Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 2

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“IN A wedding of interest took place Satur- day evening when Miss Irene Moore. daughter of Mrs George M. Moore. 4168 Drexel Blvd. Chicago. became the bride of L'. 5. Senator James H. Brady ofldaho. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's cousin. Mr. Arthur L. Moore of Ravine Drive. Highland Park. The ceremony was performed _by Rev. R Calvin Dobson of the Presbyterian church at seven o'clock. Attending the bride were her sisters. Mrs. William R. Jayne of Muscatine. Iowa. Mrs Henry Suzzallo of New York. and Miss Georgia Moore of Chicago. and Miss (irai‘ia Dugger of Fairbury. Net». nieceiif the groom. Little Edith Jayne. niece of the bride. acted as flower girls. Dr. Henry Suuallo of the the University of New York. acted as best man. The bride attended the L'ni- versny of Chicago for three years. later graduating from the University of Cali- fomia and is well known in Highland Park. having been a guest frequently at the home of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Moore. After the ceremony the bridal couple left for Washington. D. C. and will be at home after June 15 at 1700 Rhode Island Ave, Chicago. The Exmoor on Friday night was the scene of the gathering of the fasionable world of Highland Park and many Chi- cagoans at gay dinners followed by the ever popular Decoration Day dance in the evening. The weather which so far had been unkind to golfers this spring was perfect and the club and grounds in spring attire looked particularly at‘ tractive. During the afternoon while the men played golf the groups of women on the screened porches played cards. chatted andenioyed themselves in general. The tango was enjoyed gr:atly with many lCN fascinating steps and is no longer adanve which only an occasional couple indulge but one would indeed be almost daring to dance the old fashioned two step and waltz. There is of course the waltz music to which the Boston in its three varieties is danced. Speaking of dancing. the Moraine ever up to date in the any of innovations will introduce to this vicinity the dancing teas which means that the two afternoons a week tea may be had and the guests indulge their pas- sion for enjoying the new steps. It will be most certainly a popular form of en- tertainment for it has pmven such at eastern hotels. Among the dinner hosts and hustesses at Exmoor Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Dean. Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Marshall. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Sampsell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White. Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander R. Carqueville. Mr. and Mrs. Fnrd Carter. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tapper, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lobdell.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Follansbee. Mi. and Mrs. I). F. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. A- B. McCaughey. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon B. Chittenden, Mr, and Mrs. Edward H. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hussey, Mr. and Mrs Burridge D. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bournique. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKmizie, and Mr. Mrs. G. V. Dickinson. Members of the South Shore Country club of whom there are a number spending the summer in Highland Park are looking lorward tn the horse show which will take place on Friday andiSaturday, June 27 and 28 on the picturesque grounds at Seventieth Street and Lake Michigan, Chicago. On Saturday afternoon at St. James Episcopal church. Chicago. Mrs. Lucy Garrett Beal. daughter 01 Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Garrett of Cambridte, Mass, was married to Rudolph Byroia Flemhem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Whitnev Flershem, 1435 Dearborn Ave, Chiaigo. Rev. James 5. Stone. rector of St. Jamies'. performed the ceremony. The bride is a former Kemper Hall girl and has a number 'of friends in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Flemhem will be at home at 63 East Division St.. Chicago. Miss Folsom of 502 Proapect Ave.. en- tertained a few friends informally on Wednesday of last week at luncheon ‘0 meet Miss Florence Miller of Utica. N. Y., who is her guest. '510 Davis Str'cet Call and deliver Wednesday} and Saturdays Phone or drop a péstal to The Social Side of Life" Local Affairs of the week Phone Evanston 3638 William Parke? Co. at St. James B) the Qbscnrr __________l eSatur- Moore. re. 4168 e bride ufldaho. cm: of . Moore k, The Rev R Ichurch a bride i. Jayne Suzzallo Mrs. F}ank|nn Hussey was hostess at a tea on Wkdnesday aflernuon from {our to six o'EIock at her home on Linden Ave. Réeiving with Mrs Hussey urn- Mrs. Artfiur Jerrems and hcr slsler, Mm; Emma worse. Assistmg throughnu: 1hr rooms w re the Mcsdamc» Churlx‘: \\ Buckley}? A. Alexander. Jmub l’nrtrr Smith. R, F. Peyton. Jr. I), F KcHy Harry I): Faxun, and Mrs Smnurl Shh-3 Hastmgsfii The living rmmh wen- I‘m-l} In their Itcuratmns of plnk pcumcx and th‘~ dinning room m yclln“ um! piir‘pln' ms Mr. agd Mrs. A J. Erickson of W.L‘en- tralAvuq celebrated thelr twemxelh wed ‘ding ajniversary on Saturday evening. l‘VIay 31 There were about one hundred ‘ and twenty- -five guests present [he out of ”own guests were Mr and Mrs. Leshe lfiondy‘md daughters. Manon and Mar- ‘garet. Mrs. Elliot Pustlewught. and daugh gter Midted and Miss Sarah Maxle) ol iChicago; Mr and Mrs. A. ll. Stewart and ifamilqur and Mrs. “V Campbell and ’{amilygvir and Mrs Thus Tnbxn and 'Mr. Jaoes Hoy of “aukegan A dellcxous supper was served the decnratmns being .v’ery attractive wnh ferns and lxlxes of lthe valley. Dancmg was the feature of lthe equing. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson re lceived 3 number of costly guns, MIssgS‘iMarthu and Elllalwlll lmm wl Maple Air. had among (hmr Kuvsl» .II .« weekrnzj party Mr. and Mrs. F l’ Ker- nedy U“ Chicago, A \('r)‘ dchxhttul musical program was rrndcrcd bx Mls KennedyI piano, the Muses lrwm and Hazel Rigchne. mandulm. and Mr Burns. violin. the program consisted or many of the old {avomies such as Rusm'ana. Melody §1 F. and College Mrdlry Mrs. (Efren Sanford Peabody, who was formerly Miss Alice Parliament Kane a delightfultca from 3 m 6 uclmk this aftcrn . on the annncrsary at her wedding 'hlch took place one year agn at [he [Tome of her parents. Mr and Mn Samuel farlxament of 720 Sheridan Road Mrs. Peg'body is now 1n hcruvs n attractin- residenck. the rooms of which wrrv luvelv With a V’hely of spring flow er> Assn!- ing Mrs. Peabody were Mrs. Gordon Buchanin, Mrs. Clifton (3. Alexander. Mrs. Wlfliam Louderback. and Mrss Elsa Somers. A! the punch (able were Mrs Jean qu Broeck and Miss Man Scdg- wick. :3 sts Mildred Shcahen of Cemml Ave. entertained a number 0f schoul fnends on Saturday afternoon. Games were played axld delightful refreshments scn ed- Missmazel Rnchm (.r Mdplc Aw. wull entertain Mrs. Wells and party at lunuh' eon Sa:urday. They WI” motor to Del:- field (alum-ml {he commensenwnl exer- cises a: St Johns Mllilary Academy at whicl‘l Mm Wells' sun is :1 student. Mm. Wells will chapemnc the party. Mrs..Frank Rhea Boll of Ran-Inna has issued invitations for 3 (ca on Friday. w meet ”:3. Walter Mac erl who has rc- cently moved into the Geo. W. Carr homo: on Wade AWL, from Exanston. Mrsr Bott will be assisted by Miss Lows: Darby, Mrs. Frederick Wonser. Mrs. L M, Rutledge and Mrs. (km. W. Carr. !De€rfield News Items Mr. and \irs Kmmlu 1nd family 01 Chicago were the week cnd guesls nt MI and \h James Snydtr Mis‘ Ruth Reichelt “as the meg-k end guest 9! Miss Helen Rebhng at Highland Park. :They attended the dance a! High- land ”all Saturday evemng. Misha Martha and [)ma Watlernmn of Cltjcago were the guests 0! Mus Floreqm Johnson a low days of last week. Mm: William Galloway is cntertammg her lghcr. Mr. Beecham of Phillipa. Wu. Mr. Richard Supple celebrated his birthday anniversary with a {amily dinner party Ihunday evening. Mr.’ and Mn John A. Reichcll were Ihegfiesuol Mr. and Mrs. William H. CowliQ of Woodstock. Memorial Day. Mi Catherine Beimlich of Glcncoe was t guest of Miss Hermina Haunsâ€" child. friday. Evamton, Ill. Park were the attend cum: 0! Bit-dented! family. Mm Biedcniedt entcrumcd a number of friends Sunday nhcmoon Ln honor 0! her birthday nqnucrmr) Mrs. J, L‘. Wolff was hoslrss It I do 1.3mm! dmnrr“. parry m honor at htr birthday annnlfinary ‘lucsday. (men vu'rc Llld for 13. Thr nut 01 {own guests uvrc Mrs. Ruben Sn)” 0! Lnbcnynlle. and Mrs J P Schneider M Chnn‘agu Mr. W. S. (Tarn-n anrndrd me tum-ml n! his uncle; Mr. Thnmas Sulhnm of Tnmah. “'13 Lil week .\h>_‘ Holcn‘ ()‘ann, uhu has been visiting her I nl. Mn .\ Harms ox hauClalrt W1 . during the pus! Mark. rt'mrnrd Tur‘ . Miss Wmnr' Supple attended a ban quex given u! r:- 1.3 hallo: hold, Friday (\rmng a Mr and HTS McChugh of Lhn'agn ) . Mn. R. N. Ltd 0! Chicago "I: the weektnd guts; of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Path. were (he gucsfi of Mr. and Mrs. 5 Love Mrs.) l’ylcgand her daughter Clara tune the gu’ ts (I! Mr and Mn W Antes of Hm nd Park Sunday, Scmces we. held 1n the Prnbylcnan church Mcmu . ll Day at 9 o'clock. Rev. Carr 01 Roc teller delivered I stirring paH’IOUC addrobs m addmon In which lhc school Child! xaxe a number of up pmprlale son” and rn‘natmns Al [hr conclusmn of he cxcn‘lws (hr cungrria [um marchfi’ to the «many when- flmu-rs wcrr filacrd upon Ihc gran-s u! the Snldlt’rb, and Elfnrdd Knaak gau- hnmln': (ictgburg xprx h Muss Alburw MI» hum {Larim-‘s u! (Imago “”6th gucsh u! Mn Wmm Fnddy. V 311§SIMIKI€Kuxsl of “:lnxr'tc u .15 [hr gum! of Mlu'Jusphmr \\«--(i:n.m,\umia\' .-\ Iarxtr nuénlx‘r u! aulrmmbntr gum” dmu- nut trots L'hn'axn [)cnnzmnn I)“ M: and Mrs hhlw untrrlamrd Mr and Mrs Print, a“; and Mrs W. Mrskcr‘ .\1r.und 5111.} R Mic Donald and Mr Rudolph. the gnu-r part u! the vn‘rk mcl. and Mrfiiarl Krt-ss exhibited an m:- 1usual amnun! m talent and the humurmb lnnturc of th‘ skrtt‘hcg pleased the audx lencc Immcnflly. In the last play Min 1 Loretta Kreq sang "When Dreams Corm- lTruc.” rem-lying \‘onmderablc applause I Miss Clara l: was a charming hottest ! as Mrs Bug. and Mus Lorvtta Kanh .1 laxinatmg I'Jdow. Sylna unpcrsonated by His: Loera Kress a young lady fund at sport wa he belle of the ewnmg Il'l her Mom”: ndmg habit and bewxlchlng manner In 7 Who's to \Mn Hum," lr, “Frank Glynn's Writ," ML Curl Run:- mcl and .\lr.Robcn l’cttxs sustaxncdthclr parts unusufill) well I‘hc (mtumes wurn wcrr rimwruus and lx-auhlul A meat dcal ufcn-dut Is to “urn tn Mm (lam Endcr o whom the SLUfm ot the plan an- rluk Thc flour was (Iran-d lot dancmg altq; the play: A large number of nut of tovrn guests were prom-n1, Mrs (L Kart‘h :- crtamcd Mrs "(211th ol Mortan (”03' Mls Nellie Lilfilll of Mll waukec. Mn' \‘tla (ercs 01 Forest (Men and Muss an": Krueger of Hmhland Park. “err c guests of .hsses Kn-ux Mr and Ml.) l‘rtrr lilcnnu'hl u! (hr (ago were {h guests M Mr; Edw lilnm chl. Frida) . k h The Dn'rfi‘ld Urdmaln‘ «Iuh yore-d a \M dnuncl t-rlunfiah Thursday menmg when {hey gau- {hm (harming Ufll‘ an playti, Int “Mrs. Busby]: l’rnk Tea", “Frank (.hnn‘a 01‘ “We”, and Who's to “'m Him” The “H mcmbcrs of [tie (an! which were Mm Clara l‘ylt “has Sophia Zahnlc, Mrs: H" chmna Harfilschrld. Mums Laura and [m Manha Rani}. Muses Lorena and Ruth MI Krcss. Mr. Rnbcrt Pam. Mr Carl Rom an I‘HE HIG] The trus s n! the German school generouslyl edthetr butldmx to the dtreetors o the [)eerfield (.rammar school that the exammatnons tur htgh school mijht be gnen comfortably" Thursday. he town hall had been uttlued for glutattons the first of the week Mr. Stmpoon L'uunty Super” tendent wae tn charge. and all but one of the fourteen students passed. The graduates 6‘ EstherBooold. thbeth chkerbockr. Ellnedn Knaak Eltubeth RCKIICII. R‘ph Peterwn. Clareme Peter son Earl Kw Harold Plane. Edward Witt Adel Meyer, Chester Sachmitz. Elmer The ten. and Henry Johnson Commence Ant (Affk‘lst‘h mll be held In Andetson's Full Thursda) netting, June .I Mus Edui} Stryer o! hlenweu “at the Kurst n! he: grandnmthvt Mn Vettrr, «vtt I Itdm‘ The Dorc sonny mr! Thursday vulh Mu. Rug-b“ u Ihc manx xuvs hm Mr lrvm‘ Bauman n: Lhnagu “as (M must of Mr; Crm Willnzan un Frndl) Muss Mark Dutch and Elnabflh Sum: were (ht w‘tk-cnd guests (:1 Mn Hen Easton r Miss M: are: \'.cddcr uho hu bun lrmchng I he west tor nflenl month: returned l weck Mr‘ Alfrca Nclnon of Chicago was the guest 0! ME; Thcn'ien. Monday Mr Ha Pinon: of Change an the guest 0! M Fred Meyer. Monday Mr. and n S P. Butchuoo Ind Mr Ind Mn nnk Petenon nun-d mm reluwa In 'Iukegnn. Fnday _ fluxchbon hid 1: her gun! Fndly. Mr yd Wibby of Chnca‘o. Mr guest guest Mr Paul innxm «If k.‘ M ML Clam l’_\!c ; u.“ {hr 1}“ uratmn pum-s :n I)“ Mr and Mnkcr. Mr L Bruckway 1nd Mr L J Wilmol u! Waukcgan were the gum; 0! Mr. R. L Yam. Sdiurday Lllllf buunr- was tranwru-d a! the n-gular meeting 0! the Bond 0! Trauma Mnndny evening, outside M [be regular muurw Henry Men-r presented a par non (or a Laban Ila-nu- whu'h “as re- (rvrrd [u 1he horny vummmrc The [hard had experxcd m takr up the vm- dm! unimzncc but Mr Mdmflm. ullume)‘ rm (hrk M and $1 I‘ R k me! With an amnnmbflc lu‘ldrnl and was unahlr In tx- [)It‘hflll no the mane-I man laid up an the uhlr Thr \Illaxr (Irrk was .mthmzxrd to "(lend a nut u! lhanku lo [hr llrr mauhnl «:1 Highland Park Fire drparlnu-nl at the rnrnt yhruvl hour hu- Tho inn-[mg was adwurnc-d unhl Mr! “1ch and hm dumhtrr Annie 0! Lhu’auuwrrc [he aunt: of Mr: 1. L' “um Thundaw fur Thoma-[mg u m-u Manda) nrmng Muss Mm 9y Selig, Mm has brrn v'ml mg hrr sum In Inn. Mn William Sella of Chu‘uw for the past [an “rebut, re turned home Sunda) rm (Inldrcn who madr their hm Holy (mnmumun Sunday m the Holy Croso rhunh were Crux and (Andy. Smllh Muharl Ebau'h. John Demurn and Ferd!- A recutd bruktna troud turned out lhecuratmn Day to we the total ntne play auntmt St. Album 0! Chit-cu, the more w" 12 to 7 tn lnvor at St Album. Kreu patched well u dtd Thernen uhorucoeed- ed httn tn the III"! Inning when Earlwu taken out no u to be tn t‘OfldtUOfl for Sunday's unme. but numeruun ermrn by the tnftelden coupled mth the Inlultty ol Mcafiee tn Itop the uruthpavn bender! at momenu mnde \'|('l0r)' tmpouible The nutori lxuuaht a 20»ptece band out With them and the excellent music ren- dered. m a measure compensated the crowd uhn‘h had expeeted to Dec I good game QUIH‘ a dtflerent ntorv an be told about the glme wtth the "t‘ltppen" last Sunday The Deerfteld boy: were determtned to redeem themwhe: tor the defeat at Decoration ha) The vmtors muted two runs tn the mund mnm‘ Ind three m the (nth In the nxth tnmng [leerfteld started a batttnu rally, {our were made and the runnen erased the plate beture the Imuke clenred away “III tied the more and from then on both teams played an ttght ball and the game dueluped tnto l pttehern battle between Kreu and ltuclel \nth honon about eu-n The nmth Inning ume Ind went and sttll the tte was unbroken Tmce Clipper runnen- were ntpped un home plate once on I beauttlul throw lmm «enter field by thltam and DUI bu): threatened to «cute neveral times It “as not unttl the ch Inning that Derrttrld sealed the wmnmg run. whtt'h lmade thr {tn-l wore 6105 Alex. the hnt man up singled to rtght took second and vu- un hll way to thtrd belure Clip- prr, nah! ficldu found the ball, and then came home on (hr m'cnhrou to third. Much \n-dn fur me \‘u'lury shuuld be given "Krcsnie" who fanned 15 men Ind aflowcd only 6 mu m 13 mmngn Mr :1 Involved by 1hr uhuul dun-morn. [helmt .\u 109. (ounKy 0! Lake. and Matt nl lllmmt, thu uhrrnu the x‘hool house hanng burn! dean. and (he dns [ml n xn need of a new uhool building. lhcrrtorr. u in ordcrrd lhll the propuu mm 0! Hum. (or the amt be submmrd In the nuns of Ou- butnd II In Her [um to be held on [he Ulh day (I! Junc‘ 191_{.andlhllthe pole! be open hum nghl o'durk l. m lo five u‘clork p m [I u iurthef ordered. lhnl the grapes» nan o! Ilflllfl‘ bond! lo the amount 0! snowooom be pay-bk One Thousand Doll-n coch year. when swam ol ntd bond :hnll be payable. be oubtmued to (he wins 0! the Dmnct II the name umt h u funhet ordered mat the (ch pool 1hr nn‘efllry nona- ol the Mme xnd unrure xhc bursary hallo" and pull Eu finder Illh ha grundluhu marchcd a! the We! the W 5 Hancock ”(H We are as near to Parker House Rolls, Buns, Sweet Rolls. Vienna Rolls. _I(‘H_\ Rolls. Whole Wheat and White Bread. Loaf Liakm. 1.;:_\(‘I Cakes and Small Cakes of all kinds. l’ics. L‘mkws. [Mugh nuts. Brown Bread. Cinnamun Rolls. Cufim- (an. \m Bread. etc. Fresh Strawberry. Vamll; cents per quart. Order on hand at 50c per quzm The following candies :He made right how in Hi‘hland M and fresh every day too L'rmm Chmolates, Walnut Fudac, Cream Walnut Caramcls. Pt-anul Clusters, Peanut Clip. Home Made Candies peanut Brittle, Cream Che-mug Candy. L‘hm‘ulatc Dip Can- mels, Frcs‘h Roasted Sahvd Peanuts and all flavors of Cream Chocolates. French Candy Kitchen 18 W. Contnl Ava-u. High” LAKE GENEVA ICE FRANK L. SILJESTROM (X60. and Y“. 5|. Plan. And Fir-I Strut The Erskine Insurance A Vanilla and Clux‘olaw la Z)rdcrcarly. Vanilla lcc I That our employees may have more time for rest and recreation during the summer months “1‘ the un- dfrsigned will close our stores dufing “mi?" --COAL-- Stores will be open Tuesday, 7 Thursday and Saturday ‘ Evemngs @ So that our patrons may not be put to any in- convenience we trust they will m-operatr with us in this movement tn better the working con- ditions and kindly do their trading in the early part of the day whenever leSSllflt‘. WILLIAM ANDERSON CHAS. H. WARREN (0 JOHN P. KLINE Fire Accident Tornudo Life Burglary Plate Glm Employer. Liability Just telephone 65 And the Ice Man will all June, July and August Write. insumce in all in branc‘el for Sunday 215 Boo! Companim Lowest Runs bubiohod 1.71 ft )llmx's kH-am :11 1' (Hum) :11\\;1)> Rolls. Jr”) am £11 J. A. BLOMDAHL R. W. SCHNEIDER THE BEE HIVE aw.» Puma-h Stranton

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