Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Jul 1913, p. 2

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a: H Sosuccenful was the tennis touma- ment at the Highland Park Club last year and so great was the interest taken by members that the entertaiqment com mittee is arranging for the sebond annual tournament. The contest will probably be held the second week of August and an informal dance will cohclude the week's events. ‘ A! the Moraine on Thursday evening the first cabaret of the season was a great success and Miss Laura K. Ken- nedy's selection ofa program} met with approval. At the little tabled were many parties and among those entertaining were: Mr. and Mrs. Marti}: J. Insull, Mr. and Mrs. John Glass. Mn, and Mrs. George E Maroey. Mr and Mrs. P. M. Steele Mr. and Mrs. ,D. L‘rk Cunning- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Frederiek Cushing. Mr. and Mrs. A. 5. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Henry L Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Plamondon. Mr. and M rs Charles Gimble. Mr. W. P. Morgan. Charles Adsit. and F. N. Baylies Miss Ilene Kelly emertaincfl thirty-six young people at an informl dance on Monday evening in honor of her guests. the Mises Lois and Maéie Heft of Dallas. Texas. Mrs. Benjamin Arthur Feisendcn u I] receive tomorrow aftemonn.{ July 1m:I from {our to six o'clock at a tea given m honor of Mrs. Charles Dem-en, at her home “Content." ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. livann of 18 Skokie Ave. announce the erfingement of :heir daughter. Miss Mabel tvans to Mr S. D. Christopher of Ammond. K» The wedding will take place on ithu evening of August 23rd. Miss Genevieve Mott will gentertain at a dance on Tuesday evening at Lake Place End. Laurel Ave. the home of her Mrs. Elmer Skidmore entertained the euchn: club on Monday evening. Mrs. 1. Greenville Mott was hostess at a luncheon on Wednesday. ? Miss Cecil Vail will enlerQin on Salur day evening at a dinner. Mn. Paul Chapman entefhincd several friends informally on Saturcfiy afternoon. H. PI 313 SPECEAL 506 Davis Street The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week F0! It: Will WW“ clam. Alto-owe Service Call and deliver Wednesdays and Saturdays Phone Evanshnl 3638 Phone Evamflon 3638 Inquire about our greatly redtced prices on the cleaning and repairing of your floor cov- erings. Any :mg or carpet bearing our label is guaranteed for five years. iguana Park’s William Parker Co. have your garments of delicuu- color and fabric ruined by inferior cleaners? you can haye the O: iginul Calm l m- and Beauty retained by sending them tn HARAJIAN BROS. : HIGHLAND PARK DAY By the Oboervcr On Fridjy twentv of the younger net celebrated} the Fourth of July with a picnic givh by Cecil Vail and In the eve- ning thev‘ ttended the Exmoor dance. On Saturfiy night Miss Margaret Dem- ing entertianed the same young people at a bea party. Among the guests were the isses Cecil Vail. Marjorie Small, F nces Small, Eleanor Starret. Catherine Cushing. Margot Cushing. Catherine humacher, Olga Taylor, Jean Forrest. tKatherine Prindiville. Leonora Hoyne. and Messrs. Roger Vail, Malcolm Vail. and his guest, 0. Riller of St. Louis. M. Forrest. Lawrence Erickson. Edward Small ancl his guest. Donald (irifiith, of Mrs. G. N Easton. who is the guest of “Boboltnk Knolls." will be the honored guest at a luncheon~on Friday given by Mm C. ‘ Mather Smith 0! Circle Ave. and on Sat» ‘urday equing Mrs. Williama will enter- tain at a dinner in her honor. 0n Thurs- day evenfig Mrs. Williams entertained sixteen yéung people at a dinner-dance? Golf Club in compliment to. Mrs. Lucien M. Williams at a} Glenvifiw Miss Ann; Easton and Walter Easton. the daughter and son of Mrs. (E N.‘ Easton.a§d her son. Chester Williams who is atg‘home from Choate. Walling ford. Cong. for the summer. On Friday twenty of the younger net celebrated} the Fourth of July with a picnic givki by Cecil Vail and in the eve- ning thev‘ ttended the Exmoor dance. On Saturdiy night Miss Margaret Dem- ing entertained the same young people at a bea party. Among the guests were the isses Cecil Vail. Marjorie Small, F nces Small. Eleanor Starret. Catherine Cushing. Margot Cushing. Catherine humacher, Olga Taylor, Jean Forrest. tKatherine Prindiville. Leonora Hoyne. and Messrs. Roger Vail. Malcotm Vail. and his guest. 0. Riller of St. Louis. M. Forrest. Lawrence Erickson. Edward Small and his guest. Donald Griffith. 01 ‘l . to the soldiers home in Milwaukee. 0 re-uuuy. Junn rrlnCll. Eugen! r. Andrews. George W. Swigan. E S Skil leri, E Tvner. Henry W Boyd. W. S Kiea Perry H. Et‘khfln. W. J. Keene. I) F gKelly. A H l’ixley. F C Van Nesta. W B. Egan. J L Fortune. Jacob Porter Smith, I. S hordon. E. M Bowman. ‘Sanitiel M Hastings, A, 1) Warren P M Benedict. R H Hunter, M () Bradley. Robert White. (; B. Burrage, P E Faust .Ind H l). Faxiin I Obituary Mr. Andrew Briggs. who had been ill ‘lor a year With cancer of the stomach. died last Wedneaday evening at the home of Mrs. Thou. Duffy, Mr Brigg: aen’eid a term of year: in the army and until re- cently he has lived on his {arm in Bald- wm. Mich. up until last (all when hit disease became so ”“00! that he went He became a littie better and was Viating on a turlough for sitty daya when he wan taken sick at the home of lohn Memman and get no better so he came in the home at Ma Thou. [)ufly in Deer- held. who cared for him during his last days In spite of the intense heat and his suffering he was patient unto the last when death came to relieve him He has many triends who Will miss him The luneial serVIces where held at the Holy Cross church. Deerfield. July 4th with burial at Waukegan. Mrs Duff) wishes to extend her Sincere thanks to all who so kindly assuted at his iuiieral Twelve ladies. members of the Camp- bell Chapter of the Eastern Star, were guests at an entertainment gwen In Evanston on Thursday night to theGrand Worthy Matron. Mrst Casey ()rr of the Evanston Chapter. Among those who were prejenl from here were Mrs. Samuel Levin. Mrs. Henry Clow, Mm John Snyder, Mrs. Charirs Snyder, Mrs Eimer Brown: Mrs. Meyers, and Mm Sodney Yarbrougfi Mrs. Carl Bullock entertained the Ra- vinia committee for Arden Shore at luncheon. Mrs. Robert Gregory being the guest og honor. The chairman. Miss Louise Darby. presented several plans for raising lunds and it was decided to give a guden party the last Saturday In July on the grounds at Mr Jens Jensen. Mm C. Clark entertained a number of guests on Wednesday afternoon In honor of her birthday. Evamton, Ill. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1913 Are You with ués? 8 North Sheridan Rd. Mn. Peter Zdln died at St. Joseph's howllal m Chicago Fndny, the result of an nperatmn for herma Mn Zahn lived in Deerfield tony year: and wnan ICIIVC member of the United Evangelical church. She urganxzed the Women's Mammary Society and was the prevdenl [or nxteen yearx Falling health and :he feeble-ma of Mr. lahn caused them to move to Chicago recently where they cuuld he m-ar [heir sane Funeral .fierucm “ere held at Xhe Din-my Parkway l'mled Eumgeilgal church Sunday momma. A num’wr of [)eerfielders were prrscnl Rev S hqu prrm hed a menwrxal sermon m (.cmmn and thr pastor. Rm Flddt'f prt'drhrd m English Hum! “43 at .\I 2 J F L Curtis and bus [no of com panmm wun the (our bull (ram cums! wnh a not of 295. then Indh'ldull con‘ tributions bung u follow: J F L Cums. 72. W l’) O'Brien. N]: N, Bayhet 75, A I). erd 7‘ In the evening (here In: 2| brilliant gathering II the dmncrl and :umuna thun- who run-named not: Mus Margurnle Follanbbn' Mrs A E. Andrnum, W I) Putnam. R F Pn‘lur. Jr, Joseph B Tube”, lrvmg Randell. F S Peabody. John Frnncn. Euro! F, Andrewx (Rpm: W. Sung-r1. E S Skul- len, E Tvner, Henry W Boyd. W. S Kit-IL Perry H kahan, “7 J‘ Keene. I) F. Kelly. A H Plxlry. F C Van Nest. W B Egan. J L Fortune. Jacob Porter Smith, L S hordnn. E. M Hownun. Samm-I M Hastings, A, I) Warrrn P M Bencdwl. R H Hunter, M () Bradley. Robert Whnr. (; B. Burr-(e, P E Faust and H I). Famm The past week- end waa a gay ore [or the Fourth falling on Fnday made Itl pouible {or the mayunty 0! people elm-I medmbualnesa to takeaday of! on‘ Saturday and thug have a yoylul nation 1‘ mp. The country club. the Morame and ! Highland hall and pnvate homes were} gay with houae partnea whlle many High- ' land Parken went out oftown. At Ex-‘ ‘ moor the day was devoted to golf and: the lollmung are the results of the! game Mn. C (3 Alexander and H R. i London won the mixed foursome with a card 01804 76. Their (me: More of t!) was made up 0141 out 39 In. and seta a new nuxed {cum-me record for the tonne. In the play {or the l’reaodenta cup the mulls A. P. Van Schalck de- feated Evan Burn, 6 and 5. R C. Vllaa defeated N R. McLean, 4 and 3, J H Cuulter defeated B K Stephenson. 3 and week at the cngaxemvm mt Mr“ JIM phlm-l‘rJlLdHuth‘r u! \1' and Mrs Julmwu F Prall u! Hughlmni I’uk In Mxlthn Tumle) Lmhlm-r n! Hm \ m “as u! Interest In the yuung pruplrs mam- !rwnda: Mr Lrghtner I: a graduate of Harvard where he was one u! 1hr leading athletes during hrs college gareer The marriage ceremony was perfurmed In Dr Peter C. Wokou at Tnmly nhunh ()nly relatives and closest friends were present. Following the veremuny Mr and Mn Mlllnn Tumle)’ LIghtner lell (orlhe we“ where they vnll motor m the Rocky Mounuuu They "I“ mule their home In Munu Vuu. Color “You” “(Mun John Ik-Mmh. Ellis [*4 Spcnvc: [Jcnmanur \‘lrm u .Ildhlnlbdfkflth\.H1\‘\!‘ IH ann “Hiding u! .lHrr [Am .m ham“ «mun! hddhwx! Jun m1: HIGHLAND FARR PRES. HIGHLAND PARK 1m rmrnl {In Ms nrlghhnh urn .l\\ UH uh JHH (‘Y 1hr p Hultw HI r begun 'Mr and an Thr n hzbrrl .un‘. Dun m~l 3H (cued "I” attend the County Court 7 ‘ Lake Counly. at: term lhcreol Lo ‘, bol‘drn at the Court Home in Win]: ‘ m Mid County, on the fin! Monday j Scplcmbu next. 1913 when and wk ' all pawns hum; claim. nuns! use; estate- are nollhrd nod requfllad m t i sent the mmr xo and Coun for ad)u (1 [non \J Ennu HM! \ Muss: Exccumx h 'wmâ€" . Pubhr name :- hereby given Hm I k 9* . Subx‘nber. Edith Helen Mon. Execu ‘ 1 A; 0! the In! will u! Wuhan: L. Mon. \\‘aukeg.av. Ilfmnil. June 30. i913 Cummumon tomor- WI" hr hrId , (he l'nned Evllflehcal ('hurk'h >und: morning. Preparllory nrvu‘rs wall h~ld Fndny evening I’m-siding Etch Schultz: will prrurh. Mrs Hrnzh ol Chlqu wn [hr we.- (-nd plural of Mn Ch“ Selig Mr. and Mn. Um Sunset were thq "(Tim yuan ol the" daughn-r. Mr. . ()Ibmnc of Umon MINI. Ind. I M153 Luella Phat of (Mayo wu I! week end guest ()1 Mr and Mn Hen Hague Mr. and Mn W. 0‘ Lox and childr‘ were the gum- ol the tormer'n mom“ ll Harvey. Ill. ‘ Mr. and Mn R. N Lard ol Chm wrrcme weekend guest- 0! Mr. ; Mn. C. W. Penn (.ordun. (he m 0' Mr and Mn. H Senor! uun (ht Illvc! cup I! the bul show It the pique :m-n by St Paul Evangrhcnl church rid-y ‘ Mm Elli-huh Clark 0! hung P: was (hr wet-Lend 0! her mslrl Mn. ‘ A. Whiting Mr McElhooe 0! Ellen. N \ mg wnh friends In Deetfield ' Mm Winifred Supple hi. I: hrrgu IMuu Frddh! 0! Chicago, Mm M fun. 1nd Mr Mdvflk Hm ul Raw 1 New Jrrw) The Win-en} Manson") 50(1er {he l'mlrd Evangelical chun‘h me! w Mrs M anu Tue-day ahrmoon 1 meeting wu well ultndrd and I nor nmc IMO! I shot! prugrnn \‘u enjoy Ice cream, nndwx‘ba and dau- nqull were daintly urn-d by (he Pun-(m Mn W Sat-ha o! Chuiuu nu they] 0! Mr: F Sting a Irv day- u! but M Mr and Mn‘ John Vuln :pem a “I day: vuhlhe purm. ”I 1hr mu-r u Donnrrnxovr ‘ Mr and Mn. Ind (lam-r: find as I r M. on the Fuunh My .md fluflyo! Hammund Ind and Mr M Mn Hub" 0! Ch“ 130 Mrl W A Whmnu um human “if dchghllul Mun path Fudn) “ram“. I frnhmmu and dawning hung 1hr (h d feature: .‘ Mm Mabel Huerenbrrnrr and Lu Willman upon! the mark and u Kllbou Cm. “In Mn 5 5 Love had at her guests he {he Founh Mr Ludkm'. MIDI “fur-(p, Mr and Mr; McHugh and ton. and 5‘? R001- Subblodcr 0! Clinton. [on p Mn N M Farrel. Mn F Km and Mn Net!" of Aulun And Mrs, 01 Mun-00d were the guest: of M Snyder during the past week Mina Florenc- Canohn and Rh]: Rcu‘hcn returned 1mm “(Kalb (U ad the weekend vnh their parent; 3- Rncheu wnmcgual 0! Mn winujm Stou Math 0! Chxun Salurdly o Mr [nu-r Sung" rmenamed I n‘m be! 0! m. Int-0d- I! n pun) (he cvn'ngl ol the l-ounh uhxh urn condom-d It)! I fine dI-pln) 0! fire work. ' Mlu 5‘ hwnnzl ol Chung“ n the g ()1 he! bulhrr‘ Mr. Svhhr MI and Mn F R Rust-hm aunt] (ht wedding n1 Mn Rtuu‘hrnb hm‘ kuuhxdsnllc. Ind uhrxr (my spendmg (ht-Ir \m‘ahun Mu Hnnano Ru krnha. k .5 rule“ .nx her “mum. Mm (m ml Rmrnum mu! \hw lame human ..I AMA!!! .- 11.1mm” u! Lu} Jamuilr lldhuH HI \xm' erplm lhnd In! Hal I'A gnrah M! Mr) Rrh hrll 7h Decrficld News her Mod-n. ol Board of Tun-loo: and Cum. will be Found on P". 6 Adjufludo- Nod.- uh Hagr Mm \Hrl‘. (.rh )1! hue human u! \ hn nu) in Inn-nu u! L: Humid u MINI“ M Buns ‘l Attorney for Etul¢1 Rust-Inn 3H! [It‘d l \alurdlhfi “(If and “in fl Cars Stored, Rented and Maire! :fil FRANK L. SILJESTROM ‘3 omauvuaunruurwm hays-nu ‘ ?‘ Gnnfledsafisfacfimormleyhck: i ‘ r ohn H. Honaker ;, In II Oneblock north of Central Av.“ 19 W. Elm Place Wad: caled for and delivered if defied GwSI'tsDryflcanedndPressed Wu u u u u 201 Easl Central Ave. m» If. S. Dal: (yummy duh North Shore Auto Transportation E33” “COAL-- “Everything we furnish has but Home Made Taste" i JMWBSAndthelchanwiflufl Let us furnish the material for your luncheons, dinners . - card parties, musicales r‘e- " ceptions, etc. ‘ mmmhmamm Out of town moving with Auto Truck Scranton Idem

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