lit Mrs. Ross 1. Benny “as hoste» at a delightful musicale on Suiurdhy at her home on Sheridan Road \\ hen the well- known compowr-pianist. Lulu Jam’s Downing. Isabel Richardson a lill'llfl soprano, and Mrs. Eugene F. Yahr, Al cun- tralto. furnished the program. Mrs. Beatty's harp. her clever recitations in French Canadian. and her recitation to music of a little Japcnese poem were a pleasure to the guests who also admire her many talentsV Assisting the hostess were Mrs Edwin Day. Mrs. Frank Lin- culn \Vean, Mrs. George M. Bard, Mrs. Frederick Bullar and Miss Jessie Chandler. Mrs. Frank Lincoln Wean was hostess at a luncheon for thirty-two guests at her home on Ravine Drii'e and Forest Ave. on Tuesday to meet Mrs. Charles Deneen. wife of Honorable Churles De- neen, ex-governor of lllanlS. Mrs. John Washburne of Highland Park. has cards out for a tea from four to six o'clock on Saturday aftanoon, June 21. to meet Mrs. Charles Chapin and Miss Chapin of Hawthorne Lane. So gay is Highland Park that it is quite impossible; for ever} one [v accept all the invitations and last week “as certainly one 01 pleasure. The weather man favored the hostesses tor the entire week was one of perfect days. On Sat- urday the charming gathering place for ladies at luncheons and bridge is the Ex- moor. Two Highland Park ladies. Mrs. Burridge Butler and Mrs. F. ‘D, Kelly en» tertained. Tyner, 8443-71; R. S. Peyton 84-13-71: 1.? M. Tuttle. 33-12-71. 3. S.Din¢ee. Mimi}; F. S. Sherman, 91-20-71. In the evening ! came the dinner-dance. Among those 5 entertaining were Mr. and Mrs. C. Mather { Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tapper, Mr. 1 and Mrs c. L. McNear, Mr. and Mrs. ’ George W. Swigart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. W, Stearnsi and Messrs Boynton. C. L. Wuodruff.‘ Arthur Pixley. L. H. Roff, William Plant, and Ellis Faxon. Mrs. John M. Tuttle was hostess at a bridge party on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Prospect Ave. to meet her sister. Mrs. R. L. Reed. Mrs. Edwin C. Day entertained Inform- ally Monday evening in honor of her sister. Miss Grace McKey‘ The J. L'. G. club were entertained on Fridav evening at the home of Miss Helen Hill of N. Green Bay Rd. Mrs. Wm. Grant entertained a number of guests last week. all of whom are members of the Scottish societies of Evanston of which Mrs. Grim is also a member. Mrs. George P. Englehard of the Log Lodge. entertained twelve guests at luncheon on Wednesday of last week. It has been remarked that June in Highland Park has been a non-wedding season this year which is lvery unusual. But no wedding could have been more bridal like than the Crystal‘celebration of the George Allen Masons‘ on Saturday evening when one hundred guests includ- ing both families of Mr. and Mrs. Mason. the ushers and many of the friends who had been guests ï¬fteen years ago at the wedding in Janesville. Wis. at the old home of Mrs. Mason's parents. Mr. and ‘ Mrs Pliny Norcrosse. now of ()rlando.l Fla Mrs. Mason in white chiffon and 5 satin. carried a lovely bridal bouquet of ‘ sweet peas and lilies of the valley and! with Mr. Mason received the congratula- tions of the guests. Assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Norcrosse, 'Mr. and Mrs. ‘ J. V. Norcrosse. Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Norcrosse. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Nocross. the Misses Frances. Martha and Harriet Mason of Riverside. and Mr. and MrS. John C. Fenton of Hillsdalle. all of whom were week-end guests at the Mason home. The house was a' bower of roses. peonies and many other 'lovely flowers gifts of friends as was also the lovely collection of crvstal. The table 'was a 506 Davis Street The Social Side of Life Phone CLEANERS Phone Evanston Evahston 3638 3533 ‘ RS' ' DYE For the FIRST and FUTURE cleaning. Aifbnobile all and deliver Wednesdays and William Parker ; Co. have your garments Ot dehcaxe c1 ruined by inferior cleaners? . ‘1" ' you can have the Original Colét‘, L retained by sending them to " Local Affairs of the week the U'uscnrr rcp‘rxxluctionmf xhc bndal table 0! 13 years ago. with the (cmrr pmco: of yel- l‘m and while dunes In a basket m-d “uh yellow chiffon. whllc yellow shaded mndlcs added In (hr attracmeness. Fol- lnmng {he rccepuon :I dam‘r was held m a gayly lightud panhnn un xiw 12mm The gucsts were from Lake Full‘sl. Winnclka. thcago and Highland Park. ï¬t was held to hear Miss Barlowâ€: rcpnt: at the 213ml Contmvnnll Congress held 1n Washington Apnl H 19. Miss Barlow at tended the congress as delegate at the Chapter, She tum \er)‘ interestingly of the splrited clucttun lot prealdent gen eral which resulted tn the datum of Mrs. Story on the third ballot. Also at the wonderful growth of thcorgamzatitm. ‘t‘te number of new chapters formed and the splendidwmk amlmphshed m mery ‘state as shown hv the reports I»! the state regents and the one twm Havana, Cuba. Much was smd of the work done among the southern mountaineers Muss Barlow spoke of one SthUUl in the mnun 'tains where a )nung girl made :1 flag from the descnptton she had heard at It. . She had for matenals a salt stack, a k hlld a ‘blue bib and a red flannel pettltuat ll \\ as the ï¬rst Amt-man flag even seen m that part of the c- )untry and It was stat ed that there are many people today only a tomoartnely tew mules from W .tshlng- ton who have never seen Old (Hon E, Weeks, vm‘ulxsxs; and Mr; (marge K Jones. Hollnhl. and Mrs. James Watson, at lhc plano. Everyone expressed dc light at the yam-(y in m pmgrum and was loud in prlhl‘ 01 Lunch numbcx l‘n: cecdmg the mumc n bumness Inn-{mg i Aerial Chauffeur Wrtmcr wrll pilot the lboat {our days a w.cek carrying Mr ML Cormick from his home m Lakc Forest itu thhin walking distance of hrs ofï¬ce at South Mrchxgan Axenue and Fair Place‘ The craft )5 to be housed m a knew shed which has been erected at thr ‘ Lake Forest hnxm- Then- Is In be 4 half- way station or landmg at Clarcndnn tbeach at “ilsun Ave and the lake and [the down town stopping plate vull Xx (hr Chicago \acht dub. lab I-arrstu IcCORIlCK'S AIR CHAUFFEUR ARRIVE C. C. Wilmer, European agem of the Curtiss- Aeroplane company. who IS to pilot Harold P. McCormick's new ï¬ymg motor boat has arrived in Chicago to see to the arrangements for the rï¬â€˜l’puon of the boat within the next ten day; The winged boat now is at Hammondsport. New York. Will Filo; Like Foresters Air Craft 30- !wocn that CiQy and Chiu'o Phobytoï¬an Church Committee. A: a accent meeting of [he SCSNUH or ï¬e Prï¬byu'rlan Church the tulluwmg ‘committecs were appointed fur the ('Il'su ‘ing year. Commisswnrr It) Presbylrn, Mr. L G. Yoe. Alternate Mr, H, II Fawn. éPrayer meeting; Elders A. W. \‘ercoe and R. “C Patton; Pulpit wpply. Elders ‘ H. M. Bacon and E. P. Sedgwick. Bible ischool. dcrs H. l), Faxon and F l), 'Everett; Communion service. Elders F VW. Schumacher and L. (L Yoe; music. F M. Steele. C. N. Kimball, [-1 8‘ Metal. F. P. Luther, and Mrs. R. J Hearty. A: (he annual *meeting of the Young Pimple: Christina Endeavor the ofï¬cers elected were '1. follow! President. Mr. John Vercoe; vice president. Mr (io-dnch Schlufller. recording secretary. Miss Ro wens Butin; corresponding secretary, delicate color and fabric Miss Rubella Ewart; treasurer. Junior Schum'acher. pian'm. Mia Bertha Har-i bauchz‘ :sistant pianist Muss Gladys Tuckef: ’ Evanston, HI. ife and Beauty Saturdays Mr. and ers. Shumaker o! Chicxgo were the guests of Mr and Mn J. C Wolff. Sunday, Mrs H Haunchlld ici: Saturday morn mg fur Anna:nu>a_ 1mâ€, «heu- she \All be the guest at her (huth, Mu J N Bernard (or a few weeks Mus (Nadya Easm and Mr of Chiragn “tre (he “ï¬â€˜k (-nd Mrs. E. knukcrbuckex Mrs: Marian Cram lell for lllomnnxtun Monday uhrre the vull allrud 1hr Sun.- Numml y‘huul In: the summer, It mll be 0! Interest In her hwnds lu knuu llndl she wnll leal‘h In the lixghwm-d .schuol next )ear. hcr appln'umn bang m (rpm-<1 from the large numbrr n-wnnl lu the lllglmmxl school board \h“ Bessie Carol pmnmn a: h-ndm uhonl Mrs John A Sin-kn lrix Mr “muna Lake, Ind. ’lhursdn) whrn- 5hr vull at u-nd 1hr ninth seasmn n1 1hr summrr schunl of muswus under Auspnm of 1hr lnterdcnunnnalmnnl wmn.mrc n! the Central West. In H benunfully n-modclrd buxldurg 1hr services for Children} Day ()1 (hr l’rnh) (cnan church wcrc held Sunday Apr r'vpnnu- songs and rcumtmns and an ad drew~ by Mr Frank Mun-r «:1 Lu (.rangr. fnrrm-r supcnmendenr uclr pun-n Mn Man-['5 mother, Mrs hnnhr lau'nuusl) IH so Mr; Mayer w.n mmhlr h: in- prrsrnt Mr and MrsSamm-l Huhhrmr. hun- xssucd nullauuns in (hr \n-ddmg w! Hm! daughter Mmme :0 Mr Ru) A (mmkrl at eight I on Thursday evening. Jum- -3, o'ulwk In the PREMHHMH « Lurr h Hu-rï¬rld members of the rmmncm‘r 191 3 Ik‘rrï¬rld T‘hn‘lda nwn! claw u! Huhhlvrn. Hug}: >1 haul un- Mo‘s†km Alnn Meyer and Min Ruth Kr'n hrll rm: mom PARK m mGHIâ€"AND‘ Mrs W. A Whmng Ml} Ix- hmlrss t'u- Wumz‘n's Mnsmnu)‘ >Vntt‘ty u! w Pix-ahxh-rmn dmnh l’huxsda) .Hu-xno Mr and Mn. Fdw Knmk .zmï¬ xhwr dauxmor Mildn-d uvrr {ch xu-rk cud (1)0518â€! Mx and Mb 1 hum†Mus “(aunt M l‘ufl)‘ left Wrdm-s dav for hl-r home m \\ |lan \Vn Mrs‘ Pain-{sun am! Mus lerk A»! [rung Yuk L‘hu Hi" “(wk cud Kllt‘~l~ u! Mrs \\ A Tho Mu ngnm (h. glvls Yfllfll'd at the humr u! M Kdnh Friday m rnmg nhcrr Hllnd“311n\h.ld “.2\ rlntz mchx-r - Mrs. Keck- .)f (Mn-gm (um! 1)! Mrs Eugc-zu' kn Mr, Elmm Ann-a. “‘w- 'Lw hm-n n. l'urlland. ()ru tux thrrr wan. rcmmrd to his home to bc (he Rm-st oi Ins pJfl'Hls {or a few \M-vks prmr m his murnngr In Miss Zurrah Engler 01 Bang quu Mus Ruth Rcuhcit “.1: m.- gucsx of hnnur a! a lundmun gin-:1 h) hm aunt, Mrs Butt] Ihvkens u! Mulligan Axe, Chicago Wednesday (nu-rs urrr land tug (\u-nh Inur Thr dnnmtwnp were u! whm- sweet pea: and hilt-1i u! [hr \al lrv and (h:- 1axnrs tn) :mtnr vars. Mus mefru‘l Supply >pcnl the uni .nl 1hr l'mvmslly ()1 1311mm “Y‘rn- ‘he 4'. u-ndcd the Senior ball Muses 31431130 and Inn†karxh vu'n- lhz- guests 1)! the†Hmndnmlhcr a! PHIL age. Wm dunnx the past wart Sfl'cntccn mrl‘nbcn of the Women's Mlssxunar) socxc-ty or the l'rcsbytrrun churrh aucndrd the sumnu-r quarterly mccnng of the I’rnbylrnal Nl'lrhfl (or Home and Forexgn Mmsmus m the Pros- bytery of Chicago Mrss Ellneda Knaak cnlcrtaincd the graduation class of (he Decrhrld (imm- mar school Tuesday evening The far-or; were school pennlnts lk-crnrld (.rlmmar school l9†m white on a purple bask gruund The- regular meeting of (he ullage board of Kruslees last Monday rvcnmg was adjourned without any business being transacted as there was no quorum present. An mformnl ducuumon “a hold regarding tlr Drowned newer from 1hr ghoul ward to the nest slouch The [hard of Local Improvement: nulhonlrd (he cny engrneer, Mr Russun to wru-y and nuke a plat of the Vllltgr so a: to gr! (tha for the sewer spurtuahun: llc r~ In rm‘rnc $113 for hu murk The nun-hug was admurncd uxmi {hr mu n-gular mating m Julv An cln‘tmn [or Mu pruprmlmntwo ln-ld .n (hr town hall Fruim Thr- hrsl. \lmll lkcrm-ld Hurld .1 ï¬lm-ml Hmru' (.nnrd '1? \‘nhng tor and 4 4pm»! 17;: )z‘t'uhd. Mull lhslrnl lIN ;~â€"m Sl‘ml‘ er. Inmdv Laznrd 63 {or .4'1-1 # agamrl Plum fur wool by a numhrr u! an him (3 weir an cxhlbmun during rlnmm haul Those 01 Mr (.adduul \‘mu-nnn Induna wcrc am‘cpted The town I; unmade-1mg who the (no men wen- whuvultd Again“ bUlldlnR 1 hr! school when [ht form" one had been destroyed by hr: The A C. E busxnes: mccnng n! xhr l'mted Exangclx‘xl chun'h an held am the home 0! Mn. Kenpcr Fnda) rwmng v Muss Anme Quorum u! (hungo urn 7 R“- the guest of MI- Helen Beckie). \undn 1"" ‘ ‘V Mr lebcn .andgr of Rundrml, 111‘ was the week-end guest of Mn L )‘rmn 51f D N LUdKCT‘OI’Xj '1'“ TUC‘Idfl)’ \x‘u w momlngiot Putmrn, .N Y. where the "'â€â€ body ofhil brother. R F. Ludgerwood, “N†"thh vu removed from Snngï¬cld Ill ». mil b: buried. - M» \r Ml yntur In r and Mr H Lunh “nit-m} gursls n! .wcgn, .\ \ ‘zu- MM†1w Kamxk urrr the MB 1 hum. m h.†h'"1‘ \u Ln (“1:"le! a \ Hm‘Mu-d .\h\s Martha H‘ .‘1h5 â€(I tz-d m .1 mm \\ \\ muna :11 ï¬ght h mncm‘r 1 Shn‘lda .1. lnwn. hrll nlrss ‘m V u! the Work ol locAl boy: mud [uh Ill Co"... This month has been .1- Usual our of uvnllhrlht'nu‘lflt a! all «:1 [hr 5‘ hxmlr and an rxnrllc'm ghoulng has Ix-rn madr by the IX»! and gulls from Hus « H\ whn an unending «ml of “mu :4 'Mr-‘Is Ml“ Mmgm Lushmg huh ba-rx. “curd pxru drnl n! the 5mm»! ‘14» n1 \ 4‘s.†a. shell â€.1!th mum le H 1hr I'“"" Mm Punch Biedcnudl mll give I («ml m 5! Punch hull 11 Everett Su- urday. June Zï¬. “one “dung to go may :0 lo Everdt on (be one lhufy and 1h: rnxlal vull hr mm In mm in get the ï¬n- ngh! In hecrflcld. 1ch xandlr m Mr Ed“ Scllh k‘l umduu burned aixhvlhlte huurs 'Ihr lucky gunsrn “at Mrs Mule-u \Ahu u- cewcd 1 ad of flour. Ln) Sula. hut-my pound bl! of Sugar. A H Muhlke and Edwin Edmund rmh “on a basin-l â€I I’Ofltd gnu and and Juhn Willman. a (an (:1 (â€ï¬re The 5'. I nhoul of Du- pccmc tn be barker} gum lab» ll'l_ .j. hum: manic 01 [hr 3hr baby ahnw 1‘ A dwpla) n! [he (\rnlhx Busineu man givn Banuct nnd Dnm About one hundred gunu were platen! n 1hr Innual lfldlrl night uhn’h consul ed 01 u dmnu Ind dancr gum a! Hlflh land Hall by [he bumnn: men of High land l'ark nn l‘hunday mum .M m- dinner M: l) M. Fvnkmr, 51!. Arlhux C )nhmwn and All)â€: Larson made but! and \ lrvn addrmm Follow-mg (he dln nn a (law r was held m the- ball “mm. Fullun s ()1. hrnua futnuhul 1hr [mum u (. 51 Palm Len Hub. and Charla lurhm wrm {hr member. of (he \nm mm†In \ harm: u! (hr rxm-xtmmm-u! Mi“ label! Kum ,u.... . ‘ . 1m nrxl war and Bonnet Sch-um" will mm Williams upon hm rrlum hum a year upon: traveling In Europe monormoommuor NORTH SHORE TRUST COIPANY n. LI‘ hum un 7r. Halt Luau «w ‘ â€Hallrfli m nu" like: in!» Ind du- nunlp lrhr‘ hrs thnl unuv ; It"! in n u ‘HII‘ Ind TIL" [it'd [umnns Ymr ‘r:'xn-.Irl “rm-n11 nuhm! In ‘ kn 5 1n. lIfl‘pM’lr 11...- in l 1n Blush um â€dung ‘rvixh‘ltr‘ dun-m: \ulr .,. m I-\\k} \hu [1 L o! krmm A?) \r h'l‘f \‘N H ) I; lAlv H'BUK AT N )N Paul's Evangrlual deay L'lhrld ammumr their annual r guru Juh 5 m hnnkrfâ€" .c ) nnlr can! 011)"er A “"11â€! um] the “'1’ 0! "1d) are (hr Ipl't'lill feature! \\ \(uut \lbhnv u! m. \unhShm' 'L'J' \ Bgnh do uni-mnlv smut Iâ€! "a .n: n Irv: Inlho In! a nu knu- hull†an All namu 10: the 4 hr In Int-1w: 230 p m, (‘Atflkh qu hr Lhuwn m lerHx-d) 1- ‘ urdnlly In> in“! 0! Wilmette was an 0! he: hum. Mia Jone xmll lat! n ) [IA-M In†‘Alfl and mm": :1! l I" (J v'm LnIbuIl-r- 00161231 1h Ind I‘ufn u u Lullunlurn .. PARK ILLINOIS hlubl lulï¬ IIKHHIIII Any-u I W \rmot \th-n Kn br‘urr mt Ihh ‘00! Jun- III M "v Noun halting I“ 0.“. IHAII' ,1 an \- 6 71‘ Work called for and delivered if desired (,ents 511118 D11 Cleaned . . sibo Ladies “ . . i125 19 W. Elm Place Cm W -COAL-- sew FRANK 1. snuasmo wakuâ€"m-‘mw “Everything we furnish has thdt Home Made Tax te†: Let us furnish the material ‘ for your luncheons, dmners .f card parties, musmales re j ceptions. etc. Guaranteed satisfaction or money back i Thursday August ighland Par? JmukphoInBS-ndthelcoflnnwiflau Day HM $3 Telepho: Scrï¬nton J «a w-‘ll'wiwr ~mm- mmwwwwvw. wâ€..- â€"Wflm‘qx W1)â€" ..- . ... WWW an r WNW". wmnswy 1“ ‘ "o'.-oooo. \ havey'our 'garmentsi'df‘delicate color and fabric 1“. .~ m‘n t . er «in» e t-. £. ruined by inferior cleaners? . :E. WHEN you can have the Original Cole-f, Life and Beauty retained by sending them to f Phone CLEANERs Phone Evanston Evarislon 3638 3638 ' DYERS ' For me FIRST iii ruruu cleaning. Aitlinobile semis l l Call and deliver Wednesdays and Saturdays William Parker ; Co. 506 Davis Street Evanston, Ill. The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week By the (l'oseru‘r at a reprixltictionmf the bridal table of 1:) h†years ago. with the center piece of yel- low and white daises iiiabasket tied with yellow chiffon. while yellow shaded Mrs. Ross J. Beatty w as hostess delightful musicale on Saturday at home on Sheridan Road when the well- known coniposer-piariist. Lulu Jones Downing Isabel Richardson a “Wu†i.iiidles added totlit- attractiveness. Fol- soprano. and Mrs. Eugene F. Yalir. i'l cori- l‘m‘ng lh“ reception 5' dim" "'35 held 1" tralto. furnished the program. Mrs. 1‘ Karly llithtvd pavrlion on the lann. The guests were from Lake Forest. Winnetka. iwere the guests of Mr and Mrs J. C urdsY-l‘m' 25. Those wishing to go iVloltt. Sunday my go to Everett on the one thirty and be the guest of her daughter. Mrs J N Bernard for a few weeks 0‘ Chicago “He the “Mk “id Hunts 0‘ ceived a wk of flour. Leo Seller. twenty 1 Mrs. E. knickerbocker Monday where she will attend the Stutc . ssofltd grin cries and Jill!†Normal school for the summer, It will an “i (once be of interest to her friends to know that she m“ "a‘ih m the â€mh‘m'd Thin. sihixil of lkâ€"t-rtirld ariiiounir their annual next year. lie-r application being .«t‘etite-d picnic “I be given July ‘ m hnnltrfâ€" wit If. S. iDult dotting i: 201Ealeestn|Are Telephont' ' rimmcmrmmm ' ‘ Mi. lubell Kuist oi Wilmette was the. weekend guest of her sum. Miss Jose-it ph'me “'oodmln. ‘ Miss Francis Biedustadt will give a recital in 51 Punch hall at Everett 5st- Deerfield News Items Mr. and ers. Shumaker of Chicago Mrs. H Haurichild let: Saturday morn 'l mu t.- mi-r in nine- to get the the rail: rig for Anllat‘nt)>a_ lowa. wlirrc she will me “it!†w lieerfield. T he taiidir in Mr Etlw Seller h‘l . - window burned allhvllltef hours 'I he Miss (iladys Faster and Mr ll Lllfsh lucky guessen were Mrs â€ml†“h“ re poundbag of sugar. A H Muhlke and MISS Marian Craig left for llloyllllllxlun Edwin kid.(x'nd enth won a basket of . Williriari. I Let us furnish the material for your luncheons, dinners card parties, musicales re- ceptions. etc. The St Paul's livangt-lital Nintlay from [hr large number “um“! i“ the bucket] grove 1 mile east of lk-ertield A, Highwood school board baby lie-.1: Hunâ€. “m, the sale 0‘ home made . ' 'id) are the llpl's‘lill features on All names for the ~t he in before 230 p ni,‘ \liss Bessie Carolan has zitirptetl a position as teather 11‘. the llig‘Mi-ud of the after! school baby show it . Mn.- John .\ singâ€, 1‘.“ i.†“mum A dispiay or : (‘v‘tflki‘ will be shown in Lake. lnd. Thursday when- she will at the “â€â€œl‘3 l‘rlll‘fll 1" iordully m‘i \ i i teridtlie ninth session of the summer ‘11 ‘- “Eve I] s wef 0 b has thdgt i school of riiisaioris under auspiit's of tht- Business not: give Bouqufl and D 9’ '. Home Made Taste E lnterdenoriiinatioiiril ioiiiii.ittee of the Central West. About one hundred guests were present - . *l .0 st t lit a beautifully remodeled budding the at â€u agnual “dz-21mg!“ “h“ I] a: H .h ‘ ‘ \ I services for Children's Day of the l’reshy "d m ' "m" an an†“I a It tcrian Church were held butida) Ap- land Hall by the business men of High ‘ '- ‘ ‘d . t At the r'ipriate songs and {ï¬llilllnlls and an ad land lark â€n Ihul 3) m‘h- - dress by Mr Frank “1‘“ â€1 1.. t range dinner Mr I) M. Fiskinr, Mr Arthur C, furtherIsuperintendenrl '“Hr “1:“, “I; iihnson and Albert Larson made brief “Hug. mother Mrs llxrim m â€yummh and t lever addrmses Following the did I i ' ~ ' net a (law r was held iii the hall room. ill so Mrs. Mayer was unable to he Cleaning -- Pressi _ â€w“! Fullonslï¬rihestiafurnished thr riiustr p ‘ o i. si ram. Lei. link and Charles Mr .-nd Mrs. Samuel llutihisori hiiyi- bum,“ “cm the members “1 the ...m . ' . .i l . mu“! “Ullalluns to the \Hdklmx “ l‘††mitlre in i harge of the entertainment Beatty's harp. her clever recitations in French Canadian. and her recitation to music of a little Japenese poem were a pleasure to the guests who also admire her many talents. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Edwin Day. Mrs. Frank Lin- coln \Vean, Mrs. George M. Bard, Mrs. Frederick Bullar and Miss Jessie Chandler. Mrs. Frank Lincoln Wean was hostess at a luncheon for thirty-two guests at her home on Ravine Drive and Forest Ave. on Tuesday to meet Mrs. Charles Deneen. wife of Honorable Charles De- neen, ex-governor of Illinois. Mrs. John Washburne of Highland Park. has cards out for a tea from four to six o'clock on Saturday aftanoon. June 21. to meet Mrs. Charles Chapin and Miss Chapin of Hawthorne Lane. So gay is Highland Park that it is quite impossible for ever} one to accept all the invitations and last. week was certainly one of pleasure. The weather man favored the hostesses tor the entire week was one of perfect days. On Sat- urday the charming gathering place for ladies at luncheons and bridge is the Ex- moor. Two Highland Park ladies. Mrs. Burridge Butler and Mrs. F. ‘D. Kelly en- tertained. The men are enjoying a tournament at Exmoor and so close was the haridi» ‘ capping that five riierii‘oers tied for first place in the eighteen hole ‘ medal play"l event. They will play on through thel week for the. prizes. 0\ er '100 players. competed. The leading smiles were: E. l Tyner. 84-13-71; R. S. Peyton 84-13-71: J: M. Tuttle. 33-12-71. 3. S.Dingee. 81-10-71; F. S. Sherman, 91-20-71. lit the evening I came the dinner-dance. Among those. entertaining were Mr. and Mrs. C. Mather { Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tapper. Mr. 1 and Mrs C. L. McNear, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Swigart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ‘ E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stearris and Messrs Boynton. C. L. Woodruff. Arthur Pixley. L. H. Roff, William Plant. and Ellis Faxon. Mrs. John M. Tuttle was hostess at a bridge party on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Prospect Ave. to meet her sister. Mrs. R. L. Reed. Mrs. Edwin C. Day entertained inform- ally Monday evening in honor of her sister. Miss Grace McKey. The J. L'. G. club were entertained on Friday evening at the home of Miss Helen Hill of N. Green Bay Rd. Mrs. Wm. Grant entertained a number. of guests last week. all of whom are members of the Scottish societies of Evanston of which Mrs. Grant is also a member. Mrs. George P. Englehard of the Log Lodge. entertained twelve guests at luncheon on Wednesday of last week. It has been remarked that June in; Highland Park has been a non-wedding season this year which is very unusual. . Lliicago and Highland Park. The flag day riiusicale of the North Shore Chapter l.) A. R. was held at “The Moorings," the home ot Mrs. George Richmond Nichols. The house and grounds were beautitully trimmed with flags while the table decorations in the dining room were red, white and blue flowers. Mrs. Nichols and the officers t'ie Women's Missionary High sthool are Messrs Aliiri Meyer and Miss Ruth Rt'li hrlt Mrs \V. A Whiting will be hostess to 51itfflhlku3lllll“ has been netted presi - >lnlt‘ly til the dent of the Senior this: at \ ass.†as well ï¬â€˜ daughter Minnie to Mr Roy A (rillltht‘l I . on Thursday evening. June -s, at eight o'clock in the l’703b)lt'tldll t l.urt h D‘Trï¬rld trienilx‘rs â€l the "’"mwm‘r toriiirirriieriietits at all Hi the st ll\)()ll and merit “la“ “' 191 l “CH""M :‘lm‘ld†an eniellt'nt showing hits lit-en made by who assisted here were in costutiie. Mr>. l’iesliyti-rian thurih Thursday .itterrit-iri Fearing presided at the punch bowl on Mrs. Keefe-of (tsw'ego. .\ \ is the the east veranda. The musical program truest ot Mrs “A...“ pmâ€! corisrsted of seven groups of songs and instrumental music furnished by Miss Marion Mason. Miss Eva llelen Schaier. Mr Arthur ll. Rarious. and Mr. Charles E, Weeks. vocalists; and Mr. (ieorge R. Jones. violinist. and Mrs. James Watson, at the piano. Everyone expressed de light at the variety in the program and was loud iii pr.iise or each number l‘re ceeding the music a business met-ting was held to hear Miss liarlow's report of the Z'Jnd Continental Congress held in Washington April ll 19. Miss Harlow at tended tht: congress as delegate ot the Chapter, She told very interestingly of the spirited election for president gen eral which resulted in the election of Mrs. Story on the third ballot. Also of the wonderful growth of the organization. the number of new chapters formed and the splendid work accomplished iii every state as shown by the reports of The state regents and the one fsoni Havana. Cuba. Much was said of the work done among the southem mountaineers, Miss Barlow spoke of one school in the moun- tains where a young girl made a flag frorii the description she had heard of it. She had for materials a salt sack. a child's blue bib and a red flannel perticoat it was the first Anieritiin flag even seen in that part of the c-luntry. and it was stat- ‘ed that there are many people today only ‘ a comoartively few miles front Washing- ton who have never seen Old Glory ‘IcCORIlCK'S AIR CHAUFFEUR ARRIVE ‘ Will Filo; Lake Foresters Air Craft 30- ' twoon that City and Chicago : C. C. Wilmer. European agent of the Curtiss- Aeroplane company. who is to pilot Harold P. McCormick's new flying motor boat has arrived in Chicago to see . to the arrangements for the reception of 1 i the boat within the next ten days The winged boat now is at Hammondsport. New York. Aerial Chauffeur Witnier wrll pilot the boat four days a week. carrying Mr ML‘ ICormickfrom his home in Lake Forest ’ to Within walking distance of his office at South Michigan Avenue and l’eck Place. The craft is to be housed in a new shed which has been erected at the Lake Forest horize There is to be .i half-way station or landing at Clarendon beach. at Wilson Ave and the lake. and t But no wedding could have been more bridal like than the crystal celebration of the George Allen Masons on Saturday evening when one hundred guests includ- ing both families of Mr. and Mrs. Mason. the ushers and many of the friends who had been guests fifteen years ago at the wedding in Janesville. Wis. at the old home of Mrs. Mason's parents. Mr. and Mrs Pliny Norcrosse. now of Orlando. Fla Mrs. Mason in white chiffon and satin. carried a lovely bridal bouquet of sweet peas and lilies of the valley and with Mr. Mason received the congratula- tions of the guests. Assisting were Mr. » and Mrs. Pliny Norcrosse, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Norcrosse. Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Norcrosse. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Nocross. the Misses Frances. Martha and Harriet Mason of Riverside. and Mr. and MrS. . the down town stopping place will be the 3Chicago Yacht club. Loki I-‘arrsri-r Phsbytsrian Church Committees At a recent meeting of the Session of the Prï¬byft'rian church the following .committees were appointed for the erisu ‘ ing year. Commisswner to Presbytery. Mr. L. G. Yoe. Alternate. Mr. H, I). Faxon. l Prayer meeting; Elders A. W. \‘ercoe l i and R. W. Patton; Pulpit Slpply. Elders l H. M. Bacon and E. P. Sedgwick. Bible ischool. ders H. l), Faxon and F l). 'Everett; Communion service. Elders F W. Schumacher and L. G. Yoe; music. F M. Steele. C. N. Kimball. E B. Metzel. F. P. Luther. and Mrs. R. J Hearty. At the annual *rneeting of the Young Peoples Christian Endeavor the officers elected were 'as follow! President. Mr. John Vercoe; vice president. Mr. tio-dnch . o Hillsd c. all of whom . . 10h“ C Fenton f all Schaufller. recording secretary. Miss Ro were week-end guests at the Mason t' 4 d' t . home. The house was a'bower of roses. wens E m‘ conâ€; 1†m‘ m" ‘9' . ndman other'lovel flowers. Miss kosbells Ewart; treasurer. Junior peoniesa- y y Schumacher. pianist. Miss Bertha Har- gifts of friends as was also the lovely baughz‘ ““3“,“ pianist. Mm GM“ collection of crvsral. The table 'was a Tuckes. i i .' I riiinii llaitris h.ltl was eluted as a new riieirilx-r Mr and Mrs. Ftlxv h:i:i.rk .iriil their daughter Mildred wi~rt~ the week end gtiestsol Mr and Mrs l hllvlnlk Miss Heattite M lhiffy left Wetiries day for her home in \\ ilrnot. Wis Mrs. Patterson and Miss liliralieth Clark of lryirig l’ark. Clucig-i were the week end guests of Mrs \\ A. \\ :iitizig The Mu Sigma Ch. girls were enter taint-d at the home of Miss Martha Karth Friday evening where .‘ll\.\ Her Mr. Elmer Antes. w‘n- "ins lX‘t'll ir. l'ortlarid. (lrg for three \t-ars. returned to his home to he the guest of his part-tits for a few weeks prior to his marriage ll? Miss Zuerah Engler of Murine. liiwa .‘llis‘ Ruth Reithelt \\.i.\ the guest of honor :it a luncheon gi.i-;i by her aunt, Mrs llurtJ llii'kens ot .‘1lulllflitn Ave, Chicago Wednesday Cote-rs were laid to: twenty four The tlt‘cnrdll-Hl! were ot white sweet peas and lilies of the val lev and the favors toy 1 14'th cars. Miss Winifred Supple spent the week .it the l'niversity ot liliriois wl‘i-rt- she at tended the Senior ball Misses Miiytiie and lawn harth were the guests of their graiidriiother at Port- age. Wis during the past week Seventeen meftiben of the Women's Missionary society of the l'resbyterisn church attended the summer quarterly meeting of the l’resbytenal societies for Home and Foreign Missions in the Pres- bytery of Chicago Miss Elfrieda Knaak entertained the graduation class of the lk-erheld (irairi- riiar school Tuesday evening The favors were school pennants Deerfirld (irammar school l9†in white on a purple back ground The regular meeting of the village board of trustees last Monday evening was adjourned without any business being transacted as there was no quorum present. An informal discussion was held regarding tlr proposed sewer from the school yard to the west slough The Board of Local lniprovernents authorized the city engineer, Mr Rossitei to sunr)‘ and make a plat of the village so as to gt‘l data for the sewer spuitiiatioiis lie is to receive $113 for his work The meeting was adiourried until the rieitt regular meeting iti Julv An election for two propositions was held .it the town hall Friday The first. \liall Deertield Hurld .1 N'- lllfl'l limisr' CJTHt‘tl til voting for and l .igiiirist ll}! second. hlmll lhstritt lIN i\-llt Sl‘sltli ‘il. l-mds’ carried 63 for and # against Plans for school by a number or air. hitts is were on exhibition during rlntiori hour Those of Mr (.addisol \‘intenne-s Indiana were accepted The town is wondering who the two men were who voted against building a new school when the former one had been destroyed by fire The A C. E business meeting of the l'riited Evangelical church wss held at the home of Mrs. Kersper Friday evening Miss Annie Quorum of Chicago was the guest of Mrs: Helen Berkley. \undn Mr Wilbert Attridge of Rondout. lll. was the week-end guest of Mrs l. l'ettis Mr D N Ltdgerwood left Tuesday morning for Putnam. .N Y. where the lbody of his brother. R F. Lidgerwood, l which wu removed from Sringfield lll lw‘ill be buried. . Work of local boys ond girls in Coll... k‘“ H“l‘ lâ€â€œâ€™â€œ- the boys and girls from this i ity who are attending not of town siliis-ls Miss as aeirrtary l-ir the lAltl k‘lll(“litlf Lon- lrtt-ntt‘tii 51‘ held at \watlirrmre next \r.†Miss .Mal’gatt‘l l'liillips graduated from \.'iss.:r Ill June Miss hathrrine Schuriiathri was it Freshman member of the Students hell tioyeriiing tttnll‘illllt‘f at \amr. Miss Queenie Spent“ attend ed Cherry t hast at Washington. ll LI. Miss Jrari 'l'en llroeik. who has been preparing tor trilli-ge.isrnterediit Welles It for next )(‘dl tit-urge Most-1r) is one the star athletes at Hill .\ l is playing hall hat k on the st howl train Alld is pre- p.ittrig tv enter Yale ll llie Morgan knovm at St Paul 3. N', \ as “Wop' Morgan is 1captain of the football team and is (in ‘te hockey team whith plays against school paper and plans to g i to Harvard arid stud) law. Earl Mi l'lirison oi the lllimiis l'niyersity graduated with an ea tellt tit ret ord, Cleaver 'l hayri iii ariiithei liliniiis graduate of this year who is an enthusiasm leader in the college affairs. ‘ 'loriitilassis the nth of all boys be taupe he gets home trn days earlier than the t lose of the school beta-use of being an honor student at Hill wherr he is also captain of the baseball team. Nathan Corw'ith ha: made a good showing at tamer to college. William louderbailr of St Paul: school will go to llarysr'd.‘ . Tailoring Worlt called for antl delivered if desired This month has been as usual one of Gents Suits Dry Cleaned . . . Ladies “ “ “ . . Guaranteed satisfaction or money baclr John H. Honak 19 W. Elm Place Telepho One block north of Central Avenue near Seeondt p“ e a ale He is also assistant editor or the Aridoier this year but prrlrrs a business Robert Honey and James l’iertr attend Hill. Joy Bourmque II a Tome school pupil. Edward Knox. who ha! returned troni Exeter was a member of the Hockey" and tennis teams and expects to enter Yale in the fall Everyone is familiar with the many honors won at Williams College by Allen Schauffler who graduat- ed in Jum- as president of his (last the Gargoyle soctety and the i M C. A. John en Bioeclt is entered at Andover for next vear and Bonnet St‘hsuï¬ler will enter Williams upon his return from a year spent traveling in Europe Ill l lc lAl. l'l'BlJt A'l it lN monormooiomoitor . NORTH SHORE TRUST COIPANY la. utr-d at "I'd-M l’lrï¬ Style of llltnnis More Thrtttlllnl‘lelml of business or. the Mhnsi (1 June 'u"- la mode hr the Auditor of Putin Ki. wants at the \tair -it â€limits initomni lthlJ‘ H \Hl Rt [8 hum uri real estate I ti no! u . [Aflmtfl‘ torture-rainstorm .yt‘iht I timer hum and th- otiiiii who 57 it. 677‘ Ii} , Lll’nnlANI'i‘3k'UlltD‘ l Fll‘llilu’I llii' lino-i1 vim-m l triiev hrhu‘ m- P' I truth. It. i psi iv l-xskt y“... '. 4‘ ,. .. w r c \‘N t-\ l: is: t .vvi-ii . \‘ir' .i U' ' ' 3 f 8e! . ‘ "ll Rl‘blq‘lili Lug-if†llKlillllll‘ t iiv,.'.. " . s laid .i lug... \u" try l .itii‘. _q u‘. \. lui‘ .iiirs' l" H- y. :9. 2' less .."'1’ ntr'ni .- tirnse‘ and than tux: .I‘i In 94.01:, ‘- : l'mnris . . Tinrirr‘ihi-les S.“ 1A l' . . item-m1 nitric-it i... hes k . L ‘ 1n. nmpletr ti.â€- a Oi’if†man 25 g in a it. [Muss mi iisditiu 3 av .eitifwun duet-ion \t-ie -. 5mg» 35.1.†\tiu lit u! I s liA-tirriu RH...“ i. . inn and mint-st :1! l 7W0 J 6 _ - m tum... 00161231 M who. 5 and the Ice Mon vnll call «'1' \\ \eirue \l-hnr ii! I" \..i1ii Shine 9,. \ Bank do nth-nutty swear tut I" n! i. in: to the bout t‘ my knu- l'us' . ii?» \r ill‘l‘ i Cm“ “COAL" Sci-inlet. . "attriti‘zit‘ ;- “""" FRANK L. SILJESTR \..l.. ;.'..<' and sworn tribe-{tire me Ihh l0!!! 0 Jul-“km Oflosudeslh'hu-dmw 1F“. dli y! '.i:.t “.J Nonl' 0 Mining \ . . i i . . . - . ‘ " ‘7 - .r. . it, " n ’4‘ ‘V ' ~ . 4 . - - ' . ' - n râ€" v - . . I .. . ~. ' a. iniye u. :w .cf