John Shehnn are m Atlanta. (.1, “here the) arc spendlng .1 month “1th relatn’cs EMr, Hembrook's father from Waukt‘ilmw. ‘I‘Wis‘, and Mr (mark-s [incksn-n {mm I Marquette. Mith. 5 Mrs John E, L‘nnrad of Mdmxem 5L, iwas the guest of her Sl:l€|’_ Mrs lit-rt iClnrk of Edgewater several dare~ thus ' week. Miss Lulu: Bell 1:! ' Wedncxu) lur Elgm m \‘nmpam with her sister, Mn. Harry Sampson “hum ~he w}! \ml ((1 a wcek. Ma‘llcnr) Summon hf 5m. Uwgu. Cal. formerly uf nghland Park was the guestthis' mack M Mr‘ Wm H Miller M Cemml Aw Amer vmnymg ‘I \st‘t‘k's \amIn-Ix. 1h. pupils nt th Immm'ulatr Conn-plum school rc-lurm-d In Ihur studw» on Wm? m-sday mommg Mr. and Mrs Hunt); and hunth uf Lh: cngo hm'c mun-d min the hnusc an l'Jrk ‘\\c, hurmrlly mLhwu! l/j. M: dud Hz: J. \' Norcruxx‘ .md family M! and Mia. Norcmss have mm'ed :ntu [hm us“ home an Shcflddn Ruad The “'umun': Mh‘smndr) 171.2011 of [he Presbyu‘rmn church has chungcd us meeting day (w vu-rv 3‘(1'Rd Mnnd‘v) of each munth. Mr. and Mrs L‘ .\' Knutmll .H’t‘ ru'cn ing congratulatmna upon thc bum wt .1 daughter, born Friday. March 31 Mr‘ Nathan Corwith. who 2n!vnd> Andm‘er‘ Mr. Chesttr Willmms, Mr James Pierre and Mr. Franklin Huxw), are amongthc boys who arc apendmg the holidays at homa ' m; um SCI Mrs. W T. l'nderwood uf lntcrlakcn, Lnd, \MH arrn'r m Highland Park on 8.1: urday to spend a wreck Vblllng. sts Mame Armstrong, who Is In Sr“ Yn’k. wxll not rmurn hmm- unffl czlrlx m The amnunl u! money tamed b) the children of [hr .\0th Au-nuc M E church on Easter Sunday (or humc nus sions amounted In Monty dollars. The intant son of Mr. and Mn John McCaï¬ery. which was born Wednesday, March 19. died Saturday. March 22. During the storm earlv Thursday morning Mr. R. E. Winter's jewelry store on Waukegan Ave. was robbed. Between ï¬fty and sixty dollars worth 0! Jewelr) ls said to be missing, Mrs. Chapman of Concord. who has been the guest of her daughter. Mm Siuieon B. Chittendcn on E. Central Aux, for 'aeveral weeks. left Thursday for the whu Pm» bet-n usumg her ‘th-ndorf of “'auxonda. {Mr and “n \" “’llu-n szinx \\ nf Hmhh u- ut Park Ana, lust Tutsda) fur Mci‘hormn and Wednc>da> h‘r uf Sax. Dwgu, sprnd (hr Mrs Htltn [Warm-1d lt‘ nd Pa! k ‘rgv Ed banqurx hbmr {than ed to rrvn'r "\lm‘k Sun \pcnl [he wmxer m Lhudgl) “I†opt-n â€If†Ranma hoxm- .u Dean and Brannon Axe-nuts next urek It I) \uth wrï¬m Hm! IL:- inc-m1: .md at‘quannmncrs uf Bushnp L l'. Andrxum hear that he 1; III at St Lukc'u .‘unpoul, Chicago hntrl ilk Amwmulql m w WI munch-um by mow: Imanwmiuuu in 5;, IJama Catholic church. Sunday. ‘ OnSIturday evening Mr. Gouge F. Phillip- quoke to about ('0 hundred vows: in the him 0! the mm “any lick“ n vitally mm m Hana: Ihall Highwood ‘THEHlGl-MNDP‘ Mn A. Knudsen M So GM Bay Rd†is quilt I'LWHH [hr gnppe which xll‘md in her car. but l5 mnpnmng Mm Margarrl Sulhun of Mchmrl Ann. I: recmrnnx from an (mention fuf Appendk‘ms. uhix‘h sun performed In 1hr Auguslana huspflal lam week Mr W, MY anuc left Mmday’ !- r Madwm Was. \Ahrn‘ hr \MH rrm-ml lhn-x- urrks .md murmurnd {he annual mumncl ubmcd» gnu-r. by the- Halftim" «Rub n! the l HHI‘l‘Ih Hf \VL‘URMH Mr and Mrs. Ruhmond Dean and family Will open the†summer homi- a! the (orncr of Sheridan Road and “cm h Snot-l on Friday. Mr, Donn, 'hn u the gent-HI manngrr u! the Pullman com pan)’ and has sprm .4 numb" of Ru!“ men at (he MOFIIM. rn eml) puKhlscd the rmxdcncc of Mrs Annette R. June: mmhvr‘ Mn Wclls u! x Mr and Mrs Rubcxx k‘ Schnflncr of Rm‘lnc Drnc. who spent lhr wxnler m Chicago optnod their home fut mar [he Fustrr hnlxduys Mn M Foam-min or \\ Genital Aw annuuncrs the unsung:- of he! dauxhlrr Kathrnm: In Mr “111mm (.ladlch M Emn‘mn. The u rddmg hunk place Enn- m Sundax Mr and MD (iladnh wnll makc thr fulurc how r m i-ivunstnn Mn; M heumk »m- {be gun: on Sunday 0! hcr daughtrr Mn John Hunk 0! Hammond. Ind, The Mint: lnvm Mr and Mn N k Ritchie and their daughlexl Ml. Hall Ritchie 0! Maple AV'. wen- the guru: last wnk 0! Mn Hem) 'I‘xfll wt Hf] Ik-arbom Axe’. Chu'qgn Mn. Ruben ()ann, {ennui} Muse Keturah Fouldx who has been the guest of her parents. Mr and Mrs. P, W Fnulds, of Sheridan Road uncc the 27th Infantry In which hcr hutband Is lwutet. anl‘lrh F! Shrndu: fur Mun“, M‘J lcaxr mmght (or (..Il\c.~:wx:, Trxaa u: yum Mr ()"Bmâ€"n limit: Sunday (MUN. Lung!(-ga(mns dvxplzr 1hr mun, wrn' twain-m and [h ~p1nl 01 East†“TH ?« I! In urn' ‘hurd‘ I‘m 1m z'l)’ 111er and greenery dm â€(Mud (‘nv mtrrmn and ~Mm! 1211‘ v hm! Ahwt turn“ Kn-uger ()l (.ru pleasant surprw honor M her hm ed and dtnnly n- bn-r. pirpun The Trmnmen ml the Chicago and Mll uzulkre Elu'tr'n Ruad held 1 large and euctesslul enlerlamrm-m m the 10mm! 21 dance on Monday exenmg It Rumxa Park About lunr hundred people wexr an attendant. The memheh ml the Highland l‘atk L‘rcscems Baseball Ill-am vull entenam 1‘, night at a dance m the Rnnm Park (as The facull) .md pupils 0! (hr hm? school arr c-njnymg a wu-k o! .‘Eu‘ltron The Exanslnn L‘mnmandcn'. No 58‘ Knights Templar. mlumpnnird bv their guests. Waukcgan knmmanden‘ No.12 hcld lhrlf annual Eastrr scum m (he Presbylvrmn church a! 310 o'vluck a! ulmh lime 1h:- paMar. RN R Calun lluhmn prcat‘hrd Ihc sa-rnnn, the why-m ml which was “lmmurtdhly ' The serum- m.“ conducted by (he l'rrldlc and Emu» rm (ummandrr and “as \cr)’ beautiful and nicely (armed on! ‘l he! offering ml the Knights at ‘hla x-n no lmnunlrd 1n nny dollars and was gin-Iv tn xlw lu..l Young Women's Chnsnm. “\sM-xmtlun â€10 ‘munn': Mrs. Kathryn C denr daughtm mt former Unï¬t-d States (mun! Judge Pen-r S Groncup. Saturday wn Iwmdcd an interlocutary decree of dlvonr trom Isaac M. Jordon. Judge Groucup M Mr and Mn Jordon were for 1 number of years residents of HI‘NIM Plrk 1nd Mrs. Jordon ha mtny (Trends here. Dur- ing the last year Mn. Jordon has been I member of the {won-He colony It Cor- onado. Cal†and durin‘ the winter Judge Groocup. who recently told his beauulul residence her! to Mr. Montgomery Wud, has been uniting his daughter. Mr Jor- don is allowed under thc deck-e. \0 have his ï¬ve-yen old daughter, Virgmu. dur- mg three months of each year of her minority. Pen-rune!!! cuotody :5 given Mrs James Tune! 1: \mlug her Mr and Mn l. M RutIedaa‘hnbavr minority. the mother nu .: .'-\t~ u' All“ Anna .ru-n hm Rd gmr her .1 rw- on Munday ¢\'tnlnfl m ‘nrthday (“m a wrvc plm ' rt-[Irshnu'nh sen rd Pullu’utbc Mo MI“ Anna mu, M‘J Apnl 1:3th I) 1913, In: the fnlhmm‘ T'flaa h' u'.) (:{iurzs 518.“)! mm: hahr Câ€! Lh‘rk openuon U) Mtomcv Irld n,†(my Treasurer w C. A l'ulxr Mun-(nu 9“an ..: (".1 Alderman 1m [ht-1.1.4 Wald “med an ()m- Aldrrmnn In)! the Srmufld “5nd Ind an." (im- Aldrrman for â€M- 'Hurd Wald (he-fl of (m:- Aldrmmn in: the Founh Ward you" That 1hr polImu plan- my the hysx Ln I'll] “Md “1†be I! the Fur hrpuxmrm bqumg u-mral Avrnuc and (Zn-tn Bay Ruad Mich.“ WM his Eater VlClnw with Na puma Mr. Drhcolol Hickory 5!, h- but! qumill lb. p.“ weak wuh bronchitis bm b 1mm don niccly. rnmrnnu rapidly The Woman". (mad at the anl Baptist The Worn-1'0 (ï¬und ol the Flnl Bnpufl mu“ h Md a mating I)“ Thunday .dlnnuun a! I’hlfh Mus MrlJmn 'n! Um ago and M1. Ann: Juhnmn. prinnpnl n! a school m [he'l'hlhppmeg more "mm and made wmesung addresm Rtlresh‘ mrms urrr gnu-d h‘ thr haul?“ Ml! “aim-sh) that his nuumns. M! and Mn Lem: “01an and M: and Mn- nhr (H-un who wmr n: the†home. M H'wmha during (hr n-Iunr AY'C‘ uh “mun-r hm nine Ind nrphrvn M1 Ind and Mn Yum and tunnlv â€Himnhn mrnts urn“ rhru (n :ur [' M Frflunr. Mn (,n... \\. X ,\L kcnna and Mn My Jame-I Howdcn, J1 wu Imured shahâ€; on the torchend on Monday morning when hu shot gun exploded uhlir hr ulu (ml hunting In [ht Stone 'Hu- death :4 Sarah Mu anon munlhl \mly dluflhln 1nd Mn hut-9h Hugh-11d. Mundm Manhfl, a! the- l grandgun'mt MI and Mn Hnmn of H5 Haul Avrnux an ()n Manda} morning at tun o‘clock m mun-d the do-lh nl une u! highland P-rk'n oldest null-n. Mr Jacob 21mm" n! .\'n Mord S! M! Zunmrr I'll born m (}rr'mm\‘ Nm' 1! 1335» HI: death “as mund by a sunkr of paralyuu uhuh happnned 1hr"- wrflw no The funeral nrrvk‘u wen- held Hm Illrrmxm .u SI )nhns E\ annrluul \ hmrh on (.rt‘rn Bav Road and Humnvuud Avenue kn R h Fwd!" animated and mlrrmml was at Mumm'h n‘mrlrn M! Zunmer lraxn lo muum hns druh a uflr and fur \hnldn‘u Mrs k Rudlvrrufk‘hu an. Mn I'd ï¬nale Jauh 7.1mm†and W Hun: 71mm" of lhn u!) and (warn Kunmrx 01 South [Minn Nuhxt n herrby given that (-lnlum mil be held tn 1hr L It) land, [4er County, llhnm: an April link A I) 1913,10: the Hut 1hr pulling plum: in: me Sï¬orxd Wald nil! hr at Fred Svhlrlrr‘h plumhmg shop, .54 Nurth Sheridan Road Thu: 1hr polling plan tnr lhc Third Wmd um [Ir a! D k l‘uzd)‘ and Sons wm- U 4» South N Juhns Avenue- Thal the polling plm‘r in! the Fuurlh Ward wm hr at (hr Highland l’lri Pic-u bundmg. Hit W. Central Avenue :1! In the km u! Mlghhnd Park Lake L‘uunty, IIlmon M U! Hr h umm I “ LAM (HUNTY \ " In the turn†Luurl of Lake tuunh Manh Tcrm. A‘ 1! NH The pulls .11 “Id rlï¬â€˜hun um be upon at hen-n u Chit“; m lhr mmmnx and con- nnuc oprn unlil hu- mun m the all†nuun 0! mm dau- hatnl a! HI‘hIII’Id l'mk lhn Hm d4» of 5‘5“» h 5.. I) “â€3 VA gummy-m "ï¬n kin.“ a ll [hr Hum-"d rd" blur Rum Mr A W Hrhhr! rhr â€1 :hr kuufl Home. m [he Cm m “'au. kruan County of Lake and Ma†ul “11mm, sea It publu nuchnn 10 m4- mghnx and but bidder fur (as): [he tul- lowmg deu'nbtd [and Ind rul estate town Lou 21 and 22, m Block s. m the Deer ï¬eld Park Land m6 Improvement Ar non-non Scbdivmon in flu South-can quu‘tcr of Section 29. Township ‘3 north, Banal-12 Eu! o( the Third Principd Meridian. I‘lulud in 111:;wa of Derr- Mld. County of Luke and State at "lunch. [)Ill'd at Wuhan. lumou dly 01 Much. A D. 1913, 0mm: 8. Punâ€. Sonata! tor Chaplain-IL State Bank M~ Hzghland Part. [Him The hit-bk- Laundn rmpivns hm (In. lmhn,‘ m xnlmc gal mrnn. mah- nll nnmmy trpmn a'nd um um butlum whrn- nursing W‘Wflbt «(59- trffl Mud hon am only daughter of Mr. and hug-9h Hugh-11d. occurred on Aanhfl, a! the- lmmr n! It; nu Mr and Mn FraMuC “5 Nut! Avrnux ' Hut." 3“. ll lJans I __ Obituary .4 Sarah Hu-blnd. Iced PARK MINDS [mm ]‘ "nun [UL Mutter m Chmcery his Eater «cam Node. P. A mem k m L It†lflr â€0‘1. ‘1" r: _‘ I: Hxlhngfl nt‘d whld on In ( run: ("5 :th 11th 2 3-0 I .‘ro‘ â€â€˜5-un nl Mc‘i-m I (:w A "wit-II. .1va An..- I' Voted. W You can use all of the house sumc of thv 5m! mm a healing plant. You can use some of thc house the year witha poor heating plant. But you C2 use all of the housé all of the year mthoul :1 K‘ heating plant. (L If you want to Insure thr usr 0f your house all the year haw you: hcntnw plant stalled by us. T. H. DECKER CC anion-min; Tdephone 201 Higum! “The Imperial†Dyers a9}! _ glean?“ 2H usrcmm mm 1m WMZ‘S \0 doubt _\uu m m unmud mth tht (kiss of work we him (inm m the yum. but DO YOU KNOW that um drpnmm-m 1m lusmtg, Re pairing and Rumxhhng Indus' :md Cent's \MzirIIIg.â€/\1)paul 1x dum Huh! ht H m Highland Park. by an [XI’HH IKHNR nf mam )ears cxpericncv. ()ur CLEA.\I.\«. «\h In I m. u! L'ldn's and gums gamwms. oriental rugs. umx'ts, purtn-rs. draperies. piano covers. lace cumnns. ch ‘ k 2mm )1 be dunhcated by any local cleaner, us wv hnu- the LAMJM and most SANITAM plant m 1hr \Vvsz ' The House That Pleases; A Trial Will Convince Youi .4 wagon will (all for and (Ir/1217' mm curmM“ Whatever your CH)())'HR‘DI or pleasure may be. them is one last tourh that makc’S it complerr in every wa}. and that is a MOod picture of the incidvnts. places or persons WhIL‘h helped you to t’t]j()_\' yourself. Put your present enjoyment m lasting form. Take along ax; Special Announcemept d NCO-W ‘ 0". Pro .. . ;wwmwgww%xwwï¬m MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 1123-2I33 lantoln Ave-nut CH'CA‘JO Llncoln ~ 1948 Div Ansm Camera Earl W. Gsel] INCORPORA TED mwmww; to I)? found and 19 w {avg- s and Trustees of Esmu-s You mngage negntmtod kn as de TP/PPIIOIM 3 , I'll-w \ in Ht.“ (.OMIII1 Ill. ‘ 5.4“ Ian (:rrl Lynn-ac! ompan; Dive: