Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Apr 1913, p. 2

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2m» $3 i? A pan)" of Highlmd Parker's ('n]'>)('\l :1 danceand wpper at [leerllrk farm nn Thursday cvemng. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred .\'. Buylms. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Chutendcn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederu‘k Boymon. Miw Carolyn Shield5. Muss Viola Shwlds, sts Dorothy Clark. Mr, Harry Towncr. Mr. Ellis Faxon. and Mr. Culver Shields. his same party will haw: supprrfimd a (Linu- al Exmonr this evening, lDeerfield News Items Mrs. A. Larmn cntvrmmed the mom- hers of the Scwmg 504:1er of thc Swedish Lutheran church at her hume on 5:. Johns .~\\ cnuc on Frida) cvcmnu. Misses JOY and Dmver. CoL. are vi John A. ReichelL Mrs. Frank H Green cmcrtamed m formally on Sarurday afternoon, a num- ber of the ladies who had been ncar neighbor: of Mrs. Henry Sampson of San Diego. Cal, “ho formerly resided here and is now usiting Mrs. Wilham Millcr who also had as her guest. Mrs. Atu'nter. a former llxghland l’arkcr. who left here lhrrty~mnc years ago. The March meetmg of (hv VVomzm's Missionary 50¢wa 01' the Presbytcnan church washcld at the- home of Mus Josephine \\'mxjm.m on Thursday ul’tcr- noon. The suhn-ct was the va 1m migranun, Thu prngram cummlttn- sub mitted {hr ruliuwmg schedule. Apnl 1.". subject. I’m-«hum hasty», er‘. (;("ir,{\' Pettis..\1u) 13. suhnevt. 5mm and Imzh‘. hostess. Mrs. T. Knauk: June 1", subjun, Alaska. hash-xi, Mrs. R. Knikkerbockcr; Julv 17 subject. Renew of Past \k-nr, hostess. Mrs. John A. Reu'hch. August 21.5ub1ecl. Young I’mplv m Shamans, hostess. Mun]. A. Rexchclr. l:-.; Sepu-mlwr 18. subjecr. Japan, hoxtv». Mrs. Bur! Easlon, A number of informal teas are being planned to be given in compliment to Mis Elizabeth Ames ot' \Vestfield. N. J, who is the guest of Mrs. Charles Everett who entertained at dinner for Miss Ames preceding the Highland Park Club Easter Cotillion. Place Grammar school. informally at tea on Wednesday afternoon. Anielh twenty 0n Mondav evening Miss Schwartz was hostess about two guests in honor of her birthday. The was held in the Y W. C. A. Ave. (Limes and dancing l0 party rooms on Central were the features ot the eiening Dainty refreshments were served. The tables were attractively decorated Will] pink shaded czindle~ {\f'llllrllk'S dlitl Easter llllc‘S. Mrs. A. Larmn entermined the mem- hers of the Sewing SoCiety ol the Swedish Lutheran church at her home on St. Johns Ai enue on Fridai evening. A party of Highlund Parker's t'n]'>)t'\l :i danceand gripper at [leerliek turni Thursday evening. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred .\'. Buylies. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Chittendcn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boymon. Miw Carolyn Shield5. Miss Viola Sh:.~lds, Miss Dorothy Clark. Mr. Harry Towncr. Mr. Ellis Faxon. and Mr. Culver Shields. his same party will have supperfiind a dance at Exmoor this evening, Ull Mrs. Frank H. Green entertained formally on Saturday afternoon, a num- ber of the ladies who had been near neighbor: of Mrs. Henry Sampson of San Diego. Cal, “ho formerly resided here and is now risiting Mrs. William Miller who also had as her guest. Mrs. Atwnter. a former Highland Parker. who left here thirtvmimr “Mm am) Hi Mrs. P. Hahn of Highwood Wlll enter tuin .it .i (gird party on Thursday ulternoui. Mr rind Mrs. S. W. Stupe} announce the marriage ot their daughter. Pearl. to 'Mr Frank L‘ourson ut L‘urllsville. l’r. l‘he marriage took 'place on Saturday, 'l‘here nurnlx-rfi ()f l’.iiker~' 'iaho attended [‘Lllxln)‘ the fund to go to want iii paying on the delit the day building which the Asuxnitiun suppflrlx in (hitrigo .it Sn. Allpoit An; 'l'ti monm .i benefit was given on Wednesday, March 26. and ot Cllhdflu Kennel Club the Alxs‘th nition lt‘t’r‘Ht‘tl the ret‘t'ipls‘ [or llle Hm! (l4) ii.’ the (lsz \ltim \ihit‘h Einiountetl to $354M l‘liu tully came up [1' t'\lX‘\ldlII'll~ and interested wer- greatly plegiwd :it the success or the affair. Among those who took 21 leading part were Mrs. George R. Nicols u ho is recording seen-A tary of the aswxiation, Miss Edith Moss. Mrs. A. B. McL‘auplieL and Mrs. Joseph W l' l' (' Highland and assntcd in tor new ”glint! ltilii- nurse-i} rillv‘ through the courtesy the ‘0!“ Ilium: \\ h|)l(' Terbcll. The following people from this eity, assisted in raisuig the fund Mr. and Mrs. A. inwrenre Mills. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMurtriv Rutter. Mr rind \lh. Frederick M. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Morgan. .Mr. Walter llately. Mr. and Mrs. Moses .(ioldsniitli. Mr :ind Mrs. Nathan Corwith. Mr, and Mrs W. J Louderbgick Mr and Mrs. M.iuriie Kozminski. Mrs.“ H Campbell. Mhs lrwin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyrl L’lmeh. and Mrs. Linn Rutter two guests in honor of her birthday. [he party was held m (he Y W‘ C, A. rnumx‘ on Central Ave. Games and dancmg were the featurcs m the vwmng [)mmy refreshments were served Thr {ables were attracm'ciy decorate-(l u'nh pmk shaded candlm pmnrnscfi and Risk-r lilies. W. A. Whiting whom the girls have to thank for a good part uf their good time, acted as floor manager. Refreshments were served by Muss Martha Karch. Miss Edith Anderson. Misses Mabel and Elda Hormberger, Miss Irene Hutchison, Miss Clara Pyle and Misses Marie. Lorena and Ruth Kresa A numberof the friends of Mr. and Mm Edward Eu‘hler gave a delightful surpnx: in their honor on Suzurday evening. Mrs Henry Martyn Bacon entcrtained the members of thc facultv of thc Elm Place Grammar school. infornmlly at tea on Wednesday aflernunn. church was held \Vcdncsday Miss Winifred Supple attended the an- nual Easter concert and dance given by the Illinoi: club at the LaSaHe hotel Monday evening. Miss Margaret Philhps sun-rimmed about twenty young people at her home on Saturday evening. Rev. Fred Blrmk of Aurora. “1.. has been assigned by {he confercnce in the United Evangelical church of Decr- ficld. Mr. Ludwig “iii continue in: studies at McCormick. The Luther League of the Evangelical chun‘h held 115 mnnthly meeting last Thursday memng at the humc of Mr. Harry En‘hlcr. A “hard unws" party ls being planned to be mum at {he library hall some tm‘c this month. The Glee Club Concert at thy hmh school mil take placv Frumy evening. April 33 Mrsl Franklxn U Husscy enteltamcd informallv at .1 luncheon on “'cdne‘duy in mmphmcm to Mrs. 15. B Pierce 01 the Moraine. Miss Mildred Whiting 15 confined :0 her home on account of sermus Imury to her knee sts Whiting experts (U be out in about thrcc weeks. Mrs. M. J‘ Clark was the guest of her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Clark of lrvmg Park. Chicago. lust weck. The annual meeting «If {he Prusbx .v r..n The Social Sidéoof Life red Supple attended the an- oncert and dance given by :Iub at the LaSaHe hotel ing. 7 and Louise Reichelt of are visiting their father. Mr. nah, ' The Altar and Rosary SUL‘K‘I)’ u! xhc Holy Cross Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Clara kinder on Wednesday afternoon Mm M. J. Clark is visiting with her daughter. Miss Elizabeth Clark of lrvmg Park, Chicago. Jocal Affairs of the week By the Obscrx er Announcement is made of the engage- ment of Mrs. Em’ily Symington. wndow of E. Harrison Syming‘on of Chicago. to Kervetten Kapitan Erich von Muller, naval attache to the German embassy In London The marrmge Will take place m Badanadcn in July. Mrs. Symingmn was sts Emiry Taylor, a daughter of the late Lleul. Col. D. Morgan Taylor, L', S. A” who wnh his family. at our umc Ined in Chicago and spem the summer: at the Moraine‘ clcur in [host- who are nnlonkrrs at the emcrtamnwnls. that [here is no bellcr lune than the prrscnt to become farmliar wnh the new danycs when every one IS learmng and but few have the art so wrll learned .15 to be rr-ally graceful as yrt. Hut whelher one vnyoys the Tango or not I! has uqmyxleunees and Is here (u stay. Thmc who L‘onSIdc-r themselves ltrpsr churcun artists revel In It and {he most parIlCUlai‘ of dancing masters have sane {toned the Tango as apparently haw the nghland Park Chapcruncsl Miss Ruth Renchrlt spent hvr \ucntu “ilh Miss Gladys Umhn pf Hum, \\ My 15 nuw vismng m Dex-meld The l’an-ntVIl-Adlex .\3.~.u\:.11mn we! Friday aftv‘rnmm m Hu- grzmmmr S« how) The pupils In Mlx‘sl‘ufly's runndrmn.nlu- 0d the "Story of ng Midas" .md thmc {mm “155 Supplv‘s (1.1» new 'Hw Sleeping Princess." \lrx. J A. Rc'u M11. Jr., read the L'hzlpzrr "Rum! .md “'ng l'unishrficmx.” m Elizabeth Hurnwn's book ‘l‘hc DH’Sldt'IH upuomxcd the {ol- lumng numinullngunnmmec MI»; Unify and Mosdume's Knrmk and Hutchmm, The attendancc far cm-eded Um u: .u y Mr and .\Ir>. Juhn ‘\ Stzxkc: \u'rr 11110550! Mnand .\h x I R R: m: Chicago. Sundav 'Ihcrc have been sma- the (lose 0! (he Lenten seawn, a number of dances both at private homes and m the clubs. Excry plan: {he one step and Tango prev-ml “llh a waltz Inn-rsperrcd zl'nd the (am sh-p |s practically cluninaxrd h I: qlllh‘ prevmus mm-nng Mrs. Trent « honor of her Mr! dmner party. Kc» Frcd Blm'k .nf m: firs! sermon ax p.13!” l' E. church. Sunday Miss Manun thkmn u! \Vaueran, was the fluent of .\1h\ Ircnc Huh’hlwn an Monday. Saturday mulling m the ('nIu-d Evan. gehxxxl churx‘h .\lr. Funk Nathan. {he sun of a Russian qumh Rabbi .md who was dedicdtrd In Ins youth In thc same serncc. and “ha 1: no“ u Hudv-nl .n the MUCurnuck 'I'hvnlugual Seminar}. gave an unusual!) :mruwnng :ummn “I the- ':mnner§ and (UstHHh u! 11:3 pcuph- “q- “are the phyluh‘vrmx Ami 1-)?44, Mn! 1: lu‘trzned their mmnmu “hm; Ivlimg {Tu-Ir pray-rs. A) [Hr Jl‘.\.\ Luv .2 UN) 'ummu: scrum Irv-m » .1, " Hi? atmdwux: nn New Year: [My .slid thc AA} u: Alum- mcnt. he said the Anzrrnanx did rm! .w prccxntc their rrhgwm» 1mm". .mrl ~h~rt scrncrs. For ncurh {hrn- hvmh hp hrid {he mlemmn of hnx .mdu-n. :- \\ haw m {crest new; “amâ€"d LI worm! whilv tvllnlg nf his conversmn m {hr Lhnstmn mun Mrs. Lord of Chicago was my “(‘(‘k end guest of hvr purcn's. Mr. and Mrs C. W, Prms. Mr. and Mrs. S‘ P. Schm-Idcr 0! Ch: cago were the guest: of Mr and Mn J C‘ Wolff on Monday. Miss Clam Ender had as her gut-s! ovvr Sunday Miss Mary Blclmehl of Chicago, « pnau hcd w Ih-cIYLcId .l y A thirty funt minus) has lx-vn gmnu-d m {he people 01 Drum-Id b) lhc Um gm Milwaukee and SL Pnul leruad Work W|ll begin 1; won m the umxhcr mil prrnm Mi. Viola Gmu cl Fond Glenn and Mia Vern Wilcox at China) we! llcwdayudlutwukwkhfliu Made Km They were cnterfiined at tho‘ home 0! Mia- Mildnd Whiting on Thu- dly evening. On Saturday cvemn‘ a concen and dunn- wu given by Mr. Frank Antler-on. Mr. L. Burkly'u orchalrn 01 Chicago furnished the musk. Althuuah the ll- xcndance wu nm very urge I van de- Iighdul tvcning was emoyod by III who aucndcd A lu‘kcl tor the Independent prngm sum-s was filed With the UH“: deft Monday, March '51 Mr W A. Whmnz. as prcsndcm or [he board 0! (mum. Theodore]. Knaak as nllnae clerk. S. P Hutc.hnson as polu‘c mmsxralc; W. C Penn: and James Pnuh. trustees in: re rln'tlon. H. H Krrss. .h max nu'mbrl for Mug Josephine Woodman had as he: gursl on Mondm Algcnr “(x-(Ethan or Waukrgan, Mlss Elizabeth K13! .xnd Mr Elmer Kl‘l of “lime-Hr end guest of Mm Ruth Cullms u! Chuuu. lrustrt' Henham, senmd prm‘ h) Mn N H Krru and the (“USUIRUOH pnzr Io Mm Justphmc Woodman stz Mary “(ma entertained the five hundred dub on Tunday allcrnoon The first prize was awarded to Mn 0. Mrs L P Todd. uhu has bum Manny In Chnngu tor the past month returned Monday. 'l'ln' gntl‘mt: Frrlnrr lmr lltlh- Ilvpln'l' ; t'lmrum. mul drlivmv “um. \n-n- llw mm In} m [31.71: lrnxxudr l. [ruinâ€"u! H! 5821!“; the will- pagoda but nn- mm Imp I” I’m gum-rn'h l- (‘Q'\"'i"“ "I” in {M um! (I! :11! leh of [In- hum! nznhwl ilrn thh urn-mm hflvv- \rH'i‘V (‘h‘o-fiv n,- :1 \‘ullnn \n‘ taught In :12! nf n Malaw‘ ym: [In n th‘, HF." \Hmrdlun 'l‘hv rulng..1:.n' I'In:1l.-huml l‘r. by lm-lr “me _\-I\\‘ \\I though ph king I) Knud- Inr ll‘ w Ill'\ I'I' lug rum 1.. loun lulu u HI In»: rn-Ltnnâ€"ln! knh- u n .1‘ ”pm-hm fu' 41min: nn ”'0 n 3"") my" (“a n: {Inn-Ir fuvuflu- mung: :Irr Kll Mum" nut] "Hrinu Bum." Inth M which she- up [mrluhlty for mum. lmufl) :h'puu If Inn-Huh Simlln‘rh (h- “rvuhlru win-n num- xnnrrhlng. enl"-:. the WI} um. “lmn Tunkvr." .- mm.- In which (hr word: nrv Hf nu umnm and (hr tun» a wrin or (flu L-oL'm v.9 LL- Lon don (‘hrumclr 6000 In a Monogono_ 'l have beard o! naught) Ixr‘drs Inn xrnrprn! glide-h. but the hemlne of IM- meimlrnmu nu- I so" of tooiomx walk " “What kind of wall In mu?" "Why. the lutbor “In of he: put- lnln; be! all!“ (and with I don-l Mcrmlutha!” \n Burma Pagoaal Ave Hemmduâ€"t 1112M In mm- InHw fwluu Mun}. } m lh.r!;.‘l Hu- rk'hl Inn}. of [In- "n“:uL l~ l-W‘. um! m llu- awash ”Inâ€"u! u! (51v uhl lhlrmvu- lnnu of «gum; HI? MIN nrv dultm! Ml nu" m. wand.“ ThWM' nn- nut camping at nn- Mull l-\ M-mn {mm-II- an “Her ‘3‘ In I’m nllprI-nw ‘unh‘r. H Int-HIE -m-r:l'|\ l-“imm! Hm! unrh M‘h of '\HHHh mum! [u ”w luzlldvru' ('n-dH H... mm: uurM 'Hn- paw-dun Irv ' :11! Until, :II'I‘HHHII; In lln- Ian-um ’ lln- hniMo-N {mm prtmllhe whit! :thl ilrn‘ tun-u In I-I‘llllll' rm‘Huns 1th urn-'mquu u ‘th-d luau The Hnnu I\‘v- \rn'iw:~ mmmlh,:~ tun Itund 1‘o‘fi_\' n,- 11 t‘I-Inhuh-r 0' nun-mil. d.- vllnn \n‘ nun-hunt lhlrnu-m kua'nd Hugh! [-1 n2! Hurmrsv vhfldY'Q-IL |I HIM ' n Hum-u “hm n‘lxw-«fi nn-l mlnr-iul Mm Elda Hurrnlx-rxrx was 1hr week I :nznlhmg Huh-1| l)_\ H 7' ,\l l‘-.I~I Ram-l Dafloroncot no to Humor pm In mu lllll ‘lr H! ln‘ ”Lo-fl HUI] \\ ~ PH huLu lllll' all hu\\ [1 Mun 1H II! l‘u‘luh I - trrl H (h. ro-I HM Vl‘.1flb.'l1rll',11llfl|l"1‘ "I'lulm llu- “hu- drnor NLmvhvllvr I’u u'l|4h:~II~-~\ .uf Xho- r:l- l‘fl In lnilnll’ulfi‘ .m. hmnul [In-[r lln‘ {I I;||;.'H.~l| Hawk nn'xh-l) H~ KIN 1r \mr tn lw up Hh that". lure x} 11m! \n- III:I_\ 'hv ~I‘- I'Hd purl wt "va14”, llh l|~v lhrlL \rr) uw gleuHHQ‘ lho- Iv-Jl H-lhx Mu! \\ lm dud udunulr} (n l c lrlull'lrd _\ mmb.’ M . man: than n l‘ "awful 1w tlm-r upq'n -"II In M (J, r ht lw- up (u Llll In!” M. n In] In»!!! ”Nauru A \\ Tram.‘ ‘ nu. l'fl\ ml t'l'llllll') :rlhwrnh-rn hzn In qwln IH MUN uul ll ll! 311ml“! n- N IINDL lu- wild. nr hlw' HIM“ In“ I” u \V runm‘ mu) lulu! \rr} “\I- Hut Ill or u! ll :u'h- up. huh. “hm! “Hh ”Illa-r Hu- now-HM HM. If our nmrltle he nut-mun! huflumlnl I} hum lha- lop Hf n lnhh 21ml MmlhI-r be dumped frum Hw unnw lwlxlll Ill llw nun-r InulnnL “hi-h n-Irln-I Hu- flm-r “In!" 'l'hlu qm-unon In mm! In (lw fink-MW“ Ann-rum: h} n (vrrr-lmluh-nl, and um NIHur u! Hm! Inuflunm- nnpuvrn H II Hu- nmwvlnl gun! u! H”!- lnu run-r. Im- nmu- of n hull dump“! {Hun u ln|>|r and nnullw' lmil .hul Inn-rtxnmlull) frum Hu- Mllln' urn-l M ”iv Hum» Ilmlnm 'l‘lu- nm lsnll full. h) Hu- furvr of gun Hy nlnlw l'lw Wind l-n'l Inn. In jun my, tun (nun-a "Ming upwx. H. 'Hw lmll ul-rn- ln-HI form-n n! “1' prune Hum ll r. ~ .. 1f gnu"! ".144! "lum- lt L’A-«w 'n "-9 Ida“ :1~1.'lhr|n|uu :u-i Mbrhw‘ I lml- wt :1 rule the rung-II 'hnh‘mt" {run The‘ ll‘ht“ :U‘!’ llllvv‘ in: and flu nun um ‘ht'l‘t‘ llllhl IN} [MI : ”Iv mn- ur Hm) nun”. nnd 1hr m1 3. ln- Imp-Y l'! I m! I! M‘ ”It "lme " n in huh-um lhl'k'l n HH‘V‘ u! l-q-m: nly-mmll-I) uh x-HanI-lr wr nnu r-msudrrmi m. n). mum! nr-Hnnn' rlvnrnlulh ’l‘hé MM- h-rlmrn {v-v mun} )tJl'I- ”puke-d un-n “hm \n-h- .zumnu Hu- run-nuns! uwun [Mm-rm u! llw (1m l'rnh-wnr 'l‘yn dnH nml Fvlunrd “hum-ow uvrr full M an In-vrn- (IL-m :I dun-n m-mmhmu Hm mu J:.!_\ L'- IN.'. wllh Lord I'm“ «Iv- lh-:|-,.:lu~ Illnlnm mu! Hmluu My \\'h)ln1~” A ‘1"lll;1H\ rru- hm! llw unn- an. am! |' nut- in drum-lulu”.- lhnl flu- !Mnl n4 m-va-ul “Mr‘h HM ”H‘ Hum t" I.- 'lll‘C'P [11:9th tnlllimnlnng an “1-1: :I~ u! ,‘lh'hl‘. “I"! “Mr H! ['10 nun-1 Hung-«Inn! n! Sutu- uuhh-n, Mm min}:- X’u mm“ D- I'Im-IrunH) nm‘vluh‘d (“IHI Hw hn-llu ulf Kill-lawn In} [HUM-VI nbu tmu- lu- prawn-hm- [u be muun “dim”! u! 11‘! ~ I'llhlh-u- AIherM-r (”mil In“) “4141}: H1: (“IHI Hu nbu Emu ”hm-ya u Hm mu J!.!_\ 13 I! «lv- I‘I-Hulu Illnl~ “'h) lulu" A w» 'Hm um. an! " mm- In fl!!!” -,4 -N'-‘\HY‘ Hum u' I.- HII‘N‘ uh IIIH‘ Guam“ Town in Enghnd. Tm- uu-ut Aim-nun In“ I: m Kuglum Nurtl.uhh 1'19va ..- n-l n Mrul Ier-l mm m Lu'l‘ n r-ngln Iu-lzw Hm Hmo- Luau [.311an lux- lln- pc-nrun 1‘44Vllll'tlrlllvd‘lukt' \u-r'hu 1- ”W --v n! th- ~:ul'. Hwhh'n llun‘mr .1. w! ylihvlu «4 Hum wry} \\nV~L \! :1 drlvlh HY Ru ..v ‘_‘|l' .1 31%| [ca-i hll' Lulu-use -u!:(vn..m-||. .JLc-n n! [Mum :vnl .|- ”no cm huh Hf ll.r~r 'an I Hi it"! ..[:d [mull-ml nun} 1hr up pm In! w' vnrlh Ix v- :;-~~;m. v', v g} \u- n-Xu-tl “'2‘! III? rP-IHL I~ ‘L m « :nlnn 2 ~nJ~~.J~ n v Tho-~4- uzlu-ulvxnuw mun» ’pul nu; n-fiml un llw “mum-l hulk) luxx and 1hr} um drawn 1.! “an and glu- Hu- luull nu run-Am } dmcqmlvd alum-u rJfin- '- Paul-n3 “chub Tums. Tbrre urr nan) putt In; «hm-rrnvn l-ohu-«u Knuth") uxul lingual: Int h-rnu I‘m Innin- e. Inll‘Lvnxnlt‘y In m I‘m-(Mm! m. "Il‘ n! mmr-lrnnnu." n IUH‘ Hur II 04er n "urnrr' or n "iuw nan-m.“ Hu- Muumtul m I run in (he "drhnxr Hu- nulu- In the jury n urullg‘luef an n “delluquruli an Mint lu 5‘“.th high ‘1 l‘muun- gu-r non.“ Ind Iourglnrj h mun ‘rur Knot mh rnuHuu‘ "nous-(braking I'Hh an .ggnumuu " finally. an author is In 500th um! n per-on who urn-u. hm the Tflldrr or coll" of m: prupffly. from Ibom Ibo (100,!" N In drnwd urt‘v Th. Munrhorn Mam ”mm-tut!” “th '1- The Mnlh In Nu Geno-nu! ml: .7111" u.|lIH-~ I‘M-IL. l l-uuv \ruum Muted Hun “Inn: frnm Im- Al hm" luv” unluw‘m Im-Mlon In Iwnl In (lw fink-mitt“ I“ h} n (vrrr-lmmh-nl, and um Y Hm! Inugunm- nmuvrp H n- “In HH' ilmlnlll Mr!" {rum Md hwvu haul-n :«w lnlnvvd llhnln" Ilu- gnu 173-! Fall- QUIC‘OVT H1 11a u.ull\v~ hum. Hm (r! h’\p n nu) of {aw-hum; ‘h, prlmllhr In H ‘F. Hm: Illll llu- Hut-Hum! 1-! Hum- tu ”w nmlmm pruduv I Ihr )uurnnth hnnhu- fur In.” [um-n klmuu 1:» ml! ”and " \fla-r ‘nllmg lln' “N":llllll. Hu- nn'ho {nun-7. -r hul n-ho-n 7m Hm! (In- \ “HIM {hp rm and “Inn ”I In Hu- IH~h 1,. hr Mr W n ilk 'I lui- xlmugw- 1hr H Mud L"\t'h H n [mln'uhfr -l1vr in (but “9": Ill-\vrn‘ me the llulfll'v- v-anYnh'I "1" Hum Md h’nu haul-n l- N "(find i:- 1-v~ the num: } u had; n! ”d; n! Ind nr In um .wln n um- Hr lugrthvr g" \ml “11! ll'!’ llmi u! Hm- In“ mun-r. lho- dump“! vaIn a ln|>|r uhx-l Inn-rtlnnlull) frum >IIU Im II‘ ru-n llu- Hum» Ilmlnm ) Hu- furvr of gun In! lun'l huh. In jun Hm; I: ax. H. 'Hw The F. 8. Dale Catering C0. 201 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE We are as near to you as your telephone. ' Special; for Saturday Home Made Buns. regular 12c . Home Made Doughnuts. regular 20c Individual Sponge Cakes. regular 25C Individual Pound Cakes. regular 25C Try our Home Made Entire Whezi "Same as Mother used to Main)" : H! H HhHuua-‘h tnnl fln- l-HwnYh 1hr hurnm! I“!!! Armmun! h 'w‘u.’ rhju)lh' nhmmnl-I) uh slth'rm' nr n) ”-0- In“. m In ”11' \ Iun‘l‘plnd .‘Iund h Mmlglu wll‘w ll: lln' :Ip r'hu 1‘ L I\'I\ tn :1 uu'vfl ~ ultl: '1 :1- NY ‘ ru-t} n The Dunc-(cc [Donovan-t. Thu-rt- are ollu-I lu-uMnHu-y. thv M‘- II! (‘ulrulnflufl :n- \UO‘ who it: u-h-mnh-«l in NW Mun-lu-nc-v Hu'nlmn. Inn hul many of Ilu-m Inn 1' the during in warn nfl lhc-lr {rm-1:01!) m triuxmvlmnl!) An (-‘u-lh-m .\l.|xu|u--1c-I ind} m tyne-ml) in! w» lll'l friend» In In“ hm ~ht- dun-v- nm funmh lwl Inhlrl:|\hl1 \ Win-u hrr L‘III-~I~ hm. o-nH-n n: (h. uh 01. hr! lu-r Special Ice Cream for Sunday 'anilla and Marshmellow Ice Cre; 50¢ per quart IItT 4-321 H} Lo" Hundod Drink-'1‘ A rumnu-vnmi n'nndvr In}. Hm! h- rnn Mums!) IIwInl-n-V's- a! m. pv~nÂ¥r~~I-n In tho- have} :Hmm: hmlm M Hn-ir Imlm of Grimm"; Hn-II .unm- " c-fl hundud' Ho In}~ 'lm! mun} Iran-ling Inc-n haw (ll In-an 'l‘lnm . nm- llw Hui-d. “lln mud will: my, hut. Mating Huulnnm- h_\- ”w nrm film: hrr :hldo- um] «nu-rm] Hu- lwnw up H nth-MI) HI mmler "Thin." null! «~41 Iln- lnnko-fi»-v"~ duhuhlrr. “l- n Irm- Mumo-Iwylm “4' h Ihr hlluhulod fur nw” Hf «nth slufl, “fie-r "H In- llw number'- m! Iu-rmâ€" mmh- l‘nrls- lA-HM “A London '1 Neural-IA. adopt-«l Hm. huh” kunw who-u tho-x drink h-f! hawk-1‘ the) dflnk from llw uh‘l‘ n! Iln- up Hm! hu‘l gem-run} um! TN» 11 mm m! Hun-r vunlum- (hr lulur u! whhh “Ill luv-n u 1! in- l 0mm murr ”mu-rm or II! dlubwn-hlnx {pm-mm mum u! a fine nuâ€"Enhuugc- Inn“). him 3” [Mu-c- pushu hvlnm Nudvm in l‘hynh1«(juum pun um - )hmk I.) leum -11 'u my rpm-Her of | vpiqdmur" l'ru'n-uvvr I\ 01-00“! upon whu nu (um-g Judge l/r Hm! _\ul| I Tho Way 1 Woman of Montenegro Se Iccud I Husband. Huh-d I. v n 1 444-! )n HA 4- ‘ll‘lq' |» t .a- ”film“! . Inlhthm ‘-‘ llh innkm- u l‘ln SHE WAVT‘ZD A MASTER. uh' \\’. n5 fulltM >1 Nut Su‘ Range . .\ l’fn (031 \thn nu‘cssary to (arr) I‘nu-s mil advnnu' Mk :4 x lk-m 511' M~ I'lld m) "HI“! .\l “no! dlmm: hmlm M Hn-ir Imlu I‘M": Hn-II .unm- " c-fl hundud' ~ "In” mun} Iran-ling Inc-n hmr hflun r :III"'~ “H" o-nh'n n1 ‘ ! hn‘m and “th9"! mu] 1‘: Ha Lut'u !~ (Hm pluv lu- 1" Im- glx'l :L: llu' “Hr I‘hc pncm fur Amhmcm ~h~ HM .- ~:a_\'~ m triumph f“.1,,;.-d 'nmr nun-L ‘lllh la-Mu-d “3M. Hh x Iu- )- ”or union \H-n m- 1 I Iwr In \n-d ”lful‘lulth I” Ih-l . hm- 1-: mm mm! (In didw- 10“ per (1 r 20c 18¢ per d If 25C . . 20c per d ‘ 25C , . 20v per d Wheat and \Vhltv Bread aim" at IU Cents per loaf h~ sh- lm Id HA th‘l PM [he L'H‘l h (1:: nghlm nu u! «11) NM :I In» nun-Y Irm ‘H um“; 11. "H WHJOHN HONAKI [Illa lIl In»! M ()ur phone is 3'3 Highland CLEANING AND SUITS MADE TO OJ Work Catalina 17 W. ream and in .'« Bread Makes Brawl»! Kinny .m‘. H Geary'u Home Bakery E; A Idrnnnn "I I)” AHH Vou- Iori :‘ ‘0' \\ II I I “I .I. «IBEm ( undid-lo Iu‘ fl. gnud putt, wholesomc a“ mnx mz-m‘. makr: Run" mm r‘, iumfln qu brrad 13M m Hu (HIPS! hard V‘ mm M Mm Hm] trim!» the num giuh-n .mrf plnmwhaxo. CO!“- 1' 'h u z» in f. m nutrition, Ill 3.», uer pun :1: (Wm Mia- .1 ONO-my mm handling And.‘ n- f “Ms but imlr mum-y, .- lho ‘ I-nmanrzsslvu TICK!!! . Elm-lin- Tani-Lhrr“ 1‘ ‘3 per (107. per duz per doz per duz \tm chzu‘gr is (i 1m ludmg Supxembet. John Middldon _ T. M‘ Clark. M7 m‘k Apnl 1. 1913 Mm} drliwry; are 38m TM)

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