Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 2

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church will give acard party uu: we ningin the hall of the on Deerfield Avenue. Mrs. John Stupey entertained a num- ber of guests on Wednesday afternoon at cards. There were about sixty couples in at- tendance at the dance given bv the Ladv Foresters on Thursday evening at Ra‘ vinia Park Casino. Four pieces from Fulton‘s Orchestra, Waukegan. turmshed the music and a good time is reported by all who attended. Mrs. Roy Zimmer of was hostess at a six o'( Wednesday. The occasi daughter Loriene's first -I were about twenty-two g Mrs. Roy Zinimer of McGovern Sr. was hostess at a six o'clock dinner on Wednesday. The occasion honoring her daughter Loriene's first birthday. There were about twenty-two guests present. Mrs. R. F. Peyton entertained inform- ally at bridge on Friday afternoon. John McBride. so'n of Mr. and Mrs. George McBride entertained four of his boy friends at dinner Friday evening. Mrs. A. L. Drum is entertaining several friends informally at tea this afternoon m“. \liiq Miller who is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Drum is entertaining sex ct.“ friends informally at tea this afternoon to meet Miss Miller who is the guest of Miss Emma Folsom. Mrs. George Allen Mason of Hazel Av- enue was hostess at an auction bridge on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. John Grenville Mott entertained informally at bridge on Friday afternoon at her home on Laurel Ave. A number of Highland Park children. pupils of Miss Priscilla Carver will ap- pear in a recital given by the Mozart clul! on Friday afternoon at half after two o'clock in Mrs. Annette R. Jones' studio. 35 St. Johns Ave. The children who will give piano selections are Grace Marsh. Elizabeth Chase, Mable Holland. Elizabeth Geter. Helen Boynton. Margaret Pirie. Elizabeth Boynton. Polly Chase. Caroline Schofield, Edith Light. Margaret Clinch. Jack Rogers. and John Pine. A number of amusing recitations set to music will be git en by: Miss Harding with Miss Carver at the piano, The Tabernacle Society Call and deliver Mrs. Henry H. Mason entertamed a number of friends at dinner on Saturday. l Later the party attended the Y. W. C. A. ‘ benefit play at Ravlnla. The guests were 1 Mr. and Mrs. VanWagnen Alling and! Mr. and Mrs Russell Hill of Lake Forest. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller and Mr. and ' Mrs. J. T. Boddie of thnetka. l l Cards have been sent out by Mrs. Franklin Hussey for a tea to take place. on Wednesday. June {ourth from four to six o'clock at her home on Linden Ave. l Another tea to take place in the same; week {or which cards were sent out on; Monday will be given by Mrs. ()rren San- ford Peabody on Thursday. June fifth from three until six o'clock at her home 240 Moraine Road. 510 Davis Street Mrs. Samuel Miles Hastings of Dale and Hazel Aves. was hostess at a tea on Thursday afternoon to meet Mrs. Roland Hastings Just at this time of the spring when people have completed their summer plans the gay season commences Bridge parties continue. invitations are out for several teas in the near future and Tues- Just at this time of the spring when 1 people have completed their summer _ plans the gay season commencea Bridge 1 parties continue. invitations are out for‘ ' several teas in the near future and Tues- “ day commenced the ladies tournament at ‘ Exmoor at which place every Saturday!1 luncheons will be given and in the after- H noon there will be music and bridge ‘ This is an excellent change from the ; former luncheon day which was Thurs- i‘ day because it gives a most drnghiiui‘; way for members to entertain their week- I end guests. ‘ Mrs. John Glass entertained at dinner [ on Saturday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs Henry Jones. and Miss. Etherington of the Moraine and Mr. andi Mrs. Minard Shaw of Sheridan Road. ; Mm Walter H. Baldwin was hostess} on Saturday evening at a dinner in honori of Mr. and Mm Roland Hastings. The: guests were Mr. and Mrs. George WWI Guilds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atwater, hit; The Social Side of L Phone [UNIT 3m reaoooy Uu ______ rom three until six o'clock at her home 40 Moraine Road. Mrs. Samuel Miles Hastings of Dale: .nd Hazel Aves. was hostess at a tea on Thursday afternoon to meet Mrs. Roland , lastings Just at this time of the spring when neople have completed their summer ilans the gay season commences Bridge 1 larties continue. invitations are out for‘ everal teas in the near future and Tues- lay commenced the ladies tournament at meoor at which place every Saturday A uuiauuy. Jo.” uncheons will be given and in the alter- Several Highland Parkers as well as many Chicago people are intensely ii.- terested in the Golden wedding celebra- tion of the Augustus E. Bourniques on Saturday. June 14. Two sons are well known here Eugene Bournique and Als-ar Boumique. the latter has been an in- atructor of dancing here for many years, The father too has had classes in this suburb and many oi the parents of the children recently memhen of his class, were his pupils in Chicago years ago. Mr. Bournique has taught not unly (hr cago's most prominent people to dance but men and women who from chit-ago. moon there will be music and bridge ‘ . This is an excellent change from the 1have gone to other titles both in America land Europe. such as Mrs. Beatiy. mic of former luncheon day which was Thurs- day because it gives a most delightful way for members to entertain end guests. lAdmiral Beauty of their week- I England and friend til the king and queen, Mrs, Colin Campbell and her sister. the late Lady Curzontand Mrs. Clinch-Smith of Paris and many Mrs. 10h“ Glass entertained at dinner others whose names are familiar to all onSaturday evening. The guest: :1ng of us. Mr. Boumique and his wife are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones. an lsslam old either in appearance or actual Etherington of the Moraine and Mr. and ‘t years for fifty years 180 they we" me married couple in Chicago. Mrs. Minard Shaw of Sheridan Road. 5 was 16 and he twenty {youngest Mm Walter H. Baldwin was hostesaiMr,‘ Boumique Bournique continues The‘to teach. and successfully too. and ex- on Saturday evening at a dinner in honori years of me. Mr. of Mr. and Mm Roland Hastings. and Mrs. 090'” W. ipects to instruct the next generation (or Mr.‘ Shore Association given on Moraine. In the absence of the presi- dent. Mrs. James president. Mrs. Frank‘ 4 Friday at the p Keith the honorary wh R. McMullin. pm: i he does not intend to retire merely be- cause he has been married 50 yean Tte other two children. Miss Elizabeth May Bournique and Lyman Bournique. vice \ idem of the Wisconsin National bank in Milwaukee. will be at the celebration the relatives. robuttl 0n counse the en ed at I HE! Aged Henl capital at hll near i recent hit- ho age, it Mr. from Rocks Stand prodll of Flt gue. . Jury At. well. state was 1 ‘ ta to fine. ich will be in the form 0! a dinner for . William Parker Co. acard party thns ever of the i. C. SChool on déliver Wednesdiys and Saturdays Phone or drop a postal to ‘ay which was Thurs-v‘ sit: a most drlighlful'} to entertain their week- It of St‘ Marfi idc of Life ocal Affairs of the week Bv the Obscncr ren. ap- izart ifter ines' dren race and. :aret iase. {aret . A I 10 with‘ ed a rday. l C. A. were i and '. )rest. I . and ' l Mrs. ' place . Jr to Ave. i same ut on The annual luncheon of the Rah‘lnla; club will take place at Ravnnia Park Casino at half after twelxe o clock noon on Tuesday. June third- Un this occasion of the first annual meeting of the club. . at which the directors of the Ravmia canpany Wlll be guests 01 honor. Re» ports will be made of the club's progress since its organization two years ago. by- laws will be adopted. the program for the 1913 season at Ravinia Park Wlll be an- nounced and a number of short addresses made. The officers of the club are as follows. Mrs Harold F. McCormick, honorary president. Mrs. Frank R Mr» Mullm. president; Mrs. W. A. Alexander. vice preSident. Mrs. J. Ogden Armour, vice president. Mrs. Frank R Fuller, VICC ‘president. Mrs. M. M. Kirkman. Vice president; and Miss Sadie Buckley. accre- tary. The members whoforrn the executive board are Mrs Nathaniel Blatchlnrd, Winnetka and Hubbard Woods; Mrs. Sidney Eastman. Kemlworth. Mrs George F. Goodnow. Waukegan. Mr; Hon ard ll. Hoyt, Evanston. Mrs. Edwin L. Lubdell. Highland Park, Mrs. Arthur Meeker. Lake Forest. Mrs. Lawrence Reed. L‘hi- cago; Mrs. Julius Rosenwald. Ravinin. Mrs Henry Smith. (ilencoe; Mrs Joseph Smman. Lake Bluff; and Mrs L‘. P. Van sided. The chairmen for the North Shore suburbs are as follows. Highland Park. Mrs. Fayette S. Munro. Mrs. J . McGregor Adams. vice chairman, and MrsNYard W. Willitts. seCond Vice chair- man; Kenilworth, Mrs. Grant Ridgeway. Winnetka, Mrs. Sidney Barnett. Ravinta. Miss Darby; Lake Forest. Mrs. A. A. Carpenter. Jr. Arden Shore Encamp ment Will be opened about June 35 and it was announced at the luncheon that an addition to the camp would be a neu bath house given by two members of the association. A report of the W’lnlt'r‘ work showed that the experiment of keeping the camp open in the Winter as was done this yar for the first time. Klid been suct‘esslul. Thirty three men Without homes and unable to go to work had been successfullv cared tor Mrs‘ James L Mamn was hosts» on Tucsdav afternoon bexween three and six o‘clock at one of the first and a most delightful tea of the summer season which was gwcn to meet Mrs. (Z'ftrald Peck. The dining room was attractive with its decorations composed of bachelor bunons and margarita. Assisting Mr; Martin were the (chewing ladle: Mrsv Mahlon Ogden Bradley, Mrs. Trigg Wal- ler, Mrs. Guy V. Dwkinson. Mrs. Frank ‘ G. Gardner, Mr; Thomas Troxel. Mrs. John Harmon. Mn A. Lawrence MIHS. and Mrs. Hathaway Watson of Chicago. chimp. h "The have I 1nd bn "MI 11 In the bed. :1 .uerm Schack. lemene Evamton, Ill. IEIJDY IN DENIM. Former “slam Item 1qu a Isky cocktail. ADMIIS éRllKEIB LIGHT WINE On Witncq. Bund (h. Colonel Tecu- hu In Wu Behalf In Libel Bu" Again-t gfidutor Neuronâ€"Donut“ 01. Tan? 0! floor and Doc- No! Smokcvâ€"prmk Min! Julopu. A! Mara we, \Hch, (ulonr! Theo- Tho‘ f0 hr lrutdc-m entered I dvnzul, He Idelo-d uslnx light “mas “111m. nu ha. rm ll|d b0 nHvr‘lou Pd strum Hquon c-xcrm on amlve 0!. Mn [mum-n or “(or arm.» uxnmure He Mild ht- duo-n no! great o-‘pmure He Mild he duo-n no! amok:- nor touch bro-r (‘olonelvfloou-vrh (no a Mia-f rev View or “I career It rnnchmnn. (nu-IN. ler‘ noldler md Itl’fl- man. in r _l) to question» b) in I!- (orneyn e than continued “I have pner drunk I cockull or I hlxhbtl in my life. With the ex- ceptions Swan" noted. I never drunk wh’k) or brandy except under an advlc ‘0! I phyniman Dinllku Inr Ind Smoking. "I don'l'cnro fur lhv unlo' of ther I don't Hume. and I don't drink hoe-r. becnum- lsdlnllk» amukhzx Ind dank? the unfo- pf boo-r " “I nu drank uhtuh “r brand) nrvpt ‘En [hr durhur ”momma H, ur POEM y un Ilmm- mun-hm 1hr! ouvm ‘ n m» durhur llrrnrrnwu n. ur you! 1 on Ilulm- mun-hm nfu-r KYQ‘HI cumurv “hnu I “as (huh-d through L “Hut it. an two-n (”In Ll) nth-rm (Ir vupnh- \' n- .«rLrp l hnv drunk 1! Hts-My rut .«rLrp | nun (lrluxn n lo-(‘nun- f helnx rhllh-d through I m-u-r ha drunk twrr, nrur dn I drink rm! “1:10.1'hvm‘1y Inn» Hm! I hue drunk hie. [men nn‘) uhlw “mm- Mndrlra.‘ r‘hnnunixn. (.r \o-r) nu] “anally 'l gin» of rhrff) drink I Klan." r Hv-ad 0‘ drink I I‘n‘mnd v :10 (Hilth'h ",U 11 drhzk I ham I" an [M chump- hu of Ham; I think lhm nwnL~ that lbmn l‘nvo- I MI“, JulepI OchIionIlly. Iunhi ‘ "The pn‘.) mropiionn In that l (he im- have I d Ilmul drinking whiny amt. «- Ind brI )‘ Ire ll ioiimw Irrp dr "ifilnlJulc-m 1 \er) rIrei) drInk le I In the He Houn- us kind I win! iI furi bed, In I should think tint on (be Iller hi IVGFIKG"! mI) th- drunk 110! I New dozen i intern in year. .nnnoi "Sine 1 left the White Houuiour unit ll yvars I . to the but of my memnr)‘, upon 1 I the drunk mini JuiPpl twin. on Hi- \ni one ocrIflon Ii Ihe (‘ouniry club It Illl'lmri Si Lou“, wherv i drnnk part of I nlflll‘l’ll gins ofl‘mini Julep. Ind on another (music it I in: lunchton gin-n nu- 'Nl It Lilil. Rock, Ark, Iin-ro they [III I'd roun (he KIM? I 1min; cup with Wndoly the min Julep in it. ILd i drlh‘n Ihen (be cup-III pansrd {0 mr ' The ‘ _th SIdII WIM Ciomng. “u. H“ Both (11‘! an- anxxuus lo (M ihp mIilrr iIsl Cr ) Ii liu- )nr) Ind prrpIrI-d lo um“... bluie Jim for {no- pmf'ixn 0! Id 9. him \-Inux “mm,“ Atmrr) Junms H Pound u! IM- (roil. r“ft‘!!‘l‘l!r‘g (‘nlnm-l Honnme‘l. ‘1!) mica Ihv :r-Il‘mn thll aft '11-! ll nu‘eufl) m prmr- thr preliminary can 1 in“ NrIvH In In mlroduro (he 00 of 1m- lumen-.lnx lrun Ure cont-i g the ofivndtng Irurlo u “Mendy, 1nd (ho-n 12H \ho oun- menl '(‘olunrl Rm‘rr\rll him-93f (but I prmxu-d pzaleuwn in mu!” untrue, If Mr Punnd hu his uni Ihvn “in Imuh l.‘ dun» 11 \HI! be up 10 ‘MI to xrmr tho- churn» he has m o. Allin-K Rmmrwls. n he hu m humus-u. po m do. ‘hl‘o Hu- ROOIP\ It lid? ubll huld Ha hm pho! in tho hapv of rhlnrter lutlmony from t e humm- n! [he mm! {amoun- men 1 the Iorld to be mlndured In robuuz. 0n w counsel (h? 9111 ed at ! Aged flpflallfl tuccumbo .1 Film Iolch, Flu. 11w 5 .\I. Flngirr. nod Purity-throw. cum: 1 and ”Hm-r1 magnuu (Med 31 m. homo 1n d: .11” In 111- ness nnenl um“ .\1r Hug!" recent: 14-11 6mm 1 mm at Mun 1n bl!- h a 1nd be(l11~f 01 hi.- nhnnnd use, b rrrnur) up nut nparh-d Mr. ‘1nxlvr Ian “11"!) kmmx. In”: from bl. 3510(‘1ILOI. “1111 Jun: 11 Rock ‘.!er in 1119 dlrm'hn 0! (hr Sund‘rd U11 mmpnn Ihd Yum D1! prod1flonl efluru (or 111 upbmldhx of F1 1d: 110 In born at (anndh we. . . \'.. 1n 130 mxh L 4le it. all two-n (”In Li) M nly y n- 8211’? I huo- d1 amu- f helnx rhllh-d thnv vr ha drunk twrr. tmr du “1110. Th» nLI)’ M: r» Hm! nk hmr lmr'n nn‘) uhlw [SNHLI rhnnunixn. (.r \o-r many 'I gin» of rhrff) A! ho'po- I “Hon ll chm uh I im--x3uu nr Hm ”ms ( \Indrxra In Hum ad 0 'Ihn- Vudviu ! I! M. I l'. Kim: H! Mm». w Ind U'l’. nr '|-n2_\' wnlrr it 11 I‘m (Hum-h l N! 12k 3 law- of rhnmpuiun u I" I think lhm M) I - lhl nwnm that I I1 mum ubmn l‘n‘W‘ I mun At. well. Ham :1. FLAGLER nun 0? sun bonflcn Manor W mum-shod . by Lewd-tun. 'New York Slephrn J 8111 tale unuur from 1hr Hrum SIILWKLL uuuu bonvicn Manor Wmuwuohgd by Lewd-tun. ‘New York Stephen J 811} but. unuur from 1hr “rum 1; Honor-(rd by (he .M-v- York name on than" of bribery. Land guilty of bribery b.‘ 3 Jun Elwin!!! penalty for the crime ‘ yun' lmpnnonmrm Ind 8500 ‘H. Ill! be untamed Wodnu In tel-1v Mn Mello- IM jun; Whoa the (Hood. um by me nod :0 mm the manna-rim nmvod "I! (be Ne w.- mntont- 0! the cupboard had boon rrmzwc-d by the landlady. 'hn 1r.- )uq lhfh mum In It" 11ml of havoc rh-nnlnx Ind umy ldfluc‘ but 71.1 (of! nm (be! had come none too goon‘ Inn-much u Ilse would In" any but. Imrm all (he "tn-h" [be had found.â€" nmtan Pool SULWELL GUILTY a other hind \lr Holden. for NP‘MI, will “1!!“ that 1- Room-w}! use he prrlem u- or rhnmpuiun or x-er- I think mm M) an nu-r nHmL~ that I um driLL’ lbmn l‘nvo- I nmmh an- anxxuus lo (M [hp lhn- )ur) Ind prrpnro-d In for {Dr poaf'hr. 0! Id ~ of rhrn) 'wn It (Hum-r ‘Hl nu ur ”In line- xra in minimum Ir. \‘udvin ! ‘12: mun ' Ind Smoking. ' _ ’ th nut» of Nth-r Cath v..." o4 . 1 I don't drink lmo-r. L09. amukhzx Ind dank? Th“ 'huuuu 1 MPH” “hm In H ' wnlrr uh Ur brand) r [lrru‘rtlwd H. mun-huh I“?! I “up (hllird II'J'!‘ ’l‘h-l 'huumu 11h: Imn-nr (run. I Mud) Irll Lnuuu lavuvr slou- lmhdvd down In!) rrfcrvm'c [0 ll: l umn H u ”(Mann-<1 lhnl M In; Hour: of Igc- n lmy 0! (hr lulu-rt“; (‘hlltl 1: “turn: 82110142. nl nfh-vn. $1,263“), It Inc-nu the. $3,055qu from “mm (Hue (In: deer- L- Ilrmi) :1 man of “Menu. by um lvgnk dwlnhm stair. erm: M an!) $17 13‘ It) Hu- name prm'nrul nwthml u! rumpulnnon um.- r)!‘ 1- unnh [xi-III“, one h-g $13000; nu: leg; $23.0“. one arm. "01!”, one hnml. lulu-y mm mun'r. 81:00, and wvumm-m (Hunhllll). :51”) This. I! 1- pun-ind uuL l- [In-tel} an nu-rnge II fur nu ammon- lune hen-u rxnm ll Ibuuhl he mhh-d Hm! (hr "Hum!" of (he \nlm- of n man n ”It I" [lubed upon an tdru no! u! M. \nlnr In Mn- ‘ wt! hm 0! My: \nlm- m m.- commu- nity The figure- In' indium”! rum quld nary yummy “I”: wrpnnve lo (he hi"! “noun-r ur tun Huâ€" pentm'l dcnlh run-ed hnnhhlp to when Ibo Irro dew-ode!“ upon Mm le wine of n mun to himself 1:. 11 In further [mink-d uul. unimportant utter he in Mad [rum I k-‘nl polnl of New um rnlue lu mm; at Inge ‘Olnnot be (-mmdrn-d In a cash elli- um: INN" mm kind or value depend: upon ullnr than pluck-ll rcuounu HI! ”mu- m Hume “no haul In mm for Iummrl van alone he ”Hm-Hod uu the man-rm! whaâ€" .\rw \un. l'rm. Int-d Wndoly VIry-ng Mont-lulu Arc EI- unhIl to Sunny. The moan-Him. u! mind are uumer‘ uun and \‘nrhmn II Ilw Inc-minim" of mulrr Uue mind Iporu “Hh wur‘dl. Inntlu-r "Mb Itunu ()M mun pen-l» (-I hum-elf on Mount Chnulmnw Iud (mmmuhu Illh (be slurs. lumber drhn lulu the earth In mum b of hid- den (manure. uud burn-I Manual! 1n lulm'o unJ lulnernl. ()ne mun mun-I flung “III. the lunHm-uu u! the u! W (In- drudp-ry of Mfr. nnullwr III‘I'Dd. In I bulk-m and Inn“ Iho‘r the Mund- an- “c- and n \o-“hm munurin‘ Hu- «~u:m-!'~ anL I FrnnLHn Ila-Inn; flrr from [man-n, n (‘ulumlnu In neuron of I new uoth and err I Ipofllnmh Iflh lu- lmund- 1n qm-u n! n [on One delight: In In: hurling nnd song. In rhrmu- llnu: mud lln- mam dnuw. In ollu-r Iu lurking up MI gunk-u pal! in In lnm chm“ APPRAISING HUMAN LIFE. Tnll Ire. llwn u! minds aqua!!! on :10qu by nnluro or lmpnnn-d by 311‘ No um!) ullmlurrrr m-Inlxâ€"o-d an} (um mun“) \nrlrlh-u I” mnmwr 0' \l HHH‘ Arr eta-«MIMI h» yum-Iv!) The \\ urM m-«h llw rh h and the pour. Hw young and Hue nm-d [1w lo-nrm-d Ind the mule-armed Hm ln-nllh} Ind [In- N: firm. the vhwrful nml lhr mr‘unrhollc. Tho-1w (1!! fun}: n|l our o-nerfln. 0p“! channel. far all the ruin! virtual. fly the tun-1| of nnr nanom- "spun-Hill! (lea Ind nun-mule mum: at the ham]!- m-ns of thin I”:- Thc-y furmnh uppor (“IMHO-I fur uumnnnhmnng and rave" inn behem- , Alo-xnnflrr Clumbell'u "Mind the- Mnnlrr n! Fun-r' (lea Ind nun-mule mum: at mm! of thin I”:- Thc-y flll (llhflh'l fur umnnnmnnnng inn behem- , Alo-xnnflrr Rmuod nu "Track." Um- nf lhr moat hlzhh yvfllvd mnml nrrlg-l- of rw-«hl Huw- un- noun-um} jug-I in "me fruit: 3 unulnmnl In I huult' 'hfff ”IQ par! Ind fur gum Mme Hu-d as u harm-luv 'rm. w.- 1m- mnnurdm of "In Homnrmm.‘ 3nd H In to Hu- poo-l Minn-If um the moon-r) In due. for lu- rum-m bored lbl! the bunk “ht-rd!) he hid mnrHI-ed Hu- "rum-I dun had Mn hn-my (hm-t Inln Hu- mph-In]. when Trnurum Ill-u Illd htrn lu‘ullolncd it“. on INEQUALITIES OF MIND. prununlm noun-rt m. u- (honâ€"Emcmm mun-<1 lhnl M [I'D Hour: of (I! (he lnlmrtug thin. in 014;“. nl nfh-vn. 31.211346, the. $3,053qu from “mm M’Hm- L- Ilt'nd) 1: man of I IM- Imznk dwlnhm stair. o! a Man as COMPUW 5" L...I Doc-moon. [He in damp“ IOUId Mud) nudrrlnLt-u by I n_u-r of the k-gll doc! down m (1|!- vounlr) [u the ‘rnlh \Ilue" of We are as near to you as Parker House Rolls, Bu Rolls, Whole Wheat an Cakes and Small Cakes I dln‘: llvum .- Rolls, Whole Wheat and White Bmad. L takes and Small Cakes of all kinds. Pies. nuts. Brown Bread. Cinnamon Rolls. C Bread. etc. 4 A Fresh Strawberry. cents per quart. on hand at 50C PC u only that Special Ice Cream for Sunday rawberry. Vanilla and Chocolate Ice C: ‘ quart. Order early. Vanilla Ice Cre at 50¢ per quart. E. Collections J. E. CONRAD CO. Sidewalk ADJ l_J_STERS w- it Home Made Candigg: The following candu-> arr madt- right here in lllghlanc and fresh every day too: (ream Chocolates. Walnut 1 Cream Walnut Caramels. Peanut Clusters. Peanut Peanut Brittle. Cream C hewmg Candy. Chocolate Dip mels. Fresh Roasted Salted Peanuts and all flavors of Expert Shoe Repa Chocolala I. w. Central Avenue Buns, Sweet Rolls, Vienna LAKE GENEVAi I (L Let us repair your shoes. ()urprices f; are the lowest and our work the l best and absolutely guaranteed. fit (L Don't throw away your old shoes, rubbers. tires of all kinds, Clothes, etc. we'll buy them and pay you a ?. good price. We call for and de- ;_ liver goods when desired. Teleâ€" ,‘g phone us and we'll attend to yotJr ‘ wants promptly. ,; ‘ d 198 51 Highland Parkaoe Rem FRANK L. SILJESTRO Office ‘8‘ Yard. Ei- Phco And Fire! Stud 108 W. Central Ave The Exskine Insurance AgM Promp! Service Best Companim Loved 351”“ --COAL-- your tglephone Fire Accidem Tornado Li“ Burglu'y Hue Glut Employers Him. 1 Jud telephone 65 and the Ice Mun val CO“ French Candy Kitqhgn Wn'tcl imunnce in all in branches Inform-no- Glad” Adjusting Vienna Rolls. Jelly boaf Cakes. Layex 5, Cookies. Dough Coffee Cake. Nut btnbw l877 Ice Cream at 50 2 Cream alwa)‘> Furuiuhod 'Et Scranté 3} $3

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